Curriculum Vitae Name: Rasika Pande Past Experience in Teaching Law: 13 Years Present Profession: Legal Editor Address: A-8, Temple View Apartment, Forest Road, Nairobi Telephone Number: 020- 2528625, 0731302979 E mail ID:
[email protected] Educational Qualifications: Examination Board/Univer Month/Year Passing Remarks sity Passed Division/Percent Marks Secondary School SSC Board, March, 1979 First Division 81.13% Distinction Certificate Exam. Nagpur, India Higher Secondary HSC Board, March, 1981 First Division 73.70% - School Cert. Exam. Nagpur, India B. Tech(Home Nagpur March, 1985 First Division 71.40% Second Science-Textiles) University, Position in India University and nominated to Senate Bachelor of Nagpur Oct. 1984 Second Division - Arts(Econ., Pol. University, 57.54% Science, Eng. Lit.) India Master of Nagpur Oct. 1987 Second Division - Arts(English University, 53.20% Literature) India Bachelor of Law Nagpur April, 1989 First Division Sixth Position (LLB) University, 63.70% in University/ India nominated to Univ. Senate Master of Law University of May, 1996 Second Division - (LLM) Pune, India 55.30% Teaching Experience in Law Teaching Law is my passion. I have taught in various academic institutions in three provinces of India. My experience as Legal Editor helps me in keeping myself abreast of the latest developments in the legal field which adds practical value to my teaching. Details of my teaching experience are as follows. 2007 to March 2009 Lecturer for the Undergraduate Programme at the Chanakya National Law University , Patna, a reputed National Law School in India. Specialisation - Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code, Law of Evidence, Law of Contracts 2000 to 2001 Visiting Faculty at the University of Lucknow, India for Postgraduate Diploma Courses in Law.