Utility Rate Analysis Consultants (URAC) 156 Scranton Avenue (516) 536-4545 fax (516) 594-9413 Lynbrook, NY 11563 email:
[email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________ December 14, 2017 Submitted by email to
[email protected] Ms. Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary State of New York Department of Public Service 3 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 Re: Re: PETITION FOR REHEARING 17-S-0542 - In the Matter of the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Commission, Contained in 16 NYCRR, in Relation to Complaint Procedures—Appeal by 36 East 72 Street Corp. of the Informal Decision Rendered in Favor of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (649082). Dear Secretary Burgess: Subsequent to our filing for rehearing in the above referenced matter, Ms. Mary Krayeske, representing Con Edison, contacted my office and advised that in consumer complaint case 639886 URAC was informed that meter number 7825 was tested on September 9, 2015 and found to be registering slow at 94.87%. The filing in that case directly conflicts with a filing in consumer complaint case 549672, on which I relied, where Con Edison listed meters tested in bulk and testified that meter number 7825 was not tested. I have attached both the meter test report from case 639886 and the submission by Con Ed in 549672. After review of both consumer complaint files I have decided that the meter test report in case 639886 outweighs the submission by Con Edison in case 549672. As such, unless the Commission see’s any reason otherwise, I am withdrawing the Petition and the matter can be considered closed.