: Building Customized Program Analysis Tools with Dynamic Instrumentation

Chi-Keung Luk Robert Cohn Robert Muth Harish Patil Artur Klauser Geoff Lowney

Steven Wallace Vijay Janapa Reddi y Kim Hazelwood

Intel Corporation yUniversity of Colorado

Website httproguecoloradoeduPin Email pinprojectintelcom

Abstract 1. Introduction Robust and powerful software instrumentation tools are essential As software complexity increases, instrumentation—a technique for program analysis tasks such as profiling, performance evalu- for inserting extra code into an application to observe its behavior— ation, and bug detection. To meet this need, we have developed is becoming more important. Instrumentation can be performed at a new instrumentation system called Pin. Our goals are to pro- various stages: in the source code, at compile time, post link time, vide easy-to-use, portable, transparent, and efficient instrumenta- or at run time. Pin is a software system that performs run-time tion. Instrumentation tools (called Pintools) are written in C/C++ binary instrumentation of applications. using Pin’s rich API. Pin follows the model of ATOM, allowing the The goal of Pin is to provide an instrumentation platform for tool writer to analyze an application at the instruction level with- building a wide variety of program analysis tools for multiple archi- out the need for detailed knowledge of the underlying instruction tectures. As a result, the design emphasizes ease-of-use, portabil- set. The API is designed to be architecture independent whenever ity, transparency, efficiency, and robustness. This paper describes possible, making Pintools source compatible across different archi- the design of Pin and shows how it provides these features. tectures. However, a Pintool can access architecture-specific details Pin’s instrumentation is easy to use. Its user model is similar when necessary. Instrumentation with Pin is mostly transparent as to the popular ATOM [30] API, which allows a tool to insert calls the application and Pintool observe the application’s original, unin- to instrumentation at arbitrary locations in the executable. Users strumented behavior. Pin uses dynamic compilation to instrument do not need to manually inline instructions or save and restore executables while they are running. For efficiency, Pin uses sev- state. Pin provides a rich API that abstracts away the underlying eral techniques, including inlining, register re-allocation, liveness instruction set idiosyncrasies, making it possible to write portable analysis, and instruction scheduling to optimize instrumentation. instrumentation tools. The Pin distribution includes many sample This fully automated approach delivers significantly better instru- architecture-independent Pintools including profilers, cache simu- mentation performance than similar tools. For example, Pin is 3.3x lators, trace analyzers, and memory bug checkers. The API also faster than and 2x faster than DynamoRIO for basic-block allows access to architecture-specific information. counting. To illustrate Pin’s versatility, we describe two Pintools Pin provides efficient instrumentation by using a just-in-time in daily use to analyze production software. Pin is publicly avail- (JIT) compiler to insert and optimize code. In addition to some able for Linux platforms on four architectures: IA32 (32-bit x86), standard techniques for dynamic instrumentation systems includ- EM64T (64-bit x86), ItaniumR , and ARM. In the ten months since ing code caching and trace linking, Pin implements register re- Pin 2 was released in July 2004, there have been over 3000 down- allocation, inlining, liveness analysis, and instruction scheduling to loads from its website. optimize jitted code. This fully automated approach distinguishes Pin from most other instrumentation tools which require the user’s Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.5 [Software Engineer- assistance to boost performance. For example, Valgrind [22] re- ing]: Testing and Debugging-code inspections and walk-throughs, lies on the tool writer to insert special operations in their in- debugging aids, tracing; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors- termediate representation in order to perform inlining; similarly compilers, incremental compilers DynamoRIO [6] requires the tool writer to manually inline and save/restore application registers. General Terms Languages, Performance, Experimentation Another feature that makes Pin efficient is process attaching Keywords Instrumentation, program analysis tools, dynamic com- and detaching. Like a debugger, Pin can attach to a process, in- pilation strument it, collect profiles, and eventually detach. The application only incurs instrumentation overhead during the period that Pin is attached. The ability to attach and detach is a necessity for the in- strumentation of large, long-running applications. Pin’s JIT-based instrumentation defers code discovery until run time, allowing Pin to be more robust than systems that use static Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or instrumentation or code patching. Pin can seamlessly handle mixed classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation code and data, variable-length instructions, statically unknown in- on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute direct jump targets, dynamically loaded libraries, and dynamically to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. generated code.

PLDI’05 June 12Ð15,2005,Chicago,Illinois,USA. Pin preserves the original application behavior by providing in-  Copyright c 2005 ACM 1-59593-080-9/05/0006 $5.00. strumentation transparency. The application observes the same ad-

dresses (both instruction and data) and same values (both register

trace and memory) as it would in an uninstrumented execution. Trans- FILE

parency makes the information collected by instrumentation more

Print a memory write record

RecordMemWriteVOID ip VOID addr UINT size

relevant and is also necessary for correctness. For example, some VOID

W p dn ip addr size applications unintentionally access data beyond the top of stack, so fprintftracep

Pin and the instrumentation do not modify the application stack.

Pin’s first generation, Pin 0, supports ItaniumR . The recently-

Called for every instruction

released second generation, Pin 2, extends the support to four1

InstructionINS ins VOID v

architectures: IA32 (32-bit x86) [14], EM64T (64-bit x86) [15], VOID

instruments writes using a predicated call 

ItaniumR [13], and ARM [16]. Pin 2 for Itanium R is still under

ie the call happens iff the store is


actually executed

Pin has been gaining popularity both inside and outside of Intel,

if INSIsMemoryWriteins

with more than 3000 downloads since Pin 2 was first released INSInsertPredicatedCal l


in July 2004. This paper presents an in-depth description of Pin, ins IARGMEMORYWRITEEA

and is organized as follows. We first give an overview of Pin’s IARGINSTPTR IARGEND instrumentation capability in Section 2. We follow by discussing IARGMEMORYWRITESIZE design and implementation issues in Section 3. We then evaluate in

Section 4 the performance of Pin’s instrumentation and compare it

mainint argc char argv

against other tools. In Section 5, we discuss two sample Pintools int argv

used in practice. Finally, we relate Pin to other work in Section 6 PINInitargc

fopenatraceout w

and conclude in Section 7. trace

INSAddInstrumentFunctio nI nstr uct ion

PINStartProgram Never returns

2. Instrumentation with Pin return The Pin API makes it possible to observe all the architectural state of a process, such as the contents of registers, memory, and Figure 1. A Pintool for tracing memory writes. control flow. It uses a model similar to ATOM [30], where the user

adds procedures (as known as analysis routines in ATOM’s notion)

InsertPredicatedCall RecordMemWrite to the application process, and writes instrumentation routines to INS ensures that is

determine where to place calls to analysis routines. The arguments invoked only if the memory instruction is predicated true. to analysis routines can be architectural state or constants. Pin Note that the same source code works on all architectures. The also provides a limited ability to alter the program behavior by user does not need to know about the bundling of instructions on allowing an analysis routine to overwrite application registers and Itanium, the various addressing modes on each architecture, the application memory. different forms of predication supported by Itanium and ARM, x86 Instrumentation is performed by a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. string instructions that can write a variable-size memory area, or

The input to this compiler is not bytecode, however, but a native ex- x86 instructions like push that can implicitly write memory. ecutable. Pin intercepts the execution of the first instruction of the Pin provides a comprehensive API for inspection and instru- executable and generates (“compiles”) new code for the straight- mentation. In this particular example, instrumentation is done one line code sequence starting at this instruction. It then transfers con- instruction at a time. It is also possible to inspect whole traces, trol to the generated sequence. The generated code sequence is al- procedures, and images when doing instrumentation. The Pin user most identical to the original one, but Pin ensures that it regains manual [12] provides a complete description of the API. control when a branch exits the sequence. After regaining control, Pin’s call-based model is simpler than other tools where the user Pin generates more code for the branch target and continues execu- can insert instrumentation by adding and deleting statements in an tion. Every time the JIT fetches some code, the Pintool has the op- intermediate language. However, it is equally powerful in its ability portunity to instrument it before it is translated for execution. The to observe architectural state and it frees the user from the need to translated code and its instrumentation is saved in a code cache for understand the idiosyncrasies of an instruction set or learn an in- future execution of the same sequence of instructions to improve termediate language. The inserted code may overwrite scratch reg- performance. isters or condition codes; Pin efficiently saves and restores state In Figure 1, we list the code that a user would write to around calls so these side effects do not alter the original applica- create a Pintool that prints a trace of address and size for ev- tion behavior. The Pin model makes it possible to write efficient

ery memory write in a program. The main procedure initializes and architecture-independent instrumentation tools, regardless of

Pin, registers the procedure called Instruction, and tells Pin whether the instruction set is RISC, CISC, or VLIW. A combi-

to start execution of the program. The JIT calls Instruction nation of inlining, register re-allocation, and other optimizations when inserting new instructions into the code cache, passing makes Pin’s procedure call-based model as efficient as lower-level it a handle to the decoded instruction. If the instruction writes instrumentation models.

memory, the Pintool inserts a call to RecordMemWrite before BEFORE

the instruction (specified by the argument IPOINT to 3. Design and Implementation InsertPredicatedCall INS ), passing the instruction pointer

In this section, we begin with a system overview of Pin. We then

INST PTR (specified by IARG ), effective address for the mem-

discuss how Pin initially gains control of the application, followed

MEMORYWRITE EA ory operation (specified by IARG ), and number

by a detailed description of how Pin dynamically compiles the

MEMORYWRITE SIZE of bytes written (specified by IARG ). Using application. Finally, we discuss the organization of Pin source code. 1 Although EM64T is a 64-bit extension of IA32, we classify it as a separate 3.1 System Overview architecture because of its many new features such as 64-bit addressing, a flat address space, twice the number of registers, and new software conven- Figure 2 illustrates Pin’s software architecture. At the highest level, tions [15]. Pin consists of a virtual machine (VM), a code cache, and an instru- PRELOAD Other tools like DynamoRIO [6] rely on the LD en- Address Space vironment variable to force the dynamic loader to load a shared li-

Pintool brary in the address space. Pin’s method has three advantages. First, PRELOAD Pin LD does not work with statically-linked binaries, which many of our users require. Second, loading an extra shared library Instrumentation will shift all of the application shared libraries and some dynami- Virtual Machine (VM) cally allocated memory to a higher address when compared to an uninstrumented execution. We attempt to preserve the original be- Code havior as much as possible. Third, the instrumentation tool cannot JIT Compiler Cache gain control of the application until after the shared-library loader has partially executed, while our method is able to instrument the Application Emulation Unit Dispatcher very first instruction in the program. This capability actually ex- posed a bug in the Linux shared-library loader, resulting from a reference to uninitialized data on the stack. Hardware 3.3 The JIT Compiler 3.3.1 Basics Figure 2. Pin’s software architecture Pin compiles from one ISA directly into the same ISA (e.g., IA32 to IA32, ARM to ARM) without going through an intermediate format, and the compiled code is stored in a software-based code mentation API invoked by Pintools. The VM consists of a just-in- cache. Only code residing in the code cache is executed—the origi- time compiler (JIT), an emulator, and a dispatcher. After Pin gains nal code is never executed. An application is compiled one trace at control of the application, the VM coordinates its components to a time. A trace is a straight-line sequence of instructions which ter- execute the application. The JIT compiles and instruments applica- minates at one of the conditions: (i) an unconditional control trans- tion code, which is then launched by the dispatcher. The compiled fer (branch, call, or return), (ii) a pre-defined number of conditional code is stored in the code cache. Entering/leaving the VM from/to control transfers, or (iii) a pre-defined number of instructions have the code cache involves saving and restoring the application register been fetched in the trace. In addition to the last exit, a trace may state. The emulator interprets instructions that cannot be executed have multiple side-exits (the conditional control transfers). Each directly. It is used for system calls which require special handling exit initially branches to a stub, which re-directs the control to the from the VM. Since Pin sits above the operating system, it can only VM. The VM determines the target address (which is statically un- capture user-level code. known for indirect control transfers), generates a new trace for the As Figure 2 shows, there are three binary programs present target if it has not been generated before, and resumes the execution when an instrumented program is running: the application, Pin, and at the target trace. the Pintool. Pin is the engine that jits and instruments the applica- In the rest of this section, we discuss the following features of tion. The Pintool contains the instrumentation and analysis routines our JIT: trace linking, register re-reallocation, and instrumentation and is linked with a library that allows it to communicate with Pin. optimization. Our current performance effort is focusing on IA32, While they share the same address space, they do not share any li- EM64T, and Itanium, which have all these features implemented. braries and so there are typically three copies of glibc. By making While the ARM version of Pin is fully functional, some of the all of the libraries private, we avoid unwanted interaction between optimizations are not yet implemented. Pin, the Pintool, and the application. One example of a problematic

interaction is when the application executes a glibc function that 3.3.2 Trace Linking is not reentrant. If the application starts executing the function and To improve performance, Pin attempts to branch directly from a then tries to execute some code that triggers further compilation, it trace exit to the target trace, bypassing the stub and VM. We will enter the JIT. If the JIT executes the same glibc function, it call this process trace linking. Linking a direct control transfer will enter the same procedure a second time while the application is straightforward as it has a unique target. We simply patch the is still executing it, causing an error. Since we have separate copies branch at the end of one trace to jump to the target trace. However, of glibc for each component, Pin and the application do not share an indirect control transfer (a jump, call, or return) has multiple any data and cannot have a re-entrancy problem. The same prob- possible targets and therefore needs some sort of target-prediction lem can occur when we jit the analysis code in the Pintool that mechanism. calls glibc (jitting the analysis routine allows us to greatly reduce Figure 3(a) illustrates our indirect linking approach as imple- the overhead of simple instrumentation on Itanium). mented on the x86 architecture. Pin translates the indirect jump into a move and a direct jump. The move puts the indirect target

3.2 Injecting Pin ecx address into register edx (this register as well as the and

The injector loads Pin into the address space of an application. In- esi shown in Figure 3(a) are obtained via register re-allocation, jection uses the Unix Ptrace API to obtain control of an application as we will discuss in Section 3.3.3). The direct jump goes to the

and capture the processor context. It loads the Pin binary into the first predicted target address x (which is mapped to

application address space and starts it running. After initializing x in the code cache for this example). We compare

x lea jecxz itself, Pin loads the Pintool into the address space and starts it run- edx against using the / idiom used in Dy-

ning. The Pintool initializes itself and then requests that Pin start namoRIO [6], which avoids modifying the conditional flags reg- ecx the application. Pin creates the initial context and starts jitting the ister eflags. If the prediction is correct (i.e. =0), we will

application at the entry point (or at the current PC in the case of branch to match to execute the remaining code of the predicted

attach). Using Ptrace as the mechanism for injection allows us to target. If the prediction is wrong, we will try another predicted tar- x

attach to an already running process in the same way as a debug- get x (mapped to in the code cache). If the ger. It is also possible to detach from an instrumented process and target is not found on the chain, we will branch to LookupHtab , continue executing the original, uninstrumented code. which searches for the target in a hash table (whose base address is each trace, which we will discuss in Section 3.3.3). Each call stack (a) Chaining of predicted indirect targets remembers the last four call sites and is compactly represented by 0x40000000 0x70001000 hashing the call-site addresses into a single 64-bit integer. jmp [%eax] lea -0x40001000(%edx), %ecx jecxz $match1 jmp $0x70002000 3.3.3 Register Re-allocation match1: … During jitting, we frequently need extra registers. For example, the 0x70000000 0x70002000 code for resolving indirect branches in Figure 3(a) needs three free mov [%eax], %edx lea -0x40002000(%edx), %ecx registers. When instrumentation inserts a call into an application, jmp $0x70001000 VM jecxz $match2 the JIT must ensure that the call does not overwrite any scratch reg- jmp $LookupHTab_1 isters that may be in use by the application. Rather than obtaining match2: … extra registers in an ad-hoc way, Pin re-allocates registers used in both the application and the Pintool, using linear-scan register allo- LookupHTab_1 mov %edx, %esi cation [24]. Pin’s allocator is unique in that it does interprocedural and $0x3ff, %esi allocation, but must compile one trace at a time while incremen- cmp 0x30898200(, %esi,8), %edx tally discovering the flow graph during execution. In contrast, static jnz $VMEntry # miss compilers can compile one file at a time and bytecode JITs [5, 8] jmp 0x30898204(, %esi,8) #hit can compile a whole method at one time. We describe two issues that our trace-based register re-allocation scheme must address: (b) Using cloning to help predict return targets register liveness analysis and reconciliation of register bindings. Register Liveness Analysis Precise liveness information of call F() call F() A: B: registers at trace exits makes register allocation more effective since dead registers can be reused by Pin without introducing spills. F(): Without a complete flow graph, we must incrementally compute ret

liveness. After a trace at address A is compiled, we record the ret translated without cloning ret translated with cloning liveness at the beginning of the trace in a hash table using address

A as the key. If a trace exit has a statically-known target, we attempt to retrieve the liveness information from the hash table so A’: F’(): A’: F_A’(): we can compute more precise liveness for the current trace. This pop %edx lea –A(%edx), %ecx pop %edx lea –A(%edx), %ecx simple method introduces negligible space and time overhead, yet jmp A’ jecxz $match1 jmp A’ jecxz $match1 is effective in reducing register spills introduced by Pin’s register jmp B’ jmp $LookupHtab_1 … … allocation. F_B’(): B’: Reconciliation of Register Bindings Trace linking (see Sec- B’: pop %edx lea –B(%edx), %ecx tion 3.3.2) tries to make traces branch directly to each other. When lea –B(%edx), %ecx jmp B’ jecxz $match2 registers are reallocated, the JIT must ensure than the register bind- jecxz $match2 jmp $LookupHtab_2 ing at the trace exit of the source trace matches the bindings of the …jmp $LookupHtab_1 … entrance of the destination trace. A straightforward method is to re- quire a standard binding of registers between traces. For example Figure 3. Compiling indirect jumps and returns Valgrind [22] requires that all virtual register values be flushed to memory at the end of a basic block. This approach is simple but inefficient. Figure 4(b) shows how Valgrind would re-allocate reg-

x in this example). If the search succeeds, we will jump isters for the original code shown in Figure 4(a). Here, we assume esi

to the translated address corresponding to the target. If the search that virtual ebx is bound to physical in Trace 1 but to phys-

eax ebx fails, we will transfer to the VM for indirect target resolution. ical edi in Trace 2. Virtual and are saved at Trace

While our indirect linking mechanism is similar to the approach 1’s exit because they have been modified in the trace, and they are EBX taken in DynamoRIO [6], there are three important differences. reloaded before their uses in Trace 2. EAX and are the mem-

First, in DynamoRIO, the entire chain is generated at one time ory locations allocated by the JIT for holding the current values of ebx and embedded at the translation of the indirect jump. Therefore virtual eax and , respectively. no new predicted target can be added onto the chain after it is In contrast, Pin keeps a virtual register in the same physical

generated. In contrast, our approach incrementally builds the chain register across traces whenever possible. At a trace exit e,ifthe

while the program is running and thus we can insert newly seen target t has not been compiled before, our JIT will compile a new e

targets onto the chain in any order (e.g., Pin can put a new target trace for t using the virtual-to-physical register binding at , say

B e t either at the front or the end of the chain). These new targets e . Therefore, can branch directly to . Figure 4(c) shows how

can be found in the chain the next time that they occur, without Pin would re-allocate registers for the same original code, assuming t

searching the hash table. The second difference is that DynamoRIO that target t has not been compiled before. Nevertheless, if target

B  B e uses a global hash table for all indirect jumps whereas Pin uses has been previously compiled with a register binding t ,

a local hash table for each individual indirect jump. A study by then our JIT will generate compensation code [19] to reconcile the

B B t

Kim and Smith [17] shows that the local hash table approach register binding from e to instead of compiling a new trace for B typically offers higher performance. The third difference is that we e . Figure 4(d) shows how Pin would re-allocate registers for the

apply function cloning [10] to accelerate the most common form same original code, this time assuming that the target t has been

of indirect control transfers: returns. If a function is called from previously compiled with a different binding in the virtual ebx.In multiple sites, we clone multiple copies of the function, one for practice, these bindings show differences in only one or two virtual each call site. Consequently, a return in each clone will have only registers, and are therefore more efficient than Valgrind’s method. one predicted target on the chain in most cases, as illustrated by A design choice we encountered was where to put the compen- the example in Figure 3(b). To implement cloning, we associate a sation code. It could be placed before the branch, which is exactly

call stack with each trace (more precisely to the static context of the situation shown in Figure 4(d) where the two mov instructions entr y S ct patible if they have the same entr y I addr and their ’s are (a) Original code (b) Valgrind’s approach either identical or different in only their register bindings (in that Trace 1 case we can reconcile from one register binding to the other, as we mov $1, %eax have exemplified in Figure 4(d)). If a compatible trace is found, the mov $2, %esi JIT will simply use it instead of generating a new trace. cmp %ecx, %edx mov $1, %eax mov %eax, EAX 3.3.4 -local Register Spilling mov $2, %ebx mov %esi, EBX Pin reserves an area in memory for spilling virtual registers (e.g.,

cmp %ecx, %edx jz t’ EBX EAX and shown in Figure 4(b) are two locations in this spilling jz t Trace 2 area). To support multithreading, this area has to be thread local.

t’: mov EAX, %eax When Pin starts an application thread, it allocates the spilling area r for this thread and steals a physical register (ebx on x86, on t: add $1, %eax mov EBX, %edi Itanium) to be the spill pointer, which points to the base of this sub $2, %ebx add $1, %eax sub $2, %edi area. From that point on, any access to the spilling area can be made through the spill pointer. When we switch threads, the spill pointer will be set to the spilling area of the new thread. In addition, (c) Pin (no reconciliation needed) we exploit an optimization opportunity coming from the absolute Trace 1 addressing mode available on the x86 architecture. Pin starts an ap- mov $1, %eax plication assuming that it is single threaded. Accesses to the spilling mov $2, %esi area are made through absolute addressing and therefore Pin does not need a physical register for the spill pointer. If Pin later discov- Compile Trace 2 using the bindings: cmp %ecx, %edx ers that the application is in fact multithreaded, it will invalidate the Virtual Physical jz t’ code cache and recompile the application using the spill pointer to %eax %eax access the spilling area (Pin can detect multithreading because it %ebx %esi Trace 2 intercepts all thread-create system calls). Since single-threaded ap- %ecx %ecx plications are more common than multithreaded ones, this hybrid t’: add $1, %eax %edx %edx approach works well in practice. sub $2, %esi 3.3.5 Optimizing Instrumentation Performance (d) Pin (minimal reconciliation needed) As we will show in Section 4, most of the slowdown from instru- Trace 1 (being compiled) mentation is caused by executing the instrumentation code, rather mov $1, %eax than the compilation time (which includes inserting the instrumen- mov $2, %esi tation code). Therefore, it is beneficial to spend more compilation cmp %ecx, %edx time in optimizing calls to analysis routines. Of course, the run- No need to recompile time overhead of executing analysis routines highly depends on mov %esi, EBX Trace 2, simply reconcile their invocation frequency and their complexity. If analysis rou- the bindings of virtual mov EBX, %edi %ebx in Traces 1 and 2 tines are complex, there is not much optimization that our JIT can jz t’ do. However, there are many Pintools whose frequently-executed Trace 2 (previously compiled) analysis routines perform only simple tasks like counting and trac- ing. Our JIT optimizes those cases by inlining the analysis rou- t’: add $1, %eax tines, which reduces execution overhead as follows. Without inlin- sub $2, %edi ing, we call a bridge routine that saves all caller-saved registers, sets up analysis routine arguments, and finally calls the analysis Figure 4. Reconciliation of Register Bindings routine. Each analysis routine requires two calls and two returns for each invocation. With inlining, we eliminate the bridge and thus save those two calls and returns. Also, we no longer explicitly save

that adjust the binding are placed before the jz. Or the compensa- caller-saved registers. Instead, we rename the caller-saved registers

tion code could be placed after the branch (in that case, the two mov in the inlined body of the analysis routine and allow the register al-

instructions in Figure 4(d) would be placed in between the jz and locator to manage the spilling. Furthermore, inlining enables other  t ). We chose the ”before” approach because our experimental data optimizations like constant folding of analysis routine arguments. showed that it generally resulted in fewer unique bindings, there- We perform an additional optimization for the x86 architecture.

fore reducing the memory consumed by the compiler. Placing the Most analysis routines modify the conditional flags register eflags compensation code before the branch is equivalent to targeting the (e.g., if an analysis routine increments a counter). Hence, we must

register allocation to match the binding at the branch target. preserve the original eflags value as seen by the application.

To support reconciliation of register bindings, we need to re- However, accessing the eflags is fairly expensive because it must member the binding at a trace’s entry. This is done by associat- be done by pushing it onto the stack2. Moreover, we must switch to

ing each trace with a static context (sct), which contains a group another stack before pushing/popping the eflags to avoid chang-

of static properties that hold at the trace’s entry. Register bind- ing the application stack. Pin avoids saving/restoring eflags as

ing is one such property; another example property is the call much as possible by using liveness analysis on the eflags. The

stack of the trace, which is used for function cloning (see Sec- liveness analysis tracks the individual bits in the eflags written

tion 3.3.2). So, precisely speaking, a trace is defined as a pair and read by each x86 instruction. We frequently discover that the

entr y I addr entr y S ct entr y I addr , where is the original

entr y S ct 2

sahf eflags instruction address of the trace’s entry and is the static On IA32, we can use lahf/ to access the without involving context of the trace. Before the JIT compiles a new trace, it will first the stack. However, we decided not to use them since these two instructions search for a compatible trace in the code cache. Two traces are com- are not implemented on current EM64T processors. Architecture Number of Number of Lines Hardware Linux Compiler Binary Source Files (including comments) gcc 3.3.2, -O3 for Generic 87 (48%) 53595 (47%) SPECint (except in 1.7GHz Xeon™, 256KB Shared x86 34 (19%) 22794 (20%) IA32 2.4.9 eon where we use (IA32+EM64T) L2 cache, 2GB Memory icc) Itanium 34 (19%) 20474 (18%) icc 8.0 for SPECfp Static 3.4GHz Xeon™, 1MB L2 Intel ® compiler (icc ARM 27 (14%) 17933 (15%) EM64T 2.4.21 Static cache, 4GB Memory 8.0), with TOTAL 182 (100%) 114796 (100%) interprocedural & 1.3GHz Itanium®2, 6MB Itanium® 2.4.18 profile-guided Static L2 cache, 12GB Memory Table 1. Distribution of Pin source among different architectures optimizations 400 MHz XScale® running Linux. Over 99% of code is written in C++ and the remain- ARM 2.4.18 gcc 3.4.1, -O2 Static ing is in assembly. 80200, 128 MB Memory Table 2. Experimental setup.

eflags are dead at the point where an analysis routine call is in-

serted, and are able to eliminate saving and restoring of the eflags. 4.1 Pin Performance without Instrumentation

Finally, to achieve even better performance, the Pintool writer Figure 5 shows the performance of applying Pin to the bench- ANYWHERE can specify a hint (IPOINT ) telling Pin that a call to marks on the four architectures, without any instrumentation. Since an analysis routine can be inserted anywhere inside the scope of Pin 2/Itanium is still under development, we instead use Pin 0 for instrumentation (e.g., a basic block or a trace). Then Pin can exploit Itanium experiments. The y -axis is the time normalized to the na- a number of optimization opportunities by scheduling the call. For tive run time (i.e. 100%). The slowdown of Pin 2 on IA32 and instance, Pin can insert the call immediately before an instruction EM64T is similar. In both cases, the average run-time overhead is that overwrites a register (or eflags) and thereby the analysis around 60% for integer and within 5% for floating point. The higher routine can use that register (or eflags) without first spilling it. overhead on the integer side is due to many more indirect branches and returns. The slowdown of Pin 0 on Itanium follows the same 3.4 Organization of Pin Source Code trend but is generally larger than on IA32 and EM64T, especially Since Pin is a multi-platform system, source code sharing is a for floating-point benchmarks. This is probably because Itanium is key to minimizing the development effort. Our first step was to an in-order architecture, so its performance depends more on the share the basic data structures and intermediate representations quality of the jitted code. In contrast, IA32 and EM64T are out- with Ispike [20], a static binary optimizer we previously developed. of-order architectures that can tolerate the overhead introduced in Then we organized Pin source into generic, architecture dependent, the jitted code. Pin’s performance on ARM is worse than the other or operating-system dependent modules. Some components like the three architectures because indirect linking (see Section 3.3.2) is code cache are purely generic, while other components like the not yet implemented and there are fewer computational resources register allocator contain both generic and architecture-dependent (ILP and memory) available. parts. Table 1 shows the distribution of Pin source among different One downside of dynamic compilation is that the compilation architectures, in terms of number of source files and lines. We time is directly reflected in the application’s run time. To under- combine IA32 and EM64T in Table 1 since they are similar enough stand the performance impact of dynamic compilation, we divide to share the same source files. The x86 numbers do not include the total run time into the components shown in Figures 5(a), (b), the decoder/encoder while the Itanium numbers do not include and (d) (Pin 0 source code is not instrumented and hence does not the instruction scheduler. The reason is that we borrow these two have the breakdown). Code Cache denotes the time executing the components from other Intel tools in library form and we do not jitted code stored in the code cache. Ideally, we would like this have their sources. The data reflects that we have done a reasonable component to approach 100%. We divide the JIT time into three job in code sharing among architectures as about 50% of code is categories: JIT-Decode, JIT-Regalloc, and JIT-Other. JIT-Decode is generic. the time spent decoding and encoding instructions, which is a non- trivial task on the x86 architecture. JIT-Regalloc is the time spent in register re-allocation. JIT-Other denotes the remaining time spent 4. Experimental Evaluation in the JIT. The last component is VM, which includes all other time In this section, we first report the performance of Pin without any spent in the virtual machine, including instruction emulation and instrumentation on the four supported architectures. We then report resolving mispredicted indirect control transfers.

the performance of Pin with a standard instrumentation—basic- As Figures 5 (a) and (b) show, the JIT and VM components on perlbmk block counting. Finally, we compare the performance of Pin with IA32 and EM64T are mostly small except in gcc and . two other tools: DynamoRIO and Valgrind, and show that Pin’s These two benchmarks have the largest instruction footprint in instrumentation performance is superior across our benchmarks. SPEC2000 and their execution times are relatively short. Conse-

Our experimental setup is described in Table 2. For IA32, we quently, there is insufficient code reuse for Pin to amortize its com- O

use dynamically-linked SPECint binaries compiled with gcc . pilation cost. In particular, Pin pays a high cost in re-allocating reg-

icc gcc O We compiled eon with because the version does not isters compared to most other tools that do not re-allocate registers. work, even without applying Pin. We could not use the official Nevertheless, the advantages provided by register re-allocation out-

statically-linked, icc-generated binaries for all programs because weigh its compilation overhead (e.g., register re-allocation makes DynamoRIO cannot execute them. We ran the SPEC2000 suite [11] it easy to provide Pin and Pintools more virtual registers than the using reference inputs on IA32, EM64T, and Itanium. On ARM, number of physical registers supported by the hardware). In prac- we are only able to run the training inputs due to limited physical tice, the performance overhead is a serious concern only for long- memory (128MB), even when executing uninstrumented binaries. running applications. In that case, we would have sufficient code Floating-point benchmarks are not used on ARM as it does not have reuse to amortize the cost of register re-allocation. Figure 5(d) floating-point hardware. shows a different trend for ARM, where the VM component is (a) Pin 2/IA32

Code Cache JIT-Decode JIT-Regalloc JIT-Other VM Total

400 350 300 299 250 237 198 182

200 156 154 121 122 115 114 111 111 109 108

150 106 104 104 103 103 101 102 101 101 101 100 101 100 105 100 50 0

2 n p c p f r k lf n u i rt e l s a d e n p fty o a c i c e o a s a k ec 3d e a s ri m s i a e g g z m rs m vpr e mp pl p r a lg c e g Normalized Execution Time (%) z g b p a e wi b cr a rl tw m a ua c a lu m swi p e vortex tM a q fm g m p p e fa sixtrack -Ar wu -AriMea T IN FP (b) Pin 2/EM64T Code Cache JIT-Decode JIT-Regalloc JIT-Other VM Total

400 376 350 300 296 250

200 183 163 159 148 150 144 112 111 111 110 107 106 105 105 104 104 103 103 102 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 104 100 50 0 Normalized Execution Time (%) 2 n p c p f r k lf u i rt e l s a d e n p fty o a c i c e o an s a k ec 3d e a s ri m s i a e g g z m rs m vpr e mp pl p r a lg c e g z g a lb tw m p a ua e a u swi wi b cr p r vortex iM a a q c fm g l m m p e e fa sixtrack p -Ar wu -AriMea T IN FP (c) Pin 0/Itanium (d) Pin 2/ARM Code Cache JIT-Decode JIT-Regalloc JIT-Other 400

357 Total VM Total 350 300 1015 260 1000 826 250 762 210 167 800 683 682

200 173 592 142 142 119

135 600 133 132 128 126 125 125 150 125 122 120 117

115 484 114 113 112 109 105 104 100 100 99 400 267 273 284 186 50 200 124 117 0

Normalized Execution Time (%) 0

c f r k lf i t l s Execution Time (%) Normalized 2 n p c ip c e u s r e e a id m e n n p c ip cf lf k pr n ip fty o a z s m o vpr an mp pl p a k rec 3d a s r s ip2 o v z a e g g g m r b e p a e a lg c e g wi rafty eo ga gc gz m rser ea b cr a rl tw M m a ua c a lu m swi bz c tw rlbm ortex p e vortex i a q fm g m p pa v e fa sixtrack pe p -Ar wu -AriMea T T-AriM IN FP IN

Figure 5. Performance of Pin (without any instrumentation) on four architectures. The y -axis is the time normalized to the native run time

(i.e. 100%). INT-AriMean and FP-AriMean on the x-axis are the arithmetic means of the integer and floating-point benchmarks, respectively. The legends are explained in Section 4.1. large but all JIT components are small. This is because register re- largely depends on how well the JIT integrates it into the applica- allocation and indirect linking are not yet implemented on ARM. tion. On the other hand, performance of a complex tool like de- As a result, all indirect control transfers are resolved by the VM. tailed cache simulation mostly depends on the tool’s algorithm. In that case, our JIT has less of an impact on performance. 4.2 Pin Performance with Instrumentation Figure 6 shows the performance of basic-block counting using We now study the performance of Pin with basic-block counting, Pin on the IA32 architecture. Each benchmark is tested using four which outputs the execution count of every basic block in the ap- different optimization levels. Without any optimization, the over- plication. We chose to measure this tool’s performance because head is fairly large (as much as 20x slowdown in crafty). Adding basic-block counting is commonly used and can be extended to inlining helps significantly; the average slowdown improves from

many other tools such as Opcodemix, which we will discuss in 10.4x to 7.8x for integer and from 3.9x to 3.5x for floating point.

Section 5.1. Also, this tool is simple enough that its performance The biggest performance boost comes from the eflags liveness etdbscbokcutn ymdfigato nteValgrind the in tool a named modifying package by imple- counting We instrumentation. basic-block counting mented basic-block instrumenta- without with one one experiments: and of tion DynamoRIO sets two and ran [22] We 2.2.0 [6]. Valgrind 0.9.3 of experiment: release this latest for the tool leader regis- used each performance We re-allocates optimization. the that dynamic as binary-level Pin regarded in than generally is other DynamoRIO JIT ters. and binary-level Linux only on the tool Dy- instrumentation is and popular Valgrind a against is Pin Valgrind of namoRIO. performance the compare now We and Valgrind with Comparison Performance 4.3 point. floating for 1.4x and and integer further for code integer 2.5x to instrumentation for slowdown of the 2.8x Scheduling reduces point. to floating slowdown for average 1.5x the reducing analysis, t o-ee P oudt h one nie eetees Dy- Nevertheless, the inline. restore and counter save use to the we has update still DynamoRIO, namoRIO For to but call. API entry the low-level block’s inline 2.5 its basic automatically by every Pin not before and does call times, applica- it 5.1 a the by inserts slows Valgrind DynamoRIO Valgrind times, Valgrindtimes. average, 8.3 and by on DynamoRIO down margin: tion both significant outperforms a Pin by 7(b), Figure in acceptable. than quite is faster primar- was 12% for DynamoRIO designed is that ily cloning, DynamoRIO Given linking, instrumentation. Overall, without incremental tables). Pin (i.e. hash linking local indirect and in has Pin that rvdsefiin ntuetto ihu hfigtebre othe to writer. it burden Pintool Pin: the shifting of without advantage instrumentation main efficient unnecessary provides a eliminate demonstrates clearly to call This the analysis save/restore. inlines liveness automatically performs Pin contrast, and In update. counter each named ealct eitr.Pni atrta yaoI nafwbench- few a as not on such does DynamoRIO marks to than which faster back DynamoRIO, is Pin (refer than registers. breakdown) benchmarks re-allocate the three for these 5(a) in Figure time jitting more is spends DynamoRIO on Pin Valgrind. than faster outperform significantly DynamoRIO instrumentation. in by codes caused floating-point slowdown than the problematic of more terms are codes integer as hnw osdrtepromnewt ntuetto shown instrumentation with performance the consider we When iue7a hw htwtotisrmnainbt i and Pin both instrumentation without that shows 7(a) Figure Normalized Execution Time (%) 1000 1500 2000 DynamoRIO 500 countcalls bzi 0 p2

cr 236 crafty af ty optimization lackey

gcc eon 343 eso nyteitgrrslsi iue7 Figure in results integer the only show We . iue6. Figure , and

perlbmk gap 214 n oli h yaoI package DynamoRIO the in tool a and

gap gcc 259 h atta i a oeti close this come can Pin that fact the , efrac fPnwt ai-lc onigisrmnaino h A2architecture. IA32 the on instrumentation counting basic-block with Pin of Performance osbybcueo h advantages the of because possibly gzi 412 and p

m 189 vortex cf par eflags ser 108 per niig+elg ieesaayi scheduling + analysis liveness eflags + analysis Inlining liveness eflags + Inlining Inlining optimization Without anybcuePin because mainly , lbm 179 k xlctyaround explicitly tw 450 ol f vor 134 tex eflags IN 289 T- vpr A r iM ean 162

am m 248 p h w rtmtcmaso i/A2sihl ifrn hnthe than different 6. and slightly 5(a) Pin/IA32 Figures in of shown means ones arithmetic two the h c-eeae iayo hsbnhak Omitting benchmark. this of binary icc-generated the n Pin. and 7. Figure appl Normalized Execution Time (%) Normalized Execution Time (%) 118 1000 1200 1400 1600 1000 1200 u 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 0

0 apsi 121 b b zip2 zip2

Eon 582 433 114 efrac oprsnaogVlrn,DynamoRIO, Valgrind, among comparison Performance c 479 105 ar c t rafty 236 rafty 108 equa secue eas yaoI osntwr on work not does DynamoRIO because excluded is 1091 747 110 617 213 ke g 343 182 f ap (b) g acer ap (a) 152 860 587 e 606 138 c ihbscbokcounting basic-block With

259 122 instrumentation Without g g fm cc cc 127 1583 1188 a3d 633 178 g 412 zip g 299 gal zip Valgrind 144 934 739 gel 718 109 189 Valgrind m m 111 lucas cf cf 109 191 p 168 arse 158 p 101 108 arser 101 m esa 110 p r p erlbmk 574 erlbmk 414 DynamoRIO

480 DynamoRIO 121 179 115 m gr 149 1220 847 id 793 203 si t t xt wo 450 wolf 237 rack 105 lf 391 302 v 269 v 113 ortex 134 ortex 114 sw 110 im w 817 Pin/IA32 568 upw

eon 520 173 IN 289 INT-AriMean 198 FP 104 T-AriMeanv v is p pr Pin/IA32 -A e r r 936 855 iM

causes 320 105 162 109 ean 317 834 623 508 142 138 251 154

5. Two Sample PinTools

Instruction Type C o u n t

A Compiler B Delta To illustrate how Pin is used in practice, we discuss two Pintools Compiler

that have been used by various groups inside Intel. The first tool,

total M M M

Opcodemix, studies the frequency of different instruction types in a


program. It is used to compare codes generated by different compil- XORL


ers. The second tool, PinPoints, automatically selects representa-


tive points in the execution of a program and is used to accelerate RET


processor simulation. PUSHQ



5.1 Opcodemix JE



Opcodemix, whose source code is included in the Pin 2 distribu-


tion [12], is a simple Pintool that can determine the dynamic mix ANDQ


of opcodes for a particular execution of a program. The statistics ADDL

M M M can be broken down on a per basic-block, per routine, or per image MOVL

basis. Conceptually this tool is implemented as a basic-block pro- crafty filer. We insert a counter at the beginning of each basic block in a Table 3. Dynamic instruction distribution in PopCnt of trace. Upon program termination we walk through all the counters. benchmark. From the associated basic-block’s starting address, we can deter-

mine the function it belongs to and the instruction mix in that basic

f PopCnt

block. While the output of Opcodemix is ISA dependent (different

push rsi unnecessary

ISAs have different opcodes), the implementation is generic—the f

f xor eaxeax


test rdirdi

same source code for is used on the four architectures. fb


je fc

Though simple, has been quite useful both for ar- fe

add xeax

chitectural and compiler comparison studies. As an example, the f

lea xffffffffffffffffrdi rd x

following analysis revealed a compiler performance problem. We f

f and rdxrdi

collected Opcodemix statistics for the SPEC2000 images produced

jne f

by two compilers, which we refer to as compilers A and B, for the fa

fc pop rcx unnecessary

EM64T architecture. For the benchmark crafty, we found that retq the image produced by compiler A executed 2% more dynamic in- fd structions than the image produced by compiler B. To understand the cause of the extra instructions, we looked at the instruction dis- Figure 8. PopCnt code generated by compiler A. tribution of frequently-executed routines. The data for the routine

PopCnt is shown in Table 3, where opcodes with significantly lenge using SimPoint [28]—a methodology that uses phase anal- different frequencies in the two compilers are marked with “”. ysis for finding representative regions for simulation. For the sec-

Examining the PopCnt codes from the two compilers revealed ond challenge, we use Pin to collect SimPoint profiles (which we JNZ that the deltas in JE and were due to different code-layout deci- call PinPoints) and instruction traces, eliminating the need to ex-

sions, and the delta in MOVL was due to different register selections. ecute the program on a simulator. The ease of running applica-


The most surprising finding was the extra and gener- tions with Pintools is a key advantage of the PinPoints toolkit. PopCnt ated by compiler A. Figure 8 shows the code generated PinPoints has been used to collect instruction traces for a wide

by compiler A. After communicating with compiler A’s writers, we variety of programs; Table 4 lists some of the Itanium applications pop learned that the push and are used for stack alignment but are (SPEC and commercial), including both single-threaded and multi- in fact unnecessary in this case. As a result, this performance prob- threaded applications. As the table shows, some of the commercial lem is now fixed in the latest version of compiler A. applications are an order of magnitude larger and longer-running

In addition to SPEC, we use Opcodemix to analyze the Oracle than SPEC, and fully simulating them would take years. Simulating database performance. Typically, more than 10 “Oracle” processes only the selected PinPoints reduces the simulation time from years run on the system, but we want to ignore the database startup to days. We also validate that the regions chosen represent whole- and only observe a single process performing a transaction. We program behavior (e.g., the cycles-per-instruction predicted by Pin- first run Oracle natively (i.e. without Pin) to startup the database. Points is typically within 10% of the actual value [23]). Because of Next we attach Pin to a single database server process and have its high prediction accuracy, fast simulation time, and ease-of-use, it perform a transaction while collecting a profile. Pin’s dynamic PinPoints is now used to predict performance of large applications just-in-time instrumentation allows us to avoid instrumenting the on future Intel processors. entire 60 MB Oracle binary, and the attach feature allows us to avoid instrumenting the database startup and the other processes. 6. Related Work 5.2 PinPoints There is a large body of related work in the areas of instrumentation

The purpose of the PinPoints [23] toolkit is to automate the oth- and dynamic compilation. To limit our scope of discussion, we con- erwise tedious process of finding regions of programs to simulate, centrate on binary instrumentation in this section. At the highest validating that the regions are representative, and generating traces level, instrumentation consists of static and dynamic approaches. for those regions. There are two major challenges in simulating Static binary instrumentation was pioneered by ATOM [30], large commercial programs. First, these programs have long run followed by others such as EEL [18], Etch [25], and Morph [31]. times, and detailed simulation of their entire execution is too time Static instrumentation has many limitations compared to dynamic consuming to be practical. Second, these programs often have large instrumentation. The most serious one is that it is possible to mix resource requirements, operating system and device-driver depen- code and data in an executable and a static tool may not have dencies, and elaborate license-checking mechanisms, making it dif- enough information to distinguish the two. Dynamic tools can rely ficult to execute them on simulators. We address the first chal- on execution to discover all the code at run time. Other difficult Program Description Code Dynamic Acknowledgments Size Count (MB) (billions) We thank Prof. Dan Connors for hosting the Pin website at Uni- SPECINT SPEC CPU2000 integer 1.9 521 versity of Colorado. The Intel Bistro team provided the x86 de- 2000 suite [11] (avg.) coder/encoder and suggested the instruction scheduling optimiza- SPECFP SPEC CPU2000 floating 2.4 724 tion. Ramesh Peri implemented part of the Pin 2/Itanium instru- 2000 -point suite [11] (avg.) SPECOMP SPEC benchmarks 8.4 4800 mentation. 2001 for evaluating multithreaded References OpenMP applications [26] Amber A suite of bio-molecular 6.2 3994 [1] AMBER home page. http://amber.scripps.edu/. simulation from UCSF [1] [2] Fluent home page. http://www.fluent.com/. Fluent Computational Fluid 19.6 25406 Dynamics code from [3] LS-DYNA home page. http://www.lstc.com/. Fluent Inc [2] [4] RenderMan home page. http://RenderMan.pixar.com/. LsDyna A general-purpose transient 61.9 4932 [5] A.-R. Adl-Tabatabai, J. Bharadwaj, D.-Y. Chen, A. Ghuloum, dynamic finite element analy- V. Menon, B. Murphy, M. Serrano, and T. Shpeisman. The StarJIT sis program from Livermore Software Technology [3] compiler: A dynamic compiler for managed runtime environments. RenderMan A photo-realistic rendering 8.5 797 Intel Technology Journal, 7(1):19Ð31, Feb 2003. application from Pixar [4] [6] D. L. Bruening. Efficient, Transparent, and Comprehensive Runtime Code Manipulation. PhD thesis, M.I.T. (http://www.cag.lcs.mit.edu/dynamorio/), Table 4. Applications analyzed with PinPoints. Column 3 shows September 2004. the code section size of the application binary and shared libraries [7] B. R. Buck and J. Hollingsworth. An for runtime code patching.

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