The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 1 July 2019 Special Interests: • Remember the next The June 29th, 2019 State of Vermont SAL Convention a Success! DEC meeting is on With 19 of 35 squadrons July 13th at Onion represented and over 40 River Campground in active members in attend- Plainfield, VT. ance, the 2019 Sons of The American Legion • Lets get those final few End of Year Convention convened at Reports in ASAP! 8:30 AM on June 29th, 2019. Chaired by now • The new 2019-2020 PDC Steve England, the Vermont Directory Detachment attended a project is underway. joint meeting with the De- Please get those Of- partment of Vermont to ficer Rosters updated listen to Brigadier General and submitted to David Manfredi speak on ing the gavel over to newly Cullen on a road trip to Adjutant Colety behalf of the Vermont elected Detachment Com- visit the Dodge House in
[email protected] Reserves. Followed by our mander David Hendee at Rutland, Vermont and The DEC meeting at 9:30 AM the conclusion of the Veterans Place in North- • Detachment of Ver- and our annual regular meeting. On Friday, the field, Vermont. Seen mont reaches 100% membership goal convention meeting at Detachment took it’s above at the Veterans immediately before 10:30 AM Commander distinguished guests, Place, our visitors were convention. Renewal Steve was able to com- Eastern Region NVC Mike impressed by both facili- rates are running at plete the business of the Cotten and Detachment ties and their varied veter- 90%. Detachment before hand- of Delaware NEC Toby an outreach programs.