Beyond Zero Emissions Annual Report 2018 -19 2 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19

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Recognition Of Of Recognition Custodians Traditional Beyond Zero Emissions stands in solidarity with First Nations people in calling for in solidarity with First Nations people Emissions stands Beyond Zero in the in the Constitution, as described a First Nations Voice the establishment of sovereignty that Aboriginal people’s recognise We the Heart. Uluru Statement from dispossession never ceded and the impact of this ongoing over their land was of a Makarrata further support calls for the establishment We continues to this day. and Torres and truth-telling between Aboriginal Commission on agreement-making Strait Islander peoples and governments. Beyond Zero Emissions respectfully Emissions respectfully Beyond Zero acknowledge the Traditional their Elders Owners of this land and and emerging. past, present BZE does not have a financial / auspice partner organisation. 1 2 4 BZE Annual Report Recognition of Message from traditional custodians the Chair and CEO 5 6 7 About us 2018-19 Our impact FY Achievements

8 13 14 Contents Publications Submission Initiatives progressed Beyond Zero Emissions Annual Report

17 21 22 Events Our unique Our people operating model

29 31 Our supporters Financial Report & and funder Disclosures 4 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Vanessa Petrie, CEO Petrie, Vanessa Eytan Lenko, Chair investors and local communities seeking funding. We communities seeking funding. We investors and local Snapshot, an innovative web also started work on for local emissions snapshots free tool that provides government areas. Emissions is a highly that Beyond Zero proud We’re trusted thought leader in climate solutions. regarded, weight’ – which People often say we ‘punch above our strategic we do. But the key to our success is choosing having the courage that mobilise community, projects seen as ‘too that are and ambition to tackle problems others, and by harnessing by power of the people hard’ our wonderful volunteers. Emissions being a part of the Beyond Zero love We our volunteers, and our Board, Our staff, community. doing work that will take we’re our funders. Together, Australia beyond zero. are ready to led the transition to zero carbon. Our to led the transition to zero ready are we work with our partners to work continues, as carbon factory. zero first build Australia’s highlights the Transurban Our partnership for companies moving us to leadership of Australian thrilled to build on were We future. carbon a zero Cement Rethinking Cement to develop Rethinking to in Australian Roadways, and we look forward seeing this vision become a reality. regional Renewables have the potential to drive Vision economic development. The 10 Gigawatt can power jobs energy shows how renewable The and investment in the Northern Territory. positive support our vision has enjoyed incredible, given vital it is that communities are how proves say yes to. Since launching, the to a future major has received exciting SunCable project Government, investors are from status project Government mobilising, and the Northern Territory forward has embraced much of our work in their thinking draft Climate Response. Communities continues to give Carbon Zero community leaders a boost by empowering building a network them with knowledge. We’re as they of leaders that can support each other renewable lead their communities towards Investment solutions. This year we established the bridge the gap between to Group, Reference

Message from Message the Chair and CEO and the Chair This year we accelerated climate action by This year we accelerated not only are growth’ showing that ‘jobs and – they are carbon economy compatible with a zero dependent on it. is coming revolution The next wave of industrial Our global first carbon economy. – the zero demonstrates how Electrifying Industry project fossil fuels to renewable fuel switching away from of electricity will boost the competitiveness costs and Australian manufacturing by reducing goods. zero-carbon producing Emissions we know that it is At Beyond Zero – you not enough to lead change with rhetoric emissions have to do the work to show how zero answer the question ‘how do is possible. To volunteer our team of 16 you electrify industry,’ the experts scoured bono and 30 pro researchers Under world for electrical heating technologies. we pieced together the leadership of Michael Lord, life case thousands of technical journals and real and compelling studies to develop a coherent strategy for making the big switch. of energy, hundreds launch the work we brought To government and manufacturing leaders together to start building the foundations of a thriving by renewables. manufacturing sector powered excited by this positive engagement because We’re industry leaders that Australia’s further proof it’s 5 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 1,900 13,000 14,000 We have an engaged have We social media following Participation in and Participation in and at representation festivals conferences, and events every year Together we can achieve a zero emissions we can achieve a zero Together everyone thrives. Australia where We host a regular a regular host We discussion group along with special events to share and our research connect people with expert and the latest in climate solutions Our Zero Carbon Community Our Zero implements our work program level at the local /regional more than more people listen to our two radio shows people listen to our on on 3CR, and podcasting broadcasting and Stitcher iTunes 14,000 reports, reports, Our funders support our staff workforce, superpower workforce, Our funders support our staff our impact. our volunteers and supercharge We have published have We every single one of which has influenced climate action 15 We work collaboratively with work We every level of government, business, finance and community operation since 2009 (BZE) has been in Beyond Zero Emissions Beyond Zero BZE has a national focus with a head office in BZE retains a dedicated BZE retains team of seven Board members and six full-time equivalent staff Melbourne All this with a small team of staff All this with a small team of staff than 100 volunteers working with more About us About At-a-glance Emissions (BZE) Beyond Zero think tank, is a climate solutions independent showing through and innovative research can solutions how Australia emissions. beyond zero reach 6 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 community event stalls volunteers Philanthropic Philanthropic funding partners, and many regular, personal donors Community radio episodes hours from Outreach Outreach from >7,000 >40 11 44 from from discussion groups hours Professionals >1,300 presentations 5 >60 Science and Solutions radio episodes growth growth in revenue 46 % experts meetings hours

from Pro bono Pro from >2,600 stakeholder >360 166

exceptional volunteers who Zero Carbon Factory, Zero which aims to bring knowledge, partners and funding together to carbon first zero build Australia’s factory Investment Group, Reference which aims to link community initiatives with impact investment Carbon Communities Zero Mentoring, which amplifies community bono pro leadership with support from mentors generously provided generously 110 >10,000 volunteer hours Introducing exciting new initiatives Introducing Progressing research to support the research Progressing or economy transition to a renewable NSW and the Hunter region, Collie, WA Zero Carbon Carbon Zero Communities

2018-19 Achievements 2018-19 At-a-Glance

Rethinking Cement in Australian Urban Roadways Partnering with Transurban to develop Partnering with Transurban The launch of an economic development plan show power can energy how renewable jobs and investment in the Northern electricity Territoryrenewable The launch of Electrifying Industry report showing global first – a major new, can fuel switch to how manufacturing electricity renewable 19 The 10 Gigawatt Vision

Supporting 7 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Our impact Our role in the global move towards a zero carbon economy is to demonstrate that a zero emissions Australia is achievable and affordable now. We do this through our research and engagement activities.

Outputs Outcomes Impact Aim …to show a zero emissions Australia National and regional National Policy Restoring a state and federal is achievable and affordable now. (economic sector and place-based) safe climate transition plans Vision and governments adopt policies, programs and funding to strategy for communities for a good Resources accelerate transition to case studies and pilots policy and zero quality of life People Enterprise Knowledge base recommendations submissions carbon technology across all economic sectors. for all Partners Office & Previous work Equipment Business Stakeholders Reputation Media articles Volunteers our reports create a vision for Expert staff and project Radio shows and a platform to engage with Board of Directors Strategic social media communities-of-practice business. When big business Staff team Conferences adopts change it is less risky for Boardroom presentations the government to follow Activity eg. 10GW Vision Compliance activities Fundraising Finance our volunteers include a network of investors and banks working together to change financial Research Engagement Operations systems. Practical solutions, Mobilising a network A well-functioning eg. Zero Carbon Investment Group focused, ambitious of volunteers and and sustainable and clear communities to bring organisation Communities to life and implement activated, empowered people that our research understand their own agency to create

change in the political dialogue. eg. Port Augusta 8 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 BZE’s Electrifying Industry Summit on Electrifying Industry Summit BZE’s September 13, 2018 (Melbourne) Spark! Foundation’s Energy Moreland on September 20-21, 2018 Conference 2018 (Melbourne) October 24-25, on Conference All Energy 2018 (Melbourne) Newcastle Electrifying Industry BZE’s 2018 Summit on 29 November, Electrifying Industry Seminar on February 26, 2019 (Adelaide) Electrifying Industry has been Electrifying Industry by leading enthusiastically embraced and has been industry associations including: at major events presented (September 13 2018) It takes huge amounts of heat for It takes huge amounts materials to transform raw manufacturers This ‘process into everyday products. gas, using fossil heat’, often produced for 8% of Australian is responsible the gas emissions. Globally, greenhouse heat is higher – contribution of process about 12% of all emissions. Emissions’ Electrifying The Beyond Zero demonstrates how Industry (2018) report can generate heat differently, manufacturers the smart use of renewable through By electrifying industry, electricity. can dramatically Australian manufacturers and eliminate productivity energy improve up to 8% of national emissions. together Electrifying Industry brought Australia and dozens of experts from world leading guides produce to abroad for the of manufacture milk powder, meals, beer, of prepared aluminium casting, bricks, paper, recycled plastic, glass, steel and ammonia. Publications Electrifying Industry Electrifying The result of tireless work from work from of tireless The result a team of volunteer researchers around bono experts from and pro the world, this groundbreaking been enthusiastically has report embraced by industry, government and abroad and media both here 2018. since its launch in September 9 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Outotec Brno University of Technology of Technology Austrian Institute Organisations Innovation C-Tech FlowPower Furnace Engineering GLP Renewables Agency InternationalEnergy Hamer Family Fund Lenko Family Foundation Foundation Charitable Mayor’s Lord Mullum Trust NR Peace and Justice Fund Pace Foundation Pixel Seed Robin Friday Funding partners As a result of our work on As a result Electrifying Industry, BZE has been invited to participate in NSW Energy Knowledge Hub and and Resources has carried on the work in our Zero In Emissions Factory proposition. translating our this way, we are into real cutting edge research world change. The following industry organisations organisations The following industry to the input and advice also provided research: RMIT Cryogrind Nel Hydrogen Newtecpoly ITK Services Australia Calix Carbon Nexus Electroglass Ecostore Engines Heat Viking Allviron Cementa Kallesøe Machinery Institute Danish Technological Polymeric Powders Mayekawa Australia Cranfield University ScanArc Eurotherm SINTEF Likido Professional partnerships Professional Editors Colin Irving Elle Zimmermann Imogen Jubb Madeleine Brennan Rachel Hennessy Sarah Quick Petrie Vanessa Michael Lord Alan Pears AM Dylan McConnell Osborne Jeremy Philip Harrington Afrina Samain Gelbart Andrew Anthony Voyage Azadeh Keshavarzmohammadian Martin Cameron Calum Sutherland Eytan Lenko Jingheng Liang Julius Keller Mathew Smith Michelle Brownlie Nasim Pour Patrick Blain Priyank Shriyan Thomas Harvey Burr Tom BZE Lead Author BZE Lead Advisory Volunteer Committee researchers Volunteer ” Alan Pears AM Volunteer Advisory Committee “BZE’s recent Industry Electrifying report has “BZE’s policy the focus of Australian helped shift of the industrial makers to the opportunities to fully decarbonise. and manufacturing sectors Industry for heat is responsible demand for greenhouse gas 8 per cent of Australia’s size of the problem, emissions. Despite the by policy makers. it has been neglected The Electrifying Industry report showcases of producing materials with innovative methods such as waste less energy, using technologies for heatand electrification to energy, hydrogen of heat. I was one of over 200 attendees at the Electrifying Industry summit wherethe report to was launched, and it has been fantastic see the coverage that this report has received in the media and trade circles, as well as internationally. I am pleased to see that BZE are now working with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency to facilitate manufacturing businesses to become Zero Carbon Factories based on the findings of the Electrifying Industry report, their and I have supported role in this alongside my other work in the manufacturing energy productivity space.” Electrifying IndustryElectrifying “ 10 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Publications The 10 Gigawatt Vision: How renewable energy can power jobs and investment in the Northern Territory ( 20 June 2019 )

The Northern Territory is uniquely positioned to jobs than the shale gas industry and thrive in a low-carbon world. The NT can set prevent over 20 billion tonnes of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere. itself up for decades of sustainable growth by converting abundant sunshine into renewable Our report was launched in Darwin in energy, to be used for energy exports, mineral partnership with Environment Centre beneficiation, manufacturing, repowering remote A reasoned, economic Northern Territory. communities, and more. vision and strategy The 10 Gigawatt Vision is BZE’s forward “Solar is the cheapest source of thinking alternative to status quo economic energy in most places in the world. for growing jobs and strategies based on fossil fuels. The report As one of the sunniest places in describes how the NT Government can drive the world, NT has a competitive investment in the Northern investment in 10 gigawatts of renewable advantage as a global leader in energy. This low cost energy can then be used exporting and generating renewable Territory with renewables. to retain more of the NT’s mineral wealth, help energy. This is a huge opportunity to decarbonise our Asian neighbours’ energy to create a new and growing systems and lower living costs for Territorians. industry, deliver a lot of quality jobs, The strategy outlined in the report would create and foster long term sustainable 8,000 jobs and generate more than two billion social and economic development dollars of additional value. to the community

In the face of plans to frack the NT, our report makes it clear the shale gas industry is Jeremy Kwong-Law” financially unstable and wholly unsuited to the Investment Manager needs of the coming zero-carbon economy. Low-cost, clean energy can create many more at Grok Ventures 11 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Funding partners Funding and Justice Fund NR Peace Foundation Lenko Family of the Melliodora Fund (Sub-fund Foundation) Australian Communities The Pace Foundation The Hamer Family Fund The Mullum Trust Olsvik Michael Lord Lachlan Rule Madeline Townsend Heidi Lee Eytan Lenko Shar Molloy Brian Chapman Fraser Eren Alan Langworthy Graham Davies Original Karrina Nolan, Director Power H4CO & Scott Hamilton, Director Australian - German Panel Member, Hub Transition Energy BZE Lead Author BZE Lead Advisory committee Advisory committee Expert consultation & review Team

@fanniebay Michael Gunner Michael Investing in the North takes people w huge hearts & big vision. are We world class for exporting cattle mangos will be We world class #solar & prawns exporting arewe going space to A huge for year groundbreaking - future so bright #TheTerritory #boundlesspossible 6:06 PM · Jun 23, 2019 · Twitter for6:06 iPhone · Jun PM 23, 2019 have . This is 322 14

@kanethornton · Jun 22

131 1

@eytanlenko · Jun 22 for a massive amount of @kanethornton@eytanlenko and 2 2 18 There is something special happening up in renewable The @beyondzeronews the NT. @mcannonbrookes and launch vision There imagination. captured Territory’s the is no better indication than wall-to- today’s wall coverage in the @TheNTNews the start of a bright future.


Mike Cannon-Brookes Mike Kane Thornton Kane Eytan Lenko Great work Eytan & team. NT has so much potential. renewable Replying to Replying others Huge kudos @eytanlenko to & @ beyondzeronews here work hard They’re not whinging about fossil fuels, they’re showing the path forward with heart. and economics science, Northern Territory 10GW Vision 10GW Territory Northern

In the week following the launch of the 10 GW Vision report, SunCable SunCable report, Vision of the 10 GW following the launch In the week to export Creek Tennant solar farm near plans for a 3 gigawatt announced cable. via an undersea to Singapore solar energy 12 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Publications

A road-map for a major infrastructure company to meet its emission targets, Rethinking Cement in following our award winning Australian Roadways Vision research into cement as Commissioned by Transurban significant contributor to C02 emissions across the globe.

BZE Lead Author Dr Marita Berndt

Cement production generates more CO2 Transurban is an Australian infrastructure than any other manufacturing process, company and one of the world’s largest at 8% of the world’s total. Despite this toll-road operators, with 17 major roads in huge impact, cement-related emissions Australia and North America. Transurban has set receive little attention, often seen as “too itself a corporate emissions reduction target of hard”. 52% by 2030 and to meet this goal Transurban is focused on its most significant source of In 2017, BZE showed how Australia embodied emissions: cement. could lead the world in tackling this growing emissions source via our report Following our work in the Rethinking Cement Rethinking Cement. The report proposed report, in 2018 Transurban commissioned BZE to a world-first pathway for eliminating produce a roadmap to employ low-carbon cement emissions from our national cement in their operations. BZE commissioned cement sector and was recognised in our award experts Dr Marita Berndt and Dr James Aldred to as the Best International Energy and produce this groundbreaking and transformative Environment Think Tank from the 2018 research. Our Transurban Cement Report is Prospect Think Tank Awards. another example of BZE’s work having real world impact driving down emissions. 13 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Submission

Submission to National Hydrogen Strategy Renewable Hydrogen: an enormous opportunity for Australia (March 2019)

Hydrogen has been getting a lot of attention recently, touted as a solution to everything from green steel to cleaning up gas networks. How can we make sure we’re making the most of hydrogen’s decarbonising potential without providing a cover to fossil gas companies? Submissions to strategies, inquiries and consultation In recognition of Australia’s natural advantages in the production of hydrogen, the National processes are another way Hydrogen Strategy is being drafted to support the BZE translates our research development of a domestic industry. into real world impact.

The position outlined in BZE’s submission has been adopted by several “ national ENGOs. Renewable hydrogen is a big opportunity for Australia, but beware the fossil-fuel industry co-opting “clean” hydrogen to further delay climate action. ” 14 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 ” Working on a project that has a on a project that has Working highly tangible benefit was rewarding. a social issue As is the ability of significant importance, communities to help drive Australian emissions towards the goal of zero that our provided an experience match. university studies couldn’t with BZE was a highly Working enjoyable experience, as we were able to develop consulting experience in tandem with an impactful solution for communities. The process of gathering information was immensely insightful, as we were granted access to a plethora of resources comprised research and related of BZE’s connections. definitely would recommend We this experience to others as we loved working on such a meaningful project which will positively impact communities and beyond. “ GCG says: ” Jeremy Burke Jeremy Impact Investment group Investment Impact “The ZCC investment reference has group been really successful to date. It has brought extremely useful connections and insight into the bigger picture that, as investors, we just have challenged our normally see. We wouldn’t of thinking and gained a deeper understanding the issues community energy projects faces. It has been great to be involved with and I think we can continue to fast track progress to zero emissions and great investments for communities around Australia.” BZE’s Investment Reference Group is working Group Reference Investment BZE’s which facilitate developing models towards projects. investment in community is ably Group Our Investment Reference up of made group supported by a working The student internstalented final-year from (GCG). Global Consulting Group checklist’ a ‘pre-feasibility GCG interns created determine which renewable that helps groups worth pursuing in their are projects energy communities. “ Hasitha Jayatilake Hamish Cruden Rachel Armstead Raman McCaskill Giselle Perez Azain Raban Kedar Deshmukh Cindi Li Christian Keel Angus Keck Researchers Working Group Group Working GCG from William Chen Anna Ruddell Carrie Shao Henry Ho Samantha Tirtajaya Zachariah Ahmad Candice Chen Steven Lam Nimaashawn Nimalachandran Cindy Wei Donna Luckman (Chair) Christian Keel Marilyn Cretias Burke Jeremy Daryl Brooke Phil Vernon Kate Nicollazo Dawson Darren Fran MacDonald Holly Dillabough Chris Weir Sonya Williams Natalie Bucknell Imogen Jubb & Nicki Colls Imogen Jubb & Nicki Reference Group Group Reference Members Project Leads Project Zero Carbon Communities Carbon Communities Zero Group Reference Investment Initiatives progressed progressed Initiatives 15 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 ” ” Matt Cohen Achille Victor Achille Victor Volunteer researcher Volunteer researcher

“ I appreciate had the chance that I have project. I hope to work on a meaningful contributions that I have made valuable in this regard. hope for other I truly opportunities in the future as I am keen to remain and support BZE with involved its endeavours. Volunteering at BZE was an incredibly Volunteering enriching experience, and one that was radically different to what I had studied at uni (computer science). The best part about the role was the feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction, as it was easy to see the tangible impacts that BZE was having . on reducing Australia’s Not to mention the great culture at the organisation, which always made the workday a tonne of fun. “ renewable energy transition and energy renewable than clean industry can more jobs lost in the town’s replace failing coal industry. is the only state lacking both WA and target an emissions reduction Collie target. energy a renewable aims to break at the Crossroads by this policy impasse through that clarifying and emphasising climate change can be addressing strategy. a powerful job creation In 2018/19 we undertook significant stakeholder including engagement activity, for meetings two stints in WA and briefings with key decision with unions makers. Working and locals in Collie has been the central focus of our engagement. Lachlan Rule Project Lead Project researchers Volunteer Jan Wisniewski Matt Cohen Omar Ali Achille Victor Collie, a town in south west Australia, is home to the Western coal power remaining three state’s stations and its only coal mine. have entered renewables As more electricity network, these coal WA’s struggling to keep up. plants are At BZE, we believe tackling climate change should pay social want to see coal dividends. We communities come out on the other side of the transition to cleaner as thriving, To towns, confident of their future. this end, in 2018/19 we scoped on a transition and started research strategy for Collie. Collie at the how a rapid will show Crossroads Collie at the Crossroads Collie Renewable south west south west Renewable Australia Western team research In partnership with In partnership Mayor’s Lord Ironbark, Charitable Foundation, Victoria and Renew Sustainability Snapshot website Snapshot The tool is currently in Beta testing The tool is currently mode at Communities and the councils that Communities and the history of them have a proud represent years, In recent leading climate action. BZE has supported these communities in striving for and achieving ambitious local abatement. Continuing this work, BZE and our partners at Ironbark Sustainability have developed Snapshot, a website to help communities know starting from. they’re where Snapshot is the first national tool community wide greenhouse providing for every council across gas profiles a ‘snapshot’ of local Australia. It offers emissions data, ensuring communities with the information they equipped are need to continue to drive change. Initiatives progressed progressed Initiatives 16 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Best Best International BZE are proud to have received to have received proud BZE are the Best International Energy 2018 Think Tank and Energy Magazine in Prospect from award for work undertaken recognition on our 2017 Rethinking Cement Magazine Prospect UK’s report. annually has run these awards the since 2001 to recognise important and influential work carried out by think tanks around the world. In their assessment, the judges noted that the Rethinking Cement “innovative, focused was report well written” and and extremely to BZE as “a think tank referred who did a great Australia from job looking at what sounds like a but finding enormous field, narrow importance in there”. Energy Think Tank Energy Think ” Volunteer researcher Dr Lakshmi Yerramilli Dr Lakshmi Yerramilli “ Activities in the 2018/19 fiscal year include Activities in the 2018/19 fiscal year include developing information scoping the project, and undertaking information briefings products, with stakeholders. As a research with BZE I am passionate volunteer its zero-carbon emissions about contributing to and providing climate project for developing involves looking at currentsolutions. The work and future in energy consumption of practices sectors world over. manufacturing in various and enjoyable working It has been challenging my skills on the BZE project contributing through and experience in Applied Sciences, Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Science. At the same time, I get an opportunity to learn in this project. I feel I am a proud part of BZE vision of achievable and affordable zero carbon emissions. Dr. S Lakshmi Yerramilli S Lakshmi Yerramilli Dr. Chris Grose Heidi Lee Project Lead Project contributors Volunteer The Zero Carbon Factory project brings our brings project Carbon Factory The Zero to life. Through Electrifying Industry report case studies and knowledge sharing to bring stakeholders working we are first electrified together to build Australia’s manufacturing plant. our Electrifying Industry, While researching team found a lack of volunteer research Australia about existing knowledge across manufacturing technology that can reduce Carbon Factory emissions. The Zero designed to accelerate our is project national learning establishing curve through learnings be can where a first case study, the sector. across shared Zero Carbon Factory team Carbon Factory Zero Zero Carbon Factory Project Carbon Factory Zero Initiatives progressed progressed Initiatives 17 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Events

Electrifying Industry Summit

September 13, 2018 Melbourne

Presenters Marilyne Crestias The Electrifying Industry report Renewable Energy Insights was officially launched at Beyond Matthew Linden Vanessa Petrie Zero Emissions’ Electrifying CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions Flow Power Industry Summit on September Michael Lord Peter Hansford Head of Research DELWP 13, 2018 held at the Australian Beyond Zero Emissions Phil Vernon Synchrotron in Clayton in Kay Wennagel Australian Ethical partnership with the Victorian Beyond Zero Emissions Richard Simpson Government (Sustainability Michael Staindl Furnace Engineering Victoria and Department of Beyond Zero Emissions Ryan Wavish Adrian Boden CEO, Marchment Hill Consulting Environment, Land, Water and Executive Officer, South East Melbourne Scott Bocskay Planning), Moreland Energy Manufacturers Alliance Sustainable Melbourne Foundation, GLP Renewables Alan Pears AM Scott Hamilton and the South East Melbourne Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity Renewable Energy Insights Manufacturers Alliance. Austin Phillips Simon Corbell SEA Electric Victorian Renewable Energy Advocate David Hiley Stan Krpan The event brought together Wattever CEO, Sustainability Victoria experts in manufacturing, heat Dr Kendra Wusiluk Tennant Reed processes and renewable energy Monash University Australian Industry Group technology to address the Edmund Boland Timothy Hoben, ANCA CNC Machines Monash University question: “How can renewable John Griffiths Toby Roxburgh energy support south east City of Melbourne Electromotiv - EV Fleets Melbourne manufacturers to be Karla Peaglis Will Mosely Manager Sector Development a vibrant, growing powerhouse in Raygen Energy Efficiency Council the Victorian economy?” 18 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 November 29, 2018 Em. Prof. Tim Roberts, University of Tim Roberts, University Em. Prof. Newcastle Newcastle Dr John Shiel, BZE Bradley Anderson David Hoffman Daniel Lazarus Liz Hutton Frank Sammut Michael Lord Presenters Electrifying Industry Industry Electrifying Launch Newcastle Presenters Petrie (BZE) Vanessa (BZE) Michael Lord Hender (CEDAMIA) Margaret Solar Project) Vladislav Dunis (The Degrees) Matthew Johnson (1414 February 26, 2019 (Adelaide) February 26, 2019 Electrifying Industry Industry Electrifying Seminar Events Events 19 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Emissions Presentation by Presentation Presentation by by Presentation Donna Luckman, CEO of Renew Elisa de Wit, Partner at Norton Rose Partner at Norton Elisa de Wit, Fulbright and Director of Beyond Zero of Beyond Zero Director Fulbright and Elisa presented on the recent carbon on the recent Elisa presented and and legal opinion, risk disclosure of recent discussed the implications court cases. Donna Luckman, CEO of Renew (formerly Donna Luckman, CEO of Renew (formerly on her advocacy work presented ATA), commitment to lift recent behind COAG’s ratings for new homes to 6.5 or 7 energy is stars, and further policy changes Renew pushing for new and existing homes. The Beyond Zero Emissions team presented Emissions team presented The Beyond Zero on the various initiatives underway to carbon move to a zero accelerate Australia’s status this year. Solar thermal Townsend, Bob Hale Townsend, airconditioning Vanessa Petrie, Michael Lord, Petrie, Michael Lord, Vanessa Presentations by BZE Presentations Electricity prices continue to rise. Electricity prices continue two potential options to are There or energy counter this: renewable demand. This seminar reducing discussed the options for reducing consumption, with a focus energy a company that has on SolXEnergy, patented technology that can reduce consumption by up to 60 per energy cent on most types of commercial and HVAC. refrigeration Lachlan Rule, Nicki Colls, Madeline Presentation Presentation by Liz Fletcher, Flow Power by Liz Fletcher, Flow Power is a wholesale electricity gives businesses flexible that retailer of reliability pricing, demand response, Agreements Purchase solar Power supply, new and minimises the need for (PPAs) Liz Fletcher presented infrastructure. advanced energy on Flow Power’s technology that connects the wholesale market to give data and signals that result savings for business energy cost in real consumers. BZE Discussion Groups are open to everyone and open to everyone are BZE Discussion Groups in Melbourneconnect participants with leading and people dedicated to climate solution thinkers a great represent emissions Australia. They a zero information and ideas to opportunity to exchange of Australia transformation encourage the urgent economy. into a zero-carbon Discussion Group Discussion & guest presenters topics Events Events 20 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Since the “climate” election, we’ve Since the “climate” vigour and creativity noted a renewed campaigns - in community climate gas Port from whether to save Western in the fracking exploration, to prevent or to against extinction to rebel NT, fuel fuelled climate describe how fossil in Kiribati. citizens disruption is affecting them, and others like These groups, a palpable sense of movement create to BZE Radio works hard and forward these from reverberations the ensure felt far and wide. campaigns are with issues not a simple journey, It’s rail workers hauling coal, ranging from offshore MUA hoping to transition from wind jobs and young gas rigs to offshore people worried sick about the future. The not afraid of complexity. But we are Emissions Community Beyond Zero radio show speaks to informed listeners like adults and aims to give them courage and voice as the nation makes and then a U-turn at the edge of the cliff takes a step forward. 6:00pm Monday 5:00pm to Volunteer team Volunteer Andy Britt Erin Jones Kurt Johnson Langford Vivien BZE Community radio show radio BZE Community A special thanks to Roger Vize who retired who retired A special thanks to Roger Vize team but was a big part of the the from thousands each success, reaching show’s the podcasts. Monday and through a range of from The radio show has heard including Robert Llewellyn on guests this year, New clean transport, Naomi Klein on the Green Deal, Christine Milne on taking clean energy on how financing to Malaysia and Eytan Lenko and not gas. the NT could export clean energy at the launch we were A highlight this year, the only media at these events) usually (we are for pumped in Tathra of a brave project to move the town towards storage hydro Also at the launch, energy. 100% renewable ABC’s alongside BZE Radio, was a team from continue to deliver in-depth Four Corners. We at this presence coverage and the ABC’s launch marked a new focus. Erin Jones Natalie Bucknell

Volunteer team Volunteer Michael Staindl Kay Wennegal Friday 8:30am to 9:00am In 2018 we continued to bring the work of leading In 2018 we continued experts to our listeners. Industry A special highlight was our Electrifying we took a deep-dive into renewable focus, where heard manufacturing solutions with experts. We Power and how renewable Fletcher, Liz from costs for cutting are Agreements Purchase Australian John Jutsen, Chair of the industry. talked about how Productivity Alliance for Energy And electrical technologies can drive productivity. how Monash Uni is building a Tim Hoban shared campus. emissions zero the In June, we travelled to Darwin to cover launch of The 10 Gigawatt Vision. their the Ionia, and shared Kay and Nat test drove continued experience with listeners. An the team vehicles to bring the latest development in electric Nargar to air with leading experts including Scott of Hyundai and Bruce Gaston of the Australian EV Association. BZE Science and Technology Technology and BZE Science radio show Events Events 21 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 % % Professional Professional volunteers 10.2 Outreach and support and support Outreach volunteers 17.5 BZE People >$1.2M impact contribute over % % staff We develop positive solutions to give all Australians a vision of a future to “Say Yes” to. to “Say Yes” future develop positive solutions to give all Australians a vision of a We We empower our volunteers in developing practical solutions and transition plans; policy transition in developing practical solutions and empower our volunteers We and community engagement. and submissions; recommendations and produce field to level of technical experts in their engaging with the highest Through the influencers of government, influencing business and civil we are champion our work, society. working with our volunteers. tenfold impact through At BZE, with every dollar we achieve a Technical expert volunteers Technical 39.4 33.0 % Volunteers 91 % staff 9.0 BZE People Our unique operating model model operating unique Our >90% of our active contributors are volunteers contributors are >90% of our active staff double the total hours contributed by Our volunteers almost BZE’s mission is to demonstrate how a zero emissions Australia to demonstrate how a zero mission is BZE’s of draw on the expertise We now. is achievable and affordable outcomes and communicate research, our volunteers to develop influence others. Our people 22 Board BZE Annual Report 2018 -19

EYTAN LENKO, COLIN IRVING, DR ANNE K HELLSTEDT, PhD (Aerodynamics), B.Eng (Hons), B.CSc M.Man, B.Eng, PMP B.Eng (Mech)(Hons) Chair, 2012-2016, 2019 Treasurer, 2017-2019 Director, 2012-2019 Director, 2016-2019 Director, 2018-19

Eytan Lenko is a technology entrepreneur Colin Irving is a regional manager with Anne is a leading expert in sustainability, and clean-energy transition advocate. He Schneider Electric, overseeing a multi-million specialising in the built environment. She has has an engineering background and has dollar portfolio of energy management experience on professional industry boards deep knowledge around the current state of projects. He has more than 20 years and committees as a member, deputy chair our energy transition. He is passionate about of experience in business leadership, and chair. She is a recognised engineer and the exceptional opportunities that we have consultancy, product development and leader, as evidenced by being named Victorian to transform our economy in response to project delivery. He has led major programs Professional Engineer of the Year by Engineers climate change. for government, public and private Australia in 2012 and being invited to become organisations, both within Australia and a Fellow of Engineers Australia. Eytan also sits on the board of Australian internationally. Environmental Grantmakers Network, a Anne is the executive director leading the member based organisation that aims to Colin started volunteering with Beyond creation of ANSTO’s Innovation Precinct help members become more effective Zero Emissions in 2013, and was elected a in Southern Sydney. She has extensive environmental grantmakers, member of the Board of Directors in 2016. experience in driving sustainable outcomes, and the Climate Mobilization, a US-based He assumed the role of Treasurer in late 2017 and has previously worked in environmental organisation that assists cities around and was nominated in the 2018 Not-for-Profit for companies such as America to rapidly transition to zero- Treasurers’ Awards. He is a member of the AECOM and Lendlease. emissions. Governance Committee and contributing editor of BZE reports. 23 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Professor David Hood AM is a civil David Hood AM is Professor engineer with and environmental 30 years experience than more civil and military major across development professional projects, economies, senior in emerging management in both the public and private sectors and in education. In late 2014 David Founded the Long a registered Foundation, Future a long charity that aims to ensure all life on Earth. David for future is a Queensland Councillor of the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF). Director, 2013-2019 Director, DAVID HOOD AM, DAVID HonFIEAust CPEng ELISA DE WIT, ELISA DE WIT, BA; LLB (Masters) Elisa de Wit is a partner in the Melbourne office of international legal practice Norton Rose Fulbright Climate Change and heads the firm’s and Sustainability practice. She than 28 years of legal has more experience and has practised in jurisdictions and Australian three one the UK. Elisa is considered climate preeminent of Australia’s change lawyers and advises clients and compliance regulation on policy, issues. Elisa is a graduate of AICD and is of the Carbon Market a Director Institute, Australian Legal Sector Alliance and the Grampians Corporation. Wimmera Mallee Water Director, 2018-2019 Director, Tom is Manager of Executive Tom Office and Stakeholder Strategy at was the Tom Sustainability Victoria. founder and inaugural CEO of the Council, author Business Future of The Next Boom: A surprise new and economy, hope for Australia’s commissioned the Noel Hutley SC legal opinion on fiduciary duties and climate change. up in rural Victoria grew Tom in public and has a background and business research policy, innovation with particular focuses on climate change, technology He regularly and sustainability. appears in the media to discuss the rapid transitions underway in our economy and how we can seize the opportunities the changes represent. TOM QUINN, B. International Relations Director, 2016-2019 Director, Phil has extensive experience in financial services with a particular focus on sustainable finance. He of Australian was Managing Director Ethical Investment, Australia’s leading ethical superannuation fund and investment manager and of Corporate Trust Executive, Group Perpetual Limited, one of Australia’s leading investment managers. of the Planet He is also a Director Foundation and Ark Environmental Defenders Office of Environmental Australia and serves on the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Finance Roadmap Initiative. Phil is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of and of Chartered Company Directors Accountants Australia and New Zealand. PHIL VERNON, FCA FAICD, BEc, MCom, MBA, Director, 2014-2019 Director, Chair 2016-2019 Our people Our people 24 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 ” Head of Research, July 2018-May 2019 July 2018-May Head of Research, “ Prospect magazine recognising Rethinking Cement by naming BZE Best was my International Climate Think Tank highlight for the year. Michael Lord, MSc, LLB (Hons) Michael Lord, ” Launching Electrifying Industry day summit, at our one manufacturing, with over 200 people from energy and exciting to see people energised was my highlight. It’s huge ambition and vision. by BZE’s Vanessa has extensive experience across policy, strategy and policy, across has extensive experience Vanessa known for being Well in sustainability. planning, specialising infrastructure to knowledge and ideas together brings people, Vanessa a collaborator, carbon world. spark the change we need in a zero with time has partnered joined BZE in early 2017, and in that Vanessa Cement, Electrifying Industry, her team to successfully launch Rethinking the 2018 Carbon Communities Guide and Zero The 10 Gigawatt Vision, Australian Local Government Climate Review. local and across roles worked in diverse Prior to joining BZE, Vanessa State Government. and Waste of the Goulburn Valley Director is a Board Vanessa and a committee member of Climate Recovery Group, Resource She has a Bachelor of Keon Park Kindergarten. and Darebin Emergency from RMIT and a Master of Environment Engineering from Environmental Melbourne University. “ Vanessa Petrie, BE (Env) Hons, ME Petrie, BE (Env) Hons, Vanessa CEO, 2016-2019

Staff Christina is a strategist, social Christina is a strategist, As and entrepreneur. innovator, strategic marketer, a reformed she now consults for and founds that achieve innovative projects climate action and for results conservation, human rights and and political change. freedoms, for good. Strategy, Christina brings a wealth of the private sector, experience from social movements, and non-profits, political arena. member Christina has been a board of at BZE since 2015, and Secretary 2016. from the BZE board Christina McFail, Christina McFail, Secretary, 2016-2019 Secretary, 2015-2019 Director, Our people Our people 25 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 ” ” ” I loved working with manufacturing businesses to I loved working with to electrifying their processes overcome the barriers carbon factories. Participating and converting to zero I worked with a A-Lab 2019 was fantastic, in ARENA’s multidisciplinary a team to prototype a business case for renewable powered steel factory. Heidi Lee, MArch, BArch, MAICD BArch, MArch, Heidi Lee, Volunteer Coordinator, July 2018-June 2019 Coordinator, Volunteer volunteer been fantastic to see such a wide range of It’s engagement, from research to delivering radio shows, discussion groups and community outreach, as well as the support we receive from graphic designers, high quality and copywriters and editors to help deliver well-designed reports and documents. Thanks to all their skills, our volunteers who so generously donate experience and time to BZE. “ directly get involved with the research and I don’t behind the publications, it has been an honour working important and scenes, enabling others to produce such significant work. “ “ Bob Hale Madeline Townsend, Dip. Bus (Gov); FICDA Dip. Bus (Gov); FICDA Madeline Townsend, Industry Investment Lead, October 2018-June 2019 2018-June Lead, October Industry Investment Office Manager, July 2018-June 2019 Manager, Office ” ” ” My highlight was propping up the bar at the Collie My highlight was propping up the bar at about the Crown Hotel chatting with coal workers future. Getting to visit Collie and the Hunter town’s has been a real privilege and is a really part important of producing work which reflects the aspirations and needs of local communities. Bringing together different stakeholders and sectors to break down barriers for community groups It has been such a privilege to work with amazing people It has been such a privilege our new Zero Carbon Communities across Australia on which will help overcome barriers to Investment initiative, in zero carbon projects. Seeing community investment the ground will be the ultimate rewardprojects happen on for our efforts in this space. Lachlan Rule, MPPM, BA, MEIA Nicki Colls, BE (Env) BA Communities National Manager Carbon Zero leave position), November 2018-June 2019 (Parental Imogen Jubb, Grad Dip SciComm, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Grad Dip SciComm, Imogen Jubb, BSc (Hons) National Manager, Carbon Communities Zero 2019 July 2018-November Repower our Regions Project Lead, Repower our Regions Project November 2018-June 2019 “ “ “ Our people Our people Head of Research, July 2018-May 2019 July 2018-May Head of Research, Michael Lord, MSc, LLB (Hons) Michael Lord, 26 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Rob Rowe Roger Vize Tirtajaya Samantha Sandy Su Sara Ejtemai Sarah Johnson Scott Hamilton Sean Frost Shar Molloy Sonya Williams Stephanie Allison Stephen Tansing Steven Lam Sue O’mahoney Sylvia Tawfik Thess Reeders Thomas Behrendt Thomas Harvey Thomas Yu Tilak Sunwar Tim Forcey Burr Tom Quinn Ton Brooke Vicki Langford Vivien William Chen Lucas Rutten Maddy John Henderson Margaret Marilyn Cretias Martin Powell Mathew Smith Matt Cohen Matt Stubbs Megan Hill Melanie Merz Melanie Tasker Melissa Farrelly Michael Staindl Michelle Belcher Michelle Brownlie Miwa Tominaga Mortaza Azfali Nasim Pour Natalie Bucknell Nigel Stace Nimaashawn Nimalachandran Omar Ali Patrick Blain Pete Ambrosie Peter Caunce Phil Vernon Philip Harrington Priyank Shriyan Roberts Tim Prof Rachel Armstead Raman Mccaskill Rasika Wijekoon Mudiyanselage Heather Stevens Heather Stevens Henry Ho Haridas Himanshu Holly Dillabough Hugh Venables Ivander Lay James Petchey Jan Wisniewski Jane Carter Jennifer Maverick Jennifer Thomas Burke Jeremy Osborne Jeremy Jessalynn Bailey Jingheng Liang John Gare John Hayes John Shiel Julia Lee Julius Keller Jyoti Sharma Karrina Nolan Kate Nicollazo Kath Teagle Kathleen Wild Kay Wennegal Kedar Deshmukh Kerry Walker Khadija Mansur-Williams Kira Rundell Kurt Johnson Lakshmi Yerramilli Leigh Martin Linda Harper Chris Grose Chris Weir Christian Keel Christine Rogers Cindi Li Cindy Wei Claudia Cepeda Colin Irving Dawson Darren Daryl Brooke David Hood Donna Luckman Dr John Shiel (Exec Committee) Dylan Mcconnell Elisa De Wit Ellen Lu Elliot Gingold Fraser Eren Erin Jones Eytan Lenko Fran Macdonald Francis Conroy James Freya Gemma Weedall Parry George Gill Caunce Giselle Perez Glen Fernandez Graham Davies Hamish Cruden Harmandeep Singh Hasitha Jayatilake Heather Smith Achille Victor Afrina Samain Alan Langworthy Alan Pears Am Alan Strickland Alec Roberts Alex Hoeper Amy Stephens Anders Jensen Cook Andre Gelbart Andrew Gunner Andrew Andy Britt Angus Keck Anna Ruddell Anne K Hellstedt Anthony Voyage Artemis Siourthas Azadeh Keshavarzmohammadian Azain Raban Barb Kneebone Ben Saxon Brad Schultz Cassidy Brent Brian Chapman Brian Tehan Calum Sutherland Martin Cameron Candace Nascimento Candice Chen Cara Dowe Carrie Shao Charmaine Sevil

Our people Our people Volunteers 27 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 Afrina Samain Afrina studied her Master of Environmental her Master of Environmental Afrina studied of Melbourne, at the University Engineering topics. and energy focusing on sustainability to volunteer about the opportunity She heard through Industry project Electrifying with BZE’s to According website. careers the university’s me as I wanted to Afrina, ‘it instantly intrigued industry!’ in the energy my career progress team of volunteers from Afrina was part of a the world that Australia and across around Electrifying Industry. helped deliver Electrifying report, showing how Industry is a world-first can generate heat differently manufacturers electricity, the smart use of renewable through eliminate and demonstrating that Australian can up to 8% of national emissions. Looking back on what she enjoyed most about volunteering, Afrina nominates the as well as the by BZE staff, support offered and the chance to build culture, organisation’s networks, industry contacts and knowledge tasks. Taking while undertaking research in discussion group regular part in BZE’s networks and Melbourne also expanded Afrina’s Energy connections. Afrina is now working as an focusing on a Auditor/Consulting Engineer, assessments for the energy undertaking project and Victoria, regional across primary producers helped says that her BZE volunteer experience ‘in every possible way’ while she was seeking employment in the sector. ” Alan Pears consultant academic and engineer, Alan is an efficiency, in energy background with extensive climate policy and energy, renewable called on to He is regularly sustainable design. national policy and input to state and review work has Alan’s roles. decisions in my various the from by a number of awards been rewarded Alliance Efficiency Council and Australian Energy as well as wider recognition to Save Energy and becoming a a Centenary Medal through of Australia. Member of the Order I have been volunteering with BZE since around 2010, and have contributed I have been volunteering with BZE since their Zero Carbon Australia expertise to a number of projects, including Buildings Plan, Energy Freedom Home and their recent Electrifying Industry diverse community of report. It has been a pleasure of BZE’s to be a part at highly regarded engineers, economists and policy advisors. Volunteering BZE is a very positive experience because I can see the direct link between BZE research and meaningful policy change. I have been impressed by volunteers to work ability to attract expert, talented and enthusiastic BZE’s on their projects. This reflects well on both the quality of their work and their focus on creating a friendly culture people feel valued and learn in which I would When I lectured Energy at RMIT, in Sustainable from eachother. regularly send graduates to volunteer at BZE and it is rewarding to see BZE as they progressthese people continuing to donate time at through their careers. emissions sectors and delivering BZE has been a leader in tackling difficult well-researched,positive, solutions-focussed messages that can galvanise communities around making necessary change. It has played an important professional circles. role in building capacity in communities and “ Our people Our people 28 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 ” The Rethinking Cement project was a world first The Rethinking Cement report that focused on reducingincluded 5 strategies our reliance cement. When I heard about the on portland report, wanted to take part, but knew I immediately contribute effectively by working I’d find it difficult to So I asked my employer, weekends or after work. to allow me to spend 2 WSP, engineering consultancy reportdays per week on the in return for recognition WSP agreed, work believing this as a contributer. core values. contributes to the company’s I was the lead researcher for Strategy 4 - Using Less, structural which looked at opportunities in efficient design and use of timber. This research project opened many new doors for in me, mainly the contacts I made at WoodSolutions researching the sustainability credentials of timber. hired I am me and Following this project, WoodSolutions now part of the Mid-rise Advisory Program, which aims to convert concrete into sustainably sourced timber buildings. with Beyond Zero Emissions on Rethinking Working winning the Cement was a key project that led to me Future Green Green Building Council of Australia’s Award. Leader of the Year Adam Jones 2019 Year, Leader of the Green Future GBCA’s “ ” Interning incredible has been an opportunity to speak with those at the forefront of defining and creating the Australia. BZE has allowed concepts of a zero-carbon involved in the plans to qualitatively us to contact people and quantitatively determine and discuss the changes in around energy consumption the national conversation and decarbonising Australia. alongside the likes of Heidi, Vanessa, Working allowed us Madeleine, Sandy, Nikki and Lachlan has areto be amongst like minded individuals who not only minded hardworking but forward thinking, sustainable people. the sustainable From the keep cups around the office to plans for the future, we look forward to the connections we will make for the future as we strive for a carbonless Australia. There is always a slight gap between the theoretical in knowledge we gain at university and its application the real world. Even in this short amount of time, we’ve both learned a lot from everyoneat BZE and from this been It’s opportunity to apply and test our own skills. great working at an organisation that has created a real difference to document its in Australia and getting given us both an appreciation for all the impact. It’s many ways that change can be created. Maddy John and Cara Dowe Maddy John University Monash “ Our people people Our 29 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19

Hamer Family Fund • Hamer Family Foundation Family Lenko Charitable Foundation Mayor’s Lord Trust Mullum NR Peace and Justice Fund Foundation The Pace Seed Pixel Friday Robin Many monthly occasional donors Hunter Valley Zero Carbon Zero Hunter Valley energy, industry and exports scoping research Electrifying Industry • Transition Hub (Newcastle University) • Transition • BZE Newcastle Chapter • Steering committee and partners currently being engaged • Members include: • Members include: Impact Investment Ethical Investment Australia, Bank, Bank Australia, Bendigo Renew, Group, Alliances, Community Greenhouse Victorian Council and Clean Energy Power Hub, Climate Nillumbik. Low-Carbon Cement initiatives Low-Carbon Cement Carbon Factory Zero Carbon Communities Zero • Transurban reference • Low-carbon cement (leading engineers and group researchers) Charitable Foundation Mayors • Lord (Funding partner) delivery partner) • ARENA (Project is funded by: The ZCC program • Equity Trustees Charitable Foundation. Mayor’s • Lord work partner with us All of these groups Carbon Communities on delivery of Zero mutually beneficial that are projects and including development of reports tools, communications and engagement and joint events: Ironbark, • ICLEI, Climate Council, Renew, Sustainability Victoria, Towns, Transition C4CE, NSW, Department of Environment and CANA, Global Consulting Group Foundation Australian Energy Carbon Investment Group Zero Our supporters and funders and supporters Our Collie at the crossroads: Collie at the crossroads: coal without Planning a future The 10 Gigawatt Vision: How Vision: The 10 Gigawatt power energy can renewable in the NT jobs and investment • Koorabup Trust • NR Peace and Justice Fund Lenko Family Fund The Pace Foundation The Hamer Family Fund The Mullum Trust Many monthly occasional donors (Sub-fund of theAustralian Communities Foundation) The Pace Foundation The Hamer Family Fund The Mullum Trust Olsvik Many monthly and occasional donors • Environment Centre NT Centre • Environment Council • Global Strategic Communications (Support) (Support) • Climate Media Centre • NR Peace and Justice Fund Lenko Family Fund Melliodora Fund Current project partners project Current 30 BZE Annual Report 2018 -19 ” Briar Stevens Grant Program Manager Grant Program local, state and national level. local, state and national volunteers to BZE has leveraged land provide energy, transport, and use and industrial solutions ten years. opportunities for over Investing in BZE`s national unlock volunteer program will expertise, passion, capacity and capability to determine the most pragmatice and effective pathways forward to a safe climate future. This work will have national implications and improve the social, environmental and economic opportunities for Australia for decades to come. Equity Trustees Equity “ The Robert Hicks Foundation, The Robert Hicks Foundation, is Trustees managed by Equity funding proud to have provide Carbon to BZE for their Zero the Communities work over 18 months last four years, with funding. of further committed have been delighted with We to date. outcomes achieved BZE is in a unique position to mobillise individuals, organisations, and whole communities towards making national transformative change. Research and advocacy by BZE has been influential at the ” Daniel Pediaditis Senior Program Manager Senior Program carbon emissions from all carbon emissions from in manufacturing businesses also supported BZE Australia. We to partner with three communities to to guide a transition in Victoria 100% renewable energy within up with ten years. BZE teamed and Benalla Nillumbik, Baw Baw emissions to develop baseline reports plans to and transition achieve 100% RE. BZE also wrote the Zero Carbon Communities Guide to outline steps showing how any community can achieve a shift to 100% renewable energy and beyond. BZE are an effective and engaging organisation to support. They are making significant progress towards achieving a zero carbon Australia and we strongly encourage others to join us in amplifying their impact. Environment and Sustainability Environment As a key funder of several BZE As a key funder of several been veryprojects, LMCF has pleased with the significant outcomes delivered will and BZE as continue to support demand for its services continue team, The dedicated to grow. its network influential Board and of world-class researchers have achieved amazing results with few resources. Demonstrating the technological and economic feasibility of the clean energy transition is critical – and BZE has proven itself time and time again. LMCF is a lead funding partner recent Electrifying for BZE’s Industry report and current Zero Carbon Factory initiative, showing how fuel-switching to electrical technologies - powered by renewables - can solve the national gas crisis at the same time as eliminating “ Our supporters and funders funders and supporters Our Foundation Charitable Mayor’s Lord 31

Financial Report & Disclosures BZE Annual Report 2018 -19

General disclosures

Beyond Zero Emissions is currently in a dispute relating to a copyright matter with Fairfax, and we are in receipt of legal advice on this matter.

Financial statements