1G THE FARMER: JUNE 16, 1915 interesting magazines. - "BARIIUlVi'S TURN" READ'S TEA AND The color scheme of the new tea In room is old sapphire blue and white. The blue is carried out in the velvet III PACK'S BARBER REST ROOMS ARE carpet and in ; the littlt shaded side WIS lights on the tables. The walls are Specials for Timrsday i t - same s- r ' rr have the i mil . entirely white and 'a- s'ii .I' rj lighting system of antique silver can- SHOP YEARS AGO MOST ATTRACTIVE semi-indire- ct 100-60- 20 YEARS AGO 50 dle wall lamps and MEAT DEPARTMENT lights with carved alabaster bowls Vs the rest room. French doors of Color and Effects Ar- j fiE from the Files of The Evening Farmer) 3 How the Great Showman Lighting leaded glass give entrance to the place FRESH GROUND HAMBURG STEAK 14c per lb (Taken Come ranged With Eye to the and opposite the doorway is the fire- to Pay Stranger's place of the Adam period with yellow HOME MADE POTATO SALAD ...... 8c tb Beautiful. Sienna marble. The tables and per AGO , and grew pale at" the Check. At j U.2 ULiA'DKKD YEAUS Strasburger, oc- chairs are of Austrian bent wood. HOME MADE CABBAGE SALAD. ... 7c per lb thoughts of what might have No doubt the two most 'attractive one side of the room are three leaded " On in ' , curred had Brennan pulled the trig- Monday of last week the windows to balance the "EEASJTXTS GEATE." shooter. of "A- un- parts "of the beautiful new store glass and ' ger of his ; story Neat Barber Shop,"' - whole, the wall has three CANNED Tread tbi3 is ground - which the D. M. Read Co.,- is fast com- ; opposite GOODS softly, gtranserl -. der the caption- "Fifty Years Ago," 1 im- similar mirror glass windows... The . . 4, Which no rude footstep should ' CITY COMMITTEE CLERKSHIPS owing to a ttypographical error we pleting in this city will be the rest onto : ' . x room and tea room bothv of real windows which open the press, Alderman Hanson this ap- referred to the owner of the shop as which in-- win- Heinz Baked Beans, Tomato Sauce, caja' fOT 25C 5Wth tender arouaid, morning of are now open. court, have dwarf box plants 10c 3 pity fgaze pointed James L. McGovern clerk of Joseph Jack instead Joseph Pack. dow b'oxes on outside: . I"vr- - I - The rooms are the Medium size, 3C for for Let sadness all thy aaxp. possess. the committee on Fire Mr- Pack for years ; was proprietor of adjoin and products room are to be 2 25cj 20c, 2 35c crush , the Department. lo- of the most modern school of home The corners of the . , Tread softly! lest thojtr All councilmanic committees Bridgeport's leading barber shop, B&ked Can, can, for j; " the streets decoration. Both are used for displays of furniture. One Queen Quality Beans,. Large Qq 3 2jq flowers' which have clerkships attached, are cated at Wall and Water and very large corner is a. 11. 11. That o'er Ithis turf are ' naught to is old office. and are Adam rooms, the exquisite occupied by huge peacock & Boned Chicken C aT,1 C can i ' now organized. City Clerk Mullins opposite the Farmer an hour table and hour 35 55 wavv of Street and Sewer commit- Among Barber Pack's prominent columns' between the rooms and all chair, glass Ox in and Glass bowers clerk, the be- glass taboret of bamboo which Tongne Tins, 95c and j Transplanted'from their native tees. 'Simon H. McCullough retains customers was none other than the the other wood work of the two split $1.00 $1.10 To their sweets o'er Beauty's P. T. of old finish are very unusual and beautiful. In Campbell's BakedBeaiis, Tomato Sauce...... can, for 25"c : shed 1 ' thie clerkship of the Claims commit- late Barnum and the great ing ivory designed after corner a tea 'lQf g . , the other is mahogany , no one this Grave. tee has reap- showman would allow but period. - i and. Alderman Hurley - a- attractive chairs Beechnut Baked Beans for Kenton JV clerk of the Barber Pack to do his tonsorial work The rest room is in gray- and so wagon, couple of 10c can' 3 25C i , s heart pointed Kelley and a basket. ror And, Stranger, let.your melting Lamp committee. and when the former was located, in unusual is the treatment that the sewing not Medium, i3C 2 1aree. 2 t0r 35c? - and verdant first The menu for the tea' room has 25c; 20c, Mark well this fresh, Alderman .Scribner is chairman of New York city during the regime of sight of the room produces a same delicious Blue Label Boned Chicken aJ1l - sod; J. the Sewer committee. Alderman Barnum's Museum, Barber Pack feeling ..as though one were on a been changed! the 35c 55c I scene sandwiches and salads and such dain- And ere yomfrom the depart, of the Street committee, , and made daily to the metropolis mountain top looking down at the Deviled Ham, in glass , ! v Flyim trips served. tea room 25c O let . your sou,l commune with Alderman of the Claims com- for the purpose of the great clouds. ty dishes being The ' ' Lyons shaving Gallon Tins Salad - ; attracts" many prominent people. Oil, special ...... 1. God. ' . N Showman. The pled wall shade 89C mittee. ' ' strip panels rooms - of the' two new Thus fade- tne i fragile bads of earth! "'; ! '. Barnum has been quot- from a dark taupe at the basmhonrri The beauty Bottle Salad Oil .... )Iedi,UII 'l i repeatedly Large 18c ' Thus fadekthe lovely an tna Dravi CliTJB. ed as "The ti the softest tint of and the service which they offer is 10c BRIDGEPORT CHESS said: people like ' French at . having " gray to- I v thouerhtless' sons of to the bound attract many people at all Come nere, In tournament of the Bridge- be humbugged" but the first and ceiling. - ' mirth. the was The of times of the day. ' 1 port Chess club Charles Gotthardt only time that the great Barnum floor, covering is dust grav EIUDGEPOUT o'er Beauty's 5 And pause JawhUe place-wit- S. W... Chal- himself humbugged was on a fine velvet carpet, and the furniture of all GraTe. ' r holds first TASUITA AND LONG HILL. c second, Ev L. . Jthird,, June morning about fifty years ago. gray willow and gray oak with up- lenger Rogers the Pack's barber in colored and Rev. J. N Emery fourth. The place being v shop holstering mulberry velour , . , ' Sweet wither'di Rose! may' thy pale on Wall street, this city.- - on the oak and colored (A Correction.) ' ' tournament will be vel .' - v: - conclusion of the J mulberry will aa PUBLIC i doom ' vet The Episcopal Guild give MARKET ' . on the willow. - reached in a few y "Barnum's Turn." 5 days. semi-indire- in Hall AND BRANCH t Call tears into ' the Virgin's eye! The ct, entertainment Cutler's Friday I ' - was one of in lighting is and of. this tomb It those' "rare days . instead of Gymnasium Hall. O! may the prospect- T--. the bowls are of . carved alabaster. evening CZffiTB AND BANK . EAST MAIN ST. "aU live must June" and P.' Barnum was in a Miss' Dasie . J. is SIS. Remind her. that to 7:45 New Each panel of the wall has ah an- Seeley visiting , die!"' hurry catch the train for in the 4404-5-6-7- PUBLIC OPINION tique silver candle, in its center. friends Park City. PHONES -8. ' ,warn in the days of youth, York when he decided to have lamp A dance will be held in Cutler's Free Delivery. And her, ' On the centre table is ' WTTU, ; '' ' Barber Pack shave him before leav- a yellow The "commit- L4 To think of' who being gave, - y ". hall next Wednesday. ' , shaded reading lamp which sets oil an And- - bid her seefe the ways of y. ing for the metropolis. Barber Pack tee in charge is John Berger of Long MOTHER GOOSE GAMES had Just a on one of Oriental rug. of , TRUTH, completed job , M. Co. wish- under-- Hill and L. Burgess Bridgeport. i :. AND THE NORMAL ''SCHOOL. was The J. Read it : his customers and there another Samuel G, were Like her who sleeps in Beauty's - Mr. and Mrs. Seeley ' ' " - one his turn when Barnum stood that the rest room is bv no , ... Grave. ' waiting means entertained Tuesday in Westport by To the Editor of The Farmer: 1 came of a ladies' room 'and that it 'is ' rushing in, divested himself their Uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ' 4 Kindly publish, my letter that oth- collar and tie, etc., and then with interided for the men as well as. the in honor of their wed- ffTY YEARS AGO - -' women. . Francis' Jelliff, ers in the darkness of misunderstand- the nerve of a Napoleon he saunter- The man who does not care ' JOHN F. FAY as de- to follow women of ding anniversary. A ' ing may receive I ed over to the vacant chair and the his party from y ICHEOT " enlightenment -- v 610 FAIRFIELD 'RTA'dKSMITSTS.G FIRM. ry-r'-- AVENUE did. : ", posited himself In it while the wait- counter to counter on a shopping An advance of $2 a ton In the price Hash Duna . and Thomas Nooney Since the agltekion regarding - the ing customer, an Irishman who wish- tour may go to the rest room where steel boiler tubes, all sizes, was an- cer- of, - Furniture and Cabinet have ijlakem the old shop formerly decrease of salary in the cases, of ed to be shaved before beginning his he will find the daily papers and many nounced (Pittsburgh- manufacturers. Dealer, Upholsterer Maker, Super ownedR and occupied . by Barzillia tain teachers who were was himself of by ' pronounced day's labor,' divesting Banis,lon iBeaver street; between, incompetent, I have spent much time coat, etcr Then the fun began. ior Fabrics for Furniture and Draperies. Tel. 74 on i i Middle abnd iMain, and will carry in wondering whenein such incom- "Where the Sam Hill are you go all' sorts- - of work, - Including' blaok;- -' petency lay. After the pro- demanded re-- I reading ing? the, stranger. smith, sbtip iron work, and wagon grams for teaching day' at the , City "My good man, said Barnum, "I'm FRESH MACKEREL pairing. They are' good workmen," Normal school, I have ceased tc con- in a hurry to catch the 7:45 for New and will vtionib tles receive- a fair share jecture. , I know. York and if you will let me take your de- publieTpats-onage.- ' : Who de- are the 'of ;.' The teachers were, declared turn in the chair I will pay your bill." among many - , - ' , ; ficient were those- whose natural "All the season--abl- e ' : right," said other, who licious fish now BisaDOP and sense Of . the .seriousness to nffiten bepckns. ability then retired the comfort of one ' of re-- ; . ; Hon. Wm.D. Bishop has Just I of a real "education left them upfitted Barber Pack's "waiting chairs." We also offer; Martlias turned r from V a fishing excursion 'to "makegame" of everything which Barber Pack hurried his work on ' i. ymeyarg and home constitute an course in the the showman, and when the Job "down 'in.Mainte," brought elementary great ' BLUEFISH 1 lot-oiTi- ne of his schools. For lo! , ' a trout the fruits pubHc the persons had been completed and the latter ; 'labor 'and skinia that line of busi--i responsible for the arrangement of was hurriedly leaving, he turned to WEAKFISH ness. Oicoursej-h- had' our hame on that fearfully and wonderfully Con- Mr. Pack and said: "Friend Pack, 1 A HALD3TJT Wai vi hi slate for a ! share of them-'a-nd structed program assert that the ex charge this bill to P. T. 0!or: ' gentleman's' nracicei six bounessss from the lot came to us ercises will be a demonstration of the' Barnum's account," and with that COD All-rig- " accordingly. ,;4 ht. vWe11 drink subjects and methods to 'which the ,'left the tonsorial apart- i hurriedly SALMON tyour .bealth,) sir, ''anal let the old young ladies training for teachers ment. ' f owe their success! . .- grudge standi" , Barnum Humbugged. PORGIES ;- Offer life in the open; lure ' And it goes something like this: , ; .. ' The waiting man then settled him BUTTERFISH BTJjBJBTN G AQCTOT5NT. Number game. self in the barber's chair and said and romance of the sea; the A afternoon Language game Hiding the thim- - o'clock '4- FLOUNDERS HADDOCK jLbowt yesterday '. "' ' :. with a jaunty air: "I'll have a shave, . a- named Itfoulton, about ble. thrill of its wonderful air little girl - sir:" When the shave was 1 Mother Goose completed residing- m . Howe's . block, ' impersonation. ."111 now I years old, " he then said: have a hair- - was , Paper cutting Circus animals, toy Eastern. tDistrict,. very (badly - cut, Mr. Pack." When the y' i the explosion of; a house and furniture, was shearing burned by - ' lamp , job completed he asked for a f ' : Dramatization Mabel. and the whichi she was playing. , v with . .' massage and when this had been done o s Fairies. he asked for a' "hair Island Va cati ii r Illustrated" talk as a. factor in politely tonic" , BTJRGTiARY Dff WESTPORT, Play All the demands were met the F01GJ the physical education of the child. " by inland The house, of 'Myron L. Mason, Esq. ' barber. When the work was com Rolling moors, lakes, windmills, ' a-- Running games!,!! was entered by ; burglar a nlgjat or Cities of the United pleted the bill totaled $1.60 and the EMI seaside Geography f two and robbed of clothes and ' - same was, on the account of 629 WATER ST. TEL. 412 lighthouses, quaint villages since, States. j.- placed : other articles1 to ,the? amount of one Illusratea talk A Phineas T. Barnum, the great show - a of rest and contentment. ! or two hundned dollars. Mr. Mason, travelog.ue man. "' picture .' A to coast. ; trip the being absent, Mrs. Mason was awalE -- When Barnum- came to settle his , Games States and cities. I i ened by the noise-- of their movements - - bill with Barber Pack at the end of ! Spelling match. compre- -' --' " shav-- j and seeing their light, she Music. " . i the week he noticed"$1.60 for heeded at once the character of the I don't children to 'school ing, massaging, hair-cutti- ng and hair for This Week Health for Children sacturnal visitors, and , gave the sendsmy tonic for the gentleman who gave his Special '" v to learn the stuff indicated that alarm, The. fellows. then started for by turn, to P. T- - Barnum." The For Illustrated Btilata glorious program. I want them , to great " the door, with what booty they had, learn arithmetic as a science not to showman then smiled to himself. " , Write Advertising Depsxtment, Room New Haveo, Com. ' i and .made' good i they escape. No paid the bill, .'and said to Barber Pack - -; make game of Small that - ; trace the- robbers has been dis- it jvonder. own WINDOW of yet "Caught at my game but it's the C I have to teach how to. - -- them do their ' ' covered. examples after my hard dav's work! first tjme I have ever been hum- New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad " They, know.' how to liide bugged," and then added, i "Friend - lAvENTY YEARS VGO so. Pack, the next time my Irish friend "AWNINGS- New Ste&mship Co. effectively that their mother has to comes England buy a new one tall,' too around give him another go Complete with iron frame and --" frequently, over "and it to1 accounts : TOM ROSAS OOMDfe. imagine now mucn Aiserul Knowledge ing charge my - value Tora; that he expects at school th4 but, this time, only a shave." pulleys. Big jtpnan ;writes they might- acquire in Mr. . so of , . time used how-t- Pack thought much the to be at "Father Nihill's picnic July in "teaching" them - on tea a ! incident he had a ., picture painted 4, and sdeliver an) address the hide .thimble I don't want them to which described the scene related to he s advertising on the Bowery He impersonate Mother Goose. .;T am 1 ' r takes in the that he is in t6 teach them common selrse. and the picture which bears the title ) t pride fait trying "Barnum's Turn," may yet be seen the .team, instad of the gin business. The role 'of Mother Goose is far more of , ' Mr. Ronaif" will be no great suited to a certain person who - adorning the walls Harry Taylor's hotelek: curiosity plans house on Wall street. to Fourth' ex . courses ; chop Thirteenth and Hlbert Sis. the; of the ward these wonderful of As 1 people study. i' ..died seven . Mr. Pack about years cept for the fantastic garb he may for cutting papers, the children could survived wear, as he has livedo among them a dp that; before they started to school ago and is by three sons, all number of years. now every room in hte house is lit prominent residents of this city. They include Francis Lewis Pack, eo. eu & co. PHILADELPu!A. tered and I should" be to have ' a " glad b; - the shoe store q I V WILLIAM fllCKEY TO BTJHJ. , . them howtoj-rea-d managerof Emerson , COJIPLETE HOME FURNISHERSrk , taught intelligently on Main street; Charles J. 1 . v at corner umxaus wic iiiiir juiJXJl.t;a ..,.( i j wt i:iv Pack, 1057-107- 'The lot the sontheast of j ' of, the 3 BROAD OPPOSITE POST OFFICE . avenue.. Pembroke devoted to such, papers.' The' dra manager Algonquin barber STREET, 'Stratfoijdj-- jid al "iniow doesn'ti-appe- to me shop at Broad and State streets; and street, used as a tennis court, matization v I'd ' - . : a salesman has been, bought, by William Hickey rather have then instructed in long George Pack, traveling Jul fosm&fim jy&cosW- ' 1 the G. Drouve Cornice who.-wil- l division. The ptay-- is fine for, company (build a residence upon it. - after , school "hoiiT-- s with tho ni-Ti- , ca of this city. WAS t ABOUT TO SHOOT sters; why shonI(-- e pay a teacher to amplify it dunng recitation pe Barbed Wire Comparatively few persons are ; . Entangles aware of the narrow escape Rounds- riods?! .,; ; "V man .Running games! And they; talk Russians in Attacks ,Pete .Hackett hai from being ;- shot at the Icommencement of his ex- about discipline! When I went to school a al- - 1 5 BEAUTIFUL citing, chase after the two! . East teacher wHo'jfas caught Petrograd, June During the re 200 OUTSIDE ROOMS ' ner , Bridgeport burglars Tuesday morn- - iowuix pupils (even without put cent fighting between Przashnish and ing. "WhenJ Hackett reached the cor V usm up to ix nerseir ) to run the German frontier, the Russian at ner of EastiMain street and Crescent and romp about the room during tackers had the greatest difficulty in WlWBATH & FlOWING ICE EF? avenue- - after being summoned from sonool session, would be dismissed several instances in getting through the police- - station, " he saw two men without a recommendation. , the barb-wir- e entanglements protect- Manufacturers and Business t hurrying iup East Main street. Think- - Something went wrong with the ing the German lines. After many $ ! cities of' ing they swere the burglars he im--i topic concerning the United attemptshad been made with various M and up: hats with Frank estates aouotiess some old crank in types of wire-cijtter- s, it was discover 2QP ' mediately exchanged - siBted Strasburger, who informed ' him of upon it for variety. It is bal eo mat tne enemy was employing a Carload of Cafe, Grill on anced by. another "game" states and of of Another The, Popular burglary, and darted 'away ' a jew kind wire, made steel. ' swift run the streets was cities. I' dare say the. illustrated Famous and Restaurant Manager up' It quite I .: - - ' includes a- . "travelogue" a moving a on dark at the time. " pic Loy Haley, negro,' who Satur ." ture we never OFFICE As Hactoett crossed the railroad apparatus, but hear of day snot . ana Kiiea ttoy Jjester, a t at- the use of such machines in Was tracks East Main stpeet and com- lessons. daily young planter. taken by a mob DESKS menced his ' chase up the thorough- The spelling match is all from Sheriff Boyett, and lynched in IN THE EVENING FARMER - but does Tiot Is In For Your In ADVERTISE fare he was ;, OfBcers Ben right, it illustrate the the woods between Hope and Louis- Just (seen- by N V t methods used in teaching spelling. ville, Ark. . , Danly, Pete, Hall and Brennan who not-- , spection, In All Woods. i Accordingly, I have the were on thlr ;way home. Daily see- est slight to ing Hackett across the doubt that the teachers who re The will of Mary Pieton S. Ham Sizes Fit Any Place; - sprinting fused to tracks- toade . ur) his mind that Pete make game of the essentials mond, of BerhardsviHe, N. J., who lost Prices to Suit . ' of education, who on ' Any was a and shouted to him to ' preferred order her life the Lusitania, was filed for i burglar and to wild-eye- d Purse. stopi-- , Pete; no attention to the discipline children probate at Somerville, N. J. It dis The paid - f Secret ofa Good tearing .about their rooms- aryi who poses of an estate of about $1,000,000. Cab-ine- ts f Figure but continued to go over ' Oak, and Steel 11m warning, -- Mahogany Filing often in the brassiere. Hundreds of and arith l1 . Bien-Joll- the in shape.' Officer taught, reading," writing taousanda of vomm wear the ground great metic while others were FUNERAL DESIGNS AND and Are The Last Braasiere for reason Brennan drew his revolver and all making Supplies, as the that they regard it fools of their pupils in Mother Goose BOUQUETS Up-to-da- te. necessary aa a corset. It supports the bust three the officers started on a run , JOHN Word in Office and hack and ziVea the of antics, were the teachers who did RECK & SON Equipment. outline theSfljure youthful after the supposed burglar. .When not conform to the schedule and re Managers of Offlees "Should Got Acquainted "With The New Maoey. which fashion decrees. they discovered that they were fast ceived the black Labor Saving Devices. They Reduce Lost Motion in Office Work to outdistanced shout- marks. -- being, Daily again WEDDINGS ANT) Minimum, and in Perfect So That You Can , Poor things!. Let them take warn- the Keep Things ' Order, ed to the' swiftly moving figure that next Place V our nana on Any jfaper I If he did not stop he would, shoot. ing and year copy the capable COMMENCEMENTS or Record Desired In an Instant. No was to warn- -' efforts of their more fortunate as attention paid the In Connection with This Depart- fdtti most Ing- - sociates. Briaes and occupy the vm daintiest, serrfceabte gai uieiita and Brennan" raised his revolver - - graduates ment We Also Shew Celebrat- - - A HOOKEY PLATER. center of the at the imadnable. Only the' best of materials are and- was" in the act otx on stage present and the ed Sectional Bookcases in used for instance, Walahn", a flexible bon-in- sr ; firing of what to in com Macey Hackett when Frank -- question give them All the- - of sreat durability absolutely rustless .Strasburger, memoration of the event is a Fashionable Woods. The permitting laundering without removal. who this time had Boat Race is . puzzling Well-Know- n High-Grad- e L. by reached the Laud problem, but one easily solved at our B. come trio of orBoers, seized Brennan's arm store, as It does a va- Marble Office Chairs Have Just They (n all styles, and your local Dry , of showing large Goods dealer will show tliem to you on re- Just as the latter was about to blaze Sport Soldiers of in diamonds. Been Added to , Our Ex- If he does not he riety appropriate gifts Already quest. wet carry 'them, can t away. Brennan' turned quickly Jewelry, watches, sterling and nlated tensive Assortment. In fact, Our easily them for you by writing to ns. Set.d , one . silverware, cut clocks a for an illustrated booklet showing that thinking that of the burglar's Boulogne, France, June 16 "The glass, and lot New Office Furniture Department I Jarrttm axe in high faror. styles of fhim. of other articles that are and fj rtfl attar pals had hold t land boatrace was the feature of the pleasing Is Now Second to None in New I If Wividii-a- - ' much desired by the or "Ton ,: wouldn't shoot Hackett, Battalion Athletic Meet .at camp this in our boy girl and England. .No one at all Interest- BENJAMIN & JOHNES all priced usual moderate profit SO T would you? inquired Strasburger. week," writes a British soldier from way. lane time to visit our store be ed In Office Furnishings Should Warren Street . Newark, N. J. What Hackett?" inquired the officer the front near Ypres. The race is a fore buying elsewhere. Miss Seeing This Display. In a surprised tone. ; '."Why . that's new thing, the explains, which, has re Pet Hackett and ' he's chasing two cently become very popular in the ibtsrgJars," said Mr Strasburger. army. . It is conducted as follows: The revolver almost fell from "Six men have a pole and sit large El, BUECDLER I d J. I Tnjwn-,- Bueamagt'y-han- two ii49 main A CompWte Fil iW while the other astride it, with another man at the Street I I far the executive - - J ,Dsin mm.1 effiottra looked at each other in end as coxswain. They run with it The Jeweler. a nw j raawfflent The officers returned to 'backwards like a rowing eight, the COR. OF ELM ST. the mtaHea. Where they thanked their cox steering, round a series of hurdles 43 FAIREIEIJD AVENTTB Want Ads; Gent a Woi for the timely "arrival of Mr. and back. It is most escitimr." Xeur Middle. Street- - J