2020-2021 Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics: Biomolecular

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2020-2021 Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics: Biomolecular 2020-2021 Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics: Biomolecular Mathematics Chemistry & Laboratory Courses: Choose one Sequence Biochemistry •MATH 3 or math •MATH 3 or math (Strongly Recommended) •BIOL 20A and previous or concurrent enrollment in BIOE 20B placement of 400 or higher placement of 300 or higher BME 21L BIOL 20L MATH 19A CHEM 1A Intro. To Basic Laboratory Techniques Calculus I General Chemistry [Sp] Experimental Biology Laboratory [F/W/Sp/Su] [F/W/Sp/Su] [F/W/Sp/Su] & & •BME 21L and Chem 1B/M •CHEM 8L: CHEM 1C/N and previous or •MATH 19A CHEM 1B/M concurrent enrollment in CHEM 8A MATH 19B (Strongly Recommended) General •CHEM 8M: CHEM 8A/L and previous or Calculus II BME 22L & BME 23L concurrent enrollment in CHEM 8B [F/W/Sp/Su] Chemistry/Lab Foundations of Design and CHEM 8L & CHEM 8M [F/W/Sp/Su] Experimentation in Molecular Biology I & II Organic Chemistry Laboratory [F] BME 22L CHEM 8L [F/W/Su] •MATH 3 or math •CHEM 1A BME 23L[W] placement of 400 or higher CHEM 8M [W/Sp/Su] CHEM 1C/N AM 10 General Mathematical Chemistry/Lab Methods of [F/W/Sp/Su] Biology & Physics Humanities Genetics & Engineers I [F/W/Sp] Bioinformatics •CHEM 1B and 1C •CHEM 1A CHEM 8A BIOL 20A BME 80G •BIOL 20A •MATH 19B and AM 10 Organic Chemistry Bioethics in the 21st BME 105 Cell and Molecular AM 20 [F/W/Su] Century: Science, (Strongly Recommended) Mathematical Biology [F/W/Sp/Su] Business, and Society Genetics in the Genomics Methods of •CHEM 8A [F] Era Engineers II CHEM 8B [Sp] [W/Sp] Organic Chemistry •MATH 19A OR •ELWR and BIOL 20A •BIOL 20A and BIOE 20B [W/Sp/Su] PHYS 5A/L♦ •MATH 19B (Strongly Recommended) BIOL 105 Introduction to BME 185 STAT 131 •CHEM 8B and BIOL 20A Genetics Physics I Technical Writing for [F/W/Sp/Su] Intro to Probability BIOC 100A [F/W] Theory Biochemistry and Biomolecular Engineers [F] •BME 105 or BIOL 105 or BIOC [F/W/Sp/Su] Molecular Biology 100A or declared BMEB majors •PHYS 5A/L, corequisite OR [F] BME 110 of MATH 19B •ELWR and CSE 12 or CSE 15 ♦ or CSE 30 or BME 160 •STAT 131 PHYS 5B/M Computational Biology •BIOC 100A STAT 132 Introduction to CSE 185E Tools BIOC 100B Classical and Physics II Technical Writing for [WSp] Biochemistry and Bayesian Inference [Sp] Computer Engineers •BIOL 20A [W/Sp] Molecular Biology [F/W/Sp] Ω OR [W] BME 160 (6 units) Research Programming •STAT 131 in the Life Sciences STAT 206 Applied Bayesian [W/Sp] Elective: Course Statistics •BME 160 or BME 205 [W] used as an Elective BME 163 (3 units) cannot be used to Applied Visualization and satisfy other major Analysis of Scientific Data requirements [Sp] BIOL 115*, METX 119, Modeling & Design Sequence Choose one of the following sequences BIOC 100C, BME •BIOL 20A and BIOC 100A •BIOL 20A 122H, BME 128, BME Exit Requirements BME 128 BME 177 128L, BME 130, BME Requirements must be Protein Engineering Engineering Stem Cells •STAT 131 and AM 20 132, BME 140, BME [W] [Sp] completed by the end of a AM 115 175, BME 177, BME student’s final quarter. & & Stochastic Modeling in •BME 128 and BIOL 20L or BME •BME 128 and BIOL 20L or BME 178, ECE 104, or any 21L 21L Biology 5-credit biomolecular 1. Portfolio [Sp] BME 128L (2 units) BME 128L (2 units) engineering graduate 2. Exit Survey Protein Engineering Lab. Protein Engineering Lab. course 3. Exit Interview [Sp] [Sp] Biomolecular Capstone:Students must complete one of the following: Bioinformatics iGEM Senior Design Senior Thesisα # Capstone •prev or conc. Enrollment in BME 185 or CSE 185E •BIOL 20A and BIOC 100A BME 195 (5 units) •BME 160, STAT 131, and prev. or BME 180(2 units) BME 129A Senior Thesis Research conc. Enrollment in BIOC 100A Professional Practice in Bioengineering Biomolecular Engineering Project I [F] BME 205 Bioinformatics [W] [F] Models and Algorithms •BME 180 and prev or conc. Enrollment in BME 185 or •BME 129A BME 195F (2 units) [F] CSE 185E BME 129B Senior Thesis Research BME 188A(2 units) Biomolecular Engineering Project II [W] Synthetic Biology – Mentored Research A [W] •BME 185 or CSE 185E, conc. Enrollment in BME [Sp] 195F •BME 205 •BME 188A •BME 129A and BME 129B BME 123T (5 units) BME 230A Introduction to BME 188B BME 129C Senior Thesis Writing Computational Genomics Synthetic Biology – Mentored Research B Biomolecular Engineering Project III [W] and Systems Biology [Su] [Sp] [W] •BME 188B BME 195 (5 units) BME 188C Senior Thesis Research Synthetic Biology – Mentored Research C [Sp] [Su] http://undergrad.soe.ucsc.edu • [email protected]• (831) 459-5840 • 10/3/2020 2020-2021 Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics: Biomolecular Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Legend Ω Students with no prior programming experience are advised to take CSE 20 prior to BME 160 # The Bioinformatics capstone is programming heavy. Students interested in this capstone are advised to take additional programming classes. α The thesis option consists of 12 credits of Independent Study (BME 198), Field Study (BME 193), or Senior Thesis Research (BME 195) in Biomolecular Engineering; and BME 123T Senior Thesis Writing (5 units). Students pursuing the senior thesis option must write a two-page thesis proposal and seek approval of their project from the undergraduate director in the quarter preceding the independent study courses, typically spring quarter of the third year. Students spend three or more quarters working on their thesis projects. These students must enroll in BME 123T, Senior Thesis Writing, before completing their thesis. ♦ Students following the 2020-2021 curriculum may use Phys 6A/L and Phys 6B/M in place of Phys 5A/L and Phys 5B/M. The Physics 5 series is strongly recommended. Student Name: Adviser Name/Notes: http://undergrad.soe.ucsc.edu • [email protected]• (831) 459-5840 • 10/3/2020 .
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