July 1967, Vector Vol. 3 No. 08
.E - GROOVY MUS!C - ATMOSPHERE SATURDAY AMD SUNDAY FROM MOON T!LL 7 P.M. __________ _____________________________________________ 2155 POLK STREET SAN FRANC!SCO PH O N E '. 775-9541 DtNNERS: TUES. - SAT., 6 TO 11 P.M. SUNDAYBRUNCH: 11A.M. T03P.M . SUNDAY a MON: SANDWtCHES 8 TO 12 P.M. YOUR HOSTS: BARBARA-FRANK - ROME LEE-DON V0L.3N0.8 JULY1967 STAFF Chairman, W. E. Beardemphl Advertising, S. Mathews Circulation, G. Hall Art, C. Thayer C. Adams, J. Bradley, L. Carlson, M. Carpenter, P. George, D. Hinojosa, D. Jones, P. Kelley, P. Lane, H. Lelue, F. Miller, J. Miller, M. Newton, B. Plath, B. Ruble, E. Smith, M. Smith. VECTOR is the monthly publication of the SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, an organ ization dedicated to the education of all people who may be interested in better understanding the homosexual c o m m u n i t y . VECTOR articles represent the viewpoint of the writers and are not necessarily the opinion of the VECTOR staff or the SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Advertising rates available on request. Published by: SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS 83 Sixth Street San Francisco, Ca. 94103 PA CE 4 NOEL: There is so little empathy, rapport of any kind anywhere. LEON: People think that be cause they're communicating sexually, that that's IT, like wow, nirvana, the whole bit. But with all the levels of communication open to man, it's so re strictive, limiting to con^ centrate only on that one. NOEL: And that's what we're trying to get away from.
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