Win Awenen Nisitotung February 17, 2017 • Vol

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Win Awenen Nisitotung February 17, 2017 • Vol Win Awenen Nisitotung February 17, 2017 • Vol. 38 No. 2 Bear Moon Mukwa Giizis Official newspaper of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Gordon gets state’s first Ojibwe language instructor endorsement BY RICK SMITH Community College. It would not It took a lifetime of dedica- be an exaggeration to suggest that tion coupled with recognition Dr. Gordon may be better pre- of his accomplishments and pared to teach Anishinaabemowin qualifications from the Michigan than the majority of certified Department of Education (MDE) Michigan teachers are to teach for Dr. Chris Gordon to recently their specialty areas.” become the first teacher in the Gordon explained the struggle state to earn a K-12 Foreign lan- to bring Anishinaabemowin to be guage-Native (FN) endorsement. deemed suitable for endorsement The endorsement means he is has taken decades and involved officially authorized to teach folks in official capacities of Anishinaabemowin, the Ojibwe academia and the state. He said language, to grades K-12 in the passage of the 1990 Native schools anywhere throughout the American Languages Act was state. key to progression as was the But Gordon aims to stay in his 2007 process for endorsement current post as the Anishinaabe developed by Dr. Margaret language and cultural program Noodin, associate professor at coordinator as well as a teacher the University of Wisconsin- at JKL Bahweting Public School Milwaukee. Academy (PSA) in Sault Ste. However, according to Marie and take advantage of Kottke, more work is needed. his unique situation to continue “Unfortunately, despite his valu- helping to pave the way to make Photo by Rick Smith able leadership and advocacy in acquisition of FN endorsements These third grade students of JKL Bahweting Public School Academy in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., opened an helping the Michigan Department more efficient. impromptu celebration with surprise group cheers of congratulations to Dr. Chris Gordon, seen in the center, of Education develop stan- “Chris has worked tirelessly as he entered the school’s library on Feb 6. The celebration was in honor of Gordon acquiring the first ever dards for an Anishinaabemowin with the MDE for years to make Anishinaabemowin Language and Culture teaching endorsement in the state of Michigan. While the endorse- Language and Culture (FN) this happen, and continues to seek ment authorizes Gordon to teach Anishishinaabemowin in any school in the state, he intends to remain at endorsement, there do not cur- the same acknowledgement for his post at JKL Bahweting along with continuing to contribute to making the process more efficient for other rently exist any formal pathways others like him,” said Carolyn teachers to gain the endorsement. The feat is a historic milestone in forming the foundation for advancing for Dr. Gordon – or any prospec- Dale, JKL director of curriculum education about the Anishinaabe people as well as expanding opportunities for folks across the state to tive teacher of Anishinaabemowin and instruction. “This was a huge learn the Ojibwe language. More photos on page 11. – to earn the endorsement at any personal victory for Chris and, Gordon said prior to receiving when it was one of the original teachers of Anishinaabemowin of Michigan’s educator prepara- perhaps, an even bigger victory the endorsement and in spite of languages widely spoken on the in Michigan schools, possess- tion institutions,” he said. for the Anishnabe people, for all his other credentials, under North American continent. ing a Michigan Professional Kottke added he is collabo- which we have Chris to thank.” state regulations he could only Dr. Sean Kottke oversees Education Certificate and having rating with Northern Michigan JKL Bahweting PSA School teach Anishinaabemowin if he specialty programs for the MDE earned a Ph.D. in curriculum University to develop a program, Superintendent Theresa Kallstrom had a substitute teacher permit. Office of Professional Preparation and instruction with a focus on but hasn’t reached a formal said the endorsement came after The state dropped the require- Services. “It was truly a high Anishinaabemowin pedagogy approval stage. He hopes the first a special waiver was granted to ment after recognizing Gordon point of my service to the state [teaching methods and practices], ever FN endorsement brings more Gordon based on everything he was more than qualified to teach to be able to help make this to speak nothing of his work with attention to the importance and has done related to the field, “the Anishinaabemowin and issued the happen,” he said. “Dr. Gordon the Nishnaabemowin Language value of Native language studies culmination of his life’s work,” waiver. is uniquely qualified among Instructors Institute at Bay Mills in Michigan schools. she said. Kallstrom added, “We The FN endorsement is equal are completely proud of him.” to state endorsements for other The school sought the waiver languages currently taught in DOI agrees tribe’s downstate trust land of the teacher certification code schools throughout the state, such based on Gordon’s expertise, as French, Spanish and Japanese. credentials and teaching experi- Gordon noted with a grin the applications are mandatory ence, the waiver allowed for the irony of Anishinaabemowin SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. Township. The land in Lansing acquired using amounts from endorsement. endorsed as a foreign language — The U.S. Department of the will become the site of a new interest or other income of the Interior (DOI) agreed Sault gaming resort first proposed by Self-Sufficiency Fund shall be Tribe’s trust land applications for the tribe and Lansing Mayor Virg held in trust by the Secretary for the City of Lansing and Huron Bernero in January 2012. The the benefit of the [Sault] Tribe.” Township are mandatory under land includes two parcels total- Payment said, “The law is the Michigan Indian Land Claims ing about 2.7 acres at Michigan clear: the Secretary is required Settlement Act but has asked the Avenue and North Cedar Street to accept these parcels in trust. tribe for more evidence to show adjacent to and near the Lansing It is a clear, plain-language legal PAID 49735 the proposed parcels qualify Center, the city’s convention and argument. Our tribe is within Gaylord, MI PRSRT STD PRSRT U.S. Postage Permit No. 30 under the act. events facility. federal law and our legal rights In a Jan. 19 letter to Sault The tribe anticipates the land to pursue these opportunities to Tribe Board of Directors in Huron Township, totaling 71 create thousands of new jobs and Chairperson Aaron Payment, the acres at 36181 Sibley Road and generate millions of dollars in DOI said it “will keep the tribe’s I-275 southwest of Metro Airport, new revenues that will benefit our applications open so that the will also serve as a gaming loca- members, the people of Lansing, tribe may present evidence” to tion. The scope of the gaming public school students in Lansing, support that the parcels of land project in Huron Township will the people of Huron Township, meet federal legal requirements. be determined by an economic and the entire state.” Payment said the tribe “remains impact study. Three federal court develop- absolutely confident in our legal A 1997 law passed by ments cleared the way for the theory and committed to pursuing Congress called the Michigan tribe to file the applications: the success of these projects.” He Indian Land Claims Settlement On Dec. 18, 2013, the U.S. said the tribe will decide how to Act (MILCSA) requires the Court of Appeals ruled Sault respond to the Jan. 19 letter “in U.S. Secretary of the Interior to Tribe had the right to pursue the very near future.” approve the trust land applica- approval of its Lansing casino. In June 2014, the tribe filed tions. The tribe used revenues On May 27, 2014, the U.S. applications to take land into from its “Self Sufficiency Fund” Supreme Court ruled in a some- trust in downtown Lansing and to purchase the lands. The what similar case that the state Win Awenen Nisitotung 531 Ashmun St. MI 49783 Marie, Sault Ste. in southeast Michigan’s Huron MILCSA states that “[a]ny lands See “Trust land,” page 8 Page 2 Notes and Notices February 17, 2017 • Win Awenen Nisitotung Sault Family • Election Committee - Six use the funds to further their mis- funding requesting agencies WIOA may be able to provide vacancies (four-year term); sions and goals and measurable receive. For more information tuition assistance for skills train- Celebration, March 27 • Special Needs/Enrollment outcomes. Members of the review on how to sign up to partici- ing if it leads to an industry-rec- Sault Tribe’s 19th annual Committee - Six vacancies (two- panel will then have the chance pate, please call the United Way ognized certification. Family Celebration exposition year term); to ask questions. After each pre- at 632-3700, extension 2. Candidates must meet certain takes place from 5 to 7 p.m. on • Child Welfare Committee - sentation, panel participants use Participants must live in the EUP. eligibility requirements and be a Monday, March 27, at the Chi Five vacancies (four-year term); score sheets to compare the agen- Training opportunities resident of the seven-county ser- Mukwa Recreation Center. It’s • Sault Elders Subcommittee cies requests using a variety of vice area. a free exhibition celebrating -Two Regular, one alternate (four- benchmarks. for eligible applicants Please apply at WIOA, 523 Parenting Awareness Month with year term); The United Way Community The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Ashmun St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI free pizza and snacks, interactive • Newberry Elders Investment Committee uses Chippewa Indians the Workforce 49783. activities for children, free ice Subcommittee - One regular seat scores from Citizen’s Review Innovation and Opportunity Act Those who wish to learn more rink time and skate use, bounce vacancy, one alternate (four-year Panel, along with the Finance (WIOA) program has funding information may call Brenda house and games! Prizes awarded term); Committee’s scores to make the available for short-term occu- Cadreau in Sault Ste.
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