Please ask for: Nikki Stocks Telephone: 01482 613421 Fax: 01482 614804 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Dear Councillor,

Northern Area Committee

The next meeting of the Northern Area Committee will be held at 18:00 on Thursday, 26 May 2016 in Orchard Centre.

The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant.

Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Yours faithfully,

Democratic Services Officer for the Chief Executive

Town Clerk Services, , The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of 78 Street, Hull, HU1 2AA DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300

Northern Area Committee

To: Membership: Councillors Bayes, Conner, Geraghty, Korczak Fields, Mathieson, McCobb and Wilson.

Officers: Jane Price, Assistant City Manager (Neighbourhoods) Ken Upshall, Community Manager for Northern & North Carr Nikki Stocks, Democratic Services Officer (5)

Public Set: Reference Library

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Northern Area Committee

18:00 on Thursday, 26 May 2016

Orchard Centre


1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting.

2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct.

(Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution)

3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th March 2016 7 - 14 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record.

4 Appointment to Outside Bodies 15 - 16 To consider appointments to Unity in the Community and Fair Share Trust Panel for Orchard Park.

5 Public Questions There will be a period of no more than 15 minutes during which written questions may be submitted by members of the public. Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent. If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item below. As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council's formal committee procedures rather than a public forum, the public present will not be able to participate in the Committee's discussions on the following items. Matters may be raised further at Forums.


Page 3 of 78

6 Community Safety Update To update the Committee on community safety issues within the Northern Area.

7 Regeneration Projects 17 - 20 To update the Committee on regeneration projects and activity within the Northern Area.

8 Verge Parking 21 - 26 Members views are sought in relation to a citywide Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) covering parking on grass verges, following the report to Cabinet in February 2016, This paper is both to inform the Committee of what a citywide TRO prohibiting parking on grass verges would entail and also seeks Members views as to any areas/streets which they would like to see included, prior to the report to Cabinet in July 2016.

9 Highways Quarterly Report 27 - 30 To update the Committee on highways related schemes in the Northern Area.

10 Street Naming Decision 31 - 42 To consider street naming for a new residential development on land at Parkstone Road, Hull.

11 Waste and Open Spaces Quarterly Performance Report 43 - 48 This briefing provides the quarterly performance report relating to waste collection, recycling street cleansing and grounds maintenance in the Northern Area.

12 Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance 49 - 52 To update the Committee and provide an operational view of street cleansing, grounds maintenance and the introduction of zonal working.

13 Northern Housing Performance update 53 - 56 To update the Committee on the performance of Housing Landlord Services and the housing Investment Team for the period ending April 2016.

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14 Northern Area Funds 57 - 70 To update Members on the Ward Budget Revenue and Capital unallocated funds remaining for 2016/17 for each ward and to detail all decisions taken by the Area Committee and under delegated powers from the 1 April 2016 to 15th May 2016 (Appendix 1 Revenue, Appendix 2 Capital) for information.

15 Area Neighbourhood Management Update 71 - 74 To update the Committee on key activities undertaken by the Northern Area Team.

16 Resolutions List 75 - 76 To update Members on outstanding actions as identified by the Committee.

17 Northern Area Committee Work Programme 77 - 78 To update the Committee on the future Work Programme.



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Page 6 of 78 Northern Area Committee

24 th March, 2016

PRESENT:- Councillor J. Conner, Councillor S. Wilson (Deputy Chair), Councillor T. Geraghty, Councillor J. I. Korczak Fields, Councillor K. E. Mathieson and Councillor D. J. McCobb. IN ATTENDANCE:- J. Price (Assistant City Manager – Neighbourhoods), K. Upshall (Community Manager – Northern and North Carr) and N. Stocks (Democratic Services Officer). PC Palmer ( Police) – minute 67 N. Harne (Assistant City Manager (Housing Strategy and Renewal) – minute 69 S. Henley (Transport Asset Management and Design) – minute 70 M. McEgan (Assistant City Manager – Housing) – minute 71

APOLOGIES:- Councillor S. Bayes

Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline PROCEDURAL ITEMS 64 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

No declarations of interest were made in respect of the items that follow below.


Agreed - That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee, held on 28th January 2016 having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair.


The Democratic Services Officer reported that no written questions had been received.


Page 7 of 78

PC Palmer attended the meeting to answer questions and provide the Committee with an update on community safety across the Northern area.

Members were informed that there were a number of issues around Orchard Park Road and Ellerburn Avenue shops, antisocial behaviour in the Shaw Park play area and a number of reports of fires in the park and damage to play equipment. Police Community Support Officers had undertaken nightly visits of hotspot areas.

Begging had risen in the Endike Lane area and a red card system had recently been introduced. A number of searches had been conducted in relation to the cultivation of drugs and drug dealing, following a number of reports. Two cannabis factories had been closed down and further arrests for possession with intent to supply had been made.

Members raised an issue with regard to a resident who had reported antisocial behaviour by groups of youths on motorbikes and cars in the Dane Park Road area. In response. Members were informed that there had been a recurrence of issues in the area. Several arrests had been made in the Shawpark area for criminal damage and traffic offences, and three bikes had been seized. None of the individuals arrested had been council tenants. Members were further informed that an operation had been scheduled to address issues in the Danepark area.

Members were informed that local PCs had been ring-fenced to community issues and tasked to implement demand reduction schemes. One scheme had commenced which sought to tackle cycle theft in the Northern Area.

Agreed – that the update be noted


The Principal Property Manager presented a briefing paper which updated the Committee on the progress made on the disposal of assets which already had

Page 8 of 78 Cabinet approval and sought Members’ views on a number of proposed asset disposals which were scheduled for submission to Cabinet on 25 th April 2016.

Members discussed concerns with regard to the George Ashton site.

Agreed – that the Northern Area Committee Assistant City requests that no action be taken for a period of three Manager - months to enable Members to consider alternative Property and uses for the site. Assets


The Assistant City Manager – Housing Strategy and Renewal submitted a briefing paper which updated the Committee on the Neighbourhood Renewal projects in the Orchard Park and Greenwood Ward.

Members were updated on the Gorthorpe demolition and relocation of the cable line to Padstow House. It was anticipated that the surrender contract would be signed by 11 th April 2016. Delays had impacted upon the tender period which had now expired. As such the demolition contractor had to be re- procured. Gorthorpe demolition was expected to commence around June 2016

Agreed –

(a) That the report be noted.

(b) That Member be updated on the progress of Assistant City the Gorethorpe demolition, off agenda; and Manager – Housing (c) That Members receive further feedback on Strategy and the Green Deal/ECO Programme events, off Renewal agenda.


The City Streetscene Manager submitted a briefing note which provided details of the progress of highway related projects and schemes, together with anticipated dates for completion and costs, in the Northern Area.

Page 9 of 78

Discussion took place around the specific schemes that were not included in the briefing paper.

Members were informed that scheme 1014 – Ellerburn Avenue housing works to the carriageway and kerbing was now complete. The next steps were to progress with the adoption of the highway. City centre works and the approach roads into the city had been prioritised and some additional funding had been awarded for city centre footpaths, however financial pressures remained. All tenders had been returned with regard to micro surfacing and schemes were expected to come forward within the next financial year.

Members sought further clarification of the progress on Hayworth Street. In response Members were advised that there had been some issues around parking.

Further concerns were raised with regard to the deterioration of road surfacing which required early intervention in order to minimise future costs. Members were informed that this was being monitored closely.

Agreed –

(a) That the update be noted;

(b) That Councillor McCobb be advised off b-c City agenda, of the target date for scheme 938 – Streetscene Reservoir Road street lighting; and Manager

(c) That officers pursue the contractors with regard to the ongoing gully issues and provide feedback to Members off agenda.


The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager submitted a briefing paper which updated the Committee on the performance of the Northern Landlord Services Team and Housing Investment Team for the period ending 31 st January 2016 as contained in Appendix A.

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Members were advised that re-lets had slipped to 33 days due to the reduction in contractor performance and numbers of refusals. Some system issues had affected rent arrears performance statistics. The Housing restructure consultation period was scheduled to end on 30 th April 2016. Implementation was anticipated for late summer which allowed for a three month mobilisation, recruitment and selection process.


(a) That the briefing paper be noted; and

(b) That Members receive an update on the gas safety inspection process, including the Assistant City timeline and reasons why access had not Manager been granted. (Housing)


The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager submitted a briefing note which provided the Committee with an update on ward activity across the Northern Area.

Agreed – That the briefing note be received.


The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager submitted a briefing note which updated the Committee on the Ward Budget Revenue and Capital unallocated funds remaining for 2015/16 for each ward and provided details of all decisions taken during 2015/16 for each ward, from the 1st April 2015 to 4th March 2016. Details of the Revenue budget were included in Appendix 1 of the report, while the Capital budget was detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.

The report also sought a decision on a new application from the Northern Area Team where unanimous agreement had not been reached by the relevant ward councillors, as required under delegated powers para 5.1 (b).

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Members were informed that a number of concerns had been raised by a Ward Member with regard to the amount of consultation that had been undertaken, the quantity and size of the proposed trees and the impact that the additional planting might have upon neighbouring properties.

Members were informed that consultation had been undertaken with the school and its pupils. Advice had been sought from the tree section in relation to the planting and it was anticipated that the proposal provided some mitigation against the ongoing drainage issues. There did not appear to be any impact or light restriction to any of the properties in question. The project complemented an additional grant received from the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ Grant Scheme for the implementation of picnic tables and seating.

Members discussed the detail within the report and responses provided, and determined that sufficient information had been provided for a decision to be made. Members were unanimous in their support for the project and reiterated that the Neighbourhood Coordinator had done an excellent job in obtaining the additional funding to support the project.

Further discussion was held around the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ Grant Scheme which had been created to support community projects following the introduction of the 5p carrier bag supplement. Members suggested that consideration be given to a project which addressed decayed carrier bags and detritus which impacted upon the hedgerows and wildlife along the Beverley Road corridor and Hall Road. In response Members were informed that projects were more likely to be successful if they were submitted by a local community group.

Agreed – (a-d)Assistant City Manager - (a) That the budget balance for each Ward for Neighbourhoods the year 2015/16, be noted;

(b) that there were no new applications to be considered by this Committee be noted,

(c) that the decisions taken by each Ward from 1st April 2015, to 4th March 2016, be noted; Page 12 of 78 and

(d) That the Northern Area Committee supports the application for £800 from University Ward (Capital funds) to fund the planting of 1000 native trees and shrubs to enhance existing planting at Greenway play space, 5 th Avenue on the grounds that the planting would further enhance the area, encourage biodiversity and wildlife, assist in the alleviation of surface water and provide additional drainage and mitigation against flooding.


The Democratic Services Officer submitted a list of actions that had been agreed at previous meetings. Members commented on the progress of the actions contained within the Resolution List.

Agreed – (a-c)Democratic Services Officer (a) That minutes 12b, 27b, 41b, 47c, 47d, 53b, – NS 55,be deleted from the resolution list;

(b) That minutes 27b, 41b and 55 be added to the Committee Work Programme;

(c) That all remaining items be retained until such time as matters are resolved; and d. City (d) That members receive an update on the Streetscene adoption of the northern end of Ellerburn Manager Avenue within three months


The Democratic Services Officer submitted the Committee’s Work Programme for the 2015/16 Municipal Year.

Agreed –

(a) That the Work Programme be noted;

(b) That the Work programme be updated to Landlord include an update to a future meeting on the Services

Page 13 of 78 effectiveness of the new measures employed Manager /DSO by the Northern Area Team to help tenants maximise their income (minute 27b refers),

(c) That an update on the Gorthorpe site and Assistant City removal of telecommunications equipment be Manager added to the Committee Work Programme (Housing (minute 41b refers); and Strategy and Renewal)/DSO (d) That Vehicular access to Parkstone Road be City Streetscene added to the Work Programme and that an Manager/DSO update be provided by no later than 25 th June 2016 (minute 55 refers).


The Democratic Services Officer presented a briefing paper which set out the proposed meeting dates for the Northern Area Committee for the forthcoming Municipal Year. Committee and Agreed: That the Committee supports the following Scrutiny dates for the forthcoming Municipal Year: 26 th May Manager 2016, 28 th July 2016, 27 th October 2016, 15 th December 2016, 16 th February 2017, 27 th February 2017.

Start - 6.00 pm Finish - 7.10 pm Published 12 th April 2016


Appointed Body Function Number Term Current Proposed by of Cllrs. Councillor Councillor Representative Representative CHARITIES Area None

ORGANISATIONS Northern Fair Share Trust Panel A fund awarded 1 1 year Bayes for Orchard Park for new opportunities. Northern Unity in the Community The promotion for 1 Term of office Conner Board the public benefit as Councillor or of urban resignation. regeneration in postal code are HU6


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Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards: Orchard Park and 26th May 2016 Greenwood, University and Beverley

Housing Regeneration Projects

Briefing Paper of the Assistant City Manager, Housing Strategy and Renewal

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary The purpose of this briefing paper is to update Members of Northern Area Committee on the Neighbourhood Renewal projects in the Orchard Park and Greenwood ward.

2. Background

2.1 Regeneration activities across the city are focused in the Council’s priority renewal areas. These areas include Newington and St Andrew’s, the Holderness Road Corridor including the Preston Road and Ings areas, Orchard Park, North and the City Centre.

2.2 This briefing paper outlines the progress made within the Orchard Park and Greenwood area, including an update on developments currently on site and new programmes being brought forward as a result of successful funding bids. The report also summarises the approach being taken by the Housing Strategy and Renewal section to secure additional funding and build upon the progress made to date.

2.3 The summer budget of 8 th July 2015 contained a number of proposed changes to funding for social rented housing. The implications are currently being worked through, including any potential impacts on the Council’s capital programme.

3. Issues for Consideration

3.1 New Build development

Milldane – 178 affordable units – Design refinement with preferred Contractor – Wates Living Space

There was a unanimous agreement of the Planning Application at the October Planning Committee. However, a full review of the schemes’ viability following the budget announcements and the setting of rents in accordance with the Local Housing Allowance, has resulted in the Council now seeking to deliver 86 of the 178 units within phase 1 of the scheme. This will occupy the lower western half of the site; the remainder of the site and the residual 92 units will be considered as a later phase 2. The existing planning

Page 17 of 78 application is being considered for non material amendment to enable the separation of the works into 2 phases to accommodate the proposed plan and affordability for delivery.

Due to the continued value management of the scheme and the need to agree the shifting scope of delivery with both Water and the Environment Agency; a final approach is still pending, however the Council are working with Wates to provide clarity and establish the necessary approvals to progress the works.

3.2 Demolition - Gorthorpe

Vodafone have now relocated to the former Sir Henry Cooper School site., EE/H3G are close to confirming a date for vacant possession of the roof space. Terms have been agreed and the agreement will be signed very shortly. Once signed, they have two months to vacate the roof space. Tender documentation is being prepared to retender for a demolition contractor. The tender period will start once EE/H3G sign the agreement.

3.3 Highcourt There have been some issues with standing water to the front of the shops in the recent heavy rainfall and the absence of mains drainage following the removal of the hardstanding areas. A remedial scheme consisting of stone back fill and bark chippings has failed to resolve the issue. It has been agreed that the bark chippings will be removed and an earth bund be installed until the area is redeveloped.

3.4 Local Labour Currently we have no active sites that are eligible to meet local labour and supply chain targets, therefore there is nothing to report at this time.

3.5 Green Deal/ECO Programme Two events were held for residents in February. Works are expected to commence on site in the Thorpes area imminently and the first properties to receive the works will be Council properties in Ilthorpe. Willmott Dixon Energy Services (WDES) will be undertaking the works and they will lead engagement with residents in the area with support from Council officers.

Works to Council properties in the Thorpes Area of Orchard Park started 14 th March 2016.

3.6 Empty Homes Programme

Under the new programme, in Northern area, 1 lease is with legal to complete and 1 property has been acquired and is with KWL to complete the works.

4. Next steps

4.1 Provide members with feedback on the progression of the masts and court proposals.

4.2 Continue to work closely with the contractor and funder to progress the Orchard Park new build at Milldane. Page 18 of 78 Nicholas Harne

Assistant City Manager, Housing Strategy and Renewal

Contact Officer : Nicholas Harne Telephone No. : 01482 615477

Officer Interests: None Background Documents: - None

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Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards : All

26 th May, 2016

Verge Parking

Briefing Paper of the of Head of Streetscene Services on behalf of Corporate Director for Strategic Commissioning

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1 At its meeting of 22nd February, 2016 Cabinet considered a Control of Verge Parking report and the following motion was subsequently passed (Minute 108 refers) -

(a) That consultation take place with the area committees asking them to consider if there would be any interest in a City wide Traffic Regulation Order covering parking on grass verges in specific areas and which areas/streets they would wish to see included, and

(b) That the report detailing the results of the consultation be brought back to Cabinet in July 2016.

1.2 This paper is to both inform this Committee of what a citywide traffic regulation order (TRO) prohibiting parking on verges in specific areas would entail and also to seek the feedback requested by Cabinet in 1.1 (a) above.

2. Background

2.1 The issue of verge parking was initially raised at 18 th June, 2015 meeting of Full Council where a motion was passed that instructed officers to present a report to the People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Commission detailing all the options available to control vehicular parking on grass verges.

2.2 The subsequent report contained details of a sign which has recently been authorised by the Department for Transport as shown in Appendix A. This sign enables Highway Authorities to introduce TROs which prohibit verge and/or footway parking within ‘zones’. The main consequence of this is that fewer signs are required

Author: Page 21 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 1 of 3 than is the case with the traditional methods of signing a prohibition of verge parking TRO.

2.3 At its meeting of 24 th September, 2015 the People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Commission subsequently recommended that Cabinet be requested to consider introducing a city wide TRO and increasing the number of enforcement officers to undertake the necessary patrols (Minute No. 29 refers).

3. Issues for Consideration

3.3 Damage to grass verges caused by vehicular parking is an issue in a number of locations throughout the City. Not only can it result in an unsightly mess and loss of amenity but it can also create a danger for pedestrians.

3.4 There are several methods of addressing verge parking issues as detailed in the report to the People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Commission at its meeting of 24 th September, 2015 (Agenda item 9).

3.5 In certain residential areas of the City, particularly those with narrow roads and where the properties have only small front gardens, some residents consider that they have no option other than to park fully or partially on the verge.

3.6 There can be two types of citywide TRO prohibiting verge parking. The first is a single order that prohibits parking on all verges, without exception, whether they are hardened to accommodate parking or not, on every road within the city. The second is also a single order but one that only lists those specific streets within the city where verge parking is prohibited and it is regarding this latter type of TRO on which this paper seeks the views of all the Area Committees.

3.7 There is no guarantee that the implementation of a citywide TRO would in itself prevent the problem of damage caused by vehicular parking on grass verges as it would still rely entirely on the issuing of penalty charge notices to dissuade motorists from continuing with the practice. Most verge parking takes place in residential areas overnight and consequently to carry out effective enforcement throughout the City it will be essential to provide additional staffing resources to undertake the necessary patrols.

3.8 It is unclear at this stage as to how a citywide TRO or the potentially considerable costs of signing and the possible provision of additional enforcement officers would be funded.

4. Next steps

4.1 To feed back to Streetscene Services any expressions of interest and potential list of streets as requested in 1.1 (a) above in order that a report can be taken back to Cabinet in July, 2016.

Author: Page 22 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 2 of 3 Andy Burton

Head of Streetscene Services on behalf of Corporate Director for Strategic Commissioning

Contact Officer : Tim Binnington Telephone No. 614865:

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: -

Control of Verge Parking Briefing Paper, People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Commission, 24th September, 2016.

Control of Verge Parking Report, Cabinet, 22 nd February, 2016.

Author: Page 23 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 3 of 3

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Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards: Beverley, Orchard Park and Greenwood 26 May 2016 University

Streetscene Service Highways Report

Briefing Paper of the City Streetscene Manager

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1 This paper informs Members of the progress of highway related projects and schemes together with anticipated dates for completion and costs.

2. Background

2.1 The table attached to this paper provides an update on progress of highway projects and schemes. It forms part of a series summarising activities underway, usually issued on a quarterly basis.

3. Issues for Consideration

3.1 Progress and Exceptions - Highway capital projects for 2015/16 are complete. Works are finished for Scheme 1014, Ellerburn Avenue; adoption as public highway of this section is in progress. Schemes for 2016/17 are at preliminary design or awaiting decision with budget confirmation outstanding preventing the release of the full schedule. As previously mentioned the focus for this coming year is the City Centre and approach roads to the city to address requirements for the 2017 City of Culture.

4. Next steps

4.1 This paper provides the Area Committee with a report on progress of highway related projects.

Andy Burton City Streetscene Manager

Contact Officer : Sheila Henley Telephone No. : 01482 614875

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - None Author: Sheila Henley Page 27 of 78 Status: Date: 18/05/2016 Page 1 of 1

Page 28 of 78 City Council Streetscene Services – Transport and Asset Management Quarterly Performance Report – May 2016

Northern Area

Capital Programme Schemes Carriageways Scheme Ward Scheme Details Entered Target Date Estimated Value Current Position No. Programme 1009 University Inglemire Lane - (Newland School Mar-14 Mar-17 £150,000 Brief and preliminary design stage, 2016/17 programme to Weighton Grove) due to budgetary pressures; safety repairs completed Reconstruction 1014 Orchard Park & Ellerburn Avenue Housing Works - Jan-16 Feb-16 £30,000 Complete; adoption in progress Greenwood Carriageway Reconstruction and Kerbing

Carriageways Micro Surfacing / Surface Dressing Scheme Ward Scheme Details Entered Target Date Estimated Value Current Position No. Programme ------No Schemes

Footways Scheme Ward Scheme Details Entered Target Date Estimated Value Current Position No. Programme ------No Schemes

Footways Slurry Sealing Scheme Ward Scheme Details Entered Target Date Estimated Value Current Position No. Programme ------No Schemes

Street Lighting Scheme Ward Scheme Details Entered Target Date Estimated Value Current Position No. Programme ------No Schemes

Integrated Transport Schemes Scheme Ward Scheme Details Consultation TRO Req. Entered Target for Estimate Current Position No. Required Programme completion of value scheme Date 731 Beverley Welwyn Park Area - Waiting Yes Yes Nov-13 - - Potential 20mph zone Restrictions and 20mph Zone and waiting restriction scheme to be developed. Residents consultation completed. Replies being analysed

Area Schemes Scheme Ward Scheme Details Consultation TRO Req. Entered Target for Estimate Current Position No. Required Programme completion of value scheme Date 1025 University Inglemire Lane - Traffic Calming No No Jan-16 - £1,500 Being investigated, Review / PV2 Survey awaiting member decision on PV2 survey location

Potential Schemes Being Investigated Prior to Entering the Capital Programme Carriageways Scheme Ward Scheme Details Estimated Current Position No. Value - University Salmon Grove / Auckland Avenue £6,000 Contractor appointed, awaiting programme dates Micro Surfacing - University Skidy Grove micro surfacing£6,000 Contractor appointed, awaiting programme dates

- Beverley / Beverley Road Junction Inglemire Development Stage £55,000 University Lane - Beverley / Newland Avenue Speed Tables / Development Stage £24,500 University Cottingham Road Junction

Page 29 of 78 Kingston upon Hull City Council Streetscene Services – Transport and Asset Management Quarterly Performance Report – May 2016

Northern Area

Footways Scheme Ward Scheme Details Estimated Current Position No. Value - University Bentley Grove, east side Development stage (Cottingham Grove - The £22,225 Quadrant) Footway Recycle - University Sutherland Avenue and part of Development stage £23,400 Endike Lane Footway Recycle - University 5th Avenue opposite Ada Holmes Development stage £2,700 Circle Footway Reconstruction - University Swanland Grove, both sides (The Development stage - Quadrant - End) - Orchard Park & Greenwood Avenue, north side Development stage Greenwood (Ada Holmes west entrance - east £10,440 entrance) Footway Recycle - Beverley Forbes Avenue (Compass Road - Development stage £16,308 End) Footway Recycle - Beverley Beverley Road, east side Development stage £6,084 (Strathmore Avenue - No. 842)

Street Lighting Scheme Ward Scheme Details Estimated Current Position No. Value 938 Beverley Reservoir Road £5,000 Scheme Complete

939 University Riccall Close £1,000 Scheme Complete

946 Orchard Park & Knightscourt £1,000 Scheme Complete Greenwood

Integrated Transport Schemes Scheme Ward Scheme Details Estimated Current Position No. Value

Area Schemes Scheme Ward Scheme Details Consultation TRO Estimated Value Current Position No. Required Required - University Haworth Street - Review of -- Being investigated - Waiting Restrictions - Beverley and Parkstone Road Vehicle Access - Subject to budget allocation Orchard Park & gap opening on Beverley Road Yes Yes 87,000 Greenwood

18th May 2016

Page 30 of 78

Report to the Northern Area Committee Wards : Beverley, Orchard Park and 26 May 2016 Greenwood, University

Street Naming Decision

Report of the Assistant Head of ICT Resources Directorate

This item is not exempt Therefore exempt reasons are not applicable

This is a Non-Key Decision

1. Purpose of the Report and Summary

1.1 A Leader Decision Record dated May 2011 delegates to Area Committees all executive decisions on matters that exclusively affect their area. This allows Area Committees to deal with street naming requests within their boundaries.

1.2 This report makes recommendations about one new street name for a new residential development on land at Parkstone Road, Hull.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That the Committee does not object to the street name detailed in this report.

3. Reasons for Recommendations

3.1 This is a statutory function under the Public Health Act 1925 that has been delegated to Area Committees

4. Impact on other Executive Committees (including Area Committees)

4.1 No impact on other Executive Committees.

Author: Page 31 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 1 of 7 This Development is wholly within the Northern Area Committee Boundary

5. Background

5.1 Street naming is carried out under the provisions of the British Standards BS7666-1:2006 and BS7666-2:2006. This is intended to provide a nationally consistent system for identifying each area of the country by address within a grid reference point.

5.2 The statutory provisions regarding street naming are found in Sections 17 – 19 of the Public Health Act 1925

5.3 The Council is contractually a member of the Public Services Mapping Agreement (PSMA) through which it receives all its mapping data, and the national Data Cooperation Agreement (DCA) which requires the Council to provide street and property data to a national hub in accordance with published nationally recognised Data Entry Conventions Documents.

5.4 Accurate meaningful and timely street naming is of critical importance to the emergency services in delivering their services.

5.5 In practical terms the Data Entry Conventions are interpreted by the Council so that street names and numbers comply with the following constraints:

• That a street will not normally be named after a living person except in exceptional circumstances. • Use of the names of the deceased must have acceptance from the family or estate administrators. Prior to use. • That streets would not normally be named after a locality, town or settlement; • That street names would not normally duplicate another name in use either within the boundary or in the same post town, or in close proximity in an adjacent authority. • Names that construe marketing are not acceptable. • The use of numbers in street names which could be misconstrued should be avoided. e.g., 20 Seven Foot Lane sounds like 27 Foot Lane. • Cannot be longer than 100 characters. • Abbreviations should not be used other than St for Saint. • Pedestrian streets should only be suffixed Walk, Path, Way or Mall. • Must not end in ‘s if it can be construed as possessive or plural.

5.6 Membership of the PSMA stipulates that naming proposals comply with these constraints, therefore the requirement is contractual rather than statutory.

Author: Page 32 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 2 of 7

6. Issues for Consideration

6.1 Following consultation with the developer the street naming and numbering officer has suggested that the new streets be named in keeping with the history of the area.

The development is on the site of the Parkstone Public House, now demolished. It consists of eight new houses including a private road serving three terrace houses. The new street name is required for the private road. The remaining houses will be addressed of Beverley Road and Parkstone Road. The developer has proposed the following street names for the new street:

OLD FARM COURT/CLOSE/MEWS: until the 1960’s the site was occupied by Avenue Farm. The developer has stated a preference for OLD FARM COURT for the new named street and they are marketing the development as such. While a development name does not need to form part of an Approved Address it can be helpful if they are related as emergency services may already be familiar with the development name.

WHEELHOUSE COURT/CLOSE/MEWS: The public house on this site was originally named The Wheelhouse.

PARKSTONE COURT/CLOSE/MEWS: We would recommend not including Parkstone in any new name as duplication can cause confusion to Royal Mail and the emergency services.

7. Options and Risk Assessment

7.1 Choose one of the names suggested by the developer in 4.1, at the developer’s invitation.

7.2 Object to any or all of the names.

7.3 Not select a name.

8. Risk Assessment

Risks are

Opt 1: name needs to comply with the Data Entry Conventions – mitigation is that you have checked them and they are all satisfactory in this respect

Opt 2: Developer can appeal against the objection to the Magistrates Court – risk to objection being upheld is that the proposed name

Author: Page 33 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 3 of 7 complies with the conventions therefore there was no justification in objecting

Opt 3: the developer may propose his own choice – risk is that Committee doesn’t like it, mitigation is that an objection can be made, but implications as opt 2 above

9. Consultation

9.1 Consultation has taken place with the developer who agreed the suggested choice of names.

10. Comments of the Town Clerk (Monitoring Officer)

10.1 The Council has power under S. 17 Public Health Act 1925 to object to the proposed naming of a street. In the event of an objection, the developer may appeal the Council’s decision to a magistrates court. In practice, if the proposed name complies with the Data Entry Conventions referred to above, there is no overriding reason to object to a proposal and the Council and Members are regularly involved by developers in the choice of street names. Once a name has been selected, the Council has a duty under S. 19 of the same Act to ensure that a street nameplate is erected and subsequently maintained.

11. Comments of the Section 151 Officer

11.1 The Section 151 Officer notes the report and has no further comments

12. Comments of HR City Manager and compliance with the Equality Duty

12.1 There are no staffing or wider human resources implications identified in the report.

13. Comments of Overview and Scrutiny

13.1 This report has not been subject to scrutiny. (Ref. Sc4703).

14. Comments of the Portfolio Holder

14.1 Not an Executive Decision

Author: Page 34 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 4 of 7

Report of the Assistant Head of ICT, Finance, Infrastructure and Transformation Directorate

Contact Officer: Glen Dobson – Team Manager Business and Information Systems Operations Telephone No.: 01482 614599

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - A list of background documents must be included. These documents are then available (if not exempt) for public inspection.

Old_farm_court_plan.pdf Development location plan and property details.

Author: Page 35 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 5 of 7 Implications Matrix

This section must be completed and you must ensure that you have fully considered all potential implications

This matrix provides a simple check list for the things you need to have considered within your report

If there are no implications please state

I have informed and sought advice from HR, Yes Legal, Finance, Overview and Scrutiny and the Climate Change Advisor and any other key stakeholders i.e. Portfolio Holder, relevant Ward Members etc prior to submitting this report for official comments I have considered whether this report Yes requests a decision that is outside the Budget and Policy Framework approved by Council Value for money considerations have been Yes accounted for within the report

The report is approved by the relevant City Yes Manager I have included any procurement/commercial Yes issues/implications within the report

I have considered the potential media interest Yes in this report and liaised with the Media Team to ensure that they are briefed to respond to media interest. I have included any equalities and diversity Yes implications within the report and where necessary I have completed an Equalities Impact Assessment and the outcomes are included within the report Any Health and Safety implications are Yes included within the report Any human rights implications are included Yes within the report I have included any community safety Yes implications and paid regard to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act within the report I have liaised with the Climate Change Yes Advisor and any environmental and climate change issues/sustainability implications are

Author: Page 36 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 6 of 7 included within the report

I have included information about how this Yes report contributes to the City Plan/ Area priorities within the report

Author: Page 37 of 78 Status: Date: 17/05/2016 Page 7 of 7

Page 38 of 78 Your Ref: 15/00022/FULL My Ref: 16-555 Tel: 01482 614574 Fax: 01482 615198 Email: [email protected] Textphone: 01482 300 349 Date: 12 April 2016

Street naming and numbering Residential Development at: Parkstone Road, Kingston upon Hull

Do not scale

Business and Information Systems Operations Team, ICT, Finance Infrastructure and Transformation Directorate, Hull City Council, Maritime Buildings, Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston upon Hull, HU1 1EP Page 39 of 78 Tel: 01482 300300

Layout Plan provided by developer Do not Scale

Business and Information Systems Operations Team, ICT, Finance Infrastructure and Transformation Directorate, Hull City Council, Maritime Buildings, Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston upon Hull, HU1 1EP Page 40 of 78 Tel: 01482 300300 PROVISIONAL ADDRESSES WITH UPRN AND EASTINGS & NORTHINGS

NOTE: The co-ordinates (easting and northing) given in this document are only provisional and may alter in the future as exact locations of the properties are confirmed.

Address UPRN Description Plot Easting Northing The Wheelhouse PH 000021111595 Historic address to be deleted 508204 433182 Demolished Former Public House 920 Beverley Road Now demolished Kingston Upon Hull The Wheelhouse, HU6 7DA Ex The Parkstone Demolished Flat 010008637372 Historic address to be deleted 508204 433182 920 Beverley Road Former Flat Kingston Upon Hull Now demolished HU6 7DA

Development Site 010091482158 Development Site 508204 433182 Old Farm Court Old Farm Court Parkstone Road Non postal address Kingston Upon Hull 920 Beverley Road 010091482159 New terraced house 1 508192 433170 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction 922 Beverley Road 010091482161 New terraced house 2 508188 433182 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction 924 Beverley Road 010091482163 New terraced house 3 508185 433189 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction 926 Beverley Road 010091482165 New detached house 4 508174 433202 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction 1 NEW NAMED STREET 010091482160 New terraced house 5 508197 433205 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction

2 NEW NAMED STREET 010091482162 New terraced house 6 508203 433208 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction

3 NEW NAMED STREET 010091482164 New terraced house 7 508208 433210 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction

3 Parkstone Road 010091482166 New detached house 8 508216 433182 Kingston Upon Hull Under construction Note: UPRN - this is the unique Property Reference number allocated under BS7666;2006

These addresses have been allocated in accordance with BS7666:2006.

Business and Information Systems Operations Team, ICT, Finance Infrastructure and Transformation Directorate, Hull City Council, Maritime Buildings, Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston upon Hull, HU1 1EP Page 41 of 78 Tel: 01482 300300 Please note that the Royal Mail is responsible for the allocation of postcodes, not the council. Details of the postcodes allocated will be available from the Royal Mail database at Alternatively, you can telephone the Royal Mail Postcode Section on 08456 04 50 60, or e-mail [email protected].

Business and Information Systems Operations Team, ICT, Finance Infrastructure and Transformation Directorate, Hull City Council, Maritime Buildings, Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston upon Hull, HU1 1EP Page 42 of 78 Tel: 01482 300300

Briefing to the Northern Area Committee Wards – Beverley, 26 th May 16 Orchard Park & Greenwood and University

Waste and Open Spaces Quarterly Performance Update

Briefing of the City Streetscene Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Paper and Summary

1.1 To provide a quarterly performance report relating to waste collection, recycling performance, street cleansing and grounds maintenance in the Northern area.

2. Introduction

2.1 This briefing is part of the ongoing performance reporting framework, providing quarterly performance information for Waste and Open Spaces.

3. Measures of Performance

3.1 The city wide number of missed collections for April 2016 was 862 out of 720,456 scheduled collections.

3.2 The following graph shows the number of reported missed collections since February 15 across Northern area broken down by Ward.

Page 43 of 78 1

3.3 The number of missed collections in Northern Area reported in April 16 was 113.

3.4 The average number of daily reported missed collections by Ward in April 16 was as follows:

• Beverley – 1.2 bins reported missed out of 1,281 collections per day • Orchard Park & Greenwood – 3.5 bins reported missed out of 1,973 collections per day • University – 1.8 bins reported missed out of 1,387 collections per day • The city wide ward average is 2.1 bins reported missed per day

3.5 The level of missed collections rose during June, July and August due to reconfiguration of routes and high levels of sickness. Through close monitoring and round familiarisation these high levels have been reduced to the current, more typical levels.

3.6 Cleansing Performance Update – Levels of litter and graffiti are now monitored city-wide on a quarterly basis. This is in line with corporate performance indicators. The trend in relation to levels of litter and graffiti across the city is shown below.

Page 44 of 78 2

3.7 Current levels of litter are just above the target of 6%. Keep Britain Tidy’s latest annual national local environmental quality survey results; show the national unacceptable levels of litter at 10%.

3.8 The level of graffiti is shown on the graph below

3.9 The levels of graffiti are well below the 4% target.

3.10 Although still ahead of target, the level of litter has started to increase which reflects the reduction in resources during the last year. A zonal approach to cleansing and grounds maintenance has just been implemented which is aimed at ensuring standards are maintained at their current level, or to improve them. This zonal approach started April 4 th 2016.

3.11 The number of reported fly-tipping incidents in the Northern Area averaged approximately 55 per month between March 15 and April 16. A comparison with city-wide reports is outlinedPage 45 below. of 78 3

3.12 To illustrate the level of contact from residents with regard to street cleanliness, the number of service requests through the call centre is shown on the graph below.

3.13 The average number of requests from residents in the Northern Area is 24 per month. The graph below shows the breakdown of service request types for the Northern Area.

Page 46 of 78 4

3.14 To illustrate the level of contact from residents with regard to grounds maintenance and parks, the number of service requests through the call centre is shown on the graph below.

3.15 The average number of requests from residents in the Northern Area is 30 per month and reflects the seasonal trend.

3.16 The graph below shows the breakdown of service request types for the Park Area.

Page 47 of 78 5

4 Summary and Next Steps

4.1 Key operational issues will be summarised in future reports.

4.2 The waste collection service continue to monitor trends in reported missed collections, with the emphasis on reducing the number of repeat and missed assisted collections to improve performance. Improving the quality of materials collected in the blue bin recycling scheme is also a key priority.

4.3 A zonal approach to street cleansing and grounds maintenance came into effect on April 4 th 2016.

Andy Burton City Streetscene Manager

Contact Officers: Doug Sharp and Adam McArthur, Streetscene

Telephone No: 01482 614032 or 318536

Background Documents – None

Page 48 of 78 6

Briefing to the Northern Area Committee Wards –

26th April 16 Orchard Park and Greenwood Beverley University

Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance

Briefing of the City Streetscene Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Paper and Summary

1.1 To provide an overview and update of the street cleansing and grounds maintenance programme.

2. Introduction

2.1 This briefing is to provide an operational overview of the street cleansing and grounds maintenance service.

2.2 Streetscene have redeveloped the street cleansing and grounds maintenance operations.

3. Street Cleansing

3.1 It is proposed that the street cleansing service will operate on a zoned basis, 7 days per week. This will include all dedicated zone resources working in one zone per day.

3.2 The city will be split into 15 zones, and the geographical areas for these zones are the same for street cleansing and grounds maintenance

3.3 The city centre and arterial roads are excluded from the zones and will have a dedicated resource, 7 days a week.

3.4 The city centre will have extended operating hours from 05:00 to 19:00, 7 days a week.

3.5 There will be a “back up” resource operating Monday to Friday, dedicated to school runs, shop fronts, hot spot areas and service requests. These will be cleaned daily Monday to Friday.

Page 49 of 78 1 3.6 The shift pattern and schedules are currently being developed and are going through consultation with the operational teams, operatives and Trade Unions, and is proposed to start in April 16.

3.7 Fly-tipping, cycle tracks and on-request tasks (needles, dead animals, etc.) will remain the same.

3.8 Future developments within the street cleansing schedules will naturally compass the seasonal trends, and these will be discussed with Ward Members, where requested.

3.9 The new schedules will be shared with members, when finalised.

4. Grounds Maintenance

4.1 Grounds maintenance will operate over 5 days, Monday to Friday.

4.2 The triple grass cutting,mobile teams, 5/7 and OAPs will work on a zonal basis, using the same principal as street cleansing with all resources working in that zone then moving on to the next zone the following day.

4.3 The other grounds maintenance tasks (high amenity, marking out, city centre and communal areas) will have dedicated crews to carry out this work. These will not work on a zonal basis, due to the spread across the city.

4.4 There are back up crews, if required, to cover grass cutting during periods of wet weather.

5. Community Groups

5.1 Streetscene will work with the Area Committee and Ward Members to support community involvement, where there is interest, and coordinate/adapt operational response accordingly to assist in the clearance of litter and leaves, and grounds maintenance tasks.

5.2 Streetscene will arrange meetings with Ward Members to discuss community clean-ups of litter.

6. Summary

6.1 Officers from Streetscene will attend Ward Members meetings to discuss the street cleansing and grounds maintenance zones in detail, if requested.

6.2 The street cleansing and grounds maintenance schedules will be shared will members before the implementation date.

6.3 After an initial monitoring period of the new schedules, it is proposed to put the new schedules on the website, so residents know what day their street is due to be cleaned or when the grass will be cut.

Andy Burton CityPage Streetscene 50 of 78 Manager 2

Contact Officers: Adam McArthur, Streetscene Services

Telephone No: 612743

Background Documents – None

Page 51 of 78 3

Page 52 of 78

Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards: All 19 th May 2016

Briefing Paper - Northern Area Housing Performance for the period up to the end of April 2016

Briefing Paper of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

To brief the Northern Area Committee on the performance of the Northern Landlord Services Team and the Housing Investment Team for the period ending 30 th April 2016.

2. Background

The Area and Neighbourhood agenda places responsibility for ensuring effective performance of Council services at a local level with Area Committees. This briefing captures the relevant information to enable the Area Committee to fulfil its monitoring role in relation to local delivery of Housing Services.

3. Summary of Performance

Current Month = Apr-16 Current Rent Arrears

Tenanted Lettable No. % in Stock Properties Voids Voids Cases arrears Value Citywide 24,824 24,207 617 237 7,482 30.9% £1,992,278 Northern 4,014 3,938 76 29 1,483 37.7% £413,342


Author: Michelle Evans / Louise Holmes Page 53 of 78 Status: Final Date: 17/05/2016 Page 1 of 4

Arrears Actions (Year to Date) Lets RTB Sales in (Year NOPPs/ Court last 12 to NOSPs Orders Evictions Turnover months Date) Citywide 203 53 5 8.6% 219 139 Northern 46 5 0 8.3% 42 22

3.1 Responsive Repairs

At the end of April 2016 performance for repairs appointments made and kept was at 99.1%. This exceeded the city average of 98.8% has greatly exceeded the performance target of 90%.

3.2 Repairs Completed Right First Time

Repairs completed right first time stood at 91.4% at the end of April, slightly better than the Citywide average at 91.3%.

3.3 Gas Repairs and Gas Servicing

At the end of April 2016, only 8 Council properties in Northern had overdue gas safety checks with none of these being outside of the 8 week bracket.

3.4 Empty Council properties

The number of empty properties at the end of April 2016 was 76; of these 11 were ready for letting and 18 were for repair. A total of 47 are still earmarked for demolition.

3.5 Council garages

The position, in terms of Council garage occupation, at the end of April 2016 was as shown below:

51 - 76 - Fully 0-25% 26-50% All Total 75% 99% Occupied Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Blocks Northern 44 34 40 24 0 9 151

Author: Michelle Evans / Louise Holmes Page 54 of 78 Status: Final Date: 17/05/2016 Page 2 of 4 3.6 Average Re-let Time

The Landlord Services Team re-let performance during April stood at 34 days, with 22 properties relet. This is 4th best performance in the City, although marginally higher than the citywide average of 33. Rent lost due to properties being empty during April was 1.28%, the best across the City, much lower than the citywide average of 1.85%, and lower again than the target of 1.95%.

3.7 Customer Satisfaction – New Homes

Customer satisfaction with their new home stood at 81.3% (of 16 respondents) for April. This is an increase on previous, but is below the citywide average of 89.2% (of 65 respondents).

3.8 Rent Collection

The Landlord Services Team performance of 95.62% for April was the lowest in the City, and 2% lower than the citywide average of 97.68%. However, this was an improvement on last month’s figure of 94.9%.

3.9 Right to Buy Sales

There were 2 sales during April in the Northern area.

3.10 Number of Properties Available for Re-Let

The tables below show the latest information regarding the number of properties available for re-let across each Ward in the Northern area.


Orchard Park/Greenwood

Voids Bids per Property Type Bedrooms Advertised property HSE 2 2 108.0 HSE 3 9 68.9 HSE 4 0 0.0 HSE 5 0 0.0 BNG 1 4 28.5 BNG 2 0 0.0 FL2 1 1 37.0 FL2 3 0 0.0 FL5 1 1 38.0 MSF 1 0 0.0 TOTAL 17 60.3

Author: Michelle Evans / Louise Holmes Page 55 of 78 Status: Final Date: 17/05/2016 Page 3 of 4 University

Voids Bids per Property Type Bedrooms Advertised property HSE 2 1 107.0 HSE 3 3 89.0 HSE 4 0 0.0 HSE 7 0 0.0 BNG 1 0 0.0 BNG 2 0 0.0 FL2 1 0 0.0 TOTAL 4 93.5


Voids Bids per Property Type Bedrooms Advertised property HSE 2 0 0.0 HSE 3 0 0.0 TOTAL 0 0.0

4. Next steps

That Northern Area Committee notes the Briefing Paper and requests further information if required.

Laura Carr City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Contact Officer: Michelle Evans/Louise Holmes

Telephone No: 01482 616405

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: -

1. Performance Information

Author: Michelle Evans / Louise Holmes Page 56 of 78 Status: Final Date: 17/05/2016 Page 4 of 4

Briefing Note to the Wards: Beverley, Northern Area Committee Orchard Park and Greenwood, 26 May 2016 University

Northern Area Funds

Briefing Note of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Note

1.1 To update Members on the Ward Budget Revenue and Capital unallocated funds remaining for 2016/17 for each ward

1.2 This report details all the decisions taken by the Area Committee and under delegated powers from the 1 April 2016 to 15 th May 2016 (Appendix 1 Revenue, Appendix 2 Capital) for your information.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That the budget balance for each ward for 16/17 be noted.

2.2 There are no new funding applications to be considered by the Area Committee.

This is not a Key Decision.

Page 57 of 78 5 3. Introduction

3.1 The process for considering applications was determined by this Committee on 20 July 2011 (minute 29 refers). The process for considering applications was amended as follows by this Committee on 25 September 2014 (minute 37 Ward Budget Decision Making) recommendations contained in 2.1 and 2.2 were Agreed:-

That the Assistant City Manager (Neighbourhoods) be authorised to approve all applications for funding from the Ward Budgets following consultation with the relevant ward members, except:

a) where applications relate to more than one ward, or

b) where unanimous agreement cannot be reached by relevant ward councillors, in which cases the application will be submitted to the relevant Area Committee for consideration.

That a briefing note is submitted to every other Area Committee meeting setting out decisions made under delegated powers and advising members of amounts available to spend.

4. Issues for Consideration

4.1 Ward Budget

The rules which allow Hull City Council to make funding available for the Ward Budget are contained within Section 2 of the Localism Act 2011 (the “General Power”). This provision gives local authorities the power to do anything that an individual might do subject to the boundaries contained in Sections 2 and 3.

The Ward Budget is allocated per Ward on the agreed basis, and is devolved to the Area Committee for their determination of its allocation to individuals/ groups.

Application is made via application forms, which are specifically designed to take into consideration all the probable risks involved in allocating funding.

The Members consider approving the applications whilst taking into consideration that some of the applications have been made year on year for a similar or identical project. Members may wish to consider those applications that are `new’ as a priority before looking at repeat applications, unless that repeat application is seen as part of a continuing and/or vital project.

Page 58 of 78 6 4.2 Beverley Ward

Fund Unallocated Funds remaining 2016/17

Revenue £29,943.10

Capital £5,545.00

Orchard Park and Greenwood Ward

Fund Unallocated Funds remaining 2016/17

Revenue £56,101.89

Capital £12,501.10

University Ward

Fund Unallocated Funds remaining 2016/17

Revenue £71,209.29

Capital £11,661.61

The tables at paragraph 4.2 however, are inclusive of all (both previous Area Committee decisions and those delegated to members) funding applications, up to and including the 15th May 2016.

The Community Safety Fund has now been merged with the Capital ward budget and any unallocated funds from the Community Safety Fund are included in the Capital Ward Budget tables at paragraph 4.2

Page 59 of 78 7

5. Council’s Aims and Objectives

5.1. The use of the Ward Budget Fund is to finance schemes within local neighbourhoods for the betterment of local communities. This contributes to the Council’s aims and objectives insofar as they are consistent with published local action plans and Area priorities.

6. Consultation

6.1 There is no consultation involved.

7. Conclusions and next steps

7.1 That Members note the Northern Wards Budget position for 16/17.

City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Officer contact: Ken Upshall 616905

Officer interests: None

Appendix 1 – Revenue Ward Spreadsheets for 2016/17 Appendix 2 – Capital Ward Spreadsheets for 2016/17

Background Documents:


Page 60 of 78 8 Author: Name: Ken Upshall Service Area: Customer Services Contact Details: 331951 Background Papers Northern Ward Budgets 2014/15 spreadsheets. Area application forms Is this a Key Decision: No If yes, is it in the Forward Plan? N/A Will further decisions be required? No If yes please outline the timetable Is this report proposing an amendment to the No budget or policy framework? Have the financial (including capital N/A implications been agreed with the Head of Corporate Planning and Finance? Have value for money considerations been N/A accounted for? Has the report been approved by the relevant Yes CST/HoS? Has the relevant Cabinet Member been N/A consulted and any comments documented? Has Overview and Scrutiny been consulted? N/A Have Area Committees been consulted? Yes Have the legal implications been agreed with N/A the Head of Legal and Democratic Services? Are there any procurement/commercial N/A issues/implications? Have communication issues been cleared by N/A Communications and Marketing? Has an Equalities Impact Assessment been N/A carried out in relation to the subject of the report? Are there any equalities and diversity No implications? Are there any community safety implications? Yes Has regard been paid to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act? Are there any environmental and climate No change issues/sustainability implications? Are there any Health and Safety implications? No Are there any human rights implications? No How does this report contribute to The report contains financial Council/LAA/Area priorities information and funding applications from the Area Teams as appropriate, partners, community and voluntary groups to undertake activities to contribute towards the priorities.

Page 61 of 78 9

Page 62 of 78 10 Beverley - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per Project brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete BEV 005-REV Beverley Ward Members BOYRD'S x 7 across the Ward 6.3.15 4,625.00 4,625.00 A0541 5250 0000 NOBE BEV 010-REV Northern Area Team Skip for Oak Road Playing Field 6.11.15 160.00 160.00 A0541 4900 0000 NOBE BEV 011-REV Northern Area Team Beresford Planting Scheme 31.3.16 1,000.00 1,000.00 A0541 5250 0000 NOBE BEV 012-REV Northern Area Team Community Clean-up days 31.3.16 2,580.93 2,580.93 A0541 5250 0000 NOBE 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 8,365.93

Projects 2016/17 - Beverley Transfer of underspend budget 2015/16 8,365.93

Budget to allocate 2016/17 5,545.00

Actual Spend per Project Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Balance unallocated 16/17 5,545.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 5,545.00 Actual Oracle Spend 0.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 8,365.93

Page 63 of 78 Orchard Park & Greenwood - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete CIB 7-303R Northern Area Team Additional running costs for Pitch + Putt Dane Park 11.3.13 4,284.00 4,284.00 OPEG/5R Northern Area Team Bring out your rubbish days 14.3.14 1,466.26 1,466.26 A0541 5250 0000 NOOG OPGW 008-REV Northern Area Team Big Northern Event - 31.7.15 13.7.15 468.80 468.80 A0541 4900 0000 NOOG OPGW 010-REV Northern Area Team Pitch Marking Pain for use at St. John Fisher Fields 6.11.15 22.82 22.82 A0451 4900 0000 NOOG OPGW 011-REV Northern Area Team No nuisance motorbike signs 23.12.15 743.00 743.00 A0541 4900 0000 NOOG City of Hull Sport & Community Grant towards purchase of equipment for the new Boxing OPGW 013-REV Group Club premises 17.3.16 4,095.00 4,095.00 0.00 A0541 4900 0000 NOOG M01-17 OPGW 014-REV Northern Area Team BOYDS 31.3.16 1,530.00 1,530.00 A0541 5250 0000 NOOG

Total Commitments from prev financial year 12,609.88 Projects 2016/17 - Orchard Park & Greenwood Transfer of underspend budget 2015/16 14,164.98

Budget to allocate 2016/17 10,946.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Balance unallocated 16/17 10,946.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 12,501.10 Actual Oracle Spend 4,095.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 8,514.88

Page 64 of 78 University - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete CIB 67-4R Route One - Humberside Police Spray Back Project 30.1.14 N.A.C. 300.00 300.00 UNIV 008-REV Northern Area Team To provide a colour ward newsletter 8.00 8.00 A0541 5020 0000 NOUN UNIV 009-REV Northern Area Team Beach/Family Fun Day - 26.8.15 13.7.15 702.76 702.76 A0541 4900 0000 NOUN UNIV 011-REV Northern Area Team BOYRD'S 23.12.15 11,417.00 11,417.00 A0541 4900 0000 NOUN

Total Commitments from prev financial year 12,427.76

Projects 2016/17 - University Transfer of underspend budget 2014/15 16,328.37

Budget to allocate 2016/17 7,766.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 16/17 7,766.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 11,666.61 Actual Oracle Spend 0.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 12,427.76

Page 65 of 78

Page 66 of 78 Beverley - CAPITAL Ward Budget

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete BEV/3 CAP Friends of Oak Road Contribution to trim trail equipment 27.3.14 3,600.80 3,600.80

BEV 006-CAP Northern Area Team Painting of Gate - Welwyn Park Gating Scheme 10.9.15 7.30 7.30A9998 9210 0000 NOBE BEV 008-CAP Northern Area Team New TRO etc. on the Welwyns 23.12.15 14,336.69 14,336.69A9998 9220 0000 NOBE BEV 010-CAP Northern Area Team Welwyns TRO - part 2 31.3.16 5,120.91 5,120.91A9988 9220 0000 NOBE

Total Commitments from prev financial year 23,065.70

Projects 2016/17 - Beverley Transfer of underspend budget 2015/16 24,276.80

Budget to allocate 2016/17 28,732.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Balance unallocated 16/17 28,732.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 29,943.10 Actual Oracle Spend 0.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 23,065.70

Page 67 of 78 Orchard Park & Greenwood - CAPITAL Ward Budget

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete CIB 7-296C Northern Area Team Fishing Lake A/c Feb 2013 14,772.95 14,772.95 A9998 9390 0000 NOOG CIB 7-297C Northern Area Team Feasibility study for the fishing lake 31.1.13 3,200.00 3,200.00 A9998 9390 0000 NOOG CIB 7-304C Northern Area Team Environmental improvements to Dane Park 11.3.13 446.49 446.49 A9998 9210 0000 NOOG CIB 7 - 318C Northern Area Team Feasibility study for the MUGA pitch 27.1.14 178.34 178.34 A9998 9064 0000 NOOG OPEG/7C Northern Area Team MUGA pitch development 28.2.14 17,000.00 17,000.00 OPEG/8C Northern Area Team Fishing lake development 28.2.14 19,136.00 19,136.00 OPEG/9C Northern Area Team Improvement of sports facilities 28.2.14 15,068.00 15,068.00 Improvements to Catherine Ellis Centre which is to be CSF 5-5 Northern Area Team used as a car park 04.12.13 241.00 241.00 A9998 9020 0000 NOOG Conversion of former Kings Kebabs premises on the OPGW 015-CAP Northern Area Team Catherine Ellis Site into sports changing facilities 26,000.00 26,000.00 A9998 9210 0000 NOOG City of Hull Sport & Community Grant towards purchase of equipment for the new OPGW 017-CAP Group Boxing Club premises 17.3.16 11,750.00 11,750.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 NOOG M01-17 OPGW 018-CAP Courts Community Association Purchase of Equipment 4.3.16 1,725.32 1,725.32 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 NOOG M01-17 OPGW 019-CAP Northern Area Team Installation of play equipment in Shaw Park 31.3.16 2,082.51 2,082.51 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 111,600.61

Projects 2016/17 - Orchard Park & Greenwood Transfer of underspend budget 2015/16 110,985.50

Budget to allocate 2016/17 56,717.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 16/17 56,717.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 56,101.89 Actual Oracle Spend 13,475.32 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 98,125.29

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Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per Project brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete CIB 7-170 Northern Area Team Cranbrook Avenue traffic calming measures 01.03.2010 2,181.18 2,181.18 A9998 9063 0000 NOUN Northern Area Team King George V Park refurbishment 10.03.2011 2,371.29 2,371.29 Additional funding for the improvements to UN/6 Northern Area Team carriageways and footpaths in Uni Ward 13/14 4,191.12 4,191.12 A9998 9220 0000 NOUN Feasibility study for King George V play area, CIB 7-241 Northern Area Team skate park and BMX park 5.1.12 262.50 262.50 A9998 9064 0000 NOUN CIB 7-275C Northern Area Team Controlled Parking Zone on Inglemire Lane 17.10.12 500.00 500.00 A9998 9103 0000 NOUN Consultation on traffic issues at Cottingham CIB 7-295C Northern Area Team Roadf roundabout - parking bays A/C December 359.67 359.67 A9998 9062 0000 NOUN Improvements to footpaths in the University Ward CIB 7-306C Northern Area Team for 2013/14 A/C March 13 4,920.61 4,920.61 A9998 9103 0000 NOUN Catherine McAuley//St. Antony's UN/5 Northern Area Committee Close Parking Scheme A/C 27.3.14 1,000.00 1,000.00 A9998 9210 0000 NOUN CIB 7-318C Northern Area Team Pedestrian footpath on King George V PF A/C 27.6.13 3,550.00 3,550.00 A9998 9210 0000 NOUN Removal of 3 disused portakabins from King George V playing fields. ORIGINALLY £2,993.00 FOR THIS PROJECT. THE £2,346.10 LEFT HAS NOW BEEN RE-ALLOCATED TO IMPROVE THE FOOTPATHS AND CARRIAGEWAYS IN THE UNIVERSITY WARD CSF 6-126 Northern Area Team 04.10.13 12.9.12 400.00 400.00 A9022 9100 NOUN Consultation on traffic issues near Endsleigh CSF 6-136 Northern Area Team Primary School A/C December 1,000.00 1,000.00 A9022 9062 NOUN Highways Improvement works - 11th Avenue CSF 6 - 147 Northern Area Team Carriageway N.A.C. 30.1.14 5,350.90 5,350.90 A9022 9210 0000 NOUN UNIV 008-CAP Northern Area Team Inglemire Lane - feasibility study 23.12.15 1,000.00 1,000.00 A9888 9220 0000 NOUN UNIV 009-CAP Northern Area Team PV2 survey Inglemire Lane 18.1.16 500.00 500.00 A9888 9220 0000 NOUN UNIV 011-CAP Councillor Korczak Fields Notice Board 4.4.16 1,830.00 1,830.00 A9998 9210 0000 NOUN

Total Commitments from prev financial year 29,417.27

Projects 2016/17 - University Transfer of underspend budget 2015/16 60,388.56

Budget to allocate 2016/17 40,238.00

Page 69 of 78 Actual Spend per Project Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 16/17 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Balance unallocated 16/17 40,238.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 71,209.29 Actual Oracle Spend 0.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 29,417.27

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Northern Area Committee 26 May 16 Wards: Beverley, Orchard Park and Greenwood and University

Northern Area Neighbourhood Management Update

Briefing Note of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Note and Summary

1.1 To provide an update to the Northern Area Committee on ward activity across the Area.

2. Beverley Ward Update


2.1 Work has been undertaken on the fishing lake at Oak Road including the removal of a discarded boat. Hull and District Angling Association are putting together a programme of summer activities to encourage local young people to use the area over the summer months.

2.2 Following meetings with Newland St. John’s Primary School, the Police and the Council’s Road Safety Officer a number of measures have been implemented around the school to improve the safety of children and other pedestrians in the area. Early feedback from the school indicates an improvement in the behaviour of motorists but the situation continues to be monitored.

Progress Updates

2.3 The Area Team are working with Streetscene to look at available options for providing Bring out Your Rubbish days to cover the whole of Beverley Ward. In the short term the area team are arranging a separate one off community clean up/ bring out your rubbish event in conjunction with Waste Management, Hull University and the private landlords association.

2.4 The Area Team are looking at various options for the replanting of the flower bed at the top of Beresford Avenue. Costs have now been received and negotiations are ongoing with Streetscene regarding ongoing maintenance. Options are now available for Councillors’ consideration.

2.5 Statutory consultation with residents regarding the introduction of a new Traffic Regulation Order to change waiting restrictions and lower the speed limit around the Welwyn’s area has now closed. Highways are collating and analysing responses and will present Pagefindings 71 toof the78 next available ward member meeting.

2.6 Following contact with ward councillors in both Beverley and Newland Wards the Area Team have met with staff at Newland St John’s Primary school regarding the installation of a mobile classroom for community growing activities. The Area Team have signposted the school regarding potential funding sources which could be matched with ward budgets and have liaised with colleagues to Wyke Area Team to keep them informed of progress.

Future Plans

2.7 The Area Team are working with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) and the Council’s Streetcare Team to explore options for the redesign and improvement of the woodland Walk area close to Mizzen Road. The Area Team are looking to secure external funding to improve the area.

2.8 A Beverley Ward Newsletter is currently being drafted and is due to be delivered to all properties in the ward in July 2016.

3. Orchard Park and Greenwood Ward Update


3.1 The City of Culture Roadshow visited Orchard Park on 22 nd and 23 rd April. There was a good response from the community engaging in the Creative Community Programme.

3.2 A letter drop has been done on 1 st Avenue asking residents not to park in the turning area.

3.3 The City of Hull Boxing club had the official opening of their new premises on Orchard Park Road on 15 th March. The Orchard Park and Greenwood ward Councillors were present.

Progress Updates

3.4 Work is due to start soon on the Shaw Park changing rooms. The former Kings Kebabs premises on the Catherine Ellis centre site will be converted for the use of sports teams on Shaw Park. The North Hull Knights Rugby League team will use the premises in the new season.

3.5 Northern Area Team are working closely with the Northern Neighbourhood Policing team on the issue of nuisance motorbikes.

3.6 A meeting has been held with shop keepers from the Orchard Park shops regarding youths causing annoyance. Advice is to be taken from PC Andy Allen on crime reduction measures.

Future Plans

3.7 Further ‘Bring out your rubbish’ days are being planned in the ward. The Area Team will liaise with Housing and Waste Management to focus upon the areas most in need.

3.8 A funding bid to the City of Culture Communities fund for Oppy Wood is being developed with partners, includingPage 72 all of three 78 primary schools, as part of the Beyond the Rainbow project. The group undertook a litter pick and tree planting on Oppy Wood on the 3 rd May, the 99 th Anniversary of the Battle of Oppy wood. It is planned for a larger scale event in 2017 on site that brings together all the community and art strands in remembrance.

3.9 The Area Team are working with the Youth Service on securing funding to continue the successful Strike Football project (via the Tigers Trust).

4. University Ward Update


4.1 The tree and shrub saplings were planted by The Conservation Trust Volunteers at Greenway play space at the very start of April.

4.2 After being notified that the Tesco grant application was successful, we are now aware that £10,000 will be awarded, and will be spent on various seating, goal posts and we are hoping to extend the footpath to join up sites and also create a safer route for Greenway school children. Best value prices are now being explored.

4.3 A Bring Out Your Rubbish day event has been rearranged to coincide with the end of the University academic year in order to help students before they leave for summer, and to prevent build up of waste and flytipping. The Waste Management team have agreed to carry out a BOYRD on a Sunday (5th June) as all other dates are booked.

Progress Updates

4.4 The results are of the Inglemire Lane pedestrian / vehicle survey is still not available as exact location for the potential crossing needs to be confirmed.

4.5 The KGV skate bowl is now under construction and is on schedule to be completed mid June. The Lord Mayor has been requested to officially open the skate bowl during the Beach Day 28 th July.

4.6 The Beach Day being held Thursday 28 th July is now almost fully organised, with booking and confirmation that there will be the same rides and facilities as last year. Additional attractions are still being thought through and it is hoped that the event will be bigger and better than ever.

Future Plans

4.7 Partner agencies have agreed to attend a 5 weekly surgery / drop in session to be held at Unity In Community, Endike Lane, beginning on Wednesday 1 st June. The sessions with be fronted by an ASB officer and a member of Police staff will also be present. The current weekly ASB surgery does not have many visitors, so it is hoped that this new arrangement will encourage the community to take the opportunity to raise their concerns or voice opinion about ward related issues.


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City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Contact Officer: Ken Upshall Tel No: 616905 Officer interests: None

Page 74 of 78 Northern Area Committee Work Programme 2015/16 RED (R) Action allocated by Committee - pending action

Chair: Councillor AMBER (A) Matter is ongoing/outstanding further information or review of Committee to delete item Conner Democratic Services Officer : Nikki Stocks Ext 3421 GREEN (G) Action is complete

WP Work Programme

RAG (Action Meeting Minute Agenda Items Contact Officer Reason for submission and Actions arising Actioning Officer Outcome Deadline Status + Date Number Relevant Code)


98f that Members receive clarification as to what progress is being Response 7.11.15– database updated, but no further progress due to 98f Sheila Henley A made on the register of unadopted streets (minute 29 also refers) resourcing and priorities for works on the public highway


98d That a map be presented to Ward Member meetings to outline the street cleansing schedule by street and that this clearly identifies any unadopted streets be brought to Area Committee after discussion at Ward level Mike Brigden Update 15.3.16 the Environment manager attended the OPG ward meeting, A Related Minute 80b - That a map be presented to Ward Member meetings there are no current requests for ward meetings in Beverley or University to outline the street cleansing schedule by street and that this clearly wards. 80b identifies any unadopted streets

proposed for 24.3.16 HOUSING REGENERATION PROJECTS Nic Harne/Liz Jamil 69 To provide an update on regeneration projects within the Northern Area G deletion That Member be updated on the progress of the Gorethorpe demolition, off proposed for 69b Nic Harne update to be provided at members meeting tuesday 17th May G agenda; and deletion That Members receive further feedback on the Green Deal/ECO proposed for 69c Nic Harne update to be provided at members meeting tuesday 17th May G Programme events, off agenda deletion proposed for 24.3.16 HIGHWAYS UPDATE Sheila Henley 70 To update Members on Highways schemes G deletion (b) That Councillor McCobb be advised off agenda, of the target date for Scheme 938 (Reservoir Road street lighting) was completed in December proposed for 70b Sheila Henley G scheme 938 – Reservoir Road street lighting; and 2015. deletion

(c) That officers pursue the contractors with regard to the ongoing gully Highways is awaiting feedback from the utility service contractor. We will proposed for 70c Sheila Henley G issues and provide feedback to Members off agenda. update when more information becomes available. deletion Louise Louise To provide an update on the performance of Landlord Services and the 24.3.16 HOUSING PERFORMANCE UPDATE Holmes/Michelle 71 Holmes/Michelle R Housing Investment Team Evans Evans Louise (b) That Members receive an update on the gas safety inspection process, 71b Holmes/Michelle R including the timeline and reasons why access had not been granted. Evans

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Page 76 of 78 Northern Area Committee Work Programme RED (R) Action allocated by Committee - pending action

Matter is ongoing/outstanding further information or review of Committee Chair: Councillor Conner AMBER (A) to delete item

Democratic Services Officer : Nikki Stocks Ext 3421 GREEN (G) Action is complete

WP Work Programme

New Item / Standard Upload RAG (Action Meeting and Date Agenda Items Contact Officer Reason for submission and Actions arising Status + Date Procedural (H) Relevant Code) Items (P/S/Q/A) MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 26th MAY 28.7.16 P DSO to approve the minutes as a true and correct record WP 2016 28.7.16 15.3.16 S HOUSING REGENERATION PROJECTS Nic Harne To provide an update on regeneration projects within the Northern Area WP

Report to Cabinet 23 May 2016 to consider the results of public consultation on the preferred options, endorse the proposed changesto the policies from the Preferred Options stage and authorise public 28.7.16 WP consultation on the Publication version of the Hull Local Plan. The Publication Local Plan would be submitted to the Area Committee for comment next year. THE PUBLICATION LOCAL PLAN

HOUSING AND NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL 28.7.16 N Liz Jamil to invite comment on the strategy in relation to the Northern Area WP STRATEGY 2016-2021

28.7.16 N HOMELESS STRATEGY 2016-2021 Liz Jamil to invite comment on the strategy in relation to the Northern Area WP

Per minute 55 - that a report be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee which outlines options for providing a new central reservation 28.7.16 N VEHICULAR ACCESS TO PARKSTONE ROAD Sheila Henley WP gap and deceleration lane directly adjacent to Parkstone Road and addresses the safety issues relating to the scheme. LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN ANNUAL REPORT feedback from YVIC and update on how pupil premium is being used Per 28.7.16 A Graham Talbot WP minute 58e/f (2015) LouisePage 77 of 78 Minute 27b refers. Added to Work Programme at Members request to UPDATE ON MEASURES TO HELP TENANTS TBC N Holmes/Michelle provide further update/evaluation of the measured used to help tenants MAXIMISE THEIR INCOME Evans maximise their income and how this is working TBC SIRIUS ACADEMY NORTH UPDATE Graham Talbot off agenda WP

TBC SMOKEFREE PLAYPARKS April Cundy to be circulated off agenda for information WP

The Affordable Warmth Strategy will provide the way forward and guidance for specific activities aimed at reducing fuel poverty across the city. It will serve as the over-arching document from which any future bi-annual Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) reports will be made and will be the framework for all affordable warmth activity in the city. The strategy will provide the necessary evidence base and framework which will inform future funding bids. In particular, it will provide an insight into the basis for TBC AFFORDABLE WARMTH STRATEGY working as a strategic partnership as well as how and WP why specific government funding bids will be submitted to deliver energy efficiency measures across the city.

The strategy will inform residents of what the Council will do to reduce fuel poverty in the city, working with various partners.

Pending clarification as to whether consultation will be undertaken with Area Committee or provided off agenda for information

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