(MAYONNAISE.Ft35c Communism, Tional Socialism, Fascism, New Pads and Soap Separate
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'On the Other Hand’ Swedish Sources Hope For of Herr ‘The Road to Serfdom’ Exchange Leopold Hayek’s Bj the Associated Press. Most Exciting Thing Since Technocracy STOCKHOLM. April 12. —The said yesterday ay Lowell Mellett bound bullet In his campaign to newspaper Expressen OUR PLEDGE limit income taxes to 25 per cent, there was some hope that King Leo- The big news out of Vienna isn’t of would be exchanged no matter how big the income. pold Belgium customers to and Make a full load. the fact that the Russians are chas- of if To urge bring shopping paper bags if every bag carry As for Hayek, he seems to be a by the Germans by way Sweden, ing the Germans around the Ring- and that might to carry well-intentioned fellow. It is to speculated Leopold purchases. Not to use a within a when abso- strasse. The big news out of Vienna to abdicate in favor of if bag bag except : be hoped, for his sake, that he be intending To in customer’s own bag is a little man his if place purchases shopping escapes back to London before the son. lutely necessary. in spec t a c 1 e s ! or container whenever possible. ; present craze subsides. He may not This speculation arose when Prince named Fried- which can be if To wrap for rather than for understand that we are subject to Carl Bernadotte, brother of Leo- if Not to bag or wrap packaged articles protection appear- rich Hayek, now such seizures. Mah-jongg, flagpole late Astrid of Sweden, ance. in this country, pold's Queen, carried safely unwrapped. sitting, technocracy—they hit us purchased the Castle Huseby near chasing an an- I use the smallest if To all unusable and hard, but we over them. in Southern Sweden for the if To bag possible. salvage paper paperboard. cient economic ! get Vaxjo house of Belgium, the account theory around royal said. The was 2,500,- the lecture cir- reported price 000 Swedish crowns ($600,0001. cuit. Answers to Herr Hayek Prince Carl Bernadotte, who re- didn't plan it signed his Swedish title when he was that way. He married a countess and given didn't plan it at Questions the title of Belgian prince by Leo- tf-teAh tf-uuU and A reader can get the answer to any was said at be at Castle Laaken VecfttableA all. He doesn't question of fact by writing The Eve- pold. 31H I at Brussels as the of believe in plan- ning Star Information Bureau, now, guest FANCY COLOSSAL street NE Washington 2. D C. Please Prince Charles of Belgium. ning. All he inclose a cents for return postage. Regent planned — now THE HASKIN SERVICE. you ask, how could he plan any- By IT TAKES thing if he doesn't believe in plan- I Q. Is crude oil ever found at the C Bunch ) »21* of W. P. ASPARAGUS ning? Well, that's partly what the surface the earth?—L. confusion is about. To begin again, A. Crude oil has been discovered HOME-GROWN Herr Hayek merely planned to seeping from the surface of the come over from England, where he ground in many parts of the world, lectures in the London School of but in Russia, Iran, Vene- ONLY notably Economics, to explain in person why zuela and California. or KALE 2-17* he is opposed to planning. 2—HOURS SPINACH He didn't know what he was Q. When the United States mints TO RELINE THE BRAKES LARGE, JUICY, 126 SIZE coin money for foreign nations, talking into. He didn't, under- ON YOUR CAR stand that he had already become a where is the metal obtained?—E. sensation in American business L. H circles on the one hand, and in A. The foreign countries pay for PLYMOUTH either be ! American intellectual circles on the the metal. Silver may 5Q*50V FLORIDA ORANGES*--59* CHEVROLET other. He didn’t realize that he purchased or obtained under lease- \ had come over to be canonized lend agreement. Other metals are BLACK VALENTINE ROUND by BUICK _ _ _ _ in market. the Saturday Evening Post, the purchased open rONT‘AC Reader's Digest and other such $11.50 What are electrons?—L. M. P. organs of light and reason, or, for Q DODGE’*8 l« ’« 1 1 that matter, to be boiled alive by A. Electrons are tiny particles in CHRYSLER I atoms. Under the influence of very BEANS 19* Stuart Alvin Lewis GREEN Chase. Hansen. Free Adjuetmrnti Lorwin and other souls who high electrical voltage, they can HOME GROWN MARSH SEEDLESS simple D. C. move with a that Duplicate Testing Machine believe that we can't make any speed approaching »•> plans without planning. of light, which is approximately SPRING ONIONS 4 ^10* GRAPEFRUIT 11« 186.000 miles per second. His Book &AvK,E« Different. CLIFT’S j SOUND SLICING CRISP CALIFORNIA 2002 K Sf. N.W. ME. 6232! It. happened this way: Herr Q What is the inscription on the >b Hayek wrote a book and gave it a Washington Arch in New York City? TOMATOES 29« CARROTS 3 8« very intriguing name, "The Road '—M. T. SINCE 1888* ♦ to attracted atten- us a to Serfdom.” It A. "Let raise Standard ♦ i tion because it was so different from which the Wise and the Honest can ♦ nj.ij.jpniiiiMiJMWOT[ww«Mn"irmMirrrMi n A* tf-M, tf-nMl&i fyixxLi! anything anybody else had written Repair Tire Event is in the Hands ♦ PoutU- ♦ | times. It seemed to God.” in modern say of ♦ &ea tyood and Meat that Germany's trouble and Italy’s ♦ «-* *»• resulted from too much planning Q May the relatives of an Italian ♦ ! COOKED SQUASH “22« ♦ FRESH and that if Great Britain, the prisoner of war. stationed in this ♦ United States and other democ- country, send him a gift package? ♦ ! APPLE SAUCE 'p£29c racies don't look out, don't stop —G. V.’ ♦ » ♦ trying to plan everything, we are A. Relatives are permitted to send ♦ BUCK SHAD 25' all going in end up in the same packages to prisoners of war in this ♦ BRUSSELS SPROUTS Dairies pkg. 37® ♦ j mess as the Herrenvolk. but that is ra- frightful country, nothing ♦ ROE SHAD (INCLUDING HOC).lb. 49c That’s what it seemed to say and tioned may be included in the pack- ♦ CAULIFLOWER Dairies pkg. 28® that was enough for American ir- age. ♦ _ FRESH j reconcilables already convinced GLASS MIRRORS} that our country is on the road to Q Please describe the Combat In- SPINACH Birds Eye ”k~ 31® perdition as the result of a master j fantryman Badge.—M. C. C. COMPLETE STOCKS ♦ New' Deal plan. So an American A. It consists of a blue bar bear- GENUINE SHELLAC, VEGETABLES 41® edition of the book was brought out, j ing a silver rifle surmounted by a STEEL} CHOP SUEY WOOL, “SCOTCH" CROAKERS 17* pages about the Austro-Englishman silver laurel wreath. A Combat In- TAPE,: DUPONT SPONGES AND#| appeared in the slick magazines, fantryman Badge is awarded for! «• RUBBER GLOVES, FRESH HERRING 13c lectures were arranged and now satisfactory performance of duty in *‘MOR-} TITE" CAULKING * Hayek is among us. Planning more ground combat against the enemy. TAPE,: SUNNYFIELD ENRICHED SOILAX, ALUMINUM FRESH MACKEREL 35c books against planning, perhaps. PAINT.J Hayek himself probably finds the Q. What is mean by a flag officer FRESH PORGIES 19c ; FAMILY FLOUR 10 i 45° hullabuloo over his book very per- in the Navy?—T. R. M Co.: plexing. as perplexing as some of A. Flag officers are those who Hugh Reilly FRESH WHITE PERCH 33c CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF (NO POINTS) his readers find the book, which is have attained the rank of rear ad- 1334 N. Y. Ave. N.W. : miral and the senior thereto. * » perplexing enough. A gifted writer, j grades Phone NAtional 1703 19c - sentence SPINACH SOUP 2 23s every is completely plaus- »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* FANCYJ5MELTS ible and convincing, but when the: Q How fast does a bomb fall after POINTS REDUCED! ONLY 10 POINTS PER CAN SQUARE CUT SHOULDER (4 POINTS) sentences grow into paragraphs the it is released from an airplane?— plausibility starts to evaporate and L. W. E Lamb Roast.,b 34c LIBBY'S when the paragraphs become chap- A No exact, figure can be given TOMATO JUICE 2’JSW S FRESH CUT (NO POINTS t ters you begin to wonder what it The speed of a falling bomb, dropped CLEAN. GOLDEN CREAM STYLE (20 POINTS) w'as you thought you’d been con- from a height of 40.000 feet in a vinced of. And you begin also to vacuum W’ould be 1.092 miles an Lamb Patties.,b 31c wonder which side of the issue hour, approximately. In actual prac- DEL MONTE CORN £,* SKINLESS (6 POINTS) ) 13° 1 Hayek is on, if there is an issue. tice the speed is reduced by resist- ^ roaMr FINE FABRICS Just the same he has furnished a ance of the air. EASILY! Frankfurters.,b 37c | lot of spiritual nourishment to those who still believe that America's j Q What is the maximum age for FRESH PORK (6 POINTS) IVORY enlistment in the United States SNOW.* 22e creed should be every man for him- (FOR I lb self and the devil take the hind- Army?—L. C. W. Meat ... 37« MAYFLOWER BLENDED (10 POINTS) PILLSBURY'S BEST 1 Sausage AND No. 2 A. The maximum limit en- ORANGE most. They can lift sentences from age for VVTVflV |PM |J UILIl GRAPEFRUIT.