Glasgow Math. J. 55 (2013) 511–532. C Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust 2013. doi:10.1017/S0017089512000699. TAUBERIAN THEOREMS AND SPECTRAL THEORY IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES RICHARD J. DE BEER Internal Box 209, School of Computer, Statistics & Mathematical Sciences North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) Pvt. Bag X6001, Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa e-mail:
[email protected] (Received 1 February 2012; revised 9 August 2012; accepted 28 November 2012; first published online 25 February 2013) Abstract. We investigate the spectral theory of integrable actions of a locally compact abelian group on a locally convex vector space. We start with an analysis of various spectral subspaces induced by the action of the group. This is applied to analyse the spectral theory of operators on the space, generated by measures on the group. We apply these results to derive general Tauberian theorems that apply to arbitrary locally compact abelian groups acting on a large class of locally convex vector spaces, which includes Frechet´ spaces. We show how these theorems simplify the derivation of Mean Ergodic theorems. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 37A30, 40E05, 43A45 1. Introduction. The aim of this paper is to develop enough spectral theory of integrable group actions on locally convex vector spaces to prove Tauberian theorems, which are applicable to ergodic theory. The Tauberian theorems proved in Section 5 apply to the situation where a general locally compact abelian group acts on certain types of barrelled spaces, and in particular all Frechet´ spaces. This generalises the Tauberian theorem shown in [4], which applies only to the action of the integers on a Banach space.