Ihaurliratrr Hrralft Oolira Muot Bo Orosontod to Staining Done
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W Ma n c h e s t e r h e r a l d , Thursday. July 30. 1M7 rUBUC HMmiM Piojyin. com. FOR RENT CAM ICAM FM8ALE Iforsale a Sm m F )* ROOMS, Mala or FOmala. Cancen Reagan pays price for sun / page Contratly locattd. Klt- PONTIAC SunMrd 1978.6 CHEVY 1979. Excellent N L E a st Mets sweep g ? * jyo lin f comnMiito chon prlvllodflot. Reas cylinder, sunroof, new ggg* Wibdivltlon tlrea. Many good porta. onable. Apply at 39 brakes, tires end 8190. Coll after 5:30. SSSnSSSLay MeCorrlton- Cottape Street, be- e S t t A - J " ’* "Tinicnr clutch. 8750 or best 643-9997. Cards’ series to tighten t 22?. $!**vlslen. SMtIor tween 9-4.____________ offer. 643-6370 or 74^ i a s i r “ £h r y Al 6 r £ o rd o b i sailor FE M A LE preferred, klt- — J < ^ N tv Chid care? 7667. 7om-2:30pm. W r ^ M omitoln Hood / VUI'- Ooes It eeem you never ALLphasSofVBr3w 1976. Good condition, cross Atlantic / page the race / page 20 chen prlvllepes, bus Coli' NoimlBt “ R " Us MEDICAL Tr« F i r e b i r d Fi , V-6 power dependable car. 8450. line. Evenings and hove tlmetoenloy itfet Very reosonoblet Jim 2SL22!"*. wf'wy «*«♦ rood lne.< Qt 233-7457. Ask for Let me relieve you of tionist win steering, brakes, air. 643-2929 after 5:30. - SJJKJJji"**_W®*lonbory, weekends only 647- SuionnB. 6494M77. time o f v< .««■ wouM contain lota. household chores a i^ Mint condition. S3300. (^HEVY Caprio 6asofc >1 9813. Over 10 < 6464817._____________ R. B. OORTON, more time will be your juwREtm'miK 1979. Dependable eaC COVENTRY. Untof- u-D fY C A R E own. Coll 647-7293 .Ask Bucket triick B chipper. lienee In VW Rabbit ^986. 4 floor, High mileage. Muet CHAIRMAN nlshed ground floor ties. 743-< 9 > H 7 Home hes opetrings for full fOr Pom. Stump removel. Free sunroof, MIchellns, sell. 8500.643-2929 aftqr roonn. Private en time toddlers 2H to 5. 9even eetlmetee. Speclel 9/1/871 AM -FM radio, manual trance and both. Secur yeera llceneed, first sW oertl- constderetlon for elderty 4 speed, 1 owner. 81300. NOnCB TO CRBMTORt ity deposit, references. lled. Mothw of two. Fenced PAMTim/ end hendlcMtped. Coll 643-2012._________ RSTATB OP S2S0 per month. 742- Inbeokyeid. % R A N t 0 N ^ BL»IB VICTORIA 6715. FWHIIIIB 647-7SS3 AMC Concord 78. Runs JACKSON, o/k/o ELSIE W. ^ 0 2 9 2 I Quality sioontlhgit % well but needs work. ^JACKSON, Lota of ANooiigcruogooAm. Monchottar, Oocootod COLLEG?PainBSI^re- ECONOMY LAW ! M M ER attordeble prIOBsl 8500/best offer. 649^ FIND A CASH buyer for l i c e n s e d Mom before f^ lo n o l lob without 4820. ______________ SOIM SJ% nNANCMM OB LISW - TI»o Hon. William E. n ti- those golf clubs you never Lawn Moawta lepabed. m n gemMin - nu y iesMm Oorald. JudM. of ffw Court and after school hours. CHEVY Van, 6 cylinder, of Probata. Olotrict of Mon- use I Advertise them for Walking disfance Bow- ar.ssssr"'""*- 10% Benlor CWm iw Call 649-t71» 87 VOyAGER •15.SM chMtar oto hoorlno hold on stick shift. Power sale In classified. Just dial ers school. 647-8080. M eoount steering. Runs well. 87LSBARON * Jtdy 17. ifS7 ordorod that oil 643-2711 to place your od. ^xfERibk pointing and OTaTufta •12,208 ) Manrhester - A City of \/illaf)(: Charm Fraa pick up end daNwary. Faal >eeeeeeeeeQe j» V iHaurliratrr Hrralft Oolira muot bo orosontod to staining done. Also 643-9376. 87 PLY VOYAGER •15.808 tho fldMicH’V on or botoro Oc- GIVE YOUR budget o eourtaoua aandoe Call anyUma ta b ^ 30, IM7 or bo borrod o« Is advertising expensive? cusMio uini 01DS Cutlass Supreme . 87 RAMCHARGER _____ ^ break ... shop the classi 1977. Automatic, 4n4 *17i669 by law orovidod. You'll be surprised now fied columns for bargain ..... economical It is to odver- am/fm, 4 door, good 88 THUNDERBIRD (O.BSB Johanna Brudor Roy, buysl tires. 127k. S500. 633- 88 DODGE miLdddta •11,408 Aoilotont Clork tlse In Classified. 643-2711. DELIVERINO 30 Cents Tho flduclory It: PAINTING Rich form loom, 5 yards. 6239. 08 RELIANT S.W. •8,888! lO E M I IM kiiMlar and axMer. WNtpapar- ier a Barbara J. Oooonno tag. Ouamy wmh. Rttawwoia 875plus tax. Sand, grovel, eas 88 DODGE dddwbtm, •12,888' 47 Norman Stroot kiiviges and decorative stone. 88 LASER tam. 'll.SOe Monchottar, CT 06IH0 I •nd hiNy bwurod. SO yaan ax- • 4 6 ^ 0 7 8 . APARTMENTS mrtanea. Mortn MoBwa oBar • •oaeeeaaee e;«<le-t»‘ B e 88 DODGE •7UI7 4:MQl CLYDE FOR RENT TIR ER ED of spending all M3-9504 FIREPLACE. R^mi^MI CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. CHARGER •7.886 your free time clean 86 CELEBRITY (/.reS 642-4431 Ing and chimney re- R O U T E 83, V E R N O N RASTER STATE BANK 3 ROOMS- Partly fur ing. Relax let me help. ODD lobs. Trucking. bull d I n o . T h% 86 PLY. HORIZON m •6.8M Jail sites: nished. Heat. Working Coll 875-7148. Ask for "EASY DOES IT" Is the Home repairs. You possiblltlea ore end- 02 Bulok Raflaidr. •6495 88 CHY. GTS Turn. •10.2M OratoHdotod Report of Cod- single male preferred. Jhlon (Ineindinf Domettic Rose. In Manchester way to describe placing a name It, we do It. Free IMS. After eptw 03 Oiavy S-10 XCab •6295 86 6 0 0 ^ v . « tabMarlot) of lEo Mancbet- No pets. Lease. 643- areoonly..- wont od. Just call 643-2711 ^estimates. Insured. 643- days, 643-8209. ^ State Bank of Maoebaater, 2880._________________ and we do the rest! ui-*- ;C304. 4 BlSkylaffcaar. •4995 88 VOYAGER •8,288 CoanecUcuL Slow. County oi STUDIO type. Partly fur- 04Caiabrny4ar.wa. •7295 88 COUGAR •8.808 Mrtford. a membw of Fewal •5995 Reaerve Dlatitct No. 1, at the nlshed. Working single 04Skyhat*k4ar. wp 02 PONTIAC J2(M0 •2,088. 04DMaClara4 4r. •7495 78 BUICK SKYLARK •2,706 Suffield, doae of badnett June so. 1M7. male preferred. No ASSETS pets. Loose. 643-2880. lSCavallar4dr. wp •7495 B4LeBARON4d,.N<» •0,688 Catb and dtM •PARTIBin l-rt 08 Chav. Caprica 44r. „'%495 82 HORIZON • from depoaitory MANCHESTER. Excel m MISCELLANEOUS 00 Eaeort Kback •6195 4*. AC, Aula •2,088 b^nUona $ 4,41S,000.00 lent 4 room apartment, W« iniciOTMM m FOR SALE OD U.S. Tnaaury stove, refrigerator, no OOCtamaroahi* •9195 amittlea S4t.ooo.M 4 ROOMS. Heated, stove. 80 Camara M •11,495 8 7 5 - 3 3 1 1 1 ObUfadont of Statea pets. References. ^ AUTUMN Haze mink T E E Shirt transfers. Ap- GIGANTIC group. An curlty. $550 plus utlll- References, lease, se lacket. Size 12-14, $300. 00 Cantuiy 44r. •10,295 New tow n proxlmotefy 3000, also andpolitical curity deposit. No pets. tiques, furniture, coun 80 Cavallar 4 dr. •8395 lObiflyiaiona In the tles. 649-4003. Black Persian lamb 50 to 100k numerals and try crafts, lewelery, United States TSI.OOt.M 1 car parking. $510. 07 Spactram 4 dr. •8495 ITRUCKS/VANS : n o t ic e TO CREDITORS 649-3340. lacket with Autumn letters for shirts. Cape quality clothing and By Judd Everhart Other booda. notes, ESTATE OF Haze trim, size 12-14. 07 Chavatte t dr. •5495 ___IFORSALE and debentures IIS.OOO.M etc. Best offer. 649-3642 toys. 7/31 and 8/01. 9-3. The /Associated Press JOHN E. GRANDAHL, Lota MANCHESTER. 4 room S250. 646-2073. after 5:30pm.o_______ 07 Baraila t dr. •10,995 Federal Reaenre M Munchastar, Oacaosed apartment. 1st floor. 76 Thayre Road, CHEVY 1978 4 d o o r atock and cor The Hon. William E. R ti- POTTERS wheel, hand Monchester._________ porate stock 1,000.00 Adults preferred. No 8 7 2 -9 1 1 1 pickup truck. 3 plus 3' HARTFORD — The towns of Suffield and Newtown Judea, of tha Court bullt/klln. Used. Post 2 FA M ILY tag sale. 84-88 Federal Funda Sold of P ro b ^ , District of Mon- pets, no appliances, 1 Sllverodo. Excellent- have been chosen for the sites of two new correctional and Securities car. Security. 649-1265. FURNITURE and shelves Inicuded. Florence Street. Satur condition. 30k.‘ purchased under •^ylno hold on Suitable for beginning facilities, state officials announced today. July 3t, 10S7 ordarod fhof oil 4 ROOM apartment, ap day August-1st, 9-3. $6500/best offer. 643-- afreements to dolma mutt ba orasantad to CO FFEE table and end potter. Nancy 646-0103. Ceramic materials , 2929 after 5:30. A 105-acre privately owned site in Suffield was res^ 1.000,000.00 pliances, heat, hot wa TAKE A LOOK picked for the planned 800-bed medium security prison (a) Loans, tha fiduciary on or bafora Oc- table (together or se FOR Sale. Hardly used 2 green ware ond paints. tobar 31, low or ba borr ter, garage. Lease. and processing center, while a 65-acre state-owned site ‘IM I by low nrovldad. 5575. Adults preferred. parate) one Individual Queen sized waterbeds TA G Sale. Saturday Au- SPECIAL PURCHASE is n CAMPERS/ M (excluding 646-7268. gloss topped coffee ta Including heaters, lin gust 1, 9 to 4pm. Rain in Newtown was selected for a 400-bed Jail. unearned Johanna Brudar___ ble. Also 4 wooden ers, sheets and comfor Fraw DMIir R8nt-8-car ISSjtrailers William Carbone, head of Justice planning in the Income) 04.011,000.00 Asslttant Clark M ANCHESTER.