J. F. FRITZ. DRAINING APPARATUS FORTUNNES, &c, APPLICATION FLED MAR. 15, 1917, Patented Nov. 27, 1917. W I | Lil N S % a-II-II dist SY % as Zig WTOR 2. ABY i.e., UNITED STATES PATENT OFRICR. 503 AFS E. F.E.2, OR 22 O3, SEAN ID, O3.3 g (0., DEASE G APPARATUS FORTUNNES, as 1243,812. Speciacation of letters atoga, Paterated. Now. 23, 1912. Applicationaled March 15, 1917. Serial No. 55,046. Zo a whom 3 gray concery plate, pistons 6 in the cylinders and pro Be it known that I, JoHAN F. FRrtz, a vided with piston rods moving cross subject of the King of Sweden, who have heads 8 along guides 9 on the frame 3 declared my intention to become a citizen holding the bearings or journal boxes 3. S5 of the United States, residing at Portland, From said cross-heads extend connecting in the county of Multnomah and State of rods 10, by which cranks 11 of the engine Oregon, have invented a new and useful shaft 12 are operated. Said cranks are Draining Apparatus for Tunnels, &c., of arranged in opposite radial directions and which the following is a specification. the shaft is provided with an efficient fly 30 My invention relates to pumping ma wheel 13 for carrying the cranks over their chinery for the removal of water from tun highest and lowest points. The shaft, is nels, mines and ditches, especially while also provided at one end with a pulley 14 they are under construction. for the transmission of power to otherma The object is to provide a cheap, simple chinery (not shown).
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