Temperatures, relative humidity levels, and energy wall of the and, with the windows, use in a passive solar, earth sheltered in cen­ comprise the solar collection system. This com­ tral Kansas were monitored over a seventeen-month bination of passive solar techniques and earth period. Window insulation at night had a significant effect on heat retention, and considerable heat gain sheltering is indeed an attractive strategy, as the and ventilation benefits were realized from two following discussion will show. Trombe walls built into the structure. Daily inside temperatures varied from a low of 62° F in the winter to a high of 87° F in the summer, with an average DESIGN room temperature of 73° F. The earth sheltered home used 30 percent less electricity than an The floor plan of the house contains 1,500 aboveground home of similar size. The woodburn­ square feet of living space and 600 square feet ing stove consumed 67 percent less wood than a of garage. The structure is long and narrow, conventional home, and there was no need for pro­ which permits the winter sun to reach the back pane. Overall, at least 80 percent of the heating walls, and the room arrangement is open, which needs were supplied by passive and earth-contact strategies. facilitates air movement and promotes a feeling of spaciousness (fig. A-1). The interior is light in color, and approximately 75 percent of the Many authors claim potential energy savings floor is carpeted. from earth-sheltering techniques, but few pub­ The kitchen has a 30-inch skylight, while a lished studies document these savings. This vent pipe 10 inches in diameter runs beneath paper provides data on the performance of a the floor slab to provide combustion air for the passive solar, earth sheltered home in central wood-burning stove (the only backup heat Kansas. Most earth sheltered rely mainly source). Each bathroom has a vent pipe opening on direct solar gain, but two Trombe walls were through the roof, and each is fitted with a small incorporated into the passive solar design of exhaust fan. A ceiling fan and duct system dis­ this home, making it unique in the literature. tribute heat in the winter, and a whole-house The Trombe walls-black, glass-covered con­ ventilation fan can be used to pull in cool night crete structures-make up part of the south air in the summer. The Trombe walls, built as part of the south * Max R. Terman. "Energy Performance of an Earth Sheltered Home with Trombe Walls." Underground Space. 6 (1981): 180- wall, are oriented 28 degrees east of due south; 85. Reprinted by permission of Pergammon Press Ltd. each is 8 feet high, 10 feet long, and 14 inches




: Patio door I Tr~ Wall

• Air intake (balow alab)

A·i. Diagram showing the floor plan and energy systems of the Underground Space. Vol. 6. Max R. Terman. "Energy Performance of an Earth Shel­ passive solar, earth sheltered home. (Reprinted. with permission. from tered Home with Trombe Walls." (t; 1981. Pergamon Press. Ltd.) thick, with a mass of approximately 13,920 The hot heater, insulated with 2 pounds (see fig. A-2). Inside Trombe vents are inches of Fiberglas, receives preheated water at floor and ceiling levels; outside vents for from coils in the wood-burning stove and is on summer use open beneath a 28-inch-wide over­ a timer that turns the power on for three hours hang. Four 4-by-6-foot windows and one 6-by- a day at periods of maximum use. The house­ 10-foot patio door are also located on the south hold appliances are electric. wall and provide about 160 square feet of direct-gain collector surface. The windows are equipped with reflective blinds and heavy cloth draperies. [Note: exterior shutters have since been installed.] A·2. The Trombe walls figure prominently in the facade of this The shell of the house is a poured, post­ passive solar, earth sheltered building. (Reprinted. with permission. from Underground Space. Vol. 6. Max R. Terman. "Energy Performance of an Earth tensioned concrete structure with 9-inch-thick Sheltered Home with Trombe Walls." '" 1981. Pergamon Press. Ltd.) roofs and 8-inch thick walls, the structure being waterproofed with a combination of bentonite and premolded membranes. Six inches of poly­ styrene insulation cover the top of the roof over the living area (1 inch over the garage roof), and 2 inches decreasing to 1 inch cover the walls; the floor, 5-inches thick, is not insulated. The building is covered with 3 feet of on the front of the roof, which grades back to 2 feet at the rear. The roof and the side and back walls are in contact with an extensive mass of earth that makes up a hill approximately three acres in size. Maximum excavation depth into the hill is 8 feet. 160 APPENDIX A PERFORMANCE DATA record Kansas heat wave (over forty consecutive days with temperatures over 100° F), a high temperature of 87° F was recorded; however, no Room temperatures and humidity were mea­ shade was yet provided by deciduous trees. The sured from the back living room wall with a average monthly temperatures ranged from meter for temperature and relative humidity. 66° F (February 1980) to 81°F (August 1980). Trombe wall and remote temperatures were The average internal temperature for the study measured with an eight-probe thermistor ther­ period was 73° F. Only air distribution and mometer; a mercury thermometer in a sheltered venting fans were used during the summer, and entrance took outdoor temperatures. a total of 0.8 cords of wood was burned each Temperature winter (table A-1). The wood-burning stove and the window Records of the thermal performance of the insulation (blinds and draperies) influenced the house date from January 1980, three months internal temperatures, as can be seen during after the structure was backfilled. Due to loose two winter cold spells: January 1980 (no blinds) soil structure and lack of vegetation, the ther­ and December 1980 (blinds and draperies for mal characteristics of the backfilled soil were night insulation). The use of draperies and different from conditions that can be expected blinds allowed the wood-burning stove to be after the soil settles and vegetation is estab­ burned at lower temperatures and still maintain lished. a higher room temperature (fig. A-3). Monthly temperature variation, measured The extent of the influence of the sun on on the back wall, decreased from January 1980 house temperatures during each month can be to January 1981, with the coolest temperature ascertained from table A-2. During January and (62° F) occurring in February 1980, when the February 1980, the internal temperatures were house was unoccupied for eight days. During a 40° F higher than outside temperatures (no aux-

TABLE A·l Fuel and electrical usage comparison between a -insulated aboveground farmhouse * and a passive solar, earth sheltered home * *. Winter and summer daily average outside temperatures are given in degrees F.

Average Jan. July Monthly Cords of wood Heating fuel Date High/low High/low kwh/person used/winter (gal. propane) Farmhouse 6177-12177 89.2 70.2 300 0.5 402 1/78-12/78 24.9 8.7 89.7 68.9 409 1.8 645 1/79-6/79 20.8 4.1 84.1 67.6 -313 1.2 300 (Monthly average for 2-year period) 341 1.2 449

Earth sheltered house 1/80-12/80 36.6 20.7 97.4 72.9 244 0.5 0 1/81-3/81 40.8 19.8 86.1 70.4 234 0.3 0 - - (Monthly average for 2-year period) 239 0.4 0

• 1,800 square-foot living area, 2 floor levels, , 1 bath, electric hot water, forced air furnace, airtight wood-burning stove, window air conditioner, water pump. Occupied by 2 adults, both absent from home, 8:A.M.-4:00 P.M., September through May . .. Three feet of soil cover, 1,500-square-feet living space, 2 baths, 1 floor level, electric hot water heater, attached garage, 2 Trombe walls, wood-burning stove with hot water preheat coils, timer on hot water heater, duct fan, whole-house fan, water pump. Occupied by 2 adults and 2 infants continually. ENERGY PERFORMANCE 161

reflected inside the house. (The performance of Blinds/draperies used at night the house is expected to improve as deciduous 75 trees and grass cover are added to the land­ scape.) Table A-3 shows the mean temperatures at 70 various locations in the house during the winter (January-March) and summer (June-July). The .'"

Front iliary heat provided). During the record hot Living Entry- Sky- floor Back summer of 1980, internal temperatures were as room way light slab wall Ceiling much as 24° F lower than those outside, with Jan-March 69° 51° 42° 64° 65° 65° no shade or vegetative cover for the building. June-July 79° 82° 89° 80° 81° 81° This table also reflects the moderating effects of earth sheltering, as the outside extremes are not

The high and low temperatures on the outer and inner surfaces indicate that the TABLE A·2 Trombe wall is an effective heat source during Internal temperatures on clear days at noon during each the winter, but may cause unwanted heat gain month of 1980. during the summer unless it is shaded or shut­ tered (table A-4; figs. A-4 and A-5). The inner Outside temps. Inside temps. surface temperature of the Trombe wall re­ mained constant compared with the outer sur­ Jan 19 30° 70° face temperature. During a winter cold period Feb 17 29° 70° Mar 17 60° 75° (9-11 February 1980) outer surface tempera­ April 13 58° 75° tures varied by 44°F; the inner-wall range was May 17 60° 70° only 70 F. This constant radiant temperature June 17 84° 76° July 15 106° 84° contributes significantly to the maintenance of Aug 18 86° 81 ° comfortable interior temperatures. During a Sept 14 90° 78° summer heat wave the outer surface varied by Oct 19 80° 79° Nov 19 57° 79° only 15° F and the interior Trombe wall surface Dec 14 40° 76° by less than 5° F. The room temperature aver­ aged 84° F during this time. 162 APPENDIX A

90 '\ Trombe '\" outer surface 85 ,/ \ / 80 Low stove ,'\ , No stove Trombe inner surface ~ 75 , \ •~ , \ Q) 70 '"';:l , +J C1l 65 , '"'Q) 0. .c..,. .-.-. ..l.., ---.-' S , ., Q) , .- , H 60 , \, , \ I ,'e------"f/ " 55 ,/ ~----i 50 HouseI interior temperature 46

6AM 12N 6PM 12M 6AM 12N 6PM 12M 6AM 12N 6PM 12M (l30 F) (28) (6) (6) (6) (8) (14) (8) (14) (15) (20) (4) 2/9/80 2/10/80 2/11/80

A·4. Thermal performance of Trombe walls and house interior Underground Space, Vol. 6, Max R. Terman, "Energy Performance of an Earth Shel· during winter (February 9-11, 1980). Outside temperatures in tered Home with Trombe Walls," 1981. Pergamon Press, Ltd.) parentheses below the time of day. (Reprinted. with permission. from

A·5. Thermal performance of Trombe walls and house interior during a summer heat wave (July 8-10,1980). Outside tempera­ TABLE A·4 tures below the time of day. (Reprinted, with permission. from Underground Space, Vol. 6, Max R. Terman. Energy Performance of an Earth Sheltered Home with Temperatures recorded on Trombe wall surfaces during Trombe Walls." c 1981. Pergamon Press. Ltd.) summer and winter periods, 1980. Average Highest Lowest at 120 temp. of temp. of noon of 115 Outer Trombe Surface llO Trombe--outer Jan-March 101 ° 50° 86° 105 June-July 104° 78° 91° 100 , It 95 • ' , ~I Inner Trombe Surface " , I \ , " " , \ I Q'" I Jan.-March 90 I -- 76° 59° 68° " , I " , I '... -'.,. >< 85 -5. - --aI June-July 89° 78° 84° .:· - ~ 'WI ~ ---- ~ 80 I ... A- ·• 75 1-" ,.. 70 · Trombe--iLer Interior 65 Relative Humidity Figure A-6 shows the monthly variations in 6A 12N 6P 12M 6A 12N 6P 12M 6A 12N 6P 12M Day and 80 104 85 80 80 108 84 80 80 106 92 80 inside temperature and humidity levels, high­ time 7/8/80 7/9/80 7/l0/80 est during April, May, and June (64-66 percent) ENERGY PERFORMANCE 163 and lowest during the winter months (33-39 The average relative humidity dropped 10 percent). The first year, 1980, had higher hu­ percent (from 60 to 50 percent with the opening midity levels than 1981, presumably because of the outside (summer) Trombe wall vents (fig. moisture was released from the structure's cur­ A-7). (The bottom 10 percent of the surface ing concrete. of the Trombe walls is exposed to the sun to

A·6. Room temperatures and humidity levels (H) by month (av­ mission, from Underground Space, Vol. 6, Max R. Terman, "Energy Performance of erage outside temperatures below the month). (Reprinted, with per· an Earth Sheltered Home with Trombe Walls," (g 1981, Pergamon Press, Ltd.)

91 89







~ 0 ., 75


20 57

55 10

D J'81 F K A K Average 33- 44- 35- 43- 63- 5S- 164 APPENDIX A

which added to the maintenance of comfortable 100 conditions. 9S 90 The lowest temperature (62° F), reached in 8S February 1980, agrees with recorded earth tem­ 80 peratures for similarly designed structures in 15 temperate and cool climates. Apparently, this · 70 .':· 6S temperature is a winter baseline value, the re­ .. 60 ... SS sult of the earth-contact factor and minimum j SO heat gains. OS • Thermal performance of earth sheltered 40 can generally be expected to improve 4/15 '/20 4/2S as the soil settles and vegetation grows. The

A·7. Room humidity fluctuations and summer vent operations. temperature swings of the building for January­ Average outside humidity was 85 percent during this period. May 19S1 were more moderate than those for (Reprinted, with permission. from Underground Space, Vol. 6, Max R. Terman, "En­ 19S0. This may have been due to different ergy Performance of an Earth Sheltered Home with Trombe Walls," 1981, Perga­ weather conditions, however; tests need to be mon Press. Ltd.) run on earth sheltered buildings of different ages in the same geographical area to substanti­ ate this claim. promote this summer ventilation.) The walls Insulation placement is very important to showed no signs of condensation, even during the performance of earth sheltered structures. the most humid months; the skylight dome and The 6 inches of polystyrene insulation on the window surfaces had small amounts of conden­ roof of this structure, together with the earth sation. cover, gives the roof an effective R-value of 25- The fuel use and electrical use for the earth 30 and the walls a rating of R1S-R22, equiva­ sheltered home are shown in table A-I. For lent to some of the best-insulated aboveground comparative purposes, data from a well-insu­ structures. The low infiltration losses from lated farmhouse of similar size for the period earth sheltered buildings complement these June 1977 to June 1979 are given. More time high insulation values, to produce a thermally during the day was spent in the earth sheltered efficient building. home than in the farmhouse, which was unoc­ With night insulation and minimal use of a cupied during working hours. woodstove, it was possible to maintain a tem­ perature of 70° F during the coldest weather. Without such insulation, it was necessary to DISCUSSION burn substantially more wood (see fig. A-4). Temperature During the summer, the reflective blinds helped reduce the window heat gains. In a building of Several observations by other researchers such high , the judicious use of were repeated in our data. Due to the effects of window blinds and draperies can improve ther­ radiant heat, optimal humidity levels, and good mal performance. ventilation, the temperatures in the house were Careful placement of ceiling and whole­ comfortable, even at 65 0 F or 84° F. According house fans to distribute heat in winter and to to one researcher, mean radiant temperatures ventilate in summer is also important, as the provide comfortable conditions at relatively ability to warm or cool the thermal mass (by high or low air temperatures; in our study this drawing in cooler night air) can make a differ­ was true even at 87 0 F. The earth-backed walls ence the following day. Once a temperature is and the large thermal mass of the building facil­ reached, it changes by only 30 _5 0 F over twenty­ itated a constant, slowly changing temperature, four hours (see fig. A-3). ENERGY PERFORMANCE 165

The Trombe walls can facilitate both win­ the summer. The chimney and bath vents could ter heating and summer ventilation. By opening be opened to provide ventilation powered by the heating (inside) vents on a cold, sunny day, the wind or fans. The ceiling fan facilitated in­ it is possible to achieve temperatures above ternal air movement, and the whole-house fan 70° F, even on the coldest winter days (see was used to pull in cooler night air and to vent tables A-2 and A-4). During the summer, the odors. The placement of insulation on the out­ operation of summer (outside) vents can side of the walls (2 inches decreasing to 1 inch indirectly affect comfort levels by influencing at the base) prevented condensation on the in­ air movement and humidity levels (see fig. A- ternal wall surfaces. 7). It is calculated that passive solar techniques Temperature and humidity interact to pro­ in Kansas can supply up to 80 percent of the vide comfort but vary with climate, so that strat­ heating needs in a well-insulated aboveground egies must be implemented in accordance with building. In this house at least 80 percent of the climatic zone. For conditions in south central heating needs were met by passive and earth­ Kansas, the above-mentioned strategies were contact strategies (see table A-i). It is estimated appropriate. that a 50-percent savings can be realized with the earth-sheltering techniques (excl uding Energy Use and Related Benefits Trombe walls). An earth sheltered home such as the An often overlooked advantage of earth one under investigation can save significant sheltering is the summer cooling provided by amounts of money. For this house, electrical earth contact. In the house under study, the bills were 30 percent less, wood-burning costs floor slab was not insulated and the painted in­ 67 percent less, and fuel (propane) costs 100 terior walls were exposed. This strategy proved percent less than for a comparable aboveground effective for the Kansas climate; summer house structure. These reductions in energy usage temperatures were as much as 24° F below those stemmed from less heating, cooling, water heat­ outside. The floor slab was not uncomfortably ing' and lighting, and were accompanied by in­ 0 cold in the winter (64 F). Moreover, summer creased comfort-radiant heat, instead of performance should improve. Cooling by earth forced air, and a "heated" garage, for example. and vegetation can be significant, according to To these must be added the environmental ad­ several researchers; one estimates that a 1,200- vantages from reduced energy use and minimal square-foot sod-covered roof can provide a land destruction. cooling potential of 1.5 million Btu per day.

Relative Humidity CONCLUSION Moisture control is a major concern in the operation of an earth sheltered building. In this A passive solar, earth sheltered home in central house the humidity levels were controlled by Kansas was monitored and analyzed with re­ the Trombe walls, stove and bath vents, ceiling spect to thermal performance, relative humidity fans, whole-house fans, and insulation place­ levels, and energy use. A combination of pas­ ment. The levels were comfortable even though sive solar techniques (Trombe walls, direct the concrete was still losing water in the curing gain) and earth contact proved to be effective process. The Trombe walls, considered to be strategies for providing comfortable living con­ primarily heating sources, proved their value in ditions (temperatures of 65°_84° F and relative ventilation and humidity control by promoting humidity of 30 to 60 percent) with substantial a slow mass movement of air, especially during energy savings. APPENDIX B


No earth sheltered home should be built with­ University of Southern California, Texas Tech out the advice and counsel of people knowl­ University, Trinity University (Texas), Univer­ edgeable in the field. This section, while not sity of Texas at Arlington, Kansas State Univer­ exhaustive, lists architects, builders, designers, sity, University of Missouri, Arizona State and other experts in the earth move­ University, University of Arizona, Massachu­ ment. Arranged by state and city, the list is not setts Institute of Technology, University of New an endorsement for any of the individuals or Mexico, University of Oregon, Washington firms. Each will have to be contacted and then State University, University of Washington, and evaluated by the potential owner of an earth the University of Wisconsin, are involved in sheltered home. research and can provide a good Potential owners are encouraged to consult source of unbiased information. For a more first with educational institutions involved in complete list of personnel associated with the earth shelter research, such as the Underground American Underground Space Association, Space Center (University of Minnesota) and the write to the Underground Space Center, 790 School of Architecture (Oklahoma State Uni­ Civil and Mineral Engineering Building, 500 versity), in their decision-making process. Pillsbury Drive S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota Other institutions, such as Clemson University, 55455.



Alabama J. Frank Burford Cowin and Idaho James W. Chase Scott Earth Homes Birmingham Company Pocatello Coeur d'Alene Birmingham Illinois American Colloid American Giattina and Co. Solatron Partners Skokie Centralia Birmingham Sealant and Davis Arizona Post -Tensioning Concept 2000, Inc. Waterproofers Chicago Inst. Phoenix Inst. Phoenix Glenview James Scalize Earth Systems Tigerman and V-Bahn Earth Tempe Phoenix Assoc. Homes Chicago Granite City California Ralph G. Allen Earth Sheltered Portland Cement Santa Ana Structures Association Pinole Skokie Roland Coate The Reinforced Prestressed Venice Earth Company Concrete Inst. Sacramento Chicago David Wright Richardson, Sea Ranch Severns, Scheeler, Greene, and Colorado Charles A. Lane Colorado Assoc. Denver Sunworks Champaign Boulder Brian Larson Tecton Indiana Clyde N. Poppe S.E.E.D. Design Denver Corporation La Porte Warsaw Colorado Springs Earth Castle David Beal Homes Boulder Indianapolis

Connecticut Kenneth Labs Raymond Cahill Iowa J. D. Bloodgood Earth Sheltered New Haven Wallingford Des Moines Housing of Iowa West Des Moines Herbert S. Newman New Haven Earth Sheltered Housing Systems Douglas Orr Marshalltown New Haven Solarglass Earthen Florida John B. Langely Glen Nielson Homes Winter Park Brandon Algon

William Morgan R. Charles Scott Kansas Keith Christensen Doug Deeds Jacksonville Sarasota Manhattan McPherson Georgia Energy Efficient J. D. Kimsey F. Gene Ernst James Harms Environment Roswell Manhattan Ulyssess Atlanta Brian Bailey Gary Rickman Wichita Wellsville 168 APPENDIX B


Maryland National Ready M. S. Milliner Minnesota Criteria Architects Mixed Concrete Construction (cant.) St. Paul Assoc. Frederick Design Silver Spring Consortium Minneapolis Massachu- John E. Barnard setts Marstons Mills Charles Fairhurst Minneapolis Thomas Bligh Cambridge Richard R. Egan Willmar Earl Flansburgh Boston Environmental Design Haven Eisenberg Minneapolis Assoc. Boston Howell, Radloff, Thorpe Hugh Stubbins Minneapolis and Assoc. Cambridge Dennis Johnson North Branch Malcolm Brewster Michael McGuire Stillwater Michigan Clark and Walter Naturewood Traverse City Homes and Domes Eldon Morrison White Bear Lake Ypsilanti Myers and Natural Systems 2000 Bennett Alternatives Sterling Heights Edina Northville William Scott E. T. Vernulen Terra Hab Co. Minneapolis Grand Rapids Plymouth Sticks and Stones Enterprises Ann Arbor Design Minneapolis Minnesota Archi tectural Ellison Design and Truman Howell Alliance Const. Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Missouri Truman Stauffer Betterway Thomas Atchison Everstrong Kansas City Underground Minneapolis Redwood Falls Homes Berg and Assoc. Natural Spaces Kansas City Plymouth North Branch Nolan R. A Burnett and Carmody and Seward West Augenbaugh Associates Ellison Redesign Rolla Rogersville st. Paul Minneapolis The Binkley Co. Earth Sheltered Close Assoc. St. Louis Home Designers Minneapolis Cape Girardeau Jim W. Cox Marine on St. Croix PROfESSIONAL HELP 169


Missouri Larry Atkinson Simmons and Sun New York Swanke, Hayden, Lynn E. Elliott (cont.) Edgerton High Ridge (cont.) Connell,and Oneida Partners Terra Dome New York City Independence Ohio Effective Building Malcolm Kennedy Montana John Hait Earthhome Products Newark Missoula Construction Cleveland Bozeman Joseph Kawecki Sheltera Homes Nebraska Gary Nielsen Bright Prospects Columbus Springfield Omaha Lincoln Richard Ohanian Solar-Earth Energy John Gulick Down -to-Earth Springfield Reynoldsburg Lincoln Homes Gerald Pierron Underground Omaha Portsmouth Homes Robert Youngberg Energy Portsmouth Lincoln Information Dick Strayer U. S. Systems Omaha Dublin Logan North Ken Johnson Sterling VoIla Oklahoma Lester Boyer Don McCarthy Dakota Fargo Clifford Stillwater Tulsa New Bruce Anderson Alan Brunken David Romberg Hampshire Harrisville Stillwater Shawnee Don Metz Walter Grondzik Lyme Stillwater Bishop-Kneeland New Jersey Louis DiGeronimo J. W. Burnley Norman Fairlawn Ramsey Chadsey/ Short and Ford Architects Princeton Tulsa New Ron McClure Everett Piland Mexico Tijeras David Architects Tulsa Wybe van der Meer McCune, McCune, Albuquerque and Assoc. Tulsa New York The De Wolff Henry J. Jacoby Arlyn Orr Partnership New York City Stillwater Fairport Easton and La Norman Pennsylva- Herman De Jong Robert J. Carlson Roca Mendenhall nia Quakerstown Palmyra New York City New York City J. L. Harter D. D. Brennan Johnson and John C. Mullins Allentown Lancaster Burge Green Island Vincent Kling Penn Seiple New York City Philadelphia Sunbury 170 APPENDIXB


Pennsylva- Natural Terry Lees Washing- 1. A. Riley In-Earth Design nia (cant.) Architecture Feasterville ton Spokane Spokane Honesdale Miller/Hull Central Premix Shelter Design Partnership Concrete Group Seattle Spokane Stony Run West Underground South Con-Pour Virginia Construction Dakota Construction Wheeling Rapid City Wisconsin Dennis 1. Ruppel Earth Shelter Texas Coffee and Crier Earth Habitats Sheboygan Corporation Austin Dallas Berlin Frank Moreland Geobuilding Kenneth Clark Sunpower Fort Worth Systems Madison Construction Hereford Minocqua Jay Swayze Terra Set Earth- Richard D. Herr Hereford Covered Homes Dousman Kerrville Under-the-Earth Homes Virginia David, Smith, Architerra Cable Carter Arlington Reston Central County Builders Vermont Calco, Inc. Francis Blair Weyauwega S1. Johnsbury Waterville APPENDIX C AWARD-WINNING EARTH SHELTER DESIGNS

A FARM HOME IN CENTRAL perature fluctuations. The constant earth tem­ perature of 45° F to 50° F, along with buried WASHINGTON STATE * culverts/ducts, will be used for summer cool­ ing. The project (by Robert Hull, Miller/Hull Part­ Functions have been skewed in plan to cre­ nership, Seattle, Washington) was to design a ate a centrally focused greenhouse surrounded house for a family of four on a small farm site by the house proper (fig. C-2). The concrete (fig. C-l). The client expressed interest in a floor slabs tier up from 12 feet at the south to house that would be as self-sufficient in energy 8 feet at the bedroom/kitchen. Entry to the use as possible, including passive solar design. house is by . Because of the family'S living and entertain­ The final solution was generated because of ment style it was requested that the design the inherent restrictions of a greenhouse (they focus on a greenhouse that could function both are fine for winter but overheat in the summer). as living areas and solar collection space. The architects felt basically that it would The site is located in central Washington be best to "take away" the greenhouse in the state in a harsh climate that is hot and dry in summer by using commonly available wood­ the summer and cold in the winter. Tempera­ framed, residential garage doors as the variable tures vary from 110° F to extended periods of skin (fig. C-3). The doors function as a green­ freezing. Irrigated farming is the main industry house wall in the winter and then roll up com­ in the area. pletely in the summer, opening the greenhouse It was decided to "go underground" early to the outside. They then become the summer in the design process. The winter heat-loss and shading device for the stationary glass roof summer heat-gain calculations were conclu­ without destroying the vertical angle of view sive. In addition, the resultant structural system from the house. In the summer, the interior skin of concrete walls and slabs provides mass to the of the house at the bedrooms, kitchen, and fam­ house that can be used to store the solar gain ily room functions as the lockable and insect­ from the greenhouse and to minimize tem- proof layer, and the greenhouse becomes an outside porch (fig. C-4). In the winter it becomes * From E. Frenette, "Earth Sheltering: The Form of Energy and the Energy of Form," Underground Space, 6 (1982): 374-77; re­ part of the enclosed interior space (fig. C-5). printed with permission of Pergammon Press Ltd. This house is an attempt to incorporate en-

171 C·1. Overview of farm site for earth-covered home. (Reprinted. with permissIOn. from Underground Space. Vol. 6. No.6. Robert Hull. "A Farmhouse in Central Washington State.")') 1981. Pergamon Press. Ltd.) ______--- __ _ .J_ ____ .. __ •

/' 0 ".... \' r. . \ ",-

/ '" .~

I ) ,-

l --- _ ~. "lor". "2. --... -

C·2. Floor plan of earth-covered house, (Reprinted, with permission, from Underground Space, Vol. 6, No, 6, Robert Hull, " A Farmhouse in Central Wash­ ington State, " © 1981 , Pergamon Press, Ltd ,)

/ WINTER HOUSE ENCLOSURE ./ SUMMER HOUSE ENCLOSURE ".... C·3. Diagrams showing greenhouse in place in winter and " rolled-up" in summer. (Reprinted, with permission, from Underground Space, Vol. 6, No, 6, Robert Hull, " A Farmhouse in Central Washington State," © 1981 , Pergamon Press , Ltd,) HIGH O. : SUMMER SUN

C.4. Side view showing summer operation. (Reprinted, with permis­ Sion, from Underground Space, Vol. 6, NO.6, Robert Hull, "A Farmhouse in Central

Washington State," C 1981. Pergamon Press, Ltd,)

C.S. Side view showing winter operation_ (Reprinted, with permission, from Underground Space, Vol. 6, NO.6, Robert Hull, " A Farmhouse in Central Wash­

ington State, " C 1981, Pergamon Press, Ltd.)

LON WINTER SUN ------0 '.~~~ - AWARD-WINNING EARTH SHELTER DESIGNS 175 ergy concerns into the design process and em­ and interior walls are gypsum board. The roof phasizes the architect's responsibilities to a is cast-in-place flat concrete slab with inverted unified design approach without resorting to beams. Lightwells are pipe. the cliches of solar techniques (fig. C-6). Mechanical systems include passive solar with Floors are concrete slab, etched and pol­ woodstove backup heating and radiant task ished. Exterior walls are cast-in-place concrete, heating.

C-6. Diagrams of earth-covered house with roof in place and removed. (Reprinted, with permission, from Underground Space, Vol. 6, No.6.

Robert Hull, "A Farmhouse in Central Washington State," @ 1981. Pergamon Press, Ltd.) 176 APPENDIX C

YEAR-ROUND compares with 7 to 10 Btu per degree day per square foot for the average modern house, ENERGY MISER * "Burn less than a cord of hardwood in the airtight woodstove, and you've got it," says What would happen to the temperature in your Milliner. house if you left it unheated from October to The alternative backup heat source is a heat March? pump, which can also supply air conditioning Unless you live in the Sun Belt, chances are -if needed. It may not be. A third of the cool­ it would get pretty chilly inside. But a house in ing load will be supplied by a heat-pump water Frederick, Maryland, was unoccupied and un­ heater. is also part of the design heated all last winter. "For five weeks the out­ (fig. C-10). An 80-foot-long, 12-inch-diameter side temperature dropped into the teens at concrete pipe is buried at an average depth of night and rose into the twenties during the 10 feet on the north side of the house. Air day," says Michael Milliner, president of the drawn in through the pipe will average about company that built the house (fig. C-7). "The 15° below ambient temperature, calculations in­ lowest it got inside was 56° F, the average was dicate. 60° F, and the most it varied in twenty-four The greenhouse and clerestory windows hours was 2° F." consist of a four-layer sandwich that "could revolutionize passive solar heating," says Mil­ liner with enthusiasm. The two outside layers are glass, but the inner layers are a new film developed by 3M. The sandwich adds up to an R-value of 3.9 (compared with R-1.88 for stan­ dard double-glazed windows). "These windows outperform double-glazed windows that are ex­ posed eight hours a day and covered with R-6 insulation for sixteen hours," Milliner says. The walls of the house are of 12-inch rein­ forced concrete block, and the roof is made of hollow-core precast-concrete planks. The house is waterproofed with bentonite, an expansive C-7. Floor plan of earth-covered house. (Reprinted, with permission, from Underground Space. Vol. 6, NO.6, Robert Hull. 'A Farmhouse in Central Wash· , and is heavily insulated on the outside, ington State, C 1981, Pergamon Press, Ltd.) which lets the concrete serve as thermal mass to store heat and even out diurnal temperature swings. Obviously, this is no ordinary house. It is The house won both a design award and a snugged into a south-facing hillside and blan­ construction grant in the HUD/DOE Cycle 5 keted with 18 inches of earth, which shelters it Residential Solar Demonstration Program. Rob­ from the temperature extremes of the air (fig. ert May was the architectural consultant, Mi­ C-8). Most of the windows face south and serve chael Tallmon was the solar designer, John as passive solar collectors (fig. C-9). Company Darnell served as a consultant, and Robert calculations indicate that the sun will supply Whitesell was the structural engineer. M. S. 75 percent of the already low heating needs of Milliner Construction, Inc., is asking $144,800 the 2,300-square-foot house. The remainder, for the house and its 3Vz-acre wooded lot. "Peo­ only 1.3 Btu per degree day per square foot, ple are going to have to bite the bullet up front for a passive solar, earth sheltered house that is

, By V. Elaine Smay, Popular Science, August 1981, pp, 64-65; properly built," Milliner says. "But they will reprinted with permission of Times Mirror Magazines, Inc, not only save energy. This house requires vir- c·s. On a winter day, the sun shines through the clerestory windows, providing direct solar gain. (Reprinted, with permission, from Popular Science © 1981, Times Mirror Magazine, Inc.) 178 APPENDIX C

The company (302-A East Patrick Street, WINTER DAY Frederick, Maryland 21701) sells construction drawings for $100 a set and offers thirty slides of the design and construction, along with a synopsis of the procedures, for $30.

A TWO-STORY CONTEMPORARY HOUSE * This contemporary, two-story house is part of a seventeen-unit development (figs. C-ll and C- c·g. The greenhouse can provide either direct or isolated solar gain. For direct gain, the sliding glass doors between the living 12). The house is buffered from winter winds room and greenhouse are left open; for indirect gain, the doors by evergreen vegetation to the northwest and are closed. The heated air in the greenhouse rises, passes from the heat of early morning and late after­ through vents to the hollow cores of the concrete roof panels, noon summer sun by deciduous vegetation to and flows into the rooms at the back of the house. The warm air gives up some of its heat to the concrete mass. Cooler air near the southwest and southeast. Half of its wall the floor is channeled back to the greenhouse through ductwork area is sheltered by extensive earth berms; the (not shown) to complete the convective loop. If necessary, the roof is also partially earth covered. The house air handler of the heat pump can be used to boost air flow. At night, the heat stored in the concrete is released to the rooms. is heavily insulated, even for a building in the The woodstove or heat pump can provide backup heat if cold Minnesota climate. The main roof of the needed. Earth-tempered (about 50°) makeup air, which may be building has an R-value of 50. Above- needed when the woodstove is used, can be drawn in through a buried pipe (see text). (Reprinted, with permission. from Popular Science C9 walls have an R-value of 19. The doors have a 1981. Times Mirror Magazine, Inc.) value of R-l0, and windows are triple glazed. The building's energy consumption is also minimized by an innovative floor plan and the use of buffer spaces. The living areas with dif­ ferent heating needs have been placed on differ­ ent levels. The upper floor consists of a master bedroom, two additional bedrooms, a bath­ room, and storage space (fig. C-13). The lower floor includes most of the daytime living spaces: the living room, family room, kitchen, bath, and a large (fig. C-14). The garage, entry, and foyer are at an intermediate level. Each room has a separate electric resistance

C·10. In summer, the earth pipe cools and dehumidifies incom­ heating unit with individual thermostatic con­ ing air, which enters the house through the ducts, rises as it trol. The occupants have the option of provid­ warms, and exits at high vents behind the chimney. If necessary, ing auxiliary heating to the lower level during an exhaust fan in the chimney or the air handler can be used to the day and to the upper level at night. boost air flow. Or the heat pump can provide air conditioning. A thermostatically controlled fan exhausts hot air from the green­ The house has a well-integrated passive house; a polypropylene-mesh shade blocks 80 percent of the heating system. Three passive collection types sun. The cool earth around the house acts as a heat sink. (Re­ are used: (1) over 70 square feet of triple glass printed, with permission, from Popular Science 1981, Times Mirror Magazine. Inc.) on the south walls of the family room, living room, and two bedrooms provide direct heating tually no exterior maintenance, isn't going to burn, termites and rot won't touch it, and it's * Original design by Berg and Associates, Plymouth. Minnesota; virtually storm-proof." reprinted by permission. 0''''"

Builder: Berg and Associates. Design/Builders. Plymouth. MN Designe r: Berg and Associates

Solar Designer: Berg and Associates Price: $120,000 Recognition Factors: Collector(s): South-facing panels, glazing, 560 fF Absorber(s): Concrete Net Heated Area: 1665 fF block wall, concrete floor Storage: Concrete Heat Load: 76.5 x 10 6 BTU/yr block wall, concrete floor-capacity: 45,116 BTU/ OF Distribution: Radiation, natural and forced con­ Degree Days: 8054 vection Controls: Movable insulation on Trombe Auxiliary Heat: 0.99 BTU/DD/fF walls, roof overhang Passive Heating System(s): Direct gain, indirect Back-up: Electric resistance heaters gain, isolated gain (30,000 BTU/H)

C·11. Design factors for an earth-covered house in Minnesota. (Source: Berg and Associates, Design/Builders, Plymouth, Minnesota) C·12. An award-winning design of a passive solar earth shel­ tered home by Berg and Associates. (Source: Berg and Associates. De­ sign/Builders, Plymouth. Minnesota) /~~~------~~~ o Upper Floor Plan N

C·13. Upper floor plan. (Source: Berg and Associates, Design/Builders. Plymouth, Minnesota) . '. ' ... ';' ..: . .".: :,. .: :, ~"'.. .':,:- .."' ~ .:: ~. " ...... " ,

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, " t-b+t+-lH--H .. .'


6 Main Floor Plan N

C.14. Main floor plan. (Source: Berg and ASSOCiates. Design/Builders. Plym­ outh, Minnesota) AWARD-WINNING EARTH SHELTER DESIGNS 183 of these rooms; (2) nearly 200 square feet of Kal­ story windows, and the scoop-shaped roof wall glazing is used on two radiant Trombe above creates a venturi effect for natural suction walls; (3) nearly 300 square feet of triple glass of warm air up and out of this high area during on the south side of a two-story atrium heat the the summer. A 4-foot-6-inch roof overhang and rest of the house. (See fig. C-15.) a similarly sized intermediate louvered over­ Heat is absorbed and stored in the first sys­ hang located over all south windows dimin­ tem by a massive brick floor and a solid con­ ishes summer heat gains. crete-block wall. The other two systems absorb Manual dampers located above and below and store their heat in over 850 cubic feet of the Trombe glazing permit ventilation and concrete wall and floor. Heat is distributed by avoid heat buildup during summer months. natural convection and radiation, assisted by a The house also includes an extensive array fan located at the top of the atrium. Control of of energy-saving appliances: water conserv­ solar heat gain, heat loss, and ventilation is es­ ing bath and toilet fixtures; an energy-efficient sential to maintaining indoor comfort. Auto­ water heater; an energy-saving refrigerator; a matic roll-down insulation on the outside of the microwave oven; and fluorescent light fixtures. Trombe wall controls nighttime heat loss dur­ In addition, a seven-panel active solar, domes­ ing the winter. Baffles that deflect warm, fan­ tic water-heating collector array is mounted on blown air from the atrium down into the center the garage roof. This system's efficiency is en­ of the house during winter can also be moved hanced by a white stone roof, in front of the to a summer position that aids ventilation. The collectors, that acts as a reflector. summer position of the baffles, the open clere-


C-15. Passive solar heating system. (Source: Berg and Associates. De­ sign/Builders, Plymouth, Minnesota) APPENDIX D PREDICTING COSTS FOR EARTH SHELTERED HOMES

This section lists typical construction activities 3. Sitework involved in the building of any earth sheltered back hoes, bulldozers, loaders, home and gives the actual costs incurred during trenchers, cranes, compactors construction of two earth-covered homes in land clearing Minnesota. Various builders specializing in the drive preparation construction of earth sheltered structures also excavation, soil movement soil treatments have provided general cost estimates. It should well drilling be remembered, however, that costs will vary hauling of fill materials widely according to region, contractor experi­ backfilling ence, amount of owner labor, construction tech­ rough and finished grade nique, and inflation rate. The following figures, landscaping though dated, should provide information to final cleanup the potential earth shelter owner for a more re­ 4. Concrete/Masonry alistic financial evaluation. compressors, finishers, saws, rebar cutter and bender CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES power hammers, scaffolding, pumps, vibrators 1. Administrative, general concrete pumps and cranes site evaluation footings title search forms, rebar, waterstops, and so on surveys structural walls blueprints roof materials engineering (mechanical systems) floor materials solar design bearing walls permits soil testing 5. Precast concrete, blocks, and so on construction insurance cranes panels 2. Site utilities labor temporary power hookup drains and sewer systems 6. Waterproofing and insulation


7. Electrical ACTUAL underground electric line underground telephone CONSTRUCTION COSTS light fixtures Example 1 consists of a simple elevational plan, rough-in and finished electrical fans earth-covered living area (1500 square feet) and garage door openers aboveground garage (800 square feet). Structure consists of poured-concrete walls with a precast 8. Plumbing concrete plank roof. The floor is woodframe rough-in plumbing over a crawlspace used as a heat delivery water line hookup plenum. Overhead costs of the land and con­ finish plumbing tractor are not included. Completion date was 1977. 9. Mechanical Example 2 consists of a two-story eleva­ rough-in heating tional home with earth-covered living (2000 rough-in ventilation square feet) and garage areas (500 square feet). rough-in fireplace and stove finished heating, ventilation, air The garage opens onto the rear of the house. conditioning Walls consist of reinforced concrete block with a precast roof. 10. Carpentry/finishing For more complete information and photo­ framing, drywall work graphs, see the original article, from which this doors and windows information is taken: "Cost and Code Study of ceiling, floor, and wall finishes stairways Underground Building: A Report to the Minne­ skylights sota Energy Agency," Underground Space 4 garage door (1979): 119-36. exterior concrete and masonry work exterior sheeting and roofing exterior paint and stain finish work on drives, sidewalks, and so on ceramic work, paneling Example Example interior paint and stain 1 2 trim and finish work finish flooring 1. Administrative/general $4,500 $8,700 touchup work 2. Site Utilities 5,650 5,803 flashing, caulking, guttering 3. Sitework 2,000 11,204 4. Concrete/masonry 15,300 11,190 11. Special equipment 5. Precast concrete 4,050 6,240 5. Waterproofing-insulation 5,100 12,722 greenhouses 7. Electrical 1,400 2,590 cabinets 8. Plumbing 2,450 2,790 appliances 9. Mechanical Systems 450 1,792 mirrors 10. Carpentry/finishing 23,900 39,235 paddle fans 11. Special equipment 4,700 3,357 vacuum systems 12. Builder's overhead none 3,000 vents and hoods intercoms TOTAL $69,500 $99,923 12. Builder's overhead 186 APPENDIX D COST ESTIMATES BY BUILDERS OF EARTH SHELTERED HODSING*

COMPANY COST ESTIMATE Earth Shelter $23 per square foot for shell Corporation (includes soil borings, (Wisconsin) excavation, concrete work, insulation, waterproofing, backfilling, finish grading)

Under-the-Earth $24 to $27 per square foot for Homes shell (includes completed (Wisconsin) exterior, completed interior, framing, plumbing, electrical)

Central County Typical house cost of $50,000 Builders plus cost of lot (Wisconsin)

Simmons and $27 to $30 per square foot for Sun shell (includes plans, (Missouri) engineering, excavation, concrete work, rough-in plumbing and electric, drain· tile, waterproofing, insulation, backfill for post-tensioned structure)

Earth Systems $15 to $20 per square foot for (Arizona) shell for two-story dome

Earthhome $18 to $20 per square foot for Construction shell (includes insulation, (Montana) waterproofing, rough plumbing and electrical, front wall framing, backfill)

Everstrong $26 per square foot for shell of (Minnesota) total earth-covered home with wood walls and ceiling

* Based on information provided by K. Vadnais, in "Affordable Housing." Earth Shelter Living 22 (1982): 11~14.

Note: Owners can finish off a shell of an earth-covered house for an additional $10 to $20 per square foot if they either do the work themselves or independently hire subcontractors. GLOSSARY

active solar: a system that requires external en­ : a porous layer of geological material ergy to run fans and pumps. that contains water. adobe: a sun-dried clay and straw brick used for ASHRAE: abbreviation for the American Soci­ construction of high mass buildings, tradition­ ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Condition­ ally in the southwestern United States. ing Engineers, Inc., 345 E. 47th Street, New aggregate: the rock or that is a compo­ York, New York 10017. nent of concrete. atrium design: a design centering around a sunken courtyard, usually built on flat sites air changes per hour (ACH): the amount of with little view or solar exposure. times the air in a building is replaced in one hour. attached sunspace: an attached space such as a greenhouse or solarium that doubles as a solar air-lock entry: an entry way that allows en­ collector and useful living area. trance into a building while not permitting in­ side air to escape. It consists of an inside and auxiliary heat: conventional heat delivered to outside set of doors, one of which is closed the house to supplement solar heat. while the other is open. azimuth: the angular distance, measured in de­ albedo: a measure of the ability of a surface to grees, between true south and a point on the reflect solar radiation. horizon below the sun. A positive azimuth de­ ambient temperature: the surrounding temper­ fines an orientation east of true south, and a negative azimuth defines an orientation west of ature; usually refers to the temperature outside a house. true south. backfilling: the process of placing earth up angle of incidence: the angle formed where the sun's rays strike a line perpendicular to a sur­ against or on a building after excavation and face. construction are completed. barrel shell: a domed, tunnel-shaped structure anion: an atom or group of atoms having a neg­ ative charge. that is generally constructed by spraying con-

187 188 GLOSSARY crete over appropriately shaped reinforcement. commonly used to illuminate the north rooms of a building. bearing angle: see azimuth. cold joint: a joint between two concrete pours. of soil: the ability of the soil A cold joint results when a fresh pour is placed to support the weight of a building. with next to a concrete pour that has already set. good bearing capacity will not settle and move beneath the building foundations. condensation: act of changing a gas or vapor to a liquid. Water vapor in a room with cool walls bentonite: a natural clay (montmorillionite) that may condense on the wall surfaces and make is used as a waterproofing material for under­ them wet and subject to mold and mildew ground applications. When in contact with growth. water, bentonite swells, causing it to plug pores and cracks, and thus acts as a barrier against conduction: the process by which heat is trans­ water. ferred through a static medium such as concrete by the transferring of energy from one particle berm: a man-made mound, embankment, or hill to another. Concrete exposed to cool outside of earth. conditions will conduct heat from the inside of base temperature: a fixed temperature used in a building to the outside, the basis for earth con­ the calculation of heating degree days and cool­ tact cooling. ing degree days, usually 65° F or 78° F. convection: the transfer of heat between a mov­ bitumens: waterproofing materials consisting of ing fluid (liquid or gas) and a surface. Heat flow­ rubberized asphalt that usually come in rolls 3 ing out of the vents of a solar collector is being to 4 feet wide. The strips of rubberized asphalt moved by convection. overlap and adhere to one another. convective loop: a closed system in which hot Btu (British Thermal Unit): the quantity of heat and cold air circulate. Solar collectors that cir­ required to raise the temperature of one pound culate air into and out of homes use convective of water 1°F. One Btu equals 252 calories, ap­ loops. proximately equal to the heat given off by burn­ damp proofing products: materials such as sim­ ing one kitchen match. ple, easily applied asphalt coatings that are de­ calorie: the amount of heat needed to raise the signed to prevent dampness but do not offer full temperature of one gram of water 1°C is a small protection from water that may enter a struc­ calorie. The quantity of heat necessary to raise ture. the temperature of a kilogram of water 1°C is a day lighting: the process of introducing natural large calorie (capital C). light into multiple areas of a house. It is impor­ camber: the upward bow or bend in a roof slab. tant to introduce adequate light and contrast Earth-covered roofs are usually cambered so while avoiding glare. Skylights and clerestories that they will flatten when the earth is placed are often used to daylight earth-covered homes. on them during backfilling. deadman anchorage: the stabilization of struc­ cantilever: a large, projecting bracket or beam tures such as retaining walls by the attachment that is fastened at one end only. of cables with buried weights. chimney effect: the ventilating effect generated deciduous trees: trees that lose their leaves in by the exiting of rising heated air from a build­ autumn. Evergreens or conifers such as pines ing. The rising air creates a vacuum that draws retain their leaves throughout the year. Only de­ cooler outdoor air in through lower windows ciduous trees should be planted in front of and openings. south-facing solar windows. clerestory window: an overhead window that is declination: in solar applications the deviation GLOSSARY 189 between true north and magnetic north that var­ earth coupling: the placing of a floor, wall, ceil­ ies with different geographic areas. Compasses ing, or other structure in contact with the soil must be corrected for this deviation before they to promote the flow of heat between the earth are used to determine directions. and the building. degree-day (dd), cooling: a measure of the cli­ earth-covered house: an earth sheltered house matic cooling requirement calculated by sub­ with soil on the roof. tracting the daily average outdoor temperatures earth sheltering: the deliberate use of a mass of for a region from a base temperature of 75° For the earth placed in contact with a structure to 78° F and summing the differences for a year. benefit the environment of a habitable space. For example, a day when the average tempera­ The benefits may be ecological, aesthetic, eco­ ture is 90° F would contribute fifteen degree­ nomic, and/or related to land use. days (90° F minus 75° F) to the total annual cooling degree-days. ?arth tubes: long underground tubes of approx­ Imately 4 to 12 inches in diameter through degree-day (dd), heating: a measure of the cli­ which air can enter a house. In theory, the air is matic heating requirement calculated by sub­ tempered by the relatively constant tempera­ tracting the daily average outdoor temperatures ture of the earth so that intake air is warmed in for a region from a base temperature of 65° F winter and cooled in summer by the earth and summing the differences for a year. For ex­ around the tube. ample, a day when the average temperature is 37° F would contribute twenty-eight degree­ ecology: the study of organisms or groups of days to the total annual heating degree-days. organisms and their relationship to the environ­ m~nt. The us~ of energy and the recycling of dehumidification: the removal of water vapor mmerals are Important topics in the study of from the air; usually performed by air condi­ ecology. tioners or dehumidifiers. ecosystem: a system of plants, animals, decom­ diffuse solar radiation: the component of solar posers, soil, water, and other physical factors radiation that has been scattered by atmo­ through which energy flows and minerals are spheric molecules and particles, such as sun­ cycled. A major goal for humankind is to pre­ light on a cloudy day. serve the structured interrelationships of these direct gain: the transmission of sunlight di­ ecological systems. rectly into the space to be heated. Solar radia­ egress: an exit from a building; especially im­ tion passing through a window and heating a portant in complying with building codes. room is an example of direct gain. elevational house: an earth sheltered house that double-envelope house: a passively heated is typically covered with earth and bermed on home that incorporates convection circulation three sides with one exposed side facing south. between an inner and outer skin. energy: the capacity for doing work. Taking systems: pipes, gravel layers, or fab­ such forms as chemical, electrical, mechanical, rics that promote the free movement of water or thermal, energy is commonly measured in away from the walls of a building. Drainage sys­ kilowatt hours (kwh), British thermal units tems prevent the buildup of water pressure (Btu), joules (j), or calories (cal). against a wall that may then force water through cracks and pores and cause leaks. EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer): a resistant synthetic rubber often used to water­ earth-bermed house: an earth sheltered house proof underground buildings. with a conventional roof and earth mounded against the walls. equinox: either of the two times during a year 190 GLOSSARY

(September 22 and March 22) when the length (such as plastic or glass) used to cover win­ of day and night are approximately equal. dows, greenhouses, skylights, and collectors. evaporative cooling: cooling provided by water guardrails: a barrier or railing placed along the that is evaporating. The water evaporates and edge of an earth covered roof or retaining wall removes the latent heat of evaporation from the to reduce the likelihood of people falling off the air, thus lowering the air temperature. edge. evapotranspiration: the process by which plant gunite: pneumatically sprayed concrete con­ materials dissipate heat by evaporating water. taining small -sized aggregates. Shotcrete Incoming solar radiation is thus dissipated and uses larger sized aggregate, similar to normal does not warm the ground or the structure. concrete. free-span roof: a roof that spans wall to wall gypsum board: an interior finish material also without interior columns and pillars. called plaster board, sheet rock, or dry wall. fascia: a horizontal piece (as a board) covering habitat: a place where a plant or animal lives. the joint between the top of a wall and the pro­ Earth-covered have the potential of pre­ jecting eaves. The mansard roofs of many earth serving natural habitat by retaining green, open shelters are examples. space. flashing: sheet metal used in waterproofing roof heat exchanger: a device used for exchanging valleys or hips or the angle between a chimney polluted inside air with fresh outside air with­ and a roof. In earth shelters, flashing is often out losing the heat. In earth sheltered homes, used along the juncture between the top of the air-to-air heat exchangers warm incoming out­ parapet wall and the adjacent soil. side air by passing it over warm interior air that is being exhausted. food chain: in an ecosystem the movement of energy and nutrients from one feeding group of heat sink: a substance that is capable of absorb­ organisms to another in a series that begins with ing heat. Soil absorbs huge amounts of heat and plants and ends with carnivores. is thus a heat sink for the heat flowing from an earth covered house. footing: an enlargement at the lower end of a foundation wall, pier, or column to distribute honeycombing: a condition resembling a the load. honeycomb in structure or appearance. Con­ crete that is not thoroughly vibrated sometimes frost heave: an upthrust of ground or pavement develops honeycombing. caused by freezing of moist soil. Frost heave is especially dangerous to earth shelters along the hybrid system: a solar system that combines ele­ exposed south-facing front of the house. ments of more than one system for collection, stor­ age, or distribution of energy. A solar system that furred-out walls: walls that have pieces of combines both passive and active components is a wood nailed to the surface for attaching drywall hybrid system. or other interior finishing materials. Concrete hydrostatic pressure: the pressure exerted by a walls are often furred out but should not be if quantity of water on a surface. Water that pools on they are to be used for earth coupling or passive an earth-covered roof exerts considerable hydro­ solar heat storage. static pressure and causes leaks. glare: to shine with a harsh, uncomfortably bril­ indirect gain system: a passive solar system in liant light. Glare in earth shelters may be a prob­ which the sun first strikes a thermal mass (such as a Trombe wall or roof pond) located between the sun lem near skylights and between bright windows and an interior space. The mass absorbs the sunlight and dark walls. and transfers the heat to the space. glazing: a transparent or translucent material infiltration: the loss of heat from a building through GLOSSARY 191 the uncontrolled exchange of air through cracks organic matter and may be used as a fuel. Natural around windows, doors, walls, roofs, and floors. gas is methane. infrared radiation: electromagnetic radiation with a microclimate: the essentially uniform local climate wavelength longer than that of visible light. Infrared of a small site or habitat. The microclimate near an radiation is felt as heat. earth sheltered house usually is more comfortable than that farther away from the house. internal heat: heat generated in a building by appli­ ances, lights, people, or other sources not connected monolithic pour: the process of simultaneously with the primary heating system. pouring the floor, walls, roof, and retaining walls of isolated-gain system: a system in which heat collec­ an earth sheltered house. tion and storage are accomplished by collectors that night cooling: the use of low night temperatures to are separated from the space to be heated. cool a house. insolation: the total amount of solar radiation that night insulation: movable insulation used for cover­ has been received. Insolation includes direct, dif­ ing solar collectors and windows at night to prevent fuse, and reflected sunlight. excessive heat loss. insulation: materials used to prevent heat loss or neoprene: a synthetic rubber of superior resistance gain. Small air spaces in the materials prevent heat to oils, chemicals, high temperatures, and abrasions. flow by limiting conduction or convection. parapet wall: a low wall to retain soil on the edge of insulation configuration: the pattern in which insu­ an earth-covered roof. lation is placed around an earth sheltered house. passive solar houses: houses that depend on non­ kwh (kilowatt-hour): a unit of work or energy equal mechanical means for a substantial part of their to that expended by one kilowatt in one hour (a heating and cooling. Earth shelters use the sun for kilowatt equals 1000 watts). heating and the earth for cooling. latent heat: heat given off or absorbed in a process penetrational earth shelter: an earth sheltered house other than a change of temperature (such as fusion in which the windows are intermixed with earth or vaporization). When water evaporates latent heat berms on more than one side. In a penetrational is absorbed. house, light, air, and view can enter the structure latitude: a distance measured in degrees north or from several directions. south of the equator. The latitude of central Kansas, pH: the acidity or alkalinity of a substance measured for example, is approximately 38.5 degrees north. on a scale of 1 to 14 with 7 representing neutrality, loading factors: the weights or stresses that a build­ numbers less than 7 increasing acidity, and numbers ing must resist or support. An earth sheltered house greater than 7 increasing alkalinity. must withstand the forces of its own weight as well picoCurie: a unit quantity of radiation. Radon gas is as those of soil and soil expansion, backfilling, measured in picoCuries per liter. snow, rain, and other external loads that may be placed on the building. plasticizers: chemicals added especially to rubbers and resins to impart flexibility, workability, or masonry: concrete, concrete block, brick, stone, and stretchability. Plasticizers are also added to concrete other similar materials. to improve workability without adding additional maintenance costs: costs associated with upkeep water. such as reroofing, painting, repairing, and the like. pollution: indoor contamination of interior air from mechanical systems: conventional furnaces, air con­ substances such as carbon monoxide, radon, dust, ditioners, heat pumps, and other powered sources soot, mists, microorganisms, and formaldehyde. of heating and cooling. polyethylene sheets: commonly available plastic mean radiant temperature (mrt): the average tem­ sheets used in damp proofing but not recommended perature of all the surfaces in a room. The mrt of an for waterproofing. Polyethylene is not resistant to earth sheltered room is maintained by the surface puncturing and seams are difficult to seal. temperatures of concrete floors, walls, and ceilings polystyrene (expanded): insulation that consists of that are warmed or cooled by sun and earth. tiny beads fused together to form a board or panel. methane: a colorless, odorless, flammable gaseous Commonly called beadboard. hydrocarbon that is a product of decomposition of polystyrene (extruded): insulation that consists of 192 GLOSSARY closed-cell fibers. Extruded polystyrene is recom­ solar angle: the angle the sun makes with a surface. mended for underground applications over ex­ stucco: a material usually made of portland cement, panded polystyrene. Commonly called Styrofoam. sand, and a small percentage of lime that is applied polyurethane foam: insulation that is sprayed on in a plastic state to form a hard exterior wall cover­ round or curved structures. It is not recommended ing. for underground applications because of its lack of : extra insulation added to the floor, resistance to moisture. walls, and roof of a house. post-tensioning: the reinforcement of concrete struc­ : a gentle, broad ditch used to divert water tures by applying tension to reinforcing steel or ca­ away from a house. bles after concrete has set. tendon: a steel cable used to reinforce a cement slab radon: a radioactive gas produced by the decay of that is post-tensioned or stressed after the concrete radium 226. Radon is present in many building ma­ has set. terials such as stone, concrete, and brick and is pres­ thermal chimney: a dark, glass-covered column that ent in the soil around a building. It may be a factor uses the sun to heat air, promoting convective air in the development of lung cancer. currents and thus ventilating a house. construction: a method of construc­ thermal lag: a slow temperature change associated tion that uses compacted soil as a building material. with heavy mass. rebar: steel rods used as reinforcement in concrete. thermal mass: the amount of potential heat storage capacity available in a given assembly or system. relative humidity: the ratio of the amount of water Examples of thermal mass include drum walls, vapor in the air to the maximum amount of water adobe walls, and concrete walls and floors. vapor that can be held at a given temperature. thermal nosebleed: an area that conducts heat out of retaining walls: reinforced walls used to hold back an otherwise well-insulated building. soil around the edges of an earth sheltered house. thermosiphoning: the action of rising hot air pulling retrofitting: the installation of solar apparatuses in in cool air at lower levels of a house. See also con­ buildings not originally designed to be solar struc­ vection and thermal chimney. tures. transit: a surveying instrument used to set bounda­ rock storage: the use of rock to store heat collected ries and determine level surfaces. by an active, passive, or hybrid solar energy system. transpiration: the act of giving off or exuding watery roof pond: an indirect-gain heating and cooling sys­ vapor, especially from the surfaces of leaves. tem that uses water on a roof as the thermal mass. R-value: a unit of thermal resistance; the higher the Trombe wall: a masonry exterior south-facing wall, R-value the greater its insulating properties. insulated from the exterior by glass, which collects and releases stored solar energy into a building by screeding: the act of drawing a leveling device over both radiant and convective means. freshly poured concrete. : a construction material that is imper­ setback: the required clearance or distance between vious to the flow of moisture and air and is used to a house and the road. Building-free space is required prevent condensation in walls and other insulated for service equipment and utilities. areas. shell structure: a domed or tunnel shaped house that vapor pressure: pressure exerted by a vapor that is is constructed by spraying concrete on shaped rein­ in equilibrium with its solid or liquid form. forcement. ventilation: a system or means of providing fresh air. shelterbelt: a barrier of trees and shrubs that protects Venturi effect: a suction or vacuum caused by a fast from wind and storm. flowing medium such as air passing over a small shotcrete: sprayed concrete. Also see gunite. opening. slump: a measure of the stiffness of concrete. Slump water-cement ratio: the ratio of the amount of water tests are needed to regulate the water-to-cement to the amount of cement in a mix. Generally, the less ratio, which affects strength. water, the stronger the concrete. GLOSSARY 193 waterstop: a rubber flange or other material used to whole-house fan: a large fan that rapidly pulls air seal the joint between concrete floor and walls and through a house. Used in night cooling. ceiling and walls. windbreak: a shelter from the wind. See shelterbelt. waterwall: an interior wall consisting of water-filled vertical fin: a wall or projection used to protect or containers (such as steel drums) that constitute a shade a window or opening. passive heating system incorporating both collection and storage. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Handbook, Vol. II, p. 15. United States Department strategy. In Proceedings of Earth Sheltered Building of Energy, DOE CS-0127/2. Design Innovations Conference, ed., 1. 1. Boyer. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University. Bligh, T. 1976. by building un­ derground. Underground Space 1 (1): 19-23. Mazria, E. 1979. The Passive Solar Energy Book, 166-167. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press. Blick, E. F. 1980. A simple method for determining heat flow through earth covered roofs. In Proceed­ Morrison, J. 1979. The Kansas Energy Saving Hand­ ings of Earth Sheltered Building Design Innovations book for Homeowners, p. 213. New York: Harper and Conference, ed., 1. 1. Boyer. Stillwater, OK: Okla­ Row. homa State University. Simmons, 1. B. 1979. Success with residential post­ Boyer, 1. 1. 1980. Energy usage in earth covered tensioning. Earth Shelter Digest 1 (4): 23-27. dwellings in Oklahoma. In Proceedings of Earth Smith, D. 1. 1979. Mean radiant temperature and its Sheltered Building Design Conference, ed., 1. 1. effects on energy conservation. In Proceedings of the Boyer. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University. Fourth National Passive Solar Conference, ed., G. Brown, G. Z. and Novitski, B. 1981. Climate respon­ Franta. International Solar Society. sive earth sheltered buildings. Underground Space Sterling, R., ed. 1978. Earth Sheltered Housing De­ 5 (5): 229-305. sign, p. 51. Underground Space Association, Univer­ Campbell, S. 1980. The Underground House Book, sity of Minnesota. p. 194. Charlotte, VT: Garden Way. Szydlowski, R. and Kuehn, T. 1980. Transient anal­ Green, K. W. 1979. Passive cooling: designing natu­ ysis of heat flow in earth sheltered structures. In ral solutions to summer cooling loads. Research and Proceedings of Earth Sheltered Building Design In­ Design, AlA Research Corporation 11 (3): 4. novations Conference, ed., 1. 1. Boyer. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University. Labs, K. 1980. Earth tempering as a passive design INDEX

203 INDEX 205

Access, 75, 100, 104 Camber, 121 Active solar, 2, 20, 33 Carbon monoxide, 98,147 Aesthetics, 16, 33, 75, 77 Cave-ins, 109, 140 Aggregate. See Concrete Cave mentality, 145 Air intake tube, 138, 155 Ceilings, 112 Air-locked entry, 90 Clerestories. See Lighting; Air movement. See Ventilation Ventilation Air pollution Climate-control strategies, 47, 48, indoor, 145, 146, 147, 154 56,57,148,149,150,151 outdoor, 5, 50, 146, 147, Climate-sensitive approach, 10, 27, Air scoops. See Ventilation 41, 102, 103 Albedo, 15 Climate-sensitive design, 16,42,63, Animal pests, 90, 96, 102, 103, 123, 70,86,101,102,158,178 132 Climatic regions, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, Architects, 72, 73, 98, 103, 166, 171 61 Atrium, 52, 75,82,92, 178 Comfort zone, 24, 31, 34,42,45,46, Auxiliary heat. See Woodburning 47,68 stove Compaction, 56, 92, 135 Auxiliary space, 74, 100, 101 Concrete Azimuth, 57, 60 aggregate, 110, 111 bond, loss of, 114 Backfilling, 70, 114, 134, 135, 144 cementitious products, 144 Baggs, S., 56 cold joints, 113 Barrel-shelled structure, 99, 142 concrete block, 100, 110, 123, Basement houses, 28, 109 135,176 Beadboard, 132 cracking, 68, 101, 114, 141 Below-floor storage systems, 101 curing time, 114, 141 Bentonite, 56, 94, 125, 142 floor slab, 115, 165 Bermed structure. See Earth berms forms, 112, 114, 121 Berry, W., 37 gunite. See Concrete, sprayed Bligh, T., 25 monolithic pour, 118 British thermal unit (Btu), 1, 2, 3, 5, paints, 139, 140 31,50,176 plasticizers, 111, 117, 141 Building codes, 27, 34, 74,98 portland cement, II, 12 206 INDEX

post-tensioned concrete, 65, Dew point temperature, 91, 129, 101,113,143 131 poured-in-place concrete, 61, Direct gain. See Solar gain, passive 111, 113 Double envelope house, 20, 32, 33, precast concrete, 110, 122 83 pumping, 118, 143 Drainage reinforcement, 112 drainage patterns, 52 slump test, 117 drain tile, 92, 115, 144 sprayed concrete, 110, 122, gravity drain, 25, 102, 115 123, 144 interior drains, 92, 133 vibrators, 112, 118, 143 sewage drainage, 56 water-to-cement ratio, 111, 144 subsurface drainage, 92, 140 Condensation, 127, 131, 142, 164 swales, 92, 105 Conduction, 45, 127 , 25 Construction costs, 28, 29, 34, 36, 71,184,185,186 Earth berms, 21, 22, 28, 61, 62, 87, Contractors, 35, 37,72,73,118, 106, 123 121, 140 Earth-contact strategies, 21, 27, 41, Contracts, 71, 72, 73, 144 42,63,128,165 Convection, 45, 46, 59 Earthquakes, 25,96, 101, 102 Convective loop, 83 Earth sheltered home operation, Conventional house, 9, 12, 32, 34, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152 45 Earth sheltered homes, 12, 16, 17, Conventional roof, 21, 22 21,22,25,33,158,171,176,178 Cooling. See Ventilation Earth Sheltered Residential Design air conditioning, 25, 38, 47, 62, Manual, 64 88 Earth Shelter Living, 103, 141, 153 cooling degree days, 38 Earth tubes. See Cooling cooling potential, conventional Easements, 75 vs. earth sheltered, 17 Ecological impact, 5, 12, 25 earth contact cooling, 16,25, Ecological principles, 8 48,62,63,104,128,165 Ecosystem stability, 8, 15,21 earth tubes, 24, 25, 62, 68, 90, Egress, 27, 75 101 Elevational designs, 61, 75, 82 evaporative cooling, 48, 62, 63 Energy fans, 68, 158 conservation, 5, 20, 34, 152, inhibited cooling, 35, 88, 101 153, 160, 183 natural cooling, 10 consumption, 5, 6, 30, 31, 152, overhangs,64,65,68,87 178 radiant cooling, 48 crisis, 3 shade, 35, 57, 58,60,64,68 energy-intensive architecture, 5 ventilating skylight, 25, 90 environmental factors, 79, 101 windows, 35 performance, 32 Courtyard. See Atrium transfer, 2, 45 Cracking. See Concrete Environmental crisis, 6 Curing time. See Concrete Environmental movement, 8, 21 Epoxy injection, 100, 153 Dampproofing, 125, 141 Escape routes, 75 Dampproofing compounds, 125, Evaporative cooling, 48, 62 141 Excavation, 105, 143 Daylighting. See Lighting Excavation equipment, 106, 108, Degree days, 31, 38 135 Dehumidification, 62, 152 Expanded polystyrene. See Depletion dates, 4 Insulation Design constraints, 28, 32,48,57, External shutters, 68, 82, 83,101, 73,77,79,81 150, 156, 183 Developed-to-natural ratio, 8 Extruded polystyrene, 132, 143,144 INDEX 207

Fan-duct. See Ventilation expanded polystyrene, 132, Fans. See Ventilation 143 Financing, 33,34, 37, 184 extruded polystyrene, 132; 143, Fire, 29, 75, 96, 102 144 Floor slab, 115, 117, 165 free-hanging insulation, 129 Formaldehyde, 145, 147 insulation configuration, 102, Fossil fuels, 3,4, 6 127, 128, 164 Furred-out drywall, 82 insulative shades. See External shutters Glazing, 81, 82, 83, 176 interior surface treatment, Global 2000 Report, 6, 10 insulative, 82, 139 Gravel, 55, 56, 123 polyurethane, 133 Gravity drain. See Drainage R-value, 87, 88,128,129,132, Greenhouse, 20,83, 101, 104, 171 176, 178 Ground temperatures, 22, 23, 24 styrofoam, 132, 143 Ground water. See Drainage superinsulation, 17, 32 Guard rail, 75, 127 water-resistant insulation, 88 Gunite. See Concrete Insurance, 25, 36, 102, 153, 155, 157 Habitat destruction, 6, 8, 9, 102 Interior drains. See Drainage Hait, J., 101 Interior finishes, 96, 121, 132,138, Heating 139 auxiliary heat. See Isolated gain. See Solar gain, Woodburning stove passive conventional vs. earth sheltered, 17, 143 Kilowatt hours, 1, 63 heat exchanger, 24, 75. See also Mechanical air systems Labs, K., 22 heating degree days, 38 Landscape ecology, 34, 57, 59, 60, heat loss, 24,33, 52, 59,62,88, 64,96,97 127, 129, 143, 145 Lateral pressures, 53 heat pump, 176. See also Leaks, 30,33, 35,91,94, 142, 153 Mechanical air systems Life cycle, 9, 27 heat storage, 24, 45, 100, 101, Lighting 126, 183 atrium, 52, 75, 92 mean radiant temperature clerestories, 27, 48, 52, 75, 87, (MRT), 24, 32,47,126,161, 176 164 daylighting, 27, 75,87 overheating, 82, 83 lens-and-mirror system, 87 radiant heating, 24, 45 skylights, 75, 87 solar collector, 20, 35, 48, 82, sunspace, 75, 104 183 vegetation, effect of, 50 solar gain. See Solar gain, windows, 75, 176 passive Loading factors, 53, 94, 96, 109 sunspace,83 thermal storage walls, 47 Market value. See Resale potential Hill shift, 106 Mean radiant temperature. See Humidity, 31, 32, 35,45,62,90,91, Heating 103, 162, 163, 165 Mechanical air systems, 38,45,46, Hygrothermograph, 150 62,75,88,101,143,148,176 Microclimate, 48, 49, 50 Indirect gain. See Solar gain, Mildew, 30, 35, 36,68 passive Modified bitumen. See Roll goods Infiltration, 59, 127 Montmorillonite, 56. See also Insulation Bentonite beadboard,132 draperies, blinds, 164 Niche, 77 208 INDEX

Noise control, 27 R-value. See Insulation Nuclear power, 4 Scale model, 97,104 Odors, 146, 147 Seasonal Lag, 23, 34 Odum, E., 8 Setbacks (building), 28 Oklahoma State University, 31, 61, Sewage drainage. See Drainage 103, 166 Sewage treatment lagoon, 68 Operating costs, 11, 29, 33, 34, 36, Shade, 35, 57,58, 59,60,64, 68 62,65,165 Sheet membranes. See Roll goods Orientation, 49, 50, 63, 83 Shelterbelt. See Wind control Overhang. See Cooling Shurcliff, W., 32 Owner-builders, 37, 71, 98,100, Site selection, 38, 48, 50, 52 153 Skylight. See Lighting; ventilation Slope, 49, 143 Parapet, 33, 121, 144 Slump test. See Concrete Passive solar, 2, 10, 20, 33, 47, 48, Soil 81,82,103,178 bearing capacity, 54 Penetrational designs, 52, 82 moisture, 52, 64 Percolation, 56 pH,56 Plasticizers. See Concrete settling, 53, 96, 143 Plumbing, 116 stabilizers, 137 Posttensioned concrete. See temperatures, 63, 68 Concrete testing, 53, 55 Potential problems, 33, 34, 35, 49, type, 53, 54 62,99,101,140-44 Solar Age, 33, 140, 152 Poured-in-place concrete. See Solar angles, 57, 60, 81 Concrete Solar collector, 20, 35, 82, 183 Precast concrete. See Concrete Solar gain, passive Proctor test, 135 direct, 82, 83, 101, 165 Property tax, 153, 155 indirect, 25, 47, 63, 82, 83,101, 102,165,171 Radiant cooling. See Cooling isolated gain, 62, 82, 83 Radon, 98, 145, 147, 154 Solar rights, 33 Rammed earth, 11 Stabilizing slopes and berms, 137 Reinforced earth, 135, 137 Storm protection. See Tornado Reinforcement. See Concrete Structural integrity, 94, 99, 104, Repairs, 35,91, 100, 142, 152, 153 112,135,140,141 Resale potential, 29, 73, 100 Structure-to-energy flow, 12 Retaining walls, 33, 61, 64,135,141 Subsurface drainage. See Drainage Retrofit, 17, 33 Sunspace. See Heating; lighting Rodent and insect damage. See Superinsulation. See Insulation Animal pests Swales. See Drainage Roll goods modified bitumen, 124, 126 Tax credit, 36, 153, 155 rubberized asphalt, 124 Thermal bleed, 129, 142, 144 sheet membranes, 124, 126 Thermal chimney, 25, 90 Roof Thermal drag, 50 conventional, 21, 22, 87 Thermal equilibrium, 148, 150 earth covered, 12, 21, 22, 25, Thermal flywheel, 148 56,73,87,94,99,159,176 Thermal lag, 23, 41, 56,70 roof slab, 112 Thermal mass, 24, 35, 45, 87, 88, Roof penetrations, 121, 122, 144 131,132,148,164 Roofpond,82 Thermal storage walls, 47 Room heaters. See Mechanical air Thermosiphon system, 83 systems; wood burning stoves Thread test. See Soil testing Room layout, 74, 104, 158, 178 Topography, 49, 80 Rubberized asphalt. See Roll goods Tornado, 25, 102 INDEX 209

Transit work, 109 Water preheat coils, 137, 156,159 Trombe wall, 25, 82, 83, 90, 150, Water pressure, 142 156, 158, 159, 161, 165, 178 Waterproofing, 124, 137, 143 bentonite, 56, 94, 124, 125, 142 Underground garage, 74, 100 condensation, 127, 131, 142, Underground space, use of, 6, 21, 164 101 dampproofing, 125, 141 Underground Space Center, 21, 30, epoxy injection, 100 64, 103, 133, 167 leaks. See Leaks U.S. Army Cold Regions Research, roll goods. See Roll goods 133 vapor barriers. See Vapor U. S. Department of Energy, 21, 30, barriers 34 waterstops, 88, 117, 118, 121, 144 Vapor barriers, 88, 92, 116, 133, 134 Water wall, 82, 83, 101 Vegetative cover, 22, 35, 50, 56, 68, Water rights, 52, 53 132,143,144,156,161,178 Water table, 52 Ventilation Wells, M., 24, 100 air circulation, 30,42, 148, 151 Wind control air movement, 24, 49, 60, 68, air movement, 60, 68, 91, 151 151 berms as a factor, 61 air scoops, 38 retaining walls as a factor, 61 clerestories, 48, 52, 75 venturi effect, 49, 59, earth tubes, 24, 68, 90 vertical fins, 87, 90 fan-duct, 143, 156, 158 water, effect on, 61 fans, 68, 151, 156, 158 windbreak, 59,60,64 natural ventilation, 42, 50, 148 Wing walls, 68,121,122 ventilating skylights, 90 Wiring, 118, 137, 138 ventilation codes, 75 Woodburning stove, 34, 88,101, vent pipes, 90, 121,122, 156 102, 151, 164, 176 vents, 90, 163, 165, 183 Wood earth shelters, 31, 74, 94, 99, Venturi effect, 49, 59 100, 141 Vernacular buildings, 10 Work space, 31 Vibrators. See Concrete Wright, D., 31

Wade, H., 82 Zoning ordinance, 27, 28 Water heating, 137, 156,159,183 NOTES NOTES