Transportation in Hokkaido
Do'oD Region Transportation in Hokkaido ThisT ssr region,r regionegieggiong on,n,nin includingincludiin nclun udiu ngn Sapporo Sapppooro City, Cityy is ssth the ee economic conn mmic center cennt rrof of HokkHokkaido.Hoo Each region has its own characteristic style of farming; rice along the Ishikari River, vegetables at the foot of the Yotei Mountain and light breed horses in the Hidaka area. Not only major tourist spots such as Being such a large prefecture, Hokkaido is divided into six characteristic regions; Sapporo and Otaru, but also resorts such as Niseko, Lake Toya and Noboribetsu Hot Spring are popular. Do'o, Donan, Dohoku, Okhotsk, Tokachi and Kushiro-Nemuro. Mt. Yotei in winterr Each region has its own attractive climate, geography, scenery and food culture. If you directly see, feel and taste them, you can enjoy Hokkaido much better. First, make out a reasonable travel schedule in order to fully enjoy the charm of Hokkaido. DonanD Region Inn thisththihis regionreg gionn surroundedsusurro u oundedoounndeddb by the the sea aaon on nth three hree sides, sidesidest the beautiful beautifubeautt coastal landscape and various marine products such as squid, sea urchins, scallops and tuna are very popular. This region also serves as an entrance connecting Hokkaido and Tohoku, as a result of the start of operation of the Hokkaido Shinkansen line (2016). You can enjoy the exotic atmosphere of Hakodate City, historic/cultural buildings and traditional festivals. Matsumae Castle in springppring Dohoku Region Wakkanai DohokuD Region YouY can cannap appreciateap prpreeeciateci tte ththeheh harshhharsha andnnd beautifulbbeautifful naturalnnatuural env environmentse vironnmee ssof of Hok HokkHokkaidokk in this region, with the 214km (approx.
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