Cold-Read Task Answer Key

1. C Part A

D Part B

2. C Part A

A Part B

3. B Part A

C , E Part B

4. D Part A

A Part B

5. D Part A

A , D Part B

6. B Part A

C , E , F Part B

Grade 4: Hurricanes 7. Exemplar Student Response

Hurricanes can be considered famous for many reasons. These hurricanes stand out, and they are remembered because of how large they were, how strong they were, or how much damage they caused. Knowing about these hurricanes of the past helps people prepare for future hurricanes by remembering the most famous hurricanes of the past. Size, strength, and loss of property and life are all factors that can make a hurricane be considered “famous.”

First of all, the size of a hurricane can make it famous. was so large that is went through 5 different states and . Also, was so large that it caused destruction in the Virgin Island, Puerto Rico, and the state along the South Atlantic Coast. If a hurricane is really large, it will impact many people and become famous.

Another reason why a hurricane can become famous is its strength. Hurricane Hazel was famous because it was one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit North America. It leveled three towns and killed over 1,000 people in Haiti. Hazel went on to hit the U.S mainland and strengthened. It killed 99 people in the US before it was over. Another famous hurricane is . The was 19 feet high and swept through towns destroying everything in its path. When a hurricane is very strong, it can become famous.

Finally, the amount of property or lives lost because of a hurricane can also make it famous. proved to be memorable because it sped up and arrived ahead of schedule. Because people were not ready, 400 died. When arrived in 1954, people were prepared so only 60 people died. However, Carol is famous because it still did more property damage than any other storm. When a hurricane causes a lot of damage, people remember it and it becomes important in history.

To sum things up, hurricanes are remembered because of their size, strength, and the loss of property and life. Hurricanes can be unpredictable and dangerous. People often share their experiences with these memorable hurricanes as a way to educate others of the dangers that could take place in the future. This makes a hurricane famous.

Grade 4: Hurricanes