What Conservatives Could Learn from Betsy Devos
What Conservatives Could Learn from Betsy DeVos By Jim Blew May 2021 Key Points • Conservative education reformers have not had much success shaping federal education policy, largely because our opposition is playing to win the long game—and we are not. • We can win the contest over federal education policy if we prepare for inevitable attacks, persuasively communicate, and effectively manage our assets, especially human talent. • We can learn from our experiences and succeed in our efforts to empower families, unfet- ter teachers, and keep education decisions local. But, we must stay in the game and start playing to win. As Betsy DeVos’ assistant secretary for policy, I improve education. The people closest to problems— witnessed the messy business of making and imple- namely, educators, families, and students—will have menting federal education policy during the cha- even less power to fix those problems. That, in turn, otic Donald Trump administration. From that could easily accelerate the declines in student out- front-row seat, I learned more than I expected comes, especially for our most vulnerable children. about what conservatives and education reformers All this should cause concerns about our growing do right and what we do that’s self-defeating and educational inequities and their implications for counterproductive. our national prosperity. Conservative education reformers have not had Given the stakes, conservatives should raise our much success shaping federal education policy, game. Someday, perhaps as early as 2025, conserva- largely because our opposition is playing to win the tives will return to the US Department of Education long game—and we are not.
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