The Generalised Implies the in Coq

Dominik Kirst Felix Rech Saarland University Saarland University Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract between X and P(X) for every infinite X. Therefore, GCH We discuss and compare two Coq mechanisations of Sier- narrows the range of the power operation otherwise left piński’s result that the generalised continuum hypothesis rather underspecified by the usual Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) (GCH) implies the axiom of choice (AC). The first version axioms. AC, in one typical set-theoretic formulation, states shows the result, originally stated in first-order ZF set-theory, that every set X of non-empty sets admits a choice function for a higher-order convenient to work with in Coq. f such that f (x) ∈ x for all x ∈ X. The second version presents a corresponding theorem for That GCH as a statement about power sets and cardinal- Coq’s type theory itself, concerning type-theoretic formu- ity implies AC, a statement providing a means to uniformly lations of GCH and AC. Both versions rely on the classical pick elements from non-empty sets, may seem surprising law of excluded middle and extensionality assumptions but indeed [14]. However, since AC is equivalent to the well- we localise the use of axioms where possible. ordering theorem (WO), asserting that every (infinite) set can be well-ordered, and since well-orders transport along in- CCS Concepts: • Theory of computation → Type the- jections, there is a well-established strategy how Sierpiński’s ory; Constructive ; Higher order . result can be deduced. Intuitively, given an infinite set X, the ( ) Keywords: dependent type theory, higher-order set theory, intermediate step is to construct a well-ordered set H X , for generalised continuum hypothesis, axiom of choice, Coq instance the Hartogs number of X [18], which is not embed- dable into X but bounded by a finite iteration of the power ACM Reference Format: set on X, i.e. with |H(X)| ̸≤ |X | but |H(X)| ≤ |Pk (X)| for Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech. 2021. The Generalised Continuum some number k. Deducing |X | ≤ |H(X)| would now suffice Proceedings Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq. In in order to transport the well-order of H(X) onto X and to of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP ’21), January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Den- conclude WO and thus AC. However, since need | ( )| ̸≤ | | mark. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages. not be comparable in the absence of AC, just H X X 3437992.3439932 is not enough to deduce |X | ≤ |H(X)|. Yet applying GCH on a suitable instance yields that either |X | ≤ |H(X)| as desired k−1 1 Introduction or |H(X)| ≤ |P (X)|, the latter allowing for iterating the argument ultimately terminating since |H(X)| ̸≤ |X |.1 An early but somewhat surprising result in axiomatic set the- Sierpiński’s theorem as a result in first-order set theory has ory states that the generalised continuum hypothesis (GCH) been canonised in standard textbooks (e.g. [38], we follow implies the axiom of choice (AC), already announced by their wording of “Sierpiński’s theorem” for simplicity and Tarski in 1926 [27] and proven by Sierpiński in 1947 [35]. are conscious of other results referred to by the same name) GCH, generalising Cantor’s continuum hypothesis stating and in fact mechanised in Metamath by Carneiro [9].2 In that there are no cardinalities between the set N of natu- this paper, in contrast, we study Sierpiński’s theorem as a ral numbers and its power set P(N), rules out cardinalities statement in higher-order set theory, disposing of the need Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for for first-order encodings, as well as in dependent type the- personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies ory, disposing of the axiomatic framework altoghether, and are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that provide respective mechanisations in Coq [42].3 copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights As argued in a previous paper [24], higher-order set theory for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must is a natural framework for mechanising set-theoretic results be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific in proof assistants implementing a higher-order logic. Specif- permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. ically, the ZF axiom scheme used to express replacement for CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark © 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed 1Sierpiński’s original proof works with k = 3 and hence applies GCH three to ACM. times. A proof applying GCH only twice was later given by Specker [40]. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8299-1/21/01...$15.00 2See Section 8.3 for a more detailed comparison to Carneiro’s work. 3Available at CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech every first-order formula ϕ(x,y) describing a functional rela- Regarding the role of additional axioms, it is obvious tion can be condensed into a single axiom simply quantifying that a result from classical set theory does not necessar- over all relations, not just the first-order definable ones. So ily transport to Coq’s constructive type theory directly. In in consequence there is no need to represent the syntax of fact, we will assume functional extensionality (FE), proposi- first-order logic and the full expressivity of the meta-logic tional extensionality (PE), and the law of excluded middle can be used. In particular regarding Sierpiński’s theorem, LEM := P : P. P ∨ ¬P throughout this paper. Note that every function on the meta-level can be encoded as a set- FE and PE∀ together imply that predicates p : X → P are theoretic representation, which makes the central notion of determined by their elements and that both PE and LEM sep- coincide on both levels. This is a fundamental arately imply proof irrelevance (PI) and hence the existence difference from first-order set theory, where, for instance, ex- of well-behaved subtypes Σx : X . px. While FE and PE are ternally countable models with internally uncountable sets only needed for the mentioned shortcuts and could possibly exist as noted early on by Skolem [36]. be circumvented, the necessity of LEM shall be subject of This simplification of axiom schemes, together with fur- further investigation. Furthermore, we first give a proof vari- ther streamlining of the foundation and infinity axioms, ant relying on a unique choice operator (UC) to identify total yields a higher-order version of ZF very convenient to work functional relations with functions for a simplified presenta- with in Coq. Therefore complementing [9], we give a com- tion in alignment with the usual set-theoretic practice. That pact Coq mechanisation using features like inductive pred- this requirement can be eliminated is shown afterwards. icates and recursive function definitions although still pre- The remaining text is organised as follows. We begin by senting the argument in its typical set-theoretic outline. Es- introducing the general notions of cardinality and orderings pecially, this framework admits a notion of inductively char- in Section2. Then, in the first part of the paper, the set- acterised ordinals similar to the inductive treatment of the theoretic version of Sierpiński’s theorem will be presented, cumulative hierarchy in [24]. Going one step further, in the with a focus on the representation of ordinals (Section3) second part of the paper, we will contrast this set-theoretic and the Hartogs numbers (Section4). The second part then development with a type-theoretic version of Sierpiński’s outlines the type-theoretic version, comprising the encod- result that does without any intermediate axiomatisation. ing of the Hartogs numbers as types (Section5) and the The fact that, if one interprets sets as types in a type uni- remaining argument with (Section6) and without (Section7) verse T, statements usually rendered in set theory have natu- employing UC. Both parts can be read independently, only ral counterparts in dependent type theory (possibly extended the analogous conclusion of Sierpiński’s theorem after con- with axioms regarding extensionality and classical logic) has structing the Hartogs numbers is left out in the first part been illustrated in many places, for instance in [19], [43], to avoid redundancy. We conclude with some remarks on and [37] with type-theoretic versions of Zermelo’s result that the comparison of both versions, on their respective Coq AC implies WO. In particular, type theories as implemented mechanisations, as well as on related and future work in in Coq with its impredicative universe P of propositions, pro- Section8. All statements in this PDF version are hyperlinked viding the necessary notions of anonymous propositional with HTML documentation of the Coq development. existence and power sets, are well-suited for such a synthetic reformulation of set-theoretic results. 2 Cardinality and Well-Orderings In our case, we can formulate GCH in Coq by We use common notation for dependent product x. Fx, de- ∀ GCHT : P := XY : T. |N| ≤ |X | ≤ |Y | ≤ |X → P| pendent sum Σx. Fx, (binary) product X × Y , (binary) sum ∀ → |Y | ≤ |X | ∨ |X → P| ≤ |Y | X + Y , and function types X → Y in the type universe (hier- archy) T. In the universe P of propositions, we employ the where |X | ≤ |Y | now formally denotes the propositional usual logical notation for the corresponding notions. More- existence of an injective function f : X → Y , and AC by over, we call P(X) := X → P the power type of X and define ACT : P := XY : T. R : X → Y → P. ( x. y. Rxy) inclusion p ⊆ q for predicates p,q : P(X) by x. px → qx. ∀ ∀ ∀ ∃ ∀ → f : X → Y . x. Rx(f x) We extend Coq’s type theory with the propositional ax- ∃ ∀ ioms for (simply typed) functional extensionality, proposi- which is notably a proposition weaker than a type-level tional extensionality, and excluded middle: choice operator such as the one assumed in the . In contrast to the axiom of choice, the continuum FE := XY . f ,д : X → Y . ( x. f x = дx) → f = д ∀ ∀ ∀ hypothesis seems not to be a typical axiom in dependent PE := PQ : P. (P ↔ Q) → P = Q ∀ type theory but is considered as a target for type-theoretic LEM := P : P. P ∨ ¬P forcing in [20]. The consistency of both ACT and GCHT is jus- ∀ tified by the standard set-theoretical interpretation of Coq’s We use FE and PE tacitly but indicate if LEM is needed type theory [45], provided one works in a strong enough set in the label of each statement. FE and PE together induce theory satisfying AC and GCH itself. predicate extensionality, proof irrelevance, and subtypes: The Generalised Continuum Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

Fact 2.1. The following statements hold. Fact 2.8. |X | = |Y | is an equivalence congruent for sums, 1. X . pq : P(X). ( x. px ↔ qx) → p = q products, and powers. ∀ ∀ ∀ ′ ′ 2. Proof irrelevance PI := P : P. h,h : P. h = h Proof. The injections in Fact 2.3 have obvious inverses. □ 3. Elements (x,h) and (x ′,∀h′) of Σx∀. px are equal if x = x ′. Fact 2.9. |X | = |Y | implies |X | ≤ |Y |. Proof. We prove the three claims one by one. Proof. Trivial since invertible functions are injective. □ 1. From x. px ↔ qx we obtain x. px = qx by PE and thus p∀= q by FE. ∀ Having established the relevant notion of cardinality, we 2. If P : P is inhabited, then P = ⊤ by PE. Thus P is a now approach the second key notion involved in Sierpinski’s since ⊤ is. theorem, namely (well-)orderings. We first consider inclusion 3. After eliminating x = x ′ the proofs h and h′ of px are as a canonical partial order on power types. equal by PI. □ Fact 2.10. Inclusion p ⊆ q for p,q : P(X) is a partial order. Note that the latter justifies that we can identify elements Proof. Reflexivity and transitivity are trivial and antisymme- (x,h) of a subtype Σx. px with x where convenient. try holds by (1) of Fact 2.1. □ Having fixed the logical basis, we now first introduce injections, inducing cardinality comparisons |X | ≤ |Y |. The missing property defining a well-order can be ex- pressed abstractly via least elements for arbitrary (and pos- Definition 2.2. A function f : X → Y is called injective if sibly undecidable) inhabited predicates. f x = f y implies x = y for all x,y : X. We write |X | ≤ |Y | if : → → P there exists an injection from X to Y . Definition 2.11. Let R X X be a partial order. We say that x : X is a least element of p : P(X) if px and Fact 2.3. |X | ≤ |Y | is a preorder respected by sums, products, if Rxy for all y : X with py. We call R a well-order if it is and powers. well-founded, i.e. if for every inhabited p : P(X) there exists a least element. Proof. All but the last are witnessed by the obvious construc- tions. If f : X → Y is injective, then Fp := λy. x. px ∧ y = We also employ the related notion of strict well-orderings: f x defines an injection from P(X) to P(Y ). Indeed,∃ assuming Definition 2.12. Given a R : X → X → P, we Fp = Fq and w.l.o.g. px, we obtain Fp(f x) and hence Fq(f x). characterise its accessible points T : P(X) inductively by But then f x = f x ′ for some x ′ with qx ′ and by injectivity R inferring T x whenever T y for all y with Ryx: of f we conclude qx. □ R R y. Ryx → TRy ∀ Fact 2.4. For all X and p : X → P we have |Σx. px | ≤ |X | TRx | | ≤ |P( )| and X X . We call R a strict well-order if it is transitive, trichotomous Proof. The former is by injectivity of the first projection ( xy. Rxy ∨ x = y ∨ Ryx), and terminating ( x.TRx). ∀ ∀ π1 : (Σx. px) → X given in (3) of Fact 2.1 and the latter is Given a strict well-order R, we refer to the propositional witnessed by λxy. x = y. □ elimination principle of TR as well-founded induction and Employing the inductive type N of natural numbers, car- to the computational elimination principle as well-founded dinality comparisons yield a natural definition of infinity: recursion. Employing LEM, one can easily verify the usual transla- Definition 2.5. We call X infinite if |N| ≤ |X |. tions of well-orders R to strict well-orders R′xy := Rxy ∧ x , y and, conversely, of strict well-orders S to well-orders Fact 2.6. If X is infinite, then so is P(X). S ′xy := Sxy ∨ x = y. Already without LEM, given that Proof. This holds by Fact 2.4 and transitivity. □ they yield least and not just minimal elements as frequently required, we can show that well-orders are linear: We next define bijections, inducing equipotency |X | = |Y |. Fact 2.13. Well-orders R are linear, i.e. Rxy ∨ Ryx for all x,y. Definition 2.7. A function f : X → Y is a bijection if it has , : := = ∨ = an inverse д : Y → X. We write |X | = |Y | if there exists a Proof. Given R and x y X, consider pz z x z y. bijection between X and Y . Since p is obviously inhabited, we obtain a least element z. Since either z = x or z = y, we obtain the expected Note that |X | = |Y | is indeed stronger than only requiring comparisons Rxy or Ryx, respectively. □ both |X | ≤ |Y | and |Y | ≤ |X | since the Cantor-Bernstein Next, we show that well-orders transport along injections. theorem for this setting relies on LEM [33] and likely even on unique choice since we are employing type-theoretic Fact 2.14. If X has a (strict) well-order and |Y | ≤ |X |, then functions and not just total functional relations. Y has a (strict) well-order. CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech

Proof. If RX is a (strict) well-order on X and f : Y → X an Here, x ⊆ A is the usual notation for y.y ∈ x → y ∈ A ′ ′ ∀ injection, then it is easy to verify that RY yy := RX (f y)(f y ) and the von Neumann successor σ : S → S is defined by is a (strict) well-order on Y . □ σ(A) := A ∪ {A} where A ∪ B := Ð{A, B} and {A} := {A, A}. Specifically the last three axioms are stronger than their Finally, we introduce order embeddings and isomorphisms. first-order versions, in that first-order replacement only ap- Definition 2.15. Given two relations R : X → X → P and plies to functional relations R coinciding with a first-order S : Y → Y → P, a function f : X → Y is an order embedding formula ϕ(x,y), in that first-order infinity just asserts the ex- ′ ′ if it is a morphism from R to S, i.e. if Rxx ↔ S(f x)(f x ) for istence of a set closed under ∅ and σ with no reference to the ′ all x, x : X. We write X ⪯ Y if there is an order embedding external type N, and in that foundation is usually assumed from X to Y for relations clear from the context. in form of the weaker first-order regularity axiom. So every Fact 2.16. X ⪯ Y is a preorder. model of higher-order ZF satisfies the axioms of first-order ZF while the converse does not hold in general. : → Definition 2.17. An order embedding f X Y is an order Note that the conditions under which such a higher-order : → isomorphism if it has an inverse д Y X. We call X and model S exists in Coq’s type theory are analysed in [45] ≈ Y (strongly) isomorphic, written X Y , if there is an order and [26]. Also note that this axiomatisation is not minimal isomorphism for X and Y for relations clear from the context. since the replacement axiom is strong enough to define ∅ Fact 2.18. X ≈ Y is an equivalence relation. from ω and unordered pairs from ∅ and power sets, the latter actually done in the Coq development. Given its ex- 3 Ordinals in Higher-Order ZF pressiveness, replacement for arbitrary functional relations In this section, we axiomatise a higher-order set theory and also yields separation, replacement for functions, and a de- develop the basic theory of ordinals. Concretely, we work in scription operator: a fixed model of higher-order ZF (cf.24 [ ]), i.e. we assume a Lemma 3.1. There are operations as follows. type S with constants _ ∩ _ : (S → P) → S → S s.t. x ∈ p ∩ A ↔ x ∈ A ∧ px ∈ S → S → _ _ : P (membership) _ @ _ : (S → S) → S → S s.t. y ∈ f @ A ↔ x ∈ A.y = f x ∃ ∅ : S (empty set) δ : p : S → P. ( !A. pA) → ΣA. pA {_, _} : S → S → S (unordered pair) ∀ ∃ Proof. The respective constructions can be given as follows: Ð : S → S (union) • separation: p ∩ A := (λxy. x = y ∧ px) @ A P : S → S (power set) • function replacement: f @ A := (λxy.y = f x∧px) @ A Ð _ @ _ : F (S) → S → S (replacement) • description: δp := (λxy. py) @ P(∅) □ ω : S (natural numbers) Note that functional replacement together with descrip- where F (S) denotes the type of functional relations of tion is in fact equivalent to relational replacement, we choose type R : S → S → P. We call the elements A, x : S sets the latter as axiom due to its proximity to the corresponding and predicates p,q : S → P classes, the latter borrowing first-order axiom scheme. With functional replacement, we Ð Ð the notation A ∈ p for pA where convenient. Moreover, we can define the common notation x ∈A f x := (f @ A) for frequently identify sets A with their corresponding classes indexed union and for separation we will also use the more λx. x ∈ A and classes p with their subtypes ΣA. pA. Similarly, customary notation {x ∈ A | px} := p ∩ A. we simply say that a class p is a set, if there is a set A with Before we continue, there is need to justify the reuse of p = λx. x ∈ A or, with the above identification p = A. the power type notation P(A) for power sets, leading to the In order to equip the introduced constants with their in- core why higher-order ZF is more convenient to mechanise tended meaning, we assume that they are characterised by than first-order ZF. the following axioms: Definition 3.2. We call a type X : T set-like if it can be AB. A = B ↔ x. x ∈ A ↔ x ∈ B (Extensionality) encoded as a set, i.e. if there is a set X : S with an encoding ∀ ∀ → 4 A. A < ∅ (Empty Set) function eX : X X that is injective and surjective. ∀ ABx. x ∈ {A, B} ↔ x = A ∨ x = B (Pairing) Lemma 3.3 (LEM). N, every proposition P : P, and P itself ∀ Ax. x ∈ Ð A ↔ y ∈ A. x ∈ y (Union) are set-like and if types X and Y are set-like, then so are X ×Y , ∀ ∃ X + Y, X → Y, and P(X). Ax. x ∈ P(A) ↔ x ⊆ A (Power Set) ∀ . ∈ @ ↔ ∈ . Proof. The infinity axiom exactly states that ω is an encoding RAy y R A x A Rxy (Replacement) n ∀ ∃ of N witnessed by the numeral function eN := λn. σ (∅). x. x ∈ ω ↔ n : N. x = σ n(∅) (Infinity) ∀ ∃ 4Note that the stronger property |X | = |X | would require assuming a A.T∈A (Foundation) ∀ stronger elimination principle for S in most cases. The Generalised Continuum Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

Similarly, the power set axiom ensures that the power set chosen as definition. Analogously, we prove our definition P(X) encodes the power type P(X), since predicates on X equivalent to a first-order characterisation (Fact 3.11) once and subsets of X are in one-to-one correspondence due to we have established the expected ordering properties, where the strong replacement axiom. Further overloading the type- we only give the proofs that differ from the standard setting. level notations, the remaining encodings are standard using The transitivity condition is exactly what makes the ele- the Kuratowski ordered pairs (x,y) := {{x}, {x,y}} for X ×Y , ment relation on the class of ordinals transitive. Moreoever, the disjoint union X +Y := ({∅}×X)∪({{∅}}×Y), and the set- even if we didn’t have the axiom of foundation, the inductive theoretic function space X → Y ⊆ X × Y of total functional definition would imply that the element relation on ordinals graphs. Finally, given P : P, we define P := (λx. P) ∩ {∅} is well-founded. So only trichotomy is needed to conclude: with eP := λh. ∅ and P := {∅, {∅}} with eP := λP. P. □ Lemma 3.7 (LEM). The class O is strictly well-ordered by ∈. This means that the type-theoretic fragment relevant to Proof. Transitivity follows from transitivity of ordinals as state GCH and AC has a faithful representation within the as- sets and well-foundedness of the element relation on the sumed model S of higher-order ZF and all notions from Sec- class of ordinals follows by induction from the axiom of tion2 regarding cardinality and orderings carry over without foundation. need for reformulation. If S were just a model of first-order To show trichotomy, we fix two ordinals α and β and need ZF, neither power types, function spaces, nor propositions to deduce α ∈ β, α = β or β ∈ α. We apply well-founded could be shown set-like and the stricter first-order versions induction on both, α and β. By LEM, we have that α = β of these constructs and the related notions of cardinality or α , β. The first case is trivial and in the second case and orderings were necessary to define. Sidestepping this we know that α ⊈ β or β ⊈ α, yielding an ordinal γ ∈ α problem, we freely reuse all type-theoretic notation and hide with γ < β (or vice versa) suitable to apply the inductive the particular encodings. The only statement concretely de- hypothesis for. □ pending on a chosen encoding is the following: Thus as announced before, ordinals represent well-orders: Lemma 3.4. A × A ⊆ P2(A) and hence |A × A| ≤ |P2(A)|. Lemma 3.8 (LEM). Every α ∈ O is strictly well-ordered by ∈. Proof. The elements (x,y) ∈ A×A are Kuratowski pairs of the form {{x}, {x,y}} that are obviously subsets of P(A). □ Proof. Trivial since every ordinal is a subclass of O. □ Although formulated for sets here, the bound |X × X | ≤ Lemma 3.9. Isomorphic ordinals are equal: α ≈ β → α = β. |P2(X)| can be analogously shown for arbitrary types X. Proof. Fix α, β ∈ O with an isomorphism f : α → β. We After having established the framework of higher-order apply well-founded induction on both. We need to show that set theory, we now introduce ordinals. As common in a set- α ⊆ β and β ⊆ α. W.l.o.g., we focus on the former. So fix theoretic foundation, ordinals are sets that serve two pur- some ξ ∈ α. It suffices to show that ξ ≈ f (ξ ) since, by the poses. First, ordinals are well-ordered by the element relation inductive hypothesis on ξ , this implies ξ = f (ξ ) ∈ β. and represent equivalence classes of well-ordered sets: for ev- So consider the restriction f | : ξ → β. This is actually a ery well-ordered set, there is exactly one isomorphic ordinal. ξ function ξ → f (ξ ) since for all x ∈ ξ , we have f (x) ∈ f (ξ ) Secondly, we can regard ordinals as a generalisation of natu- by the morphism property of f . As the inverse, we have ral numbers that allows us to count beyond infinities: there is f −1| . The function f | is still a morphism since it is the a zero element, a successor function, and, additionally, every f (ξ ) ξ restriction of a morphism. □ set of ordinals has a least upper bound. There are many possible definitions of ordinals but it A characteristic property of ordinals is that membership seems difficult to find one that expresses both properties and strict inclusion coincide, so the previous results hold for at once. We consider a definition that can only be formu- the latter as well. lated in a higher-order logic but is most convenient for our Lemma 3.10 (LEM). For α, β ∈ O we have α ∈ β iff α ⊊ β. purposes. To this end, we use the notion of transitive sets. Definition 3.5. We call a set A transitive if for all sets x and It is now easy to show the agreement of our inductive def- y, whenever x ∈ A and y ∈ x then y ∈ A. In other words, a set inition to a common first-order characterisation of ordinals is transitive if every element is also a subset. as the transitive sets well-ordered by membership: Definition 3.6. We define the class O of ordinals inductively: Fact 3.11 (LEM). The class O contains exactly the transitive an ordinal is a transitive set of ordinals, i.e. α ∈ O if α is sets α that are strictly well-ordered by ∈ in the first-order sense, transitive and α ⊆ O. i.e. with ∈-least elements for every non-emtpy subset of α. Note that this inductive definition of ordinals is not ex- Proof. The first direction is straightforward with Lemma 3.8. pressible in first-order ZF but remains an equivalent charac- For the converse direction, we can directly show that every terisation once one of the first-order encodings of ordinals is β ∈ α is an ordinal employing the foundation axiom. □ CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech

One could proceed and also show that every well-ordered 4 Sierpiński’s Result in Higher-Order ZF set has an isomorphic ordinal, its order type. But we do not We now outline the set-theoretic proof of Sierpiński’s the- need that fact and will not prove it here. orem with a focus on the steps utilising ordinals. The re- Instead, turning to the second announced property of or- maining steps that agree with the type-theoretic proof are dinals, we briefly discuss how they generalise the natural deferred to Section6. We begin with the formal statements numbers by deriving constructors as well as the respective of the generalised continuum hypothesis and the axiom of elimination principle. These results are not needed to de- choice in higher-order set theory. rive Sierpiński’s theorem either but illustrate one alternative inductive characterisation of ordinals in higher-order ZF. GCHS := AB : S. |ω| ≤ |A| ≤ |B| ≤ |P(A)| ∀ → |B| ≤ |A| ∨ |P(A)| ≤ |B| Lemma 3.12. 1. The empty set is an ordinal. 2. The successor σ(α) of an ordinal α is an ordinal. Ð ACS := AB : S. R : A → B → P. ( x. y. Rxy) 3. If A is a set of ordinals then A is an ordinal. ∀ ∀ ∀ ∃ → f : A → B. x : A. Rx(f x) Proof. 1. Both conditions are trivial since ∅ is empty. ∃ ∀ 2. Assume that α is an ordinal. We need to show that Recall that we can use the type-level function space to every element of α is a subset of σ(α) and an ordinal. state GCHS and ACS since, in higher-order set theory, it Fix such an element x. By definition of the successor, agrees with the set-level function space (Lemma 3.3). So in x = α or x ∈ α. The first case is trivial. In the second particular GCHT implies GCHS and ACT implies ACS. case, x ⊆ α ⊆ σ(α) by transitivity of α and definition Fact 4.1. AC is equivalent to the statement that every set A of the successor. Moreover, as an element of an ordinal, S of non-empty sets admits a choice function f : A → Ð A with x is also an ordinal. f x ∈ x for all x. 3. Fix a set of ordinals A. We need to show that every Ð Ð element of A is a subset of A and an ordinal. Fix Proof. For such a set A the relation R : A → Ð A → P such an element x. By the union axiom, there is an given by Rxy := y ∈ x is turned into a choice function Ð ordinal α ∈ A, such that x ∈ α. Then x ⊆ α ⊆ A by f : A → Ð A by ACS. Conversely, given a total relation transitivity of α. Moreover, as an element of an ordinal, R : A → B → P, a choice function f for the range defined x is also an ordinal. □ as D := {C ∈ P(B) | x ∈ A.C = Rx} yields д : A → B with ( ) ∃ ( ) Since O contains ∅ and is closed under the successors, we Rx дx by setting дx := f Rx . □ can see by induction that it contains the encodings σ n(∅) A standard argument shows that the assumption that ev- of all natural numbers n : N. Note that these constructors ery set can be well-ordered (WO ) implies AC . could equally be taken as the inductive definition of ordinals, S S with Definition 3.6 then becoming a provable property. Fact 4.2. WOS implies ACS. The constructors that we provided are not disjoint since α = Ð σ(α) for all α. To formulate useful elimination princi- Proof. Given a total relation R : A → B → P, a well-order on ples, we distinguish the ordinals that can only be constructed B, and an element a ∈ A, there exists a unique least element by the third constructor. of Ra. The corresponding function f : A → B can be defined with the description operator δ. □ Definition 3.13. A limit ordinal is an ordinal that is neither the empty set nor the successor of another ordinal. We use λ as With this fact we are left to show that GCHS implies WOS. an identifier that implicitly ranges over limit ordinals. To this end, we introduce the Hartogs numbers as a means It is easy to show that λ is a limit ordinal exactly iff it is non- to obtain arbitrarily large ordinals. Ð Ð empty and satisfies λ = α ∈λ α = λ. There are versions Definition 4.3. The Hartogs number of a set A is the class of this definition that include the empty set as a limit ordinal but it is standard to treat the empty set separately in the ℵ(A) := λα ∈ O. |α | ≤ |A|. following transfinite induction principle. Once we have shown that the Hartogs number is an or- Lemma 3.14 (LEM). Fix a predicate P : O → P as follows: dinal, then the crucial property |ℵ(A)| ̸≤ |A| follows imme- • The empty set satisfies P. diately from this definition because otherwise, the Hartogs • If α satisfies P then the successor σ(α) satisfies P. number would contain itself. We proceed in three steps: • If all elements of a limit λ satisfy P then λ satisfies P. 1. We show that |ℵ(A)| ≤ |P6(A)|. Then every ordinal satisfies P. 2. We show that the Hartogs number is an ordinal. 3. We conclude that ℵ(A) ̸≤ A. Proof. By well-founded induction on ∈ using the fact that every ordinal is either empty, a successor, or a limit. □ Fact 4.4 (LEM). ℵ(A) satisfies |ℵ(A)| ≤ |P6(A)|. The Generalised Continuum Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

Proof. Employing the bound for the cartesian product estab- We leave Theorem 4.9 without proof here since the remain- lished in Lemma 3.4 twice, we deduce ing argument is completely analogous to the type-theoretic version presented in Section6, Theorem 6.7. In order to pre- |P (P(A) × P(A × A)) | ≤ |P P(A) × P3(A) | pare this result, we first discuss in the next section a wayto ≤ |P P3(A) × P3(A) | represent the Hartogs numbers in type theory. ≤ |P6(A)|. 5 Hartogs Numbers in Coq’s Type Theory By transitivity, it suffices to define the injection Turning to the second part concerned with a type-theoretic f : ℵ(A) → P(P(A) × P(A × A)) version of Sierpiński’s theorem, we begin with a construction of arbitrarily large well-ordered types. More precisely, we fix f (α) := {x ∈ P(A) × P(A × A) | x ≈ α}, a type X and construct a type H(X) such that H(X) is well- where we treat every x ∈ P(A) × P(A × A) as a subset of A ordered and |H(X)| ̸≤ |X | but |H(X)| ≤ |P3(X)|. In contrast with a relation on it that might satisfy x ≈ α. To see that f is to set-theory, Coq’s type theory lacks a canonical notion of injective, fix two ordinals α, β ∈ ℵ(A) with f (α) = f (β). By ordinals natural to work with and so we directly work on a definition of the Hartogs number, there is an injection α → A. representation of the well-orders of subsets of X. This time We embed the order on α along this injection to obtain an we opt for the tighter representation with |H(X)| ≤ |P3(X)| x ∈ P(A) × P(A×A). Note that x ≈ α. Therefore x ∈ f (α) = compared to the previous bound |ℵ(A)| ≤ |P6(A)| since in f (β) and hence x ≈ β by definition of f . Together, we have a type-theoretic setting both are equally indirect. The idea α ≈ x ≈ β which implies α = β since isomorphic ordinals is to consider inclusion p ⊆ q for predicates p,q : P(X) 2 are equal (Lemma 3.9). □ to isolate the well-founded orders P,Q : P (X) and their corresponding equivalence classes α, β : P3(X). We could use a different encoding of ordered subsets to get As done with sets and classes before, we continue on iden- the bound down to P3(A) as illustrated in the type-theoretic tifying predicates p : P(Y) on a type Y with their subtypes variant of Sierpiński’s theorem (cf. Section5). In the pres- Σy. py. So in particular we are able to apply the abstract ence of set-theoretic ordinals, however the above proof is notions of well-orders, embeddings, and isomorphisms intro- charmingly compact and leaves the set-theoretic notion of duced in Section2 to P,Q : P2(X) ordered by inclusion. In orderings on A as subsets of A × A explicit. this particular setting, we moreover establish the following We next show that the Hartogs number is an ordinal. properties regarding embeddability. Lemma 4.5. Classes p with |p| ≤ |A| for some set A are sets. Fact 5.1. If P ⪯ Q and Q is well-founded, then so is P. Proof. Fix an arbitrary class p and a set A with |p| ≤ |A|. By Proof. Suppose that f embeds P into Q and that Q is well- ′ definition, we have an injection f : p → A. Then the class p founded. Then for some inhabited P ⊆ P we obtain that ′ ′ coincides with the set (λyx.y = f x) @ A. □ Q := λq. p. P p ∧ q = f p is included in Q and inhabited as well. Hence∃ it contains a least element q which is f p for some Corollary 4.6 (LEM). The Hartogs number ℵ(A) of A is a set. p with P ′p and since f respects inclusion it is straightforward to show that p is indeed least in P ′. □ Proof. This follows from the previous two lemmas. □ Fact 5.2. If P ⊆ Q then P ⪯ Q. Fact 4.7 (LEM). The Hartogs number ℵ(A) of A is an ordinal. Complementing the notion of strong isomorphism P ≈ Q, Proof. We know that the Hartogs number ℵ(A) contains only we consider a weaker notion easier to show constructively. ordinals by definition and that it is a set by the previous Definition 5.3. We say that P and Q are weakly isomorphic, corollary. It hence remains to show that the Hartogs number written P ∼ Q, if both P ⪯ Q and Q ⪯ P. is transitive. Fix two ordinals α and β with β ∈ α ∈ ℵ(A). Our goal is to prove that β ∈ ℵ(A). By definition of the Hartogs Fact 5.4. P ≈ Q implies P ∼ Q and both P ≈ Q and P ∼ Q number, we have |α | ≤ |A| and need to show |β| ≤ |A|. From respect well-foundedness. ∈ ⊆ | | ≤ | | β α we obtain β α and thus already β α . □ Proof. If f is an isomorphism between P and Q, then it is an embedding witnessing P ⪯ Q and its inverse is an embedding Theorem 4.8 (LEM). For all sets A, we have ℵ(A) ̸≤ A. witnessing Q ⪯ P. Moreover, f respects well-foundedness Proof. Assume that ℵ(A) ≤ A. By definition of ℵ(A), we get by Fact 5.1. □ ℵ(A) ∈ ℵ(A) the contradiction . □ We will later see that also P ∼ Q implies P ≈ Q (employing LEM). Furthermore (and without referring to additional ax- Theorem 4.9 (LEM). GCHS implies WOS. ioms), it suffices to come up with relational embeddings and Corollary 4.10 (LEM). GCHS implies ACS. isomorphisms to establish P ⪯ Q and P ≈ Q, respectively: CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech

Lemma 5.5. Assume R : P → Q → P such that p ⊆ p′ ↔ Proof. We employ the relation p ≈ q := Pp∧Qq∧P↓p ≈ Q↓q. q ⊆ q′ whenever Rpq and Rp′q′. If R is total, then P ⪯ Q and It is a morphism for inclusion by Fact 5.2, so for its domain if, additionally, R is surjective, then P ≈ Q. dom := λp. q. p ≈ q and range ran := λq. p. p ≈ q it ∃ ≈ ∃ Proof. Let R be total. If we were to assume some form of induces an isomorphism dom ran via Lemma 5.5. We now unique choice, we could directly reify R into a function. employ LEM to distinguish four cases. However, even without unique choice we can simulate this • If dom = P and ran = Q we can conclude P ≈ Q. reification since the codomain is a power type. We define • If dom = P but there is q with Qq and ¬ranq, we may f ′ : P → P(X) by f ′p := λx. q. Qq → Rpq → qx. First, assume that q is the least such element. It suffices to we show that Q(f ′p) for all p.∀ Indeed, since R is total, we show that Q↓q = ran since then P ≈ Q↓q as wished. ′ ′ have Rpq for some q with Qq and can show f ′p = q relying First, if (Q↓q)q we get a the contradiction q ⊆ q if it ′ ′ on the fact that R respects inclusion and is hence functional. were ¬ranq . Conversely, if ranq we have to justify ′ ′ ′ Then f ′ can be lifted to a function f : P → Q respecting q ⊆ q and q ⊈ q . The latter holds since q ⊈ q would inclusion since R does. Moreover, if R is also surjective, we imply that ranq since ran is downwards closed and symmetrically obtain an embedding д : Q → P that is easily then the former follows with linearity. verified to invert f . □ • This is analogous to the previous case. • If there are (least) p and q in Q and P but not in ran and This is an instance of the more general fact that total dom, respectively, we similarly obtain that P↓p ≈ Q↓q. functional relations with a power type as codomain can be But then ranp and domq, contradiction. □ turned into functions constructively. We next introduce the notion of initial segments and es- Corollary 5.11 (LEM). P ∼ Q implies P ≈ Q. tablish the characteristic property that well-orders do not Proof. Assume P ∼ Q. By Theorem 5.10 we obtain either embed into their initial segments. P ≈ Q as claimed or w.l.o.g. P ≈ Q↓q for some q with Qq. Definition 5.6. Given P : P2(X), we define initial segments But then from P ∼ Q we have Q ⪯ P and hence Q ⪯ Q↓q P↓ : P(X) → P2(X) by P↓p := λq. Pq ∧ q ⊆ p ∧ p ⊈ q. with Fact 5.4, in contradiction to Fact 5.8. □ 2 Lemma 5.7. If P : P (X) is well-founded, then so is P↓p. We can now introduce the notion of (small) ordinals in- Proof. Straightforward since P↓p ⊆ P. □ ternal to X as equivalence classes of well-orders and prove that they are indeed well-ordered by embeddability. Fact 5.8. We always have P↓p ⪯ P. Contrarily, P ⪯̸ P↓p if P 3 is well-founded and Pp. Definition 5.12. We call sets of orderings α : P (X) an ordinal if α = [P] := (λQ. P ∼ Q) for some well-founded P. Proof. P ↓ p ⪯ P follows from Fact 5.2. Now suppose P is We further define the canonical ordering on ordinals by well-founded with P ⪯ P↓p′ for some p′ with Pp′. By well- foundedness, there is a least element p with this property. α ≤ β := P,Q. αP ∧ βQ ∧ P ⪯ Q ∃ However, if f witnesses the embedding of P into P↓p, then and denote the ordinal subtype of P3(X) by H(X). iterating f twice witnesses P ⪯ P↓(f p) and hence p ⊆ f p, ( ) ≤ contradicting P↓p(f p). □ Theorem 5.13 (LEM). H X is well-ordered by α β. Moreover, embeddability of segments is reflected by ⊆. Proof. We prove the necessary properties separately. • Reflexivity and transitivity follow directly from the Lemma 5.9 (LEM). If P : P2(X) is well-founded with Pp and corresponding facts about order embeddings. Pq, then p ⊆ q ↔ P↓p ⪯ P↓q. • For antisymmetry, suppose α and β are the equivalence Proof. From p ⊆ q we obtain P ↓ p ⊆ P ↓ q and hence P ↓ classes of P and Q, respectively. Then from α ≤ β and p ⪯ P↓q. Conversely, let P↓p ⪯ P↓q and, employing LEM, β ≤ α we obtain P ∼ Q and thus α = β. suppose p ⊈ q. Then by linearity of P we have q ⊆ p and • Let A : P4(X) be an inhabited set of ordinals, i.e. there thus P↓q = (P↓p)↓q. But then P↓p ⪯ (P↓p)↓q in conflict is α = [P] with Aα. Now using LEM, either α is already with Fact 5.8 □ least or there is Q such that Aβ for β = [Q] with P ⪯̸ Q. We now proceed to the embedding theorem, stating that Then by the embedding theorem (Theorem 5.10) we well-orders are comparable. Afterwards, this will be the main obtain p with Pp such that Q ≈ P↓p. Since P is well- ingredient to show that the type of well-orders internal to X founded, we can further assume that p is the least is itself well-ordered (Theorem 5.13). element with A[P↓p]. We now claim that [P↓p] is the least element of A, so P2( ) P2( ) Theorem 5.10 (LEM). If P : X and Q : X are well- for any γ = [R] with Aγ we need to show that P↓p ⪯ R. founded, then either P and Q are strongly isomorphic or one of Suppose otherwise, then again using Theorem 5.10 we them embeds into a proper initial segment of the other: obtain that R ≈ (P↓p)↓r = P↓r for some r with (P↓p)r, P ≈ Q ∨ ( q. Qq ∧ P ≈ Q↓q) ∨ ( p. Pp ∧ Q ≈ P↓p) contradicting the leastness of p. □ ∃ ∃ The Generalised Continuum Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

We conclude this section by proving the expected proper- Proof. We introduce the three bijections separately. ties regarding the cardinality of H(X). • The trivial injection defined by д tt := ⊤ and д ff := ⊥ Theorem 5.14 (LEM). H(X) ̸≤ X but H(X) ≤ P3(X). can be inverted with IEM. • The easy injection is (Σx.px + Σx. ¬px) → X just Proof. The latter follows directly from Fact 2.4. For the for- projecting out the witness. For the inverse we need mer, suppose there were an injection F : H(X) → X. In- IEM to decide px + ¬px for a given x. tuitively, we can derive a contradiction since F induces a • The injection X → Σy. x.y = f x just supplements (partial) well-order in X that is too big to be accommodated. f x with the trivial proof∃ of x ′. f x = f x ′. We need Formally, consider PF := λp. α. p = α↓ where α↓ := ∃ ∃ UC to extract the (unique) preimage from an element λx. β. Fβ = x → β ≤ α. Clearly PF inherits the well- ∀ y with x.y = f x. □ foundedness from H(X), so αF := [PF ] is an ordinal. More- ∃ over, it is easy to verify that α ≤ β ↔ α↓ ⊆ β↓, so αF is The first key lemma |P(X)| = |P(X) + P(X)| for infinite isomorphic to the full order on H(X). But then we can show X is now provable by composing the bijections established. that P ⪯ P ↓α witnessed by the function λp. [P↓p] in F F F ↓ ↓ Lemma 6.4 (LEM,UC). If X is infinite, then |X | = |1 + X | contradiction to Fact 5.8. □ and |P(X)| = |P(X) + P(X)|. 6 Sierpiński’s Result in Coq’s Type Theory Proof. Let f : N → X be injective and let rx := n. x = f n ∃ In this section, we show that for GCHT and ACT as defined in denote its range. Then we deduce: the introduction, the former implies the latter. Like in the set- |X | = |Σx.rx + Σx. ¬rx| = |N + Σx. ¬rx| theoretic version, we now factor through the well-ordering = |1 + N + Σx. ¬rx| = |1 + Σx.rx + Σx. ¬rx| = |1 + X | theorem WOT quantifying over all types by showing that every type X embeds into H(Y ) for suitable Y. For the sake Employing this fact, we further deduce: of easy definitions of the necessary injections and bijections, |P(X)| = |P(1 + X)| = |P(1) × P(X)| = |(1 → B) × P(X)| we assume a unique choice operator as follows. = |B × P(X)| = |P(X) + P(X)| UC := X . p : X → P. ( !x. px) → Σx. px ∀ ∀ ∃ As done with LEM, we will make explicit which statements Note the LEM and UC were needed only due to Fact 6.3 used rely on UC but also show in the next section how to proceed to obtain the first claim. □ without this assumption. Notably, both assumptions together The second key lemma states that for “big enough” X an yield an informative variant of excluded middle. injection of P(X) into X + Y already induces an injection Fact 6.1 (LEM,UC). IEM := P : P. P + ¬P holds. of P(X) into Y. This holds intuitively since, given Cantor’s ∀ theorem, X alone cannot contribute enough to the size of Proof. Given P : P and employing LEM we can show that the X + Y to accommodate P(X). predicate p : B → P defined by p tt := P and p ff := ¬P is inhabited. This propositional -witnesses cannot be analysed Fact 6.5. For every functional relation R : X → P(X) one to decide P + ¬P yet but with∃ UC we can turn it into an can construct some p : P(X) with ¬Rxp for all x. informative Σ-witness admitting the needed elimination. □ Proof. By the diagonalisation p := λx. q. Rxq → ¬qx. □ We begin with some elementary bijections concerning the ∀ |P( )| ≤ | + | | + | ≤ | | type B of booleans and the unit type 1 needed later. Lemma 6.6. If X X Y and X X X , then already |P(X)| ≤ |Y |. Fact 6.2. There are bijections as follows: Proof. We first deduce |P(X) × P(X)| = |P(X + X)| ≤ | | |B × | |N| |1 N| X + X = X = + |P(X)| ≤ |X + Y | using Fact 2.3 for the second step. Let |X | = |1 → X | |P(X + Y)| = |P(X) × P(Y )| this be witnessed by an injection f : P(X) × P(X) → X + Y . : → P( ) → P Proof. All are obvious, the lower two of course rely on FE. □ Then we can define a relation R X X by Rxp := q. f (p,q) = i1x. Using Cantor’s theorem (Fact 6.5) ∃ Crucial for the proof of Sierpiński’s theorem is a criterion there is pc such that x. ¬Rxpc . for types X satisfying |X | = |X + X |. In the presence of AC, We can now define∀ an injection д′ : P(X) → X + Y ′ this holds for all infinite X. Without AC, we can still obtain by д q := f (pc ,p) and observe that for every q it must be ′ ′ this bijection for the power P(X) of infinite X. To prepare д q = i2y for some y since if it were д q = i1x for some x ′ this result, we state some further bijections relying on UC. we would obtain Rxpc . Thus д can easily be refined to an Fact 6.3 (LEM,UC). Assume a predicate p : X → P and an injection д : P(X) → Y . □ → injection f : X Y . There are bijections as follows: With this second key lemma in place, we are now prepared |B| = |P| |X | = |Σx.px +Σx. ¬px| |X | = |Σy. x.y = f x| to establish the implication from GCHT to WOT. ∃ CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech

Theorem 6.7 (LEM,UC). GCHT yields |X | ≤ |H(P(N+X))|, Fact 7.2 (LEM). Assume a predicate p : X → P and an so X can be well-ordered. Thus GCHT implies WOT. injection f : X → Y . There are relational bijections |B| =r |P|, |X | =r |Σx.px + Σx. ¬p|, and |X | =r |Σy. x.y = f x|. Proof. First note that N + X is infinite by injectivity of i1 : ∃ N → N + X and hence so is X ′ := P(N + X) by Fact 2.6. Proof. It is straightforward to define the bijective functions Moreover, due to Lemma 6.4, X ′ satisfies the following: given in Fact 6.3 as relations without appealing to any axiom. We then employ LEM to verify that those relations indeed (∗) : n. |Pn(X ′) + Pn(X ′)| ≤ |Pn(X ′)| ∀ have the desired properties. □ We now show that every infinite Y satisfying (∗) in place of Fact 7.3. If X has a (strict) well-order and |Y | ≤ |X |, then Y X ′ with |H(Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y )| satisfies |Y | ≤ |H(Y)| by induction r has a (strict) well-order. on k. The original claim follows since then |X | ≤ |X ′| ≤ ′ ′ 3 ′ |H(X )| given that |H(X )| ≤ |P (X )| by Theorem 5.14. Proof. If RX is a well-order on X and S : Y → X → P shows ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ So first considering k = 0 we would have |H(Y )| ≤ |Y | in |Y | ≤r |X |, then RY yy := x, x . Syx → Sy x → RX xx is direct conflict with Theorem 5.14. Next considering k = k ′+1 a well-order on Y. ∀ □ with |H(Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y )| we observe To proceed, we now also need to reformulate GCH since ′ ′ |Pk (Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y) + H(Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y )| it contributes both positively and negatively to the proof of ′ Theorem 6.7: given that |Pk (Y) + H(Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y) + Pk (Y)| ≤ |Pk (Y )| using (∗) for k in the last step. We can now apply GCH to GCHP := XY . |N| ≤ |X | ≤r |Y | ≤r |X → P| ∀ this situation and obtain two cases: → |Y | ≤r |X | ∨ |X → P| ≤r |Y | ′ ′ • If |Pk (Y ) + H(Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y )| we can derive |H(Y )| ≤ ′ ′ Finally, since the step from WOT to ACT needed for Corol- |Pk (Y) + H(Y )| ≤ |Pk (Y )| |Y | ≤ and thus conclude lary 6.9 relies on UC as well, we also need to weaken ACT |H(Y)| with the inductive hypothesis for k ′. • |Pk ( )| ≤ |Pk′ ( ) ( )| |Pk ( )| ≤ ACP := XY . R : X → Y → P. ( x. y. Rxy) If Y Y + H Y we obtain Y ∀ ∀ ∀ ∃ |H(Y)| from Lemma 6.6 using (∗) for k ′ and thus con- → R′ ⊆ R. x. !y. R′xy | | ≤ | ( )| ∃ ∀ ∃ clude Y H Y . □ where we write R′ ⊆ R to denote xy. R′xy → Rxy. We ∀ Finally, we complete the proof of Sierpiński’s theorem can then reformulate the main statements as follows: with the type-theoretic variant of the fact that the well- Theorem 7.4 (LEM). GCHP yields |X | ≤r |H(P(N + X))|, ordering theorem implies the axiom of choice. so X can be well-ordered. Thus GCHP implies WOT.

Fact 6.8 (UC). WOT implies ACT. Proof. The proof follows exactly the same outline as Theo- rem 6.7 with all statements recast for functional total re- Proof. Analogous to Fact 4.2 using UC in place of δ. □ lations in the fashion of Fact 7.2. Crucially, it is easy to | ( )| ̸≤ | | Corollary 6.9 (LEM,UC). GCHT implies ACT. strengthen Theorem 5.14 to yield H X r X . We then conclude WOT with Fact 7.3. □ 7 Eliminating Unique Choice Fact 7.5. WOT implies ACP. We now outline how to reformulate the development in the Proof. previous section to avoid UC and refer to the Coq mechani- As in Fact 6.8 but without using UC to turn the con- sation for full detail. Recall that the necessity for UC stems structed total functional relation into a function. □ from the notion of injections and bijections based on type- Corollary 7.6 (LEM). GCHP implies ACP. theoretic functions, which already renders the bijections in Fact 6.3 undefinable. As a remedy, we now weaken these We conclude with the fact that, although ACP is a rather notions to total functional relations. weak choice axiom, it still implies LEM and hence Corol- lary 7.6 is still a faithful rendering of Sierpiński’s theorem. Definition 7.1. We write |X | ≤r |Y | if there is a total func- Fact 7.7. ACP implies LEM. tional and injective relation R : X → Y → P and |X | =r |Y | if R is surjective in addition. Proof. A proof adapting Diaconescu’s theorem that the ax- iom of choice implies excluded middle can be found in the It is clear that |X | ≤ |Y | and |X | = |Y | imply |X | ≤ |Y | r Coq standard library.5 For an outline, consider the relation and |X | = |Y |, respectively, and that the converse directions r R : (Σp : B → P. b. pb) → B → P from inhabited predi- hold in the presence of UC. Also, it is easy to verify that the cates over B to B defined∃ by Rxb := π xb. Since R is easily relational variants are still respected by sums, products, and 1 proven total, AC yields a total functional subrelation R′ ⊆ R. powers. Moreover, now the crucial bijections in Fact 6.3 only P rely on LEM while injections still transport well-orders: 5 The Generalised Continuum Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark

Now given an arbitrary proposition P : P, consider the two every ordinal would have a successor and the initial case predicates Ub := b = tt ∨ P and Vb := b = ff ∨ P. Since distinction in Theorem 5.13 to prove that ordinals are well- both are inhabited, we obtain unique b and b′ with R′Ub ordered could be side-stepped. Secondly, instead of directly and R′Vb′. Case analysis on b and b′ directly yields P in employing the classical notion of well-foundedness via least three cases, in the remaining case where b = ff and b′ = tt elements one could follow the more constructive (but classi- we show ¬P. Indeed, assuming P yields U = V but then cally equivalent) approach based on termination and exten- ff = b = b′ = tt given that R′ is functional. □ sionality as chosen in the HoTT Book [43]. In this setting, the type of ordinals can be shown to be an ordinal constructively. 8 Discussion However, as it still does not seem sufficient for a proof of ACT to embed every type into a terminating extensional preorder, 8.1 Comparison LEM would be needed for this final step and therefore we We briefly compare both presented versions of Sierpiński’s chose the setup as explained. In particular regarding the first theorem with respect to their overall strategy as well as the point, considering inclusion as the canonical ordering has usage of excluded middle (LEM) and unique choice (UC). its advantages since then only requiring well-foundedness In principle, both proof strategies are analogous and in is enough to represent the internal well-orders. Neverthe- particular the second half of the argument following the con- less, we do pay attention to constructivisation where easily struction of the Hartogs numbers as sets ℵ(A) respectively possible, most notably by incorporating the weak versions types H(X) is identical up to formulation in the respective of equipotence and isomorphism so to not depend on the framework. The first half differs in the usage of set-theoretic non-constructive Cantor-Bernstein theorem [33]. ordinals to directly define ℵ(A), postponing the concrete rep- Regarding UC as a means to better align the type-theoretic resentation witnessing |ℵ(A)| ≤ |P6(A)| based on the usual and set-theoretic version, we have illustrated that one can set-theoretic notion of well-orderings as subsets of A × A. avoid this assumption if one is willing to work with total Given their natural ordering by membership (Lemma 3.8), functional relations X → Y → P instead of functions X → Y . the relevant properties of set-theoretic ordinals are easy to However, we are convinced that assuming UC is a good mechanise, particularly benefiting from the inductive char- investment to develop a compact and easy-to-explain proof, acterisation available in higher-order set theory. In the type- even if it can be eliminated afterwards. When translating set- theoretic version, one could of course approximate ordinals theoretic results to dependent type theory, it just seems more as equivalence classes of abstract well-orders, but already natural to let the respective notions of functions coincide. As their ordering based on embeddings instead of primitive for LEM, we refrained from using UC where easily possible, membership would not be as direct. Therefore we did not for instance in the construction of functions from relations introduce those abstract ordinals altogether but only consid- into a power type used in Lemma 5.5. Note that assuming UC 3 ered the “small” ordinals representable by elements of P (X), only as a proposition in the form of ACT would be enough hence obtaining the stricter bound |H(X)| ≤ |P3(X)|. for the existence of the bijections in Fact 6.3 but still does As must be expected, the set-theoretic development heav- not allow for their canonical definitions. ily relies on LEM, especially to handle ordinals. Worth men- tioning is that, in contrast to the usual first-order regularity 8.2 Mechanisation Details axiom, the foundation axiom we assume for S does not im- The accompanying Coq mechanisation consists of two sepa- ply LEM [30], so our axiomatisation of higher-order ZF, just rate stand-alone developments for the set-theoretic (about like the higher-order versions of CZF discussed in [4], can 2700 lines) and the type-theoretic (about 1700 lines) ver- in principle be used to mechanise set theory constructively. sions of Sierpiński’s theorem. The shared prelims in Sec- Given the description operator definable from relational tion2 are mostly linked to the latter. Both developments replacement (Lemma 3.1), UC is available on sets. Thus, as assume excluded middle as well as functional and proposi- in first-order set-theory, there is no detectable difference be- tional extensionality as axioms. Notably, in the set-theoretic tween a total functional relation and a function on sets. On development, excluded middle is assumed by importing the the other hand, if we were to assume UC on all types, the en- Coq.Logic.Classical library to make it visible for the stan- codings eX : X → X defined in Definition 3.2 could be lifted dard automation tactics. The set-theoretic development de- to proper bijections |X | = |X | and especially eliminators like pends on an assumed model of higher-order ZF as axioma- a recursor on ordinals matching the transfinite induction tised in a previous development [26]. principle (Lemma 3.14) could be given. Since those properties Especially the set-theoretic development employs a few were not necessary for our purpose, however, we refrained notable features to ease the mechanisation. First, implement- from assuming general UC in the set-theoretic development. ing the identification of classes and types, we employ aco- In the type-theoretic development, there are two decisions ercion from classes to types which allows us to write for necessitating LEM early on that could be avoided. First, if example A → B to express the type of functions from a class we would treat ordinals abstractly as mentioned above, then A to a class B. Formally, elements of a class A are dependent CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark Dominik Kirst and Felix Rech pairs consisting of a set x and a proof that x ∈ A. By proof spaces, cardinality, orderings etc. with no need for boilerplate irrelevance, equality of such pairs is equivalent to equality set encodings.7 Thirdly, our set-theoretic proof serves as a of the first components. We often need to turn elements of bridge to the additionally presented type-theoretic version, classes into sets and sets into elements. For the first direction, showcasing a new instance of a set-theoretic result abstract we have a simple coercion. To make the other direction more enough to apply to dependent type theory. convenient, we treat the element-property with a type class Regarding work in other proof assistants, in Mizar, AC and hide it as an implicit argument. Whenever the element- holds as a consequence of Tarski’s axiom A [2]. The Is- property cannot be inferred automatically, then we often use abelle/ZF library contains many results about ordinals and the command Program Definition. In proof scripts, we cardinals as well as proofs of the equivalence between 20 for- achieve a similar effect with tactics like unshelve eexact, mulations of AC and 7 formulations of WO [32]. Moreover, unshelve eapply, and unshelve eexists. They introduce Paulson [31] mechanises the relative consistency of GCH the property as an existential variable and then unshelve and AC based on the constructible universe L. Using Coq, that variable to turn it into a goal. Sun and Yu [41] mechanise AC and some of its equivalences Secondly, the formulations of constructors and recursors in Morse-Kelley set theory. Working in Lean, Han and van on sets do not posses any useful conversion properties. Com- Doorn [16, 17] mechanise the independence of CH over ZFC. putation has to be done by rewriting. For that purpose, Notably, they establish the consistency part by σ-closed forc- we generally register computation rules with autorewrite. ing instead of the classical approaches via constructibility. This tactic is also useful to apply the defining properties of sets or set operations like the union. The tactics apply and Mechanised higher-order set theory. Higher-order ver- auto could be used in principle but are less helpful for that sions of ZF and CZF have been formulated using Coq by purpose since we often rewrite on specific subterms. Werner [45] and Barras [4], respectively, with a focus on The type-theoretic development employs fewer notable model constructions. Kirst and Smolka mechanise a cate- features since it is does not add an additional layer of ax- goricity result for higher-order ZF [24] and construct large iomatisation. We only remark that setoid rewriting to handle models containing finitely many Grothendieck universes26 [ ]. equivalence relations on types like |X | = |Y | seems not to In [25] they illustrate how assuming AC on type-level in- work well below sum and product types.6 Moreover, it would duces AC on set-level, a property specific to higher-order have been a minor simplification of subtypes Σx. px if proof set theory and also true for GCH. Kirst [23] mechanises irrelevance were to hold computationally as implemented an ordinal-theoretic proof that AC implies WO in a com- in the SProp universe of strict propositions [13]. It might be parable setting and Kaiser [21] is concerned with an ax- possible to transfer the whole development to SProp but this iomatisation of higher-order Tarski-Grothendieck set the- would require to reimplement a logic library in SProp first ory in Coq. Brown and Pąk [8] compare the higher-order and to check that no large eliminations other than from ⊥ Tarski-Grothendieck set theory implemented in Egal [6] were used. with its first-order counterpart implemented in Mizar [3]. Brown, Kaliszyk, and Pąk [7] show that higher-order Tarski- 8.3 Related Work Grothendieck set theory can serve as a common foundation of the Isabelle/HOL and Isabelle/Mizar frameworks. The Lean Mechanised first-order set-theory involving AC or CH. mathematical library [28] contains a model of higher-order As mentioned in the introduction, Carneiro [9] mechanises ZF with functional replacement. Sierpiński’s theorem in Metamath [29], based on an existing library of first-order ZF. The mechanisation in principle fol- Set-theoretic results in type theory. Chapter 10 of the lows Specker’s local version requiring just two instances of HoTT book [43] contains a body of set-theoretic results for- GCH [22, 40] and reimplements one of the library lemmas to mulated for the h-set fragment of homotopy type theory, avoid a dependency on AC. The present paper differs from including a type-theoretical proof of the well-ordering the- Carneiro’s work in three ways. First, we used the slightly orem. This result was also mechanised in Agda [19] and less local proof variants given in [38] and [14] since they Coq [37]. De Rauglaudre [10] mechanises the Banach-Tarski appeared simpler to generalise to type theory. Secondly, our Paradox in Coq, stating that the axiom of choice implies set-theoretic development is based on a higher-order axioma- that a ball is equidecomposable with two balls of the same tisation natural to work with in an expressive meta-logic. size. The development assumes the axiom of choice in the Concretely, this setting provides the instructive means of form TTCA formulated by Werner [45] and shows the claim inductive definitions for iterative constructions such as ordi- for an axiomatised type of real numbers. Jaber et al. [20] nals and allows for reusing meta-level notions like function propose a forcing translation for intuitionistic type theory,

6 For instance the rewriting step in infinite_unit only worked after 7Of course library and tool support help to overcome the drawbacks of first- aliasing sums and products and inserting explicit type annotations. This order axiomatisations but we are convinced that the higher-order approach problem has been reported on Coq’s issue tracker. used in this paper is a worthwhile alternative in a system like Coq. The Generalised Continuum Hypothesis Implies the Axiom of Choice in Coq CPP ’21, January 18–19, 2021, Virtual, Denmark applied to force the negation of the continuum hypothesis it would be interesting to mechanise Gödel’s original model referring to the types N and N → P. Grimm [15] works on a of first-order ZF satisfying the generalised continuum hy- mechanisation of Bourbaki’s set theory directly phrased in pothesis, namely the constructible universe L. It would be Coq’s type theory. worthwhile to compare the existing Isabelle/ZF mechanisa- tion of L to a Coq version, possibly employing MetaCoq [39] Sources. Both versions of Sierpińki’s theorem discussed in support for the central notion of first-order definability. this paper are based on the presentations in [38] and [14]. The Fourthly, we plan to mechanise the undecidability of de- set-theoretic version was developed in the second author’s ductive consequence in ZF and other first-order axiom sys- master’s project [34]. tems in the synthetic framework underlying the growing Coq library of undecidability proofs [11, 12]. 8.4 Future Work We expect that a mechanisation of Sierpiński’s theorem for Acknowledgments instance carried out in CoqHoTT [5] or cubical Agda [44] The authors would like to thank Mario Carneiro, Yannick would offer an interesting comparison to our Coq develop- Forster, Julian Rosemann, Gert Smolka, and the anonymous ment. 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