The Parish Post Weekly Newsletter of Sandford, New Buildings and Upton Hellions Churches 3Rd June 2018
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website: THE PARISH POST WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF SANDFORD, NEW BUILDINGS AND UPTON HELLIONS CHURCHES 3RD JUNE 2018 Welcome to our Sunday communion service at 8.30am at Beacon Church, New Buildings and our 10am Open Doors service at St Swithun’s Church, Sandford. Do join us for refreshments after the second service. REFLECTIVE MORNING PRAYER – Every Wednesday from 9.00am to 9.30am at St Swithun’s. PAUL’S SERMONS Last week’s talk by Paul on The Trinity was quite simply the best I have ever heard on the subject and I asked for a copy to mull it over through the week. If you weren’t able to get to church last Sunday and would like to read it please contact Pamela Tilney Ellis who will forward it to you. She has offered to be the agent for passing sermons on in the future so please contact Pamela any week from now on so you can keep in touch with the sermons. ND TH CREDITON PARISH CHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL – SATURDAY 2 TO THURSDAY 7 JUNE The title In Our Element showcases floral magic in earth, air, fire and water. The festival is open every day with stalls, wonderful refreshments in the Boniface Centre and local art on display. Details of opening times and additional concerts is on our website and facebook page. TH TEA AND TODDLERS – FRIDAY 8 JUNE FROM 9AM AT ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH This lively, fortnightly session for preschool children and their parents/carers happens at St Swithun’s where there are activities for children, a chance to chat for adults and yummy refreshments for all. Come along and see, you don’t have to bring a toddler! TH DEANERY DEVELOPMENT DAY – SATURDAY 9 JUNE AT THE BONIFACE CENTRE ‘I wish we had more young people in church’. This course ‘Stepping Stones’ run by Paul Reisbach starts from where we are in our churches and signposts ways of moving on so that wish can become reality. Please contact Paul soon if you would like to find out more. [email protected] TH CHURCHYARD TIDY – SATURDAY 9 MORNING There will be a general churchyard tidy up in preparation for Bishop Robert coming in a few weeks to consecrate the new piece of burial ground, do turn up and help if you are free. TH EXETER CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT – TUESDAY 12 JUNE AT 7.30PM AT ST SWITHUN’S The Friends are hosting what will be a musical treat (including ex-Sandford resident Steve Smith) as a fundraiser for the churches. There will be light refreshments of finger food afterwards so if you can help by providing anything, please let Sandra know the details (savoury or sweet etc) on 777521 as soon as you can. NEW CHURCHES WEBSITE - Our new churchwarden Linda has been busy updating our website, so please go online and explore it. The Parish Post will of course be posted there each week. There are extra spaces for pictures to do with each church and Linda needs your photos to share, particularly if they include people. Any event eg weddings, christenings or attractive pictures of the churches inside or out, please email them to her at [email protected] And thank you Linda. SCARECROW TRAIL 2018 This annual summer fundraiser for Sandford Playgroup is taking as its theme ‘Favourite characters from a book or nursery rhyme’. If anyone has an idea and would like to make a on behalf of the th church, please contact Rosanne asap for details. It needs to be ready by July 19 . SANDFORD PARISH HALL The Parish Hall committee is working hard to raise money to improve the car park and the loos - so if you shop at Tesco please take a blue token and post it in the Sandford Parish Hall box to support them. They need a community push to get the top amount. COMMUNITY MAGAZINE – THE CROSSING The Crossing is looking for a new team to edit and run the magazine. Please share the news with anyone who might be interested or this is its last year. [email protected] THANK YOU A big thank you to Andrew who continues to unlock the church in the mornings and check and lock it in the evenings. And thank you too to Chris who keeps a very careful eye on the clock. We do appreciate what you do! JUNE BIRTHDAYS st nd th Happy Birthday to George on the 1 , Rosie on the 2 , and Michael (Lee) on the 8 IN YOUR PRAYERS • Pray for a happy and rewarding future for Elias Crang and Laura Cann who get married this weekend at Sandford. • Pray for the success and safety of the various festivals happening locally. • Pray for the churchwardens and sidespeople of the Deanery who are sworn in and prayed for at the Archdeacon’s Visitation at Thorverton on Tuesday evening. Particularly remember our churchwardens Colin and Linda. SUNDAY’S READINGS: 1 Samuel 3:1-20; Psalm 139:1-18; 2 Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-3:6 Paul read from Proverbs last Sunday and it is a fascinating book full of wise information on everything from relationships to riches, from health to national justice. Here are some on the importance of the words we speak. Kind words are like honey - sweet for the soul and healthy for the body. (Proverbs 16:24) A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. (15:1) Worry weighs a person down: an encouraging word cheers a person up. (12:25) The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. (18:21) If you wish to receive the Parish Post please email [email protected] Clergy – Revd Paul Fillery tel: 01363 777372 email: [email protected].