Pennsylvania Bibliographies

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Pennsylvania Bibliographies PENNSYLVANIA BIBLIOGRAPHIES COMPILED BY HENRY PUTNEY BEERS, PH.D. Philadelphia, Pa. (Concluded from Last Number) RELIGIOUS Bender, Harold S., Two Centuries of American Mennonite Litera- ture, a Bibliography of Mennonitica Americana, 1727-i928, (Goshen College, Studies in Anabaptist and Menonite His- tory, No. 1), Goshen, Ind., The Menonite Historical Society, 1929, 181 pp. (Reprinted from the Menonite Quarterly Review, I-II, Jan., 1927-April, 1928.) Cresson, Charles Caleb, Quakeriana; or, Books relating to the Quakers, being rated as the Most Important Private Collec- tion in the Country. Estate Charles Caleb Cresson, deceased, of Germantown, Philadelphia; embracing the rarest works for and against Quakerism from the First Establishment of the Society, also scarce Americana. ., compiled by Stan V. Henkels, Philadelphia, 1902, 52 pp. Dubbs, J. H., "Early Publications, Literary Activity as Developed at Ephrata," Lancaster Farmer, May, 1880. (Also in The Lancaster Examiner and Express, July 16, 1881). Dubbs, J. H., Early Hymnology of Pennsylvania, n. p., n. p., (1882?), (Also in Quarterly Review, Oct., 1888). Edmunds, Albert J., "Quaker Literature in the Libraries of Phila- delphia, The Westonian, XIII, 182-203, (Eleventh Month, 1907). Flory, John S., "Appendix . work Produced, either Written or Printed, by the German Baptists in the Eighteenth Cen- tury," Literary Activity of the German Baptist Brethren in the Eighteenth Century, pp. 291-327, Elgin, Ill., 1908. The Franklin Bookshop, Quakeriana, Out of Print Books, Pam- phlets, Broadsheets, Engravings, and Manuscripts relating to The Society of Friends, Catalogue No. 19, Season I907-8, Quaker List No. 2, Philadelphia, The Franklin Bookshop, 1908, 50 pp. Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia, General Index to Bul- letin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volumes I-X, I906-i921, Bulletin IX-X, 1922, 99 pp. Friends' Library, Philadelphia, Catalogue of the Books belonging 46 PENNSYLVANIA BIBLIOGRAPHIES 47 to the Library of! the Four Monthly Meetings of Friends of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1853, 349 pp. Friends' Library, Philadelphia, Supplementary Catalogue of Books belonging to the Library of Friends of Philadelphia, I853 to i873, Philadelphia, 1873, 73 pp. Friends' Historical Library, Swarthmore College, Catalogue of the Friends' Historical Library of Swarthmore College, Swarth- more, Pa., 1893, 62 pp. Henkels' Stan V., Quakeriana, a Remarkable Collection of Books relating to the Society of Friends, to be sold May 6, i9ii, CatalogueNo. i032, Philadelphia, 1911, 95 pp. Hinke, William J., "Bibliography of the Reformed Church of the United States prior to 1800," Pennsylvania-German Society, Proceedings and Addresses, XI, 341-349, (1900). Horsch, John, Catalogue of the Mennonite Historical Library in Scottdale, Pennsylvania, Scottdale, Mennonite Publishing House, 1929, 8 pp. Kriebel, Howard W., "Bibliography," The Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania German Society, Proceedings and Addresses, XIII, 183-202, (1904). Library Association of Friends, Philadelphia, Catalogue of Books in Friends' Library, Cherry Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1853, 82 pp. Littleboy, Anna L., A History of the Friends' Reference Library; with Notes on Early Printers and Printing in the Society of Friends, Devonshire House, London, Friends' Historical So- ciety, 1922, 31 pp. Malin, W. G., Catalogue of Books relating to or illustrating the History of the Unitas Frutrum, or United Brethren, Phila- delphia, 1881, 131 pp. Mode, Peter G., "Pennsylvania in the Colonial Time-Bibliogra- phy," Source Book and Bibliographical Guide for American Church History, pp. 149-158, Menasha, Wis., 1921. Roberts, Charles, Illustrated Catalogue of the Private Library of the Late Charles Roberts of Philadelphia, comprising an Ex- tensive Collection of Noteworthy Quakeriana, To be sold August ioth, i9i6 . the American Art Association Man- agers, New York, 1918, 138 pp. Sachse, Julius Frederick, "The Ephrata Press," The German Sec- tarians of Pennsylvania, I742-i800, A Criticaland Legendary History of the Ephrata Cloister and the Dunkers, III, pp. 222-254, Philadelphia, 1900. Sachse, Julius Frederick, The Music of the Ephrata Cloister ... Amplified with Fac-Simile Reproductions of Parts of the Text and Some Original Ephrata Music of the Weyrauchs Hfigel, i739, Rosen and Lilian, 1745, Turtel Taube, i747, Choral Buch; i754, etc., Lancaster, 1903, 108 pp. 48 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY Schulte's Book Store, A Catalogue of Quakeriana and Anti- Quaker Literature, New York, Schulte's Book Store, Cata- logue No. 75, 1917, 24 pp. Smith, Joseph, A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, or Books Written by Members of the Society of Friends, 2 v., London, 1867, 1027, 984 pp. Smith, Joseph, Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana: or a Catalogue of Books adverse to the Society of Friends, London, 1873, 474 pp. Smith, Joseph, Bibliotheca Quakeristica, a Bibliography of Mis- cellaneous Literature relating to the Friends (Quakers), Lon- don, 1883, 32 pp. Society of Friends, George Fox Tercentenary, i624-I924: a Select List of Books on the Society of Friends (Quakers) and Its Founder, Norwich, England. Public Libraries, Reader's Guide, (July-Sept., 1924). Thomas, Allen C., "Quaker Books and Quakeriana in the Library of Haverford College," Friends' Historical Society of Phila- delphia, Bulletin, IX, 27-32, (May, 1919). Warrington, James, "A Bibliography of Church Music Books issued in Pennsylvania, with Annotations," Penn Germania, n. s., I, 170-177, 262-268, (March-April, 1912). W(hiting), J(ohn), A Catalogue of Friends' Books: written by Many of the People called Quakers, from the Beginning or First Appearance of said People, London, 1708, 238 pp. Antiquarian Researches among the Early Printers and Pub- lishers of Friends' Books, Extracted from The American Friend, Philadelphia, Manchester, England, 1844, 63 pp. AUTHORS Aurand, A. Monroe, Jr., Notes and Queries: Historical,Biograph- ical and Genealogical: Relating Chiefly to Interior Pennsyl- vania, 1878-I900, The Works of Dr. William Henry Egle, Privately Printed: The Aurand Press, Harrisburg, Pa., 1934, 64 pp. Barnhart, John Hendley, "Bartram (John) Bibliography," Bar- tonia, a Botanical Annual, No. 12, Sup., John Bartram Cele- bration Committee, Account of the 200th Anniversary of the Founding of the Ist Botanic Garden in the American Col- onies, pp. 51-67, 1931. Baumgarten, Paul Maria, Henry Charles Leas Historical Writ- ings, a Critical Inquiry into Their Method and Merit, New York, 1909, 200 pp. Bradford, Thomas Lindsley, The Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Philadelphia, 1895, 513 pp. PENNSYLVANIA BIBLIOGRAPHIES 49 Brinton, Daniel Garrison, Analytical Catalogue of Works and Scientific Articles by, n. p., n. p., 1892, 14 pp. Brinton, Daniel G., A Record of Study in American Aboriginal Languages, Printed for Private Distribution, Media, Pa., 1898, 24 pp. Culin, Stewart, "Bibliography (of the Works of D. G. Brinton)," American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, Memorial Vol- ume, I, 147-172, Philadelphia, 1900. Edmunds, Albert J., Edmunds Bibliography, n. p., n. p., n. d., 11 pp. Finotti, Joseph Maria, "Mathew Carey," Bibliographica Catholica Americana, a List of Books written by Catholic Authors, and published in the United States from i784 to I82o inclusive, Part I, pp. 268-291, 296-299, New York, 1872. Heartman, Charles Frederick, A Bibliography of the Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge Prior to i825, (Heartman's His- torical Series, Number 29), New York, 1917, 37 pp. Jackson, Joseph, "A Bibliography of the Works of Charles God- frey Leland," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biog- raphy, XLIX, 261-288, 329-348, (July-Oct., 1925), L, 38-63, 149-162, 254-266, 367-379, (Jan.-Oct., 1926), LI, 79-91, (Jan., 1927), (Also reprinted separately, 1927, 129 pp). Jackson, Joseph, "A Bibliography of the Works of George Lip- pard," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, LIV, 131-154, 381-383, (1930). Marshall, Clara, "Titles of Medical Papers written by the Alumnae of the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania prior to January 1, 1897," The Woman's Medical College of Pennsyl- vania, pp. 89-142, Philadelphia, 1897. Mills, Charles Karsner, Bibliography of Charles K. Mills, M.D., 1872-1907, n. p., n. p., 1907, 19 pp. Newlin, Claude M., The Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge, n. p., n. p., 1927, 33 pp. Mitchell, Silas Weir, A Catalogue of the Scientific and Literary Work of S. Weir Mitchell, 185p-i894, n. p., n. p., n. d., 40 pp. (University of Pennsylvania copy has MSS. addi- tions by the author up to 1907.) Paltsits, Victor Hugo, A Bibliography of the Separate and Col- lected Works of Philip Freneau together with an Account of his Newspapers, New York, 1903, 96 pp. Pennsylvania History Club, "List of Members with Their His- torical Bibliographies, A Contribution to Pennsylvania His- torical Bibliography," Publications of the Pennsylvania His- tory Club, I, 19-58, (Feb., 1909). Ruschenberger, W. R. S., "List of Biographical Notices of Fel- lows and Doctors of the College of Physicians of Philadel- phia," An Account of the Institution and Progress of the 50 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY College of Physicians of Philadelphia, pp. 292-304, Phila- delphia, 1887. Sabin, Joseph, "Penn," A Dictionary of Books relating to Amer- ica from its Discovery to the Present Time, XIV, pp. 311- 324, New York, 1884. Sargent, George H., The Writings of A. Edward Newton, A Bibliography, with cogitations by Christopher Morley, Phila- delphia, 1927, 52 pp. Scudder, Newton
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