
The following are the minutes of a meeting of Great Wishford Parish Council held at St Giles Church on Thursday 26th September 2019

Present Mr S Noble, Mrs S Chalk, Mr P Dewey and Ms J Blenkinsop, Mr D Henry and Mr and Mrs Wileman Cook

1. Apologies None

2. Minutes The minutes of the meeting on Thursday 18th July 2019 were agreed and signed

3. Matters arising a. Parish Notice board. The notice board has been very kindly reclaimed by Mr L Griffiths. The council expressed their thanks for the work that he has done. b. Rights of Way. Information has been forwarded by the new Rights of Way officer about the responsibilities of landowners, the parish council and the county council. The landowner is to be asked to repair the broken step on the stile. c. Speeding in the Village. Advice is being sought from the police about the enforcing the 20mph limit, collecting data and identifying drivers who exceed the limit. d. The pathway to . The highways department were thanked for the good work that was done in cutting back the summer’s growth on this path.

4. County Councillor’s Report- Cllr Darren Henry Cllr Henry reported on the new Council leader, Philip Whitehead. He also spoke of the Boundary Review and how Great Wishford and South Newton are both to be in the Board Area

5. Payment of Accounts

HMRC 61.80 PCC 20.00 Clerk 244.80 Accounts Book 12.88

6. Date of next meeting:

Thursday November 28th 2019 at 7.30pm

7. General Business A letter had been received from a villager, complaining about dog fouling and asking for some action to be taken. The clerk has written to the Dog Warden this week, asking for advice but has heard nothing yet. New signs will be requested from Council and the council will proceed with the advice from the warden.

8. Any Other Business a. Cllr Henry is to follow up on the issue of the white van that is parked in Bonham Close, as residents have been given conflicting advice about the situation. b. The new light in Station Road is apparently a new installation by the County Council and is a model that will be used in future. c. Lights in West St and Kingsmead will be reported as not working. d. It was resolved to recognise the work done by two retired councillors with garden vouchers

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm www.greatwishfordpc.org.uk