AFA Member Sworn as 54th

Forest landowner and long-time AFA member Kay Ivey was sworn in on Monday as Alabama’s 54th Governor. Ivey has been serving as Governor since the resignation of former Governor Robert Bentley in April 2017.

Born in Camden, Alabama on October 15, 1944, Ivey grew up on her father’s farm where she learned the value of family, community and hard work. While attending , the first hint of her ultimate path in life was revealed by her service in the Student Government Association all four years of her college career. Following graduation, she became a high school teacher for several years and then landed a position with Merchants National Bank.

In 1979, she was appointed by then-Governor to serve in his cabinet. Later she served as the law clerk in the Alabama House of Representatives followed by a stint as Assistant Director of the Alabama Development Office.

She then moved to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education where she served as the Director of Government Affairs and Communications from 1985 until 1998. In 2003, Ivey began her foray into politics when she was elected State Treasurer where she served from 2003 to 2011.

Following her final term as State Treasurer, Ivey decided to run for the office of Lt. Governor, setting the stage for a spirited race with popular Democratic incumbent Lt. Governor , Jr. Folsom was the odds-on favorite to win that race, racking up endorsements from every statewide organization….except one. “It was an easy decision for us,” remarked Chris Isaacson, Executive Vice President in announcing the Alabama Forestry Association’s 2010 endorsement of Kay Ivey for Lt. Governor. “Kay is a forest landowner, she and her family have been active members of our organization for decades and she knows what it takes to keep Alabama growing.” In the end, Ivey prevailed by 3 percentage points.

In 2014, Ivey was elected to her second term as Lt. Governor. Then, on April 10, 2017 following the sudden resignation of Governor Robert Bentley, Lt. Governor Ivey became Governor Ivey. At that time, Ivey become the second female Governor and the first Republican female to serve as Governor of the State of Alabama.

When it came time to endorse in the 2018 Governor’s race, the decision was again easy for the Alabama Forestry Association. “We’re endorsing Kay for Governor for the same reasons we did in her 2010 and 2014 Lt. Governor race – she’s a forest landowner, she’s a long-time member of our organization and she knows what it takes to keep Alabama growing. This time, however, we have an even more compelling reason – she has a proven record of accomplishment as Governor. Kay stepped in to the office of Governor during a difficult time in our recent history, she righted the ship of state and she brought stability and integrity to Alabama’s top office….not to mention an enviable record of success recruiting new business and industry.”

In addition to Ivey, a number of additional constitutional officers who were endorsed by AFA were sworn in on Monday.

AFA member and forest landowner was sworn in as Lt. Governor. “Will is a man of principle who has proven himself over the last four years while serving in the Alabama House of Representatives. He has a vision for how to move Alabama forward and is energetic in pursuit of that vision,” said Isaacson.

Steve Marshall was sworn in to his first full term as Attorney General. Following his appointment by Governor Robert Bentley in February 2017, Marshall assumed responsibility for a number of ongoing actions by the AG’s office including a leadership role in a brief submitted on behalf of 17 other states attorneys generals in the dusky gopher frog case heard by the Supreme Court of the . Marshall and other petitioners successfully argued that the US Fish and Wildlife Service wrongly designated unoccupied habitat in St. Tammany Parrish in Louisiana as critical habitat. The result was a landmark decision by SCOTUS that will have long-term benefits for forest landowners.

Other AFA members who were sworn in on Monday include: for his first term as Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries and John McMillan for his first term as State Treasurer. McMillan is also the former AFA Executive Vice President as well as former two-term Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries.

Other AFA endorsed candidates who were sworn in were Secretary of State John Merrill and State Auditor Jim Ziegler. Both Merrill and Ziegler will be serving their second terms.

All constitutional offices are now held by Republicans.