The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 1 July 2019 Special Interests:

• Remember the next The June 29th, 2019 State of Vermont SAL Convention a Success! DEC meeting is on With 19 of 35 squadrons July 13th at Onion represented and over 40 River Campground in active members in attend- Plainfield, VT. ance, the 2019 Sons of The American Legion • Lets get those final few End of Year Convention convened at Reports in ASAP! 8:30 AM on June 29th, 2019. Chaired by now • The new 2019-2020 PDC Steve England, the Vermont Directory Detachment attended a project is underway. joint meeting with the De- Please get those Of- partment of Vermont to ficer Rosters updated listen to Brigadier General and submitted to David Manfredi speak on ing the gavel over to newly Cullen on a road trip to Adjutant Colety behalf of the Vermont elected Detachment Com- visit the Dodge House in [email protected] Reserves. Followed by our mander David Hendee at Rutland, Vermont and The DEC meeting at 9:30 AM the conclusion of the Veterans Place in North- • Detachment of Ver- and our annual regular meeting. On Friday, the field, Vermont. Seen mont reaches 100% membership goal convention meeting at Detachment took it’s above at the Veterans immediately before 10:30 AM Commander distinguished guests, Place, our visitors were convention. Renewal Steve was able to com- Eastern Region NVC Mike impressed by both facili- rates are running at plete the business of the Cotten and Detachment ties and their varied veter- 90%. Detachment before hand- of Delaware NEC Toby an outreach programs.

• Some interesting historical articles are included inside this David Hendee of Squadron 50 Elected Detachment Commander months edition. David Hendee from Cas- Commander Mike Cotton • New membership tleton Squadron #50 be- in the picture to the right, cards are here and came the Detachment of Commander Dave made being distributed to Vemont’s Commander on some remarks and then squadrons not repre- June 29th, 2019. Com- closed the Detachment of sented at Detachment mander Dave has served Vermont convention. He Convention now. for many years and in mul- then delivered opening tiple capacities for the De- remarks to the American

tachment. Installed and Legion Auxiliary installa- capped by National Vice tion. Page 2 The Sons of The American Legion

Detachment Commander Dave Hendee Hello everyone, if you looking forward to it job on membership were not at conven- and to getting to all this year and I know tion you we can ex- missed a ceed the Na- great tional goal of time! I'm 105% by the going to 27th of July! be brief Let's make today, first sure the of all I Eastern Re- want to gion and Na- Let’s “Rock the thank tional know those who who the real Membership” this nominated Beast of the upcoming year! me and East is, Ver- voted for mont! Again me to be thank you all your Com- and let's mander for the up- the squadrons and “Rock the Member- coming year. It is a seeing everyone ship” for the coming great honor and I am again. We did a great year!!!!!

Senior Vice Commander Jeremy Revell

Our 2019 convention momentum going. ly, I hope you all have is in the books. I want We did very well as time to spend it with a Detachment last For Veterans Past, to thank all the family and Present and Future, members who friends and re- were able to Jeremy Revell flect on the great attend. Thank freedom we Sr. Vice Commander you to all that have in this Membership Commit- elected me to country. Always tee Chairman serve as your remember that SAL Detachment of Sr. Vice Com- Veterans are the VT mander. I look reason we have [email protected] forward to the this freedom. upcoming Thank you to all 802-771-7242 year and the who have challenges it served and will bring. We have year on membership thank you to the SAL some work to do this and I hope we keep members who contin- coming year if we’re it up. As we look for- ue to honor their ser- th going to keep our ward to the 4 of Ju- vice. Volume 12 Issue 1 Page 3

Northern Area Commander Brian Massey

First I would like to team to make our little mander’s, County As I was the recip- say thank you for all state of Vermont to its Commander’s ient last year, I got your hard work this best of its abilities! please help and give to choose this year with member- an extra hand to years winner. ship! It’s not easy we make sure your Thank you Adam all know but as a squadron’s getting for stepping up & team took it to the this done! If you’re continuing to extreme and Got it not sure which demonstrate lead- Done! “Teamwork” squadrons have ership goals within Thank you District’s: been done please our Detachment, 1, 2 & 3 for electing let me know, Any problems or con- Well that’s about it me as your New for now, I will fol- cern’s at all please Northern Area Com- Also Squadron’s: We low up with you all mander I will try to do still need copies of contact me I will be next month, in the happy to help any- you all Proud! And your Officers Roster, mean time you all Congratulations to all Installation Form (if way I can! have a great rest the detachment of- you have been in- Congratulations to of the summer. I hope you all had a ficer’s this year in- stalled) & your End of Our Newly Elected great 4th Of July!!, Year Reports please cluding our Newly District 5 Command- enjoy the weather Elected Commander get those in to Detach- er Adam Holden with family & Dave Hendee. I look ment Adjutant Marc who I choose to re- friend’s. forward to continuing Colety as soon as pos- ceive the Butch Mil- Brian Massey working with our sible!! District Com- ler award this year!

Southern Area Commander Bill Brothers #49 at Convention. Hi everyone. Con- new membership cards vention was great. are in, let's all get a jump Congratulations to on membership and beat our new Detachment last years date for hitting Southern Area Commander Dave our 100 percent goal! I hope you all have a Commander Bill Hendee. I am look- Brothers from ing forward to this great 4th of July and a year with him. A safe one, if any of you Squadron #49 need any help with any- Southern Area Com- special thank you to Fair Haven mander Bill Brothers ac- PDC Steve England thing, let me know. cepts a Most Active for your great job as [email protected] award on behalf of Sq. Commander. The Page 4 The Sons of The American Legion Page 4

PNVC/PDC/NEC/Judge Advocate John Waite

Hopefully everyone please do so. It doesn’t this year. If anyone else enjoyed Independence take that long and it does wants to attend please Day and remembered need to be done. I’m will- call Commander Hen- all of those who have ing to come to any and all dee or attend our July fought for that free- Squadrons to assist with 13th DEC. Enjoy your dom. the update. If I don’t hear summer and as always As we begin our 2020 from you I’ll assume you PNVC/PDC/NEC remember our Veter- membership year, are all set and will be John Waite, De- ans. please remember to sending them in very tachment Of Dela- For All Veterans Past, transmit $10 to depart- soon! ware NEC Toby Present, Future & the ment for each mem- As your NEC I’ll be getting Cullen and East- Betterment of all Chil- bership card this year. ready to attend National ern NVC Mike dren If your Squadron has- Convention. I believe we Cotton listening to John Waite (VT) n’t updated your Con- have 7 delegates going committee re- PNVC/NEC ports. stitution & Bylaws yet.

PDC Corner well over $200,000. This They range from donating year under Commander computers to Boys State, Just coming off convention Dave Hendee will be no sending WWII Veterans I would like to Congratu- different come November to the WWII Memorial late all the newly elected 11th. Dedication, blanket Detachment Officers and The National Guard warmers at the Veterans I’m looking forward to our Emergency Assistance Home, a neo natal incu- DEC Campout on July 13th Fund (NGEAF)was estab- bator, a Veterans Wish, when we complete our lished in October of 2001. Veterans Appreciation The July 2019 “Team” for this year. This fund is still there if gift cards, personal items PDC Corner Congratulations to Our someone in the guard or for patients and residents contribution by 17th Detachment reserves has a need. We in our Veterans facilities. PNVC/PDC, Commmander David Hen- always encourage all The list will continue to Detachment of dee we look forward to Squadrons to donate to grow. The success of Vermont NEC your leadership this year. this fund to insure our these projects would nev- and Judge Ad- Our Detachment continues soldiers are taken care of. er be possible without vocate John to evolve. Over my twenty We the Detachment of the commitment of all Waite. eight years we have ac- Vermont have been rec- 3,890 members. All De- complished many great ognized several times tachment Commanders things. Each Commander nationally for our contin- Projects have always has encouraged every ued support of The Amer- been well received by all Squadron to Support the ican Legion Child Welfare Squadrons throughout Dodge House (our signa- Foundation. Nationwide the Detachment of Ver- ture project), since its in- the Sons have donated mont. And with our con- ception in 1998. Going on over $8 million. tinued Team building we our 21st year of continued Every Commander has are positive it will only support we have donated had a project or a cause. become better. Page 5 The Sons of The American Legion Page 5

Detachment Awards Scholarships at Convention!

The four pillars scholarship. Also re- guide our actions ceiving scholarships and one of the most (pictured right) were rewarding things Ethan Biggie of St.

we get to do every Johnsbury Vermont year for our Chil- $1,000; Ryan Blaney dren and Youth of Morrisville Vermont programs is the an- $500 and Stanley nual award of Brandon of Enos- scholarships at our burgh Falls Vermont Detachment Con- $500. These intelli- vention. This year gent and energetic we were able to young men and wom- award four scholar- en represent the fu- ships to deserving ture of our great students from all country and hopefully over the State of of our American Le- Vermont. Pictured gion family too. The at the left is Kier- scholarships were styn Hess of Arling- presented by PDC ton Vermont who Henry Cleveland. received a $1,000

An Amazing Display of Generosity from the Detachment of VT!

Before this year slips away and turns into a new one, I thought I would share some statistics from the year we just closed out at our state convention. As most everyone knows, we have four categories (pillars) upon which the hard work that The Detachment the Sons of The American Legion accomplish are classified. Veterans Assis- of Vermont volun- tance, Children and Youth, Americanism and Community Service capture all the teers 60,497 hours great work that each of us does on behalf of the SAL. and $208,573 in For a small state and a relatively small Detachment the volunteerism and charity recently complet- of our team is amazing. Let’s look at the numbers for a moment. ed reporting year. Veterans assistance; 30,286 hours volunteered and $91,538 donated. Children and Youth 4,184 hours volunteered and $38,317 donated. Americanism 7,361 hours volunteered and $29,703 dollars donated and to our local communities 18,666 hours volunteered and $49,014 dollars donated! That means that our cur- rent totals are 60,497 volunteer hours and $208,573 dollars donated from . All of this with only 31 of our 35 squadrons having submitted their End of Year reports to date. This is simply amazing work by the squadrons in Vermont and each of you deserves a round of for the impact we collectively bring to so many lives. - Marc Colety - Detachment of Vermont Adjutant Volume 12 Issue 1 Page 6

From the Very Messy Desk of Adjutant Marc Colety……. Once again, I had that it is time the opportunity to to place a visit The Dodge second order House last week- These bricks end while touring can only be with NVC Mike ordered in Cotton and the lots of 100 so Detachment team let’s get out prior to our annual and sell convention. What some sup- an incredible service ue to do an outstand- port for our veterans to our veterans this ing job for our veter- and for the Dodge home provides from an heroes! I was able House. There are shelter to food, from to view the laying of many ways to mark coats to shoes, Chris the first order of com- these bricks with Morgan and The memorative bricks some examples of Dodge House contin- out front and noted the first lot shown to the right.

The Chaplain’s Pulpit…….

From the Chaplain, port as part of the great year together It is written that “Faith American Legion as Sons of The is the assurance of Family. We know American Legion! what we do makes a things hoped for, the In Honor of All Veter- evidence of things difference in the lives ans, We know what not seen”. of our Veterans, their Families, our Chil- PDC Steve England we do makes a difference in the As we start a new dren and Youth, and year for the Detach- Chaplain lives of our Vet- our Communities. erans, their Fam- ment of VT S.A.L. I Detachment of VT would encourage you Have Faith most of all ilies, our Children S.A.L. and Youth, and to have Faith in the in yourselves. We have seen over the our Communi- Leaders that we have ties. chosen. Our support years what we can can make their jobs accomplish as a easier and help them Team, and there is succeed. no reason to think that will change. Have Faith in the pro- grams that we sup- Let’s have another Page 7 The Sons of The American Legion

Greetings From District 1 Commander Mike Felber The Mid-Summer Con- Chris Hanfield – Addison vention was held this past County Commander to benefit the Wounded weekend in Burlington. As Warriors in Action Foun- always, information re- Please join us as in con- dation (WWIAF). Tickets Mike Felber ceived was plentiful. We gratulating them. They go on sale soon. District 1 Commander also had several officer will work closely to assist Sons of the American changes at the State lev- you as needed. I will be making arrange- Legion el. In District #1, the fol- ments to get to your Post lowing members were Some events coming up over the next several [email protected] elected: with the different Squad- months to introduce my- rons: self and bring you up to Mike Felber – District Vergennes will be hosting date with current events. Commander their annual car show July Please let me know if Elwood Bourne – Chit- 23. there is anything I can tenden County Com- Colchester will be holding assist with. Thank you mander a raffle for a Henry Rifle and have a safe and en-

Tom Hughes - Historian Squadron 39 his interest in the origins of the Legion. ny at the American Le- The S.A.L. squadron 39, The following month, gion Post 39 in Poult- from J. Claire Carmody in Hughes volunteered his ney. In 2018, Tom went Poultney VT elected Tom entire 2019 Memorial Day on a trip that was about Hughes to be their weekend to help the tracing part of his ances- "Historian." He joined the "United States World War tral heritage. He was curi- S.A.L. because he was 1 Centennial Commis- ous to see places on the inspired by the 100th an- sion" (soon to become Western Front that might niversary of the First The Doughboy Founda- provide insight into, or World War. His grandfa- tion) in its efforts during commemorate the 100th ther had been best Fleet Week in New York anniversary friends with the post 39 Spotlight on of the namesake and actually World War witnessed James Claire I experienc- SAL Members: Carmody's direct-hit in- es of his stant death In grandfather Tom Hughes France. Tom provided (Pvt. Llew- information about Cpl. elyn Carmody's sacrifice to the Historian Hughes, United States World War 2nd Div., 1 Centennial Commission Squadron 39 twice WIA) and they included it on City to raise awareness and of his mother’s uncle one of their web pages: for the National World District 4 (Pvt. Raoul Lefrançois, War 1 Memorial that is In the spring of 2018, 26th Div., KIA proposed for Pershing the Vermont State Legis- 9/26/1918). When Park in Washington DC. lature, at the request of Poultney's American Le- Tom Hughes, passed a gion family met in mid- Tom hopes that many Resolution to commemo- April 2019 to commemo- others will join the Ameri- rate for the 100th anniver- rate the 100th anniver- can Legion family of or- sary the participation and sary year of the 1919 es- ganizations this year, in- sacrifices of Vermonters tablishment of the Ameri- spired by the 100th anni- in the First World can Legion, Hughes versary and the mission War. Fittingly, it was pre- spoke to the gathering of of the groups. sented in a brief ceremo- Page 8 The Sons of The American Legion

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Good Day,

The was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country. In its original form it read: • "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1923, the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. At this time, it read: • "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration. Today it reads: • "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Section 4 of the Flag Code states: • The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military ."

The original Bellamy salute, began with a military salute, and after reciting the words "to the flag," the arm was extended toward the flag. At a signal from the Principal the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal was given; every pupil gave the flag the military salute (right hand lifted, palm downward, to a line with the forehead and close to it). Standing thus, all repeated together, slowly, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." At the words, "to my Flag," the right hand was extended gracefully, palm upward, toward the Flag, and remains in this till the end of the affirmation; whereupon all hands immediately drop to the side.

Shortly thereafter, the pledge was begun with the right hand over the heart, and after reciting "to the Flag," the arm was extended toward the Flag, palm-down. In World War II, the salute too much resembled the , so it was changed to keep the right hand over the heart throughout.

Today, the reference to the words “under God” have caused controversary based on religious rights and interpretation. You may still find some schools and municipalities starting their day and meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance, but it is not consistent throughout counties or States throughout the Country.

In Honor of All the Veterans,

Lucas J. Herring Historian, Detachment of Vermont [email protected] 802-272-8222

Volume 12 Issue 1 Page 11

S.A.L. Squadron 10 Lottery Raffle Board -$5 per ticket - Drawing to be held Sunday July 28 - Proceeds to benefit Veterans, Children & Youth, and Community Programs. Page 12 The Sons of The American Legion

Good Day,

In an article by Richard Sisk at, here is some advice if you Want to Run for Office? Now There's a Politics Boot Camp for Veterans. If you’re a veteran eyeing a run for office, you now have access to a training program specially designed to get you in the race.

Syracuse University, with a grant from JP Morgan Chase & Co., plans to start a training program late this fall or early winter for veterans on the nuts-and-bolts of running for office at the state, local and federal levels. The goal of the "Veterans in Politics," or VIP, program is to take advantage of veterans' commitment to public service and translate that into organizing and running a campaign, but the school is upfront about potential pitfalls. The program will start with online preparation, leading to a free, week-long intensive seminar at the Maxwell School, tied for No. 1 with Indiana University as the nation's top public affairs graduate school, according to U.S. News & World Report.

The program's launch was announced in April by Syracuse University's Institute for Veterans and Military Families, or IVMF, and the Maxwell School, with the intent of aiding veterans and military family members who aspire to public office or administration. University and IVMF officials said VIP courses will cover election law, party politics and public policy; creating, managing and leading campaign teams; campaign finance; understanding voters; message development; and other aspects of running for office. VIP is non-partisan and open to veterans with widely divergent political views, but there will be screening to keep out extremists whose values are not in line with those of the university.

The plan is to start small with a first class of 20 to 25 applicants. The first phase will be online with required readings and videos to set up the week-long, on-campus phase involving immersion seminars, he said. The third phase entails follow-ups to gauge the veterans' progress in achieving their political goals. The eventual goal is to put more veterans in office in Congress and at the state and local level. According to IVMF, veterans made gains in the 2018 elections, but overall veteran representation in Congress has dropped from more than 75% in the 1960s to 19.1% today. Currently, the 116th Congress has a total of 96 veterans -- 30 Democrats and 66 Republicans.

More information on the VIP program and instructions on how to apply are available through the Veterans in Politics Program.

In Honor of All the Veterans,

Lucas J. Herring Legislative Chairman, Detachment of Vermont [email protected] 802-272-8222

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DATE: July 13th, 2019


AGENDA: Committee Reports

Old Business

New Business o Commanders Appointments – Officers o Commander s Appointments - Committees o Commanders Project o Installation of Appointed Officers o National Convention Information

LOCATION: Onion River Campground - Pavilion 61 Onion River Road Plainfield, VT 05668 Please note that food will not be provided Volume 12 Issue 1 Rock the Membership!

Send submissions to:

Marc Colety - Editor 1148 Maple Hill Road Arlington, VT 05250 [email protected] [email protected]

Phone (802) 430-7168 Mobile (603) 543-6471

Commander Steve England presents the District Command- er of the Year to Brian Massey