Section 1 Pages 1 to 8 || §


THOMPSON'S MAGIC GREENBACK1 fiGhi uvtK * tires' on "that "4LW«" utt contulned in iL i tho (Mtinfy ft*HTfrV statement, pub »r • *l (i ill O her Dei IO yed in linln:; ICiny Wiiy ). ',IHE "•Msh'fd' Insf Wc.'k. .Thfji. report shuv.'i;t-w , ^ for u 'Smooth 'i ppl'll SI' Jf that sheriff .McrricI;, duriny th** y**nr| " IE. r*r f L'11 I'lir) (ISC I30S, provided meals to prteoucrs, •A-nmn who tookt-d na prosper*) •r.M iimounting In the a^runate to 7,611 I -i •I" "f tit " yi-ii IS I us I llll aynlll in i aleel corporation .lays. At uy vuuta a tiny for each f Rev. Daniel Halleron Transferred ii ill • nU>i walked up and down in<; road in front Charles Wolvcrton Slashes His'^" ,!'Vi,',',,','""'!' «\',7, •!L!"i"<'"r"ri"•iit in ' 'Science Tiiumphed After Brute'j |>rljs'in.;t, this uttiounie'd to %•!,755, • i • SS—O AFTE—. ^ R ALL to Newark. of the Dm ford ro.iiduncc, ul thu west- ern end of thy borough, on Saturday Throat With Knife. | •iiu-jii..i,. whiuh ••mw. ni> m ihu Son-! ForcC e Had-Failedu,J .:I..I. j Council Appropriates This Sum morning nearly two weeks aao. lie j for Decoration Day. waft- n wcM-drc::*icd " shuivuil a uniiiM limp when he walked and a hundred dollar bill when he talked. Th« hun- dred dollar bill.wKtiiieiLW.IJU.hla.itmln mock in trade and he made it work ^JSEWER QUESTION LfiJD OVER ;''Charges «r .Ministers Who Arc overtime, n« mib-sequent results proved. - Known Here. While tlio.strariKor was pacing up and down the road, he met Daniel j liui win l(e"/)i-po.sf(I nf ut Sfceting Front a local viewpoint, the mos gpnlifrtr. fS<'minr nf the Dufford to lie Meld Two Weeks Hence /:, important ehuiiKu -of pitatunUes us i estate. They (jot into conversation. —Oilier Mailers, "•.'•'• result of the Xeivnrl; M. K. Confer In the of which the fellow waid enee,. which ended in_ Newark oil ie was It. C. Thompson of Brooklyn. C'Jiiiniry Ui expvetntions, the ne- Tuesday afternoon, was tho transfer Ci'> action k-fjalizing the holding I« was u inif!dlc-agu rfi"iy of tho• man's life la a ccpt kick over in other denominations. I lev. .Mr. tile ConiitiMii C'juii'-il at ILs meeting ho said, and this proved to In- the r lutilerii' which btirn- (Ubson, Hi'.1 A. M. K. pnstnr, srtya he .Monday, nlk'ht. The special eom- Fletcher L. West, who leaves tin strange one. lie came i' a. jroud fam- brought conspieu- I'd m> Chicago. If it w mn't for tu- churoh to which Iiev. Mr. llalleioi only true thing ho really did .say. Mr. ily; I'.'fng a brother of Benjamin and IH-VLT heard of'stolen ehlchens 'n;inn itiitiii,- uiitili* its. ivport but when the iKc'nberg took the aim tiger to the on of the voting icreuiosis inspectors we would hard- siibjuct naiuu tip fur consideration it has been asHl^neil. lOlimm Wolverlou ut NeWink, and the returned to a parson, and J:.«v. Dan- 1 it;, eonfurritil wltfi -tho other heI"**J ptihlk In, this cutii y nt th.; ffoftton y hear a word about cows any more. An odd' feature of the transfer Is lute Chester Wolverlon, a well-known fall. H(ui;.r C< Kut the spell A-aa broken .Monday •tt>l llnllcron hat* never iiuard a word was learned thai th< borough attorney they n{freed to let the man from lawyer of Clinton. nli'h made It one of the clilufa-n* lie find Htnlon. srimo was not yey t ready tt> pass upon cer- that Ituv.Mr. Hnlleron has been jiti* 'imoklyn liavis the farm for SI 1,000 awyer ... _ f the sti(utnv.*tn t ppKl s in hl« plupintt - lornlng of tiiii' wi-<>k wliuii Walter tain p uion cer tor <»f the Washington church' yuurs ax<> hla inind ii'eveling of ChatiLtewater eutue .intu 1 think I'll tnlic tiy letter ^a1l f the o,ue»tlon and ash, .ikactiu^ an additional con»irier- av ftnui nnd it Is ^ t.-ry tmich to the fjrati- Rapt ^d"f.-i ono jvar, which \n a radical depart itlm for the uirpc-ta on the Hoor and gave way and since tli.-n liu Una 1iilii-al'ou <>i hl.s roii.stltiu'nt.s to learn riifthluylon with a drove of four tii...n.:Mieot oi' the aub- tiro from the 'usual custom. Tho .he Kiain in the Krutinil. d upon as. a . hanrilt.-HH but \ iyj titat iiu stood .str..iiKly for IIIH avr>vvi>d or live cows for IPmce's .HlutiKlitcr a • ft'W days. On thia account shantre, however,.,was tint alt'ijcothor uric character "f this n*»tqhl • •. , prUu/lplcs when MIL- IIJIIK W.-I« up fur house. The'route led them up llorii- MAJOU nrnmi'iil waa taken for two Tlimiipsou appeared enthusiastic— Ii •will be disposed of, bar- unuiitiuiput'-d, f«r th>: -. reason that ii 'lif Would hstvy cement lloors put xHih afflktlon reiUJlieil in an Jvtm-siiloiation last Wi-uk. • l-aker sireut and th«-n.'; Into Wush- Itov. Mr. llalleroii him always ex- tl- : • - - - t aveniie. uiti>xpWti'd ••listai-los,-at the pressed ft piefurcnce fur u city . pas- iiiif,' on, April. I'J thu cows.waa a nic The mattiT of d.,iiiitliii,' *50 turate. ThU was the iir.«u country : charge-'tie had hold since first enter- Juhu R lU'.viiolijH I'Mst. G. A. It., waa ing the ministry. Tliu uivateat surprise -1 caused hy , the asMlgnnit-'nts uin-lo by \ Ulshop Ncely was the: removal, of Vtev. Dr. Uharlos I*. Alead, of the Centenary chiiivh, Newark. Xcitwitjif.'iaudinK that iht- members of this'' church, headed by a IIUKO delejjation.of Iniiu- ential wnn-cii. had requested .nud eii- tri-iito return tills 'popular ministerUj them, the Itishon, : iKiinrvil - thuir re'iueatH and assigned I htm to the pastorate of the First I feint.-. Of roiir.«o. It was dead ... . Church. Hoboken. Tlin iinimnnr.-. I for -sito tore up thfc «od t appr rx|)1alncd thnt Mi Post la deserving of merit w.i.-> rui-fivvd with hlxsea ami j «iilt lufr own itliTtaui'L' as .she .Vit:u ciatinff tin lust oppurtuniil(\s of the tins appropriation when the I''shop announced that 11e'•". p more BO now than pered arotimi the houso. Hut t-ov.s, rpast thro . yf-iirf. a feffeww yturs anoo when there were A. C. Mi^Jr.-it would W th"ir new pa.**-' like folks, M--1 loo fi-lskv at times. Inl A few men are working ul the plant lots of live soldiers, and few dead ones "We d — •''• '.'naos they generally come to "«w. Thuy are innlctiiK some v«,M..h» lie In the-local cemeteries. Now there : Becky's miish was sudden and I fpf t Empire Slowl •* .lrnn^Cn..Tho. are iminyilciKi Init fmv living. Hej, -itieii;• employed um former workmen "said it was incumbent, upon the local : AvFio h'ave eliiiius against the company 'fost to decorate: tho graves of 96 " for labor. Wins has given them per- comrades and the appropriation of mlti.'-i'jii ttt work out their claims in •$50 would lillow them, only GG centH this manner. ''' • a i;rave. The donation was promptly One •Tresh attachiiiiwim n ,nas beeoeen made, following this explanation. made on the WniXVm HH ui.wty minns.Miidurlng\the pospast - - WintermuteWintermut , ththe street :l(. This Is to satJsTy•.'••>-clnim-inf"-spririUifr titan, had a petilion asking the Warren Tidings'!' Printfne""c

• ,Jersey.,:-GIt>-: ' DiMritt-r-St; :PIV,Y1R" .(erst.y.Cily,.. w, M. •••.T.-umbowor-' _. :—— iioriis A.___C..,r:fiv..yfii;rioC';>;,il;i... r: ^^j^'^T,rcuii{?ljr^.;N;;y;;^\vn^^r,;;j'

"Bult^l"an\T"l^r7o"""un'ion'.*'-Bi^ Jamison: Jfope, A; ' .T. Sundnriln; - AU. -Jlcnnon.^r.- .1. lohsl; Oxford. C. C. . Kano; %rat Clmrch.. I'lillllpahurff p ^•.!fe>J...UuhaW!;.Wesleyllubach; .Wesley., •pKllllpsbPliillipslsitrg, , O. -M-. W-'st-'Vpcvv-t...Morris, A!("rod .Yuo- -:• • man ;~'Su:uitiLvfield, \V.' 11.: SlJtit, R\>P- "— ply;'• Vii'Vina 1"and'".Tanos Chin'n'l, II. XV.

r.ake. . • • .- . • • •• -'•- m'.lheii'-werH'ta'^ ed-ahcoritraiice" by pryin^opeti ;i(wln- 1 The Port Coidi>^Jlin:lie((sl<.uii-Kond.' " ._Th?-^vrns-i.c.'slff!tt...that met^tlief "''•" "'pTan5 nre.^v^^uKii'r wny-mnv tVir jjai-o" w'us'sliu^ljui. ""-"•";;-•, ;:: the lulldi . off tln> . a ball1 Samuel. Petty canto ffnni the , After •sntisfyTrtf,' Ihonusolvoa . Mia riiiilt .str•eteh ofv^iiew, •'uniCKhitii road 'cotinly nliiishoiiSG on Monday and wns"Wolverlon was \3ead. trie men cntne between Port Coi'deti ntid JlJiclieit.s- a.,,t hiI.I.s. _t.ok, . ic-Iuiriifi^, a few hours, • to Washiuffton dfid re I a toil Lln?,!r. ,11c ! an •inning ihero-'Tor .i i;lo.\vn hy way "iff ncatyratown. ' The covery to .Coroner Shropo. lie i -'• fu 11 ;vl;o.T.rd di freiehqklurs met-'at the .•ear >. nui'iiiipK .of- iddney 'iiu olllclal''Inspection of tho pr-jn ;, Windsor Hotel, .in' -Wiinliinfftnn- on j Of' la to' n nil 1 •liliii has lioeii very poor und concluded that .there wass nj Jrnn'dajjT and reeoived the rojiort of' T11ep».'ootin 1 st- fer than "next.., fall... . that the man had inel, his; djiuh hy ."'"itiff" of "fr%!:uTtlors .White, tt'eil, Parka! suicitlo. ",, " . -,v. " " •' • WOlior and-Tint tchor. Con iption T« Con(^H;!yv) :^-" A search of the.interior,.of the IIOUPC resulted in the'- iinillilg'^T'f iG. in biil.s u h~somo- "sort of' a -liii) 3- pecplc will iiinl:o .the trli .ir^Tliatchcr visited Trenton ..A.t a.. .,,-„„,H.^mcvuiiK "f t.'.e board, B ; 'rind '$22.41 in silver. The bills wi'i'o Pretty Sound nt a IT . n i»roceas....Sjn(l. then- forced to Beatycstown..iind;,r'ctiirn by ati'to- "1j"ur»cli;of" poker niayers""aml:-:n.:;col=_L on Tuesday nnd secured Lho-fit'Pi'ovnl oW-er.Hh.^'tilasl.SnttiHlay^niKlit. nn 1 found In Wolverton's clolhcs and'the John .,Kij>p. n ITaokottsto\vn'"Vnian her..ihrouH£)ni thmue narrmnarrowv opening•, onome mol'ilo,.' holncr a'cejjmpanied by Mi.s.s Inctinn of rcjittl^tl wdVthieves, whiclH of Rlute 'Uoiid Commfyalo'ner GiUcysoh. ortllniini.'o Wfiirpassed re'iulrlns physi- !li aL a 11 silver wns in little- 'bng-s.j(.w,bleti had who, has' •"be'eii, ono of the inmates of I' . time. It took an hour .and;..a " Bcttlnh WIIlevft^oT -Aabjib'-ana^Mr.. sliows 'tJs'nn.-.ill wind that blows IH»- .-.Bids will, ndvorffnoti lor Immeill- cians of Wasli'liiKton to rnport every i l I J20^taffious_j11>ion««, ^n:ii^i"!snlllcaivt ., ..^.vj-niniiihoiiw—Ccr,-":- several ;. ^?.^v-.'Wtj^shcr:^T.o".:"Uiiuliy-~"rt>ieas"edT "Sdwrl **.''£"'Cri?vi'ii'nfr of ~ITolidK-n',; tlVe c |ll5vorvbf flv r(l1 in n latter ^"""brother,, of tho trroom- The ":BidV"on" ••tliiroo'"l^n"ds=6'fTri:ondsIJwiir.lHi T-jfiTuriroT .tliis-iorrior is "tha't Utliereu- ' K. "I'voafsTlsstfli^jfight"(n'mielleci, despito' rybody"""fel' ""' l' in a """congratulator." '••*-•-•>- "r'ollowittLr "5" a list, of bills ' paid,' 1 losiS Is included! .in the list. brouijht Hid body lo his establishment tho facact that he iIs more than 10100 inood, sho'ol'- hands with thu horst bride will bewittired In a travel ins covfM'injr Iho month Of March: . '. aslfed for—amlcsite, n»_p,haltuin and suit of Ynn"*!l taupe with, hat to : : in Washington, :*wt!iero It was pro-:years old. Tie was born on Dec, •!,doctor with one mit and putted Becky yV.,sninKton Kiectrlc Co $292.17 hro£Ulav ndi ^f' pared, for burial. This tool- ISOfi, and passed .the. century mark' on the nock withitho other, showing match. ""IT^on their return a wedding Williams,' Proctor &*" potts, • ' . SPKCTATJ SALR OP''HOSTS BUSITES breakfast, wtnjse served'.at tho Aps'ar mjiJ;itiff map for sewer com- 1 plaee' o'h^Suiulay" In a- plot which nearly three>years uagd.'-rAHe says ho no favoritism 111: either case. • .TiAunAcrr's, TSASTON,.- PA; • '•• 1 lioiTje* .where"a' f^y intimate- friends nilttOCi t OO..U0 .. Just received n carload of XfertHizor •\Volycrton owneO.Jn the'llascoribtcons wonIti'>still b'o as active i;i llinb as he Becky ^ was ..t!icn;^rhimphftntly. :> St. Ct r O..U0 . e have 'just received ,u splontlld VaJJ^y^cemotery, at Hampton. Thero |g. ,.jn ni'liid. ,'wfre it not foritlio.jfact '•\viii gather to extpnd .their-;-well m7pajVnli"Tor Mir!'.'';'.' IS.09 of different .brands)^ includlns' Tru'cltv f 1 niat-Cii'uu-io'-tKQjsi'iuiglii.&i- house where Win. , •i"t'-UwcpycnV^o.W;i;flslti" sToiyn'>ose were no SEirvIce3.L-exc5ut^ a>Cow re- tlia'l~lve fell and Injured'his hip wishes. The youi'ig: co'itplo will leave "" ~~ '"'' :es .3.08.,, Corn .(iml',Oat. A" laree stock always 1 1 L ...she found .fre^ir^unjris^ In waitl'i^. C. N. Shrope;Vo"lce'and' m i Is,-, liiislics,;vnmptig- them being Hie" "LianY o t'" ' /' Washington on the noun (rain to .;spend V >"6n hand.''For sale in'any""quantity. marks at the ' gfavo7 •Jj'"'R'ev. '"Ward C. j ,When the crowd dispersed it looked furnished ... cV-26 Oay," th^n'ew pink climber j~a]gc^, tl jo. Peabody. Tho money found In Wolr rf*ll!te the turnout of an audience'-at a a weeir^of thefr honeymoon at .Buffalo Also 20.0, ..loads of Hre wood sa;ved "Dorothy Perkitis." These nre'* on ; Niagara Palls and surrounding points. 1 verton's house was devoted to giving _Stit;irday^night picture show. • r, Easter iCahdlofi, "Iroady for the stove, delivered on short .sale at the special priciv of 10 cents JirsV Morris, the faahloi/ablo mil- ; notice. t""1*"''11' him a Rood burial. Wo have made up fresh an<.elegant' •Write/ ' enll or phono your each. They are field grown and very llnor of Easton, nrinnunces that she Qt> -— -" 7~~' ' "•'•'• ;, orders. ALONZO J. hardy. '.'Cnll^'Frlday /or Saturday ..of has a larger display'to sliow-Oienxus- : Invlewof Iho fact that tho board- Why Help-Pay Knsryn Rents? line of En-stcr Candles and", ERgs. , Florist Trucker,. Washington, N.'J. tlils.,woolr.' Got In" the swim, young man, be •tomers'.".than ever before. Exclusive ing cf prisoners by >tlio_ sheriff is com- Co mo to Mrs., Nutzc's "for millinery Names* put^ on Eggs free. , Quality Is * j 1111 'stylish—got a nobby tailored Ensi'er designs'"during the season. 101 Norths -.,nflj_,opy^-_ion_G7thfrd,^in^prlco.-K^.^-r" thn-,(lr(pt. oonslderatlon\in every thins .-X---^ I /rnnriii'ni;' some--attention' Just" n 1(1( sultLnt4^rank.Plll'B,,CaHfon,,N;IJ.^,M. apt''tt^\ AujiaiatriinrnoAll fiats trimrnjod^y_anjexi)ertjrnild by an expert mil- J 'i" thisyshop. ,/„'!.' ^^._ j ^ ^^i^^j'^, ^ .'•-''•' • • • •• •"• ;r'~ • ";^.;';;::.'."r.\',^'.z..C7'.r',' THE WASHINGTON, STAR. WASHINGTON. N.'J, THURSDAY APRIL 8, 1909.

• We areI. ready with our Spring opening. There, is no music, no flowers and no souvenirs. This opening of Spring goods requires no trimmings, the goods and the prices are all the attraction needed. We are at your service with the largest and best assortment of Wa lamess, Farming' Implements, IDtc. that we have ever had on exhibition, and the prices, too, are right down to hard pan. We have now on hand SEVERAL CAR- LOADS OF BUGGIES. SURREYS, ROAD WAGONS AND 2-SEATED HANDY WAGONS. These wagons are made by the most celebrated makers of the country. Look at this list: Cortland, Youngstown, Seidel, Durant, Dort Paterson and John Deere makes. We have wagons with steel, solid rubber and cushion tires: all beautiful designs and painted just as you want them. This lot ol Wagons range in prices from $45 to $ I 30. ....-,.. FARM WAGONS-Manufactured by the Columbian and Champion companies, from $75 to $8O. If you are in the market for a.wagon it will pay you to investigate now, while full, thus making selection more satisfactory and easier. :'.-. Johnston Mowers, Binders and Hay RaKes Omeg'o Gream Separator These people are not in the trust and should be patronized by farmers, We can sell at lower prices than last year. Drop postal and a representative will call. ELLIS \ The best on the market. The closest skimmer and has fewer parts to wash than any other skimmer made. Call and see sampie and Keystone Threshers, Syracuse and Oliver Plows, Buckeye Two-Horse Set prices. .,.•• : . .". '..''.'. ..[•'•' Cultivators, Land Rollers, Spring arid SpiKe-tooth Harrows •- Shears, Land Sides and all supplies always on hand. Full line of Whiffletrees and devices. Forks, Rakes, Shovels,: Hoes, and That Harness of Yours a complete stock of farm tools. New line of Farmers' 5-A Summer BianKets, Lap Robes and Coolers. is iKginning to; look pretiy shabby. What's more, parts of it have

reached the danger point. v I,et your horse plunge, and a hue or trace break, will cost miVv than the price of a new set of harness to to'put you and your tafriagr in shape again. We're specialists in har- "NEW WAY*' AIR-COOLED ENGINES ness, paying close attention/to stock, style and finish. We can fit any- thing I lull 1 a poney to a 11 raft horse and we guarantee longer service and more lasting finish than van can get iii any harness auvwhere at near Tin.' "Xew Way" air-oiulwl l.Cnj;iiic is tin.' btsi and only air-cooled fiigiiK- in llic world that is inadc in all our prices. Muggy Harness, in nickel^ brass :mc! rulilier mounted sizt.-> ami guaranteed to.develop its full rated power for any Itujjtli of time in any c'imuU.- and nut over-liuu. It range in prices from Si 2 to 530. A big siSck of Team -Harness always weighs only one quarter as much as ilk; old styles of cii«i'n<.-:. and IIM-S as i:iuch fuel. No pipes, no on hand. Sold mote harness hist-inontli than all the rest of tlieyear com- pumps. Xo foundation required, will run anywhere. Oils automatically, no oil can is used.'• Not to be . com- bined. I'eople came from every direction and fuiind this stole the best pared with other Gasoline Engines; has less than one-quarter as many parts. Not a drop of water is used. Will place to buy. A fine line of Collars, Si.75 up, . made to order. C0111- not freeze to death in winter and burn.up in Slimmer. It will start as ••smily in winter asit does in summer. ; plete line of strap 'work always on hand to fit any harness!" No waiting. Come in and let us demonstrate, what this engine will do. M. & C. bat'eries. These stand the highest test and last longer than any other batteries made. Price. 25c. Also spark phujfsf The best grades of cylinder oil. Speci;il attention p;iul t() Work. machine oil and harness oil. A.vle grease iif several makes, llig stock of horse and cattle powders, medicines, etc. So .successful have we been with mir entire line of AGKICUI/ITUAI. l.\ll'l.l> M liN'l'S and so rapid has been the growth of If you .iiv not a patvoti of this sluavjjivi- us a call ami lul us prow to you ilial we can sell you reliable .»oixls our sales that we devote a lart;e space to this 'I'Se^Avlijcli low ;is arc C(.msisteiu.w;ilh tUcquality and cost oillic .voud.-. ••• hi noother wav conhl \w pan of our .biMiiiiL'Ss;-": We'i\m" .ilitr'yoiijihv- e to merit your future trade. • . - ..:•••- ••••- ...•..• best, to be had in each implement. Washington WagonM, Harness Company M--A. PIERSON. Proprietor WASHINGTON, N. J, WM. SHIPMAN, Manager

; hu '.v:t.« p:is:or 0? iki: F.r.-t Jl. E. j ja i*vt—,.* KJu'lmi tiveakt-d I Walter Johns"!'., a Soul!: Main j "liun-li..- burins tluu tli'np he ml.Ir.l. IM>W, atHl i ' to marry vnn." l-'dwittn lunii'd tialr street limn,hujMiiuvtil to Virginia. , iK-iirly .NjO III..-UIWTS tu the ehiu-uh, j I him an ...IIICTIVII.litili- ! '"".!• [ fruit! (lie room. ;: I nIn for th1e !ir.«t time in its history810 ; ni1 » have been os|i.->mlr,l Improve-! . I'™- Kllu Hall of Cul-. "

Ijl1 ti L im his boamini: smile, nnd Tom,' recsml™" Fishbou h hrth oi I hilli^'-biii we t " " ^ " "\ spent one ! ,—' ^ IHMMU^ I n-« . - ,..,...„ ...... ^..— i...n,,, • .... . „, .. ,„',,,,,„•,'• ii >• <•• i : J 1[ hL k WilJ 1 eo llim Ing...,tho m'i^frcd,--hiippy..j:lrl,Jroaf hM; - fnarriel in J hi uK-lph a Vl ^.lnes-. 1 > lit u^k with hib ^undmother.! " . , -times to MIsrf Kdwlnn I.IIIH»1II. his OH "? VK-^ i!* » • . .... A - .. .. - - • .' : :' -S :Thev will !^!Seh\ KLC?.S CUv jM^. i3.B.Pra]l. 'i Wm. llnfTmiui moved from the I H-htful • llitlu sriinn.T-i-v*- of n I Toin IIOti(!<;tl YoSt ' k'10"'- VAV'' "S»«eV too ^'Wil for any iif them." ovor nnd klkfspil Fdwlna on hor trom- " , * .' ^ . -.• • , { David Trimmer of Oxford did not I •Jolin Pt- Apgnr farm toL Parker last! ; ... , ™" .. ,, •] ,... • '"\i '• 'rr • «" w'na- l"iii.i';kocpth^ track of theso j-saltl ,'lVm. "but we must see that she . bllnir red Hits, innl tlion. the coloiml . came anil klssod them hoth. '' Ttf was a'qitoar little proposal nntl ,, h 1 c hl st 1 Kntleav< Socfet;/ a Rrooks s . .'-gbnu'.to' Brainerda tu iiv« with hor : l.;t^ J ,1 1 ^ /;- ", (V j N«W Yo!-k " °. ; ly, w.Hihi never hnv(> dmiin.'.l.: his calculatioiw and .turned his".dark, i sljin.7' obje-Med .the rcilunel.. llcobjoct-. rather a dinicult mnticr to figure .out';'- !S 1 nC iI C th tbUx ct nI t1 lIie1 C! lf w es nl " tS ' IT '•'' , ' •« ,-• -wr-r '^. ^"an^"in.^rWay evenms'' nt 7.3oV ° j " VIM. Hartmm spent last Wednes- I'° ° "-' "" " ' ""j solem.n cyus'on hor. . ."'^ ' '-"\ •" l- 1 "^ .T »? °. ' f « °" » » •\vht!lhor the rnlnnrl or Tom or Rdwtna —'SouS^laS-SUt^'who^^'S-:'!;::' • \H««.:S^rr.h--Vn.l Catherine'niddle'! rll»'>:'th ''i^^n^^^n-^fn-i^^n-.u^^^nH^^^^ •-•'—Tjntowf.nii.fnp some.tlme for the hunc- l|flsSt-''I, IiJ«.i -S;uiirday at 'the home of j a> oei'ma" vaik-y. • v - , Miss, 1-Mwina ln.'jran to stiuk up hen do y

si|it:iro of tlie/,,,hypotennsL> is eimal'to. if. t]ie otlier \ _ twCv'sides," "tiie "earth"1 la'I'I'OHIK!/' "tiie n"

tiuu is on Lime totiay,"]ipnl-tlm like. :;' . • Wliereuis inn H1..-is limited, minutely" umi'iHilnTuliy. wi-lusivCvoiie has not.U), died on Thursday he nt :iil iiiiriluiiiarabo'iit lies;1 They" - Patrick ' Garriyluy, na^-ppiicVlns ,:ihout his' niuzo of. a army ^si«hinj,';no!iH'6 chaps. • '•'• j PatricK- Garriyiuy,^ WHO ::.r-?«i-luei at- ;^rrs# Sl,8l6 Thonipadn" vtslted-.friends i 3Haa Punrl Smith' is wovlciiiK fit the v "I'm—I'm"—^stammered Tom, ^hiit may I alto any form iiiid;diaport In nny Hd V' 'MK jU CaUfon last TCfci mfttbematicnl tiieery. .._. •.. |- And ~lidwinn coiiueited. ..•morcUully^ -fJa-"—j wVfo -uvl -T—' rh'H-'-n ^S • v' '*' I county nlnishdiiseTIT the siinniier; 1 Edwlnn Impntlontly wnvod him Into 'e«i'ij.' ••.--.•• -'• r- .... ,.;. . .;•". •• : 1 1 "How old tiro you, Tom?" slie asked. as "possible, ''with the wliolo IdolatrouB 1 •'L "lniinhcr of i*i'- fm ('h'iMr('(i'"-i nh r n"it ' Mrs. An.nii Heals visitotl her. sister IJun Thp e1 ladieas iho'-'tlats oC ,0111o ' foic!iur»:l- thairi ,hav annuae se[t ..though [die knew like A'BO.. silence. •':. . -f- -" A lie never luis to he verIlied.^iNev- '- lV band, refusing Ool .. John Andrew •"'""' " ••••:•-.— '- •ri^Vpnly.tin.OetH-_jlllsWnre(i Tom so- ' •"Oh.--yfiu*rr;rt.wr:iii,v-eiiilil." she said ertheless it is Just as well to benr In as-'oflc!Mts_ (wonty^tlipos fi^iiiontli and 1 ln:qxnsi)er:itlon. VK.'H simply liorrililo! liiiud'.Llifil ,ihe.:iri: of lying;rcyulrcs u ,:• extetidlujt tU>IIo]ous1^,v'nijtfVthjr:in Mas- Just think, you'll be iwenty-nhi'i ccrtniir;(1(^i:i-u ot^euiisHteiicy, for.,1 tor Torn in-.hl.s ^thi-K-lv.w'itirOld Tjimv day!y!" .. •""-." . ^.1 w.ell told and riyurously Insisledupoii'"••••-,^" the. scytljeinarV;.^.,.. .. . '".:....^.^.r''/r-:,:'. Of^com-so the time. had.conic whmi Cjolonol '"John ""Andreuv . swallowcVri hixvy. 'ijoiMi .liiytiw^.lnj.jiys^Vurpmvt-]^^ . : me tiling, iiiHlorw(.'\it ..rtiiottior--chan;ji'-i-tniUi:i!or''C(ini.uiiloa.loftoii to the annoy--"- - Edwlnit bo.cnmo all •'oflwenty-oiieriint] ; ,j,i Bhwfor tin? yci, g of expression, "lirhf-d with flnnl rcHiq- 'anee Juitl. iieadlessiiess of who '•' •r!""^:Aiuur,-^^*™~ !*-:"," UK-'-'oii>iiBipu;«u-7yas. I'D .years sister..;iM:'!*:;]s:uic"Smith, at Annaii'dalo I ,,''Xo. no; no," exelaimod Edwilia, VPAV '.('old «im! was tlie iliiuclit.ftWofi'ATr. and ho hap 'been teaching ''our riubllc! r ? •last Wriilnesdny. ' O . ,•/''••."' spat of !in i!iU-i'v!L-\v-lK'twcHMi Ed Optimism. ' , ;. Mrs. Mliiliac-1 ConnlariV." She loavGH u K-lnifjl this year, closed hoi niid^ desjieraie, "npr^imy. of Ilie silly, ™™ihiisbanil ntul fone' dniis'Dtoi',"-; Catherine. .Tenn'Ie .Torden spent Wednes- Race library. Ji .Immature. Hock!" .. ' ,!, • r First roneher-Hello, RUM Wot'lncis? c h h viu \lLtTii(; " Also 'si^vt'rfil" brothers p.nd slstci'S. •'"~ •-•"Then, in' Ilic nanii^of ,Cnj)lil, who? Anything thilu'V Second Poacher- 1 Well. I (lniiho, bin If I gets Cotir mure vrr.' :vv.Cuiii]'ili;V.l.':l.have. l.ieen. macic^to' the •flo'iiiaiKled OWoiiel .fol'iufAndrbw. '-"•' .town••'''council--"afrainsto the., growing, ""Oh. T Kupi'i'oso It's to he no oho," besides the waii./Tiii^atrcr^^now^i'll 1 : 1 ! ^:""pnictL«e' 'i'C' j' 'Jii'iB' P'iQple In-regard to •qunverouVKdwInn, wltha liLTjojlook nl have foiv.e—nn' tlini,. ain't ao bad,— •, roller "isUa'.hifi; 11 poh.sth6-aid6walks. It is clafniiul'.'tl.'Ht the practice is very Tom on the wettee. Then she nih'do for ; ---- hyrtfuHoi concrete'walks but there Is the door, all .ready for^.tcars onci; J -.' '-.-.vPr'ovod.•,-'"-•"-- -"•• ) ~- Miutir-nifUlHii.od - UmU the 'uuthorkles more. '~''s^~V -••'•'"•""•'" ' ' ,;•• • ,; ;•'-. '•••• ;• will takivany action" to afcept the popu- ..Mr." ariapp—rife Is full bt contradic-"' : thuiulored Colone1 1l John An-. 11——JarlimsUinoJOa .... r—•-..•>..- i Spc,,t one, flay.iML.wook.Wilh heivsls-JjtV..-Jfolay's. .KJ.flnoy. nnme-lfclinpttm.fannoanq^-hetacvqntqcnUiiblrtliiliiyuhq arow-^==—==^=^~~—~--; -j•« °5^ S.'i!!'I°!!S? H™. !? ,.,::!.?™, -'!.i.t!ons;=«r"-Siiium-Aiiai'Sa-!t Isn't --"• ikiiSMMiS. THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. j.; THURSDAY, APRIL, 8, 1909 :'Sv'®;?3l'S

them, nil 'lifelong rrlcndH or oncmlca. ! ASK THAT JUDGE BE IMPEACHED A little apart^ from Ilium nut a white ! In Opening •&. j lialrc1 l woman smlllti^ :it the .stiiTlir »r CimiliiThiiid (.'oitnty Otuscs happily, but mill.-, jjtn.ii'. Kvlili'tiil.* VnWiiiuirJiy I'illns UoirtirUalttc she was a strini^i-r. ' liihiiii'-ilvely-Uii IVlHion With AsseiiiMy. ''•'"•':..' Bank Account!II lly'MAKIIIA M'CUUUCII- [lit sat down licsldi- hi-r, .-iiyln^, will ,\ suiifaiiu in the political atValrH t»f il xtiille, "If ytiii WIMIIII rallirr not hill. «:iiiiil>tTliiiMl cotinti'i'ty \vnwiiii » pnrlpfiaK"pn-eipmi!"'!! WILLIAMS. I'll lie :IM stlli as a inuiise." - :r: fir HH- H"M«- f.f; A«s-rnii.iv ou:.Moii,Uy ; SX 'the first consideration is se- '. "Uiit l.wjini to lull; very much," tiif by tlie'in* s<;iilatlwi oC.a [tetltloi -curity. .:'. 1J, white halted lady reiill.-il; : "It's hard rxjin-KtliiK- th>- ItiipeaohiaeiU >>( J It is, amply demonstrated • ; .l,lt.Tiiry enough "("-liu only a looker on when Tuller, n.imty JIUIKU of C'linborluncl, yon know jiverybinly. atid, '•an..see tin that the I'.iiston Trust Coin- : :".. 'Thtt' 'j)L'litIy]i"»)-" Uiiifviiiihintitit-- in pany,; with its large resources, j I.-, "Vim inny.'cninu'iiliiiiK If'you tier (fie surface, f know'nuhittlyjierc. and - conservative manage- ; I IO. Inn I should Ilihik .mil',! h:i except tli*» man who hion^ht nuC i.f <:omli..fl:tri'l, -fin<)-r>»Mow» the net Ion ment, affords its .depositors. ! iihvnys t.iu-cliiH." ISi-riti s.-ihl. wlili a Itrhi^In^ me was n whim nt Ills, mid 1 •>( Juiljife Tulluc lii«l TUttnljty Hi tlirow- every possible security. - ' minll. iiisuli'iit imiirli. I: tnjver i-mss his wlilms. He ltiio\\> Int; out tin;; Shi.TfiT'fi list of Jurnrs for is the amount" paid policyholders j Ix'.-uily nitil n IH-Ilo. Uiuln. licr sl.-Jt.-r. Airs. Ansley—in fart, she U n sorl of tho .May L.TJII <>L' i'<'iirt and .sulimi- . Checking, accounts-are in- ; fnn:!!y conii*,. tlon. And lie Is.-'..inln^ .itTfIiit:".;ii."*"..f hi-''MV!T..M;u!i.i!i'.- MK- vited. .: . \ buck iii me after awhile. I think he "•'•ptl"ii ui" t'ttn nut "f u tt.tat vt ifji> ! An-i.rilfnK I,, ||K' "uiililO'Klilr, l.liul Hi N In tin- i-aiK-l. Tli« Shf-rlir* in- since organization, plus amount j was CHVII tr-'l.v. has suinethim.' on his mind that hi- tittun .elutrsfn tht; ,.Iint".; with vwill- I I'copk- uli.i vntYM ;ill f.,r r..^s inn waiitu to jrf-t dff." (dimples tinil sunshiny, snilk-s SIIW-II. I r >(*) IK If I \V «r • 1 *"""' """ >•••<•'«• "''J " "'in|' S "HI held at interest to their j bonuly in l.lnilii's nllvo cniiipli'siiin. her sharing a cmHpirai'y." T.inda answered.' |«iri• 1: (IOIH-KI1 llnuiln. iii'sVmsisU'r >ii lucvoroly .• pr..[ilu nml lln. sli with a S'ifl siuiliT. • Alillvillc. ami Howard AI. Iiulluy, sac- lOglUI'. U-llMl.lllC.V C'illll'll Illhl. Tin; isti*iiii;:t' taily livmedatrorfs -iml ivtsiry nf ih,- Cminiy lloanl n} Tax- j .She illil lint suiil.- II Ii, anil si pal tod hiM' hand, saying Impulsively: aiion. i«> .-iiliviTt tin; ICKHI aaihuril> credit by l , lnui,'lli.d MI r;in;I,\ iii iniltlii- ihnl u'.s.-* Jt ia ti o.h^.lra.y. niul "yuii .-I...!! ] »'"' "i-r-r-^ttive of t!u: Sheriff ptrt)v jBillil slit- did nul knuw hinv. lleCu know how II ends after it ends. Hut': ^"""i>- Tbiw,.in vit-w o( th» ]iftltl.»n Ift ( Capital, - .-'.' Si2},ooo ; Kho was sixteen she hail been set ilm\ now tell mo who Is who nml till about •':•'• ' :"»•««•» ulmoau-l .nia.krmwuiur' lni Surplus and'•Pro/its.Sjoi,ooo : its il pi'ivli'Sllneil spinster. everybody. I dare ask that IKH-HIIW ' „,'.,nTu«Iy• Imiu'-ulhiuT It wis fin-iithi' with nerln, \v from your 'face r know yiiii novor lell ' .i,,,'iKM Tidb-r"'-- actlini last \\u>-U nlniclii'il iti iilnr- the things pr-rtple woulii nil her wn- •'.!t!b.stitutint- aii alnioHt JutlrHy n able lloslj illicl bloml. Linda ;u t oft nnnnld." \ |HIIK*I »( Juror« fur that preyotHed !>>• 'on'u ' liml III'IIT Inn! ii liniu.•'•" rii-l-ln'- "I'm n rank Impostor. It's :ill-my•; I'mlor, shut-in: WilHant I'nyii.*, sun o [ coiiiiucsts could not lie reckoned np<>i tink frock." T.Inda said, prelendlnt; i<» '. the* Slierl.f. wus piartirally niipruo< lull her lingers. : whisper. "In reality I'm awfully 'crump ; 'l.niu-il in ibis Stut.-. Tin- .finl^) ruh!*i tllIU lllt Ai llrM liwtii Hkwl to have I.lmlii in an frrlm. I'm. l.'e«lnnin^ in symim- [ -'. Kliurinrv.llHt had VM 1, IW EASTER Oltl Mill! lie!', liiidin- In lier ilnrl; p:illi)V thl/.o with the woiuan win: she * >* The Prudential n lini- foil r..r her own Humus. I'.ni was IH'VIT i-ntlrely nt pence with find J'^". nriL-r iivvhilo sho crew in .1 Hlnuisc nnd man <-.\topt when KIH- felt entirely .^ •• anil laiiiial I'hiiii^- in tlm |iersi»n- mi:imunil:ilili- way ivsijiilfnl nf l.inan>.'l iiiul .'iilis.-.l a Wlicu you • think 1 Jit sitt'iiitil a n.'l!ei:l[on mi tin* lainliv "So.vuiu soul has on its [link frock. s|.ri.a r/ of faster you ;it j thin Us i'liler claiiKliter was s -iy jo." the siranu'e huly said, with a iy. lniim:diatHy har'^ w«-rv once recollect a in cial clplier. At Icust ihat. \v:i jrllmineriny .smile. Linda noddod. "And ""'l "'" Jtidhv'x liinti'.'os Wyr what ItiTin InM liewlf. Kveryhmlj nm almir she said hrk-lly. "I am 1( "ilt- lml *-lmt |»u1ltk-ul con*U\ur number of opiior- feels the sovi:ivii;n iimi for n'.'pmit •"• -eady lo promise myself never ... -Ill^^rHj'pSuillJ^.Ir'Ji.^aS exi-uyi. tn justify ail iinit'lml :ii-iiftii. blnc-k nor to feel b!;t«:k ap tnnities".. to oiler Sheril'i' I'i'yiK-, in his petitlun. al- graceful remembrances to Nor fnr .\vnrl(N WIHIM whi'ii there are the tliiit .Iud«u Tnll.-r conspired wit mini*] in iiyrsulf her iV.-llug really had llowcrs and little children and jwod \Vaiiw.i\ llranin and t-y u> • viola t various friends. I Its t.riirlii In Lfiiain pralscx ot' Linda frit-nds to mako living worth while." In ninliliii,' ihi.1 in [In For : such , purpose , tlicie |.spoken by a man when she liniwlf had "You'll nnike it wui'th wliile wher- J"iy list. II.; i-tiaiKi-s tliat tli I resolved to H-iiirry. (Vur you iX'h" (he while Jnili'L'd laily '^' can be .nothing more appro- Alston Wad" was the man. He was mUd. with fonviction. "Xow ([iiit he-,1"'1 I invL-Htiyatluii, but that thV 1 uio proscnttjd tu hint by th» the can-li u( the enmity. lie lived Iri}: anuelic and turn pisslp. Itemetn- i "^ priate; than a dainty piece ol rilitk-al wurkfrx. fnr tho ox- twenty miles away and had not knowi IJOI1. I tlon't knowaiCvbody or anything j , ' j piv.- m (K DtirpMKo of h'uluitiK ii faclii-iial .jewelryorsomethiiij; in sterl- tlie iii'c irirl* milil six tii'mllis hefinv bout iitiyliftfty." flilvanlaijf. rt is said tlitit tlie As- ing silver—a gift that has the Tlic'ii Ihey had met nt ihe county fair. • Litulii Imcitii eayeriy to tell the tale ; *Muhly will not unnxliliir tlio putltlon I iife.T tint tlioy had not hvfii ahlf if quests.. Mow and a^nlii her .listener ) \' I-turn- in.. f'Uhnf" ..c »r ,..i., i "' ' " y little (;lrl -was uroatly iMl t,, un.m tli... fatli.M. -n I CM n bQnRtlt«cl by mitin^ Foloy'n Orlno Lnx- eould object—not i-vcn a young woman iee tilt* Invur of the mother." l-,vi- j otlvo. and I think i( Iw tlio lipufrom- prctU'stliM'd to spinslerliood. iMitly.slK- wa.s soinehudy newly to- 1 ody for eonstination anil liver trou- About the Hahne & Co. Store " Umlu diinccd 1ml rarely; therefore urned lo oiiee fainllliir ground. I wiu. Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best llona had wtsll nigh mono [ml I ml Al- , f for women nnd children, us it Is mild, Still Linda had no suspicion of her ; ^Vuvo.and i« n spl-Vn- ston's . attentioii. . H*« had made 0|»pvr I)leaijnnt mu] CW.Bixler&Co. dfiitity until .she.saw Alston Wad.- , uui sprint; medicine, .as -It cleanstis J :;-:••.. ; .: '-• -••:..: CLUB' PLAN MAKES !T EASY • ^ ••.- ;-:'••_• -y. luiiiutr>. fur »!1 [hiru'iti'inlk with lominir i|lli<.-kly toward Ihein. All at 'the system and clears the complexion, da and had "von hcoii unwise enough it Unshod upon hur thnt his .Sold '»' all OnigBlstB. l>y joining one of our Household Clubs you ean furnish a house, completo without feeling the strain anil \ uporii buuse. Baston. Deposit ruroiiise Account Department and receiving four and six percent. Interest, North Jersey !' "y; " ' '"'"-"'••e. AI; tho m,i •taiiirdiiy, April 1f tiiib depart meiit/" Secure -out; .of nur handy Realty & Development Co. | Sv*!"- Z"™n\n!Z W^-Jtm^ :a to his mother she said impatiently } "rk ' lll<: I"'"1 yi;;in J'ho-, ''"-'f ll:ui saving b.nnks find makoa beginning. ' • • " . • ,' • • • • •'.':' •"••" Ineurpnmt4^unt^rth^u'y^yew,l.-riirg. \ Illto t!l«.-, CjirrlJl^'U. SIlO Ililil bOG» hop- , Lln*.:. "1-eggy Au.Iey Is 'hunting . mr^w",,^^,^ : : i : v;;/ ; 1 ^ .• ii «,itftt,_>:ww.w. • j,,,, f.h)d:i w.'Ulil nut vn to the iawn "- ff •'^"^:''' rr WE;-MAKE" T^'pR&ER'';""';""'::' "'"^'"7 ' :': h»h and low for-you. Hun away tri I.ll]| Lllt,,"., Tho-hopulnrliy iuvunluit Jf ymi Imve froi.:. Fifty to Mvo Hun- j parly. It w:is" Ihe Hist -if ihe prnson. 1 ii: You kimw she depends on you tu tb,. Ouliiiu play hi. the iiK-trupolis oi Law Curtains, • Window Sciwus,- • Slip Covers, U'idl C'ovcriiigs, Piano Covers, v j"^.«»diinee.-Jn xhu history nf- tin* r n 1 : =.—-::-;-•-,•• .'ABOUTiiOUi^IcESTAURANr""" ••--••^-•^ BtrlctratliivudilKiitloii'Inv'lU'il., " ' ; w..nM he liotlet/l' y«Mi'd. l"Jt on Kl K titi l i kor : Berta will be very, very kind to';voir."' ! ' r ;" ; ' »m^- 'J) : ,,•"' ,: . i ii li!:ifk,'i*iv. 1;. a short rjno. and a white p There is no eating place in town that will give you speedier sorvlre, better cookfid foods, or a wider although," dropping bis voice, slgulil- ,.^lM^ .lo t I^ jr S hnvS° !!'," holp., serve. 1 M 1 P • .ntnindenitp prices tlnin I ho.1Inline .v Co. TWraurmit. ~- ._ -:..i--... ^. .. ::. .:.. _...^. ;--.;:- leantly. "she r-an'riniike un to you "fur . ofUinai x.-.w vi.rli Oa»t tvvali Vi-oin" ; )V % ; r ;: • [ things." Klif went on. Tluudred^uf leguiur pHiroiis wiii testify to tho cxculleiice oi' this restaurant. Visit it whenever'""' ISn .Miirkct St., Newark. N..). losing Linda, because nobody can pos- \_\iJ Kn!>.-Lerboi;kt:r theatre, • Linda smiled gravely. '•And' you ytMi'-iire in Xewark. * Saturday evmiiiij/ suppers a specialty. YoujOionlrt tast'Mtur cofl'ee. . .., ^ , slbly do tiiat." ':..... • "Tin- Talk ..H'.XL-W Ywk" is in four eoiilil have worn my elilp hat." .she rc- pMoil. with n faint, twinkle. "I know- •"Rave you managed to yet tlie. titles- uctsi Tbu ifr.*L sceno is representtuivp MEDALLIONS ARE FREE 1 It's almost us liei-otninj: to you as yoi; tlon off your mind., my boy?" Mr.". '"•' t' ^ vmiu track a.t Slioc'i'shead l!ay, tlu Vl l n1 1 l|) rtrf) t t l Wade asked, with seeiiiiii" iiTelevance - - -' ' " f lubby^of the Astor • : J*J. .v::;.I" .Ut I'll! Cfnrting to tlf* S(?liiSll S Money Wanted! l J l1!l Q ork: tIie LllInl Uw ih Z'r Wo have made many thousaiula of those medallions for our jmtrons. .lust think of yetting an inde- 1I U( 1 Ncw but a ineanin^siuilele.^ And Uor.spu'anher son an-- ,l" '! . ' -* * *' ™ "l? t structible, imperishable medallion portrait of yourself, •rolntiyt\:oi^-i;i-i

of ti'.'o otitnto t>t Anna n: Atcn. tiocens- slnpr Umt \v:\y. And .you mustn't 1. l * ' \\ tl ' Ill 1 1 I 1L1.^ ""V . - • licorice collectors. The. root sells fur •'.. Wore Hold," is. a Varciul travesi^on "a.-fow ct'iits a. pound in (he raw state. , old timo" ehiviiltj-. • Tho^wniiianl;"1 to pbans'-com-t oftliG Co' -Thy larger pail is shipped In that con- ' t>e seen. In Mr. Wilson's,support la cx- on • Friday.1 tin 11 the v rnllctI UUlou.....biiL.iilinnt. 20 per cent oC (-he* j t'optloiiiilly large: ami strong:.' Charles next. :it 10 o'c - :{, . nf.:- April.:-,for--scttlomcnitt • and aiiuw S In •siigatgffcca' . J producr't-l's boiled -and crushed,' ami"! lie j iVohmixn nwHlr'-nresimt ^ iIiu' fl modi(in nt this play house for :ih j»«, .report of . ..dccked/'aml.soft!vcnt..;^Kuo.t Mi ; I coplif t)oi:!a'd'"fli?''Tm f.''"lhe™w'o such" :an. he ijouglit''in- the dm; \ ongTuyciiiont'oi'^oijCTii'siit"oillyr- i-'rlflny; | April. 16.- r>. "~.'. •.. •• • •.:-'-r-.:\'.:. .-•:.... nnVunTulU sprlns garments mid o stores. In ISIS an-Italian began t

Miwice,- iind since that tinii-l -- --,—-—• -- !...... 1 cnlivoiiing lu.tlieir'ittoro .sober attire. " onpio i,ave:.'Kin,,i.Hi.ti.ojmv*- :: r 'iHOME CURE FOR ECZEMA ,, • Cli!kircii- ra1i around picking 'tin we try because1 the .eullivatedllvated- rouT-erouTeoo nl liS . . j hiid or \lm\g them do\vu to roll tains much more sap than that of 'rue.j Oil ol' Wimorfireeii.' , Thymol,." Glyecr- : S pe eta 11 y c-i j cesuitically on tno l'erta lok s vild plant and costs very little nionOl i o. etc. ITl' a SimpleSilAV• AVn>lil . t-the slirht. •-- Slie ..\v;is /•• The only :itlt:ifilon nccessaryy :i3 to ke p | - 'It really .soems strange: that so many The ;Waste Basket 77 : wonmu l'or all her. bard aniuijiohs. thth o soill lousenod and Mvull waforcil. people .suffer year, in 'AiiiUTy'//,,, • . -.-m . __. • - a feu- days, but tltoro 309 SOUTH MAIN:STREET "PH1LLIPSBCBG, W J. "jj^ r u il}at ]}Q Xcurly hoaiU,.. ; ' -. .,;.. , ..,-.." : : ; t I bii!?itiess is sl:rr>iig evideneo ; •'•*•?. ' ,',' ':' .T" "'."-- j'"is •absol'utoly iio' sufi!c!roi -'-t'rom' ecaeiiui . of the &uptM'iprit.y i>f.niir"?'.7r-- She. haii*on a rostj-pink' frock, • Origin of tho .Opiira. ••• j who.ever, used 'tills simpip wash .and viee.' Our ttjutpiniji'tii for the :niolhers" of finejiut'e ,at throat and .^CJi^e the opova, is one of iln/'j did not ilc'tl ini'modiatoly that woii-' production r.f . : wrists: .-Somcihu!\\:^Iu.^i)Uo of Iierla;a o'rnVs:ot.en|ertn1nnif'«i^..^]Vj;R^ Jj;Hri>dly" : Uu^lts••her.V'SJ^tlJ^IK^O"'i•i^;el^nlltil^be origin in (he old bVwk • ti(m" tlitLt comes when the itch is taken .! department, lies!, prosfcos, awtl awtlvv : ; the latest stylo type aiul.,ex- ;Uiood matchoa her appcariinee.• ddrome. ,-JM-hH modern sense, hoW-1 1 - - TtisiJinti^upoir^pplyinsIti/iti 'upon-npnlyJiiff'a a fe'feww .pert.workmen en^Wo litj-to '*' tlianjouJ e ppersoir looketl hl'lu''' ever, ic di'fis from thn year 1(500. drops oC tlio wash thes -remedy taUes *•" — ~ • turYiionl. tirc;"t;hi8s of i^itifc^1 • hcivluilC slar'thid, as glio'piissctf nioiij^; wlum Peri produced the first i'niw effect, the''(tch Is allayed.'. There is /^v; ing designed' to , proniofo Young men l'or the most, part made ;|j Italian " ' " " youi'-bti3liiccs.';-.:-..""-;,..". •.. ,„ '• ^I^iij^JLyp^'L fi'id Hun but her a ot- tlie"-n;:ii-ri:ige of ITenryl" I\';:;- nf t -.-, Orders delivtm^l on "|ji'instead ofStryln'Si to compounil tlie iVKNOW THE ;GO©D EFFEGKJOF' r liupniiire thaii- one, drop France and .Marie dG'^Jfedici. (vOur prices are fou'sonnble. Call, writf :>r ' ping out, said inwardly, "Unita •work tUU'a led .•:5roat»:iittoutioii, and; etc., In'/th^ ri; uropoi'iioiis our- ri J lyLas prolly Ihis a many H->Uan-'uaini uoblesuouies'^ugrureaGgured ; Inin uutiit« 1 SCIVO.selves R wWOo arc c.usin * g a ' prescriptioprcscripiinnn Every'Business,jMan knows tbjj good ef-; " All unconscious of looks ami uuspo- cast. " in a high degree. ^Ask^ ostabllsbed in panlcii chairs^ or ii'i'ioiv us. to design your Bill Heatls; Letter Hisadsp^ sotllcs. They were talking nnd htiiHlt" THi: WASHINGTON STAR, WASHING I ON, N J, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909

t CJrnnf,'oiH In tlii^ State ami a HiiL'CL'fisriil tip-lo-djili- fiirmur,.' took i-linrufi of tho hrarhm mul iiitrn'tliiccd BILLS 1 pri'd at tin1 Post Otllce at Wash- the upon kern, Oiio after iiiinthiM . roii- ington da Scwiinl Clitfls Mall Matter. lyj-H'Jillhi,' ulniOHt uvt-ry ulie of the III fimnrl-'H t"',| (!'•• Oovrrnor thai llii:i Ttii-mi-ix •wjiiiU'tl Iho I»CI smd Imped I iiH. L, Stryltor, Editor and PrOp'r. lliat in- vv'iuiii sUrn ll. They Hfilil Hint aiitfO, An.irows, Local Editor... .; (Assembly Passes Bill Legalizing iiJUiHiuirtiitiiHi I'm' iliu - "jimuiw - they Farming:;: Machinery [•MaiillsheillStiS. Sunday bports want and I'or tin' pm in s i-iiivoi. ainl I \H,I,II,I,.nth- .Subscriptions l'ayuble In.Advance. I UlULLul J nLIUIIl IU HUlinlLU ,1:iKS:i^. nf (fu, f(1|. bermiHo it repro. 1 It not only tl' -' l.nw-t Mitt Yvhr.'- Sl.,10- Sk Month*?, "RL1;. Tlircc! : ;.. ;:".-—— r- -•.';;• j .-.-JU.-.I liii>iiiiivLix;il sonllinont of the ins. -ilnrniKS, l-'nrin Jhiolilm'i Jldllllis. -10c. Slurfc Cii|il|.». liv Uiilhcr hi C.rml Xiinilicr In of the SttUa and Mho i •li i.lli.-rcil nt public snli, In tills- ITllllll of Till- mil,, n-lll tiiKi. p!.ii-i. t in v- r—N-exl Wt-elt the- IJISI. •JH1I1K.->IN',OI' till! tASTER AT THE CHURCHES. ,,,,,. .T|,, i- Tliuiu liuve-'l Kl'L-iit liurpl't.sey .l..-lr.' t.. "pi-eVwiil "you." ijnverimr. itii.- i-.M u* it -Muvciiir at this visit. Xivvt StiiuNiy .Marks |hn Close at Lent ill tlio let-Muni ivek, the neai- boini,' wlioi emlilvunTtit- with'Hi* li.>t»- ilmt >•"'! "ill nw It In B!oomsbory,N.J., Saturday, May i ti'inl Mil lAKttl churches' will Ob- I tiny iirtvriititin i oil the Sunday'-•*'« •liitf tiif** Mir nml Hint-It mny for- •Nil I'HUHITIA ..VI' I I". M. fern* iJu- Day. ;b;lll blil. 1>!U' was recently! '"v • hi- miwrvtfii as :i viilm;d HM-- ill^Lv/lL ' A til [\lL;rw.ULj.""bUL'".V-t!umlil.\ ilwoil of} ""i!i». Tin-y would h(.-fri;ti| to hnw MORE THAN TWO CAR- •fV-.-s next Umls"ii moved Its r wit!, a p,Mi ami t.-ll in- t» win >"' •it ,ib incl id niNsli)>.• "' «'HI Iw :i IViitiitv. . -:.', nil the* South Jtirsoy m^ruhern vnt-I II." ivi-lk-.i (loverimr Kurt HI.' t.iit Vll rttJI] uiin 1 Itilf'liV f|t' • s mp.'s; ,inn \> MAI'TKT-ifm X;. ['r.'—Wil!!: flit; iit-'uliist ii, Ti>» mix!'!-jfeclloi! was ! - ••; Mlfl.' ••(.- y. hlU !« rlwht Thi'.'mosl 1.islklious cuniiol ;...!;.".! amuiiflc-'d -so as t<> iiui-niit-tltu sali- of'1 "'" •' It. .'1II.I if Irlr. j»l.;n It I U'liJ ,•„.-!,: ivill. Kiv'c'n f-poiin? I''-r s.-rmm iMi lid nil' .<• lie-In bul be plcnscd with h-.'.-: tlii! itioniiiit; !i<«rvl.jf ami ill*: I'luilr. milk, hivad. In ' I»it if I!-- Mil is ivrun? iii'! s-i .•1 ttl'l'- Jifjl -11 wlilt tr: HI iM Mrit Ct-ll.l.-l' .III .illtllfltl, v\t Hi- .'It'S.I •wry rtrni other itnd («•; ' ^ "iKit^'i.: That l.Ttlie-Un.r.M* iiie slyle ,-intl lining tjunitlics liui !,» )-!k-r.viiii ti U til • US. W linn Vltll >ii «7 ihis si-rvl.v thev" u'ill b.- fnnm>rs!< lierntit thy playing of f,-olf. l'a.«el.-:ill. j "/"' I iimt iH.tlicklml ..I.-. ['his -tnclc Vil-> fl' with •'I' ill *.ir \ I ihiiil; >ou want. I tlit.rt' lieimr si!\'viMl i-s*inlltlnn-j*. riun-|. :rii'kt;t iiini othiT 'lilotl- in f of our new "Dorothy • lny Kfliotil will hulil the usual cxoi'-j Sl""l;1>'- ll :v irroat L'l i*f rift m-i-n'tlil!, !>!!!: It hn.« not yi,>i for It:) Ijmutv n.l ilnniMlltv. Mun l!lt th vot<: •II iplii.v.l in my tinniN, hut I «>\-- Podd"low shoes. They -Is.'s in ilu> !m*rm»M!." In tin.- even-1 " '-' I with MO little op- V position. The incanim- will imw J,M •t t" L'M .iyr [i. vcrv rarofully.. and inn Ui" .^tuMil will jrivo u iM-n^ram > In. my Jiiil'iHtu'iit, .it Is rlirlil. r will ol'c-r superb value for llie in' [•evii;tih»ri(i, sultts. etc. • .f to th.:- Sotiiitc, wln-ry.JL U liollcVt'tl It will in- siihjiTto*]1 tn a splriti-il uuin-I ylon :ni.t a vlw ' votv. t. hut 1 t*liiU! iniml.'ii sorvin « :it :,::o aii't 10.:tO on i ifilfitf Tiiff.lny uftL-rnoon ji;t:-::f- l::iVi' in s.iv ilnit I nitift li" s'lrc t 'im ,'/ most economically inclined. Ktwtcr SiiitIII, Introduovd rts:tit'1 can niukc any ..pi'"ti!l«t> will, lu>"tns*t(!fully (lt>cor;ito then: to S"i!;r (.latsnt. I am not si:r« that this rliiin h arc of an .•lal-iiiatu nn- v.. L-LTitoi'ati(Jn.s. which'luivu a i-ap- .!. ThtW will n'l.-t. .•.>«. •!»•} t.-iii- h.- hill nitilu^ pruinT provl^lnii for Thf chnivh will l>i>~<1ocorfiit.>(l:ifj(tti tool; of • imnv ilnuV JU.0O0.0IHI. 'linrsis may iil-n I.- ortViv'S. itm Moolc of iv ilmn jri.OOO.OUll. ;h'> i"ran«'hl.«t! taxation as pr.ividfd ual'ami tlioro will ho nii-cial iniisU:! Ti,,. i,m. n i3 oS|,oou',l, If OovoVnur "or ninitT the' V(ior)i»-ps . law ami 1 ;\l tin thu 1 1 The Farming Machinery by tins nuw 'pustorj Km mm tn exainlm II on thosi> liiK'K.' . Flotoiier | st;uVs"'ivvt-in;o I'y iit"lwii)V7i ).ouu W'.-^t. In IIIL- aftoi'iioMi, Nemo Corsets Is iiriiipipiilly \'.t the .•.•U'bnit.'.i O-^.rrn In- -Suiitliiy ; annually, iinios tho coi|'«i\itiui 'Clutter tvti[>t>tv, tmrn-.TS. Urnm»;,"lttn>l shod will have- oxeivistV Eithl In ili<- Mutiruil ami liC-u away. Tho Krwit i Thr Meal MOHI. • • twrj-fiotvt* cultivator*, hiiyt-iifct—, .-;.•. • u\unlitfr lln; i-)h»ir will u'i\ • ..cantata stuci Trust, wi[li"'t.s ljilli-»n tlullara uf i' m " t li"o April Woniiin's Homo Coin- All the New Models Ready 1 gitsDliuo .MUIIIC- in np.>ntfj<>ji will h> ontittotl "Tin) Coifini't-IiiK I <••»(-'• i capital, alone will h'avu1 in pay JsU.Ouo i panlon l>r. W' Hiiiclituson. tho ,•.'. ' fpntlifrt.1 ' .. . . '"..'• . ..-. PhK«»YTKi:i.\N~i:«.v. l.ii. !•'. AW \ a y.;l-' ' ... - -- -- .;,,/: v Tli' «i 4?ati MNi]->rity uftnadt^Olv tK'iiiii.satiiurtnt forth!, Will p..^;,jJ l.vji.Vt jvtVrrt jiis 7,r tomi constitiilol Corset Department "•'•'tirnrntm yotir'nisjuuition ts'([Jvtro Hi- tluit liiys the ydlil- of perfect comlbit and smart style. v ! spculal exercises in u Ith-h - instrunien-I id •••"• Av L. IMckcl, J AV. Ca'\v ii1ir'0lerks 3. la!. nuu-Ic will Play-:;n lii;i...--;.iiit piirt. I thv (a\ i.- fiom iHv u Tnt .t.-hulr will, ais.j .u-ivt- s.^'prnl an- ! Hun ..of ,-.;u|iiial. ttvjw* at iho tn-enfiii; ^vv'.-w • • ' (.;ov.-rn.-f Kurt un akiiiii, j . ]?VCl\ Nemo c\oC$ tll ST. --.IOSK ,,|ifi- i thf Wilson !>ill ajipi-n 1,1 „, , .in ai'i Atlantic City it iii<-.Is >'ou l'iat Uij OtllCI" COl'SeL call (10, w;.r«] 'itimi'il -iM-ai wil|! t.i. ,\. K. :M>X ;wni. : U-ruar.i .A-ui' II i,..; in t!i.« Svna This wii'y I knows.lluit'thu imii: lliv "l-fc!:i:ili'.ai S-it- i.tii.'Nt ' hi .\'uv i"at. ; .ill iayr Capital. ' Will . at(st-1 5150.000 • Is a good quality to develop and means nioiitai and v'.'itl Surplus and' . much to you in the future. You should ^-.-rvii'.' of tlit-'iriuVrii!!^;" lK it will win Undivided p beijin now—it's easy aftet you once gel" ,MT. 1'ISGAH— Thf futirtl ! her abdomen . with pci'iect coiulbrt started—don't delay. !-"ive I'^olhtrs opens -tiMitu-ly mijoiiiij; •'!' this t iiKiny ^uiiic and !is}i in ' Profits Eanricl. .ititreduced ;it this sfs an account in our .Savings Department ywar will take place at, t! , r-'iimlay • fj|it:rty of all the1 prayer me*itinir fruni ti to 7 in tiio ] , and su many dI:';'.• i-.-n and tvt'l! ht:!p it £ro\v at the rate lhree'( V) t iitOMiini:. Thorp will'-he a l(«ve feast I K'ld as to Lliu f\;).-dii.-iH'y of their Full line of R. &;G. Corsets C. R. Smith, President i per cent. -~ • at. LO.;!f) and in the nt'tewon .")•>'•'»•• f«l | s-K that Senator [•'n-iiii 'tiiiy(ieii c,™;;:;;,^>:;:: ;":;' Xis!«t 5°c $i. and $i. . H.W.Hunt. VicePres. od a n oo 5O H.WWhipp'e. Cashier ICas'twr ..•xi-rcises will .he ^'iv..-n. In i v; per cent, paid on Daily Balances of 'providing i' P.• Louis Smith the cveninc tli*- Sun^n." • stclu.-.i ivilli New line, of Ladies' Fancy S100 ami over .subject to check.'." ~ ,q::vc a .spOv1!:;! program of, uxeivises, | Assr. Cashier ike mini bet* of As*en ul niic-ii.-iir per , .! Waists, just in for Easter, at ut which Lime Profiling Elder .,|.,.rty of I hi' I'l 11 ni'Mi-I win make an address. 'estiyau- the whuk' ^ut $i.oo..$1.49, $2.00 and up. •ftm« prutuL-tiun and repori thc ^oi; The Hackettstolvn National 'Bank j to tho next legislature ch bills ,.,•,,.„ i d New JfIII C» Ahnli.-h Tax Hoards. •(.* - Ainnni,' tho hills introduced by Mr.'the resolutiMii i-oaclieil t\w s-.i later DComitry jiroduce taken in ex- Gaunt in the Senate -Monday night In. the day [t struck a Y /.uriher aetiun. r Cnttirrh Tlutt \ M^ter Gbocis Nowon Sale to he. named by theGovernor, tlio ( The .S-:imte Vfti Tuesdny nisht had . - :-' f-**itniiiii-..>U'rcnrj-. county mllectbr and" lire'ctur'pf* ^^^^^--f-, rt;e!c;:-.::!i.i.; - ~---; --vJv''iuivrf',^^I''-t- i i i 1 1 aDiece.,". <.;Ia"ss ..cquiitics.. -:S:iO_(>._-:J.ti--»I^s^0»dJ=' .r.C ii'.!-c!?.£E.':>rc.-.:Sr Class ;:^^o:•,:S^.^v:;3•:^.r.~•v,g^,i-u';^T •.v.^^^•:^.r~.v.g^/t-li';y•:vl'n'™•v^^-'^^'Jl"•(i•T•eaVl/ ^ j|/-lnii.«. 1»Vs"?;k'1'd:iin'as:e ti&yl'\v*m 'Vlo'^is coiiniTe-sPountle-s" nn"niVdd S200"iiS206"iiii ''till all' ' other conn-conn-'i! injrin jr.. " After .i.inn effort on iln: pan of ten fold U> tin- gomi yun can nossUdv t .Novelties--ic up: to 25c ^apiece. ties. -The GoveranrV anjininteeji who! the minority -tov.put .IiV-Vt ''vrly.. ir-r.r. thcKi.-nayri.'Cat.irrl^CurJ;' ire "named" iiiid-r'; jlio act for an ln-|;uid -sw-.-ral atwini.^1 to ai.n-n.d this rSi o" ^mnn»^!ioa^'mlry. ai.^s •; Paas E SEar!y;:buyers get. their pick. -

New please^ypu, ^ Macadam Pavinq ai Rauueiion ,^. .,,:. Style.and. Price.--.Every-tmaginghip- ?•_-,_••:--— ^U^^ ...... /It : hew;sHape;r^ before I wriT'Iiave all of the Nmin and varied stock. • ^ May-be1 their own fault. SCIK] your soiled, fatled or ffrcolcr 'Dresses-a: Suits .to ' rices. Some of.tliein have already been sold itf.'Greai \ ai'tsville and Washington. Come and look theniover.

ppuiutvd in time,.'qiui!ity f work and price- I63-5 Northampton St., Easton, Pa

uven ~-

Connected in your Kitchen Wn'rren County.^WnBhlnKtoti, X. J.

§8.00 Wilson J.%itzenberger Chas. R. Ford Jr^BelviJere, N. J. -MONUMENTS Furnishing Undertaker Washington., Gas Co. (.o;iter :: .OALr, AND GET PKICKB •: ,*• NIGHT CALLS: 7 •C suite was my residence,. 60 You mans reached the. fnrmera lYmgeri . thnm- Ave..!Long Distance 'phone Oerira th*>E|{jnatiire of Chaa.IT. Fletcher aeives about1'and the' Governor \\-a? both~store and residence. - In use fo/'byer thirty years and:"

w ' ^' \^ ^0^^'^f^^i:'' ' THE WASHINGTON, STAR,; WASHINGTON, N. J., [THURSDAY, AI'RIL 8, 1909

Trailing nrbutus la now in bloom. ; Dr. C. M; Williams Is now making KOR SALR — F'Uir-ycnrrOld colt. Bt at: B.-.T. 'Petty. linn nutwil Into part or bis prufcuHlotml rnllM in a ttambler A. C. Fusa, WaMhiiiKton, X. J., n, F. tlin Swccnoj* h'nif"*, vacated by L. A; car. ••• „'," ... •' •.-'.. :.:.";.'...:'' '.. -'*..: '.'."• •' U ; •::: 1-1-tf. inn. .;., _' _.•; /...._..• uno of |ho line grey, draught horses flOIISK FOH .SALK—One of thu 1 Obnti. I,. Strj-kpr, Kdltor IUHJ Vruprlcior. Tint tnillumm of town rare again of "lliu Coiuiuli Co. died on Tuesday bewt road mares in tho '•ouiilyroipht f malting Sunday ilolivorti'S. last~S(;.i- from colic. -",".',, : ycaifl old; If.',/- hnnfa; will wnrlcsln- ( Klo and double. Call v.r wrlto. Chris-( CHILDS day' being Hit; llrst. ; "" "• j llunry Waltmnn,an - Kaston sl^n l .\tivr'ni('ii!a:mnliT this: hwirt "art! tlnn'f r.tvory,-W'riflhliirton, N'. J. On mlv nt the Olllve of I'liiillriitlmi ; ;;Mra. Peter Force.movotl from Smith !.l"'".""j;>.;; »»«.''';eiri'leucr[ns.a sign on ill mill ni j;.t-i .\*o .* nttu if i!::;ir' t.ineiiin nvonne li> Ofihtrnbta, where a uf""tliu 'riiuiidiird "OVT |i>ihli~lirvni,''in5* here. ^ecifiil,story of the Uroft* iiulldlnn, In'. ri'i'Hvnl for tlmn in cf*nis for now occupied by Up. Morgan, dentist. 2 cans California Whlto" Cherries. Tumbler Ilorwe jtadlsh, 4c. Turn-, Kll.pi'clbrTK'*. IliiPki-ttnioivnt lI"!]iik'H, Turner; Uhilne has taken a position Tho roue HOCIUI to bo held by the Christian IJncioavor Society of tho thi; fir^i Iii>i'tll(in. 3-18-tf bier Jelly, 8c. Tumbler Mustard, Ilcf* tilrrcl Pit lilol'n, Oxfurili \ LU!cj'nt with: Ahnv/.D Bryan, tho florist, be- Un W.-K-yn"' ^ Htltfl liastcr Iliimo^-KvuryTcare ia taken", liclvldure avenue home palmed hy I'-•-•'i'lii; '.Sri'i-jtjiy ui l-iarnust Workers of i't«i». 'UiMgli.'H,' itrtdgi.'Vtll-?, S. J. ttp noil's, on Lincoln avomto. West Stuw-| to make our Hams Uio finest In the Presbyterian chinch'.:, will -muut art hlnjul and Went Jolitibton street, I H*jht I.fn-K« Juicy Lenioni;. lie iloz. lite market. • l-jach ,jiam t; criti- AMn UUIWI-LMOII iwiuMiis son Marvin. .Milking Tubes at .Jenkins «t M*.-t;- t ( The Celebrated Scranton Coal l • - " '••• 1Kb. Prices from $ir.O up;' cally Inspected before being of- ••"•--• " [ ti-riuM wry uiudenite-mutlui-iite.. A" rare oppur- i:vaponited Peacheg, 0c \\>.: 3 lbs,, fered for pale, and each ham Is AT RETAIL. will tiivu a barn dance i" thu opurn <''' FOl: SAI.K—»ljr' howft, 17 hand*, j tunlty is presented for home builder." guaranteed." Mild -'•cured by a Washington, N. J., A» iT.c: lino carofully 's"el«?rteil yel- i. 1U0J). house hall on Friday nlghi. April 10. , Boot] worlc'T, Will cxehniiKft for SIIIJII-{ nnd Investors. -Apply. tu liavirl Hur- - low i» .!i.-hp« nr-.>xroptl9!i:illy nr.c process .which,produc«« uniform The Woman's Mission Circle ot - flies'} |,,., will b" » »"An ot home-made \uv huiw. .\, i1-. |ltu,M...-s- W Isliia1, iron. -'• • • ' ' : '3-lS-4t| f At tlio D.rL. & \V; It. It .... edl ns, cuke, etc., at the rresby- ' st Chutes, at head of tho llrst rlKht-li church luild a meeting at the t,,, 1 !?;. FOU P.ENT—riniiPo of nllift piuinn itrcct; above New Windsor IIuU-l. rinn I'liajm! next Sntuidiiy aflci - ;ct;above .New U'lniluor IluUd. j hrnmr «( Mrx. Harry Mayburry on j nr))Diil , comnu-ncitiK at ;t o'clock, by the SAWhV'.;, iwod lui-ufng tintl re-j |M Asbiiry. on Main street. Tranl: II. I*;iiu',v Shoe J'eg Corn, Gc can: C i Kastur Candles—Two large choco- Gra to ;...:.%u.M> per ton. Tuemiiiy nlj;ht. ( ul\.-»' Aid .Society. pairing at Xn. ^1 llroad street,. Wnsli- j Ovtutn. 3-L'5-tf i-iins for Sue. A regular 10c ! late 'Kifgs, 5c. Small chocolate ton. IniUon, N- •'- 1-S-tf j __ . hiiis^ at 4! , . .Ktffis. i::cjl>. Jfiiy .Rugs, 10c lb. 5.50 iiur ton. j MiSH Louisa Kennedy will assist tlio The opening of tho, IN>W Union Pe-! u VOH URNr R rrtnm 'Hialily. This price, this wool:. Stove . . .. ton. ! «li-'!f In Hi'-H'juth Stt'.-f-'t Prc:;bytcrl:m I-;, -.c.'iitncr.' l)oc!:Ctt!OO':, j Bvciiitivuii avenue;-all conveniences: •-• per ton. i ! Our 12<: Table Pears, 8c can. In Ioti (tft iril l>y SOIIII- coin- I church. Morrlslmvn, at the Kaster n s of the Hc.'i.«on. At the -I of'money. Liberal ro- j equipped for KUH, ehnmlellers up; lot Fresh rtrnzilian Shredded Cocoa- services.; next .Sunday. i >w;ird. ;:. .S. Mutiiiwlcl;, Asbury, X. .f.f contains noarlv nn acre; »»«.;£ -•....- mil. Win ih - •-•• •••• ; ; ;•;; ; s ^., d t panic! No. ^ Chestnut), 4.00 por ton.' Ho 'i, May ,"• and S. .for the beiiellt ! - Bin-kwti luiiitiy "•" ' --•"'•"- " - •; of luearlnK fruit trees; one of the Ulacksmithl Peter's Kplscdpai church. I'Oi: SAI.K—Thi .i ton Mo miest ItRn ISc Jar Curlien Bros.' Pure Fruit lacksmithlng' or Hltu- Society of thu Presbyterian church •. basement now being fitted up luiine.s [n northern New Jersey. Flsb! FI.«h! Xew Xorwuy Mack- l Truckk;; googo d omimlitit " : cheap. J. M. I Jacob Cr cii-I, 7r; •) HHII :T»e. New* Dress- Jams. .|5c. nilnous coiir ,. COO per ton. will meet Jit Uie'hoino uf Mrs. A. C. barbearurr shoshop for Win. Oaltes, un- Iliif,'. .'S-lS-tf. 1 it KelferKlf . UUlel n Gimln N.; j,. .4-8-2.... I a! ! !s!i,T.clW V«w Siiieuileii Fish, lwny.r on Imm! ilry i floiifiuy nnxt Monday »rtiTn«"»n. .L II. .TidfiiHii M' .swrewe,, was once . , . FOP. JiALIO—A carioail or nccli- t ;* large'rolls Toilet Paper, 30c. I.U.ST-— (Jold. a L;UCI rlng,(jn \V'n«h-» nialti? Iforsoy. suitable for all pur- '•'. packngc-s for lOc. Imported 1 !• Tho - choicest mc-made bread, ed as n bunlnesl s placel . John Coal leaded direct from chutes (o l cr IiiKtnn. Ituwuriewardd at Star ollleo for HajpoBeV. They''ennIl'be''rnsr«octed"at iVny- Sardines, 10c, i^c. 17c. Domes- •croeiis) Into wagons. * iiaKe. pics, etv., may be purchased at Stone had ft butcher shop there many t tic Sardines, 5c and Sc. Alaska, X.-IVEII Ornngea '.ire now nt their • tlif Presbyterian church nnxt Satur- yr ,tigo. 1-S-ltp. i lime ;it tho Warren flouye. nacltett.«- best. All sizes; prices r.'sht. . JA.MI-'S It.' SI I HOLDS day afternoon, "from 3 o'clock on. W1I.I. IM'V a farm* , pay $1,000 town, N. .1. John Shoemaker. 3-11—It Salmon. I lc and life. Kippered u Middlesex county ggrand .Jury{,j , ^ ,,,i mil d-j.scrlptlon and low- Hurrlng. 15c ran. Tin; weekly prayer meeting of the v.elt 'returned an indlrt. nt for nwn 0 FOU I?KN*T—nouse. six rooms, j Throe carloads of Xb.T-Prunes at Itobc-rt, Sommcr, 02 large yard and barn; trolley cars stop i bargain prices. Our lie Prunes,- This Ismie excu^d.s I..'M>0 copies. Baptist church will again be held on murder -against' Robert Molinan, Jr. ' T-i'iim'.",-^ I, I'hllllpsbiir; Our ISc Lemon Cling Poaches. 1-lc Wednesday night. It had boon held All that .IH.IMtlll needed to .satisfy jus-'. ' J-j fit door;lii-l West Washington avenue. per lb. ! !)c lb. Our'Oc Prunes. 7c lb. Our •I. C. Wellor has ad dud an Iron Friday nights during the wlniur. • !eu I.H the murderer. There is _ Apply Oavfdson, Jeweler. 3-2i"-tf, j 7'.* I'riiaeH, 5c lb. Tho famous pray -horse to hts mahk'H. Win. I'lotts, Sr., has movuri from (,'i-owiiiK bt-licf that llolinan cntnniit- POUCH CIIAIKK and other chalra FL'IUN'ITUUi;—Have your furni- Santa Cinra Quality. Specially Fran It .Shopp. the photographer of tin- C'tohu -luilMlm;. on Weflt WEIHII- teil Miklrtn following thy crhne. 'otf Win. Gor- ture and relinished by C0FFIU-;—To nine men out of ten j • "proimrod. • . • • - • t this placo, IKIH opened a brunch .stu- on. ".I C'H-niHli street. I-S-ltp j \onii experienced furniture man., Coffee i.« Indispensable; there- iiiKton avenue, to tho iinrd IIOIIHU. Tho ineiiihcrK of tho U"ji* Manln'a Crook Hlntlnn. Call orjwnrlt done In tho beat poasible man-j I , KIc. 1.1c bottle, tie. 10c bottler* : 1 at very, one might .«ay, rid I unions' held a irifftiiKf :u th -* IHMIU- of-Miss wi;«k by Mrs. W, s. Hlttoi',houm>, -Urn. ildreas .Marshall Ml'ler, No. S Union j ncr; charges moderate. Kdward Se. All perfect stock and cheap Clara Fulpi.T Monday night. Joseph .S. lindenbaugh, • of llir [|iian:, T'biHIpuhtirg, K. J. r ! Prall, next to'Post Oillce. S-^r»-4L prlct-s, yot the returns warrant [ at- regular prices. foremost men of 1'aston, « IE. 1\ Cuminhi.s, Mrs. Laura Cook this. The thousands of pounds Caleb Willuvt-r n,i .Monday h'.me on College 111 ti'"i)-irilv4ls ! llunn, Mrs, .J. V. Flint antt Mrs__ . J. It. W'AXTKD A boarder. Inquire S7 ; WiHTF, WVANDOTTR (.•«(,'« for leaving mir .stores (jnch and'ev- from ChuChurcr h Ustreet -to part of aboul "TO Tliatchcr, at the 1- of MrH. kit-i AVest Washington avenue. 1-S-Hp t•.IV(itfh!ng;. 75« for 15: J1.00 per him-I i 10*' can Chloride of Lime, 7c. Use part of lawi Thursday, llfr ery wci;l; ;u;; .satlsfai-tory to us, 1 doubb- ho tc,nhouse. ... . ,• • WAXTKIJ—Country board by • ai <'">•!. MHOS R. Ifoagland. Oxford, N. j 1 . • It freely-In the sinks and drains. Nortll yeaiH old. % find/inust bo likewise t« tho eon- Lincoln av Kin's Foreign Missionary.! It'ty "• Roml has- oponeda wall pi'-; moihi-r ami two children from .luim| '- . fiiunyr. . . -•'-: • • • : Pearl Crook. Siftod Peas, 12c. Are ^Tht! Ladles' 1'rayor Circle of the Ui> l're«l:yterlnn •cluiruh II""1 store In .Mrs. Unwew' b.illdiny.un 1st. he high grade, healthful i TU LET—The llnost and tnoat mod- Please recollect tho price is made . M.' 15. church will meet a* the home ; d teet, loi-'uliiy.-prufombly farm ami not too cm livery stable In Portland. Pa.; of a special variety and are un- will ibeir April meeting Monday, [ U^mil street.-adjoining tho Washing- to suit the htiyor, and not the usually sweet nnd tender. Gath- - of Mrs. Samuel Gardner on Friday (he IL'. ui •! ..-.•lock p. m., ai thy home ton National linnk building. Mr. far I'rotn railroad connections. Ad-! adjoining hotel. Presem, occupant, coffee to suit Uii; price: don't ; orod and packed so rwtcklythat . afternoon at :J."0. if Ah*. «: prices for fancy ilcncoln tho l'iisin<.^K :MMI it in hl.s Brooklyn, N'. V. . t'-tor giving up.wimo is other hualness. f tlir* fresh tiatunil flavor Is re- The I-idius' Aid Society uf tin; Mr. A. L"win.sliv wan ciiiled t So- names. Quality is quality; a rosi; tained. This week, por can, 12c. Presbyterian church h»lil Its monthly rposo not only to .«»dl pa per nnd For Miieriean I-Vnco Wire, pitta-1 Great opportunity for right man. Ad-! by any other name woubl bo the

wy 1 • saino.i - • •' • • ' •• • •• -•••• •• • •• • • meelinK nt the ln>ni<- or Mis. S. I'. tfiiLur. Mrs. Ijing perfect 1-Vnco Wv—r,-,'" ": ' °" "' •'•""' : - H-2?-ff- •Toiiuitoes. 7c Bowers on Tuesday. d iiifnni'di Clllt L ,1, ImnlllillL-i i>1"-- lii.iky.h!i t tho babe IJroj*., Olen Gnrdnur. X. J., can savu '•BAPJU2D PLYMOUTH ROCK eggH. I Prime IMo, 12c lb.; Golden Santos. . can. . . rccvorvd ilifn. Mr. 15c M>.; Golden Peaborry, 17c The \\':i»hin«Hni Uonnl of (Od i- j ' ill In - iiurloiw '•oii .John I'lcknl.- tho well-known you miiiioy. -l-S-2tp. i Brarlloy Uro.s.' strain: "5 cents for 15. i tion-..oii;itui/.i!d by ru-uluuMm:~ UVslov k .' Wonday --hiinii'!»!» fin.! '-/ilM" i\nn\"r nf. Fill1 SAI.F—Vlol.'l« Ob'ltz >Otltf» I Arliiin Wninllini:. • Ponwoll: P. n. port' • "Cionnin" ,Tnva;"27c !b. ; .'. :. .:"....:' 2r. Largo ; iituiegs, nc. Kluttifiu; prt'sidciit; .r; u. r;roff vice nttrhi. bn'ry, will hold IIIH ;slxth annual •«ir««t. 'up. |'Murray,' X. .T. 3-S»--ltp-tf. | has I cottibinatlon .sale on K;iturday, May 1, AN EI A president. Mini i. ,\1. Shrope district l lI FOR KKNT House with ' all con-| }y J ? — houaeUeepur and [ clerklerk. < n--hr, ^ic" ij i'ii 'MV ' r^.'r ";i ri* unirrVmrif it Ton "Vj^ j\ n L hi * rt-potdiorpU y In Blbrilooinsb'ury."u Ift | vi-i'iit-m-i ^""ccutraliy ' locat't'd." De-Jcff't- Good homo: good wagea. Ap- j Mies Ifiirrict li.hnn daiifbl'-r of S^.NuW' i foe thc-.bcnuUL-of tins im\v hos-! wa.s ••.«tlniai- l-S-tf. ; nut'nnd McCartney Sta.. Kaaton. Pa. CHILDS & CO., Washington, N. J. thu tirp "prize in onuorv at the rece commltu- s reported • the .hill and \M^. there being a number in attend- SATUltUAV,- AIMIIL L'1 — Public: " . • 3-25-3t UUIiicM i •i'rsN "uu itppruprintinn oil «m-« W!IM«U homos w«re more than *:ib- of building lot. iintl Homu Im-I , HAVH VOUIt gootl horac'u life In- Kchonl. ) 20 . tnHea distant. •• ,iiu'*ii)unts. at Now Villaire station, i.sured. Write, or tall at Christine's Or. I'. P. - l-ouaa Sinltli,\ a ['hlllip:-iliurg | hns raid two lota | by Antonio Lorenzo. M. A, Pierson, [ Livery, Wanhlngton. N. J. a-L*5-tf Wyckoff W.T.: I, died In N.itco'ng at the houm from l.U tract of land at mitrl:.jnucr. • | FOU RKNT— HOUFO of flvo rooms •'"»» rimlth. whuro sl.e' I'm^lnK. Jo.seph Hodlne purchased SATUItDAY, AI'RIL 17—Farming i n"(1 PfWtry. Wm. Perry, 104 Uroad M id" ! [h I th d Cld M SEE OUR WINDOW

Your Opportunity

UnlKti of tht.- Knights, or Pythins was instituteii nt Coriland. N. Vi; last Thursiiay, with ",7 mem- bers. S««nif Washington Kni^hls who are working in Oortlaml assisted In the institution, Mr. Frank Ffrrl«y Hie wi1' P vices In tin- I Ma ware Presbyterian Hi-,- IJifayoltf fooiball and hnseboll | th f the late ^T. Wm. chieko Juno: hnlnncc July 1st. Good wag-esjt ^ church last Sunday morn I HIT, ".vb MI ttams a taw ycuvA ago, ami lator play- j .Miller. Lincoln avenue for .SIHXGLES ... . . _Prices . , I privntr .l>r>ardiiig iiuuse. Also won.iin | T " lia .persiins.-unlttid with tluS cl;;r-oh. , uii -jirnfefstDsal biiKfiball . with tlio .St. i SI,SOD. Id d his rumily In the ,33.o0 per M. and up, hirgu stoc,.,,\,k o«..n. ! tu take-full charge—experienced cook j T The individual ccunuiunini vns • I Louis Xalimial 1: ngue team. ! house iveok. Win. C. Christine hand of cedar, cypress, hemlock and and housekeeper. June 1;;, Kxporleneetl • I also used for the llrst time cd John- Hagnn's house white pint'. A;full supply of all kinds cook, July and August j,.-farmer under- • j A se-von-monlh-oM daughter of Mr. 'ins pi' •till a Dritgglift P. N; .Jenkins went to tots en Carlton of building material. house trlm- standing vegetables, Htn'alj truck ami [ ^ Popular! Prices .Chatham last Frldav to.assist his son an.I Mr*. Win KMier of Newark met for Jl.llOO and will ta!o> possossloii • • . •doors, sashes, etc., rooting en re of horses: i Iddle-ageil 'woman for j + death, in an odd inanner on Tuesday. Carl In selecting, a buiMing Jot.. in a few d:iv.«.. ; . -.• . . • • ••-: „. .1 slate. ..brick... CGm(>nt.-rfrHllz»rH,/-^...,..i- •riafn-cooKtr.S'and otherf:liauscwork; "iif-r-A- •-"-riiliv Guaranteed' -A dual 'fur Linjiniichnse uia desirable Ti!»::ii!.':'.r.t. Jiad.-iL'e'en-lci't'raioncvia .a TIW. in.-.i ,'.r,-\'\ .iLii^rc w'ti'i mil" V -it the'Coal and" Lumlier Yards of P. room-for a short time and when tin; , once. L. 7,\. Tucker & Son. Cataract' I lot was consuniinated and the young u r s Vctt iinn %£")force, bfA- - " ' - - •• • • iiiim ' wilt .shortly build a residence 1 > "WHITE PLYMOUTH 'Rock ERCS— "Will pay cash for fifty acre farm. hanglntr lifoloKs tn n hlcli.1i:ha!r._Shc. ;Sloi .lr.ff^AprlU.l. ;...ivh«:ii •fill.:>f ihe =larT -thort»nn..:7 ":.-^,^....-- -••."•"•-•..-- _-:--• :;: .-.-• -• I had strangled "to1 death fror tape ' ger size' s o"f con|" , beelnnln"g wit' h *chest ""*- From first-class stock: prize-winning Address, p. M.. Star Oillce. 2-26-tf 'Th'e" Wasli'lngti IIH. strain: 51.50 and S'J.OO por r 1515', jAAi. ^rL. ' r am prepared, In addition to my t THSTi-I) ehall toaui ha« • ftttnche(1 t0-a "paclllor." nut, will be reduced In price 50 cents Russell. • -- - - PKOVHD hVOniH for thu s

nOW M.-VNV TIMES HAVE VOU SATD —"Wo have always wanted a eolYee pureoUitor but the prices were jiroliliiiUvn." The nbyyrt-ciit Illustnites tho success of nn attempt to meet the fn- (.•roasiiiy.ihsriiaud for a iiooil coflVii pffutiluUit' at n: priuK-withiu the reach of all. Thiri percolator, is made., from- tlnt,ho-it-•ropper.j'J.rtkol-pJftf-Ofi.i-hnRino::. -small '[iiii:Ls'"t()"rir»H'p."~u6 "valves" Co ^.:t. oiTt "uV 'order, '•'makes deilcious arid, unitonit coffee. • ' ' '-" "" • LOOK AT TIIKSH PKlifJKS":

; 5 C"P Size;-S2:00 ;" Cup Sizsj, S*2.2S; S CupSizo;!s2.5O.'

"y April • 1. Apply to Ui

J", Easter Lilies, Hyacinths^'^Gl?- natipns, ^arcissus, CalyxeSj ^.SweetLPeas, Violets, Blooming £!£,• Potted Plants of all kihds^

: coniing "In: Washington LAlsa...Hard^ --Vegetable:-Piants^ ,_.u^Lu.ILs:.Uti;'.,lii. t!io--bclfry--or-thc nchool I31uuinsburyt-' N. J.- . • • : ""hWi'S"e™at"~ German • Valley, was sen-. LESTEII'S AXTf-SMELT,—A posi- Harness Co. _ - ,:. 2-lS-tf. — "trnced at Morrlstowu 'on., Monday. tive euru for smell hit? fetrt; als Jeweler1 Davidson will pay cash fcr. m To be found for sale at 1 The dianre-.'tfsainsrhlnv for'laclt'Iof a Dlainoiuls !and Old.-Gold. bolter pl'ij,rRo, was carryine; concealed ins smarting, and relieves sweat [ness. weupoiiiiF--'•Mc-iwns sentenced In. two Put up in neaLV tnlcuni pnivdcr boxes';" -Vnneera and =; Otllce Safe, Needhnni yeiivs in Stale prison,' which is the used by dustiiii? into shoes. Give It a Tinno & Oreraii Co., ^Vaahlngton, N. J. i Upper Broad St. m^.i>analty. trial. Price postpaid, -iie,', or send ->— " 1-21-tl'l Thoiyi^ntr^r^ilgn oillcei-H of the T. 10c for' trial paeknjre.. The Lester WANTED—Transient boardem, 'JT1 Specialty Co,, ^yashin^fton. N. .1. ttp >;-n."'T*. acd oxtioi-tod to pay a visit ! per day. Do Homer's boardlnu hoiiHti, .0 Mansdfid Lmlge, ,No; • -12, on the PUBLIC SALK-.Tt inis J.. G.irdrier, Jackson avenue. — 1-H-tf. fiviitor.n.e.y-inrilaet..of. \\*ni...c;an!ncM-.-uiLn. iilnht .of April !:?.rrrA class of about hi:!.Iallcyailn..toVn. all...weii'pat-|--. KOR .SAI.K—Tvi-n' •nrliriff JPI •: '.••TRKE '• v TROLL-rlY-" trip' to - - Eaatnr, :\nz?n candiilules--will. b« R\wn "•- 11 :it inc. altont dm: miU? from r?'n:— ' • ;'••:. " li. "-nonr'Sum-i?.?. ' with S2.00 phisses at Dr. Ship's otllce— , ,.,v roe (lM.tlmt nlRlit. rirVon••! MomilslMBT, on Iho ronil leaillnu. .to Center Square. »ll-^R-tf. ! ::X*:V - '_."„"" •.'•'••'" •••••••••••••••••• •:^:^r •••••• •••;• ;,. _ ,- , _.:..Tlie™.neKatlvo_ side-scored . an easy lm^—'v-"'-.'^".^.-^!His; all thoJiouwholil j-r-K^porioiiCuilMSSf-sunt- .TnHVA.LXZ.r\TfJ^-^./=jf«--: fojiU -parts or tho " -imported and Domestic f---='—^-v "Wall" Papers and . ./* " *^ * !; .-.Room Moulding . „ ' ,./• " : 1?-^ ••$•:•••-JM

Mrs, Gotirjro J. l.oiiodoiiiry, HIIC . iNo.7 Broad St., VVasliinglofiiN. J. .\&is|#f liulUHliBS. , •Sltuiuc.l . iiour 1-Now Vlll- roqjllts iObinlm-d !>>• 21 yours' oxp.M-i- iS :: : : Zf V ''• ''I " • ' : - T, . •;• ' •• ••'•• -* • .':~' '4 % W• comn nt; SIO.OOO.. .which .:nt li nmslntlon nn.ll Edison Mmci,t-wo,rlts. oiico.wlth 2'f tllff,Tent rimlios of «i- «... . , ; Snlo on; premises Sal olilrics. Our 1M9 calalngue telli tho - : il of rollllln l dS nn Anrll 24, lilOllr-nl; £•'o'cloclcV Antonio 'hole story. It's. frc>p. .;,i;), C. ;\H. II01T , thrco1 of whom arirlhea-hllilren lt tlio Opera llonso rlmrmapy, A vv!\NTil''ri—-50 ^".sc. Comb of "the late Dr. .Frank:.P. .Furrow of i^^nJ^nfej^QfofieGQlat|ng^S


',..''- -X Whistler zi a L^ittr Writer. • . Knrly .Mr, V> liii-ik-i- as .1 letter 'wrtt'er " '::;:. bcc*:iJfi*> ;i •]uii^n:-;t,w' to !»• ,wltli. Ill" |M'ii u:is very ftVt Cdlppwl 111''{fliM..hut it Is II ,\»y v ~-Iiirj:--1vi(!r!!l.t'-vl'ry .iMIp-litful i.-v»ni,C ArBig/ Line o! Eais!cr. W6vcl3ies '•"~ style,- Xo one vvvr, IVUHM <|iiili' IM* «* ; - /him. Hiimertoi!, v.'HIi wlimn ho li;ic j Pure Candies lor the Children -""• many " im^-tv, njwiyi i't'-ttic "critic";. ! You need go no farther than this store for -pretty :r ; irreat discoinlltuiv, "iuv, Iti n-vii-uiiiy < Easter /novelties for the children. Aud .theywould / Pure eiihdies and plenty of tliom horn for tlio~ : 1 :.-.droii.- eiioooliito oggs,:; iilTho:*^i.^ ii..-"nutin~ : it, and all filled with bandy eggs mid biis.of cnlorod •; tnlned, too.reddish 'hiilr -H' tin-. wiHiWr.'] :.." X'. •put. on Iliftni in. our candy depm'liiieiil. Sunday - -.;;• for-Instilti':i»: •lt<*r ik-- ilii-it, in hN •'• ; ": ::toundin™. toiirATiiiu-itU-.-ni-iirv^ .iw --I' symphony In U'eotitJiIiis m< n-.>l.\> And. -*i' .•'.liir*'/ ." e Right on Time : - 'the world U tAinllinr with W'-^ri.-r • ; Ark- flip.onrol'iilrbiiyiiicr. wfll hi .., |j i[ ] iu}.-,>|n!n'e in IiN reply i«.i;t i">t" ut P( formed woman, of fashion i" tlii- .. r^mifr-it fnn: •!•»- Jh* 'yCV.""'.1.'-"-^ **V!!-».~' t." 1 ! "" by Uiimoruiii, who ctitupFithit'tt r!i;t 'ocality' :iti«'I "slio will i.'li ynn iu'lmv * • Wliistler rt'i'iised tu Jinsu-i-r !ii> IMJUT; AVlitetler ruiVrred to tlio. wrir.T n" •;• ; your silks at Laubiii'li'.-. . . Mi'.IlJUnfi-ion," u-liK-Ii' tumk* Ilium?: : Tiie occasion whon nil wuiiinnkind wants to he appavellod just as well as circuin . toil perfectly furl'Hiy ,nul so KiiA'iNh vinviifoJor luis1 r-.-v.-nU'd ; Ami we jinvrifrlit MOW snrpii.ssin^ that the? yuutli.of London In the twolfil' ; our )trovlons atfiunttiriifs in this Our fldvice would he: Make your selections at once,';for last-minute buying, Imrri- -ientury muler&tooil the rirt of .Myhii.' • over the joe like WrtU lutln? air, but | iliivi'tion, All thin • linii". I'licrjry. , ed lmyinff. can't he as satisfactory -as earlier, careful buying will be. Come while as-i .••:tlie •origin •isi &k;iiinu is I'ai- moro :ui- 1 / dent. An leelandli*, s.iu';i ivhues how : I'xpcritM]''! . i-;ii'(.' nnii inuhi-y ;-:ui snrtmeliis are complete, ami prices most favorable for economic buying. . tbe Norwegian heiv r'rlthjof nut. o:i!y ' (''MmtKiii'l. i»i!i' ^jirini:' si!!<> nt'lVy .. traced verses upon'the polMii-.l imm.i'..i •\Ve have prepared liberally- -even lavishly'—of all that is newest and best in the ; but. iiteo. cut the'tlc.ii' ;t.uiu- ••r.iu;;.- j Vnll IHIW. way ;;.f Kn>ler wear thinus l-!\"et'y depiirlntoiil reveals a wealth of new materials, 'le- bprd. ••Skates have •been' disi:oven-iE near Sp:imi:tu, in Oeriiiaiiy. wbion those • All !!i>• I;11<•.-1 wi'iiVcs.• i'niiii sniiii .-•ir.-iis ami .'oliirini;-all dainty.- preliy and ilelighlfully fresh. It's :vn assortment which competent t.i ^xpresis" an 'opinion. us- 1 i?- \vc!i nlile to uieel t'vi-i-v Knster requirement. - , . •.•tribute to a \:iliin'S to (hi VOIIL'/II Slianliiiiv;, These skates were u.iade from bi>*jf.-: • foulards in nxi|iii>ili' .-IIHI 'wiili-ly Many u !<>: were spent in studying the. new Mylo ehuiiges mid in searching the of horses, lUninM ntul [K't't'oiMtetl to lit- .. 1 i-;t!•»i>«1 • pol^riii :?;^ ;nnl ili'siioi^. ill" loading ?i!;>i-l,-..i< !',,i- >•>.;!;• irivitiliciiiion. '1'lie result is a splendid showing uf worihv - ' have been fmnui at .\Ua*r(ieUIs.. in I'Iu>- , ;bury, ami. H!i«.iltsooverK's .uuvi>'bee» • famoijs ,-hrilwaifi' .. fmilard lli'iil'^ and ln'i'iuiifiil merchandise.—a most enmpreheusive showing of women's, misses' iind uurde In HwKn in ttit- N'd of tho Spiv..'." i guarantef'd cwi-: lil'ul. .-lurdy-v.varina; Miragi' tliai'-'s Cliuie that iij:' l^urMje.M&i itv • :t:v;i • t;1 We know you will !>c Inoking for iiuiility. Vou will Iind that which you desire 1 1 1 1 idycil hi'fnn WDVI'H Y\\ ^••prcttlstDric:!!;;^. L-:;:.;..Ii.I.ri.. u» (";n-;i ;"; here. A\'e know yon wilt tie looking fiii'l'air prices. Yuii wil[;; them hero. ./.So :wo Uritafti ty I-'!iHiu:ti mid ]'rr»!u'.\i»rwiiv 1 :in

' We ospocially cotiiini'iiii alsu uiii1 toe tiails <>[* iitiDuni l-i-iiii,^ • »'• of Mr, Have .Yoii" '•;•• ' mills liiiviitt: 1 (.'(.•», 'I'm: !i<>ru •>!* a ll"-'; exclusive dress lonuths »i' lnii.i-i...! . grnwrf 'jU-i' :(•• -a to" nail lint-.-t. 'Hit1' • • boot* jirntti^-jxiiiiv i':ii)ii!lv in unsiii«j pongee and foulard for I'liarmim: Neckwear, Veils, Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Belts, Buckles, Hosiery, Hose '.' ' bOl'Sl'h. tll:fir""ill tili.M' >V(>ilU(tU -'sUiA'T. • 1 costumes, .aud. it tnw.s ui-U:. i:i iL..-1'st.s; vvhi* U Supporters, Combs, Hatpins, Hand Bags, Purses, Perfumes and Toilet Articles, Knit ,,. tire well ,t::vuu;oil .iiiiit1- v.-efl -i'wl. . l\u-. •••'•' ou an iivei1:!!;..'1 ifjt^ h.-ni — r'u'.vs aljir.u :i • ;,:./IiiVery pifCP of sill-' ^'.'i'-",::! '.!- Uirrierwear, Corsets, Lace and Net. Silk and Lingerie Waists,TJaokctsiuSeparatc-Sidrts— : tbin! ofiiiu iiii-h it !Ji<»:itii. Ili-rul hoof:; tempt "a1 purchase. Main Kinnr. Tailormade Suits, Silk and Cloth Dresses and Umbrellas ;' . - grow-fillet1 i'liaii I'mv inn it's. .The i'>n*" jof'ihe h«ot" !HM!)L'1!H- |..!!I:L->: part, a- • "hikes hni}U>v t'<>v 'tho tujn: u> jzrmv-. down cluTf*" t!i;i:i ;u tin.' licet. [-'or in- stance, the tee wiil ^nnv enru'ely down. WITS. Laubaoh &. Sons Easton Pa.. LVoiii I'ieve;:. t>> iliin.-.-n cVinitii's, ; ;, while the iu-t.,-I"will ;:nnv tlnwu in frmn : ^tlircc .to iiV;; (iiuiuiis. As tin- iivw Ijoni • !'(ir:r '-OJJICN. J'.UOADW.W. OXI-'clltll. • . g^Q.w.s out any < r.i-ks vv ik-!>.•:.•< In tin* i has I.. III in h.-r l, T;-,j Fathec- Pipefish. y.rf. (::•!]). Ila;:;ir.| m' Ka.^n.n vr I-.,tt !!;,>• a-lil' Nationalis In Music. ..•.oUf*;rra(Hi.!il,v «;.n-k . ilmvu to when.' 1 s. l.;;u:ni.; ll^ylnr or.- Krldny. • 'The I..-I ..f'ftllli'l's Is lln> pliWu!. d LLUliami n, Ill It.Is.11 i-uri"iis in. t iliiit in, arrat nil L •" they, can IK» <-ut nfV. ju>t as with InuiK'ti i Mrs. H. C ,vTt'ht- r.«tt tn ihe tip.— j ,,-,.•„:„,,•„;.,„.• •-. VJ'.-.-li fuf. l.ilH-ity- : \tf} .•anii'V I iif'iu ' :tI.'i-V;'-^-vlt h iiini H ••'Londtni-Ariswers. ' ' ' '•' ; Alr^VjiilV.^T-T'allri'rbll'

' ' " Prcttv Absent •nded. '.Mr.-, T s l 1 i^wn,,rui,&;iv^i-^'.^uA;i;^^;~"fi.»;^i^,uryj^^li,»,.s Ainu, i.n.l 'l-To,l;i "lilll.-r. M i ^MZ-V^-I "\l% 'U"",^,"','!"" S"'"-..:!'"' .."!.""",' 'I"" !'"" '"?" "' "" " ' " -I'""'"'-iniU'll' in IMT, : ,U:.;_A...bUi.k ;\b-,VLl,..ili!;Vh__ -.".•••,.•.,...... ;„,-...... : •h"I^..fnfln'l^.,,vi.i!tt:i>••!>;. nuionu'' It.s a!i.x- •• '.,,.,, Cii^A1 HUT —" ••' i« u i • .Mrs '•ominoil if-?' ^'"•i''y/.:.:A.:^;.;s^am^v;;; v"i"J;!lv;^ .A^^^U >^i'! th^hrr^I'Lp^n'iVt',,'^^ 11 y:u [/ • -dotes two vhir-h iiuai with Ilnokliiini :),,-•• il'iuirJnlV. ;.'ii>!"K.'n:i! ' ii.-r In,.!-;^ f-vHriiveVu-oui,];^,,.'^^'.,.^^-'""' ^ "•"•i.n^.i h^\ ;;:; .•••.%-< ' ^-^^ ««'.-«* '^ ,An,-.-,^n,..; on ,,„. liill|(MU Iif^ ^ Frery ";iiu) r!ji- alf-'erstiiiiridedness Cor .; X.'.-'<'k- . W . - ; Sliy i^ '••• .wlilr-li ;li^nus noit-d. Frct-c marri.'d ;" 't*i> I.ii'iics' i'":tyt.-r Cin.-lv vill in. Air. .1 .Mrs; Siiiivj'"] Doivman i h y 1 1 11 0 1 11 li l s : Jli-ii. Win. lias .•,lv'j i" U\t]y 'Error'niid ..'.^wlille thoyjiyore en.- : ^' l ' . "J" " ' . ^" : "; } \' \ if Mrs. ^'"-"fcHiiinitilt ...../ vUiitors_,. or iiiS;,,,.;',„.,. ., <„,„,. „ i ,, i bufiiiv. :iml Uun I".>l- Mils iwim, iH-lnj: | As H Tim »li] I'iL-lH -- VH1 H1 r"",]",'1" ,"-"' ' sCK'~~ Mi ! 1 : r ^.|..U;n il. .Mi. !!!!!!i--!n--mn!:r--r.r.-..\-;iiTMl '="riTi i~[i|7niv ,,;:::'"' :^: "'""'.^"^i/nwrn^.o!; AM.k"i^;i-jS:js !t'S i 1- " II:: 111 ('.. . SI 'tllS f'H" Illlll. 111'. ~ " . ! "ii uapnin^rnn ,-ivi mi,=": 1 Wi H.iffn sai . mill a!! tli.- null./ iisli .Irnp ittlt i;:!.. ; IU..T. Mr m; h u> n moved lrom tho Dit-i i . ,-• sti|.|.s. uin. w ;ru (."imlhlato.s for v=iili>r t!|.|i]i..r:K'r pi'l- *>! us iiiimiral J< drank up- the irlnss .;.f wim; li«-rh:iil, j,•,-,' HniiK-r, \\ij.,' isVii/ '' >. J "' " lll C ( iv !r t Ills I..1 iil .Mi.ntinm on i ,,,', ",',- i'V •""" ° """ " ' " ' ' tll.;...illicfi of |iivsi,l,.iit. A iniiil.,11 !•• : i:-i.:ll ili'VSuinil.'llt. Oil 111.' 1-6T1itfi'i. s.-a. I.HI ill..;.- clinir t« li:i|Ki. Wli-:- ••/•poured out for her ami their tai.-k her' "•./'rh-" .«t« •!•!•. visits! tin'- hojiifoi' Mr>^Vc""^"!l' Hi »s,-iii- llmlil u-illi '.'"""I""- »-|il-.-!i mis i-hii:i,vil off last ! :m s r 1 v lli 11 i,.l.|...,ni uii.s mi.,1,. .aii.l n... matt.-r . . ._ ,, ^ . . . ., i, ,,f ,|, : ..i,.,,,,.,,,, i-vi'i- In- -..••:. lik..-a L-ray I'lotul ;||. •:• --'bnob supiicrlPSrf to. the ballroom. After -ym-r -Mi-.«. Chu-k l:i:^i<-r Tuw'diiy tvon-T!]]!,'^' "'U hniiso" vacated hv ri"ff-! • !"->! ' -'!- - ' •" '"""I'" l"'tol. The i n |n J 1 V1 | J v r ;ly 0 • \">nn was uun l.y Allifct (Jiniglc. Hint ilaimln -Mr. ..;-.,•: .Mrs. juiui KislipatiKh

..._...... •: —~. — JiUiibl m Hi... m l ...... --J 7..... , ". fur 111.- K..sKr-vii.-a|lui!; -swill] ill lilf 1«:-,:,„,:|lt of t ll r "111. Mf E"""' I101'-"1' ••Mi«»Uil .'III ail kllJOncl!- , , •', ' *".-1-'"""»- l" r"( -1 •llli«l 1.- " M IV U'a-i ..T pi.Jli:rc^-jayilU...iivli.,.,.i't;... .,-r..v:-';-'-;;;*di;'-pr«= ~

Si W; 0 1 loWlL.nifi,««;..,,li..nW,,K;,!,e?,= n;!n. . j i,..'url rjsahj^;;-.;. ;.;.• — -,'';...T~--W : "i"V:«r USli-Iiiii.i.,. Jibs Simpson, at "^ '.; •,,••-. : .'.,,'il.V"~S :#'»"Sff^r M- "Ih •" lr aVi i ' '"""".feH-'"""'^-"-^ "?; '"^l-W-n'riwii/rKim-ivlllch ho lnunmfwf-' "'" 1 1 J u «S^;^B«iiim. l^ascj-.. .. i.r.A^.cfi-.ffli'iSCuK.Tf.;';?."™!.™' .:.-^ , UU!H .!kJiU_KUrU!Dlai;,nlBlit^_^:— 1..,.i liK.-lMwii ;Co.Jia™;.«ioaai..i..,i ,1,...... ,.is!.-rr=|r,..,.,-..^^..^/-.!.' >"'•.."-M; ilj--soc 'llirin>!t.|v<.<"i.Vf..i-.i»'ihey (lit'."; f,.,.,.,] sil,,,. .,„ ,, ,lnv ,,,,-„.,,.,. ., ••

.12 Orr";77n^T™BT'OTnTm^^ >vork .ai.uut tin, hlast Tanii,.... : il,,. I'onlann st.-ui,',,,'- T|,,. ',vri,.'|( m,.st Alllimiirll Llia.l s i |I:H i saiil, 'Noil- i thoalur .MrHiicoi-raKloi, miMitloiipd* II,.

: u u! 1: i j! t 1 1 111 1 ycyor (llhis.''im*: ye don't Bpeott [ini!;:c-r,;;3!^";,.ili'-iiiilc-f ,;i-i7\-Vn."- tiv"i':::'r "i>Y';. ^:'' r' "'' ' '?•::•» '">-; ii,,. I.UI.M.: r,,;,\i ",.„'• •X.r.dJz .. "'..•.,:;:;:,.,:....;.. •;.•.••;•,•.:;;:•,'-.•• : .' ' '."i I:.'.'.', ..:'. •;Jffi"'. 'L ' • •'• :"'•" 'i'iiern,v,s. sin.riiv .ifi.-r !:.• ,,,.,it;in- • I.I< i. , , • ... '..""• -nn' licit ,;yor -.vnix'o,. !-.iifr iii orhc-r ro-'j rriin-.-s'^j-oM in ironi. ..V th- TUU ''Eppcts yo't'c nolicitor than Ionian!"- I Airs. :i; "'"S«

1 .-c\ ^Q _ tiMihk'K )y strciiBtlicnlnK tlio Mdnc so Ihoy \!ill atrnlii, out tlio ,,vlra acl Poit.v^Prlm^'riie.v; tell mo you are a J .; y Sill. FAnMEH^-Lct tliii gtnr, prlnl _. ., ..- ,.".'.uhuuin, Hill LII11L ' , ltl i S : ;: dlsslijatcil yi.titiiK mini. Sow, 1 sup- :lopes and proscription is my pot fnvnrile, and i ~ ; ::f e you neywr see tlio stm rise. : . ..v.v. .-.••.• L..^- s.(«n II™. .put-n I ivi'v; -MinMiiy oveiiiny: from whero.^ if,. ]• • <-- •"-•**»:.':-C'T ""^:- 111V " "^ aiiower .on April ]si. t mucmuch'morh moree than you arc now nriv- i " -' I fi'-om morning to night, MHidT 'r>nn^h if ini'-n','.' V,, *i! A » ;, • // • \ \ s P tlm kl /7 : ,_ . Kaplddo-Ko; I don'l; stay up.iqiilte I returned to the oily 6r, Momlny. Mrs, 1 ••'• ''—"-»'•• "• -• • , '«!, recolvcl . 2»a. cnnls in nil.' In 'n'neg fofor ththeo WaftVbtfvoiopes Thiswill onlyn fine hour rest" ' " , ^u if, ..?take, n" 'i"n time.*' " •-- .._ . ># ' •V.i :i 01 b b> re l n " " echoe«ciiocdd ththeo patientpatient.. "Wliy^"Why;'' ' J- i ^:-v-,. -•--•y • . „ :- • .-..-..,:,; 'dnys'ViBit. v 4, •' T;.: (.World. t2^iL year !n..n,lvftnc« • other her home and Is handy-and looks more^buslneas like L .il ^'"-f, T^ ":^ . ^ STAU. WASHINGTON, N. jn THURSDAY. Armi, 8,1909 clnliiiPrt. IM he Inokwl at her !a iHimii'iit. • , • :• m.oo.MKiintv. "If you |I.L':ISI> until I cjiru'iirit mn, IIwremor'n' clillilivii with .Krl|i. I II.V ilf.ll-" "." '• iMissi f:h.«li-r Suilili: i» "Kill l*n'( il fur 111U in .sjiy':" l]<"»|-w pliiml 111 his . Mr::. II;:v.-|; lutn h : •^•:|I iliiys irllh ll.'l' n "Hasler" tasler Regats Hats S3.50 (oSl.50 By AMTA WENTWOKTII, I II Mill ii-'"tire. 11yliW In |.u//.l.' it mn.! •''•>llf|.T- VIi(lt thir •ilr«t u't ihl.' w^'u. m^. yil«|j|.-.l; lHr\ Ui .W.>,:i,i ' !!•• ha-Iu'l Ih.' t.iain |M.iv,T 1«t-ilo h! I /•"!"• nrMl^MrivX.S. fi-ltl- HiMii Fourth and Northampton' Streets 1 - .... _ .«Ji!iry iv.v-i 111.-11 .in HI [>II/,/.I,IU ii'' win i" t" -! 11.... I,...,.. . 1 •MI ..... t._ • 1 .: _ :. •'.-.. --• EAST0NrPA.:;;•:::.:: t il , Air.". Minim* 1ST ill and IH ' tti-luj; at- flllhei ml MIIII;. i iciukil I'v Dr.1 Orowllim ..f W'.HI I'ur- : I The name uf I In- llnu was Jlnu'vuluv -rin tl |.« rai-v my • tat. ' iV Xnn, hut every "or:l uf " •;":«!,.•.•. L"\ ftf,»1". Imvc'ft. Wlial il'Vy«.u tliltikuf ttiatT|'I- «•• I'lckW irn in ;t hnsin.-ss lirmynluw k\w\\k tliiii. ilu- -tdii mi ."iM.'jir me. lilrk, Inu 1 twin' yt>Uiiiv] Ull-V- ..| An Exposition of the Real J » ; liail iiilicn him in wlili.'iii \<M nli 0:1 ymi you'd bettei ili.-.-bai-e ii ; TIIOKIIK\ is, of .coui'so... most im- i Mi' \ras :i inf Mil ..-I- i.r tlirwVllllw. "Oh... sec heiv. (I:;.I." said IM li Ululrko "t Xnz.utth : i.inseil piviini'tly. -I 'jii.w thai shf Isn't any-; rfi'tunhty nlii:,' ami Simihty nt his I II lull I-I*I h!* rnllu-r Sr.ll.niifl t" and Top Coats. portant..••-.Then, there's the • hidios thhiL' «r Hint* kind, imt I <-an't inal;.'! "'];. .' • ; ,- • . .' 1 • j / • 1 j.llitl< Himl TIH.IlO lilM> 1]iri.'Si;ll trust;! 1l1 iit.iilImilltl ilIII.HIl IllrV. : : : : IKVMHI.: She «;;„', ;:.. ,nn -ui IIIIM-II «r f ,v;;. "i, ™* eli List S:ttTjr- I h'js hard to appreciate how great "'is the variety of styles tr> iiu> tbcat'i" ivhh. nw» or aeet'pt siny .bi>vnri.-n sln:islmp In :iti am t'i'i-1- li-oiii size) eclijise almost nil else. otin.'i- favtirs." ('••IlStilll UtMl oi* tJIrn Oant- In be ibinitl here, unless you make an investigation—there liifj n-lilt i-c|ii':il:int «-li"ii his r>irlii>r ini- n-r IIIIMII* .Closely following comes Unit event- "Yfiu sliniildn'i hiivf.' 11,-ifcwI her. '-,-s (rip tn thlrt [i!;n.'.; nidiiici-il ilK' I'-'irMii'i'Sliiii anil IMIEUI'H! Dlek," said Mr. HmwMluU'NliTiiIy. "At i,,-, \V<--\\*(»iii;in—HKKI tlua lime wlien Hie wliole house Pick I1111I IWII lislnir II.,. nill,.,' us :i rs. .1. *. Pleiil... ; Wliatevev y»ur special uec-d, be sure that it will be met BOl'i o( "imiiyniil" fur tun ,,r throe singular. I'm afraid Ihni^shc Is all.>- Mrs. ,1. M. I'.i-i.inley of Hallway lias' jrcihor inn .-lHnietivo to yo*i,V . InK-es:i«hiiK-n-iip nnd, II yank, which - lllolilhs mill li:ul ill hist :ulv:itiri'(i 111 "•I hit'. .1. <.'.-'ijotisle.':; hmi^c on! • 1111 «i.t i-uinpli-tci;- litiv. ' Von 'may pay ;is little as $ro.- What- '•NVnv. d;nl."* said Mr. Sou^irownl.nv • llailroad siiys. conic., out... nt once, dirt ! ; tilt! inwlnws ivurlil 11. Hi.' iiultit wli.'i'i' 1 1 1 ever you elert to pay you will find our showing represents the prompily. "that ;: 'tint falrjj'o tir-r. I .UIKSI.'J'S. ,;,:. rl;iv>!: "f Miii-ifn's Crr;?l: f I I hi! iimlil iii.-liiiiivlrilsi' mi iinli'i- l.y mail Glorious , time, hut conic"• il, must, sinii-ly u:nitL-dt(. make •;;,;!•; fo«?l --.m- "' "J i-:aster with her pimaitH. j finest tailor work and the most distinctive styles lo be liad at: I ami almost hlnir I hi.' "I.I nllli'i' in.iii:isn- r.Mr/;,n .Mrs. O.'M. llrnvk. forlablc. iKfiHHo-'lirc-iMiM—wcll. IIHH:: f Mr. i v liki' tuxes, you know. I fllld Dlhcr i'ln|il' d .Mrs. .lohn lilssey expect on! the prices or anything near the prices—$10 to $25. • , ft, it-.t l.wau.vo xhe's -s«> .•..nfiMliidcdly | Friday start on iin extended visit! prood innkhiL'. as she U. hut bc-aus.! to New.ul; mi.] I'last .vlriinjie. : .Instil word, lutlies. Wlion ;;ybu i TIH-H iii<-ni.-.i iinn. Youths' Suits $S t S22. in1 son iiiiirht In II:I\"L' :i sti.'iiiiur:i| she's a inlirht.v nice *-iiI." .r. fliv.-n Koblilas'or I'lilhiilelphin . i!o hike the ru»s mid carpets up, ; nil to hlnis"ir. iiiul mi ailvi'i'ilsciui'ii ^"ine Junior |>;irinehs -. tiifirhi bav.- was til.- Lru.-st over Tuesday Ill^hl of Hoys' Suits ...... Si.50 to $10. .Mr. .in.l .Mrs. .Ins.. !.. Crevellnn. I was ai.Tiinlhir'l.v hisi'i-k-il. Thcl-o wen Klvcii It up. but nii-k w.-iililn't. -lie and lind you need to replenish, we j fi'll (hal he had hc<wn ilo'vn and Wf\t..r. om; of our Lard woml I Children's Suits .. ... $2.25 to $7.50. Imiilii'riiieii of tile "Sweet i IIollow" I would like to liiivi- yuu look at i]iV--7""r forty-nliif- mi-w-.-i-s. • nn.i. 11 «-iw f,,rliunillfii; it lie wanted to kn<>' ", . ''...• ' ; I>[<-!; li, lu'l-lisis tin-ill :tliM'.-:i!it tn t:i!a>. paln»ni/.iiiu-. tit K I he liad Iteeii roliUlTcil. • ijoiui.. is sin-iillinw simii/tl'ii'ur-wViii* li or Special Kxtraordhmrv— / . f Roller Skates Free Wl1 e 1 Wu'vc nlways kt'|.il a liirgo.^stook, I III! Ililll 1'IVC. Of 111 will at tin' i.f- Ilo bad broken a .rnultiloti of the i imri'iits. .Mr, ami Mr*. Thoo.:',M-.-lick. i\. J . ' '' yciy Koys Suit. I tk't' illltl dlOSff Ml« Mills 1 ause sh.' Iimiso in sccklliix tu Ii'i-rt'iiSf a naw-> ' Jl^ UnrliH Atpnti^h W •* rfturiuid you know that already. lni:\ we ; „,,.. llu, ,„.„, UmMill! ..f lhi> In!. It was ,o,norv Si>l,,ry „,„! r. lv,,l „., tlm..l<-j ^VrZll?u™lZto'kL™Ti luive al, the present time the largest j nii.-k's idea timt gi riil looks forini'tl ll!lsis Jnon, evoiiln, ,„. ,,,,s,,,,,,l h.nwnlf 1 ../\!ZJ^Z ^VH'^"'^ brightest and i.est stocked eari.ot j"'" •.«f:.«t«»v-".'i'ii.v «".i tyl,,- nt Miss .Mills- iHinnllni; Inniso • lit'iii j «i>--'I'lilllliwliiii-it nlt,-li at-hooi on i.'rl-1 •Os , , • .-'.-.:-.-,.', wrHlli'.-. His I'alliiT iljil'i't :iu-i'i'L' wltli 'iii-U-il fiii- iiiiiv ilu uas iwciwil in Ui... '•">"• • ' •' " •'. • ' \ :llC|)lirtlllCnt WO CvfelJ.Juul.-1 A, profit him, liui iii- ili'i >i»l:u-isii"io iiimnlm.T j nny iirL-'nmcn! into lln.> piii-liiiM-shlp uirliir. mid .Miss .Mills'.-nmi'ilutvii wllli | »'"*<••« Ai-Mllla ami • Aniiu ' liaivk pleasure to show you when you are 1 h r nM I tlnit mklil sliaiii :]iu yiiiiu^,' tnuli'rf i<> niluT lien tlinn Unit ho tail ••••nil; I:,"" """ "VE.. 1"" '•'"'"hom e o"••""'rnn aSlMn i NATIONAL MINING & LEASING CO. rendv to see them. I bn.ili. S.. Miss Mills miin-tirvU on .11 •with hail lu-ws. He lii-nniiod alM j st cc-l'liilli .Moluhty inui-tiiu^ anil lii'iran IIWI-II f.11- a flint; mill tlti'ii tli-cw a lonir j Th,. Miss Tc.inlinson ami Vliet Unc of the Largest Mining Companies in the Country I liur WMI'IC. rralli mill fii'Killi: inn- miililim iisidi'niMn IiMprnvr.'iiicMit- .j Allliimi,"h lly was tlie.Jnilloi- pai-lui'i'. '-.MISS .MIIIS. WOUld It Ilil i|II.V.(!UOll lO 1j I"..!.'".'.-!:HI tu"1 !,''.'.]M''>t»"i't! y 1 onily inluM'itfHl • frrim Ktiriliii T. VIlet. Mines and Mining Properties T.oc-.-itetl in the Following States: niDUTTTlDE I IJIL''; lIul'THlllttM1 Ht IlllfU tO'tlfUVe |(l nsl; ron to i.") !o tlio (lioaler with tn< 1 1 I GjiiieH Williamrttiti of Blair HnII"it's Missouri;-Kansas, Arkansas, New Mexico and Wyoming. ! Komi niirlit" townnl IIIL la>l of th 1 .s])i>ndlim ih>- KjiNt*M" vacation with his . J?« ii,™^ I >'"• >" " '"= '""- "'">• «<--l'»vl«lg«l 1 & CARPETS lii:r rij,'lit to live, but thai bo was ratli- fleok'j" i parents. l!cv. IKK! -\Ir.«. Albert Wll- er j,'lml.slie--wus alive. "[•111 afniitl IIMI." sin* iiiHw.'ivd. I llnnwi.11. al jlio V/iuiso. Over Three Thousand Acres ot Mineral Lands 1 | ui u ll B il w llnyfS That aiti'i'iiUDii the Son nf Iti'dwiilow "P.iit I can't make y L t " f"" Washington, N. J. c & .Sun (liclatod two leiiors and spent rust. it. p. to Iimeli willi in«': you vo- j ft PXypiflfu* <•!',,"*, "!n The superintendent of'-ouc of the properties reports three iho rest.of Ilii! Liiiic* in patronizing hi* t' a raist.- uC salary; yo efuse loi.t thi.' ownur. THIS STORC CLOSES eVE/tlNCS Af-'S O'CLOCK hundred thousand tons of lead and sriiW'ore on the dumps to | steno.siftiphur.. He asked many (HII>S- ^O to I 111.' Llll'iltci*. \Vi!l ,Vi'lLj(.'lln •y SLOIIL' nnd two chllilrnn.f ! tlniiR- iimi n'liHpil;-s<»tiM''"f-his n-lvcn- reduce, to which is b-ing added three hundred tons daily; .' Hires. •• •• Twenty-fourth dividend of one per cent, per mouth paid to 1 !. Jt wti«_UiiH that he soutrlii. .to convey. the stockholders to March first, nineteen hundred and niue. ' 1 lltu KILTI Uiai siuiioi,'i-!i,i»tiyt-\viiiU; look* 1 od at in n-biisiliLess way by some. Inn " a soMiil Ride, to his mind. •• ..tlOll. l Of US. husy at tin- .1. W. Deliart l'strm. Rrii'KKi'.xci: • COM.MI;I!CIAI. HANK AND STOCK KXCIIANGET j WII.-IL noon enmu In; foil that be bin "I liad two places befon- 1 cairn1 to ,T. S. PleUIt; last week received - ii nifilKii 1110nt ot'vMiiloiiL1 farm wagons. Also I made LiiMttt'i'.s so pleasant that lip rteyou.'lmt I iiad to pive thorn up liecausc j *•' fn addition to its mtpi properties, the National has controlling •-•cldtyl to ask Miss Mills to lunch will of just sudi flatlery .'H ymi have ia1- j ,• Groff & New in/ere'/l in the following companies: . ; him. Sho looked him sedately in thestowotl upon me. They worv not sut- j " j\v; orevelin^ has heoii •' Picture ;..r>yi's ami refused pnlitcly. 'Chore hai isfled t'.» let me do as irinul work as 1 the infrinr of hi; cii by plac- Announce important s.p.ies^chrough- L Window Mountain Copper trilling Company, Demiug, New Moulding . j l)oc 11 an rxpivs.sii'.Ti in IHM- Cm:u for a coul,^..IdT fu•!• r._ . •(-.. » '.....- weeki.. 'I •- i ' r t nl-wuiid.;nM.u.i_,...... i-n... i lli"..-i-ulii mill hav- out the entire store for this weeK. I moment, however, us if .she [nli.>nd<> must ?:ive ii'p my place with you for uly papered and Mexico. Capital, Si,000,000. Copper and silver. ml and the exterior .. nowly "'•""to ^'i otl('< id resign 1KM* plaep 011 the same reason." jmintod. Jerjey Bell Copper .Mining Company, Grant County, New- "io S Cents tlio spot, lint evidently her glance at "Rut I don't see It." replled'Diek. qil>I>cr will be (riven in Mexico. Capital, Si,000,000.:. Copper and silver. . a Foot rfnuik. hAimst faro overcome till: Miss Mills looked at the youn? man the lootare re mi of the SI. R. church .and .iier'-cived ;timt he really did not A pril 1 f, The Wyoming Oil and Development Company of Wyoming. .:;'!'!! of~tlie buyiliy"pYililic-is-'- "sec It." Very patiently inul In 'a to,,,' the niiKpicos ot" the Ladles' Industrial •--•••:.•••- Capital, Oil, coal"and timber. junlni- pnrtnor was^Lshcd. Union. KICKS furnished in any style ilue to the faith in our goods and prices. All To do llitt injM tie was', nor Indiir- not nt all unaryy , she replied: . denin'.tilculrinl.. Al-Alll arnroe Invltuinvited to attendattend.. - Joplin Reduction Company, Joplin, Missouri. Capital,, Lead and zinc.,..:. -_ . the up-toylate, all the latest j>atlcnisiii ,,, nant.-hut lio ;\V:IR piqiicd. ••Yniir nr... the Jniiloi- lmrlncr;. hi. till' _ ,Th.. i.tiblic sale.of some househoM : Tin.1 seliiat-k marie hini. iissiime inpn house. I IIin yotir stenoijnii.ller. Yon | ^notl.s .il' -\lr^. Ann Smith was woll at- One-third of Kathleen Mining Company," of Missouri! •Capital ditrnity lirilie aftcnioon. ainl If lie"wiv wiliif'ne to so to tlic tlicaier•WHU yotlrj lunil'iil 'lu»l' Biitnnluy iirternuuti, fair ; ;• S5P,poo. Lead and zinc. .^ „.\1...-.._.. --,.^_ - Summer~i)rNess -Goods, Ladies' "not trlntl or It Miss1 Mills"was;' "It' \\\\\ ^^,,1,1 ^.lany/peop^tiiiM-e thatf^J^'K'^SnSS'V K two days bulWii Ilio Invitation was ru-knknoow yuyou. . \Mio am Itt \otir stenofrf - |l]G roomR of ^,rs, Smith nncl >vilI oc. TWENTY.l-'ll'TH DIVIDEND of ONI-: PER CENT. l>er Month Shirt Waists, Collars, etc., etc. newwh and as prumgitly reCiirfed, ami ' W d h hik d cupy the SHUT in the near future. r'tipliei\ What would they think and v~^ ,.1'uitl to Stockholders APRIL 1st, t!K)9 thun ho oijscrvod: sayV Terhaps nuthln^-to-injure you - CommimUm ervlce.s in the Presby- are here in^-ieiu variety. You will find all terian chiii't-h "Of course nut if,vou don't wish to. socially, but how about me?:V% on Sunday morning. .. tlie.-rich; woolen fabrics,beautiful- new- cot-; One membo? was added to tlio church Send for booklet A, showing some fiftv views and giving \w\i I-.Ltn'i**t; foiifftss. Hint. I -.can't make ^".Miss Mills,'' said Dick^ettluff up on prniVssii-m-nr'.faith, nnd. 2S...others .tons,;etrecti\'e white goods—:the best kinds you out.""' 'and preparing- to' "gor "I see nowwor. e rct'L'ntlyi taken in on profession [ - .....- .. . descriptions of:thejproperties;---^rr^.-r"--:'f::rrv-;r"-:r---- "I mil hore iiij W'iiojixnplier and type Thank you for the lesson. You have of faith, which Is very encouraging at phenomenally low prices. . writer, am I notji!" slile asked. :: made me realize somerhinir. :uul that to the pastor, Rev..A. D. "Williamson. Address, 211 North Avc, Plalnfield, N. J. soinethintc Is that I mils'; seem to you ;Tlie highest 1 ipricis "Ami H!ive^"i;;:ayy fault to find with like a pompous fool: And I am a pomp- "I'd Rather Die, Doctor. COMIC- AND -SKIv OUR 'BEAUTIFUL my --work thus far?" -.- . C-. ous fool,, for I confess that I thought than have my fcot cut off,", said M.""U allowed Bingbain of" . P.rlnceyillc, III. "But : •»>j.v.-.L,r(v.':-»!r••"=..-••- ™.^r^-T7T5.„_-.;.„7 -y-you'll-dic-froirrsiinsronQ'Ol,'n-dic-froirrffansrono-(whic- (whichh had NEW "LINE- OF- WALL PAPER. lor "country I \o^\yn\r^ ...... /n.ltliout/waltlns for a .reply, he bade | e^ton awny -eight t"sol:....Aim_ tn slndyinR .'!'.wo•njnkcs-^T.I .Sim. - -g;~ for goods .._..-..,_ ;,... t^..^^. Oo M ILII nn i-.\- j:HOreSi jiotls, Burns and • l'iles astound tue 1) rob It; in. lib AviTai^riot a ecu s to mod t 1 i r |t 1 f nrossionlusit face, but when the duor j the world. 25c at Jenkins «fc .Meeker's. • 9jJi.9J!. s- .' i' J . !iVl..,»nything --by—any- dosed bciiiiui him'she hurried tohp'r|;;' :- ••'-—'•'.——•'.•»•• • —-—_.•..'...•..;.•...-. body. It was 'ii" real relief to himroom nnd sobbed bitterly. I COLUMBIA. wlicn dually ho,.decided that -the- girl ...Tlwt she cqukl not roiimln with the { {Continnod on paqo 10.) •;•, stoiid- iii awe of-iiii:rbL'i:ause™he"was tinn-wns-u- decision-tlisit she -ramie r •• Sif^-j.'-'c: W6llcr.'"""whll6'* staying' the junior partner of the house. It without m'truniL'iil. Indeed, sheJio^-L with her rather, M. W.. Weiler, pnr- jseemed. |p hint nnly Uindtlmt ho should tiilwi.nexf.tnnrnlii^.Bft tn.wiietboir^A:ch, li ; dissiimte/that nivo."' ' "." •"""; ;1^1;,1.;,;. mc£eWJol ,h \VIl]iamO'^'''' e' 'owTi"iiae.' ' '-^~'P: Irs. iM. \V. •\Veller ami Mrs. J. C. | fs good printing. Poor printing, ij'in the ; •'iAr'>iio:1oii(l:n1f1iui6t|iet;i:woGk hb"'hiade spent, hist''Tiiurs'day 'at Pen It his businoss' to overtake her on the nor sensi' oE"tlul'y conqnet'nd. When Arsyl with..It'. ' ~^tJlrs . SamuelC^n«««.«^l , lit^l.l|,,nWeidnmnH . !| • • -..,. , ' form of a circular^ booklet or catalog, usually Ing wlih the utmost respect, ho said:' attoinpt to help her off 'witli'"iier veil relatives in Stroudsburg. _, , . Easter Post Cards :r"SliH3, Mills. .1 •'. fl'loild • Of lllillO Will") mill (!(Kit, ns he liiid tried before. Iti- printed advertising matter pleases _,the eye, ..- ' ""\s pnliipfto'Vlib thealoffonlght with rds, Booklets arid ^ t steml lie morely suld "Good morning" GRIP VICTIM lioldsr. the attention and is usually preserved iiiis." iilycn . me. the. Wouldn't - Prosontly, ho.?toi)po(l-.tu.her-side_n.nd-!:ItL^toiie( .Ilenlih. i\n(l_Siro.i:^.ih_ J_»y i- ""' for reference. " " •"" "-V-^^:' '^ : "", JI.-. y6ii"like to acconipii'iiy" ino?" " -^ ••begi'm Jo dictiite. 'Who'll he was don'o j vinoL.Ai'lt:t£--\H -.'.pilujr'-Meiiiis"."ilii'd I.' .:„.'.., Good- Pt'Ojlpig- £Qiyjof^he~~dane by paor--hrj}^*^ _• .-» I—T have iinothef-ehiTJijjenieiit^i'slio he"lfbsitated ;ind:%ilid:T\ ": •™^"7"1''1'*'j1'-:™1^jii«i;*^:"\\™ ,„ 173*5^.77.31 T -'-'•"- :-s>'*>"••"„*?' '< :cr.-cau^ oa^ipr;Kterspradue&-gdod"~~~- •id' aiid l)m;iiiiso lief know it W'RSjmoro_atid7.for.the last tii:ie_to_n_ppr |__1*i|OE/i-:ss()K HICKS' S'l'OHY. '.:IiCb.iK_var[etj:iaiiil bcautiful'desipw.;. v _-. ,:wprk_wilhpoor facitm^. .,."._, i^.,.. - "-.• ; \ "[ snfforedj^ront :i suvure iittacl; of Prices, ic and upward. * "Oh—ah—I see. It's a great play." Miss Mills, who imd been-.trjiiig*'to tho grippe;:\v"n"leh leit'me in ,« wiuk- The Star printing establishment is admitted 1 .'1 thank you just.tho same." . tacli the point of iiresentlnij iicr res- ent'd •••tioiuHtiOn .. with bronchitis," !! by all who have a right 'to know Id be admit'-., -*ihrit was another, surprise foruMr. soreness In my chost imil-a hacking I^MIILLUI'iiiitioLn ^'(JtlJ—.IL4IUJ111aiiii'-.i'iiulin^'-i; -it \ ver^tjlh>y ' havdU4UU.. ably equipped for practically every sort of Dink' Itrownlnw.-but he didn't turn on auc' her own imilgtlitlon at,her- coug'l^ - I tricdt,.il.ii'i'iiront-,'iuns ; and touk, neai'Iy^Vci-y Uinil of cough hlslieel with the* incnlal threat to dls- self, said "Yes" almost Inuudibly.-^ ;. "book, catalog, commercial and job printing, oli] on thmarlcut wltlioiuget- Bookseller\and Stationery , chnr.iro the "tippy" svonoi:ra]>hor in;tlio "Then," • said Mr. Dick Brownlow HOl'llinj;. .. .• . -J'I ,.. LJ.'irr.;..;- "tiii'g uny-y' p-pt ivlief. • I saw (^ ^qiiipmeiU hjxs^been improved during the «e bnivrly, "I M'ill nsk you uot to resign, t _2 3 7 -i She was a new kind of'jrii'l to. him, as I kno\v .vuviJntciHletl1 to do,' I could -yur cud liver aiul iron proparfitlon— fias't ffifteen months by the., expenditure of ... :., ~""~^^7^'Eastpnfi Pa. hill, he wnHplnylti- f fr. • He'd • i .Vinr.l— nilvtjri ini!.!.... ijn.'V.'l^'i'liH^.tfiJix t n "seel ii *ii r'yon;:-j'ji(j6 •(.liisrmorniujjT—ir- It it, and it'coinpl'ctTly'.ciirod -my bron-" ['•'almost $j,ooo for. new machinery, dnd-^ina- watered 10 to fi fhu't^ she would jump will maki; you Vnuro conit'orcaUlp, I will cblal trpiibly and roKtorirnl- my at the _ciiancc. and ^ly.^she'didn't ii!r«.l.i> lmvp'you trnnsfoiToU'to my;- slrciiKLii^n o.iiiiioi.'.y-y^.too. ir.i;c!:::-£or.. T 1 jump pti/ixiod him. v:Il'c t'miUl "only -lay t'V^i'.'you \\"uuld"i6r£ :;V'lii'6l","rris .I'TeWiViyirines'i'iressiblo ben- j r ufcu!lns ofinwn.-^TIo hadn't: "eflt frb'm_---iis.'uso.' iuu! 1 consider itJ- jVhen you'arc m'}lf^nuv keijb7~'ayiyihii^'m-'--;^ l 1 1 •i^oiuitl do liTe tbot honor of trust- l!i!liflM7h-yet?r~~^''" i>''-;_^ . ..oiin of. tho..trrfinii>sl.-.!ilossiucs..cvcr_ofr.l.._ ...-...-.-///{<. •hyJ-nf:ii>g-J>>!f.\/pw'wiij^i^^ lills went to hi:r duties'next 7or^d'toWoT""iip/Tir?t7^:''n:1Hipit8,l-|"_ you will not ninke a misfciko by stay- : How About Your Fall Stationery wondcrlns !f she would bo Miiplcsvllle,' Alii. •'••• "y ' . ; i" class ofze>orkivd--utri~:ilo -and to gnie^youy ing In my own odice." •• Tlio g'.'ippo invariably leaves in^its told thai Isor services were no lonscr an estimate. ;. required, buf^ibthinjr of the sort await- The girl louUeil? at him with eyes iwaki,* a wenUoncd. Hin-down eondl- moist with (C'irs. "1 will stay,;; srikl she, itlon of Lho sy.stem. . Vinol Is guar:iu- \M, us quulu ymi-pridiss by mail:: or;; If in imsl-o, by ide- ed her. Oti thcconlrsiov about; nild- 1 r { J 1 , y Six. montli-s aftorwii'vd : (h"ii-" .Sbii - of leed to restore the snfCorer to heatth piunR orr » rt-jifTiSLMitiiUvrt-jifTiS tiiUvn will culculll , rjitqbi/ L U fforenoon, h' sho" had written li'ii stylo. rownlqjv _& Son entored tlio. private and; strcaKt!;Kirir,d-to-buiUl, .up • an'tl The Star Mcrgenlhater Linotype, one, Sfth", mosi V''junior create' strencth fur old pooplo,, doli- }na>-veloiis., ijivcntiotis o/Jhc age, by which type is How Is yiniy r sLoc^k of r.oltorlu'adsoruad,, llinvolopcsi r JJill- Tic-u oi'-ui^MuituTiT'Hio firm and said: ".KniWr. tbnt, Miss Mills didn't ox- i\it<> (iliH(lreiV'"aiHl weak, debilitated -cast automatically inslcadrof being set by hand., It mls Stati'monts..Stati'monts . Taj'sTa', s CunlsC, l oLr.L? ?. If Iftoyiir th^o i 'Miss JII11-. I • lluii your poople.-.-_-.i?o Pure arc^we of-this-rhat li»\v, kindly.'loL u* lunv. ymtr ordcv-Oiicly. • Sn'tis- actl.v try to gei: n bolil on me, but she we. unhtis'itntincrly sny plve Vinol a is not,employed constcnt/y, ''nnd we are open to con- iLiTd " " --•^ jlUwork ,y;i, \ •salisraclionliraclion.. Iinsonc for nil that, •ami 1 really ihink "hiitl fro'ny;thls time on your salary will1 trial. Tl^you 'think it doj>s you no good. tracts for printing bocks, law briefs and other pub- ^_.~~, i :'11 Jin \-e to (a l;c, li i;r In I o... t h e. li r i«, ;.wo- -A\;Hly;bC«iHl.yoiii' tiio.ney,'\vl!!:- ^jULViUiced Troiih$12:to-.?lG .a^wccU.'.~ 1 t •-•-,.--Jication;iio^k^:-:-^^^^,j---^-.,^\^^:^ IJ [l"miil;o It"Rrowniriw",' Son" &"l^JTugbT' ^Mk ^lW "Hut; I enn't _eani $l(i a week—not jter." . ^'"•1 r .' ., .,..;,--..•• •' _,; The Star Press Prints "lltd^ TT: ;' r/icoi.! I drr i~ wn ii'rbc. lietter Tpnrtn er.v; snl.i-thi' ~'-8Uiii'-ttnu™Tiiil'iti-IR- >v oek--Now-i 6rjt;!™r- -G World, $2,00:a'year. ; • • c _ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N J, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909 a»frminnniiiiimiiiiirn~. Miss Mary Bowman Is visiting Ini ] I New York. Mr. and .Mrs. J. 13. Meeker wor« [PERSONALS { J." B. Hitiiiptuti iiiid will ilovote liis visitors lit Xc>v. Vork yebter lii-iiM-iiold, If ilif story of un A WMk'i Record of ttte xiovrnirnl. AIM. - 1'ittrtck" Dairy, Is . lmprovi..0 , ,,,,..,,.U.K imh of tU JVopI* Vou Knew-1-..-.l ironi a severe niturk of iiilliiniinaiory I . ., . , Ewit* of ihc Su D«»i Diirfly riiiMimtutmn... l'.'Mrhp - - >,. ,.;.;•] Chtoniclfd lot Quick Pf ruml ; MH.I'.J, Lsn.iwn .or..Cortlatsd, X. V.. .), .(,,,i,;i.. .,.',!,.'.!,• • ii"Ue!iu!ir Am j \\'.v a visitor ut htf "W hmne liuru] uvrlm-s.l.iy ot hcxt wivk.

Not.Too Late to Get That New Easter Suit Yet!

| ilut I,,;, |{||[, Come to us until 10 o'clock Saturday night and we will ; mure than yimr iii..n..yV wi.rth of! ...„, .,<•-.,, . ,„. ..,, ,,....,, , . ., „ • ;iimisem..iu, liy .•Ltl.-n.lmir tin. enl-r- i "9 •'"•"'l " •'>'""'" ."•»''"'»' "• fit you correcdy in any style you may select. The cele- M- •'• "• >l>--\l"rtrlo nf ' laiimivnt In lliv i)|»jrn: IIOUSB to- i --JT-.——^—•-- brated "Atterburys" are here in all the newifabrics and a - j ' Conscientious Dill. [ m ii: wide range of colors to,select from. Then the models are , ...... - ... • ., .,, -, ,\u.,,,,,.,; •,im;V,'",«rMiM" ""' ^ ' ""' >v-tenJ;iy afcntrd thu; "Hill had cfinr:.'c of Hit* iinlinnl tent." •Mr. and Mw." J.m Dnoimi* of Mor-i ft^^ Mio old H,MH man. ",111,1,,, just right: snappy style for the young men; conservative L l u •litown h;no h*vn hen' for t. couple: , : , , t, ; ,"x ^mvr'of ],|8 rlKiu; • >• '"- .^^''Jl p/ ^'' * '. ^> j'he W» pots WJIS :i lctM«m!. the only one MV style for the older ones. ' ^; {;, r:r H„,„,,,1,1, ,!,,,!,,«. amiqimc cno..,- When you have once worn an AUerbury, you will hot Th0 |,:u,KiUV,,.,|,a unilr.ui.l Is in-1 'oo. TMs li'upard fare mil more tron i!t0Ilts ni i'.irty t-n.lorvil Mr.-, i:ii?li;ml •:,."i'"£ vm ' 1 '." tlio •• *.TnHoM*\n- fcle Hian nil 'he rest of ihc menn|:cri be satisfied with any other. It's the hand-work that makes u h-.-r • honu- i.n S.-vriiio-nih : ''I..:Nl.\v ^ i!I;i-"'1 :itl(1 Mewirtflvim-. an.I them retain their shape; it's the "stay there" that pleases you. True, they cost a trifle more on the start, but in the ' • long run it is a great saving. See the special values we offer at $16.50, $18, $22 and $25. : : Several other good reliable makes are also here rang- Miss II; .... j ,vn ing in price from $5.00 to $15.00. Strictly all-wool, fast, •..ivitlr''^r::;:•';'-"•""'•=/ Mi the;-riie lP..p:ir.I ' l,r.... wnpwl. ITowlllic •Gen. Sai-ffiii. at .Mdittusu. color Blue Serge Suits here at $8.00.,,_ ., ....• , -..-.•• ^^^,//^',; :>«'••»•«)•• -'"-•.I VI I ,loV Mi>s l.vlla Skinner of."}\ir:C4 jVxi ".If Vl _ ._ You cannot find an assortment of Suits in this part of was an mw^u inlay. inie'M of > n«t .Momlnv . '"'I'lull 'wn- .Hut Illii- Mil!. Ili'Iiailto ill]-.' ';-;ii'M'.i'! \\*'j:;:e:: have1" tlii-; liaw .i-xplt. *• ;!il-*. lie didn't want • MM. Artluirir.t u l l !f • .ni.-. Arunir ILUMV:- »i «i tin, i>.; tn.: .VTit-'H unruJntrf Mildunery Co.. :: Ml*? Hi-.-.-l..I.ri Itaniumitatnnn , liuIrins ivHiynvc!iv-ji-.n,..! , 'to'mak, ' ",e a mMnli """ . • A\£< by us this season. Come make us prove it. at thy lonir distance toh-- J ; ami Mi>. iJVo. >, M,ntif.on. ( :i(h.: •:,.,;;- IHJ.JLI-..,.. ,;t,(ln l( l.-ctur-! plioiio *'.\L-hiinu.-. I.WIHK t" he- ap-* -lnimnhjii.-ly wirwl buck to'mil. ' ( i&5i 1 •---Mr*.- ]!.'iua»tm , s,;1iU. ....t. . Hi-jli .,i»?. i -.m at. HI..-. MLI'I.'US oilers, II.? j i.|-..n. liinir nuirrkiprc t-. Mr. Kiv.l U-n'- 'Shoot liliu <>n rh.' xtmt • I didn't tliinl- ^ii^

I lilt 11 W n nv;* •!;!!! .••">; ; • — .' , ii;irn.,.iu, ii..-.i <>zi Tuv.-J,^, ^.,i. oii' 'P'P."":" fr-nn "on-.-it'jtdnus.1 careful . .'^fogr 1 t ..durttidurtniK; tho-[»sth'. • last t ;vWEM'li i or tw.i, . • •• - ' ' • . v:r.;w. !K. ;.„•.•,, , -,v;v"~r.f ['•^-,| 15111. a^Iii!!- •WMrti ^not''11* i ' ','fv is complete with all the new offerings for Easter. .. ..t the liK'h?oln. .., OBSERVED CHINA WEDDING (acuity. • i^ I>;IPS!II.I: tiu1 Kasttr vao-t- j Rel.-.tivt- H.-.rdnccs of Precious Stones, i tlon at• hff•.IH'iiic . in...Ariini:t(t:',. I j :l.l..:i>lllii: !!..)• Miller (.f Hrn-i!..|i IVIIilnin. Miller ut riiilliiisl.iin . Tin- r-.l-sr;-,.- luinlncss uf • vnrlolis The Neckwear is unusually attractive ' • Mr.' PaviU lIurptliK' -H ut fr\'rn.IiiU>, j 1 - IJtl,. 'l-jniiy Hie r^nni: ViM;ni'.'. -;il| fimenil u-ill l,<. hel.l sanri.l .. : stem-; I e.i-ily ileiei'iiiliV.v] I.y t'.-lh!.;.'J 1 1 the 'Washington-pui'Ik sch-iijis. ^ SJitunki.v lOv ' (lie p.'u..|- "I' I>II." stoiH' to inilki j The Shirts are new and for every occasion -Mr. ati.l Mrs. J. H. •\Vrh:ht sui.l I .hri .Sl.iirif.- has 1111.V1..I (mm tl.' scrnk-iies The Hats are pleasing all. Plenty of them "tlvcr. in Mo:i::!atr ovor f-';:, t v (

.Mr. «>.,. V."n of P'iS.eiel- ;....". .," ,';,", si.•> rro(i|.-r. .m Hie Kiltie :Hemle, : llic mull; ivlllfh will l.ojseen on Hie !• -^T="a The Hosiery is almost endless in variety lilliil »-us il. ali'a.1 Df Ills alKI'-r. .111>: ,•;•"'.",;' "":' ',!;.'••'"""„"?', ,' '•'•, '','"•', ",,'". >1;>- •''•HI'!" !'ler,«i.n if Hen inu- fr..!n \ fnro of ihe il!un!"t!ll Is only the dual I SZSjP-* Arrow Collars, every new style. 15c; 2 for 25c. : ". M=. nWin; Wright of N,M•••n\ k is vt«-1 '

;.llMl ; i --- —Ulnff- .. 1,,>,....II,i.:!••-» M v. M'. . I,• (%•!> '• • " ii iVri:\>nyy U.I.-UISL . - ln-.-i.i.i.-.i .•.m..nL'- lli'i.'-.l I'-ilulln""-' ' ' --. V | wltll llle :ln?t>r. -Dul If the t.l|.:lz Is | ' rfi.-y^:' The entire, stock has been made ready to please the 111".: 1 : arni '.>th-Vr' rci at'y?"s in tlMH vi. i nttv. f ', ir v.-t.';.'v.-.;e' ..i rev.' i'.>l;.;r.vy :.!Kl! .II.u^ileM l,...l^e, N.j^ l\'. I. i). 11. I ..; rtlliboil airuliisc I tie (liuinoml tile l;tt- I ,' ' -'^>, tastes of all our friends and patrons for correct Easter iei.i'ufh- [•;ou! .Nev^iil.:. -I-vi --.->- Ciiy uii-l'' is new il-," laree-i . Mi! I.-.-n.'.v ]•• <].:.' tcr Is iHidllered inul the surface o" (lie , I ' *Z?f Hacki • fonii-rh- vi K:ir •rsvilly.j I !f • *!• i;> ii. Y;i outfits. n. Vli- :«.:. v:> iv.-i... m:lnlil."K mini.-i I. :illy In this T'lere I f/irmor N niar!;eil ivllli a scrilli'Ii I • '.t;.'. art' v):-ituiy r yluiiys in ay rent •-'ii. j „ I:,-.!-, -s (I-.,in ;.1.^lii,!,,.,I; ;il,.| .;.!;•: -;-t^ rii.-iiihers .-nroll^l iiiii! in;..; ,V1,|C1| ,,,;. |,,, r,,,,;nv,.,l only |,y fur-1 J! ^&t ; •' :air. AVvsley AlU-'-'er wa's'l >; fr.mi ! •• • •i •!'-- T!i*- Fiomi 1 w. \ •. 1 : Of hi.;'f;ifh(?r; , Mr.' WiUunl .A!k': " i- "!' I.'.-fvi-'ifiv t. ;U- i of this iip'.-i^ * r.f ('oiDparl-inn l!ial ;i 1 1 .' " n ;•i iv.;,.-,[t • u t-usi Mrs. 1IL 1-V.- i " A i""-.iLMr'' ii "n Al '• i smk <>l' • "!up:ii*:itlvf? hai'dnoris lias • ' ••-.•• nee o r Nt.-\vnr k.'t'fK'iiiorK" of tllL= phict-'. 1 i ,...'., ., ,' " ; tK'Oii»il n-fr^.-Hi^tl Ity It'll snh- • . Is notimpriiV Ini: from her illn.l"^- I i: fV'"^'" .Mi SJ*• AIa<.' Gor.ilon is on' a two i „ - !„ 'i'li.' tl-I !•| , i w«eks' visit \vith rolatlvfft ji £ 1 l i i ,.,.. :'•''•"'_ :i i ... rin.Xfc'1ivarl; i\r.'•! H;:; >r . r:'?!- IT-."; !:. Wii- r.-fuut e. Il i- a eurioiH filet Iliat tiles.- Mrs . Ch-jf. W.-IKT an-i h« •i! £: ~p ,;•"•" iwir.."..'- ,.f Hie .—.i.... the brilliant 1 1 :-i-n'of!!! ..Wos'iil did haw '.'i-c:; viiii."" •c i'.'j•- ;»•!•-- J ,''^ :'.!!n>s. •;viK-iv;.t"n-f Inif! w:: ::ii ml ;iu,! sr>t m Mr. an.f Mrs. W. U"Cii. : lii:'1. lire U.!h eli.-lr.i'iilly She S;MIM ,.,,...... ,,-„ ,.,,ri,:,:, Jcvrclers' clr with <"h.:i-t1"ini.M--; P™ - u-r'.i -Mr. .^!i..

.Former innyr II.. iV. A.ll-.-=.jr- 1 t-.i!.-; i:ar.:iiulil v.,,s ,,lej ilni-i Mrs. ,\,-r,r. r Wl\-,~iil Z'mYt- o'I .r. Reciprocity. ; j y n x Kri :i r been BlilTifrir.c witli • ?. w

v s rs !l1 „ ..VrV•>n..l. Mrs-_\Vtj..:: Trimtner nt:.l | FI TA; •;! _ WasJ.Inijt.-.r.; . . v, iii, .,'vuS.!\':i .,".'.!!".''v. -. .•".':?" ""'r ,!" ?™ ..P i "nnJ 111. reilirii. tiicy lulls! JIOL'^PM i : : 1 s ov-ef sSndJv >.t% r;' !n,i M,'s, .j.SJi ".'. ^"''Jl 'J, "?" .^f-- ^ «"<»* \ K"i^^r" -l?.,'""^^, ,,,',"" '•"ll^",, f |» '''"'«""-tli6SV "nil I' tie!|.-re.--WaSb- Hahn. , '" • ' •• J ,,V^V.'"V;. 'V'-'"' "!•'•'<•• l>ii".... I nro .Tolm. r,v.w. nn.l Wm. K.-Uhnrrtt ! I"F'<>" Star. Mrs. S.^.M. ; has" rcturin/ii VM.T rinru-iH nn.l Mrs; conra.i HoTn^ | i("a"uinn 'empties Ills pnrse Into his I several \v-.'->k roj-iu of ™^:]'- ^-^^ "'j tort^no one rin^lt from, him,-, j Newark. I-"..COt'KSIv, .Uiere, i\\,\n .-lylu lit footvvear.' r^L«1;^it!?S;f7Fii.^\v-ettoi O When style may in.- hacrwillioiil'jeopardiziny quality and fit, it Piaster vviU.. her Sist,-r. Mrs. J,, j Xenr.y ,, .Tnir, Hej is foily to purchase old-fashioned' Oxfords. Our Spring and Slimmer'Oxfords! new-iliis .season: ail made from this . year's pal- terns' and designs.1. They are temptingly bewitching in "their daintiness 1 1 the hoh-iv-oF Mis? C-.rrell in I.'l.-..on:." ! —all colors, .sliapes and styles. Some in the new pump effectJ with .burs. Pa- j i^ <-'.,v = . H,.-! .""'.'Mrs. Jacob Creylinsr • is- vi^lt!!i™ in ' iir;V!ty" vr-n-' p-eV.l" '"""''V""!^"'''"'nlt M:~ ' J[lallL' " t:iHt 1 -.;apk!e-straps to. prevent -the-slipping" at the heel ->Y11 sizes and widths, " ; v Men's : !--:.7-r:-::iiansorr™WTii*'-ji'e 'liei*' iJiiuvfiiter, ilrs. 3-,J ,...,. •„,.,;...... ,!"C wiun has 'lll, l !'"i"" v'-:-"'- r-; ]«s==;! •upon favf.f- insuring an absolute comfortable and pcrfect-Tii; ! b ! • ,,„'"'.' .'•'thro''rt their n>'•partments. Tlioy '!'' '' " ' •' w<- ivjeete.1—r, rilr ' tn )lt r $I.5O to $5.OO ._ _serious.. .Ilinoss. . . . , • 1 Ht"- jiv.rr.utioii,; :u.,. Workinc for :i circulation of TO.-,. - - ...--JH r.-e.-itn^e . ilnin an-•• . time: u!) ""•"•"""" Miss Ilallit-.'Clinc was "the"'g'jwt ^vhi'.-•-•iS^Vhielh: wove-v.ere vciv.^-i]rijfnsod w\:rutwere- liirgelInrituly 1 1 1 1.2^ to $2.5O Chandler in ;5tistori i'r-.nn yaturJuy J "V - "'- .Mr. l-'|.-.yil :'•nrrle.i a u-reatei- .-.iiioiuil v,f ailvnr-K ^ the tvii.. iviiieh ,,,Hmi, - ,,.11 -' ' '* : J llU m nil ...... until. -yustwriWv •"•.••; .•"••.;. ir mis 1!,,; -fi ifKate^joEsesur of'iisii^ last ycnr.tlian .»v AV,, .Vo-i--.«—•-'—••- - • J""" ' , Ladies' J:_ : .W\ 11 Tou Stppin and Look Mr. Tho;--. • IJicl;ol of " |SP1""'r-• "J "Vnr0 tlun' ••"^""i' "'•I';.^ ' Tn sonVo' V^mn^Tlso'lTa $1.25 to $4.5O Misses' Them Over ? jpl.OO to

''"ii-rv****"" 22<5 Norf.h&.mpton St.

:•;•• principa;'!- er '•'i'i ViVflimmVirf"' ;-:.-schoolT" i^ iC::: ] King's Cleansiiiij and - hi- , ^]plnii EsSab!ishascn!;v.- 1 ril •>v.- t! tD~y ou"ever*th!Vik 'ov Uii;"importance of ir'lhisi-;- lwoiil...1 thui'225 l-V-rry St., l-nstdii, I'n. "*" i 'or'vVtaitior whit.. .;.i :.|i-ii.'nr.l from I :' •'> D worthy p! ice to gwt'ihings to eat? . IMcl you ever con- , Krliooi ain" .yls J_1 ic •Wnwhinytor r'?!!rJ™\n!,'nP-]' >?.O\y.---- You're fiiverodis- • skier how t-ssenlial it is to llie welfare raid jfoocl "Iiealtli'of 1 ! ii.. A '.'- "^ ilCs.' r:, AT. ~DeW:(l jei-sey onVipJ a'p]>ointed in tiiiic, quality . the Iiousehold iliat yoitlraclc where you can sciuia'child for retunu-rt J tin. Nv V.. ••':' vl.iil from tile! of W01 k .111(1 price. of'Uie your thnt most people'. ... -,- they sp^.j l i r 1 l 1 what you want with..the certainty of getting" as srjtiare a deal ; ILviciihic.ihi "••'. y .•. i!' .'l!iJl _^u.. C .f!'. .i"'. th in Ir (»r having __cenielpry '-,. "-~L,.,™ •• worK--\],-,iiu.';:ir-'Ti:- is'-also'the -—-"-•'- lai-Ki'st. Wlir.Irsali- mill j time that I n'rn ,;nost busy —-V •{ .sclie.n. wna il iraest of STORK acsuresf'you in its .service. <.: '•••' „.:•. .-.-'.' ." gt'tlinw out \yorlr jind unn!)1« , =--•"_..: lior pnrenta, .Mr.,and .Mrs. Clitis. ftir- vi"' 1 "ity, rljcclat his liniiin.'ln Ilnl Arc yon buying .your CofTee^;it_J.h is store •aTTrl gcuinga .. to'-respond f*.'J- i't'(iuost.s to call ^ ~7L is.. inosfi'sailKfjiciriry any-' : n —•:coupon on the iiandsonie^Sj-iOO^-Vxiniiistei; Hug that \ve_are . way for_'"'»'LiNlnnuTH to cortui ' ••r-'--- - is&^'^^^l ''''- * n^:'£;J:JLT^:!J'':" ±*zi^^ to tlie ynrd mni see our sped- -:;. ••• " " ..^ • hn-vo thor tiirgcat stock ^^L Jn Warrei^ county ,to select .~~~~~-' from, ntnP-ft call eii'nbles us to K.vphiln cloa'rly ohout the : t .':..anaIlty-.^nrv:::._nmtor!nL::,-arid •-•'••'""••-'• - - ''•"worluTNmship. Como, see for yoni'solf. An order plac- ed here means a .saving of 47'East~Wbshingtcir^^«^pWas]iington, N. J. *• money, to yoiiVy^--1 . "' GIIARLKS .FORCE. y^mfj baokaohe anrl. urinary troubles you should take.^Fploy's Kid- D.c: Phone. Wnsliln^ton, N. J. J6iinVF6\VMnstGr Hnrold Fox re-J- '' ney Rl t turned, homo with', )ior -.Jlonday to I- ...Star an 1 spend the rematnder;.of; the wicKr ' TWorld,>2 I^Si^ilAd^gl^^^gggig^: *2N » YEAR — NUM BER l'l WASHINGTON...WARRliN.'COUNTY, N. .1., THIJUSDAY, AI'KII, S, lil(K) SUBSCRIPTION: $1.SO A YEAR

• j **•• ^^ the churchii the "dh-cctlon."S ** several home~^v Kifteon mince's Inter .tbrn.-small/ boys wi Mi a« many Bmallwagoo8 cart-; cd pots'of stately Enster lilies loto tho

] church.'1.; • :,. - •• •; • ":,:.; ,-•.••;/":' • '•; J*|" Three Indlsiiant spinsters eathcred... r Rbout the •milliter's deal:. « +» j "It was my idea," asserted Harriet. +* i "Xo f-vnU -thins." .objected Kmlly Bur- •• • j ton. • --, - • . ..', ' . • J* j . "Mine wero .til up when tho commlt- ! tee wns appolntPd." sobbed Lacy de-

j A fr.AtotAr, «/tiipf1<«d' In the carpeted. .: nlsle. Wilh OIK,' accord they turned t.i Copyrijflil, 'tncii tho liov, .{'.rirrinling Crnnp, bwm- \ Intr, mild oyed and enthusiastic. ; "It I;* e.Vfiuislte. exquisite, Indies." ¥• ¥¥ ** |fao;Kntil wffly, :ri|h1.1nfl 'h!» and . beau the eaii^e ui disitirljiitg thu | of iniml of MH-eral uf tl*.i ladles "I iiuis-t tell you a little Keorct. la- irence to the part played by the eg.j pass iuni>iiir them in all the varied went (*!i i!ie minister happily. in Kastur iloin^M. ami there have { parLsh. . ; •• ; iovoiiHjni« «f t lie dam-e wHUmit crack- j-i-.,,v- .;.•:* v.'t!; "i e-In- the pew handed- ilowi. -umimrniit otit'-TtHtulf!" lit;r..,. ^ii)»|G '.-.(. tii:it Iglit marry In ', Tile tlira: !:id!c:i In ([tii'Stion 1 iwlth my irmth'T » yotini: lady, aatnin- stories iihmit It. Om: at them h-li, land tingled with vtiriMtis•.degrees • 1 KDHC of tlio opiKisidiut o) the parents. . ccr io you. t'n»in Hit wrst. I hope yon bow a very beautifulyoung ' wuin.'Ki It wii'-'int- nt the .most highly c!u;rlsh- - doliglit v.iu'ii Mr. Ci'iiuu'gave out Hi secured u iinlilc husband through Id- j fuliowiu- iiuik-u; will learn tn liwo her. as I do, for shi' ed .'lU'ivilcw* of tho you UL* men ami l be my wife very soon." agency. tnalili.'ii.s of Hourg. ! "It is n»u- tho 1st uf .lanuury, ai;» ! us U.t.'UMuiiiiti'y at this seiison. 1 sh;ii \ hr>!d utit his hand, and silently Tier naiiu- was Margaret, and shi Just au this al! important business of jthey L-rasppd It and congratulated him was a royal princess, tlie daughter of the day was tit Its busiest a bold blasi I Appoint Hi rue ladies of the parish 1 j warmly. • • •• • • the EniMi'ror Maximilian of Germany of a hunter's horn came from thu edgr- j soryo tipci;'lli.c llowel coiniiilttee. 'i'iu She was born at Client in 14S0, ami. of the forest. It was followed speed- t eutumiitt'e will iiavt- entire cliurgi' • ' When lie Dad dcp.trtoil the (lower although that is a long time ago, IHT ily by the ii|'l»'-miiice of a company <»l itlie dL'CLT::llu:::.- u£ Dim ; ?oniinlttof» slphed in tinisori. fame as an attractive young • persni, mounted gallants In such splendid ai- ! Sunday, mid .in 1 « put all of.them on his desk." Btlll survive*. When one looks on he. Ure tiiat the peasants stopped In tlie j feel we .lii.iy -..;•-•;.. ?.iid Harriot sturdily. . fall-face as the old time painters bmv dance to gaze open mouthed at the np- | llsliniuiit ot the li'.u-i "S?nini» ttihn\it flic base of It on the i floor," rjniiMuVil Emily. ,. • • depicted ln r ft seems Incredible tha' paritlun. Tlio Princess Margaret and ; most slguliiciiut U;ty. 1 BIH> .should have found It dillleult I her party were almost equally amazed ; "The i "Atiil. Mnii<'"ia Un. minister's pew," : . Pmyi'l'1 liri-i.'.-lf >y!th n. suitable.hnv i tee fur EUpi'fstrt! I.'Ky softly. to., behold such splendor issuing fro: And tlK-j* nil unilciNtood. bmul.. VcL it happened .so. thu forest. At the head of tho troop. ! Uurton, Ml.-s llnrrlo | Lucy Grain." W'IH.TI sht.» was still an infant Mori;it- j uti a .sjihiifd white elmrsor, rud« :* A Fin nncta 1 Pnrabh, . rei was hot rot licit to Olmrlcn VIII. M)1 I younu mm: whose rich dress ana ! Mr, Crane uptime.1 iii: 1 I 'and gave v. s o o w e v n u .lust- hefu LV 1lit enl:..-•ti ini was taken France. Of course the tiny princes-1 knlithtly bearing pf&claliiied him (<> i»- up ono Sunihi'v nun-i di inegroc Icrgy- bail no oppi'i-tunlty to say nay,.ami u person of jireat p ! When tin make quite n "YOUNG , newly api" .with- "" eht! grew i<> iiialdenhnod In tho bolfef Without furHicr preliminary, he rodi llrail foi-inttmi l.k-k '(he door of htaX; tlmt iinr iiiiiti'linonial affnlrg M*ere all directly tn Hit* side .of the cluitelnliic < j er couiuiit out calling on any outsiders , iclikkau Luu-v ii';»I;:-Ut'before, and. as sctiied. Il<-r Vnyul lover proved faith- li'.mrc sprang from his horse, dotu* another as by ••'' less. The ehitinis of Anno of Brlttnii\ his pIuniL'ti hat and, bending; a gnur T •<( the I'L is had disappeared.. "I ramlo him linlilVerent to the fact thai fui knee, rcuiif-stcd her hospitality i'<- perhaps dispose,; i< a trifle jealous riarriet A tu e s ™ f.A8T IUSUTI: proudly. THEN-QUY SOME- uoan want t" hf pu^sonal. hredr'n.'; ho had promised to become the'aon-ln- hluiself ami hi.-j men.. bong of the Re j of the other. !;i;S; s.jtvt: for rather crltl- he added. "Iitit I haij my s'picions as .esurrection Morn j'cfil surveys ."yf' i [hi.." rjerinan .onip'oror',' anrl he ".Sir, 1 :un honored la the asking.' tG :;: : 1 t;: 1 ; I and guwnw tuen HS uo outward Indl- lunl (hey .turiifd toward the south bow i """'"• ^ --i - "' c«!"!:c:'.a.. .1 also uab .. married lior..'"Miir^ai'Gl. vwtH'uiiiy.'uiev--' him iii,i|jumi'_u 'i;nn. i6usiy, Lor siie lilies _ : ;, (After"Richard Le Gallleuiie:) ^ r cni(n [l IitiV n (l:ir ll Iim rl ht in mal feelings might wihilow of the dining room where j 1 » /"' ' ' - eh, nkoi:(HhVr:."too yoiiiitr' to lose her that her would be piiest was I'hlllber cation that \-v tloso lrt beauty sloop -u-of the matter. Her !"-i tlio llandsoni'-'. duke of Savoy. /\\VA\KE, fond heart, and sing an Easter song! dominate th<.' fa'.ttiful pcrfortnanci flourished a • maKCitlcent snowing of I *}&*** / « l'««-s«"> won t put iV edinf*ly wroth, but noth- The duke ami his gentlemen wen I their service on this Important com- tL:lfty phmts 'iI»n ™;i««variouso a ^'uv-^uuoy Sn di-.piiito which will now presented to the princess, and the dance ** To the sweet anthem of returning bird | mittee. growtii, but all promising a iuxtiriiiri he'passed uroiiisd." ' Ing dreadful came of It. He waited Tin- rcitili was t! line i:oileetion. Not until his, hoiross was seventeen and wiiM resumed- Front tite first it was j "Ccrae ov.]P to my liouse tomorrow yield by the forthcoming Kaster Sin And swelling bud and* pale ascending blade 1 a si»ir!i* :!ncuilier of the eongrcgatiou married hm- to Don .Tumi of Spain, sor: apparent t<> the eutln.-, company . that I nlcl! :'.'' siigi.'t.vtcd [farriot Ames with day. . | her usual air'of leadership. "Come' 'Lucy'Grant went straight home fi'"i After It was counted of Kerdinaml and Isabella. the younjf man whose beauty was i!u- • Add the last word. the uid parson. 1 ' itkxih..^ ** e ^ **, ^n___i. i ~ i...... i will talk the tea parry, and. evading the curl a me forward. . Almust MartrHrot had mndi-i theme of every court ia Knrope lit:-L >; over and stay to tea, and we over tho phut.-*." questions] of the bedridden aunt w "Now. lnvtlr' ." In; :-aid. "I doan* her new husband's iic(|iiaint:iuce, even j eyes for tl: Drear was the winter and the waiting long. . wnnr vour r'inu Mis* Mnrtitii and Mis;; Grant nodded ^vVlioni she.IlTed, she madu'lier'way. spoilt by won- ."•"• .before- he. had had. an o:.p.,r: unity t-.' nistlc....festiviiy. Heart, there were hours, indeed, thou wert afraid, { derlti" of j. lirudder lives who • Introduce his brido . lo_Uie Spanish . Mai7;arec. too. hei- I assent, atid .the three,.parted to meet \hc,. cellar._and ,. from . a., dim corn. Ip n?rM11r r11;•' tv»i]i*\vi11^r"iji^ijt'iu*bu11d Miss j brought forth" live flowerpots. jitonn' .'."'.-I: li\** •liickeuhik s up at.'nlghtlht. • - courr, lie fell sic-lr aiidMH.d'"Undci libs toss discover " "••"" ~~So long "the' spring delayed;"" — - 1 j I^at bruddur ii; ii' exist, mail friends. •'. the circumstances Margaret was nix cd, had abandon j Ames' tea tui'I'. . • I Thcso pnts contained live Easter Ii!;, 1 ! When the dishes of pink tinted ham | bulbs which Lucy had been stirre; He was a paivyiie gotten up fo pur- Inconsolable, Inii: slio waited another ed her interest in pose of iinancesiv four years before slip .hocim. tn PC;H' the dance' aii.l 7\WAKE;:iond"heartr...arid-.go thou forth and sing! ' " •" preserves' tltiously forcing for the decoration . 'the matrimonial '.horizon In search of had transferred bad goin' ih ;• rounds, and ^[iss Ames Mr. Crane's rending de?k. Flint'; "it elsewhere. At - •:JJ~*!. Unite thy -'voice-to all-this'music sweet bRu'poiH'Od .; iivat i.-it[»^ yf.fntyniut tea. and 'watered. i:s secrecy. :;hc-bail- i- Salaries.,^• — ••.wfi. known bow .she was . to attain K. How often clerks and other employ-- one thin?—in .future she purposed do- last the lady uf ami when Hi t; delicious pbuudeake was ! lug her own selecting, with no aid limirg made boUI" -^:Of opening leaf and busy, building wing still in'iiiui*- iwitlon. tho committee wot pleasure of having her plants grace t. ee.s of bio: Ilrms are hoard to complain pulpit on leister Sunday.'. Now all W; of the small s.iiaiies tbey receive! Tet' from anybody except Providence. : to rally the beau: ..down tu -l>ii- 1 V..[..;:.''','.""..'_•': -.'-"'-vAnd-fallihg-.-shower's;'•' .; :^--: .;_'_ ;; clear. As a .nioniljcr of tho flower cr<-If they realized that Columbus drew a . ..,.;, Finally.. at 'tin-* ..a^e'-; tn'ul widow cm j. "Now,-, said. ILirriet ..briskly,, "we 7 ; 1 1 The murmur soft of little lives newborn, onsHve shall j raittee shi^'wouki come forward at i:r 3iiI;:rj--nf.;.o.nIy .1U3t oTer £GG" a year -- more beautiful than over. tlu> ' youiu: her listlessness. | must fiwido what (ioeonitiohsHve" shall lflSt widow put olT. her words ami notlfln; : "1 - fuar, • ma- : ul JU.T .We wnnt H.! mlnnio ith ..her ..offering—Eastv:. they \vnnUi, perhaps, hesitate before, : The armies of the grass, the myriad feet ,-v outshine anything that any other j 11IIcs wcl'c r:ll'e iu ilontoank grumbling at their £100 or £130 per an-.. : Providence that tho same was on. In dame," she said L nc v, order thai she ini^lit enlist Uie services smilingly, "that Of marching flowers. ' committee.ever'did!" I '• ' same thought had taken root i •num. Prominent clergymen have re- :'••• of her patron saint she sot out on u — our Kaster sport ..."Yes. indeed." munnurod Lncy mild - j -the;-mlnds .of .Hai'i-Iet Ames and 13ml: ceived as-niuuli us and~more'tban'£10.- : : ]y, " • ' •.• '•"-'• • • ' -i Burton. 000 a year, and yet John luiox only pilj:rimai:e to a sfirhio in the south v\' i.-i becoming tire- •"•-:: : ,-r.-"..^.-. Ay----/ •-•: - *—--;-"•"•: ^ "• •••••• some." ' "Perhaiis you've got-a plan all laid Secretly tbe three members of lit •got IGs. Sd. a week, and that was 4s. . Trance. .Tlmt Pfovidoneo was taldnij CHUT in the winter's alabaster tomb, 2d. more than Scottish judges of bis a lively interest in tho husIncsH Is evi out. -llKi-nec; you're so forehanded." committee each tended a few caiv QOW&U LOW-;.»BI'ORB 'Wot at all," de- fulI v time. It must be confessed, however, ' dent from' tlio sequel. ;. remarked ISmllr IKtrton. with a touch | - »»riurcd pots.of Easter lilies tV.- : TiiB I.OVEI.V cniiL- clared the prfn- So. white and still the sleeping summer lay : that at^.tliis •• period • of small - salaries-. It was not even required of her thn< jsu wlDt?w; cess hotly. "I only of asjjicritv;" '•• ' " . : . j the admired liitiiistor's desk. - : 1 That dead she seemed, "Well. I have." returned Miss Ames ' During tho long winter days thnt fol-. money went a loug way. For instance. she .should ^ouiplete her. pil^rlma*;- . wish I wore tuie^of.your t,'ood peasants a.good Christ-inns diuner for u family - ..... Midway^ .of -tlu\ journoy.. the,.princes frankly.. "Tin: fact is 1 laid it all .mil I.lowed each one droamed of. the tr!- sothut I might fli'igiige" in .it myself." . : rAnd.;:none migKt'2Kno\v. how_jn, her magic side, ., • ... 1 1 of six during . tho sixteenth century .... ami ..her -p:ir!y- ha; tod. JI t ..the- ilttlo 'vi?- '--At this••'tisLoiiislung declaration"' the on.;i-r»iecu-of imiier last iii?Iit;'~'i ii^i•(*'s"!'finip 1 I"of"JJrCK!11f• Ing great pots of p.ui • three places to.plan for." ' ' white.blnnni<= tit:.the:last moment."--""" • could.-.:be -provided-for";an;..ouljtVi'-'o'-^- Intro of P.p.uri,' for a few days' rest. Ii handsome young ruler of Savoy bowed Slept the young spring and moved and smiled • ; about elghtpeiiee lullfpenny.—London .™was::a-.(!h:innini? spot ITI ttny-mountai!!. .i.-^What- -ire thev.?.".. iiiiosrifinofi r.u~,-\ ! The friendship which bound Hi-. v I three splnsfprs together before the ad Standard.'.',.. --.,... - • . • • . region of" the Co venues, with grca;. "Madame, I crave the honor of being mildly. dark forests on every side. •"Tho back of the chancel and tinI;vent of tho good looking bachelor tiiin- your partner in the lOaster egfj con- Behold, she wakes,again and, open eyed, i lster been mo more strained as-eacli day Died With Warm Feet. "\Y It happened .to lie the Eastertide. On test of Uourg." railing around tlie .choir and the bap _ Gazes, in wonder, round the.Jeafy..xoornj.\ ..tismal font.'.;...... She... paused ..and,, looker! „..Isaac .O!Bii.rns,. onco-Timisiontcoiiiniis-.:^;™ sldhbr in Hostou, appointed: by Presi-. -™C;isl'i;-"iit™.v!;i;jli ^i i^i-.rii«':f:dn>-w»&—«- aiijuiidki-L-ouipaiiy:—Not a man or -wo-' r )1 7 t _^t^ tj^_ .^urt^ ^^^.^_^_^ I3p^" thii Easter day -^™: ^ •?l7iiey"''GHriTj^f!r:tIbTeW™iv7i ~~ii^^ " • • gnost proposed, that a p;irty;.sliould !)<• man among>:iii .nil was .so stupid cup. '"Aln'i ",vbii"fbrcotten so.iie'thini !ll! 1 t0° s'oon en me the Saturday beftm- f his terse and cutting sayings. It was ..:.inade..-up.:!O- attend :;the.vvillage, gainer as uul to rc-u:i>:o that Pliilib'ert's wbrd.s - *-"'A\\fakeniitop,:my"'he¥rtr"opeh""'thinc eyes, :\y-,.,--. e Sl ( r 11 1 1 1 11 Harriet?'" a lip asked neryouslj*. ,r <"'[ [ ^ l ." 1': . ^^l.^A ^, ! :" ,! i.ti CHTI Ing, < -j;} told oC^ M ru^ tbil t .hc^ li.Voniisoil^.^, .suji^,.^^, -•".: Marga ret'ii crop tod:t ha. iiyppu^ii ion.jwlr.^. ..nifiun t^the^.pcfilTtijL.oL.hls^ heart* and-. ™-pAnd ~froiu^ "•'^rvdu've'^roi'w desk." said 'Kinily hluully,: Slie'stareii ' SE Ivcn mm-li ihoiifrlit.p ' [ onflltl6h"*'fmit they should watched the varying scene with (In giiret'hesitated.' aiui"heiYch°,eks'"flushed Is ot O11CC> at Harrier Amos with cold, gray eyes. ' nftor that tea party at JTnr: "baptize 'cm in hot water." liveliest inloresl.,. The day was perehiirmitigly. Then ..sUo.'.ntrcepted nor r ct Lucy Grant flushed crimson :iud niir- ' fines' lioiisc was the subject, u'f tt is of Mr. O'P>arns the story is tuid feet. Tlie iifr was soft a ml" genial, am bold young woocrV-nrm'and permitted j_|O\V softly blows the resurrection horn 0 i 1 :thc^l;v;^1Lvl.,;r•s.•H"^e^k~^l^JllU()lH (^~-a heJ-rLilat wheu uii liis-iiwithbedr^or- wherv . ; ;a voided.lit'as, by. taclt.asjroon-ipnf.--.- • •-' .Lho.. thought;; ho'; w:i".^dyit)p;._;iiHl..t}v» he"da?~ heYofe^X^tcri.Sun^ IZLI L.'..jpJiisl9Ll!.^^ .... break ,..u)or,o:ihan _.ono., : c se 1 In a whls]>er wliethcr the doctor luul. . .. 'Toward the middle of.Jiho afcf:rnor..i "lii-eak all of thorn If you. will, nia- ii citst.k;iilly:.."rluM'n \vi\t-. • need for ^"^ 'P , ! doors torgo tt en _t. hc_caaa.oX. -rohi',- R o.'-';p''g-r:::-""" ---^ • '-•••• • — carao the^groiu e.veni' .iT'Uio day,- Hi"danio,'hiit tlo not it real; my lieart,"-ho And in'Aand out the 'miiid n^w"lhe"lofrt1«:'^"^ me' to rt'iT^nilier' ilia .:;. , famous. cggf'oVmlesr of Hours. Sever:;: ::: roturnwi fprosiiinptiiously /Awake, fgnd heart, and sing^this Easter mornl ,-^,..,; Skinny Boys and Chunky Girls. ~i -:':---men:;in:::iiolIda.v' aTiire -advanced,'(•aT-r 'if ; v ; 1 i 1 ::; iaa :: ut| ; : 1 "tliiiijr •aj'ip'rojiriuto'-i'or; tij!|c:"-- ""~ "-" '" '^~r l' f i' ~ In' reftirrnit;'to a" tli!(T"boy "ins'llll''" ~ '' 'with- a "basket'on .his. arm ccmtuinM u tfpokeu'wnrci; ninl; ainkftlje plr ^ " ~.V; V - In Ihe-year's .resurrection 'd0" tiiy:' part. " - • ^ — - aou? Slipi tui'nod'to .the oilier'" inomlierS''uf'--; cs right to" call hnn "skinny," but •yuii -''• ""' . .• >llie gayly colored •cggs';whlch were '(•• tiio oulooktM's; they en'tcredon the trial 1 J 1 Awake," fond, heart! must call n thin"'girt\"spirituolle." It' ;.;. • be used • £ ti the.-cqntL'sl.; There^.ve:v The"i'rinees^ Margarc-t's-doleiiij pre the committee. " u , • n.udetl twelve dozen of those in all, and or, They.. hrlirliiencd.. visibly. "Yes, i means the same, but- sounds ^hotter., diction was not, fulfilled'.'. At the oiui Never cail any-one but a hoy "puny."- ;; of tlie dance It was announced.public- Interesting Easter Itei f Dijjiomatic^Rewards. A '. i»uny_'l%,glrl. sljciiUl:.,.l3e;'called .frag-.. • ly tiiat not a'PIUKIO OJIB: hftd_beeu bj'«^ Armenians thu i

J reiuieivd fi> our 'ambassador's* ami mln- permiiicai . . f the- house" !,.. . , . -.- Hiram, how and all; of that sex like to -be "'"Z "We have woii,-"iuiTdamo,"i aii|dj:I'liili'' 1 takes place aV Kasioiv This consistsTdU you enjoy tlio tea with the slices : v Istersari !u ni"1i n• "It? ^". . ". • •.- ' -..-j^ " all fi.iih_U.but u girl has a-"fine-";.:.. dance of :BourK..has^ddtormined om HTCS of other soyornmdnta. With the j prlest.accompaniwKb.y the burning of J ;. Uncle Hirnm-Teat Gosh, galg, , 1I ii.iod figure." A boy IH "gawky," ™ fate' There !P no appeal from Its do thought that whs pure out and on't'ctr* i covert a , irirl diapiaysjlimtutored grace." , - -'v j-t^ uiip'ose^Vi! * ^are^right,1' ~~ :atie" rrtT-" niid • his chosen mltlod softly. "One cannot do violence! 1 partner stepped to the trad.itions of Bourg." > ~' Just Shoot Twiofi.___^. Quite. Natural.-.;-,- j "I thonjrhr you,said this pan w( play had aome very notonil: forward and .bt'- For four iuippy '^yenrs this~royal or commercial importance, 'lie uiny be given a better-post, be promoted In lighted torches, wliieh ,.: t.hoy. wave Bhoot.n thousand yards''"-•"-. -.•--"••^r.r-"- dance; "couple lived tlio ideal wcdtlod life,'and about as they walk in procession 1 It. was a serious rank, have bestowed \ upon \tim some "It Will."'' ' % -\ • A;, . a of rtomesdc life, ehr',;u then Mnr&ar'e't was npntn n widow.. through tlio^villngo. ArHyliig-.nt. Uie "It won't. Tt only shoots' BOO ya^ "I JIUST TKLL YOU A "Yos; tlie.v bad a new'Bervant^i matter for, tin-;:Tims she remained coveted decoration or, oven, be mad3( ulT ! 1 nearest stream, they throvw them In. "Well, It's' ir"dont)le barreled t f' -''''The desk"— ' ^ SBCKKT, LA- eyery, scene, and^the heroine _'wss_ dancers,/ for on long life. She was p a peer of the rcalm.^- An"" American DIESl o capable and crying,";'.'Ki)fo ya" (O inairlpn);-- "we flln't lt?"-(Jlcvcland Leader.^ j assented' Emily."- ,: ^ • brunette in act 1 and a blond-Jnj'a .their success In ^' cateeinodcthat; she was made' who perfo^ms-^- similar aery Ice re- (lii-ow tiiee into the wateiv-ivlth these \ ceives official congratulations and grat- ; Lucy GriwiiVmerely nodded weakly. .2-trf'XiO'aIsvillc Courlnr-Jorirnal. ^ making the peril- regent of Holland. She was also a torches; so miiyost tbou never re- ; n ous - passage of ifying expressions of appreciation from i _ c,-^A Fair Exohange. j "I have some Easter lilies"— bo^an poet of no mean "distinction and itSfl turn." referring evidently to the maley- was courting his wlf(i j Harriet, with eagerness. •>::,-•-, , .-''• >.; Awkwardly Put. ;; v • •. to make:t:wn. b.lB,:sov.eriiin'jul, but ther.... e th..e r.e . wa„ ..?.-n . olen't spirits. AVhen^the'priest'coiuea y he openecl Jiti ii>irt to her." 7 ; ; ~| "So have I," Interrupted Emily Bur- Old Lady>;(to new curate)—Ah, sir,.. ^ [mma, 01 teuiai.. j jQ bless^'ihe .honse ,cn Eiister,;da5:-thi!.. © do ea,1oy. your. sermons...~-Th^ii' M : u 11 "Tl^"' ' '" jYt h i ] W Tl . ' "~" ,-,.-.-_. -M«^«i*t ivvwm»« ^•»to: superioi« Vr«Aeruu^-^.r eAeriIoiivj-womc]1Qmea' thiwT^^b^rOifterlliirnI'asj|ieffi;^.;ej3^^ " r v.jjh^ ^,hjl,,^3TO,th: ,,,«^; ^^i^Mlne arcT lovely,";IH.'y.^^alnwst^Trallf. d 'B!ri''Was"nnti]'y"dn"carae tcfthe•iTariBh^r.i^TT- London'; Telepraph'H^™"^*";^^ :10_:, _;f ; THE WASHINGTON'STAK, WASHINGTON, X. J;, THURSDAY, Al'KIL 8, 1909

DILf FOB CONSUMPTIVES lunli-M a ility Un-uil i» tit be u«eroprliilu K.v- •i-lilusla. j luWl.'d by llu- visillim' j.liyak'Iiin.' eivl--e«—SiMornl \il.*e*. Tlu' roMuwiiii; :irti.-ii! -.VII;. rontrl-' •'• I'atYnu \vh>. ;ue wtirlihiK 1" What Am I Going Tci Wear, il«l lo tlie 'rruiium T.iiiM liy Iluv. I "'"'' ••'""• >>mir» :i )' |>. ..|>!.. t'l'Olll tll< li ;> \.u..,t.: by II..- l-.idlhiB fil'oi-! -'II.v >'•• HMhMliut, .1 -for rko. EASTON. PENNA. In4•'ruiiiii.'j ...i-'i.,!...! ilieex<-MVl>.e»mi.l .'uR-i*. 11 Her* Illlli-- u-llulhvr 111 I" i'lh.Ue iiniitl,.-, n,, positive ink's Seriously, do rou know a tnoro importiinf t(tiestiou tliat you !'..-lmii.-.-<. Iu tin.- liwm or nioilhl fuiim. I ''"n >>e lal.l ilowu tu mi-el tlu< iv.jnln.. lll*|ieel..l I lit- .new liilllillnb-. The ex- (II kills -'Mli-wvi.nlh • •! llic • liiimiiu [ "lent* of all ease*. 'Tin- bill of riiri; ei-el.-"-* i...f.-.tii al :; Vlm-I.-, with Alvalii could itsk youisclf? - ; m A. Cliirli pri'iililliiK. U'llilain II. Via-]' i I'.u-e. Its viettltls die a* a iiHe In! n-"t te maily to Kalt lml:vlillial i-irtt-s; Of conne. V'ooil is the first necessity ol man's existence; but "rtirlj-mlnlrnnil1 t.-I.lillc I•!•:'- :li jimwsf '»» "'e a.lviincc iiml Im-rracc In tlie «fl. llii- r.Miiia>ioi-, ilrst tnrn.'it o\ • •-1 al tin ,,.- i).,. |,,,.i nmouilt of f....,l luHvii nm»l Hie keys to tli" ar.-liln-.-t. Allrr th.-i •; Knimt'iit is Hie second; ami,if food is most .vital to lite, Apparel is This Particular Week ilillillUK was aeeeiileii. prayer v.'as [ man lioily—that la :•> or 3P ile>:ive» 1-".i f"l>lil an the y l:oy. Win. .rituoktoii. for-! Nuarlyall llvlllir .-tenures .ire ll» vli-I "Imitate It. The- imlellt iniml be : " is tile Vt'ckui iiiakc' urni preparation.- for Easter. tlins. Kv.-n c>il.|.l.loi.iiIciraiiliiialH J.ij "'olBhoil once n week, the name ilay iit-i- panior oi lnV First ueroi-meil | Thy wiii*!c"»iciul structure* today, ;u:know1(;di;es 'its obligation IIKI («|ic Us aimnlionB. lluinllra 1 "' ""• week anil as nearly »» |ins»ihle liuri-h. Then Coltuweil aililmwuv !•>• i to, and dependence upon.'CI.CVniKS. And ve place the crown of r!I i.rni^f irliaiii'.-Ilor Win. .1. Maul... \vli»' ...... U..vUv:.; i... .'.:: TliVUl.av.iKi.-I:;? *''•' wn<; »if>:ir ;:»,-:: :lr,--:ratc mill is", aiul ,-attU i;lit to l.o pnio- ••"'liWe wale*. An oi.-asional .1; kiis for many yi-ars till.- liicslilhii.' jtif-: our •allegiance upon that particular quality of clotlies which we call fi ; l tllt: Sl We Venture There is No Finer As- .:t..:^ ii^..i.:.-l ...-- Hi. .umv. Tlwl "-'l'i!; l>"« '•-•••h r.;t!.' \.-ry !)Cim!!cai ' ''" " »ni"»i't i-onrtf \v!iElL- lu-'r "FASHIONS.*: . :.:. : s.iiilt Lit.1 f-utn-l in almost vvi'rv part i :IItl1 ^ (r.-qiK-ntly iMlvisi-.l. hi t-yveral u:'-" #t ml'i-r of tin- Suiuuott- i.'i.iul.; 1 1 Today, in every walk of life, it is.IMPERATIVE that people i.i Die hunmii OHIJ-. Tul.i.-r..-iit.3i» |8; liuwtioc* It liaa l,.,,.u my pU-aanrc to .'""il' ' L'liii"- «'. IMrki-r. iM.-'iiinl V. ltl ll sortment of Popular-Priced Easter :M.I I't.tnul :i:!i'.ni: KUhu-u piys or'- '< • wfrvi> i-.isca llntt linvo appllod for ' l; 'firy. .hi..ti.'i- ,I;HII< s .1. t:t:rfl.-i), •war THE RIGHT CI-OTHES. That is why THE STUDY OK : 1 l: !| 1 V: • •n.< uuifiiln a l,ii«;-.|tory; ' -'"inl...-.;,,,,. .iit.l ilio't-ruu-.u-il ronilltiuii p""', ' ". j -' '•'•'"•>!• A- ''-> "'••"• "Jii.U.•: Ci.OTHKS is now t'ngros^in}; such serious attention, from men arid Styles to Be Found Anywhere n Itiis IS II. l' f:'"iM '•'""•»"l"« ft»r nmny uv-'lf^. They 'I'lH. IlirW foilM woiiien. rf "rtv"':islftNl r'"' n.lvK-i.--n-minH the I'.i'.l of I:•-'.; . f aiid.mothmi of I'vinfr-diiftm- M j;:..i..» .Tin- .ir ! lli» lutllilln:.- is o '• ' \\-v. wiirinul !t in tm 'usiloa-t: Sun.*. Jackets ami t- ii'-M'^i'l'"!: ill 111.>!•..• ihit'i one i j The Wanamaker Store Is Today : •Skirt*. • ' ; •••,'.. ' . ti,.- ,.K». ..f ^.diMKliAla!':iII1Jtiixvl1 The Store Of Correct Fashions » their, turn-.f^r .«.K! <:»*•*»?- Jar«.- • ' . You u-:H fiml i: in the* \\\ii Gooiis.1' ' Here, on public view, is the. best apparel, .fur nici:(.*.vomer. and children, that ou; experw liave assetnblcd from the foremost sources : 1 • • \(»u-\v;u iiiui ;i ::: 'i'.v..I r^---..'i*iiiiiira!i^>. • • ui'aiij/piy on both sides of tiie ocean. •.•••- i, >,:,.. >v,.r:.\.r -i.,|. •In-|..-..ii".y-v. n-. •" You wiii nmi it in fm.; Wiitu-'Vitnids/Uuvs and 1..1 tliose \.i,,. M>' i\irf-' " tit'ii "n tin- ni-r im-ut.-V 1 IVt'-s ":"'Xl .-:i«-hi'il fr*.tn i».. At WANAMAKKR'S the student of style sees wlial is correc: Linuivuiderit:-.-. • • " .-- • •• • . of th.-ii |i.-:>..n>, an- fn-.lil.'lllly i '•'' and authoritative, elaborately and exhaustively displayed, including ; .in:.- o:' h. A [iri^^u ivjin IK^IOOIS i l •' •nrro»t..,l an.rVii.Tiaivriiiv" 7uv I *<'«"•"> ^" --l;ylli-;ht. 'tin- eoimlj : •ovine llio iiu.rllion alone. -ll"'k' W'f'^ '"" *l*>r<« ":L™ "'• i much that is shown exclusively here. Yon \vt;!'Ji:if!;i* in :!?.' \f"^"s- "Tt:\uilo" Article.-. -old often ciMur.u-lj lulivreulosiM. i -' uld P.H-111 that. t,. uv-tablish » I. .L-iy ... .-upifil sp;li-|ou4 olIUx-H it. 111./! - .ol.l ilo<-s itotMlln Into e..»!-• " •To intelligently answer the question, "What Am I Going to - 1 jy.iillmviimtlvn In tlu- .boBlnnlnc. n.-\i- 1'iiH.Iini; ami .nift- eounly ollkvi* i • . • Vuu wiii mui it in [lit* Xcckuc;tr ami Ribbon.-.' ,. tiOU, i.llt it J'11't';. .ll.i; .»a.^ l>*r lllu ' .- ' 1 roI.eM ot r-o!i.d»in, ;tlnmt 1717. not far from tli'j present : • Vou will iiiul it in x\w Wash Guuds ircilly It Is \vc alis->tmo i" ill.-. j Itow to ttiarl; t;il>le lltu-ii—uivset tin Kninlilln Park elnnvh. This bufldini;: THE WOMAN'S STORK. OUl Stewart kuUilint;. • . .You will iind it in the Gloves. Hand kerchiefs and Imniol in 17;!T ami all the records j. In the lit.-n the violin! oin;!u ^ ~ THE MAN'S STORK. Main Hour, New llui!dinj*. "jeu'firy Articles. •• • imytiiltlh* to tin wflli th.->--> sin's fur woman's haml ivriv dv.'-troyi'd. A ww . eourthony < i-lin sell .«p.'' illes for' C"ii- " wa.« then Imilt at .\IiI!^:.>in'. iin.l this [ The NKW PAQUIN SPOT FOUIAJ pS have been made f.unoup '.. You will funi it in '.he. Hosiery ami Lingerie Under- .--•uinpli^n. 'riien- are no spvi-ulos ; I unit! 177;>, wlion It was' Jay. 'within a'slinrt ihii.- li'l'-iwu'i'ir' "" tlH-'oiiulile nalnlhiK while thei l""'"1''1 ''>' UritlwH h .Iracoons. known [ by several of Paquin's exquisite silk dresses'.\ We saw the fjowns abroad wear. lj •r a Koeli may 'ill«eov.'r a -tiocili,- I I •'"•" "H" • mml anil twfori- Inaeels •'" "'" Qneen's In eommaml ! and imported the loulanls immediately."**..Thoy are being called i-elleve we shall * have" an Am- i npiiuar. ' . .. "f Slm.-o,-.. •litrlnu the iu-vo- | -You'wtii fiii'.l ii in the Melts iiiui Leather Good? •rieait ' 1'astonr malie the illscovery.' lr"ls V°1"' hamlk.'rehiet's in tlo- "n "nary Wilf. Most of the county! square spots, because of the riii'lerent arrangement of the square eflect In 111.- n.-\l ttln'-.. ti". >v.ti..ot !!!'!-•( ».*n ' i""'.'''- 'ih-.-l. 'I'h.'n tln-v will not he leeoHs were also .lesiioyed :u that i prociuctMl by the printing. They are shewn in two sizes,. in black- Articles. -; - - " ; ... :.«o cash r.lneii:es pr.-.H.a-ii.e,l by oil i"' »!'l to pilekcr. . """'; " «'aa n..t until i;>.:'.ilinl...i ' a.lies In tlu-lr .lomse. The nrltieiual: '"'l'>-el M,e collar oft,:,,, ami never Ilthir'lndi >"'-""-tli"iwi-i.nrth"ii.-*oe wawas hiilli.lthiiili. in, SonietS. - : .tiul-.v'iili;. 'navy-bluc-and-'iviuti*. rnrnch blue, aitti oltl rose and white. . ..You wiii find it in the Carpeting.and Ru^s. 1 1 1 1 ;l llli.-. iH-iir th.> .-«!i" m.-ri!illi'iits of these eoash svruiw are - ' '- " ">' animal or v.-setahle tnatler vile, near the sit,, of: ,)„, prcsonl 23 inches wide, SI a yard. . • Your will find • it in the Curtains, Draperies and • junction nlth 1"'.th>' ' F;V.-t Jiefiiri ! -; • Bcautift;! new printing* are here in K:teyi:i:e "Fc*.:!ar;i:;, in. cur Ophoistonts. ' .,•••.' .'•'•'• . ami was n^fd as u i•inirtlii in »l,i own *peci:i! designs, printed for «s in I,yons, Trance, in Miiali, ali- .ai.ias roii., ;-*ich a.s are demandeii by the foreign "drethinafcerii this Cuiiccntvation upon \)v\ Guud> and Carpet)n^s •,'.f,-j. It !-• l..o ,.;l,l sneli onaelis an.l ' !l'"v '-' '•••"• e3rl-'t.«we.|.er.' Some- '">•' «"" "*<•'> •" '< .o,:rihon.- ,lv. Spring. Shown in twelve nc.v coloring1;, 42 inches wide, &2 a yard. 11 - J;Vi'>uUs :n thai no house sells Good Merchandise ..i,.lri.,,,.,...... |,i ...,, i,.. ,,],,,-,,,i ,., „,.. •iiiih-!' .ill. that I.- H le.l to i,,,,i,,. .,,1 '" '.S' till.- f.Mirtl ii-lli.o*.. «a=: A cutii'Ctiit!!- of Kiriu'h hand-enibroidercd Shantung -leetl-le ehatf of the State" prison. ' s"" ' nh.ll you thial; s worn oul i I *~rV*V""- '"'" "''" "'" "1"'"1'1 ""» rl day in and day out a< reasonably as we can and do • •••• sim-t,«ti»iis ate nefntlve. Nov.-' ''" -•"•'' "1'1'1- !-- '" have ,!,,• 'spilnasl '"''''k '"' ll""- "'i:.-h »tooil for ||fiy , Silk Robes h;ts yMi been received. ThcsiMlresses arc shaped, largely :l th" positlv ones: The sllftct-or'• i' '" l>'.'"l'--r shap •. ..r '/,,:,„• ,i.v! V"MV' lin, hallt.'.i an.l ,...,,,,,,lel, f;:l s-ugjjcMion provided for the easy finishing III to consult a U...... I physitian (all! "•'"* '" I'1"1'1' " iv funln'r Mrrc. . Th*- t of \h • Ei ' that .«M <•.<(! my I'lt'rk'rf and 11 u lm !ij1 r ..;!i,--s v h.-hTT .i.'»i..ii«h.'.i ami skin, • They can be hindered like muslin. S25 and S.S5. f.\ainim--ih and " ' " •i.r -.v.ii.i it! d th": <. ,hr,:.i;i <\-U\l!y CV'Ul.i.- i;f!l'l'-fL Th- A'.'-o ,i'i attraciiv'o j»roi:p of new !u:avy-wci_i;h' Shantung Silt: Im-

ported Co.iis,•dem:-marie;.;it S.i5. ' Si;k St«>tt;f !ir^:: tloor.'OIii'Biultlitij*,

KHAKIIS TH>.^t»r^;vG' 'SEASON'?. DOMINANT COLOR." We have v::itchr.'U the <[:ii(.-; trend towards the khaki tones—the fa- tor0 Ih lo n ls u narently have no harilli In their spu't- '< " "'"'' '' ' "' " " *'"' '•"•' 1 ll! ll v Tr«lle, mous o!o:h of the British army—in dress fabrics for months. Now a,,,. ir.-noo If yon- an- <' '«."<'••••-. Cat the hun.;!i.-s !.-ve! „.•!-,,•=.- 1 Itl1 1 : at; 1 sin if-'it it i.s .ibout to reach iu climax,, and we are ready for it. You., have whetlieryoit have eunsumptloii you;' '" '"• " ""> ""' "" "' -'I'. " " 1 y jars uf onifhi to live ami net as'lf vDirhavi..1, I".'1 "' ™i»"~: sllKhtly..--:il.e.l wat.-r. alrcjiiy acnv. h in the great demand for Shantungs—the natural color it In .io,h.a.-t. Its. Incipient slaeos. i ":""h roa.Ji.--8 not more Hv.n half-way , litlilir; tl< it-v iim. v f V«ht, If you are sure that you have con-i "P ""•- stlLllt!'- '""1 oc"vr ••l'*'-ly. Have J' ir tii.' at•"!! myd Uion of tU- tirmei's of the raw Chinese silk. In the present superb exhibition of Paris >iiniptlni, t wonl.M.e. ml visa Wo to so!?""11', l""t'':'"'! «•'.!» ':."••' '"sh: i.l tJ..:p.: ),.).. of t! ',*«in;iil rmmiclpal- ' £O?.T.S, several of the mosi wonderful costumes are in the pleasant, to ti satiatorinm where consumption Is i '"' Uhi »»l>ara iii. mil to.;!ml.i on this. i !..-.•: IHiI 1* iifl •tl b • tin? sto roads. K am ( •I (... i--«' th"v ;lrc' lOT "liff wlt!l !ironi1- " - tm-thi d than offset by i have long suspected, and make you say "why, of course," we are UCul supplv of lirst-elass foot!. . T>ke take.l untl! the c-.stanl breahs hit, his iinlusti-y nint th>; fact t! he had J showing you today • • . -: ' '• ' ".. ecus and milk with the phs'Sleian's "'"«'• tn.'.-> nei-il only a eoven,if ol behind Mini tin.- nmm'.inous support of! ljuucro sweetened •• fm,l ttjrr.TiMics,. that, thc^pvcrr.r.ivbccaiisa j- -.... • - •• - THE' --FASKIOlNABL.lv1" MATERIALS, -AND ." ."••'.•'•' •'•'•'• vested in the "Home Fireside Bank" " a paper cup. Put about half a dozen I .<-'°"taln cirrants. For the custard use of tint .stronir demati'I madf! by tlie ! QUALITIES OF WOOL AND-^.COTTON- I tcasuoonful* of carbolic acid and n : thr.e r, .,uart of mill:; k that would stop the ; Or "fitrU employ., the st'onm roads. Slimmer gowns. .'..'. . First floor, Old Building.". ..had:uhc;r.e.' '- -• •'•-• - " • '• X ni> hes Slll h e0!Ilfl onoiigh :'or :il!, and thousands o? ship-i'' sun tuniini! '.n ils axis... .The."con-1 '' " " 1 sumptivf; ou^iiL to avnid such as hu: An.l sm:li prnlsos pors, insioad of " b^ini,' compelled to . Wewau.i you UJ comt i:i and inspect .the now pat- would the' *-vil oiio. ., Give, the mind \ crop m' .eirls and hays, wait for the sin^h.- (inily train,•• will j and body ph.-iuy of rest.- ^lorcury; From April Kami Jon be. in hourly cnnuniinioatlon with the] terns jus-t received—go into detail with 115 as to 1 i-ablied int<.> ?i;in .^r^inp to have won-j innrkiMs m' th,-. •citlc-?. . ' •' I Obji;i;t!ons were made by the repre-1 • what size your rooms ...are—aq\y. j.hey., are lighted derful power- in.-helolns .tlin...pntinnt.:i i Bromtwav. Fourth A tlnw to TelV Clean .Milk, H-'nlat'veK of I-Iudson and Essex coun-j. and what yoiuuse them for, and . we., will help you I siinHrtniini "to ills partiViiiiir phase j A. T, St'icart $ Co.. IN CW X Of K Eighth to Tenth She of the ciuf.stii'ii again. j . to make.a'selectioii-thac yo;i .will never rire.of lo.ok-... "Ch,,, I,,,.,," »,, «-o,na1 n-. H^l^i" riVhoTa-.Sc™ wKS!. ; V' s. man lias.a weal:iy constitution,itution. ! CompnulonforAprll. •"!i.-is i]uiilisli l'ii.«S(.msor tratllc in tli.; .ilready eon-j l\e must, strtnfftlii-n IV is nat-j Mav,,,—simply o swoet; Pleasant tasl«. H; .ing at. as long.asit clings to the wall, • • . i i 1 ( ^'<\sted HLreets! of .Tors.->y ^it^nnfIj>"«w-.i;;L- iMr.;.;. I!a.vct;:..^.?.! .C!.,.pr.';p *nt- t(><•-;'•• -^.ro.jTiri;;" but" these objections are more | r All Paper trimmed tVc*. '•- ' . • Keep, in tho ft .rtifidal. A test for. the. Sanitary fanciful than real. The Gaiint bill fible. Never ; > In a room with all eondit!'jn of milk is as follows. Take power to the., governing bodies j the windows closed. . . Eat _simple ..„, ,a .pin t of/ / mil.._...k as it ,Is receJvud from pr he., governing bo . tem.KH . po f in ail critics, haying .a_nopulat!oii-. plain food,_ and b«. reffular,.-and . tem-.Ltli.e ..nUU-man.. .pour-.roff.-n..f( : ~sun'^ fills,""'to""facilitate '-sliakiiifj, and place ceefl:np l",000."to'"pri'Kcrlbc'Lho hours Warren County shine enter your ronn -.:-. K^will fade i fnJl off warm water, flTi to. 100 when the trolley -'freight cars may the' carpet.", but it degrees; when thoroughly pjtsn through the • sivoots.'^-^^'^'""''."- •Drug Store. , vill save phy- 1 ^JENKINS& MEEKER is" mils.;. Everyone ought to take 'throughout, add one rennet tablet ,. The Inrtrfir/'ities-.ire v/cll- protected.' 1 bath every morning. Avoid the which•= has previously- been./dissolved and if the farmers, truckers and fruit ^i_y.c_jij5e...of .Intoxjcatiiitf drinks. in. one spoonfui_pf Jwater, and'shake,.. growers are able to reach the bound-

eases use extra care in avoiding.colds. | ff'«' minutes. When curdled, cut the n ffreat gain. The trolley freight bill' should become; anO tho chances jN'vitlN'«r-lieat'«ii-•sto j j curdd thoroughlh y with a kiiifc-i , Lu lot ! pocialiy if such stores ace crowded °ut too1 whey. Let stand for a few ai'' th!it""it"ili j with p.pp.nplep . Tho. Trento\/stores are minutes, drain oft*all whey possible, and T i i'lt0Vei!)!l)' in thithi s respect. - Keyer I continuHi e to pour off the whey as it ae- I put anything Into yoit "moiith "Which I cuhiulates. Tli*»re a lump 1 1 Oiiinov. \VJ, Knrle, only son of the j !" not- clean • and catahle. ' 'NfiViir' e;il j of " compact curd, Ctit this late F. Wnod-.vard KEIVIC, ofvthe' Pan- ^ r.,, ~,,-^.Lwith.-.a..:»knJfe so^'tliaUjt.-.wnjr.nill.^uU.ILtv;nr—!;"0iT^"~-Eiirnir-™ T.T^.Th;Crv,l^;;f^!lK^ene7al'THsu^ th'is^ciVrd wnfshoW j a^ain in_Uio •]Ime-ii|?ht"rthis~'tinie'iwlth'

r 1 I mm fii'cl as follows; ' - ' „. . | the milk...... If spongy and fuli of nu.: ptu cnts..b'r the younp --vo.nian will seek i ! J,. The;-maximum amount of. mill kI |• movou« holes. •Jiid.osirabk: forms rtf to annul." The marriage o'uiuirrud at | .ijss compulsory fur adults in! bacloria, particularly -thosu that pro- Holly last Saturday 8Ays,,.ttif i«.ll.. the newest- shades—Catawba", Reseda, ; : : friMr.,-;:hou!'£••: sha!!.1-- bo •• three !"-di:co .•sas,'."firc "present; This class of • We-are uow'^rertd'.^to'shcw »oijic' of iMe-aUftyijie^'ji"' - TlacK-etmto ^ tho ';:.Tfui,-Gray;,;I31ue and .Green; are ihemost i quarts "iif milk .rfhO .... -ar-.-" <• •• is considered by a!» th ori tie's is a daughter'Of'A. S. "Leigh, 'South • fashionable?' -: """' " < ' lines"of Boots, Oxfords, Pumps, Court t0 j S. Tho maximum amount ."•{!--•• milk j >;' one di tho oa'-'ses, of epidemic .Torsey manager of Armour ft Co. Ties,Ctc.,in all the.desirable leathers,.such as •and OCTETS for children in twenty-four j rii.irrhoo. If firm and smooth, will! The ii/st known of th.- marrlafee j PRINCKSS CLOTH 'DRKSSHS^'AND' j hours shall ho 'wn rjuartK of rnilkj '""^ io hoios^thc milk is clean and was whoiv-Hlrs. .Earlo was t:a.Ur:d up PR1NCKSS SII,K -DRKSSKS —Fashion i'nteiit'Colt/yicij.Gmi Metal- and RttSiiau-'ea'ir,•"'"', ! and four eggs. •-.-•-. . • Mnis- ii~h"a"ntVfSd in n, sanitary man- on the- telephone Monday morning 1 ii; j Tljls .tcst-imay be continjjetMnr- foretells gitiit popularity for these' beautiful "JJlb-'?X-JXKJ^^-C^^JJ^^iL^?. !^:i..ptatii.;_ or combination...... | ' 3. Tlie penera.I-or;lc.r, for increase or] '.r' and .told of.jt.tie_...evcnt b.v-her son.. Tt- 1 1 1 1 t 1 *r-ti'ii»1 1 11r by-'piaeingr the curd • back""irr'tho -"flieShiji*.." '-Tlie sliiiclt;ri^i irK'ii.iill - uf,ilhii' u(;\v(*s,t.j; ,.: "|"iU-:'-'>iih-G-T5f milk' for "any inrTr,"^-^'" ' ^ ,vas just a yfta'r'asb.-thnt r.ftiiioy 13arle —"--The best mauuffictiu;ers..knp\yn to the trade ' ' •} patient shMl he fjivVin-ny'-Vli'e .visi J-bpttlu and mjlng half full of'wnter. y :f \vas arrested in Baltimore with-the DRESS SKIRTS,,COATS AND SHIRT are rC;)re?inte^in our I/i;Iie^' M^MI'S' apd Chjl-' j l'byKiuiar^only. Tempurary (•hiinffe"^ | ;-'tlio curd floats it indicates that the o 1 : lfCo f hic-.frieiulhifW;". .Wm.'..CoDk..b ! WAlSTS_~_:tre^:bemg .shown;. .in;• the latest .[.'.mai~be"maan . by tht; resident, .physi- I'milli is unclean; If i't"sinks,. the .milk ,wHh-.;.wbf?MMi^1,.-bnd,--^l/>»G'i.:-;.J.;;ct-.-:a-S :inn : 1 M 1 : : :: -apnrn'vefl styiesh:,.;; :• -y;;~: ;;. ;v~:j~"~'- ,= -.-,•..-«••;'""" ,-:!^ - ~~' - " •••":y^'"\"v-"- ]Ts^r onVtf7riibl.v"Z!"lGfih. ""cT "' * "" - """\ ivryslr aso Coolc seen red ji, dlvyj;co..rrom- r 1 11 'S^'"V.rlBw? ?"'""!- !^ ?$)9 iixsiAoiiur-iosaJ...-; •.-—-. -, - ,-^,,.. ,.-.;.- ^- —«..-..!i!srT.^?""i;^vNiu"'Tijsifit-i:;i---v ] oF'lhVelopc- 1 1;1 ^"i.u.iii;ii-Avur---hmirs'-- wnriV "a^'day" sHaiT! -" -•-••-" --' , """"'." ..— -•-• ::|t.V'ment.j|Follow!ni'ent > g the elopement and i have nothing lint milk and, OJTRS for! ' Words .to Freeze tlie Soul.1 ' at \-*Mo. |h'o!i?lit of • that scandal came Remcir.ber Our • breakfn t-ordiirins^"Uie^^6ronbon.r 'Tour son''has consumption. -TTIi Prices are ALLEN CARPENTER irm S ••;:. - , :,? •.-'*- •«ivnuuu. i our son nsis consumption, —I-IIS the thifiiitene-d suit of jriss Laura Tamily. Shoe Store |; J_i!ii*5 rn°Sf be taken hot if so- (Jeaired nise is hopeless." ."These appalling JVorlclo," of this .town, 'for breach of AAlwayl s 22!) SOUTHAMPTON ST.—ONE-HALF BLOCK , jp'KT>thc patient. Patients who are | words wnrrt spoken to Geo. E. Blovena. promise. A thorough Investigation Money-savers ISELONyi'ini SQDA-KK—EASTONrrA------,-[•;wonting-four hours rinfi^imvflwioiTT.-ji'"ivj,u•Jeadlng .mnr.ehant of Springlleld, N. Jnln-tiin-.M'.prloJo nlnlni was made by ; "C." by two expert doctors—one a lung 1 havi?^-i-y^ biitto'r^anbi;tte r'and oatniftal.o- ' for the attorneys™:rjv.. tho Enrles, and ''-""':':"' " ' liy,' in place specinlint. Then was shown the won- 419 Nortftampton St., EASTON, PA; '" brnAi^ast. and occnsVpn.'db 1 what., if any, settlement was made derful power.'.pp Dr,l;lying's New Dia- ^of oa^Tienl, bacon;, am„ i the;ey .may 1 ^covery. "After three week's uae," was never made public." ---•-": in cold meat for siipper; but on the.days "wrlles Mr.* Blevens, "ha was as wull( Youri^>:Rai:le,_..whose penchant for when they have had bacon for break- as <»\(jr; T would not take all thematrimony* isT^¥6*rt .of. a .joanta, is fast they£saii!i)Iesaufl-Kivcprices/i-^'fj^3S^^

'" • "J&)-; ,^;"'"">"'-.'-,""". THE WASHINGTON STAIJ, WASIUNOTON, N. .1. i'HUJlSIMY. APRIL 8, 1909 11 I •oor.iCT. j TUBERCULOSIS AMONG COWS I 1 K^MHSTOWX J. D. CHhSs has mn<]p hlc pardon' ,, Ueu. Sehuilchl of Now Hu lindrow linn purchased n vj Conn., In lu.'iv *>u liln iuuiu:il ttM loam of Hlr'H. nnd plciiU't] polntoes. L'inulls tu it l.e.».- Dc^rui' In Xu trl t i ' t Or,»n.|o |-'r.,rin; who him boon ill, IT'S THIS Jriu ftavo iimved on the Gllita farm. • tlllM-* Ilm" 'M-UIHIX, MO- a .ph»y*jtl j if twain,,on duly. .MIRH Woiiltu PmvdlHon' Hpcnt Sun-: UVll-knmui .tmliiirJljv J Qiilntti* . I'vllu of UnMOn to -Mib.s .Wlnrii- Mnnlitiun. wli hn

There car.; be but one . • best, and i Jusl Wrfjihf Shoes day with their daughter, Mrs. Ilamp' :;^,1 ready to wear now awaiting yoiv proves , "\ : arc cither tiiu-fci ; ton Ifny-» -- -•• - - • Mr. nnd Mrs. W. O. nnvls or Nutlcy I - conclusively tuitl'we lead—we carry out S4.n0 shoes for men Hpunt n Cow Unyu last wv.«k with Mr.;. "unsinlsjlon uf disease ..from I1JK tllO flllU'rul of hi.* thoroughly our plans to olTet you the , " or they arc not... t ami Mm. L. M. Schnnuk. : »"-ri. mvmnpUxhlm." thin hy p IM-CWT PrtnVfr, Mlsa ICHS!.- Mi'Mhun was the guest I : mostdesirahle clothes for every purpose. mllK Mr I of lrir>iidf In Stntiiiiflluiri; .1 U:\v dnyet! \\-'e sr.y thtv are, MIw Alma nnrlier of PhllUpsburK' '"If - - - Straus writess'ts o com-1 1*. 11. .Murtln ix-Lt. .Your Spring clothes .ire worthy of but yo'.rll never IK hpcnilinic a .short tlinu ivltli her sis- '"'-'id sfvri&l«r Fr^Iuyhuy ««*» it-uo-1 rnin* OrlaiHl't, Fia.. ivlt»!i«' h<- • upem I tor. .Mr*. .Milt*"' .Muilat*. . , tut fur Uiv aj'iiointii)c-iit uf «i cum-{ the jyreat^r part or iht- wititur. M- consideration—where vou buy makes all know if this is so or .ludy tuboroulould and to| r.-porlH hit henltli nin.-h Improved. at IHT iirw- W Clnii-eh *u> .-i in'."•'< Jli*. Walter Ulrd,. Mrs. AlicAi e Poow y and t0 valvKCx-itl. the diirlrenee in what you obtain. • , • not until you try olaon fipont lost- Monday with Mrs. I indorse AssftnMyni.-tn Smtlh"n hill for! '•«<•- Hnnlrn IUI.H iimvetl from i them: then there will Gttu. Gilo* ut Kiiro*vlIIo. i Uiu control of il/y Immitn ^MIICVM ui 1 Alnrl:i;l)oni to a -part ,>r Mis. J. K. ^IMWABW...,;,! r,««,Iii- iIiH..r Cast all doubt aside and come to this Mr.mill Mr.«. Walter Hartow were Hit- dlscagv. !l-'"llu nmis? on-JJigh »t_r««t. He ttlinrton w..-r« miu&ta vf Miss .\ : store. You will be greeted here with'a never lie any doubt— uruHH •>{ Mr. and Mrs. John Unrt at flu wri iho .V. V., s.Snhlier o\vr. Siii.rtuy. you'll know that we The Kniiiir.i .Stut-i ,v iron c«>. greater variety of , Inckettstown on Sunday. , ,; jfut It u me th;i told you right. Walter llird and faintly have m'>v«d 'Hey is pMNltiO! Clothing, Hats and All wf,Rti!i(;,-i.,m[j(.r- All (lie- new nlfiv Myl.-* forHiirliit' ; • ••'•• • ; ""Furnishings:* ^~:r~^•;;-;,;_-•

1 than you could hope to find elsewhere. good dinner. I liave bton observing for JI;UM, ! Iwntso on the C K. TUuih farm fnr'hi luiw Ijtion vli;!tJiiff ttiulr KIUM'I Our prices, loo, are an inducement to Mrs. Andrew llihier 'intl daughter with .ntt-rcst and increasing satis-! own occupancy and for tho ftocom- tnotlu.T In Hll/.ab''th, hiive rctitrnotl have you trade here. , .; Mahol of Nowark »ro spending a few fuctiun, the progress made tiy your f .mndailmi of hoarders—turn u-|i.. nr» Imin.?.' MERGER'S wjoks with hfr pareiitH here, Mr. mid Commi^l-m Itrcfmtrol-j'-'n!i>l<>yed on the-cut-off. • KSS M.'.rlM..rlw 11 nil Kt"Kttnrt i "Weston of The next lime in Kastou be sure and Mrs. I,. M. 'ffchenck. « i« aptf ouut t UietHdumio iinn ! LLandlord U-wla Stout I« n.nv inXowark are sr"'inHriH K few days 239 Northampton St. tj,0 dajry honls of your .Slate, by the; fullll l f thh em m.Hr wn H*i- witth ththeie r KrnmlmotlU Air.". C. 0. pay us a visit—it will be to your interest. ivlslee aiitJ ln.rlt«iln.-ralt;t«iuu uso uf ihu tubetuberr - tcl. Tliu IU:IU:(;il.«( c was tnliisfontMtn l »l»8l Wc-stonWt . Easton,:Pa. trutlrutln teateatt , AH a rusulrll l of tltlilla wwork 1 l'll-'t-lduyd . MrM . Oll l BLOCKADED imtl funilly loft xs I.f-na Martin hnw roturrtcil ljulk-v- u- Unit- thvrtthere' aru now In thethe • 'o n Kl1-Yldad y ffor their future llocntli o I : ritiito of N«w Jersiey niuru •ht-Ttis free Xewton. i- after Hpf-ndlnp several \Vi>ol(s Kveii-\ 1Illlll^llnlll 111 Winsl:llilKIOII it urn tulmrculuHls thun In any other! her si^tflr. Mr.-i .Ins. I-*arr, in JACOB MAYER • 'Sllotik 1 Knmv Him lo Ho.•IKI II.

•n11! IJ!I.'li I..:1,..'S liOl'.'Mli..' thu l,|(M|. ' ii. On i li..- llLihl.'.VH Willi It.ulr ivor'K. Cor. Centre Square Eafton, Far By Electricity Tl 1- IMcis will n.'lic nu tlKIIY-. !.• .!S .> t 1,1'POf tllilt P.mill'.s 1Cldnoy While Vou Wall I'm.-. 'I.. :.Ills. if * tlie b.-MC proof, i•or It". comcJ fru'ii.I Win.hfiih'toi.. town. |AVrN(i liwliillcd a hill .M will jdotuct the innuocnt and *de-i Mititiif C. Mill ha.s moved his fam rs. A.. M'. Vourii,'. SOLin CMl lVnsi;K-;iK LuiiJiinnL'r from uxpu.stiru to: Hy into the house with his inolhor-In- Don't forget the Hastor social oi: \y.i«hlnt;tun, X. J., aays: "For; the inlVutlun ihiuimh thu (h-inldmj of imv, Mrs. Harriot Witnior. In HardSaturdn- y ••vfiiini; next. April JO, «!'.*• on hy thf .Ladles1 Aid Sin-tciy of t»i»; ^n IOIIL' tiin.^ f sulTfrotl frofmtimi painn-iin«s »"""<•'t?"Ueeted raw milknillli. _, . ,, "; )\Mi. tu-.vnshlii. HHi ssoln suii'in-iuw. .l I-"i MyMy ltllt j'i II from Un- John .Vdsa ilti the , n mm, IIIIIL I surrcreil luin? such u law would "Stiikn at one of Kr,...,v -kiln]* will I..' on ealo. | mm- |-r.>Mii!t'ir tti ! acro.-s"Ihi.' •iniall of my liacl, and rlilci! I the common caustv of tiio disease ' farm t" the Calvin Krvluc lot, near lili,'li«'st inn.U' of | lli:-.t ',ft»r made it Itnpoaslblc for mo1""1! """ '•"">"!!« ""'lii widespreawepreadd nmnmls.wli.Tsl 1 Tlir>.«(; u-h'» '-.Vf>ro th» quests of Au-[ stilforlni; iiml so many deaths. | .MrSi tyust UaUi'f'W over NutitJay nre riK t'ol-I piiii'lii^'. (iiir Mtltulit'i* atnl 10 «i.,,.o ' i iv.» 1111.1..F ii.r. <•;;» «f „' "Wttil stilforlni; iiml so many deaths. | .MrSi Ahrahahmm sllvurmalurm i ont to 1 ,v,ulll ,„_. ;l jjructlual nmasurii of j the hoin- lows: IMu\ llndrow nf Saw Vorlt, I Ihil.slier iiirfurt uti'oliff'H- litnl to s|.,op. I und'.T tho care of it . HH ,v,ulll ,„. ;l jjructlual nmasurii of j th h off hhe r parents IIn Now York Rugs and Moor tl m in th smvlr I u lu'ittt'i-wurk tlmn fjimpussi. I'hysi.'lun who wi that I • had rheu- iM'..'V»i!(iyti, worth more in the saving' if : ThMryrtnyl ami! on 3M«i;<3aI v Mr Miss- An ft- J tart row • of • Cata-Tauqua, '••-'v'biy'iiicidiim uy tititi'!. with- ii.ui.uiiii.-ui«m . •i,u biltl • lih -•dl.-ln.. •ratio.] i, he s At tti" *":-rnian Reformed church 1 • "•; out lulflftloimt MML V"ii • • -"" !'? - * '^ t relief. Ilcurl.if; of mlp .a this dtauutu from humanity. ; Ut )„.,. ,,„ ^tm-luy. Aht la'alinut the hut Sinnfay inornln;; conllnnatlon was i , «nt t'onliitlly iuvlte.l tu cnl.' : B-iven hy Kev, KiiUnff of Naxar(Hli. ! Iii-Kin'H Kidney T'MIH. I 'rnnoludcd i'> .'1'hui'u wuUI ,bo littlv uppuutlluti in; lmpplcst tiiiui In town. 1 Coverings /iri«l «i'i« t.ln* nmclili)' |'"r- : 1 T! I- !!., tu jr, :iMiuh..i r <•( hoys and mirier - z.lw] iind IiiHi'i'ct tiw W(»rk. h&in and pnuuiv-,1 •., l,,.x at tU unit mw^nllS. '..!^! .'•'"«•/'(!! "' I'liii.-rnl sorvlwy ..r #Mw., Ur-. Tho.v,c...Co;;j!i ;iiuu -wviv -Minnie -l.iniiii- ' inun," Knrnta Kohn. ' Kvel.Vn Had|-ow. i SI iocs [Icclc-d and Hule.s f-'rcetin .MIIli.-i-, Krcrt Uednuiu. Win, I Sewed On Within Thirty Buflrnw; Kapp, Win. ICrlelte- j .MtnuU'S. horir and Chuid Xowstead. s We are offering some good things in All Work (.'iianitiUH-d. •. Oh:is. Pastel., a foroiyner. -whn if .;ii]pi(iy..'f| at the "WR.shhi^ton1" liVfi'ios. I RUGS 'and FLOOR COVERINGS tiv-t with a torrflile' a-x-ldent last i for Spring buyers. Thur.'Ji'ny mornittfr. Whilu descend-! Harry Davis For sale by all ilisnlrnt, ha: ,-iJ'^ldi«r he fell a distance of IS-1 coins.: Foster-.MIllMirn C Kill Lin.! ^•.•nn.s uf tuljercuiosls in th'i •III KAST WA.SIII.VaTO.V AVE.VIII3. i miiic ami ii<»j :..oC lh« hite ;\Vni. feet, 'stistainlny bruises /ahout th-' Better look our stock over if in the ' Xew York. BOI« n,r..,,t« f-.r '.tins 'ui •iint-'auve qtmiiticM. •• ' nini.-iiii n liarttwiiri npliip. was dls-H-SMI-ami ijuiiy r Dr.- Mclticlc wns call- j market for these goods. They are Nt-w Jyrd'Jv hiL.-.a uniqtiu'oppni'lun-• P"^'-'d of at lit;! idt-rc. on Siiturday. ed and drt-srJd'tne wounds. l.ut<;r ho; ity tu continue to lead tho wurM-ln i !*n«. widow. .Mrs Mit fMM was taicoii in th« Rpthleher::. hospital.! going lively, for our prices are lower Ueinembcr th.; .ui.e—^Donn's—aati ihe fijjht [itjuinst.tuberctiloi-'lfs, I hope! '-'hiiS'td tin.- honic-ti-ad hoiisc and lot ir than they, have been. take no other. vui will lit'iisu it. 1 "I-' '' JUTCS for Jl.1T,". John Warner " Ah. Sti'Uus ha=i fur 17 years been > h-mirlu tlie lot known us tin.'. Chrlsto- 1 1 f POUT MUIIRAV. tleinoniitniting the [i..>s.siI,ilVly of re-! j' "- ' U'Wi' ' .'t for Jf.dO. Threo other -Mrs. II, S. Funk spent Friday, ir nukt.-UKtow:i on business, liutii i>.\ .:"!,000.. ,I-o -t!ei;rtJt!n.-r-LOiHahiiiiy So M^i-^-fi>i- $S.f>i>'i!n J .Mrs. Kiinnjf Terry, whu luU boon THE BOARD Or MANAGER OF hist year. tiirn.'u he hogan hie1 work j su're. { Ml Lhe past few days, is improving. [tie Morris; County Savings Bi Hutchings & " Geo. T: ri-f.ll has ddod •an"1oriic»|1f."*!i0S:'*'l>nr'fi7"a""stl'lU*llt1'10'1 WUliams | Vdu'cud' hiy iiitthud. to ]ila store room. I :"}1^'-'- lil li0mo (ov the. Easter.-raca- | •Mrs. John J. .Alhertson EJI i-ttENUV C. PITNEY PHILANDER B. PIEKSON ! limits u Wity but School. !lf.«. P. rV'id Henry, who has been :ptllUPH.HOFF.MAN HifiDEWCK ff. 1JEACI1 ; tiny shopping in Kaston. i has kupt : ill the pasih throe'weeks, is'abK» to bo iOUV/il.MON FRANCIS S/HOYT ' , X>r. Wtlbui-r L'. J--I Win. II. .lames' has n^uin the. lime- n.s pJiiiut*rianrt.,pfiper li.injri'V . F.UGLNE S. llURKE ALrUED ELMEK MILLS .:: : ! •"- ™- - PHILIP H COOPER r' iim;i* riitinnp' in.'ii) tDe presi- i of Ci-iiiciiary Cuiloyiato InsU- j cow l.isl week for his new farm ! lt«-i'<('iiiji:;ii»K ttu-ir r^-juii^HjiIiij to tho ilts • tute. Hi? wf-Htorn ear««r was short, I John Iirueo uf Rflvidcrc removed 1-3. s. Ilfti>v>r of Rahwav spent Sun- I imi'lt.ii-'iiiiKi ih'.'noiici-jii |-::ij:i.:.:iiJik,>iv;i'.-Miinl •• sharp aud .disastrous.-,., with low of au- \ to th.: Cfoainut-y houso horo • Saturday day Aviilv U\s wife's parents Mrl'ind I j Sfi'heSr"o"t"^ H.mlt.'11"'1''11"1"'' ku"xIwl'iei tlon, und eii.llnff fcy his heins deponed j last. Mrs. Kr-i SearfoW. .. "' ' | pl""il '" x>!l'™a'

l Hiil.!-I ]\ny ? Axfofd's"Grocery v.-hen the doctor and hLs bride sot [ largo consrusatioii' was jn-esent. Air. an-i Mrs \lpln. Pobesou and b£ck they found the school so oneum-r John H. Albertson and family of ^n.u-hter Vida of Phllllpsbure wero GOOIIKKKVICK PROMPT DEUVKKY tierw! with claims that hu gave up ami [•struutlsliuw were Sunday yuosts of ov&r.s»ndiiy kiiests of air. and Airs. ^r-uir.-fiia.Hiiirrnrh'riniin'i'i.PiVu^mri*" FsUins. Goiirt iii'""voluVitiiry''bank'nTptcy. P" "Abel SeliritiK, formerly- of .this ! Xl'vi»J? C,. Matthew —jiisb^tcnivii*, Spanish, PDrtiigacsoacti-Franoul"! "Ur'.,lr-'pii'iiiahcu 'statujnunt. Piv FurKu-| place, luis^oneto'riope to work for. | ^'i^s: Lillian,. •an ••d .is ; thinghtei\ yi\s< !•.• Zrrrrzr'rr..- . r:.~^-,...... ^[j'.'ILJ.'uv.lews.the,, conditions, and tie- j ITarry til-.iey on tho.Turner farm.. Marvin of PhNndcIphla, .ar». vi;;.. I-&Y~.."~"" •1^"'"" -KMU----"-•-•-;^-'------'i'nwVpvi'^

THE i^STON CARRIAGE REPOSiTORV : to have a lino residence when com- I ot'.wuuous.l luivi» nvci-<-at-ried du !(. II.n )lo(ed. ... 1 ,-^v. Aniiy (o li'omnl Unlvcistty. iiiVIi; l^lou/'/JuSt. now I VitH yoii 10. l)\t| Amos Garrison, resinned his i^ifinnl. •-•'•• -\Lra.Vnjciiv. :•. ..-.. . i t iiii'Jr: ' '• '"" '" .s'^'th'Viiiyi^WVtL'E'hitii'iii "'l;ijit.i,.wj v : V.Uyrihn.K k" .and I" ••' Mr.'_ U'hfttk'kl7oiir' now Vturckuepur '.".-' ••-'.'V^"1..-Ar^-_"it;-|h'iU Jiispn. spt,int^.pai:t.,.qf.tln ! /w, "i-liilxilHiin, ^''I'dk or in|i:tnii'.i lij-cs 1*5 J social service operation, is the latest-! JM. Wrnr.d .Ainmerman was re-ol.-ctcd f • A nmnbtir frntn hori; nttnndort tho 1 - ' *-- "-'•• •" of thu KlffnntU: arniy'wiiioh uowj fiiiperlntendRiit and •lira. y. J. Allen, • i^cin^ion to'.rdastoi ES,AN!)...CARNAGES -,:, ?" '"*" L;i

be'tflud1 to cstimuto on yTss j branchcs.will bncli!!?",^r:i.u;:Jlccr.^Vft(>l.-R \yitli i"the'world will uo"TtV'T;ot"iTl6"ii?>nmV.U'ls SlouL. ther, Twin. • John Jilsjn,1 w!r "Sliaciglist-m Chronic 'Diseases

4V ;iO5, Take I£lovatuf^=4= ;- JaniicilOo VUea <\- ^ [:,-.(> llronc'iIUs DrainjB Khinpy Diseases tvT*rt>sphnt« p'b'»( vice, ,/l'he ntimbcr of srnduntoa frol'n Holvfdore. Uowcl Dchlllty tho nr«t is ostlniaic'a at.3.0001- n. -ynnr, Jlr.-nnd Mrs. Gilbert .Stout passer] Sunday with his" parents, Mr. ami , .;.; ...... :\i7:^H Tho .roiimlfiipr. of siiclf a xmlvcrsity airs;; Jacolj Stotit.-,------' ii'.*;;..„'-.":";•-—'??- J: r ia ^i= iw:R >Cc> n D| 141 Nortlin*«i)ton Street, Eastpn, P», will mark tho realization of Goiifrnl 1 ^•H'*!*" " nr«piS t•~^^"~ =MSlws * S s^sr Air:,. «ndv Mrn.,. AValter Sfopp -sppni nny," Na?;il...C^tarrlitne ci'lp'o. .byf 'y6ur"bJcren-" i:Eiii5,.E:v'B[{|^i:h" j n5tlpailoh" l Kooih's •I]fclo'ng.;clroniTi. ' "' •'&£% ..-. —'—ircniorrhoMs --• Morphine •naW'^^E^"*!!££!**! Spectnclca nnd E^cghisdes. - '' jfSunday with her pareiitsj, 'Sir. ani.\ Ci-r^r-j.^:ii^ivu;a/ncn; will airthi-aw'SJl- j § "'chronic --.Dlsi : "i\Irs. .Tncob Williamson. .,. *iisw Hay Fever -r Xcurnlffla" --^'VJloers ~—~ ".-.;'• ir;1 a.- direct from ..tho fac1 - J : i. :.™; tbry. Our, factory Is- Up before the linr. - Tho, theme for 'tho Epworth Loagiic et]ulpped with'all the npiatat of- snoozing will, cease .anil -thn-;diR- ,» ' Haul. Noise? Qpliim lTiihlt . N. H. Brown? an attorney of Pitts- meeting' next Sunday ovnninp;.. "Coin- :.}!;.'.:::. .TmiigwUdVi --"• ";;Plmrnynglils lateat machinery, on- - | Hold, Vt.. writes: "Wu h«.y«~itfiO(3i;'Drr chai'ge, _.ux \olTonaivo 'tn ..nttiors; fi\v t>\ r-abllnB- UB •"» to • -juttkL' •yoiirsGlf,*"' will"" I'e stopped """wli'd'a :VT.iib EArs Impotence(1 • PiilpltfltJon Throiit and TO • King's" New .Life,.Pills for y'uars'nnd* caiisos th\;»,t produce It are removed. the'-• finest glasHOB'in : If you want to buy or sell Hnd them such> a pood family medi tho .world. Wo-have Joh1n Tloeder niove(\,,frorn.-thpJPcterr .""-patroniJn ttyary.&intm. liing, advertise in the Star's cini e we wouldn'ld't t be withouih t tthem.h " Kline farm to hla o^u~-vjVrm--at"ilar- tin's. nrprlr-«ii(ltAlcsahilci,'^V'61ft!"£t;oiiT- u-|.Aiontahn to the farm Ivacat -OuuiiBi'B-prescrlptibhB^tiulckTepftlfi." -.-. ;•••• •^•••V| ders. 25c,at Jenkins &'-Meeker'a. '11 Reedcr. ' '• '•:••. ^r-%5^'~*~z~-~! -•'• U2 THE VASHL\GTOX STAR. WASHINGTON. Nr J.. XUUKSDAV Al'RIL 8, 1909.

1IACKRTTSTOWN. VllO.M NKK.llIlOHL.Nti COU.NTIKS. j ': John C. Wort lin» boun eontlned to home during the past ten ihtyy fnuu Si'iiu-rvllli) l» to have a syniim»i;u The. KIIJUOII l'o;.irvl or 'ratio lui* 711 rhounmtlsin. o «•<*• 120,00". ;•'.'•- .Mr. ami Mw. Enrl ivnoivof Avocu, April •„*; U-|H» vl:,.,. upenlng Pn,, Were r«tvnt vLsltora at tliu home H. Ciu-<-• nns»« iT.-shlviiti>r<'shlviit, . [ >-f (he A)»rtl l-nti ..r of \\.fi fallifi*, I?avlil Den>;e. Kli;nnnst nV Wi; tinmiui i-tirtitvtii: Th- 4irrm:ttt V.iHey ... Gcorco nni) Miw Dtilllo Sliinr.oi* .if wttl bo lu'lil of. Auc. :1. I. .*•. <: iii.l 7.. itliimum; n> VALU.1 il» wrvh Ncwarlr are vistilm; roJ.itl\ ,V IK-IT A bill to i in't»rpt»iMi».''Si>iiH-t>' i:o Hi-1'«'' ", • • during their school vacation. l . Ji'jt*. (•>»>. .1 in.' i.-nial'i-. tiin'i,!-!t.i..»vrrs J.-.MM- 1 Mr. :!!»('?.lrf. J.'liii C. Shari' viH j i.Iiiw IIIMI Hut Unvir |ir..m k\vo * - i.r"s-r-.«rtw '•••ichrc ' I'Mi't;-". ..: t.-rMi-- !.r!U iit IN'-'lK """''•» '"i ^u* --"'i'. • Brool;-!.],- Turin, U.i.s I-VOIIIIIK- . I- ii-,',! .i* u Kiith-i-; • Tiic oMwl t'llUcii ••[• IMittiiibuft: ;,*•--. jacdi IV .MMoru of NVw V.'il; I ilictl lattt Wuck—wiarixfa. vyUi.nv uf : ;1 i< 1 1 -looking aflor her iMu-.V.i U;u ••(>• v>f Klvmlrj:-:,'"" "'"^ !•«-•'. r -' * '?..«•_ J *•'•"•*•,. ..• .-• { . .;.':. 'i.t::... !^u!•' - T'.ic :•**;« »»+•«*i.-. **» il.i' i.uim-riurii • iVfiiiiioinonitli'ii •it iniforVi. iVsHJiity nt AUauiiichy.,, htirtiotl a year! * Mens and Youn^ Men's Clothing, Gents'Furnishing Goods, liats; Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes

l'K SHOWINGS of Spriii); ami Summer im;rcliaiulist;'u're' splendidly ready stud complete- uiir O M-soitmems are no-.v :U llwii best ami contain every color, size and'style t'liat can be callec'i for l lie siyits you will «ee here are decidedly, correct, and only such 'as have been approved bv the mo-t liifonueil tasmoii setters. , A wise idea would be to do your choosing now for Easter. Certain it IS It w:Ii he tu yom ;ii;"v;iiiln.yy in evt!v -,v:iv. " " , : ,r Newest Ideas and Smartest Fashions That Can be Embraced in the Construction of Clothing . * ".J: ;'.a' '•'"';-'n1"o to !i?: a !« of-|«icc». :«.i.;.i:.»aiii k. emphiisize the fact that in this exhibition ,*ou will tuuU.uiy ait.- very best (.lutliinK that dollars ami brains can procluce. Comparison has always prove; our I .oiliini; unvei in pi ice iban any clothiiijf of similar quality, sold in this vicinity. OUR CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT Hcicinc cloths tlkit meet the ro|iiia-inc:!ts of UILVIIUJSI tasty drt-ssers; faslmins that are approved ami .innlttv \]u\[ will hear the clo.^si sciminy. ICvory garment that wemake h a fashion plate. Tei- ro-»'"vrUU lSte WItl servV lIitMr "Ht'i-esis by examiiiinj. our "bods' before purchasing their Sprin»

New Sprliisi'SliIrts, New EasierNcckwcnr and Spriiifl Hals. Eveverry new V a l Itlt IS reilll 11 .•!" " >-^-cry ,,ciy color and o)iiibiiialiou. From 5i,25 to S^oo.' QUEEN.QUALITyS^ tin. adoption of this brand of show lor leading line of Xoslu-c has ever" been made that rallies Tound its standard uoineti s tootwear, is .n the linc-of progress ever characteristic so^nany of the best dressed men of the country as Ralston of Hit si i™h ore. 1 he merits ot -guceu Qua Uy ' Show have has become the recognized standard of qualitv; and whenever burn nth that tor years they have enjoyed by far largest sale of shoes are mentioned Ralston comes to mind as' fust alnoug th • all women s shoes m the world. Improved shoeniaking. great j-ood makes Thev are fiw in \ net\ ind beauty of styles, and all leathers are included : every quality, comfort "and style MsU. e\ery need, every loot can be fitted, both with satisfaction The real nohbv ami hit^t is uid et nomy. '1 hat is why we kix-p these famous shoes. Ralston in green and red kus Queen Quality Shpes at 5^,^.50.54. sia calf. All lasts, une pi ice Queen(jua!ityOxf'ds,52.,50,5^,5-^.50 —>-!• A full line of W. L .•:-:.We cordially :invito:you lu insjiecr OougJas* S3 -"anil $3^50 our "Queen Quality" assortment. Shoes.

.If.ypu will cnlj ancl •;u'.-.|iL-cl"oui-"si6ck; we assure voii that Vuu will have iKMloubt that we have made the great** pa>paiatious Jver •ior the arrival ot the brightest, freshest, most enchanting seison of-ill the year—SPRING. We bidvou welcome. At least let your curios- ity oe tfatistieu by h look at our i^oodt:. "i SMI r P\pr = it mtior of pench shipper 0 t t ir 1 tattti£T that poache? this yea I l[[ I I ht^k t u tl 1 1 ih o Ion co c <* i t! c •* 1 \lou 1 ' 1 ' Mi 1 t! r Tl cl 11 ir n Itl o t i j r o » r il Tl co cil pro r I i c\ [ „„ j nt u 0 ^ip nt fn n :...- 1 \n tl I v FT -ind Pin I Inn 1 \i \ r n ANnsnMK .nvr L 1 Dr -. ihp p t t o TTS tl nt BLACK.'WITH atte Ii Tt th ( tin it! \p n f j i DIXIE SMALL STATl arK tl 111 Cliid F Cook 1 .. ..- of cirms co r for I I We Want to Convince You Reglslered U--'i. WHAT Columb i Ln er It L bTsket SI ipper repl tl it the Percheron SJallion not comn tc 1 rinc tl I Icinno- ULltUL tI j1 i Lll'' thL.UIIJ1e 1comin = i=on b ~ir>n h« ( t! II e TI n in \ nc the bill it) pi t n =; 1 I ti eirs th ! Hour years old, lfiC~hauds high CANDOINTHE Dirln the It tl p poww r crop \ i i. L 1 ortt b ro th npet f . -Thai it is lu your advhuthge tb^blly ybiii jud weighs 1635 pounds. Dixie : LUMBER : le in M rrl«t v>n T. 1 tori m . siloes at this store.-•"-•'A- fair trial will cotiviuce : -:_wi!L.::!akc-ih6-seas6n bf-":-r•'•• Dim the 1 t 1 lie Ii con •- -- --1909 .itmy farm ": - •-"-;" people f n ti 1 P 1 " hit ft I RATtiROAD you that we iiave the correct styles and are Inn IP Vn n 1 c ort an 1 Mrs Me \er -\n\ ^E • fit the right iif price. I Near StewartsvUle, N. J. of O c I Ml c F nil tl c t nit II Ii r hi" ntro \ I 11 on o 1 st n Iftori n 1 ill for tl 1 trificilion or he tit AT THC LOW RATE OF $12 TO INSURE Gri Mori I in 1 M P 1 cpitil r-iil 1 fr 1 in 1 to Morr £ tl p tc Y ol It n tl i co t A LIVING FOAL I G 1 11 r it P PI f Cl 1= I tt nl «c , thre^ Miuvs u, lm rotiiriiccl -!cg:;larlv as" re- r I V u n ror three t c c r Pi*r 1 1 , T, c ° ^ " d i 1 ! ^ r 1P1 n In tl It of n !a«< ito: i»D. ••..." _• , >l uun b rlinl co n I" > n i j -An ini-liniioiris'oxtotjVteillo'iiil'ttV-cnil thf M tl 1 <=t h fn U Ii e t 1 r tl I 11^ n nl = l ttu.. r e in I n from Men's and of Quality. Only the dependable kind that df 1 TrM I p 1 nt i t Ii «ol He np Leliiffh A i1 t lin 1 f n I and Inspect tlio lioise, whether thor wish hi h n c i \ K H hT= n " d neT to n 0 ror" In bo or6 Women's wear well. In all leathers and all stvles and; '• use his services nr no!.. n| ThH s 1 t 1 e 1 rit Im* i a m ml pp " 1 N C01 Shoes a wjde rSnge of .price. A fine stock of " ' I ir held n nb tl p his or of \R y •; O rt5 , I tMt I ic onlis^ tikfln b AZARIAtlJREY, Owner! pron p t npp ntn t H<* 1 proi.i » greitl h ! ed b ) i<= 1 popie he 1 It is 1 1 ed upon a •s' 1 1 1 V! rjcciisu Certllhutc or Pure Hreil n ml ot "lo il pi ner" "5 k t) tl f herff Misses'and The kind that gives toe room aud comfort Make gooS mvuil l Plan. • ' - .. n Aairliili Frey orsuo'ni l.-vlll,."x.J. K-rtli ' *" n t p op !. ll ; ti.S Mnr. sollil: Cillor liliu.ft. l,,... 1 d c Rubber Jfoote-T.hotLke'epJhe.feet warm..and dry, in endless : Others Imve profited, hv nur ml- r rPvrc.ii!niti;-linilii.l"Ill-lhc j-nir IW>t;' liiu 'liu lib II Dru i«L. ver hoc and variety and at iiornilar prices. ^"i}\pr the • best inc(l lit li,.siuli; l-..\ri.nnit.|il wtalton l A y i Arctics ]jne ofg0o(is, to


• • ••'"' • "• :'___i_ • •• • " „••-•i»----2j ' I! N^'L1101''01'oroilirilL!!^!^'^ril'iry''^

"• >J " ^" \! " • n" ^" •' .. .- - •' 1 1 want e\'ory reader or tno St&r to ' "jux ,. ll.'f1 -*!| tr^ rn^ Standard Seeds. To Introduce A '1- Y • f' ' I lllem "i will moll ono Jor»jG packet I I --•?:=*j enchno(_thc foHowtng four cholcej , , j Il*Sct. Knrly Lentz; Cucumber, Cyclone; .Ivcttuce,' Sunrise; lsh, While Icicle

pply of CoalV Is nllty Inipurtani

W. D. GULICK EYEGLASSES LUMBER, MASONS' MATERIALS, .; ROOFING, SLATE, SHINGLES, Mrs W m Gre(?n! erj, an 1 son of Jacob ^ "1 He SollOll IvcltOr-t --T.Vfrl'APER AND WRAyEU^ 1I*VRII{J)I|' but-con- \P n k nrp m«sm; fortnlRTt with ,. sUintstmln of Imperfect V"^ . 73 E. Washington iiwlj , _her Catl er Ceo Popue 00 ° 1 r erlttgtf f u.i then can eat nn thing- nd e\er thing ! eye«. Avrong oye RIUHKCH "....'-' v. :•• •"•. "'-•' ' .j£t . Mr a U Mr ^ en and Mr and ten 1 nee pupil pre^pnt o^ry 'ou want without the slightest Buhideret Ave. and Morris Canal, Washington "" lcreiiHo the Ntrnln. Mrs. A. Jf. Newman ,apent ..Sunda\ da Ii rl ^ the month Bertha G re u ie tic Mery To ten Vnthony ^discomfort, orv misery, and everv ^A(;HITE OAK <' mith'Mr and Mr* Coo H,p plnni t T particle ot" impurity and • Gna Knnwllon. Pa\la Har"v nvder ol n "WIIP I Martin Car that la In your stomach and Intoa ^LEATHER USED'7*r The leader In ladle footw ear tinea 1B going to be carried awa St. Star .nnd.Thrlce-n-Week New Tork Queen Quality hoe for "alp onl at without the use of laxatives.- nr an ~ , TVorld »2" \ar In id ance Frank Pills Califon V T •".ther asaistancc. Star and a THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.f THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909 13 STKWAUI'SVlIiLIO. Liilhvran 'oliurch on Sunday. new barn of lSdgar Froy l« bo- Communion•-service will bc~iiol t«> 'Dolvitluiu on WnlkT titircH of Kaatnn passed Sun- for Ilci-ord at tlio County Clerk's Thurndny on hnsiix.'H^, day moiiim; with Ills brother Asa. Olllcc .Since March 27, 111(11). Clinton C"lf, fin or os-Sherlrt Cole, Al'ialiiiin rid'i-km- pit.SNuil Siimlny [ litix innviiuscil n rhlltm plow. with his imientH, -Mr. uiiiOIrs. Jnculit 1 W;iit-r II. Donkt-r ot ak to Th»"». .i Ktiiel Xuimi'O'i'Ys oueiiquitu "ill" I . .^iMi-i. i.i uxfor.i, iliiteii Oct. 27, 190s* th<- pa^i u'oolc but Is out again. i:«.n,.>s tot in Oxford; rftimlfk>r.i(lfItli OMIIIIH, cxotntliir, ft al. lo Hoffman Ls carting tics f.u-| .IIKOI Kulim-r of Oxford, dated Mai1., Allied Unylor hns moved from (.vi- :::;.'.lun9.-U'JiU*VA l.uul in Oxford; ».J? O*»HJF»H,' tjxwuttir. 'ot -at. .£*< .Mniv I!, 'i.siniiii ofllop.-,-il:it"i! .Mar. •i:.. iao:i, convt.-ys wnml Oxford: t'oii^Myrntlfin $110.

zii'V ul* U'nphlmuoii, dated Mar, 2ti,, 1 fiftji .>nnv«y« html (n W'asiilnpto:: • township: VoiijildiTfUloti $1,900. Easter Buyers Will Find Sat= 1 o Chtirlw I-:. \'n*ii and wife to .fohn It. "nK ^''"^"^ "« Vnxx nf WIIHI tint; ton. dated Kflh. 21. IIHJ:*. cMiivi-yH lot in WuKliiimttin: con-1 A\r«. Urn. w#* >H i:.-Iv;.Iere spent; Mmf uoffmr-i win. rwnrno his* airlf'rntion $100. - i a.UurU...ttHI, i.e. daiiKhU-r. M,s,:.SUllIii:S lhis Wl.,.,v ilfl,.r .,„ n|lfH.nce of! •John 1'!. V,-..^ '.in.l wtfo to N'aimii; E. t isfactory Assortments Here Vnw of \Viisliim;t'iu. tinted I'eh. HI. ..,, J.ilther I'ilU Will I.uild ;i imuwV oil S . ,;,,.,, JJ;I;. .. ,,; -v-1 —-.•- •..». ^ .-,/' lOflf',,..cottveya.. Intid . in WasIiliiKton; C u confi'i.-nmon siow. ! 11 lS mMe hl frofrmim i"ththy imTJviii«.r.-<"IHI -Urn^'m!'". """' I! rnmini* ''•'•"('li'iVr-i; summer' l»niiV.r"dn"iho"iil, H tile [! Ilimif.ii v\, G(irdtn>r nnd wife to Hi-tin l'ttiRmuur '=i ill. of Mr-j. Jji^.Vlsori o/.\\;n».|.lnKioii.anU: ...Mr „„,, Mr, r.;. j. \ofKhhntir of! I'm air.. ,I..;.i, ..,;>.<.u,, oi »..v.-r viHitmi • German VuIIej- visit od hl.s mother,! i in Up to the Very Last Minute ?:„! ,"'lVrl " ?" ! .. - ' *Vril- •«»««»'••!(! .Wlshl.mir.,; on Hatnr-1 »a »• no.Tman of ^varlc h.-r I-M-istor vncntlon wltii r will In: . Mr. and Mrs. «. M, I {off- Biv.!t hy ih- nost Sun- filn ss IJOI-H Chrnnti.-r.s «i|' I-In.sion nil'! * J-'i...... _ t ...... Up to the very last minute you will find .\I-.IJi..s V-..m ..f PiiiililHjhiirKt .Mr.' 'mid Aim Win. .Seal at i. 'Sumluy with -Mr.-. I-Mttli ..Miller.; Ili'lil^i-. - • \\". Hattow anil wife to John C ticrfolt of- Ilopn, dntcd April .Mr.-..'Iliml IIIIKIiI .\I:>»I,.|S(.Ali'st.M^oNM ..n...IMI] .!;ttlK'itt:i-i.liniKliliM'j. , !'r'"*•.!*''«.'I'. Kk'MUs uof I--JIl-'itr- Hillsi IMIs uHomlliib-; inn V,'-<-o"nv..-yH InmTin •'rVop-r'Moni.r.J- v this big store especially well prepared Morl >t \VVilni*i|ii> ;uiil Tliurwliiy • " Uruwllne. wlio lms linun 111 i orot|.,n Jsfir.OB.

vl«U,.l..M.-. n,,l 11,* |.:.n.-,,r,l .•;,. Sll. U,.r U,J !:,,!» xnmntl.H. Mr. GVovol-j' J|n „. V;1?[) on(| |il|i)|Mm, ,„ Mnr. lu> ,.„„.,, ,-,„,„, n( jinnsnckl.• dated Mar. - I '" niPf'i • i liul

Kltllim A. .rt.;.;Hi; uf so that the late buyer's choice may be Tliv 1....1I...-' Ai.i .-nil-liny nfS liifd Mar. 27, l!lO!i -

Mr. Hc'nty I r.i"itrn-riiilnn-nnil liiishaiul'to .Tnlin Millinery, Suits, • Easter Novelties, I : co,,.,l,,orat,on „ b. Hull and husband to Waists, Neckwear. Caskets, Candies, or—Wf^tr ,'J["r?,'J ,:i'thl Gloves, .Hosiery, " 1K' Decorated Easter Eggs, Children's Dresses & Hats, Easter Cards, Booklets, etc. Boys' Clothes, etc. Everything for Easter

• At ii'ivo.-iit nu't'tinif itf tliti hoiird of j Tl'ionm.s/'Al7s.i'Th"M».>^1'>V>h']>.sf>n'Jot' Ca"- \ consideration Sl'.oV f-.ii!<-; * »w.'ii 'Hjfirly Wii.s ru-f?loctod . n"«.n; iirs. i:.'O. Allen of AinhorKt. j TCmnline Kon.fer to Marry M. Bull of in-.-.-'hlciii .'tul. Kuliort K. stuii-i vk-f .\!:ISK. Mrs. Allen hns beuii' visitini; t Unfon Ci>unty, N". .1., dated ilnr. i'?. pr.'^.l.-ni ii'C itjfit''-.iuinit,yi'iii'. )n-r i>aii'iits tor thrue weeks, llrvanin lf'*:i, crjnvoys land In >rf»o»itn?rfon: I t!,:i TllillilFSliUli,- li;i:J 1,'Ilir,I W Wolf's Saturdns lions... III.- Lrotlur lm» al lions,.- to r-iit l.y Hi.' side o ( It. •l-'nr i:ver, Living Thfiiir The!', KOCKPOKT. •Mrs. lilitih-li.' lia,it,''rt wa ^Ivc K. M. Ostiiun Is giving hla farm Sll,r>rl.-.' |,;tr!\- on TlnM-silnv afleril ,,i t. ,! hntli**> n co^f ''f paint. BUSH <& BULL, EASTON, PA. l-'r. Tli-i- I.T. i~ .,-i'.«iv fron'i tills iil ; in-itni.n•<:ati t .-iml Jir^'ot >"Fvcrv'lLivinir I Master Lymii'ti G'ullck Is oi the sick riilllliwluiri.- X.-w Vlll:m-,- nnil riro '-!-r.'f.f.• ThinVs .!„ "he Farm?' hoi'S ciitiS | Mst- Dr* ^unlc .attonds him. Inys. hnss and poultry, by! >Trs. Rosa M. Davis 's vlsitiny i' CiifCu luw j Iiiimplu 'ha.s tin mm f.v.s' Vetoi'inary Specifics; j frionils at Xewton and Sussex. lyniplo .<-- I'i.^r^on n. Svc table ehnrt-ror.rouiIv-ritffir-;'-..j[|jis-AHca-Aokley Is spend! nans up. Free ity mail -~| *l: dajiwH* h. - on. Address , lltnnphr | r-IrmiRo. Aled. Co., Corner.^yilliarr W. H. Conhlln's Sale *-|gueste,of Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. L .vis spent'Ann .Sts..^>;t>'iv Ynrk^^Tirf-*^\ . Hill mi 111 • The Aiiidersi'stfei!,'Vhavins sold hla "" j..Siittirdiiy and Sunday wlih thf'v br*1- ' - _ll ; :r: ; farm, will sell at public sale, one mile •'tli..T'I-'Ioydat New Vlllacv. -"n Hun- ~ -- -••-_:- "• ' Uai'vo-V- Pni'k of OOxfordd was the -- * north of Broadway, about live minutes' day their brother U'illUim joined them I. IlhA M I- I t f M\ Bh ZZellarl s , over walk from the trolley, on in1 tlifir .visit. • • *— "" "[ ' "Sirs." R. Stophoii lins retiiriiod''to Sunday. f -.M\w: .Bertha.- Sntunlny, April 17, 1000, „:;;' ' -1— : : I SPECIA M Otl G E ! I . Miss Bertha ZcHars, who is with lows: One horse, 13 white WyandoH-ea is at:ain at li,.-r old hom ;. after, an a.h- .Mrs. Dallas. h.-ishoon very !H frlomis at Port irtirray, spent Sunday antl ',,22 Barred Plymouth Roclc, hens, d«iii'i* uf ;t couple o'' iioiuhs.... Her is Improvinff.- at hor liomo. _ _. some' with chickens; bolster wagon, ; failuT. N working ;it • Mrs. Ilonry Johnson spent last week Jlrs. R. Hoover has returned home extra good ,1^6 platform road wagon, L:u-ka\vanna cut-off. In New- York, frn'tn ft visit with her son, Alonx.o, at used but little; top buggy, all In good, We U;.int irom .a rolla Large line of Gents',Fur- •'• condition;; American evaporator, 12 bu. . iree that I Mi.«s K. Smith was a guest last Sat- r-racK-e its town. , . . *-"-- --"acltyaclty; ' ' *'" ~ ' stAvrnl of our vitlzm luivn purchaser d urday of Mrs. Eugene "ilead". nishing Goods, Hats and " bonds in the Kmum and .\\ ashlnyton ".Miss Stella Bcatty returned iionu*. rouble ! There will be a supper held In theon Monday froin a visit with t'ricmls I The New York Caps, Trunks, Gents' Dress .. horse plow, No. 7; South Bend truck trnMcy. line iThis \ llnyf ha.s ooiiBid- ac plow, \i cultivators, one'new with hil- •?raldo rapital In tinrosul. church basement on the night ot the* Hnckettstown. !crs; splKe-tootli harrow, grind-atone,-- 1.0th....-: Mr.,a:u! Jlrs. Jacob Ruatty spent Cases, Overalls for Men and'%;; iv-i'oolbarrow, -Empire Kins" •spraying1-- :.,Thcrc-.™,.af rripliluiit -error in iriirvey.'.. riurim of Bclvidere i >Vo«lnwilny niul;Tlnn*luy;With...friends Boys; '-Men|s Pants and oiitilt complete with 20 ft. nose and 2 1. nr;.;|rt..Mun)n)ava - • j. spent 'last-.Miiiid:iy:"with~:^rr>::TL."TrLr;:rln.'11{ieliettsl0Win '•'•iiaelcet'tstttw1i nozzles; Knapsaclc sprayer, hand corn , ~i'ivi.'n" 1!ir"tlH:1 ' r.ntii'erair church Lnbar. . - ' thing Store Knee Pants for Boys ' sheller, 2 Iron hos-'-i'Ouglis, largo Iron Mrs. ITerman" Beatty of Hacketts- kettle, brass troughs, brass kettle, wonk, a k-ttcr liyirijT uTonjj in the lost ••: Mrs. Perina Thomas spent last Sat- town was the su.est ot* Mrs, Andrew laree feed chest, cutting box, hand or :n.intf of Aliss UiR'liH .Stone. urday with her daughter, Mr.*""Eu- Dan ley on Tiiesi..vy. power; fanning mill, lot posts and " Win, Conklln of R road way,. a fewseiio..Head.•..;,.-;,,:;.•„.••.:.:-'.,.... •,.:..:„.,:•,.:.;,. ,.-!.u^Ma.rk-.nii!l.Tk-lifi'd-~a3--h's guest -lasL All these goods will be sold at rails, pine lumuer and frame for barn. r 10x18 ft,; stone drag, new; extra good •.Y'-"'ik' imtii fora vouil i>H.:e. I to "will • Jerry "•RL'i'HrriTis" r'eI»iiiiriho'~wall' in ' FiidA.vand Sitturiliiy liis'uncle, Henry | At Hikckettstown, N. j.New York Prices. When you come lot of berry crates and baskets, 2 cross- .. ai pui.lic-rtiiU- hi hrtnsuliolc-..-.,.l fron, t , of his garden, which Improves Gulick, of Mt. Bethel. cut saws, bucksaw, crowbar, lot of h la to town call in. No trouble to mason and carpenter tools, new 30-ft, 1,'uods niid-fitnnlni,' imploiiifrus on 's P ce very much. Mr. and-irrs. A. Danley were guests ladder. Corks, raVes, shovels, hoes, pick, £ April -'0. . .Mrs. Guorin and son.of Jit. Trcador, on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. -F,., Anr. •;i5nov :)i)en::hi the Rice Building;, on Hope street, injhe.j — -:-- -" • • heel, trace and log cliains, whlllltrees, dorson nt Tlaok^ttstown'.-""-'" —-'-;:.• Quick sales" and small profits— Mrs. Ocv. Al. Davis recelvod ;i ion-- spont last weok with hor father and single and double; tight carriag: e pole, 'irvam on Moifilay thnt her friihfr irr iiiul J. Clint? with a nice bit-; returned homo from a visit with tlieii ]iL ^ MEN'S, YOUTHS' IldHNClK.ld GnoilH. on Alain street 10 Sa which he is very proud. daughter, Mrs, .Joseph Hendcrsliot, nt 1 ,_ Qonslstlng; of ..a. flye-plece.parlor suite,.-^ "A fori-Iotovni.-,"X.'.^;»:;—••-;••-,;—~,-—r:^T7. ~'~ T.".:^-" u •OASTUJtIA; :;;:;; ; ;,.; re- residence'"I : •uaturoofChas. II. Fletcher i. XuIautV iir .j JHSi anLi •V V vHV~ IM i"": iV-y eil-s • itii tl ":_r:- •wiiir. n crisis to rr-'Mi^.^.^l-Iu !!^?**™ ^ ^:.-!"..1..,~"l,' .... - ,.--Drown niKiVmicy'iVnttcrny.""111'^1""''1'''"'""''•"•''~"'1""'_1||| ynrils^OGd "^rigmliVc'aVpet'amtTo'Vards""'"' "•""MrK'Marsaret .•pe'incivcr had as her TTa'?e~AlwttyT"Bo'iiehtr He mo i n l>er, store open .,fl.:10 P/m, to 10 p. tn.; rag carpet, 15" yards new rag carpet, 3 suest on Friday, her sfsLer, Mrs. Jacob • —-jr — •-:-.;.;•.•,Saturiliiy.nights- to V2 p. m. 'jllomeiiiijei' (In.- pieces linoleum, '2 yds. -square; '9 cane- K^r'VTWiU; itlsu M IK* l-'lfi-rnco Lewis; . • : ~!*~-r~' • Martcnia "and little eranuson, Ray- plnco-jfcw York Clothlim lUmxr, on Hoiw stnted chairs, pictures, brackets, kit-.. •f miflliiK'Siunr vbltt'd -MisP Pliizcl 1 - hTKI'llKXSaunO. mond Dickormfiti of Hackettstown. 'RICR HUlLnrNG.llOI'F, STREET Slivet, hi storeroom lonnerly mrrtipiod by Jfc- chen"iuenslls, dishes, churn,.cedar meat-• ..HACKETTST'JWN, NK\V JKRSFV L. PiVMOSES C1C1!:IH'S Hanhviuvstore, n»«kcttstowu ;,N L...... cask, window shades, GO-cans fruit, be-'..., .c,\vi.' i:\o\n \\".:dnesda\- till Sfitunlny. ttentrki! Lance is sni'1'oring from ! v ul side; many other artleltjs" too' mimcr- Tf'iw.'irii l.'avis lias engn^tid wlrlillie.' .liieasll-'a-"'". '";..••.' ous to mention. TTIH" nnd conditionsJV irade known' on' diy of. sale.. '*--"• ' • im..-isoll\^.iiijj;iiiy :IS:I iW pent (jr. ...Me .; -I'l'.^'fs. Ilauoo of .TT.'ifkottstown .is 1 1 1 : L ' -••••"•••"•"B?%"•"•••"' *'• *•••«••"••'-*• ••-•- •iii g i i ! hi M"M IM WWWHIi ! ! i ! ! I ! -S SI i I • • •'(;c~a;ttr5iiu "ii'c]occic . .'p."'" m. sharp. - ' .. ___ ^•^mr-iinivimnfc^.H^ _?ti__!^.-__--___!____^__™J^ _•"_," i.v;v •--.;•.,-.;--• r^™"^^:-- -',:,-V/.^TL-CONIvIill-fT " 'Thinr^K^V^crrTrVris^MTT^n^ "; ^ ~~""^ ""*" ~"T' MT" ^l: 4^?!?rs-°-"v.^"?> -^,.,..««» ..__-— 1 ^l.:!!^.^ -Mrs.-i.—Uripi-.itu^n.-iV-ar-s-^Menrjj-ithp'fuU cbnfidriiKe of .the Mcll-infomiJU; ~~; Xotfce of Settlement. -: 0 1 1111 tU S . Notion Is.-hereby given that the. ac-. Tl'^^'^^W^>=>' JnldiiV'Stts: " ;^?^;" ' - *]°! «^^rULu.Kl thb^i.moii.lation.-nf .counts 'of che subscrll>.cr,""admlnlstra-v;.' : 1 : _ V'ii-a_-e..'p.t'j.^[r...and.Arrs.. de'eea^ed.*"."'v J Credttors'."' '"'•' :.ti*i'r,—Mr™.7ft''7i't!a--H. -- Gardner,— tlecoasedT^" :nrrcrrw;irr-WiiH-a-xoifi;s ; — • " • — ••" " l will be audited and stated by the Sur-. . iiotniic'ltliul bru ith ml .thi: 'cdiii>;i)iinil paris .if Syrllp i Pursuant to. the order of the'Surrogate rojfatc, and reported to the Orphans' 1 bunk's' care. " - • ' • \J,' . | English Decorated Ware of the County of Warren, made nn ,the Hnurt of the County ul. .Warren, on, Of ihosn. 'Li \vore hite' spcnnd day of Marct1, A. D. Nineteen m lih IJlili L i LlulvH •.'••J. Clark Crismun had the 'misfortune ;s •juul'-'Kiixir of.. Senna .slinuil he Friday, tlio Seventh day of. Jftiy.'next, ,_| . _ : -1 to step upnn-.vnail which penetrated i Hundred and Nine, notic:: e i s: hereby at 10 o'clock a., m., In the term at ™E' m.-„some .'t| ,h0 a,100 n|1(, ont(}red the,foot. I tu aiul ajiprovcdjiy \jw •..i;\l!i

; -- ".•.-fivb:iro"'ot-Settlement." . ^ti. counts of ih".:..iiubacri*l)fr,, .executor ; of ^ dlted and stated by the SurroffaVe. and,..:,, reported to the Orphc^g' Court of tht i nnii«ty^nf-»w-or«(ir!ni5!ni^I"-EiiJs;v-th« ..:• Seventh day of May next, at 10'o'oloclc a. til., an the term or-~April for settle- : ineiilsr3S:a!loiwSTinp ; • ^ Dated: .March 22, 190D. dKod Iviuii',*"• and fn'Lhe bvon- ;,-.-\Vhn t ._n,jinffjhC t.-.Linv.e^u?M;i*VC . IJlVor !><• si'i-vif;c; s piu:h e g iiftor aiwnflhiK :i-iii,iiiiii with liis son ptntils known In riot mosi Ijcncliaally. ' : High quality•,.safeguard's" NOITCE OF -tinrtus Ih.' \V'-'f\V''fk (.!.\'celH-.SiUi]rila\v(!\'celHSiUi]ril , On ' your nionoy. Gobclg do- ,s Notice Is hereby given that "the ac- I Sell Real Estate CioOiJ Fridiiy. tliL'ro~wIlTl)e"T>rei)iini- ; ^'11 veroa promptly to all;: J.K. QOOKE counts of the subficrlbeiv-Executrlx of 1 1 ... Aro you thinking of Helling your" '! tory services In the evening . Tlio Sac- pnssed Inst Friday with her grand- he1 genuine—mntinfacturt'il by tlie Cali- " -: parts of town. r-- THE^ BRICK STORE' ON THE, Chrlstena Crotsley, diicoased, will be1 farm or real estate of any kind? I rnmont of the Lord's Supper will be audited and "stated by. the. Surrogate: , father, Francis"Smith. •••• '.._,. fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, ami for sale and reportea^to the Orphans' Court o.': aell hotels and mill properties. Wrltfl cclelir.'ited on Raster .Sunday at 10.30 Thos. Daliymplo'of near Delaware the County of Warren, on Friday; tin •me. ..Are you thinking of. buying ft •moved ort the'Amos Swayzo lo.t nenr by all WuJing druggists.-"Tj ' '•'-'^•:... second day of Apr'l next,. atsJ.Oie'clori. ,home In WaMH'in'gton'.or Eaaton? I nridgovlllc last Vveek. ___ a. m. ln'the-term of;December^for~aeti .have 1 BPni^jj arriort^; f.v-stin ssts. i^.If^.in-— tereBted, coiwiih^jm^.^orj^ haye^ihanr^: , _ ir~-:r~rr-z v"--"-v>^-"-^-iiv-- g. fmMvrnpnrT"' :' '' *^ 'ftlV^ ;^"' " '; ''\"rJ'''j±Ll!l!^^~ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.,^THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909 ---IE iElWASMBODS

competent ::: the contents ot our sales-rooms me Most r Wonderful Exhibit of the Acknowledged Host in GRAND AND mtlpcItI1 1 Il0tl1 ''^ |t.*,,"',J| '„• i-'iii^- A.L-Vit iVom ! '" '<* *lw "" .u-nwts of Mr. j •.£ tlu-lr paivnt.», Mr. ami -Mm. A. .«oll Miirlntt. arithmetic, sill Rnicle. This man liail'.hccn un a protractcl > less cosily pianos. We are in a position to give G. W. BEERS ;'/' far more piano value for $200 than any other In'ir'd'iuuVu'r. '"j'irs? Krvinc?.''is i-oii'-l I'n.rl'h.iil-"her mVu'Jr'^il"^ i.;ver-','l"" 1 t-mll!-! h'.Mi Mal>et' Weyniil. Ywidl'i'ie. »« «"a« f»\»K lo tlio IIOKH. M.V friend store, and this is equally true at every price up vni'.-,-:::-' s'r<-m an attack of l>ri"li- ,,",• {- ittL-ii;nir-- and'ulVt ItVr nuuiuT-I '-et sriuk-, ?0 i-enK t'l^u.^lit It would ho n Uhully thing lo to SI,000. We also direct attention to our •i-Iilli-". ' In-lTO-. .Mrs. Conklliii.-, .<< Soim-rvlllo. ! A lire whirl) ,H<1 consideraMi- dam- sca^iltil to a snlllfarimn fur" Iran- Complete Line of Playe.r Pianos •I-H-+-M-I-M-+**** .... .tiin h^ct- nnlyt. and our notably inclusive ..Li- brary of Music Rolls. Likewise to our Timing, Repairing and Renting facilities. WERNER CO. 'PIANOS AND FURNITURE I OSTERSTOGK >lt> sllit i. KtU'X 'l!'.'rii<'n, ; nail tai;c:i ,vear.« to (ipvol^p, tiiid that:7 !>•-• i-l y1 Of 't liis*. 'plii»?o. ; wjis spoiled by the cure. I do-nor! i (iiU (I'm;,]; of •;irl;. fimc "Ji .tirsr: 1 ! know how my frleiul will COIUP out.! • v.< t! arntin-'timuiit!' I'"! ^l Al'-:i "f'St. I.' }> GENERAL }i,ut he is m»t hflpitiLT any niore Mown j •f } •s Iintiu- part ••:• This '...-ri-;V-ie 'S\ '' All -ihii'iViV. J,*»nVh ., I nnd outs' w!th..u; _j;i>t ubiumia^ then- j HARDWARE 1 ! ;it life. \! .011 'Friday rtftVi'r "" [roiiseiiU"—^Xeiv, Vorli Jouniiil. ..;. : \i. Mi.- - 1 '• >;i M VitS <;.\ v. .ir- "i'i l'l HI 'for .-MHI,. CLOVEIl, TilttiTHY >!•• , Rings r.s a Protection. 1 1 «.[• Ji-'h.. II: •!;•• t.:,.'K V.TMtl.- V'.'il t l.i i J :) t Jv r.'I'iHTlV.!. Ik" llii.l .:>>! it-'Ili - 1 -^ > •-•'••"^ i H t- ^t t - j "J n.'-t'd tt> ijf surpririt'il," said a AXP liRASS SEKIi " Kr''h'y'' Siui I i:.!rillo]'i " A. A. Illlimwl wulllil PO RTLAND ;! !:; i> at .tiiv.iiiiirwi ILicliahi,. hi •'<•• ( la I >.>! lir hii I":; (i! , ,lm.ili « «.. I y ;| li... ami -a;i )..,ni l'.\|l t.-vlluirn ivturn. ; a r...-iih.,nl of X.wark. Ho tat« a '!-:iiK:i li.-ih" .\ii-TlVr.:t. V kvt 11 luilul.oliio MilllsilivilIltuluMl rill; ' : CEMENT ., ' "Ai'vr !i"-i *'.i.r.:r!if^ ;V»n; nnk IM.I- ; iviiiouv tlin> s..ns i.ii.l tiv.v .liuiclitor..-, I Mrs ,.,.,;. A, ,.yB js mn,,- „ v,,-'Ill'J sort ustliill.v V'Dil for an onuil.w- ! : iJ l 1 n 1 l 1 ! 1 :i ! :: "';?f,,;v .,.V:'," :..'".'- 'iv!'t 'r'j -r' i"|"' '!'r"';.,.'"';: '!;"\"!.7-'l .,'*!^\';."..V ^.'1') , j•••!«'•? «' "-^ Tom,si.,ny vi:1,,,,,,. ^,.:uicm ,.lnL:, ]1M11 ,!„.!,,• ,,Ui,e as„ ,uatu.r < ".WIlt'E SJiTTISG ••"li.7.isnlp"ci't"'it,;ii;.' Tri-j. ''•.•mv'r.Mr'at ii'"rv. V"' | ".""."" .'."";' "•".;;;'"''• • •. "'.of course, l.iiy a i.liiiimuiiriuml gf tin- j tt'HSK' FEXClNi; um! I ; ;.J.-iilcitis ,v Mrttfi.-k , '»' A T!i.. l,..»t I'.r »...•»• l.-ur aifl stvl.J 1.,'!.^-? •.'•' .,V. 'ft^ •?«'••, t ? ,'f f']"-weii{a" rl"- i-'riu'y. 1 couldn't nil- I nrstiiiul It Jit lirsi. but now I'ya.[ :....-inn'ru ..PT^VT-, in tin-" Walk J ;,.r.rv' .IP.Ncw "-.. <• Cliri.«- • 't;;iri"--l' ii'*UILLLD l'LDWS • ! ii;i!i clmreli wi er f-ix'iuK think two Midi rin^w. worn when tniv-'v Wall ..Paper". 1 ! t.» S;uurday oyi-nniir. :elin«. .fnr .lii^t:!iic.-, serve about• thy' ' Store L '."'•'" 'same, purpii-"? ns ;i cUaporon. 1 liad a i "\Vi1f-.ii. nee 1; Ii! 1 ^, ^ i" 'CUO ""tli'j ulliLT tht.V WtltM'O. H lUUtlll'l 22 CENTRE SQUARE John' ISritt.'li <>f is 3 Lclin's Court EASTON, PA. f ty . .,— :t ptvtty mrl lifinli.v f.'iil of IUT tens'- .Mrs. r:. • H. Ofiitjt visiiwd jSiiiuliV Mr. iiinl Mrs. !•"!. I'.h,!' T:ir i^y! wn.--—:iutl bt'tv/lit imi s;:<.-li rfnu'-'. KP.-SII ; The Largest and Rest Stocked Wall

!':o;ist iiiin<-i.'»ninruiU'ri. ami the motlii'r;. - Paper Store iff^Easfon : ! evidently tlmimlit if !KT djiiiirhtor WJH- I -Mc- ! f tl u. K< '•prni.'.-ir.l h; i;..r riiiu'*' •ili.'M'inU lie sn I rxl ' 5- •J<:.;n*j' -his lath.*!1"* f:trin. • • . [ : / : 1 - ••. ".St^oil.uc^r.Lhc I)^;i\varc. -• • / "' ; '' ' " - ' "• - ; - 1 on ' the I '''• ,\» •I,.-.- .At.iiiv- Ch'n.-jtiun ft!:\V. i.iiWi', ' 1 1 Li;cis . CiU'iH'JO'v-- .iinyiim ator^Ll ! \\\- do (!t*cot";uin^ vi all kimU, haud'fpaintinj^. u :iil' lit k. thV DriiiviiK-. ;":• ir "!n''\if-,;n'-i1ft -ffnrids' In"parfY'f "Mi!V- | i? The-Chair.of.Tor-turc. -.-!-. ;\\]i] .r(?]irf-\y{):ik-<)ii--;i.'i';:i'r..AVt.* send uit-ii out uf town • • ire nV f Mrs:. . Hitf-j , Tlie luust.'prtJUiiiieijL^uiUUiis iu tlio j. 1 1 p. R yyrs Mi ii: Mrs. Albort "Smith of ka-j.'^ns." at. Toi-^titular on, id l\n-.<. Goo. O-okc of VI-j Chas. Cnitz, a y.-u :IM r.i 1 were .Suii'l'iy1:_'ii..-ifii! of :>Ir. and Mrs. i Mr. KVII<-IV ului' m-ri^il-oti Saturdnv, . fo•r torture, Hit .. nilu-r st>rvnj s\a H : A, A. AICHER - TMi! i!i ,: L jirrMiiii ! G^o. Sharp. • ji Is nthunviK^enfrac.-.l and will r.!..^>ie ;< pfisou. I'IJU c.istlo also contalnpil a j : ilis <>-/,s..i. in !i; rri«<--ny"-.:! Tti.-'«tiriy. Kr*d Dildine it> doin^ considerable j ^'•ntiaet I'M;-. ;I year, ^ M,-U.'- tijas.L.s,iiuu>"CU!ii off horrorhorrors "unti"until iitt wnwnss purpur- j- of-the year-that most people . . ..„...".,, ..,' , .' ., • -.. *, , • Li'..n:(iritif ,-i.i th" h•••"?" "•• •»"*•• f'"-m ! s*i'rnn^(.ttl. ".Tht: now .u-euiTitiry-. bi"trrnrt>i.-ri -,,i.i,v ilji. l-"..H m1 yjit-pM-einjr" »->(' i No. 3 Lchn'sXourt. Snullieast Cor. Centre Si|., liaston. Pa. : S1 d°::I?i. .:._thirik"i",_..qt;;'navlng'""'"""remfiti3ry'"' l:^'AJA: .ViV.;m-"™_i" to tS"^^^];!'''^'^^^?'''? "'••i'>'i'i"'«if""J u.cjf^^ionj o;^ .yi.riirwuir-.rstiM;^,,^^ l . time that i am most, busy 1 m •.•Mfr,1r,.-tlf,rvi.^l.a of Jtril Andrew j i;;^'^^^,^:;'^,!'HrAv,m't-. nl; i "iS AJIi«n,i'ij 5li.'.n,'"o,,' his' .vay i >« U0U--IU ' Otic " of " ilicSc was the j .':"":.'"" getting "out" work and unnijlf; ",'•. ,'-,,- ,-,,• •;.,, ,,.,,„ ,,„ ,',';, '„, ,, , i,«; . • • I u, hl« farm ;'t Silver I.uku un ll»n- id "'ir "! mnuru- It, mis very lioavily | ~. . 10 "respond to requests 10 call 1 1 It.. Is mosr satisfactory any- ... ',V,V •',:.,-'r';., .'- . , 't iJoffl.. !„; Jolm D. GIM.-S has' uulli mo ia-» !'lny »toi*".l in tlio l»'i»t of his.mmh-1 inailo and simUlod over iliu sont nml j : 1 1 11 1 tyiiiK Ir.s tea *$ZV •'- ',Wfiy."-f;""•' to the yard arid see our sped- " ! •™ff- -• msns--of -up-to-date- work.1 -Mr. Gllili.s i ''ti'i^'t. j-u-ikn^.u- two tie ]in*t.^ •aits "to his! l.-rosiliInR llifin •:>:!'. The horsns nd In :t short i... :/We have., the In rues t stock i .-;Ii:-Hh!ly injui'o.'i i>nt thi: " p-r: --• In Warrcir icounty ' to ' ! to inanifoat itself and in lime becalm from, and « call enables ni\ .:to,fv»lni::. c!enr!>v . quality :.' of " worlvir..ins!i!p. Coir.c-, stie to estimate on nnd build in Washiiiylon, Slewartsville, Phillipsjliurg or ,Cor. yourstlf. .An order ; ; - \-i.._. .•-.o-Jicr-ntiirbj- localities." \\rurkniaiishi|) gtutianlei-jl. --- ••• : •'-

CHARI-I3S FORCE iaM AS .MW,rn^n;Vy,S'h^^^ >A One Man Jufy. :' one. Wushingioti, X .J. r l ''" "" '" .• ' - - ! 10IU IIIK wife to make prupanukvn* | uinr- onntains no harmful' n rusts r.i'Mi j A tailor who wfts Jlefc.ncliint.Jn,,,« j.,,_ "; Contractors and Builders _L. We Kbw'Have a Full Line [ -'"Wh.'it's the trouble?" whispered his!i,o Not Buy a Piano or : Organ Until You Have "i,?,w^>^' 'f,^"t sistnnt fita rer-ent banquet In it eel edtHe Cornish Book hotel) — Now, ••-I i' ll S?T. VANNATTAi : •;•:.. . .._...... ~. --;--— "£='; ]"!""',. u,f hK^'^.vtKuJ u^ih^, '"i'--',',Z'-' -'" '\'-' 'i^'j S7I "''."''' . , '. - i.l.-rry Csjikv . cxiinols "to occaiiyj as lf^-jmi-JKii". Jhn .liJodinlnL^uqat ._£_'< UTMHUU ])ti;iio mid origan cntuHj^'JU cvt*r print oil, nliuwlng tlio y! : ; iV C !> K VJ ! s teii - • „ , ~'"S" , „ , "==r.T'it/Ti'iiii.-iiiri,ruv,.,l il.i!"i -fi.'-\ii;t-ii,v. -,'i. ' "i-i-v lii-'-,'l"l,',s m.',-<.-,-,' -V,S r.'mlh. - • '"' '', ," }!"v. l'!'. ', !'" " ""- The VICiir'sMlfflfelilel- -Papa's sub-"i Wit

s= = v r ir lll lt > 1 1 1 1 Uc : ! ^rr7^*CK™™i==^^'S ^'' ^~''^ -'. ' "" ' ~''." -~ in««" KSfi-iri S!r'SF-»''~f" Xr- --ir !: "!i!Vn,';.',~''H".wVtV-^le""«"™^^ !'!7= = - iU l !i j>v ' '' F«ii--nis r,,,,- ii,,. Jia«!^i-=c=;dr~-i;;,rr^3^"u;:^r;~;::::': ;':r:i(S^"Scar:~Ft5inifivi! lma'tttioFitiivT

What is a "tonic^?- A medicine that increases the strengttf andPRESSED or ipn_e»of the wiwjJ^vateni. What is an."alterativc''? A~ medicine that filers' or 'SHaiigeS unhealthy"actioif to' healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"? ^,IvTjide, to \Drder. AVer's Sarsaparilla, the only SarsapariHa'entirely free from lr : But 16ns Covered. Dyeing their""EiTSter~viiciitlon from alcohol- Ask yqur 6wn doctor all about it. Never take a and Kmbalmer Bird, ' Jnonltn "1H Pov.^lson, 1k l AvilHlllllBtOll lll : j--^-*-.^i^-ssjy.e have Rexall Jfiipii-Tone in two Powulson. "Ada Vylr-K, medicine doctors cannot endorse. JTCAtjcr Co., Lowell,Mass. !lf^^.;sjzes. Prlccs^SOc^andJ.M.f'.-.-H^Mrfi:^ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909

...... Queer Fiih. - the loves me."' I'll not promise never Which flsh have tlio "owor o£ float- Mrs, I. T'M'Ifliifi IM !.» soi! hi-r npnln," «\nd ho left with a (<:|;H InIn.11 n'ollyT" Ing and swimming back downward? ^S, heavy heart. • I This pccuiini- property Is;; posseted, S .X -T. AjiMiii .-i.t.'AiUiniiiy in l''ill- .. '«• | II took inany, ninny (hiys to decide aU-y ht-r Piirtuiii jiiiifiit. In.the end In town ld.«t l which uii- |iu|niiiiil> as jilolK" * i li.vt! \v.-n, ;iiiandd IInn .fanuarv• thuy were i DaviI>»v-ida A|»#ir hits moved from flsh. -Tlit.' if(n- : , WM.A. STRVKER ; * 'noiiuml /her marrl;i;:e.._ Subsequent on th- lot i»^-l'" «f MI« i,'>-i-" - ^ ' looser lii;in h.j« (HMh(».hfii'k. 'iim! lu-.'r W K. WnnhliiKton Av«., Wn*hlnKtti< °; missives WITO returned uno-ioned, and . ^it. Kiiwai-.l Ij'urfnnl I*""ronortmi) hnvo fin- power in InllaioHit.-/ !•.(.*• returned uno-ioned, nnrt . JJ^. i;,iwai-(l Ijurfnnl COCNS13I.I.OU-AT-I.A W •'•<' ".Mil. wt« JIIn*t ^'i»t mill !: ht"" furir.u]*1 }iln wife to mention fipr Hi at (IT finrm? In cv*-s i.urcluiH.'fl Mse '" —he Kii'-w-o."; r<-tii:irU-.l .lo.-hih Ujiyin- j 'HISI ' tlonir • tn all Unltcl Struct*.' State «r turn "OVIT tit'will. IIIMI. iilth.iiiwli th-> tcvlvlnjr day Mil little-elicvr j «tovom»on. farm nt raiMnount. i County Courts, ft Mr tI: •;ro:it I'rcM-lt iKiiur-iIIst C'uvl!' llio.v gmtiliKlr> for the yenr's ijli^lnjpi. V'"'" ivotil.1 l,i- ins, iwo loia-Iy old !' '"^- »'''•- »" t»wn MI T».,*l:.y. ', CHAS.;B~SMITH, M...D... < l ,;i1 |M "• MMrMt^M-wexp^d^on:!-^.^ :•«;;, V»i...«« nf.h, - -1. .uK-y iiiiwii. ii.irwi.M- : wvw.-»Mi-7,«i-!roiiiw.-.siaii:- iH«i! iiuhlur, lira. Uanioi' U<> Lie ciilIt'll lo an '.••••riml reward. ! smitli. IBB W, WnnhliiKtoii Aventic mid proved i!i:it lhe.v ! tliat'K ;i Iwnp." slm replied softly. j '"I hope .Mary is hajipy." Mm. Wayno 1 \\'!M;, .I An Bears the /, Hundays from ((office I 8.00 to 9.08 t.-n could Mvlm Imth forward and b;i«!;- ! "That's rlfilu. Martlm. UVrc .spared 1 r 1.00 to 2.00 I iTniirr,a \ 1.00 to 3.00 p. i ispoke nloiul wlth'iiit.ihii.ulii*,', .'i.vyuti.iav ( "°" I (J.30 to 8.00 p. n 'unl tn IM.I.,.^1.!.,..!,:- - ! hy rjml'.i crn-iiv hut will iinnlwr Hall i '-Don't, inn. don't:" cried her hus- \ •\i'«nr;" ". Telephone No. 202. ,1 It to of n.iirst' w<*II knovrn that lln* I "I™"* m wIl°" lIllJ mortemo' coim;* I s!i;n-l; iii.d Proinotes Digcslion.Cliecrfu!- [.. F. P. AkKINSTRV.M.l). I peculiar • ••• U(Conl!-llI£" g " 'ZS \Ve«l U'nnhiiiBtmi A Venn* Miss* Aptfiir Mp'-nt part of l;ist; OpiumjMorphine nor Mineral. Sundays from ) nmcc (S.fiO to 9,00 a. r ;vf!.jk with roliuives at Unckawny an-1 •- 1 1.00 to S..10 I Vloiir.H ^ I.**? to X00 p. • NOT NARCOTIC.!! Locnl ami Long - Distance Tulophoi. P. J. LA RIEW, M. D. tar i-:. \v*«hiriirtfin tvf, .' . ••• . ... " 'I' '" i'ifM to Jt.OO".. r, ' Ilce • ! ,• l.Ou to 3,00 p. f. "If 'Mary wan only hon;," ith Hour* :.• j C30 t.» S.OO Ji. r I S; iiith. St.'ir and T!iricc-;i-WoeJt World, $2. Mrs. UT»yne. "and, soelnpf as 'she ain't. ,\lout of a window,.saw two young peo* LOCBI'and Long Distance Teleption nlc lir^.-cnrlft!-' froui n cnrrliifTc. One i Aft-r ppnmiim; a taw .lays In Phila- It would Iiu" iiu'wurfal froinfnrtiiip io ' hl u Alrs J 1 w«rf Mury. Hie other her husband. ! I^'' . '- - "• * ^'^«w hr THOS..-S. DEDRICK, M. D. tnll; ntiout her, hut Slalt I.*' set In his ' j titn rApofcclc.riy.forCoMllpa Opposite Post-ol'icfi. Kocinoil as If I-l;miw Tho oltl farmer was slcoplnj; on tho rO lion, Sour Slomach.DiaiTlioea, Gt*ntr«l Mfdiclnc i S.00 to 9.30 a. t*. ! hn:i|iy I'd be thankful In splto of Uu* i!0""^,'f1n1 tin": iivlujj room and did not ^ 1Vi t hV h TrPRtmeiit of l-:y>- { 1.00 to .l.nO p. IT of Joyous reunion sh*1 ! iimvc-i' miliooi hoiiKo. • Worms .Convulsioiis.Fcvcrish- Gla'-svs. :l. n.30t.j S.OO p. n. ^mortffliKO," slio aald-to-IicTsotr us «h#». | ••,.,,,,. "J : ness and I/O ss OF SLEEP. ountlavH, 1 tu 2 ii.»- AFTER 1 - No, olllct. hourtt Kriiliiy ufternoona , p,,s,,Iy w,,,,, .r ,h? start,,,, tea,', i^S^-fcT t^n^l-r.rvSfilS^S.fe ^ i^ TflcSimile Signalurc o£ -: "~ —"••• Telepnone, 20-lt. f Sherwood, at .MIHburn. wrotrs- vacation nt u,o farm the sum- !: "™»}"™\« cbmo. mother, and I'v. | ^^ yT^%lv%KAit\ & Q. C. YOUNG, M. I)., incr previous. ;• " [wnmcl.t.*. «h. sa mucb" j.lH-.snlii: • oh, so much," »hv.snld. }wr # Mr,,, ijurton Crotslvy. 1 Thirty Years WnnhliiKtiin, -V. J. John Mott had boon delighted with •Tin so slad, Mary, l'n lm» forgiven . Percy AIIHHIKII'lina roiin-ncd to his; biiituMR DISIIASKS A SIMCCIALTI tlic weather ooatcu old lannliunse mi-i yon, I think, from soniethlng lie snM j home In Pi.ilt'iVk-lphin., -"•-•jiftei• visit in*?!' J S to 11 ft., ro It.i surrou[tilings whuti ho Urst } ;today. He's sorry tho way ho spoke [I'M mother. 'Mrs. M. Sntton. Ofllcc Hours 1 A |-s C I L'-t and 6-S p. • them, not Unit they .stirred an ar -| to Mr Molt i ' - Carrie Tho inns retiiniD'l homo 14 K. Cliiircli St., (lpp. ITcs. CImrr. •Cnll hi John, mother," snld Mary Saturday fr tistic soul, but because they recalled whuic .sin; hK\m IJUOII for troiitniciit. gently. boyhood daya and tlio home he • lias rctiirnod horn 0. H. KITCHEN, M.D., 'Molhur," said Mott. "lot tiif» Ii« a • rtftei sp^iidittK ;i i"ow dayV iiiGeorqifC! tft, an;orphanc'I yotuli, to malce n ; 1 • :31) •" «tr'Sfc nrt'VStrcVt i tu'.yiiu","-"iiiui • liti'kissed her wrln- | iooiuny -sitter .some "lumber Interests, j lO West. i nr.s i vi-us iiittiinnn nnn ci-m.r (>N( N. J. ' • f 5 to '9 I. m OiUcf!. Itourn- ' 12 tn '£ p. ( « to S p. m ID Oxford, V.'(-.lnunUH>.-.1 In Junctu tercel the house,J . troubled, CUUMJIK baukaulie, irre^uluri-1 thu iiud Its peopie. His linan- ' """ ' ° : ..;.; ,,t: Ther-. re no services lii th'o'.'jr. Thursday*. ,; • , ;• . ,_ ;• • ....•;.„... 1 i.;:...'.!>iy,.:-i:!ut!ier.t:;iCon:c, u;,;Miiy. .old ,, ifi-business 'standing "iii' ->nn'i?)y -Hs-the-ttev;-Air.1 " tioii:"It' wasTiii'p»ssib'io"fa me to | the cltv were nothing to him In tup! room. John will sto father, and I've [ Quimby fs attending conference in NOW IS THE TIME TO PUT IN A Q. 0. TUNISON, M. F). ~ walk upataIra:comiL[.y, j Bomothtng to toll you," and Mrs. Mott I Newnric. Oxford, A"IMT Jct-Mpy. without, stopping ., 'led tho older woman upstairs. --•my PUIthower of Morrlstown, IIu u ifj jusc nn • boy, who was f o hits been visiting bin tframhnoth- I I ( tf * fit) * nm c ) trc0 .shlng and swimming, i Tho farmer was awake' WIHJQ Mott j .Mr.V \V'rn. Plillhowcr, has roturn- limbs for elmstmils,1 GASOLINE ENGINE out doct'ii-ri and! '. '"' "Mr. Wayne, Mary ami I have conn; j cacti told uiu some-' thmigh ft wasAugust, all at oueo, •lr.«. Alldn Hann, widow of Dennis 1 t'ti,'.will make.her home with her c different. I and ii! was beciuisf •: For your THRESHING and 1 "Tlierc. there, bov. Lot's forgot j Parentsts. Mr. jintu»l «. Mrs. Mutton Tonta, received no benefit 'all 'lite desires could nflt hnve slmiiN nl 11 other WINTER WORK ' from any of them, I tnneous grntlflciitlon. //' wiiat I BoW.'Tlinert 'isive '.-hanged. If j- ;'-"T™? " ' 1 ffrn t's, who but w?omed to suf-1' -• • - ;,,.•• na« Doon in lor. somu time, will ro- fur more. The lust' v 1 r h ! wod mun. Make her happy—yon'll dr. | Mmc his 'studies at Peddin institute, Ic/ addition to our doctor said noth- j 'I'!! L L. /' 5^1 'L -. J.-^ .'._ ?l thnt" r'" and- hi- s ha (, Wti]jt out tu i,is j niiiliUlowu, on .Muiiduy. j'ng^-oirfdV^rorO'^111 "- hmv^v for winpnnlonaWp^.of .... ri3Kuiar stoekof Oae- jjspxxjKr ~->-"*~*f\ rnylii'aitli.I iiegUD ; y"""^" T'topiu:\\\wii'".iliu-ri'turned.--; I•son s In-'arv. '--''-•• - " '•" '-. • umd Teou lists' 'nVov^ii Uia olino Engines, which Uikii.^jLydi:i J^.l^nkliani's A'egfitahlA i cnnilnr r.h*» girt could not be called ' "I -vlll. sir, I wlli," fervently Mott j 1"jllt *°'"1? i'r'>"} Washington to I-'nlr- Oomnound to ace what it">,vouM' do.ybc-autifui. but tiier-/'wa&" thut ID .her. ... -mourn.- whriv no h;if= tttKon n. posi- is the largest in the DR. P. -JUDSON -ECKEL-. ,.„,! r „.„ —.....,...... 1 j-0m y natural State, we have and *I am restored ._ „,,. , lllt A iuoniuitL later .\rary mid her moth- j • \'.. Hoirmiin movori his house-f 7 to 'mukc her good to look upon. several slightly used UHNTIST health."—ifrs. ETTA DONOVAN, BOX ; ff0. cr .ennui Into the room. Mrs. Wayne ! im'.d irond*-: •"ruin AVoudsicn lastFrl-j . WaiitilnKt'Hi An1,, Opfi. St. C(« 2d£), WHUmantio, Conn. nrns crying c\ulei\y as (houj-'b her grief | 'Jay. .^['l.ton Sinlth_ of 'Wllkcji-Barro, Engines for sale

• - -f S.GiJ t'("l2;00 /:"• CHEAP. Ask for Ottlc Ho i i.00 to f.,00 r•• ! special list showing (T.Ov. tc. S.00 v "Itumybe er .'iits, -Mr. and -Mrs. I. F. Davis,' re- iSSff5SS^ob;SS;? oyoM)nt dl^rnin^ poets could Luiucii lu-'Anuierst, Jtuas., on Matur- DR. TMHO. Kv KAYWARD ; paid tlie mort- j *!»>*• . _. ! Bargains in mation, ulccrntion, fibroid tumors, Ir-:' sj-mpatJiy wlilch_nmkc3 sorae • women Mrs. Lttniuel N'eifflibour and Miss roEfularities, periodic pains, backache, [akin to an-roi<-"^'^>-x. gnpe." and she took . the..paper from Second-Hand 1 her bosum. .Matii Xoighbour of Miiidie Valley 2'j Broad St, . : boaring-down foelin /, flatulency, indl-1 She iiad fjuiiht KCIIOJI the term bc- have,. ..returned . home...-after-visit ing ----Machinery ? .:--.. i-S.fld t'» -I ;> On. r. . Farmer Wayne slipped to his knees, antl friends in'.New'York nnd :••--— L_'|._..-.HuUfi l- ' } l'.OO'to 3.30' p-n go=Uon,-.dizziness, or..nervou3pro3trt|.'fmv:(uy.,clnthing, sbnfs. or,..n!iy.,.othcr the,end of his. stay he kuu'w-he had ".very'ense ho Uikcs/He eler, "I journeyed to, Cincinnati. The weiiring npparol as pood or as cheap rpassed trott found the one wonmn ho needed, and fare from my*'city to that place waa as at Fraiilc Pill's. 'Callfon. N. J. he hoped tccwln her. ; ^ ... ._.__...._ - *-,,. «,-_--- w, www WWW :-". by haudlng the conductor $2 "In cash. t «,u cure u\\ forms of nervous debility, Impoteiicy, Vital Wenltuefs; Varicoceli*, incomplete development, unnatural ... . . drains, cl:?f»s-'s of the Heart, Kidneys, Stcmmeh. Liver and Bhuldei^ Blood and .Skin, Chronic. Bronchitis,. A&tlmiii. rp»«"n!pti«!:-nsdiALL'PE--: •:iTAIjB-uI5t,ASE5;'rbd:in»rter what 1'the"1cmi*-e;""'StHef'confidence will be observedr jj(l shalhlll renuilln Uckot te ^TUe fek.1 wa to LouU- ^"^^ ^X Sl^'^^s my, property until paid for. -All service ;to le.iru his fate. Mary Joved him and ?1 3 Women ,.whcn_ho_ proposed. tohKMm ._$?>, .--Thenrlllo .- , but I was^dy going to Indiaa-. at.Cnli^U.— - - -- -y..: - Er^Wna! 11 ngtoir - *poll8."~_OIieffp'"*»nnughr"n™'~ " '^P "af?.*'ai^-a'ri-s.' Jncb^mTtli, CormeT- SURVEYOH JVNT) CrVIL I2XGIN12I2S1 he'Journoyed to the farmhouse home ••-.• My Office, 58 P,ist Stewart Street, ""•" .of hla • a wee! heart's parents.-:" ."When the conductor cauiti aJong to ;!y of this place. nioVed their house- A MODERN NEW IDAKO Notary Public, city ISneincer, Fire and "Yon may write to any one In the RANGE " -....^_ Llfo Insiiranfic, llenl IQatnto..Agent Vlty yon know as to my character nnd- GiiBruntucil 5 |)Cr "cent. Gold "Bonds Qrtnie on the ticket In the,presence of...j the"conductpiv I told hiai my name • Proof. iimkes cooking easy. :,./ ;.o£ leaiV; /Tbisis^hj so {jo(m->;-^;: 7 lar We make them. ' 'lil'-Li.1^ *-—^ uli nioiifiv,:.'•;;;';;; " Zl^^^ VJS I> EHTATf lSEL'^-O^^; • " bfllce: -la East Wnsliington ATC.' ' ^m -Rcai('leiico.-:;i-15 Voiintniw' ATotiucr^"* 'Tiay and night calls pivon prompi Wilson Stove and j attention." tf. Mfg. Co.::^;.;;;g pedigree 'W they In! Appropriate. en or cntton material),1 brush thor- by Jnmes U Shldits or WimlilnRtim, N..)., ami ! Mott... "'•••, ' ; e<-wi-lliHl us follows: W, lmtiil.s solUl color, . 'A. clei-frymnn went to have hlw i.t>oh oughly, and let soak for 24 --hours. 211 Northampton St., EASTON, PA. :• Chas. JR....Ford .wulirlit 1,300 ihs., ciilorstwl Krcy, Itrewl snuic "You tire not a Christian. You are u fixed by a Ucnttst. Wlien the* woV 'Take out. let drip, •until almost dry ilrufi, has boeu oxtimtnt.'i.l ut IliuSlHle-ti.xpcrl- : inonl station MivWunjif- Aiiinml Iliisliiiiidrxi money changer n« rho temole!" tluin^ JESfi-^lEJh'c jionUflt^ dccliiied . to. u don't wrlns),'.buns _in _thOw,_ntr_. until : : : ; r 1 1 r 1 1 •miii;;t-ia- Mi7i1""(!Snirt Sf.ntlltiir >iemFi .ii?V-"o]d~manr^ M^iCuo^v'\vour oi(y" "copt Tflori^ llinif-"a'""honilnhrifee." "Tli' "rtryrtli'eri"usual. " " Watei "w ill '•'Ilill! tliurofoiv, not is lint of |) , ways. .•Voir'forsiiki! iiihiv.nWy except, pnrson, Ii/reiurn fofxlils-favor, fallolT as from the proverbial 'duck's _„ jy llu* Unilwt Slateans yDopartuicnt those that lead to fortiVno. ,, Vou nre 1 bade' One can use'.i-suitrtreated In' n es D 1 ed later on tho dontlslE' a^'cepting a ,x<>:' of Aurlenlliirc. Tim ahovo natiiuil yuilllon 1 t c this way cm^iiuntlng lrfi)s zv.H In 'a hna boon exauimod byttui Hoard mul is re- hypocrites and deceivers!" I^e shouted ume of tlie reyerend ge'iitleman's b\v cirlytnf^raln, and como homo dry. It port o>«r in t')rfer.'2^vith:.the tntiistnlsslblt) dlsciiiic^nr tinsoiimlncKs. mulls ; : -It is au.advantage-to UiCiauvcrtiscrfan-ai licensed to slaml for. publicsorvlno In tbo Stdlo V-.i'-Thon T"— .hognn the young man. . •••. Psalms, and fin'tlie;Hy leaf lie had 1; .Ventilation or injure ihe. fabric In the of New -Icrsiy for n pt'iloil ofono vour from ^JJNiJver^se.e^my....flniijfbter again, air. scribed .y thiw {tpproprintp .quotatlo:)... slightest. dGcrnrt.^.Tli" -rivmntlt!"*;.-: as the'Stai', ^cl "V U^'^'.-l'^tancc,^ an-va< Go1odby^*r:---"Tl'""—;-v"/-" :^:-^-}^ • '-. -^ ^l-ven, beVo'co'st'about 20 •'cents; and ,LVAnd^my:smfjuil^ ;. Lo^tron.^lp^Jct^pur^/lvprriEers'-knb i^tV;^"-----^ 'Vr-^r>iLcnat--and;1 suit, or7in1:pr"oooTVion.^r-i..---.".-;Z-;! , they-readrjtli.siiOa'iiiiciiiWcciiient iii-tlie-Star.-;J~-:— THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N, J., THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1909

•'•'JOSKP Bowdon 'hag accepted a clerk- ship In Ilaub's store. .; .Miss I If 1 en Hopler is home from the Sttito Normal for the TCnsttu- va- cation. - - ••.','•;'. Peter Wulkur, who hut* lifL-n on :i visit tu the Xittional Capitol, lm» re- turned to .his homo hpriv The .school* nr" CII-SPII for the 'Castor . vacation and ' srmio "f tliu- u«iiWK>r»< are out for n wuelt. .' ...•.."•.'::..l'iaj'mond::/JGIK\* .mil v wird"''"iuv- spending n few days tit tlio home 'of ; the older Jonon on -Second sttvei/ ^t^iGcccilowcl! "a:i«;:,?«:;;i:y.- luuu.:;,uU :the rnrin hnvf niowir to iVhi- r dere. : They have ;i nice- lionit* on •" :*-li t.-" ' - :- - -.- - •• -•'•- .;_,..Thti.Od.l 1-%-lInws .will h;iV. - —r~- ; - sentallun oi .Tumitlii'ri ;niwi3^i^:..-...^i.^^i-!W'''/ ^w^\^^a» the Optra ir<>!>«.; on ••*> I'tti ->f April, liy N'uwmiiri 'l>eori<- .

nif»VflHtxl - Jf.ll. «u«« ••'•;.«.i • ;tr!i?" •-•'" < leave for Maryktm'-the pr«s'i-ti!,'*%vt't?k !

'";,,",, :i W:'.':",;,,'",:!!, .',;;•.;•;,' "' .Sl.f win1 return in Murlisbon. alioiitj •4:?«SSf i:•/« I! !.•>. «'||.. l|..||i!li.>||,.|iil of SlMnil tlie tiry i>:i.-iiV.^r- riTi'l h.i's v-nt"r- 1 pd Crui!' vv C.V* piiAim iKiinttur :'.-K'- .»;.,:.'•. „,., " .. •.,,:,;':; .I'IVIII-IU-I•iu'ltt-iIi iw.uv.. i S.THH.MC'MIH.MS iii .'! 1 i ' •,;,;'.•...•.,;.•,... V.!:.;...: ."," 'V; ... :J-'^.. :iv,>:huix'ii..t.n .-.imias-.. .M.I-H I i;.n-..i •;-. 1 .Mr, i!i!.-i..Mr«; VHIICH-VO Ri-utli-r niul l i n :1 ;i >u 1 1 •|.y lii.' i.nli.ii ,.|, Slllnlny. Jhi.-Il : ~ -!\ ML \. .-.*'.ti?.^! .t'. :'U. .i>...?....i!!i4-,,. '."=i'iii. li.i: i>y iii.-uiy ,.i: tills con-i I ur.LraH.in_ Mint llev. W. s. l.iannoi:-;.

.•'•"•t.-aii.l'T-.-s.'.l.v ':,ii"" ,,u... DMvmai.px:ili...i'i..,lli:.._'i'r...sKvlcri,ui;i move] Jr.vii llanr.-ny if i;.-h • .1. <:t- urn! iV-.-•.:;»>• rh..- h..-j.«. .if ,J:^ r.'> >-t..!v^ or.. P-i...;,- sir-...:. Mr, *. i^. oun'K^^i.i' >i i - llf iM.-t-.riih.-. , j; ,,, •• ... ; 'Hie win I'.S iionif. 1 ,V,'V-'....'. ;.;.',...'....'I ',•',..T,'.'.';: ••<'•••• Thl. tj ,(.sl , tia|,,t j,,^,,^,,, ,,,,,ri., l.^.-t • i , . ,'.' . , , ' , , 'h»» wo million AniOTk-.-m ! u!l !K ll :..•;.'..".' f."" ''.,"" "-" ,.I "' ,'" '"'"Its ucautlrul llnlsh ;tnd lastlnc rrwli- '" • "• • "•'•'''' l (l!- Ji.t.!>..-iy. • nos? dl.*ti!is:iiishL.s n r^iJeiioc paiiucil ' >•!:>• .h:h\: i' :[ -, r |i;?s.

vrifr!u:.-..;.(! l>!a. Conlliaiiy. ItuWitMtsto ' "7 We~hfTTO—piannedpsorriiel' speciall-eliing; events.lor this" C:i;;:/.n^; l.^::,l season, that will tend to outstrip all former records. You are invited to make a prompt investigation. as iia.l ih.- ii.- |.a;m.-.l aii.l pa- Ivli Cafih i: l-;ast...n. •Iiarl far:.; vt -The Spring' Millinery I.oufc or Sliyrt vSilk Dainty Wash Waists, St.oo.- 36-in. IJhick- Silks at Sue., 1 new Spring .shades, -^ his li'MTie h.-ry thV -Miss Kva TliMal. ••it Clint.m Kr.—vi: Tlie Sjivinj; Sale (.ii'MiiHiK'ry to S5.00. Ji, Si.25, r Ims it that h.< will : ; s and If ;t •(-:.'.- .re Ions la ,Mr.^-. .liiln; FMN. in \\':ti-h;;ti;t..a ).i'.'i'.V ![ ' alway.-' ;in i-veni in lliijshop. Silk Waists, <3.;5 t0 Sj.gS. Also colors at rod; bottom Mr-. r.iiisi-> aa.i ilati-kiu- o: Hiaek Siik Waists, S;,.50 to ..prices...... ,.,.;...... _. ,..;, .'", ; Ul.11! ever IWIiVie by' reason of h-'/v.''I'I'J ':xlle many special [.rice attrac- Goods Weaves A ,tioud sett^ncker Waist. c The Spring Sale o! i lions. -Mi>- Tuikfisiias reuini- • Thi^ i the biiviu'nti'iic aiav Mh til..- h.Hl-^..- Cm r BeHs and Women's , ;";;.^i.'!'''oiii. Xew York.' having a careful in\-esti^atin;i hfiht^,. 1 •«••!!•.••••*,. ?pe:it the c.i'.ire wiiili-r Inokili;; styles anr! \-riliK-s will ]in>ve Newest Spring Neck- iv Neckwear Fiilli.n- aihl .Mrs- ; I iv,-..lii.:sday •j-un (,. vii. iij> ilie ver)' latest sjiiing crea- .profi table to yon. wear lor Men A hiinpk- R.-uling o! the ..]•<•.t^i>.; Lions in iadies heariwenr, hence All the1 new shades, fnmi I -oiTerinys will eoiivinee von that actlvo Jnr us.- tli.—,^-«t This Xeckwear is made to 1 to flat.? tli«y ha\<- it-.t. ..:.'!:''.":.• she^caii .t'ive... V:-.H :Xy-w::A:,_,.k.; ,^cc to 5i. ^o,ivi- VMIY!.-— •t iltV in r..|,-,,.-.y! .'.. It.;"...... • .• 3"i IJIP ' MtsRi-."; rii.-i-.f s,'.. • ..iii'^iuci -ami ei.mipl i.-.e>ali that ^ .irl...I in r!tc i'l-.'s-lijte^ritt Mrs. (.'has. . rtatn-\"!es and quality at <. . /!" - rth.f taa tiiat tli..i-.:- ai-.^. ••'•'-•7|-fi.t,yo.i-il.»:r.-this-c!Spait:!isat'. ;.. |.A-erylhin;.';iii tlii- \".;iy \.V:i

This is a season of black- sjx-eials will interest yon. : silks. This store is in mi^Iitv Ladies1 Panama, - \'oi!e :or .good shape'lo cater to ' your Cloth Skirts, black. , blue or economy in this matter. • '

member of the;

In ail station? of Hfc, whose vigor and : For men we.have the Crosset and Barrv. A full lint of Infants', Children's and .Misses' Gmi'.Mdal Tan

choose.-jfrom,, we ha^e£" —^|

_...._, .;.-;.....- ._ , ,...„„., „,...„,, c.. . 1- . • • - - ,. - - ..- - "e'yefy"insfance"aTthe

I ••;.. ™«.an.^i™Bl?«r. «,, ™n,, oniai^c^v Any«; ,,„ 1..M0 un o,,i,r-: ^on,^,,^, E,«i,,?:^.^ —Buy ing and selling for cash, weican give ycyu more for your money,. money' h: or your money back,..hut for tash only. , £"

SHINGTON AVENUE WASHINGTON;^ j JHss"titi!S!l(3",Wainwpight has boon ill ith tl' ontsprintod in plamTiighcnJtsbotlk wrapiier ind ntUsstcd-'-uiulor onth." Dr. Pierco thus invitos the fullest iiivostisa- tlon of his -formula'Itnmvlnii Hint It will b« found to contain only tiio best agnnta known to tlio most advanced medical •olonM or nil tlio different schools of pra.> .personal -guarantee with every 50c tlco for tho euro of woman's peculiar - bbti!"4-^' "BL00D7\TE" they sell, to airs. Susan Moore, 'Mrs. Milton Rnr-i weaknesses and ailmonts. I. v .U>w and daughter.Nettie spent'Satur- : refund, "'the- iii^ney ^unless •-"••it "gives 1 If yiin ivant to Unoiv more about"th» is the QUICKEST, MOST EFFECTIVE and" tEAST EX- 1 1 day In "Easton."" "' ' "'" ' ... ' ' •-- satisfaction ; They tnke all the risk of Arison Tlunyon, who went to thecomposition and nrntcsslonil i ondorst- PENSIVE medium through which a merchant inay make- his cure.^and no romlpr of this pnpor can Easton hospital about Uvu 'weeks aso ment of the "Favontu Prescription," send d td f d existence known to'the public; to tell them what he has to sell N Y for hl'/ bklt tt ' °d h h should EASTER FLOWERS are NOW to be COOL and GONTif i


NEW GREKNHOUSES MAKE 30.000 ~~.-~--••••-•• --FEET UMI)!;R GLASS, ..;, . r'.. -Have Electric Fans ^Electric Sad

0U r d tllc •'I I1I "'" '' ' • '"'B«l slock of 1'LANTS •r Installed Irons III ever Bmwn in Washington or vicinity, s : Tl ^;>!J*£!'S.., E;::;Z:]71 l ..'..''./ ' ,• • ;« fan JJotor is noJoiner, „• Injury,. excitiui; _!, Electric Sad Irons W^dc iz:, • Flowering, Decorating and ihc-curiosity oi many and within the reach of tm-, ditions; they have no loose pieces lo ; Bedding Plants \M ,„],,..„ fadispTOsabic ajjj,,a ,,f li.e ufilte i i no minor accident can i i-lt.ip.ncnl. a n,.-cessil, in the- store, the Uul,, the The irons are heavilv niekel-pbi-,! Also ail kinds cf VEGETABLE PLANTS. Thous- liotel, and a source ol unlolil comfott and enjov. and the handle is ebonize' d wood, pro; ands lo make your Sjirini; selection from. ;• nientin the name. ..for a trip and so attached in the iron a Bulbs, Cut Flowers or Floral Pieces Ail sorls of electric fixtures supplied at sliort • cod. Each iron is sui,j,;;^j wiiiisiVf niHicc.' A representative oil'l call and ive prices K flexible a'.-d, a separal.le attachment p for any occasion, in any quantity, on'short notice. and full particulars. ^ Watch our improvements .lilrinj. the Spring and heat-proof stand.-, Iiu) your wife an I Summer. Visitors are inviltil to inspect our "rounds Telephone or leave ivord ai our office—"'.: Iron and receive her everlasting j,' ""' '"'I' wit), _Vf,,,r f,r,WC;i.vHich V.'il! Investigate the] !« promptly executed. ' ' ' " New Tungsten Lamp 2] WEST WASHINGTON AVENUE

Alonzo ]. Bryan, Prop'r Three Times the Light for Same Cost as when 282 EAST WASHINGTON AVENUE WASHINGTON N. J. using other lamps Washington Electric Company ; DER^™ A Gas Gireulatinlati g Water alEstateand'Insurance f 1 used in connection with your present hot water system. ... • . , ' i T" 25 West Washington Avenue Hot Water In 10 to 15 Minutes " Washington, New Jersey

^ a cost of only a; cent and a-half fora boiler Ml. These heaters have brass water compartments " ; dndJ":=,co"n^d.with ym.r boiler atthe very Special Price of $10.50. .•I'-. S'~Gas Ranges placed and connected ready lor use, •£3---Farms,' Summer Homes $S.OO and up. WASHINGTpN GAS CO. and Mortgages

A. R. ALPAUGH Have You Any Houses for Sale or Rent?

Building Materials and Build Houses ', -° • ei assottment ot Biulaing Materials can be found anywhere. Our stock is nice, clean, bright and up-to-date. Besides, we have a complete Archi- and 'Dealer in tectural Department, and can furnish plans and specifications of consmSion :..'--'—p:=.=; -. .-.'iiat.-r.oi.r.pcrsonai.supeivisionyc.'-rcan save money by having ' "

Room Mouldings . This'advantage can seldom be obtained through lumber yards. : We guarantee to •-^.••." 'k,'•'••'.. SAVE TOU MONEY7 '";^r^;'::: Window Shades and Paints -on any proposition intrusted to ^ in any of: the building lines. We invite" your 499 South Main Street , inspection o£ our. work. • :;


WILLIAM G. GREVELING , • , .^-ir^ouidj":. foolish Wbraii.sij hard thathatt we'd-Vfalwe'd-Vfal!! .tnw,.tnw,,.-'.;,, . .1.,'-1^,: ^1.. ..x. 1-..-. ••"•' — wiinln-lhc-trBI. SheiilSrclaim tKa'lheFeVnTiauKdrj.'hracabMriha^Sir'eMeKa'FVTiK' i our lork.s A Specialty 1 1 ; L J^^•....•"^*'f.-i• r9J.v ™.ii!!i.?I?i! ?Jy.!.9.''P,"!L•.. P'!':"l'.Ol™."!tJssudi.lhat;uniforniilv-has:hccome is Made-of~~~~- ~ ..., .secon,. naluie tu, us, su mucn so that 11 is only whitn n'onstonicr tries other work ih'al he realizes Shirt and the s,,per,omy of om. When we leave a shirt-tron, i, is straight, and when worn won', look JS if 11 had been uem over a tarrel. Our sl'itt waist Work is an acmc-of litrfcaion The Shirt.Waist- ±- 1 1 : • "'^ hoj'sewfivwdjj^'"^'^^ " our^wav ofdoii.1>.i..t-.|.AOF.'-r:l!P-TAiNS"-''^'-^< •—'-'•- ™b 3 fni?:il"r-'i7TiST£7T:imli"ilsr-Woi;!ai7i7yoT»'ciS™T£7.TS iiran bnicr: ":Wc. wiirSU'forlt 'in'd' ddiver"' \vor"k "promptTy."" NATIONAL BANK BLDQ., WASHINGTON, N. « ' '::' ' l if-JS™* <^^___&>L_,_\YZ.r, <2kinr. tcaiu- juaunur V ; ° 'Phone 25-2

.,:.. '*' • J

J. R, LINBABERRy KJ A.. » ~~%±s J_j v/ \,J \J \\

A , . ,: -Washington,.fS'e>v Jersey. REAii|SiTATE ^I^S LJRA N e E :'PHARMiS.CY: Office, 11 Broad Street, Washington,-N.J. " IS not necessary to have a • lg_g: lawyer tell1.the people'of "=- Deeds, Bonds, ",— • Washington .that "they are" Mortgagcsr—Leases getting then-money's worth. They '^ii-i--~-K-.knC5::-when"they-l;rare~iicttirigL:;: 'value' rcccjyecli:? anrl-don't • for-"

Leading'Hosteiry^w Wtirren County Their knowledge of '-ht^siiprrinrrr ciuality,:of goods"— Drugs, Chemi"" ~"AccotTnts of :«~" ~ 1 cals and.=Sundries—as sold by us Hxecutors and. 1 • :is the sn,-rvt-:6f qiir large and con-" Administrators ren-^ ...ForQommercial'Travelers', Auto Parties • . ' . and the P«blic|Senerally. s.:'L-i~ >"'stantly increasing trade ; and 11 is • ',• dered to ' - a matter of fact the trade we get •Surrogate's Court AUTO GARAGE ATTACHED is a-hold-fast trade,., and Jhcy,^ • '•-.'• ^ ,,. :. ; . -. ; . . remember ..the place . every; time. • •' Do you' avail yourself of the .. '•'. ^ , ''FREE' BATHS opportunity offered to you and: ,;'ERli'E 'BUS to' a>d from -Station ' assonmenl of novelties. Chocolate .Cream which • is appreciated by many - KWAfi c We decorateate with 'namname frfret " " of your neighbors? Start right- of charge. Eistcr Ba:!:e!s; Choco- u-ith;yotir next^purcha^e-rTcflaed"" ~—!ates*and_Bon.Bons Kancv jLoiuwilLatj-— ( " ;""E5GrB5fis..._* i5~rzE[uzri_.^2ii' ••. ,3j^a=^f=:-^Electri^ c Light-. iC._omfoi;table Rpomj;_.. ..^«rijj.;_. ..' :== 1 ' .:'....and Gas 4l^Washington Ave., WashingtonrN,J;L ... ^s^ ^tains either a Piano or Organ. Does your home boast of one of these ^nh^T^"8 "f *?— * mus^»y inclined'and s.deration. Times are just right now to purchase a Piano or (Sn^JT instruments ? Ir not, giye the subject con- man or woman will be quick to take idvantage of the o^pbrtuni^

....Kisol persons „, Warren and .neighboring., counties whoalready l.nvo , ^ ::

^^k^jnbiFicn. T,,e,il,ultio,rhere-iSdin,.e,!l'iVo,1,t,,1, £ "

Ceasons Wh^ You Should Get Your Buy a Piano or Organs 7v>.;/—Voti'buy direct from the ma.mfen.-, ••„•!,„;•.„.:. •.. .' •.-'...... _

•x-r'-':•"• :"""'' liis'""l:t:-'''iiSI"'(;s >'ol: anywliere: rroiif''^"'^'^""""''"'''^"'™"^^^ 1^'rt"1' • " pnce: .oiy if you desire to pay iiistalliuems,- we will' arrange the ,;;.: ' ''""•' ' SSt ;' '.'.0;"5-,:V^..iM']el"«i'-y which insures the Ixl>'mcnts >".almost anymaimerthatwill sttittvour.; purse,' cover- .. .-trumeiit !or ^5 yt-ars from defective material or workman-'; "'•?a ra""e of!iult: of two years or•more ".'.'.. ..:'....'..:....'. .'....

•Third— You can try die i-,-M-,rmM-i ,W , , , c /'V'"/'—Votfcan get one ofour instruiiieiits^eiit to you and iiGifudoes i^i-niea=U'e -m -o ^,,.-" •'" " •'•'• "' °'" >^": .>a."..s.!^e-1.l:.a.:t.rl!!I:!9r 30 days belofe^oujieed'TSav a cent of tile •;•-.•.• ^-""^••^-J^i—•=?"--- "-'-•• TxpKiStiOii,,,- you-can ,.purch;ise jificeT" "" '"" " "' ~T ' : : "",--•.

^h^ir^^[^^'^ t<>:i,ave you visit the Cornish' ' li;SU 1C s :lmi f e^^s at! imjuc.eme.r ^,^'v^ Th™ ^1 .!™ "! 'K'»o»stration will be made to you of just how thev are

cest of i.::v .;•. dilTcrnit stvl'i'-- ,'.f M^.".'i."u!' "'-'•'V'"' t0--'°" w!l'lollt •<-'l;laV ""rexquisite catalogue showing 'in •miniature the • 7 •wii^rmiiiCSyp-ip^T^ia'ifB-^jfij^j.^jj™™^-. --n:rrnsl.,7ni^as Tr™Tf siwthe

mil-c-dTiinc, oiVc i-arUcular cciisideiitioii P«rcha*ir,le^^ t^U.ithis feature. „If >ouj>ou_have,ji?ave.j,,.p.i oldd p,ano_opiano.or orga^anddesirorgan^and^desire to .'now along theses than Wr l^ib-.-:.,.,, Hlcn '• nl' 'T' ""^r' ™ *°" ° ^ Hbe''al allo™"(:e- ^'ewilldo Tetter just J Se S makc;;a trip tbthe.taeiory aiid ro»r,,rZn Uie'sub^ct ' ' '' ''^^^•^'^nniiemsjuay find it very much to their, advantage KU ,

On the ihstai'lirnent Plan Cornish Organs frorrf$35 to $ 125 ,„'.,:;;•• *-••--• , - - u S5« j-| "^T ^"^7"^ . On 41ie Instailmeni^PlaiT^ $1O Down and the Balance on Easy TeTSi