Battle Creek
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ss»,4 "V' ' W CHARTER MEMBER AUDIT tJtye fttalil* (Britqitmr, mxd'-* BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CULATION FOR The drctilatlon of the Enquirer end News has been audited and approved for over 15 yean. EVENING NEWS -Bb E BVCN1NO NEWS. BstabUab^d May 8. IPll •n RPN'(il!IRKR Est. Jaly S. IM. V«L XXXVI. No. 2M BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1932—CITY EDITION PRICE THREE CENTS RESCUE OHIO BOY FROM KIDNAPERS * * • '* * * * * * • * '4! * * * * * • * • Let Kellogg Foundation Camp Contract * * * * * ^ * * * * * * '* * * • * • * * * NURSE'S SWEETHEART HELD IN LINDBERGH CASE JAPAN IS READY Includes 21 FREE GRAIN DILL POSSE FINDS CHILD Buildings to CAPTORS STILL SILENT; TO FIGHT RUSSIA Cost $75,000 NEEDS ONLY Di. IN SECRET TUNNEL Newest project of W. K. Kellogg IF REDS H for the benefit of underprivileged F children, the W. K. Kellogg Foun- lames DeJute, Jr., 12, Is Found Unharmed dation camp at Pine lakes near Dos- INTENSE HUNT PLANNED War Minister Denies, How- ter and Prairievllle in Barry county Washington Expects Mr. Hoo- is to open June 15 for an eight- Captive of Two Men in Resort ever, That Tokyo Has De- week camp period. ver to Give His Approval signs on Soviet Territory. Aproximately 150 children will be To Gifts of Wheat. MISSING BABY'S NURSE Near Youngstown, Ohio. quartered there in 21 log cabins, KIDNAPED DABY'S seven to a cabin and each cabin In WAR IN CHINA CONTINUES charge of a councillor. RED CROSS TO HANDLE IT Tonngttown, 0., Mar. 5.—</P)—James DeJule, Jr., 12- The camp which will include be- 3r«ar^old son of a Nlles contractor, kidnaped from near his sides the 21 cabins an administra- MAID IS CLEARED home Wednesday morning, was returned safely to his Another 10,000 Japanese tion building which will combine Forty Million Bushels May Be Troops Land at Shanghai recreation hall, adminstratlve offices Distributed Among Farm- parents shortly before noon today after officers had found and dining room and a small hos- him in a secret tunnel at an alleged gambling resort near And Guns Still Sound. pital Is to represent an investment ers and Unemployed. AFTER LONG QUIZ of approximately $75,000. Operat- Toungstown. Tokyo, Mar. 5.—(/P)—Gen. Sadao ing cost for the first season will in- Washington, Mar. 5.—(JP)—It was The boy was recovered by a party of officers headed Araki, minister of war, told the crease the Foundation's investment up to President Hoover today to in the camp this year to nearly But Sallor-Suitor9 Arrested at by W. J. Harrison, Mahoning county detective, who acted members of the league of nations say whether 40,000,000 bushels of 3Ianchurian investigation commis- $100,000. farm board wheat are to be donat- Hartford, Conn., Remains on a tip he had received. The posse stormed the place sion that Japan has no intention Skidmore Gets Contract ed to distressed farmers and the In Police Custody. of invading Soviet Russian territory Contracts for construction of the unemployed of the cities. and found the boy, being guarded by two men. more than a score of buildings have but that if the Soviet army menaced The last step was taken to con- CONFESSION IS CLAIMED • Manchurian territory, Japan would been let. F. J. Skidmore has the gress late Friday toward approving OTHER CLUES ARE FOUND have no choice but to defend it. general contract. C. M. Rolfe has a bill giving away this grain, so the The men were seized and the contract for plumbing and the Members of the commission con- measure awaited only the signature COMES HOME SAFE Central Electric Co. me contract taken to the Trumbull county ferred with the war minister at the or veto of the chief executive. The for electric installations. Mrs. Lindbergh Threatenea war office for two hours today. general expectation was that he Jail at Warren. Their namaa Work begins Tuesday and 14 would approve it. With Breakdown Unless ~ era withheld by police for t^all Documents False Provision Not Clear •- The war office declared that the (Please Turn to Page 1, Column 4J Inquiry as to Mr. Hoover's Inten- She Is Able to Sleep. i time being. Police said "documents" published in the Mos- tions only drew from quarters close they admitted the kidnaping cow newspaper Izvestla. purporting to him the remark that the legisla- to elucidate plans of Japanese mili- tion probably would not be consid- Hopewell, N. Mar. and said they had led the tary leaders for an invasion of ered to violate the president's prin- VP) — The Lindbergh baby, bof directly to the place Siberia were "entirely fabrications." ANOTHER TOKYO ciples against direct federal relief. But the white house did not con- stolen from its crib last Tnea^ where he was found, which MORE TROOPS LAND sider the bill altogether clear, in day night, was still missing had been unoccupied for sev- Shanghai. Mar. 5.—(/F)—Approxi- such provisions, for instance, as mately 10,000 additional Japanese those providing for milling the today and the kidnapers had eral weeks. troops were landed in the Shanghai wheat into flour. not yet broken their ominons Harrison declined to name the area today and the crackle of ma- The Red Cross will distribute the Man who tipped him in a telephone chine guns and occasional crashes Baron Takuma Dan, Educated grain, if the president signs the silence. call bj sayinc: "go to Scout's place In U. S. and Friend of Amer- bill, and Is to undertake converting Officials of 10 states gath^ and yon will find that Delate kid (Please Turn to Page 3, Column 7) it into eatable form. In cities over from Niles.** The officials surrounded icans, Is Shot to Death. 25,000 population It Is authorized to ered in Trenton with a rep- the house and kicked in the door. have It baked Into bread. Some of resentative of the govern- They rushed Into a room bare of Tokyo, Mar. 5.—(/P)—Baron Ta- the grain would be used as cattle all furniture, but there were rugs kuma Dan, managing director of feed, however. ment, assigned by President .-v V *"" CAUCUS IS SET the House of Mitsui which con- on the floor and a fire was burn- Hoover himself, to arrange ing In the kitchen stove. A book trols one of the world's greatest with the boy's name written on the 4 * fortunes and is Japan's leading details of a concerted cam- flyleaf was lying on the floor. commercial organization, was shot paign to restore the baby "Jlmmle!" cried one of the of- and killed today in the heart of TRIO CONVICTED •FDR TOWNSHIP his famous flying parents. ficers. Tokyo's financial district. "Yes sir. yes sir." came the re- The assassin was Immediately In Hartfordr Conn., Henry, sponse. "Here I am." The offlcers Chairman Ernest Jones Fixes arrested. He was Goro Hishinuma, JAMES DEJUTE, JR. (Red) Johnson, a suitor of quickly found that one of the walls Tuesday As Time for Re- 21, a farm boy from the Ibaraki AT LOS ANGELES prefecture, a nfral district north of Betty Gow, the missing was several feet thick. Harrison Twelve-year-old son of a wealthy publican Gathering. and Rlsher kicked Into It at one Nlles, Ohio, man was returned un- Tokyo from whence also came the slayer of Junnosuke Inouye, for- Former Capone Aid and Two baby's nurse, was held lor harmed to his parents today noon (Please Turn to Page 8, Column 4) Definite announcement that the mer minister of finance, who was Others Are Found Guilty of questioning. after being rescued from kidnapers. shot last month. Battle Creek township republican NURSE EXONERATED caucus will be held Tuesday eve- Police who questioned the young Kidnaping Gambler. THE WEATHER ning at 8 o'clock, in the cafeteria assassin said his mind apparently New Jersey state pollee, who News of the Times of the Lakevlew school, was made had been inflamed by recent at- Los Angeles, Mar. 5.—f^P)—Con- examined Miss Gow at length today by Ernest Jones, chairman of tacks upon Baron Dan in connec- victed of kidnaping and holding for MISS BETTY QOW exonerated her of any Mir hi can: Snow probable tion with large purchases of Ameri- tonight and Sunday preceded by As Told in Rhymes the party. ransom of E. L. (Zeke) Caress, Agua Prom the first, when she discovered tha Lindbergh baby missing with the kidnaping, rain In east portion; much colder; With two tickets likely to be con- can dollars by the Mitsui interests Caliente betting commissioner, three from his crib. Miss Gow, nurse In the Lindbergh home, has held an cold wave tonight or Sunday; tem- testing for the nominations, the just before Japan went off the gold men today faced the possibility of Important place In the Investigation. Police have exonerated her, but they were not Interested la John- perature near 10 above; winds be- One man held in Lindbergh case caucus is expected to draw out most standard in December. Ultra- prison terms of from 10 years to life. her sailor-sweetheart, Henry Johnson, is held for questioning at Hart- son. They said ha was detained coming fresh to strong northwest. But of baby there's no trace. of the voters of the township, and patriotic organizations made much A jury last night convicted the ford, Conn. at the request of the chief of po-* of the Incident, claiming it was Nurse is quizzed to no avail. a lively contest is the probability. trio, Ralph Sheldon, former aide of lice at Englewood, N.