Somalia's Forgotten Minorities
report No redress: Somalia’s forgotten minorities by Martin Hill A Bantu girl inside her family home, Mudug, Puntland. Petterik Wiggers/Panos. Acknowledgements MRG is grateful for the cooperation and interest of numerous This report is part of an MRG project to secure protection international and Somali organizations and individuals who and promote fundamental freedoms of vulnerable minorities were consulted or interviewed for this report, and especially in Somalia, funded by the European Union under the Somali minority organizations and minority interviewees. European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, and by Irish Aid. The objective of the project is to strengthen the Commissioning Editor and Project Coordinator: Marusca monitoring and advocacy capacity of Somali civil society Perazzi. Report Editor: Helen Kinsella. Production organizations and human rights activists representing coordinator: Kristen Harrison. Typesetting: Kavita Graphics. vulnerable minorities, and promote their public participation at local, national and international levels. The contents of this The author report are the sole responsibility of MRG, and can under no Martin Hill is an independent consultant. He holds a PhD in circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics. European Union or Irish Aid. He was Researcher on the Horn of Africa for Amnesty International from 1976 to 2008, and Visiting Fellow of the MRG’s local implementation partner is the Somali Minority Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, Rights and Aid Forum (SOMRAF), a Somali not-for-profit for several years. human rights, aid and development organization based in Nairobi with presence in Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti and Minority Rights Group International Ethiopia.
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