V»l. LXII. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 16, Mimuninti. commissioners. Game Warden aaonunoniM. LOCAL AFFAIRS, Bin*icbeel Shea will have charge of tbe work, under the direction of Mr. WWW ADTKRTIMIMKNT9 THIS WREK Perkina. Material will tbe ordered and arrangement! made lor tbe immediate The Davis Theatre beginning ot the work when tbe water ia Exec notice— George O Johnson lower. •* — O Calvin Hive? Mra. R. E. March, ol Doer Iele, wbo baa Make Your For harness and land Dollars Grow sale—Starkey’s shop been ill at tbe borne ol ber Probate notice—Zena Oraee Ouptill et als seriously ** -Daniel Y McFarland et als mother In Ellaworth, ia improving. —Petitions to sell and mort- Tbe annual lair under the auapicee ol Every thrifty person likes to have his dollars gage real estate tbe Methodist society will take the Ellsworth business place Union directory Trust ia Co. first ol October. A flue for him at interest. Lampoon M Hubbard program being active—working arranged whicb will consist ot / ■ Deposit Gray’s Business college many Ellsworth, Maine is J A Haynes—Groceries novel features. cash where it safe—start an account with NE Co your Tel A Tel # Tbe Fullerton reunion wilt lie held at The Morrill Nation 1 bank ball if not Capital the Bnrrill National Bank. Zlra cigarettes Bayalde grange Sept. 4.; pleas- stock.,#100.0110. ant, the first All connected pless.mt day. Surplus and lti.vooo with tbe family are invited. A picnic iiikIIvi

NORTH CAHTIME. Willard it at blMlord. Mr*. M«ry • I » »%»•*••»*■ returned « » FrtOCli PerkIni bM to his m « » 1 J ■ ■ U 1 H | |l work it L. Oaobor i» boon from MlM Adnli Wakefield, Mm. of ii Artbur P. Golltord, Ylnalhiven, bin. Tititin* b!i family Frink Hitch, of Brld«eweter, Him., ti Hatch. We offer ZIRA as Tiiltln* bit brother, Jamil a'clga* with bla will and )ty OodRi. obildrio. bU fitbir, A. K. Dod«e. Hi, been visittn* rette that is better of Caatlne, nv- honestly Mr». Adi Conner, ipiot homi of ber eril diyi Hit ,nk •* tho eon Ron Ii M„. Georgia fDodge vlsitlmr bir Making no foolish, extras dtuihter, Mre. Oirtrodi Gordon, at Bocklind. of claims. George Ramp, wifi aod daughter, agant an at J. E. Fill Hirer. Man,, fuiett Chpt. Bind *«»'»• it can* Mi,«i;»Altce CaodJ Anna (Webitcr, of Promising nothing were ncont auiiti of Min Orrinztoo, Ethel L)odgl.; deliver. of bai opt -Mn. W. 18. Bridget, Penobscot, Edwin visiting bar panoU, Oipt. 1 be,,,, a Orduy end wife. But cigarette you will enjoy who arrived tlpt. Charm Deeireux, Thursday from Now | York, ti at; Chpt. smoking—a cigarette to depend Bennett Dunbar’l. wife of tie Theodore Perktni, aod|childnn, on—to to—to buy again and SSTion. visited bli mother Mn. Mary Perkins, last week. again. Herbert Ames Joined bis wife list week Mn. A. „ me borne of bit litter, A. Just because “Better tobacco* useh. lie left Thonday for bis home In Bndgtoo, Min. made ZIRA famous. W K. Ordwiy motored to 8ani(or list Thursdir. He wia|accompanlid by Mrs. Florence Guilford, Mn. Merle Conner, The MILDEST Cigarette; Mrs. Loweni Rice and |Mm. Mary Dev- ereui. Aug. '*■ L. SAJfGENTVILLE. Ml'fflKvelrn Harden. of Bluehlll, baa b**n visilinjr o*. ge*H Footer, of Boeton, te the guest TOBACCO of C. R- Footer end wife. Mr*, Kay mond Ortndell, of Bock lend, i« Touting J W. Orinrietl end wife. MADE THEM Mim Hoaa Hodgkins.^of Lamoine, tpent U*t week with Min Both Sargent. Laurence Keton, ofJHurtson, Mens., if FAMOUS spending bl* vacation with hie parents. Mu* Berthe E. Turner, of llertlend, U amending »;fe«;weeke witbjhcr parents. Miff <.-rtrudehiower u spending a few week> wltn berjmother, Mrt. Lydia B. Bower. Mr*. Berrard L. Grlndel end daughter Bernice ar** gueata of George W. Grinde! and wife. Clarence 1. Ghetto and wife, of Orono, are spending aeveral weeka with J. B. Cbatto and wife. Frank M. Kedman, wife end eon, of Newton Ipper Pella, Maae., are gueata of Miaa Mary Miliiken. Mr* r.. Miggina and little]daughter and .<1 lew Mabel Leach, of McKinley. are aurfta o! F. 8. W ood and write. The conimniiity *•< aaddened laat week bjthedejthof Mra. Mary Miliiken, the oldeat woman in town. She leaver a daughter. Mua Mary Miliiken.one grand- daughter, Mra. F. M. Kedman, of Newton Ipper Falla, and two great-grandchil- dren, beaidea an aged brother, Capt. dee- per N. Sargent. Aug. M. HIM. __ with their grtod(»mitk Ml. had »lfr. KilTKHY TO UAHIIIUU ■ COUNTY NEWS NORTH ORLAND. Jamep Gibbons. Miaa Marcia Oinn entertained Miea rbildren are Thera were two demthe from Infantile Mr*. Abbie Bran and WEST BROOKSVILLE. week. Hubbard, a classmate from seminary, a taw weeks with her L. paralysis at Rockland last .the •peodinc father, Ur*. Mary Daocu, of Bangor, ia the laat week. P. Alley. guest of Mrs. Maggie Blodgett. Uuy Higgins, of Brooks, aged forty-two, in West Mra. Mildred Carpenter has returned to Austin Moore, wife and daa(ht«r There are man; fields of grass wee drowned et Oonton pond lest week. weeks’ Brooksville that have not been cut as yet. Bridgeport, Conn., after a law Bertha, and Walter Blood, of Holden; He swim out ato gather pond lilies, and Road Commissioner Wilson Varnum " visit here. Johnson, of Holden Canter; George became entangled in the lily pads. George bad a crew at work on the Henry road last Mn. Ida and Miaa White and wife, of Brewer; Mrs. Sarah Poor, of Ellsworth, week. Wsyland Pbllbrick, the Corinna farmer Helen of of Colon Ginn, wife and of was the Gray, West Ellewortb, spent Wood, Chicago; Capt. Newton Lord, Belfast, who was to his door a 9 called by stranger son and Mrs. week-end of bis William TEAS little Augusta guest nephew, Thursday with Mis. Hsortstta Billings. William, and shot Monday evening of last week, of Mrs. Mabel Everett Smith. Mr. and and Mrs. Everett, Orlaod; died in the at Mra. O. M. Saunders wife and son Wednesday night hoepital OF THE FIRST GRADE and little Helen, of Waltham, Maas.; Dr. Or. Thomas S. Tapiey, Waller Saunders and son Olio arrived Wasson were Sunday guests of his mother, Newport. Ernest Wood, wife and two children, of The choicest of tender leaves, dried and with are of Mrs. Warren Mrs. Lucy L. Tapiey. packed Sunday. They guests W. a native of were at W. P. Dodge’s George Parker, Dedham, care the Moore tor two Doluth, Got., Ira W. who has been with particular that goodness is intact when it reaches weeks. Capt. Tapiey, business in in the his at their two re- long in Bangor, and Aug. V. B. Sunday. family cottage weeks, your table Aug. 14. L. turned to New York this morning. shoe manufacturing business several years _ E. Fierce has the under the firm name of Parker A Formosa • Ion Pekoe Ben Trendy, of Lynn, Mass., is visiting Rev. C. accepted pas- Peakes, Cry Orange torate of the Congregational church, and hie former burnt bare. SEAWALL. died Friday, aged seventy-live years. has moved bis household goods here. are types: which, experience will prove, packed under Mias Addle Brown is borne from tba one of the most Mn. M infield Patterson and son Gerald The annual sale by the ladies’ circle will Hon. William B. Swap, SUPERB A labels assures the very best grown. afternoon. have returned to Derby, after a taw waeka Claremont. be held at the chapel Thursday remarkable old men in Maine, actively 17. There will be an entertainment Order of your dealer. 40 eta, 50 eta and 60 eta. the Mias Agnes Ward la employed at the Aug. engaged in business at the age of ninety- in the evening. in H K I and 10 cent bouse. one years, died at his home in Belfast pound pound packeta Stanley E. E. Cummings motored to Bluehill SMxtfucmntfi. after a short illness. He wss SUPER BA Colics and Guard Goods leave Rav. Thomas Honghtonand wife are vis- yesterday to attend a family gathering at Saturday, nothing the home of Mrs. president cf the City Nationsl bank, the to be desired the most them. iting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spurling. Cummings’ parents, by particular. Try Edwin Leach and wife. Swan-Wbitten-Bickford Co., the Belfast Bright and wife, of Bangor, are Millikan-Tomlinson Company—Importer*—Portland, Me. Joseph Edward Carlton, of Plymouth, Mass., Loan and Building association, and of the |t!6) H. E. Newman for a few has bis Mrs. Charles with Mrs. days. been visiting aunt, Belfast Heal Estate Co., and chairman of She i F. Mr. Carlton is a native of Baked Hiram Newman, of Waltham, is visiting Tapiey. of the First Par- Brooksville, leaving here when a boy. the standing committee his grandparents, Thomas Newman and ish Unitarian church. Mrs. Arthur after five years' ab- Today wife. Moore, sence, has been here several weeks visit- With MIm Mildred Parker, of Denvereport, ing her parents, William H. Stover and wife. She left tor her home in TRENTON. la with bar Lucy Friday Maas., grandmother, 111. She was to Fulton, accompanied Leland B. Hopkins bas gone to Bar King. Rockland by her mother. Harbor, where be bas employment. CLARIONS wor:: with Kd Do* and wife, of Bangor, apant a Aug. 14. Tomson. son ol Moore and wile, is law daya laat weak witb K. K. Newman Frank, Percy ill of scarlet but is and wife. dBucrtianncm*. fever, improving. PRECISION Benjamin F. Jordan, wbo has employ Mr. and Mra. Baina, of Clinton. Maee., You never have to :ess roent at Northeast Harbor, spent last g and Mra. Phabe Kodick, of Bar Harbor, of Mra. week at borne. at results. You know be- ware week-end gueata Nancy NO REASON FOR IT Sawyer. Thomas McDonald, of Bar Harbor, forehand just what a Clar- bare spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Harlan Harper gone Tou Are Shown A Out. ion will do. This saves Her bread Way his family here. to Dirtgo inland for Auguat and 8eptem- 14. Mat. time and labor and ex- would take the bar. On tbair return they will occupy tba Aug. blue Thera can be no reaaon why any reader ribbon at reaidanca of tba lata Amoa Nawman. but what is even auBera (he torturee ot an ach- pense, any domeitlc ol this who EGYPT. Mra. Fannia Moore, witb granddaugh- dia- science exhibi- ing back, the annoyance of urinary more important it saves toft tbia weak to Marion West, who has been visiting in tar, Thelma Dollirar, orden, the and dan gen of kidney tion, her cakeU paine at home. care. Clarion users are at On tbair return they Bar Harbor, is a aiait Sagnln light. Ufa will fall to heed the word of a reaident marvel ot fine Inland and will for a tew daya at Pumpkin who haa found relief. The Raymond Clarke, of Bangor, Floyd care free housekeepers. lightneaa — and atop ot thie locality of Bar Harbor, Sunday her light atatlon. following la convincing proof. Scammou, spent U Ask the Clarion dealer. pastry—you 12. T. E. D. at home. ought to taste it) Aug. 8. W. Lovely, Fourth 8t.,;01dTown, Me., TIE HOME CLAWOH “Doan'e Pilla re- Frank Goodwin, wife and son Willie All because Vttaa BUCKS PORT CENTER. eaye: Kidney quickly had bothered with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. isas Tell is milled from lieved me of backache that spent Sunday WOOD & BISHOP CO., Bangor, Me. Martin Burke, aeven yearn old, Henry me for aeveral weelu and rid my ayetem Scsmmon. Ohio Red Winter following an opera- dlad Tuaaday, Aug. 8, uric add. I intend to give and Wheat oar own W in of alwaye Mrs. Georgia Bishop daughter by tion for adanoida, convuleiona aatting endoree- ELLSWORTH, Me. Goo* farther too—both Doan’e Kidney Pilla my higheet Ethel, of Salem, Maas., are guests of her Sold by J. P. ELDRIDOE, procew. which did not to treatment. Ha yield ment.” James W. Clarke. economy and good anting waa father, waa a bright little fellow, and brought raid: •arved Over three yean Uter, Mr. Lovely Aug. 14. C. by ordering almoet from infancy by bia grand- np •‘Whenever I need a kidney tonic, I take Steam Mr. and Mra. Willard W. Boyle. Ellsworth Laundry parenta, Doan’a Pilla and receive prompt IRA B. HAGAN, Jr. William Kidney A Woman's Kin lly Am. M KMt of l**e«T —*■ MWtm CLEMMt relief.'’ Mrs. Q. H. ■vslaod. Duncan Mills, 111., Look Good. Good—re*; writes: "1 was stricken with lumbago, un- Civil Good* called for and dellTered Tell look Price fide, at all dealer*. Don’t aimplj Engineer, Mo oue can either feel good or good able to turn in bed. A neighbor brought rid of attention to poet work while from conetTpattoo. Get aak for a remedy—get Doan’a Kid Pills. She had been similarly Land Special parrel euBeriiig treat- kidney Foley Kidney Surveyor. Hour that tired, dreggy, lileleee feeling by a afflicted and cured her. I was cured by a boa Pille-tbe eame that Mr. Lovely they meat of Dr. Ktng’e New Life Mile. .Buy nay three bottles." if the kidneys do not funo- CtcrespHteacc jtlicttM. to- In the Buffalo H. B. ESTEY ft CO., Proprietor* to-day, take one or two pill* night. had. Footer-Mil burn Co., Prope., i tion, lumbago, rheumatism, aches, pains are Me 1* gone and ME. P.O.Box! State Street, Blleworth, waiTooMK, until * oo. morning that atufted, doll feeling to result. Moore’s Drug Store. I ELLSWORTH FALLS, *»0. at drugglat. N. Y. apt C. W. OHM DAL. you feel better at once. your SW ({tmmnita $bc <£ll0n)ortb American REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES obitvaWy. torn. LOtS A. OCKHAM. dM A LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL Lott A., widow ol Sumner Dunham. BE ELECTED BY HANCOCK muim SOME OF THE MEN WHO WILL Thursday, Aa«. S, at tba bom ol hor * V aRY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON si Dinahs, COUNTY VOTERS. duibtor, Mr*. J. H. Turnar. AT OsL She had bean tailing in hsaltb. from MAINE. ELLSWORTH, advancing years, lor atora than a year, Selected ■t m INVESTMENTS cam an illness ol hat a 1 bat death after Picked with care after HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING CO- manager for ttw Mstcrn Timberland Co., greatest thorough lew of stomach trouble. of Maine, and lb* Pokiok Load A Lumber days, investigation of each W. H. Tire*. Editor And H>Dt|tr. Mrs. Dunham was bora at Waltham , Co., of New Brunswick, in both of which May tf, lioa. daughter of Horace and Mary Glleworth men ere largely interested. to • This week's edition of Tke She was married to Samner Dan- YIELDING 4% 7% He baa aereed four terms ea an alder- Lyman. barn, and lived at Ellsworth Falla until American is 2300 copies. man in Ellawortb, and his nomination to her removal to California in 1887. She ofhre in bia borne town ia considered WE BUY. SELL AND ESPECIALLY RECOMMEND had visited Ellsworth twice since her re- week for 2,500 equivalent to an ♦ lection. Central Mala* Power Company tat so Average per 1914, moval to the West. She was strong of Cumberland County Power and Llfbt ist 5* mind and character and vigorous ol Portland Railroad company 1st 5s WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1«, 1916. body, retaining every faculty until the Anson (Maine) Water District 4 t«is last. She was known for her kindness Central flalne Power Co. 7s Ptd., and others. and ready wit, and for ber ministry to the Our valuable and extensive service and statistical Col. Roosevelt, who will be one of sick and afflicted. Sbe was a member ol department U maintained for use and benefit of Maine tbe republican speakers in Maine, the Methodist church of Dinuba. investors will make his first, campaign speech Three children were born to Mr. and ASK US FIRST in favor of Hughes at Lewiston on Mrs. Dunham — Flsvil, late of Madera, of and Mrs. Turner. With usVrou can Invest any amount from IlOu up in safe bonds. Aug. 31. Chi.; Fred, Ellsworth, Mr. Dunham died at Bakersfield, Cal., Ail the talk about Col. Roosevelt sixteen years ago, and since his death Mrs. “delivering”* the progressive vote is Dunbam had made her home with her three brothers— beside the mark. The great body of daughter. She leaves also SMALL & Joseph Lyman, of Bangor; I>avtd Lyman, BEYER, GREENWOOD, tbe progressives came back into the INVBSTMSNT SECURITIES of Ellsworth, and Theodore Lyman, of in and republican party 1914, nearly nine .... Des Arc Ark.; also grandchildren S25 WATER STREET. AUGUST A, MAINE all tbe remainder came back in 1916 and twelve great-grandchildren. prior to tbe primaries. Col. Roose- velt followed, not led. Surgical DrcMlng* Kun<1. Tbe Kllawortb branch of the Surgicil jfoura. Dree* in pi committee report* tbe follow JLcgai Ergal Notirn. There isn’t a more level-headed, inff contribution* to tbe fund: conservative or intelligent class of Toftll person* InUreitfd In iltber of th# ea* STATS OF MAINE. Previously announced.£42.50 t*t« hereinafter named: Tolh# Honorable, the Judge of the Proh»t. people than ihe American farmors. Ala court held at Ellsworth. in an I Membership fees. 1-00 probate Court in and for the County of Hancock- They reed extensively and think for for the county ot Hancock, on the Brat of August. *. d. itlh. represent* 8 WILLIS A. RICKER, day Blaiadeil. of themselves. know that soon matter* haring been pre- RespectfullySullivan, administrator 1 They • following the ratal** of R of Castine, THEaented for the action thereupon herein <)eatge Wataeu. let** of Han? after the of the van. In aaid county, * beginning European • af.er indicated, it la hereby ordered: Tba\ deceased. true Candidate for State Senator. got Saa. said George R. Wataon at the CHARLES H. WOOD, notice thereof be given to all person* inter- i tirac of bi« 3J! war there was an enormous increase craac was the owner of rated. a of this order to be i certain re»; Willis A. Kicker, of Castine, candidate of Bar by canning copy altusted In said Sullivan. in the demand for all kinds of Harbor, three week a successively in the in «*m eouatr grain, pubiiabed bounded and described »« for State senator, was born in Boston in Candidal* for Slate senator. CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY ANO RASP- Ellsworth American, a newspaper publiahed follow* ri» rw cattle, and other as well that tbMorth by land o» A. W Woo* provisions, a residence of at adtawortb, in aaid county, they may oa 1878. During thirty years Charles H. Wood, of Bar Harbor, the fwil bv tb* county road as for horses. know that this BERRY BUSHES. ROSE BUSHES. appear at a probate court to be held at Ena- leadiu* from Freni. They he has served his in tin to Sullivan. on tbr south in Castine. town other candidate for State ten- as worth in aaid county, on the fifth day of by land of *• or taa«. they selectmen for many years. men of the Hancock bar. He was cauae. tainiog t ter’w th county house, abed and atabla thereon were Hancock Ncribry Co.. Surry, Me. Zeaa Grace late of Eden, in aaid | assured of a larger market in He ia a man of keen busings ability, born in West Gouldsboro, and went from Cocbty, Guptill. county, deceased A certain Isatrament pur | That the debt* of the derea*ed a* 1915, and they put in larger areas of and a strong advocate of everything for the schools of that town to Coburn clas- porting to tw me l*»t will and tesiameui of nearly a* can be a*; erta;*i«d •aid deceased, with petition for amount to. "* Statistics the de- the advancement of his county and State. sical institute and later to college. together crop9. gathered by Colby CAMPERS. ATTENTION! probate and for the appointment of the execu- And tbe ei^enaes of sale and of ad- He has served two terms in the legislature An- to partment of agriculture show that After leaving college he taught school for O TENTS fait, 4 ft wall, with fly. Also tor witb#ut giving bonds, presented by ministration gut M MacI>onald. the executor therein as from his class, serving a short and then entered the office ** other camp all used two sea*on». this increase of was 7 representative time, supplies, all to acreage about Write or Camp Cabmaio,Cabi K. R. No. 1. named. i Amounting In f i&r: on committees. apply in efficiently important of W. P. Foster, at Bar Harbor, to read Ellsworth, Me Molbury K Rulam. late of Wailham. That the ralueof the personal r*tat* per cent. The first year of the war inatrumcnt ta His legislative experience will be valu- law. He completed his legal training tt aaid county, deceased. A certain 413 resulted in an increase of 32 per cent I / V Horse*pow«( engine and SO horse* purporting to be the last will and testament That the personal estate .« there: able to him in the office he now seeics* and Boston uni vers it law and formed " aaid with for iosufllctcot to the dehia of school, power boiler with C hapman stripper, of deceased, together petition pay in the value of farm This aud for the of the deceased, and <>f *a.r *. products. gives assurance to the voters of Hancock a with Mr Foster which con- dowel machine, shafting and mill fltture*. all probatr appointment eipenar* partnership executrix without bonda. bv of admin tat rat ion. and ill* ne has to tbe in good running order. To be sold at re- giving presented brought prosperity county that their interests will be well tinued until the 1 -iter's removal to Bos- named. that »e to **•;; duced price at oace. Apply to A. K Haslau. Sarah E Haaiam the executrix therein a*r> for purpi ] in said the real eatste to American farmer. He knows the looked after if he is sent to the upper ton. Since than Mr. Wood has practiced Waltham, Me. Mary t K'dndge. iate cf Buck*port, part of r»in ihr county, deceased A certain instrument pur- sum of *x> :l facts and the causes. The f branch. Mr. Kicker has stood for F. so called, on efforts of always alone in Bar Harbor. A. Harding house, j porting to be the last wtil and teatsruaut of Wherefore yonr petitioner prat* that *.« Pine St. This place will be sold cheap : said deceased, with for pro- may be licensed to aell and coot*? *; the democratic to create the progressive legislation. Mr. Wood has sought but little THE together petition puft]W press ( public if taken at once, as owner is g ing away. Ap bate and for the appointment of Mary J. or private sale. two-thin'a in tommon asd u J. W CbASK- impression that this agricultural office, though long an active worker for ply by letter or at premises. Kidridge. administratrix with the jsill an- u (tielded of so much o' *»ui -»-* -'.aieattl nexed. necessary to said debt*. at«i tbe He has been chair- If FURNISH ED boose on Hurry road; pay expeaareof prosperity is a normal condition republican party. Mary E Smith, late of in aaid sale and of ad on total ration electric lights. .name house for rent Bocksport. | man of the board of selectmen of tf deceased. Petition that Waiter Cur- l>at«*l this Jtfth of Jnl». • d :>i«. deceive some but it, Eden, | furnished. of Mrs L. H. Cusbman, county, day might people Inquire tis or some other suitable oe W. B Pe*.r and was county attorney for two terms — 64 Court 8t.. EMswoitb. Me. person ap- won’t mislead tbe farmer. pointed administrator of the estate of said MTATE OF MAINE 1904-8. seu, chaira. deceased, by Anson J. Lanpber, a FURNITURE-Chamber par* presented Hancock as. At a court held lor and furniture, tables, son of aaid deceased. probate it 1 dining-room Klliwortb in and (or said county f Hancock, KKPl BXrfCAN RALLIES. stoves, etc. May be seen at J. H. Macombes's. Cora Belle Parker late of Caatine. in said on the first day of August in tb» ear of f-ar 125 Franklin St. county, deceased. Petition chat Otis H. L*.rd on' thousand nine hundred and *r.eea. Parker or some other auitabie person be On the ordered Opening of the Political Campaign In ^MALL farm and building* on tbe Ella* appointed administrator of the estate of aaid foregoing petition toat thereof be to all •:« worth Falls road, about one mile from deceased, presented by Otis U. Parker, hus- notice given t- later- Hancock County. a of a Ellsworth postoffice. Apply to O. W. Tapmy, band of said deceased estcd. be causing copy said t< sad The this order thereon to be following republican rail tea are an- Ellsworth. Me. Leonard G. Grant, lata of Hancock, in said ;*t»: ret weeks In the Ellsworth Ar-.-nciD, nounced for Hancock county, deceased. First and Anal account of successively county towns: lot at Pleasant Beach. 5 rods on a at Elisaortb *a d George A. MarUnradwintstraior, filed for set- newspaper published io J shore front, W tods back. of at .» Bucksport, Aug. 23 —Congressman A. P. (COTTAGE Inquire tlement county, thnt they msy appear probsts Euzaubtb Mounts. R. F. D- 1. Ellsworth. Me. court to be held at Ellsworth, in and for Mid of and Henrietta Grace, late of Eden, in said coun- Gardner, Maasacbusette. LeRoy on the fifth of a d 19:4, Durham bull, t year* old. ty. deceased.d First account of Arthur M. county, day September of 'DEGI8TFRED at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and show Hight. Augusta. of William E. Wbscoty, Blue- Higgins, executor, filed for settlement. X\ Inquire cause, if have, the of tar West hill. connection. John W Orindle. late of New York city. any they why prayer Sallivan, Aug. 24—Congressman )Ie. Telephone should not be deceased. Final account of Malta K Orindle. petitioner (ranted Gardner Probate. and Mr. Hight. harness shop and land on Water executrix, filed for aetilemen.. BERTRAND K. CLARK. Judge street. of Mas. Petes A true of the origins petition with 24—Hon. A. STARKEY Inquire STaaasr. Monroe Front, late of Msriaville. in aaid copy Penobscot, Aug. 8. Little- order of court thereon South street, Ellsworth. Me. county, deceased. First account of Winslow of Attest: —E. K. Chass. field. Rockland. D Frost, administrator, filed for settlement. Keener. Franklin, Aug. 36—Hon. Bert M. Per- James S. i>ougla*. late of Brookaviiie. in said deceased Fourth account of O. STATE OF MUNt of EZLmtd). couuty. nald, West Poland, candidate tor ! L. filed for settlement. Taplejr, executor, To the Honorable, tbs Judge of the Probate L'nited Lewis M. Blood, late of Bucksport, in said States senator, and Fulton J. IRL to laarn at Tub court, in and for of Hancock. typesetting. Apply deceased. First and final account of ibeCountj Redman, of America* OvrtCR. county, Ellsworth. ("YJ Marcia 8. Blood, executrix, filed for settle- represent* Hose Pert ear. of lhe of R ibr J Pen 2S-Hon. M. UEdPEOTKULLjr**4a«r»--fc. foar Ellsworth, Aug. Leslie that 5PX George Frances Arnold, law Of Bnwklio*. sad KtersU B Bart, of as Id (Sedgwick, Shaw, ex-secretary of the treasury, and Mfej>*a«:bu»e.ta. o«ceased First *nd hoai ac- aatd utiftOfl sr. (he «**»*•■. • «d we uuu r**i Fulton J. Redman. count of Carleton E. JJatric, executor, tied for fi.u. Iltuxed (o Bedfwlck in sard county, j CARD or THANKS. settlement. and described a (elIowa, el*.; One sixth in | Ex-Gnrem r of will ■ a etiuin lo »SI ! Kelley, Michigan, wish publicly to eapress our deep ap- France* L Wood, late of Sd«n. in said c9vapDsr4«a4lTM}e4oi a* folios*: speak at ikuetiul August and Senator preciation of the many acts ot kind- county, deceased. Second and 9001 account the balKI»»ju» thereon, bounded SO, WE dnThe northern eid« of the HOWARD B. MOOR, Deas shown and comforting words of of Charles H. Wood, administrator, filed for BegidnYag county w P- of will sym- of !aad Harding, Ohio, spank at pathy spoken, in the sorrow which has fallen settlement road, so-colled, nl the western corner Bar Harbor 5. or W. thence said road Sept. Ellsworth, upon our home in the death of a beloved William D. Sargent, late of Winter Htrbor. owned by O Pert; by north west sixteen rods, and **■*« Candidate for County Commiaaioner. husband and father, also for the manybeauti* j In said county, ueceased. First account of ff (If) ful floral offerings. Eben Webber, administrator, filed for settle- links to 1 nd of C. B Pert, to stake and stones; candidate rs*t POLITICAL. AOTKS Howard B. Moor, Ellewortb, Mas. Ejii A. H.ncklby. ment. thence by said Pert’a land north U\ it unkite is new Mb. and Mbs. Lbstbb T. Hinckley. Gladys Murch. late of Eden, la aaid forty eight (tf) rods and thirteen for county commiaaioner, serving Conary at Mb. and Mbs. 8. Alonso deceased. P.rst and final accouot of land of W. O. Pert to atake and stouts Charles E. nominee WARD W. Day. county, Hughes, republican on the board under by Uov- WE8COTT, corner off old fence; thence said Pert’* ls»d for appointment Mb. and Mas. Carl M- Hincklbt. Gtarge B. Murch. administrator, filed for set- by President, will spaak in Maine 7 x aouth y* mat sixteen rods and stTta 7 Sept. trnor to SU tbe term of of Bluehill, Bluebili. Me.. Aug. 14. tlement. (Id) and 8. His first Haines. unexpired stoss speech will be at York Urania H. Merrill, late of Bluebilt. in aaid links to stake end stones at the o:d Aa a men of affaire Candidate for Sheriff. Beach at 2 o'clock Sept. 7. In the evening tbe late Henry J. Joy. couaty, deceased. First and flnst account of wail; thsnce by said Pert’s land south to the first-uratiOMd he will speak at Portland. On Sept. 8 be be fitted quickly into tbe place of band- Ward W. Wescott, of Bluehill, candi- Juga. .Xcuica. Charles Hargrova, administrator, c. t. a.. Died weal fifty (Sfi) rod* will at in the for sett lamest. bonnd. containing five acres and iwo sqaart speak Lewiston, forenoon, tbe bueineea. date for aberiff, has bad several year?* ex- t»e for the line oounty's Lrucy a. n>»or, istr or tuien. id said couu* rod*, mors or leas. That It would st Wsterville -in the afternoon and at STATE Or MAINE. be »:d wea born in as deputy sheriff, and is familiar tjr. dwtuwl First »nd final account of Rich* benefit of aaid minora that the same Bangor in the Mr. Moor Ellewortb, Aug. perience To the evening. Honorable, the Judge of the Probate »rd B. Bttuur «aj Nettie A. Bruce. kduinU* and the proceeds placed at interest of and tbia with the duties of the office be seeks. in and for Id, 1860, tbe eon Nathan Moor, Court, the County of Hancock: tifttora. filed for sett!ement. Wherefore yoor petitioner pray* that w* t E. *a>d real WEST baa been bia borne. He knows Mr. Wescoti was born in Bluehill forty- represent* Merger, William H. Haskell. Iai• of Deer Isle. to tuay be licensed to sell and convey FRANKUN. city alwaye ot of Teresa afore- RESPECTFULLYHennessey, Boston, guardian •eid couuty. deceased. First end fin si ac- estate at private sale for the purpose bueineea from tbe to one years ago, and was educated in the B. of Boston. * Mrs. C. T. Goodwin and Miss Madeline tbe lumbering stump Hennessey, Commonwealth of count of kliuMh R. Haskell, adrainistrs- said. Massachusetts, that said minor is tbe owner s. d. !9)£ in and there is no better of public schools of that town. In the Blue- iris, filed for settlement. Dated this first day of August, are visiting McKinley. tbe market, judge of one-half in common and undivided of cer- Bsyhrd R. a minor, of Blaebill, In Ross *av*A*. Several friends of F. P. who is timber in Hancock county. hill quarries he learned his trade as a tain real estate, situated in in said Young, Coombs, standing Ellsworth, said county. Third acccuni of Calvin C. STATE OP MAINE county, and described as follows, Situ- ill, have done a fine job getting in his hay. Aa a man be scaled logs and bark granite cutter. fix.: Your g. fiusrdlan, filed for settlement. * at young ated on the west side of Grant street so called, Hascocn as. At a court held Ann R. Fennell*. late of Eden, in said conn* probate Hollis Orcutt is employed as waiter at in for and later was He has always taken an active interest being tbe lot next north of the lot owned El sworth. in and for said county of Hancock, (bia vicinity years, and deceased. First account of Leonard A. tbe late John Greensn and ty. on the first of in the year of our the Louisburg, Bar Harbor. of tbe Ellewortb Lumber Co., in town affairs, bolding various office? in occupied by being Austin. Rimer J. Morrison and Charles H. dny August manager the same premises to F. Loro one thousand nine hundred and •ixteea. is conveyed Mary Wood, trustees, filed for settlement. “J. R. Shuman and a friend from town- manufacturing lumber. Hia services aa the town. He a prominent Mason and Hennessey the heirs of Daniel end Honors On the foregoing petitio n ordered. by Dyer P. Jordan, late of Ellsworth. In said inter- 33 are visiting Mr. Shuman’s son « Reagan by deed dated July*, IBM, and re- notice thereof be given to all persona ship an of timberland were fre- Odd Fellow. county, deceased. Petition filed Charles Lewis. expert judge corded in tbs registry of deeds for Hsncock by ested. by causing a copy of said petition and He was elected to the P. Dorr, administrator dr bonis non of tbs es- in demand, and he became asso- representative county. Mains, in volume 194, BH, to this order thereon to be published Elizabeth Coombs is her quently p*ge| tate of said deceased, that an order be issued Ameri- visiting lister, from bis class two which deed end record thereof reference is weeks successively In the Ellsworth Mrs. it Bluebill. ciated witb Ellewortb men in tbe pur- legislature years ago, to distribute among the heirs at law of Said is Osgood, hereby made lor a more particular can. a newspaper published at Ellsworth in and no man at was more active descrip- deceased, the amount semaining In the bands »t a E. W. Smith and 8. O. with chase of large tracta, not only Hancock Augusta tion of the premises. That there is not suf- I said county, that they may appear pro- Hardison, of said administrator de boms non, on the and for he in fleient personal estate for tbe end bate court to be held at KlUworlh in their Wives, spent a part o 1 last week at but in other of tbe State and than safeguarding and advancing support settlement of bis second account county, parte maintenance of said ward, tnat certain exi- said count j, on the fifth day of September, Rest, East brook. the interests of his Henrietta Grace, late of Eden, la said coen- asa Camp in New Brunewick. He is at present constituents. gencies have occurred and that it will be n. d. lilt, at tea o’clock In the foreuooa. for te, deceased Petition filed Arthur M P. W. DeBeck and are the best interest to tbe ward for tbe by show cause, if any have, why the praj*' family enjoying guardian Higgins, executor, that the amount of the in- they vacation at the to be allowed to mortgage said real estate for of the should not be granted their Cousins bungalow, heritance tax on said estate be determined petitioner WEST EDEN. the sum of one hundred and twenty five dol- by BERTRAND B. CLARK. Judge of East Bluehill. the judge of probate. PfObg*»n *i» NEW.- lars. two years time, end with interest*not to A true of the original petiti COUNTY william R King, late of Lamoine. in said copy Mrs. Roy Hragdon and daughter, of Mrs. Jennie Jellison, ol Bar Harbor, exceed six per cent, per snnum. said sum to order of court thereon. be used for county, deceased. Petition filed by Thomas Register Ellsworth, have been visiting her parent! relatives bere. the support end education or said J. Attest: —E. E. Cham CRANBERRY ISl.ES. visiting ward. King, sxecutor, that the amount of the in- here. heritance tax on said Wherefore estate be determined by Harvard Baal the week-end with Mrs. Emily Bsbbidge, ol Stcnington, is your petitioner prays that #h» the indue of To oil interested in either oi The Clark reunion will be held Aug. 2 (pent mav be licensed to probate. person* mortgage and convey said tales are friends bare. her T. B. and O. B. John II Jonpson, late of Deer Isle. In said hereinafter named: at the Orange hall. All friends cordi visiting brothers, real estate for the purpose aforesaid. to **“ county, deceased. Pstition filed Susie V. At a probate court held at Ellsworth. invited. Knowles. Dated this first dey of August, a. d. 1918. by the ally Miss Leavitt is visiting bar sister, Johnson, widow, for an allowance oat forth# county of Hancock, on Lacy Maaoaanr E. Hxxkusiv. of the «** Mrs. Faustena and Miss persons! estate of said deceased. of being an adjourned Bradbury Mrs. Parley Stanley. Mrs. Fred and little day Augasl. of *»<> Geraldine are Mrs. Wiggin daughter, STATB OF MAINE. Rufus H. Emery, late of In •Ion of tbo Auguat. a. d. I»l«. term visiting Bradbury's of is Bucksport, said Mrs. Arthur at Ellsworth. Mrs. Oeorgianna Stover, Bangor, and Miss Corinne Wiggin, ol Somerville, Hancock ss. At a court held at county deceased. Petition filed by Harriet court. sistdr, Young, probate 8 hating been spending a tew weeks with friends and Maas., are Mr. and Mrs. Frank ElUwosth in and for said county of Hancock, Emery, of Bucksport. in said county, r|'HE fo* lowing matter* P|* MisS Coombs has resumed her visiting 1 1 '* pray- h*™"* Eugenie on tbs first of in ing for the of Preston __ X tented for the action thereupon relatives bere. W iggin. day August tbs yesr of our appointment A. Good- r“* at Mrs. Northeast Harbor. Lord one •I*, as trustee under the after indicated. It la hereby ordered position Bain’s, thousand nine hundred and sixteen. Igst will and testa- inter W. Foot an inter- Mrs. Hattie el On ment of said deceased. W. notice thereof be to e 1 person* H. H. Williams is at Hancock Rev. Henry preached Waterhouae, Portland, the foregoing petition 'ordered, that Guy McAlister, given o visiting I Mrs. Linnie one of n of Ibis order esting sermon at tbe church Sunday after- Stanley and son Burnham, no* ice thereof be given to all persons inter- the trustees named in said will, being eeted. by onneiae o«pv je his dsughter, Mrs. Stratton. now r*———• three weeks successively U noon to a good-sired congregation. and Mrs. Lottie Elliott, ol Northeast Har- ested. by causing a copy of said petition end published Miss is were ol this order thereon to be ihiec Rufus H. Emery, late of in said Ellsworth American, a newspao* po°- *rZ Marguerite Bradbury visiting bor, Sunday guests Mias Gets via published Bucksport, that, tbej relatives at Sullivan. Eber spent Sunday with bis weeks successively in the Ellsworth Ameri- county, deceased. Petition filed by Js at Bllavrorth, In anld county, ■£ Sporting Hsmpr. to Im wife at Bar Harbor Mrs. can, a newspaper published st Ellsworth, in Emery, of said Bucksport, praying that the at n probate court UlWalter Butler is home from Ooodwin’s hospital. Spur- A school will be said of la eald .fof there weeks and will Sunday organised next connty, that they may appear st s pro- appointment said petitioner to act with worth, county, the of ladders ling baa been five some of the c. 1b Siding to make a car for S. 8. Sunday by be pastor, Hev. Mr. Vande- bate court to be held at Ellsworth. In and for other persofi appointed by said court September. a d. itftC, at ten be there some time yet. ns trustees thereon if they Scammon. Horace Sinclair, of East brook, ronte. It is one will be in- said county,on tbe fifth day of September, a. tftidtr the last will and testament forenoon, and be beard hoped every d. of said is helping him. The exhibition at the bouse terested in this work, and that there will 1919. at Mo o'clock in the forenoon, and deceased, may be confirmed by said Community show cause, if tbe coart. Daalal T. lie Par land, liu> of and Hutchins the be a good attendance. any they have, why prayer ta">fj“jj Irving Hodgkins Henry Wednesday afternoon, given by of the petitioner should not be granted. Henry E. Greeley, late of Edsn. in said •aid esualy. deoeaaed. A certain ln»trum«| children and tbe domestic last will and were week-end visitors from Bar Harbor. kindergarten Mrs. Andele Waagatt and daughter BERThAND E. CLARK. Judge of Probate. county, deceased. Petition filed by Emma J. purporting to be lb. fo- was a eueeeea. Tbe A laid with pennon and Mrs. Saunders and two science club, great Annie will leave Tuesday lor Stouington, true copy of the original petition wi’h Greeley, administratrix, that tbs amount of Sf demand, together Mr. Harvey work done and tbe order of oourt thereon. the inheritance tax on said be probate and lo-the of sre rela- fancy by the girls, where they will be the ol Mrs. estate, deter- nppoiotm.nl „ of Boston, visiting guests Attest: -K. E. mined the of utrlx witboat bond,. daughters, and various which they Dr. Cecil Cnasn, Register. by ledge probate. firing Pre‘e“ljT_,i here. made the in their things Waagatt’e brother-in-law. Was- Hannah B. XcParlaod. ibeaxecJlri* them* tives They trip Elva La- > BERTRAND K. Ereservesad made, were line. Mrs. lor a short time before leaving tor rpHE subsenoer a ere ay gives notion that CLARK, Judge of said Co art. auto. tbe *••*••* A true copy of the goutte baa worked very bard with Stt,ltlornia. 4- <*■** appointed executor original. _B. lat« of CaeMne, la Lena of Byefleld, is work- ot the last will and testament of Attest:-E, E. Cans«, Morten, Miaa Tracy, and deserves a great deal of credit. | Register. county, daeeaned. Petition that A“dw Mrs. Aug. 14. M. GEO AGE be for George Bradbury. he children had a fine dia- _ O. JOHNSON late of MOUNT Bowden or mu other eultabie per*on ing firla,kindergarten of •» Echo. work. Mrs. tinted edulnUtrator of tbe ettaie ▲ug. 14. play of their Their teacher, t DESERT, subscriber hereby glees notice tbi '»«'“• SOCTH PENOBSCOT. ireeented by Helen V bee done won- in tbe of no THRbe has been adminlstn Schriftguleaser, certainly county Hancock, deceased, bonds duly appointed bur of uld deeesaed section of work with the little tots. Mrs. Walter of being the terms of said tor Of the estate of in There ts more Catarrh in this derfoi Ulsley, Brockton, Mass., required by will. All ert’B. lau of Brookirllle. thnn nil otner diseases put is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. L Orindle. parsons having demands against the estate of Hail, ths country Aug. 14. ROOJCXT. said ROBERT P. DORR, late of uaty, deceaeed. Petition UedWed oyby nntil the Inst few years was deceased are desired to present the same ORLAND, WUWgof toaether. and Mrs. Randlett, ol is In the it, adulnUtrator of the eeuw■ For a Stanley Islbsboro, for settlement, and all Indebted thereto are count? of Huncock. ftcMMd. and supposed to be incurable. gr«t many her Clilton ted, that an order be luood to itn local disease, of is advertised a visiting parents, Wescott aud requested to make ft,ea bond. a. the law direct.. All per- dl«rib“|J» rears doctors pronounced “In this Issue our paper, payment immediately. -„g tbe heir, el lew of *eid deceeeed, and con- wife. "bank A. Jon*sos. <•«““<*• afalnat lb. aetata and local remedies, by tbe hat line—tbe in one *?“• .5**1“* unouat In tbe band* of prescribed novelty in “Eight Aug. 8,1918. of Mid daceaaod an dulrod to remaining it stantly falling to cure with local treatment, Mrs. Moaes v.ho has been vis- Cranberry Isles, Me. preaeat eettlemeni of hi* *«° Hat” fromt be well- knewn house of Lam son Bryant, tb. Mm. tor aad all atnlstrator, on tba it incurable. Science has proven her mHE subscribe! eettlement. lnd«blad «>“ pronounced iting daughter, Mrs. Perry Perkins, hereby given notice that thereto an to make ! BERTRAND B. CLARK, Judge of to be a constitutional disease, and A Boston, Maes. It it on sale at A has been nqeeetad payment Im yl tsrrh Hubbard, returned to her borne in Herinoo duly appointed execu- A trae of tba constitutional trenimsnt. Monday. trix of the last will and mediately. copy original. therefore requires Smith A Head’s, and an early inspection it ; testament of Attest :-R.B. ORCUAin, Betuter^ Catarrh Care, manufactured by F. J. Aug. 14. L. Oacaa P. CoaaiaoauM, Hull's asked of all who d.sire tbe latest in O. CALVIN HAVEY, late of July *, h Co Toledo. Ohio is the only con- very RRANKLIN, 1,1,._ Baekeport, lie. j rADPBB HUTlCIt. Cheney in the of cure on the market. It istaken head wear for the coming fall. This style hat i county Hancock, deceased, no of » stitutional •‘ROUGH OH RATS" ends RATS. bonds contracted with tbe City It no s directly on the blood and MICK. being required by the terms of said will. ’! tbowi Internally. to made in all the popular colors. An other- Die outdoors. Unbeatable Eztermi- Ail worth to nad care for surfaces of the system. They offer Bugs. persons having demands against the es- HAVIMO euppert mucous can be mariM uator. Used World Over, U. 0. uoverti- tate of said foont. need aeeUtance daring dee y*»f» rf hundred dollars for any cnee i* ml* to wise well-balanced appearance ; by deceased are desfSd to pro*" nay JJJ one meut too. Beonowr alia tsr. or iV. the same for line Jan. 1. I»1L aad are legal Send for circulars and testimonials. an unbeooming bat. This hat will fit your Drug settlement, and all indebted cure. by and stores. Relate subtitles**. ar.-v thereto are III*worth, 1 forbid *«l person* K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. country requested to make payment na- lr“*^fJ,i< Address: head, face, your and your pocket- v. ■o as there I* your style | Comic Picture E.— E. S- Wells, Jersey City, me* t my acconut, plenty of/JS’f’riiythe to care for them •» Mils for constipation. book, and it It extremely becoming.—Adwt. N.J. AU( » l»«. UlCY K. H.Y.Y. ccommodntlon* Ske'SsH^RmHy '»/m houu. Ann.ua B. Hm«*t

i FOR west point. OOlDte WKDDIXG. KLLA WORTH FALLS. AMHERST. Good Will will have a (octal Frl' Ho,<1 grange Con*- >’IKI>. SEDGWICK LINK of similar -landing. Aug. 14. Leave Rockland daily at 5 30 a in, for Sedg examination will be __S. wick and intermediate landings. The competitive Bl'RKE—At Bucksport, Aug 8, Martin H at 8 (0 held about October, 1916, time, place, SOUTH GOULD'BORO. Burke, aged 7 years, 8 months. Return—Leave Sedgwick daily p m, for Rockland and intermediate landings. COUSINS—At N Y, 10, Wil- of board and other regulations Mias Doris of Machias. vis- Brooklyn, Aug personnel Holy one, is liam. son of Mr and Mrs William 8 Cousins, Steamers of the Mount Desert Lines con- Ruth Hammond. to be designated by Mr. Peters. iting for erly of Ellsworth, aged 7 years, 1 nect at Rockland with Bangor Line steamer month, from and to Boston. Mr. Peters w ill be glad to communicate Mrs. Caroline^fathewn, of Winter Har- 25days. bor, is with Mrs. Rosetta Bunker. DUNHAM—At Dinuba, Cal, Aug 3, Mrs Lois w ith w ho are eligible and who The of the any boys A (Lyman) Dunham, formerly of Ellsworth, MAINE STEAMSHIP LINK ThirtyThird Anniversary Mrs. Edith Duke, of Hyde Park, desire an of taking this ex- Mass., aged'77 years, 3 months, 1 day. Direct Between Portland and New York opportunity who has been employed at Mrs. Grace amination. HINCKLEY-At Bluehill, Aug 11, O Tyler Steamships North Land and North Star. ______Sargent's, has gone to Ashville to a spend aged 74 years. 4 months, 16 few weeks. Hinckley, days. Leave Franklin wharf, Portland, Tuesday, .IlMOK CMAlTAltilAi 80PF.R—At Orlaud, Aug 5. Mrs. Jennie C Thursday and Saturday at 0.30 p m. Also Aug. 14. H. Soper, aged 55 years, 7 mouths, 2*2 days. Mondays at lu.30 a m. June 19 to September inclusive. 11, _ K.1Uworth Hoys ami Girls C arry Out METROPOLITAN LINK. EASTERN MAINE u Ihree-dwy Program. Direct Ret ween Boston and New York, Some tils worth boys and girls have 13 1-2 Hours. caught the Chautauqua spirit. If some of Route via Cape C **l Canal. the older people of KUsw’orth had it iu Express Steel Steamships MASSACHIT- like proportion, there would be no doubt SETTS and BUNKER HILL. of the success of a Chautauqua here next Leave North side. India Wharf, Boston summer. week days and Sundays at 0 v m. Same ser- These boys and girls of the Local Junior vice returning from Pier 18, North River, foot of Murray St., New York City. STATE FAIR Chautauqua, entirely unassisted, arranged and week carried out a three-day II. T. SANBORN. Agent, Bangor. pr- ,'ram ol jl.'rnoon and evening enter- on o:er- AUGUST 22, 23, 24, 25, 19143 tainment* at the Doyle ouituiug ai/t'Ui'senuhis liug > lret Tnese entertainments were enjoyed by some forty or more parents Better Attractions than any other Fair in the State and trienos. Incidentally it may be wreil to »a> tnat lilie Chautauqua was a financial Premiums Offered in all Send for Premium List success, ihe hovs and girls dividing the Liberal Departments net pr*.*ceeds of |3.65. The Chautauqua opened Tuesday after- on noon with music on the Kdison, and danc- Fun by the Ton the MIDWAY ing by lour girls — Mattie Koysi, Hester Spencer, Mary Clark and Ophelia brook?- Aeroplane Flight and Balloon Ascension with Parachute drop every day Mattie Koyal also gava a siia^e dance and a butterfly dance. The girls also aang in Fireworks duets ana ajuarlcltea. The music and Something new in dancing were the features of each after- The destruction of the great forts of Premysl in Austria. This exhibi- noon, and the of the evening en- opening tion is in addition to the regular display on Wednesday and Thursday tertainments. Tuesday evening Albert given 23 and Davis gave a lecture on Shakespeare. evenings, August 24,1916. On the aecoml day the play, “The Vil* “Stenographer Wanted” 1 oil, m p.u nifL/1 ■ nH Hv» AllwPt lam,” arranged and staged bv Albert "Hello 1 Give me Oxford Rates on All Railroads. Whatever You Do Don’t Miss This Fair Davis, was presented, with the following 1765.” Reduced cast: "This is Burdett College.” Jim. the villain.Russell Richmond “I’m Adams. Send A. S.. President and »u«e, bis wife. .Mary Clark George Field, Manager Arthur, detective.Dana Richmond me another stenographer as Joe, a cop...Prkaton Royal good as the last. I had to Al, a cop.Albert Davis her.” •Mag. the maid-. ...Ophelia Brooks promote Muther. ...Hester Hpencer Business men prefer Grandmother.Mattie Royal Burdett-trafned young men Wednesday evening Albert Davis gave a and women because they are lecture on President Wilson. trained, alert. Bur- On was a capable, the clowog evaning there dett graduates alwaye obtain double performance, “The Villain” being repeated and another play, satisfactory positions. by request, to also Albert “The Patches of We’d like talk with you Bliss by Davis, YOUR or College New \ork,” was presented, with the about boy girl. following cast: Burdett College Courses: LEWISTON, MAINE The Richmond Business. Shorthand. Com- Kidnapper...Russell Fall term opens Tuesday, September 12,1916. Largest and most Hu wife. Mary Clark bined. Secretarial. Applied Policeman.Preatou Royal successful Business College iu Maine. Annual enrollment over Five Davis equals in the whole realm of fiction, stage or Business and Management, Fa*her.*.Albert and instruction in Mother.Hester Hpencer "MADAME BUTTERFLY.” screen. Spanish, Civil Service, Finish- Hundred. Complete courses thorough by specialists Grandmother.Mattie Royal At next Wednesday's matinee, pictures of ing, Normal. Bookkeeping.mil Checking, Banking, Auditing, Wholesale and Corpo- Maid.Ophelia Brooka at The Mary Pick ford In Fatuous Play Mary Pickford will be given with the first PaeUlane ter all Breduetee. Commercial Law, Com- Young Davis his lecture on ration Accountings, Penmanship, Spelling, repeated Darla Next Wednesday. hundred admissions.—Advl. Mahoml Date- President Wilson, by request, and alao Day or Might mercial Arithmetic, Business English, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Type- Mary Pickford will appear in one of her Free on Remveet. We- gave a talk on the local Chautauqua. The fugue moat famous playa at The Daria, Wednesday lfare Welcome. writing and other commercial subjects. Special attention is given Performances were really of merit, and Ike "THE FL1KT." sffort is deserving of encouragement. evening of next week. those taking our Private Secretarial and Civil Service Courses. We It is rarely indeed that the motion picture Bluebird Feature for Next Saturday Even- have a Normal Training Department for those wishing to qualify as public has been privileged to witness so ex- ing at The Davis* Our are KAIOI llKMO.VSTItAIIONj artistic a as that of Commercial and Shorthand;,Teachers. graduates receiving quisitely performance Very interesting and truly American in all Film BURDETT and the demand made on us for Pickford in the from $600 to per year, young niNEBAKY Or COUNTY AGENT.- Mary Famous Players its characteristics is the story of “The Flirt”, $10,000 Co's screen of John Luther Long's to lucrative business is far Tbureday, Au«. 17—Hancock, visiting adaptation adapted to the screen by Lois Weber, from men and women eligible positions greater immortal classic. “Madame Butterfly.” The farms of u. B. Bridges, W. E. how, O. W. the serial story, by Booth Tarkington, which than our to version of this famous love tale, cele- ability supply. Foss, C. C. Stratton, C. W Stratton and screen appeared several months ago in the Saturday has COLLEGEBoston H. b. Visit in novel and 18 Street, Scammon in morning. boys’ brated opera, play, pre- Evening Post. It will be seen at The Davis ; Boylaton and girls’ agricultural club witb local served and enhanced all the poetic beauty Mail us this coupon and we will forward our free illustrated Saturday evening, Aug. 19, with Marie Wal- leader and club president in afternoon. and tenderness of the original. camp playing the title role. catalog. Friday, Aug. 18—Morning, Lamoine, As the forsaken Cho-Cho-8an. the little farma of J. B. I. N. K. In a typical American small town lived a Carter, Salisbury, maid of the Flowery Kingdom, patiently Name.City. H. Uodgkina, C. M. Kitlridge, 11. E. man and wife who had two daughters and a waiting through the long months for the re- 3000 Extra Miles Auatin. Afternoon, farma of 8. 8. Katey, younger son. One of the girls was a born turn of her faithless American husband. Street...State. Bayaide; Will Smith and W. E. Uaapar, flirt, and her trifling disposition was the Weal Pickford an innocent, confid- durry; Bay Uaapnr and J. B. Floyd, Mary presents bane of her brother’s youog life. The other Out*of Your Oid Tires Ellsworth. with Town Hill figure, who proceeds through -■ ■ Meeting ing, pathetic sister was of the self-sacrificing type, not at BLISS BUSINESS OOLLEQE, LEWISTON, MAINE boya and club in evening. her sorrows with cour- girla’ many unconquerable all uncommon in American families. # Were you to new Saturday, Aug. lH-Morning, Nicolio. going buy age and endurance. town have fallenr ictims farma of 8. L. Burna, Charles Sweeney, Three men of the ones this spring? Then wait an actress of Miss Pickford’s remark- wilfulness. are broken- Arthur Jenneee McUown and Only to the flirt’s They Clement, could hearted, but show their grief in different until you have W illard farm of able magnetism and diamatic power investigated Pbillipa. Afternoon, ways. One takes to drink, another is recon- Oacar Falla office. have presented a pantomimic impersonation Maxotires. There are several Staples, Ellsworth j ciled and a third clings with despairing hope COUNTS Meeting with Salisbury Cove boya’ and of this famed character that will stand com- to his suit for the flirt’s favor. thousand miles more in your EQUIPMENT flirt met her late at the hands of girla’ club of the stage and How the ■ in evening. parison with the artistry tires without WE OWN AND OPERATE MORE TYPEWRITERS, BORROUGHS Bucks- an adventurer, and how she got even with the blowouts,with- Monday, Aug. 21—Afternoon, standards already established. For (old ADDING MACHINES AND EDISON DICTATING MACHINES operatic only man who had ever proven to be more out port, farma of J. W. Howard, K. K. j punctures, without trouble. THAN ALL OTHER BUSINESS COLLEGES AND SHORTHAND pure pathos and dramatio appeal, the photo- than a match for her wilfulness, complete a W. E. > Find out SCHOOLS IN MAINE COMBINED. Homer, Call. of “Madame Butterfly” baa lew most interesting photo-play.—Adut. about Tuesday, Aug. 22—Or land, farma of W. production W. Brewater, E. H. White, H. A. Snow. North Penobscot, farms of H. L. Lowell, vccST/mce Harvey Leach. am. Trees TRQuBLi oaoo* J farma of Wednesday, Aug. 23-Bluehiil, A remedy that has The? cut our tire coe»« in two. They W. E. Weacott, A. T. Oiliia, Maynard make more miles and smiles. Made 'L. F.” Medicine won its way into many Grlndle, O. L. Emerton, Horace Herrick, to fit any ■»■*> tire. Ask today for •cSftau/ IdWnu&k 8. P. New homes facta, and proof that Maxotires do all Snowman. When stomach is out of or- England by your its everyday worth. Al- and more than we claim. Let us show you PORTLAND BANQOR AUGUSTA der, when your liver goes wrong, the MAXOTIRE and tell you who uses Franklin and girls’ agricultural ways reliable, always of new tires boya’ when you have a bad headache them. Don’t buy until you see club will hold its annual Sept. 8, common us. will save picnic half sick-take “L.F." bendSt in the ail- Maxotires you both money at Butler’s Point. and feel and trouble. Atwood's Medicine. It is safe ments that occur in every CLOTHING On October 20 and the county contest F. S. Mate 21, member of the fam- household. Tested and proved Nash, MlfbrMft Ellsworth- Bluehill Once more I am in a position to ask the pat* of all and in club work for every FOR boya girla engaged 60 bottle on DISTRIBUTER ronage of the public, and place the name of sum of on the for over years. A the will be held at Ellsworth. The ily—acts promptly Friend before the public of Ellsworth and saves sickness and and line: |200 offered by Abe Ellsworth banka, will liver, bile, stomach and shelf worry, ■ABTIRN AUTO vicinity as again entering the clothina busi- be awarded in fifty prizes, which will be bowels, and helps to OARROLL JOHNSTON ness. Come and inspect my line of suits and credits in the savings departments of the bring about a quick MAINS Auto leaves Ellsworth daily at 7.80 a. m. and pants. Let me save yon money. Folks Well 4.80 an. for Bluehill, via East Bluehill. Re- Cleansing and Repairing Promptly Done. banks. return to Keeps p. healthy turning leaves Bluehill at 9.80 a. m. and 8.00 The first contest of the fall will DAVID FRIEND plowing conditions. ^ m. PARK, 81.28 "• Bluehill i-■bsicubCO- *»*!—« I p. held in connection with the Mi M Mra it MmMm's itaM*-AMricM Hum «t«M Main Street, • .Ellsworth fair onSeptenjper 5. 1 Bart fancy (took (owl and manufactured in thli county, collar, menu, an expected to make verbal or money only. Two hone* from Muno stable Best lour Balt Cochin cock, Second Second 88 Second beet. bant, BLUEHILL FAIR. con- start to a ran. beet. Beat white written etatemente concerning their may Beet lent breed, % akirt, Beet four Brown Leghorn (owl and Second tribution! refusal to with each Tbs to ia reserved. Second beet, beet. ; comply right change program oock, Beet THE Beet of me pie eager, night rube, PLANS FOR EXHIBITION request may bar the exhibit from pre- Maces start at 1 p. m. Second beat. epecimen Second Seoond beet, beet, All entries must be made or addressed Beat (oar.Wyandotte (owl and cock, AT MOUNTAIN PARK. mium. Beet collection of preeerTee, 1 Beet infanl’e dreee Second beet, 8888 Second In no case be made when to N. L. Sooth Pe- beet, Awards will Grindell, Secretary, Beet fear Brown Leghorn chicks ■Second beet, Beet collection of Beet infant’e jacket, PREMIUM LIST AND INFORMATION FOR the exhibit is deemhd (by the Judges) to nobscot, Maine. and cockerel. picklee, Second neat. Second beat, be of the Horses may enter in one or more classes, Second beat. 88 EXHIBITORS ISSUED BY HANCOCK unworthy premium. Beet collection of Beet Inlant’e eack, chicks and Jelliee, When there is but one competitor in a bat entrance will be collected in one class. Beet four Light Brahma Second beet. Second beet. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Beet inlant’e the award the first pre- The reserves the right to close cockerel. Beet etrewberriee, bonnet, class, Judges may society Second 88 preeerved Second beet. Second beet, beet, mium, if meritorious, but it not worthy sny class not filling and open another in Best (oar Rock chicks Beet The annual fair and cattle show yf the Plymouth tatting. of receiving the first premium, and it, in its plsce. and cockerel, Flowers. Second beat, Hancock will 8SP8P88£e*t28S» a county agricultural society Second 88 Beet clamber the opinion of the Judges, the animal or beet. CLASS 11. eboee, be held at Mountain Tues- Beet (oar Bud Cochin chicks and Second so park, Bloehill, article be of the beat, may worthy second pre- collection bcaee I a day, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 5, 6, cockerel, Beet plente, Beet bed chain, mium, then the Judges must award only PREMIUM LIST. Second beet. 88 Second beet. PS Second beat, a and 7. The society has issued its premium and 15 the second premium. Beet (our Wyandotte chicks Beet collection cat flowere. Beat wooliblanketa, list and circular of general information cockerel, Second 100 The managers will take every precaution Second beet, beet, which is below. Second beet, 88 wild Beet ten tolled 50 for exhibitors, printed animals and Horse Beet collection flowere, yard* doth, for the safe keeping of Department. Best lour White chicks Second 150 The officers of the society are as follows: Leghorn Second beet, » beet, articles after arrival and arrangement for F. H. end cockerel, TbiM 100 AUtn, Supt. Beet collection debliee, beat. 50 F. P. Merrill. President exhibition, but the associatlob will nbt be Second best. Second beet. Beet ten yarde flannel, CLASS 1. Beet two Pekin ducks end drake, Second 100 A. C. Hinckley, Vice-President for loss or that Beet collection eetere. beat. responsible any damage Second best. a Treasurer Best draft stallion, three-year-old Second beet. Third beet. Max K. Hinckley, may ioccur. Exhibitors must give per- Beet two black ducks and drake, so or over, or 00 Beet collection peneiee. Beet ten yarda woolen yarn carpetinc N. L. weighing 1,200 over, |R 200 Grindeil, Secretary sonal attention to tbeir animals and Second 3 00 Second best, Second beet. Second beat, best, Mallard ducks and drake. 150 and at the close of the fair attend Best draft Best two The flowere to be by tbe ex- Third beet. DIRECTORS: articles, stallion, two-year-old, grown S8PS88S8S8 75 Second weighing 1,000, 4 00 best, bibitors in one gsrden or lot. Beet embroidered apron. to their removal. Beet two ducks and 50 W. S. Hinckley, J. M. Snow Second beet, 2 00 Muscovy drake, Second beat, The association offers' a liberal reward Second Allen Best draft mare and colt, 3 00 best, « Beet handkerchief, E. L. Osgood, F. H. breeding two and Oil and Water Painting: tor the arrest snd conviction of any per- Second best, 2 00 Best turkeys gobbler. Second beat. H. S. Leach. Second beet, Beet embroidered son or persons apprehended in committing Best draft colt, three-year-old, 3 00 CLASS 12. towel, Second beet, 2 00 Best two geese and gander, Second beet. malicious mischief or or Beet of oil fl TO EXHIBITORS: any removing Best draft 3 00 Second beet, epecimen painting, Beet lunch IMPORTANT cult, two-year-old, Second !>eet. clotb, purloining any articles left with the asso- Second 2 00 Second beet, best, Beet creyon drawing, 1 the ciation for exhibition or otherwise. Best draft colt, 3 00 Produce. 88888888888*288 Beet embroidered belt, For any concerning one-year-old, 50 information Agricultural Second beet, Second No shall De in the Second best, 2 00 1 beet. a address the N. L. Qrin~ person permitted CLASS 7. Beet pencil drawing, Beet fair, secretary, lady’* shirt waiet, each kind. 50 judging rings except the Judges, grooms CLASS 2. Second beet. Second dell, South Penobscot, Maine. Beat collection ol produce, *3 00 Beet Indie- work, 1 beat, a or persons in charge of the animals, offi- Best driving stallion, weigbin g not 200 Beet dieplay of lady’e underwear. 100 Second best. Second beet, Second exhibitors will be cers of the association and members of less than 1,000, three-year-old Beat of 1 00 1 beet, 75 Entry book for open peck wheat, Beet water-color painting, Beal each and over, ff> 00 Second best. ao Second pincuehion, kind, 50 with the secretary after Sept. 4,1916. the press. beet, Second beet. Second best, 3 00 Beat peck of oats. 100 Beet etencil work, 1 a All entries for the trotting races must Stock, etc., will be marked with tags 4 Beet each Best driving stallion, two-year-old, 00 Second best, 50 Second beet. jabot, kind. 50 furnished the Second be made on or before August 29, 1916, as by secretary, designating Second best, 2 00 Best sheaf of oats. 1 00 Beet burnt 1 beet, a 4 00 work, Beet Dutcb each will the number of and the en- Best breeding driving mare and colt, Second 50 collar, kind, 50 the entries for classes positively entry, during best. Second beet, Second tl^pse Second best, 2 00 Best sheaf of 100 beet, a close on that at 11 m. tire fair they must be placed entirely barley. Beet embroidered date, p. Third best, 1 50 Second best. 50 Manufactures. collar. so for the contests must be under the control of the officers of the 00 Domestic SSSSSSSSSSSS8S Second Entries draft Best driving colt, three-year-old, 3 Best peck of Early Rose potatoes, 75 beet. a 2 00 Beet embroidered made at least one hour before the time for association, and must in no case be re- Second best, Second best. 50 Eliza L. Utricle, podket, 50 Supt. Second moved before the close of fair Third best, 1 00 Best 75 beat, a such contests to take place. the without peck Early Maine, CLASS IS. Best driving colt, two-year-old, 3 00 Second best. 50 Beat lace abawl, 50 for all manu- eciarspepl mission. Second Entries articles, stock, Second beat, 2 00 Best peck Early Vermont, 75 Beat cotton and woolen knit stock- beat, a devices of Beet crochet factures, produce, etc., must be made be- Gambling all kinds, and all Third best, 1 00 Second best, 50 ings, each pair BO eweater, 75 Best 3 00 Second 2S Second oeet, fore 12 m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, and all per- selling of liquor upon the grounds, are driving colt, one-year-old, Best peck Early Northern, 75 best, a Second best, 2 00 Second best, 50 Best woolen knit gloves and mittens, Beat Mexican-work apron, 60 sons making an exhibition strictly prohibited, and any person ob- contemplating Third best, 100 Best peck Early Prolific, 75 each pair, 50 Second beet, a of kind are to notice any infraction the above rule of 2 00 25 any requested give serving ;of Best matched pair driving horses, Second best. 60 Second best. Gratuities will be paid on articles of of such intention as as will confer a favor by reporting the same B st gentleman's driving horses, 2 00 Clark’s No. 75 Best braided mat, 1 00 early possible, Rest peck 1, merit, farm stock and manufactures not Second best, 1 00 Second 50 Second nest, 50 naming article, etc., to be exhibited, to the secretary or general superintendent best, included in tbe Best of 75 Third best. 25 premium list, if recom- etc. at once. peck Beauty Hebron, space required, Cattle Department. Second best. 50 Beet drawn rug, 1 00 mended by tbe Judges and approved by Promptness on the part of theexhibitors No intoxicated person or persona shall Best peck of Early Ohio, 75 Second best, 60 tbe directors. Third 25 will save much annoyance and delay, and be allowed upon the grounds, and any George Morse, Sv.pt. Second best, 50 best. Best New 76 Best knit rug. 75 will be by the mana- person or persons guilty of any disorderly CLASS 3. peck Queen, greatly appreciated Second 60 Second 50 Horses, $20. conduct shall be best, best, Drawing, Purse, gers. immediately expelled Best 75 Best crochet rug, 75 At the legislature of 1909 a law was peck Delaware, No entrance fee will be charged od ex- therefrom. Second best. 50 Second best, 50 CLASS 14. passed warning all agricultural societies Best Six 75 Best ten rag 1 50 hibits of any kind made by residents of Authentic pedigees of blood stock of all 'peck Early Weeks, yards carpeting, notto on 50 Best 100 Beat pair drawing horses, 1200 lbs kinds will be which must be tiled pay any premiums grade males, Second best. patchwork quilt. Hancock county. A limited amount of required, io and nnder, and in case should Dot Best peck Early Ontario, 75 Second best. eooo with the at time of any society comply Second space will be re-erved for exhibitors out- secretary entry. No Second best. 50 Third best. 50 best, 3 00 with this law it would lose its State Third side of the at reasonable but animal will be allowed a unless Best any other 75 Best silk quilt. 1 50 best, 2 00 county, rates, premium which means a lot to these so- peck variety, stipend, Second best, 60 Second best, Best pair drawing horses, over 1200 no premium will be awarded to such ex- sound. cieties. no will be 1,00 Therefore, premiums Best Wurtzel beets. 75 Third best. 50 lbs, 5 00 GRATUITIES. on males. peck Mangel hibits. paid gra^e Second best, 35 Best knit bedspread, 100 Second best, 3 no of stalls and will be fur- Best full blood Shorthorn bull. 75 Second 75 Third best, 2 00 Plenty pens of $500 Best peck beets, best, Owing to the lack time and other Second 300 bill of each team to be sbown nished for and best. Second best, 35 Third best, 50 Weigh at horses, cattle, sheep swine, doubtless articles of value time of causes, many Best full blood Jersey bull, 500 Best peck carrots, 75 Best crochet bedspread, 1 00 drawing. but exhibitors will please notify the sec- Second and interest manufactured and grown in best, 300 Second best, 35 Second best. 75 of so Best full blood 500 1 00 retary early space required, .that this have been overlooked in the Ayrshire bull. Best peck of turnips, 75 Best afghau county Second 300 with ample accommodations may be furnished best, Second best, 35 Second best, 75 Drawing Oxen, Purse, $28. enumeration of the following premium Best full blood Hereford 600 00 Best sofa 75 in time. bull, Best peck onions, pillow, CLASS 15. list. Second best, 300 Second best, 75 Second best, 50 Plenty of water on the grounds to 'sup- Best full blood Holstein 500 Best half 1 00 Best crochet 50 It is earnestly hoped that all persons bull, peck ripe tomatoes. shawl, Best drawing oxen, over six the stock in the driest time and Second 300 Second 50 Second best. 25 pr. ply ifor such articles of best, best. feet nine inches in 00 having any kind will of bolls all to 75 Best knit 50 girth. J5 all other purposes for which water is Pedigrees required; Best peck green tomatoes, shawl, Second best, 300 kindly bring them in, and they will be be one year old or over. Second 50 Second 20 needed. best, best, Third beat. 200 awarded Beat full blood bull calf of each half dozen heads 100 Best sota 75 space for exhibition the same as Best cabbage. quilt. Best pair drawingoxen, six feet nine 200 50 Second 60 GENERAL REGULATIONS. listed and in the of breed, Second best, beat. and under, 5 00 articles, if, opinion Second best. 100 50 Best knit 50 Best peck parsnips, sweater, Second best, 3 00 Entries for articles and the judges and directors, such articles are Best full blood cow of each 300 25 Second 25 stock must be breed, Second best. best. Third best, 2 00 entitled to a gratuities will be Second best, 200 Best of 100 Best worsted knit 40 made on premium, peck largest potatoes, trimming, Cattle exhibit second Monday, Sept. 4, and positively “Third 100 so Second 20 day. awarded. best, Best celery, best, Sweepstakes, drat, <5 00 not later than 12 m. Best full blood heifer calf of each Second 25 Best crochet 40 Tuesday, Sept. 5. novelties of best, trimming. Second, 3 00 Any person having any breed. 200 Best 50 Second best, 20 Entries should be made with the secre- cauliflower, Entrance fee 5 per cent, of purse and 5 kind that would prove instructive or in- Second best. 100 Second best, 25 Best knit tidy, 60 N. L. Grin South percent, additional from winners. tary, dell, Penobscot, will a Best full blood one-year- Best wheat raised in the 100 Second best. 25 teresting confer favor on the society heifer, peck county, No abuse or foul language to be used; Maine. Cattle not each 200 Second 60 Beat crochet 50 drawing premiums, them for exhibition. old, breed. best, tidy. same, if to count team. by presenting Second 100 25 Second 25 any, againBt driven over five miles, will be entitled to a best, Third best, best, Best fnll blood heifer, two-year- Best raised in the 75 Best lace-trimmed 60 mileage of five cents CAMPING. peck barley county, apron, per mile, distanoe;to old, each breed. 200 Second best, 50 Second beat, 25 VERONA. be reckoned one way. Parties furnished tenting grounds free. Second best, 100 Best 4 of 100 Best Mexican 50 quarts peas, work, About fifty cottage owners on the Stock to be on the Good water inside the Pedigree required. Second 50 Second beat. 25 grounds by 9 a.«m. spring grounds. best, Verona Hark Beat heifer each breed, 200 Best 4 of each 100 Best toilet 50 island have formed tbe the first day. The desires to make this grade calf, quarts beans, kind, set. management Second best. 100 Second 75 Second 25 Owners association. Its objects will best. best, Cottage Stock be judged at 9 o’clock on the one grand picnic, and will do gll in its Best Third 50 Best 75 grade heifer, one-year-old, best. Batteobnrg.lace handkerchief, are to improve the rends, to build up the second day. Each person owning stock power to give those attending, a good each breed. 200 Best dozen ears of corn, each kind, 76 Second 100 60 75 Summer colony to that there will be a much be on hand to bring his animal.out time. best, Second best. Best drawn-work handkerchief,' j Third 75 Third 26 Second SO select little eommunlty there; and in a in judges’ ring. beat, best. beat. 8PORTING EVENTS. Beat grade heifer, two-year-old, Best pumpkin, 50 Beet table cover. 60 general way to look hftar the interests of Specimens of agricultural products must each breed, 200 Second 25 Second m the »rk. and to Mfisedy many of tbe an- The management has made arrange- best, beet, be thoroughly cleaned and In tuba Second best. 100 Largest pumpkin. 75 Best exhibition of fine needlework. 75 desirable conditions that now exist. boxea, for a ments ball game each day. Dance in Best each 300 75 Second best, 50 or baskets, and have a suitable place to be grade cow, breed. Largest squash, town hall each night. A band will fur- Second best, 200 Best squash, 50 Best collection of drawn-work, 60 numbered by the secretary dr ORLAND. superin- nish music each day and for dauoes. Third best, 100 Second best. Second best, 25 tendent of the department. Best pair drawn-work towels, 60 The pageant drama, “The Victory of A merry-go-round will be on the ground CLASS 4. Second beat. 25 No two members of the same family can Fruit Raised by Exhibitors. Peace,’' will be given at the town hall each day. Best collection of 50 di- enter farm FAT CATTLE. dollies, Monday evening, Ang. 21, under the vegetables, crops, dairy prod- CLASS 8. Second 25 Special attractions each day. Beat (at 00 beat. rection of Mrs. Belle R. Fish, of Revere, ucts, canned goods, etc., and fruit In the yoke cattle, f5 Best Batten 50 Second beat. 2 SO Ke*t collection ol trait, (160 burg dolly, Maas., ita author. There are OTer thirty same class. DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENTS. Second 25 be Beat 300 Seoond be«t, 100 beat. in the cast, and the costumes will paii three-year-old steers. Beet embroidered 50 be folk rio ms will be on N. L. Grindell, trotting hones. Second 200 Best 6 60 doily, handsome and nniqoe. There will premia paid except beet, piste Baldwins, specimens, Second 7. H. honee and oolts. Beat 300 Second best, 26 best, aonga, dancaa and dialogne, with appro- articles raised or manufactured, and ani- Allen, pair two-year-old ateen, Best drawn- work Second beet, 200 Best piste Mlldlngs, 60 doily, priate music. mals owned and kept witbin tbe limits ol George Morse, cattle, sheep, swine and Second best. Beet pair one-year-old ateen, 300 Second best, 26 Hancock county. poultry. 200 Best piste Bassets, 60 Best flannel embroidery, When Visiting Strange Pieces. • Second beat. Judges examining animals and articles George Morse, drawing oonteat. Beat pair ateer cal Tea, 500 Second best, 26 It la wall to bs prepared with s reliable Best pillow shams, cathartic. Salta castor oil cannot be A. T. of ex- 300 Best piste Omening*, 80 and are requested to their awards to tbs Gillie, superintendent Second 25 are report Third 200 Second best, 26 beet. taken by many. Foley Cathartic Tablet, hibition hall and acts. beat, Best embroidered turnover SO wholesome and net surely bat secretary before 11 a. m. of tbe second day, agricultural prod oxen owned In 600 Best 60 collar, cleansing, Beat yoke coanty, piste Bellflower, without or name* Re- and to him until after the award of Second 300 Seoond best, 25 Second best. 26 gently, griping, pain only ADMITTANCE. beat, turnover lieve sics headache, biliooaness. bloaunr. Best Fsmsuse or 60 Beat drawn-work oollar, 50 premiums is published. Third beet. 200 piste Snow, sour stomach, bad breeth. Fin* fora torpid 500 Second best, 26 Second beat. 25 driver Admittance to park, GO cents. Children Beat yoke matched cattle, liver.—Moore’s Drug Store. Any exercising cruelty or using 260 Best Red 60 under 12 2G cents. Children under piste Astrscbsn, while his team shall be yean, Second 28 profanity driving Persona entering oxen fee best, 6, free. Carriages free. Children under 12 premiums Best Northern 60 S&brrtUfmnit*. immediately ruled off the grounds by the may enter only in one claae. The aociety piste Spy, yean, free first day. Season tickets, flAO. oflen tor the Second best, 26 Judges. Best 60 Automobiles free; spacious Beet diapiay ol oxen owned by one piste Qrsvenstein, No person who is an exhibitor can act parking Second best, 26 as ground prepared. Best Judge on tbe class in which be exhibits. Beet display of cows owned by one piste King Tompkins, 60 Checks will be to Seoond best, 26 No or will be on given persons leaving man, premiums mileage paid Best Dacbess ot 60 the grounds until 12 o’clock each day. Baet display ot young atneir piste Oldenburg, articles or performance unless adjudged Seoond best, 25 No entrance fee being charged for stock, and under, worthy by the judges, although there is Best piste Nodbesd, 60 and each exhibitor no produce manufactures, Seoond best, 25 competition. Best 60 will be required to purchase his admission Beat) with piste Porter, Premiums will not be paid to exhibitors Seoond 26 ticket the same as the best, Winner of world’* two weeks the fair. general public. Best Yellow Unit! after piste Transparent, 60 — Second 25 highest award If the society should not receive money Beat tall blood best, Best 60 grand prise for to to exhibitors in Races. Second beat. piste Wealthy, enough pay premiums Seoond best, 26 perfect at the ac- Beat three breeding el full, they aill be pail proportionately, Best piste Harvey, 60 Panama-Pacific receive. F1B8T DAT. Seoond cording to what tbe society may Third best, 26 Exposition. beat, Best dosen Premiums will be forfeited if not called 3.00 Trot or Paso open to Baet three pears, 76 lambs, Seoond 66 horses owned io Hancock Second best, lor before January 1,1917. beat, Best cultivated 100 Third best. piste cranberries, You need a Every animal or article entered for pre- county, Pone, flOO Becond best, 76 “ Best thoroughbred buck of ttlum mast be owned by tbe person en- 2.21 Trot and 233 Pace, 160 Best plate grapes, 76 Seoond best, 66 tering it, or his family, and all products SECOND DAY. Second beat. house of the farm, dairy, orchard, garden, 2JS Trot and 2J7 Pace, Parse, |150 Manufacturers’ Department. Baynes the or shop must be entered by producer 2.26 Trot and 22! Pace, “ 160 Poultry Department. Manufactured in 1016. or his and must be finished special agent, t os'Trot and Pace, 126 CLASS e. CLASS 0. and Seat covered manufactured complete. THIRD DAY. All breeds of full-blood fowl, lour fowl carriage Lamp farm and must have In county, 00 All garden products and cock. |2 2.17 Trot and 2.19 Beat team wagon, 2 00 been or harvested the present Pace, Parse, f200 produced Baal four Plymouth Bock fowl and Best wagon, 100 of vari- 2.40 Trot and 2.42 Pace, 160 riding year, and only one exhibit every cock, flOO Best delivery wagon, 2 00 Consolation for non* ety from the same planting or crop can be race, Second beet, 50 Beet sleigh, 100 Best four Brahma fowl and Best entered for premiums in its data. winners, no entrance. Paras, |40 light pang, 1 00 cock, 1 n Best ass, 100 the sec- The purse for each clasa to be divided as Exhibitors, when requested by Second beat, 50 Bast specimen ot other edge tools, 100 follows: 60 cant, to first, 25 per cent, We retary or by su[ erintendsnta of depart- par Best set horse or oz shoes, each, 100 Guarantee This Is Best! to second, 16 per cent, to third, 10 per Seoond best, 60 Lamp sent, to fourth. National roles to govern. gBbmtonncntd, Boot sample of other blacksmith ScoSSre Pay the Penalty. wont of Baynes Incandescent Kerosene Oil Lamp— Hopples allowed. iron, 60 Those who warning signals of dis- Beat Iron easting, 1 00 ignore so and scoff at dangers ot srrt- Entrance fee, 6 par cent, of parse, to Beat < Thi* ordered kidneys sample■ample of tin or abaat iron wonderful lamp surpasses gas or electricity in the quality, quantity ootnpeny nomination, and 6 par oent. ad- worn, *, 100 and steadiness of The SSrSSKST&'S&ffi dVs^'Zf Bent sash and doors, each 100 light. Baynes is too far ahead of the open-flame, have lams back, pains in sides, sore anodes, ditional to winners. Kid- Bast hand-made ladles’ boots, 100 round-wick kerosene for twice the stiff joints, rheumatic aches—take Foley Entries, five or more to enter, four to lamp cpmparison. It gives light trouble before it is too Bast band-made calf boots, 160 while ney Pills and stop the using only one-half or two-thirds as much oil. late.—Moore’s Drag Utore. start. Beet riding harness, 100 to close at 11 m. But fssm hirnw. 100 me Entries August 26, p. Bayne* Lamp i* absolutely safe, | The is the lamp of pleased c Bayne* the No conditional entries. e*n» odorless, imokeleu, owners ", Made and by Hone), Dairy Products, etc. to noiseless, easy guaranteed Horses distancing the field to have first light and made to last a lifetime. of Gloucester, CLABB 10. It famousWelibach Company prevents eye strain and should be used ol the Best N. J. Write today foe full detail* CASTOR IA honey, *1100 *ot Walk. 'esdiog. studying, sewing or fine of the Lamp for your ■a Coaid Hardly Seoond oast. 80 work at superiority Bayne* Infuts mud ChJIdna night. home or For cease rheumatism, aches, Bast butter, not lew than 6 3 00 More. Dsreused kidneys““- lbs., Ambrose Gary Second best, 2 00 Sulphur, Okie., writes: “I was bothered with Best cheese, 2 00 W. J. kidney trouble ten years and at times eeuld Second CARRY, New England Distributor Ki beat, 100 hardly walk. I began taking Poley duey Best loaf brown Pills. I got relief from the 8ret but continued bread, 75 Nortel Easton, Mass. tilll had taken three bottles. I feel liken Seoond best, 36 new man”.—Moore’s Drag Store. Bast loaf based mads from flour NEWS the Union itntlon In Bangor. The bride NEWS 9fctartfwnunt« COUNTY bM k**n employed In Brewer eeyeral COUNTY years. SULLIVAN HARBOR, BLUEHILL. Allan la visiting In Mil- PROSPECT HARBOR. Mi» Ruth Bar. W. T. Hawthorne, of Belfaet, J. bridge. B. Cole, ot WetervUle, it visiting preached la the Congregational church o! friends here. Eugene Slmpaon, Bridgewater, Liu., Bundaj. Miss Such Is in town. Alice V. Banker, of Washington, The fall term at the academy will begin D. is a George Foliar haa returned to Wen C., guest ot her cousin, Mrs. C. C. Sept. U. The trueteee announce that Mies Larrsbee. jiewton, Maea. Belle Smith, of Sedgwick, has again been Mrs. tobacco E. aa Robert Lincoln, o( Cambridge, Min., ia S. Rice has returned from a engaged instructor in languages. at Clara P. visit to her Mrs. E. G. at E. , guest Simpaon’a. sister, Abbott, Secretary of State J. Bunker, of Hancock Point. L. of Miss Maria Tracy waa a week-end guest Augusta, Percy Aiken, Sorrento, and The Misses Moore C. of were oi Mrs. Van Neu In Winter Harbor. are guests of their Wiley Conary, Bucksport, enjoyment cousin, Mrs. W. P. He of visitors In town last week. Harr; B. Meynell and family have re- wins, Milbridge, for the week-end. Schooner Mildred turned to tbeir home in Moncton, N. B. May, Cept. Kane, of as you never thought Miss Ann Van Ness arrived Friday Bluehili, and schooner Joanna Dnrgaln, Miss Elizabeth Slmpaon, of Cambridge, could be is to night to spend a few weeks with her Capt. Eaton, of Deer Isle, are at the town yours Mass., ia apending her vacation at home. parents, Rev. Thomas Van Ness and wife, landing loading pulp wood and staves. command as Miss Emma Whitaker recently visited quick at “Middlefleld”. At the monthly meeting of the village ber sister, Mr*. Lock Parry, at Sorrento. some Prince The village ladies Joined with the sum- improvement society, a committee was you buy Alice Emery, of Cambridge, Mau., Miss mer colony in work for the allies. They appointed to co-operate with the town of- Albert and a of her aunt, Mra. A. S. Cum- fire-up is tbe guest met with Mrs. E. T. Paine Friday after- ficers in the improvements to be made on cr a home-made mings. noon, and spent two hours in making tape the perk, and the sum of |G0 was appro- pipe Mrs. Peterson and daughter Marion, of dressings and gauze sponges. Twenty- priated to aid in the work. The commit- cigarette I Quincy, Mau., an guuta at John F. seven were present. tee is as follows: Mrs. Etbelbert Nevin, E. Roacb’s. Aug. 14. C. J. Brooks, Pearl Emerson, Mrs. H. S. Prince Albert Mr. and Mn. Aldan, of Waterville, have Sweet, Mrs. E. C. Barrett and Judge F. B. gives LAMOINE. recently been in town at the Speedel Snow. you every tobacco sat- Dr. M. W. Hodgkins the cottage. spent past The annual sale of fancy articles by the isfaction week at his old home. ladies’ circle of your smoke- Tbe date ut for the village aid society sewing the Congregational J. W. and wife will return to was held in the town hall ever lair, supper, entertainment and dance ia Young church, Aug. 10, appetite hankered 23. Webster City, Iowa, this week. and was, as usual, a social and financial b,crmi"oi. August, for. That’s because Tobacco Co. Mrs. Marcia Chamberlain success. The concert in the evening de- Mrs. Harry Moody and children, of has returned from a business lighted the large audience, and appre- it s made a tiewburyport, Mau., an guests of A. 8. trip to Boston. by patented ciation of the artists was shown in no un- *“* Gray and wife. Ralph Hoyt spent Bunday here with his that cuts out certain manner. The Piano process Will NMrw: _ wife at Charles program: Patented Hon. Q. Fred Slmpaon and wife, of New- Oapt. Hodgkins’. Miss Jul]July solo, Wiswall; reading, Miss Agnes bite and Prince ». 1907/ hich Walker Mr. Chalmers and Miss parch] Albert has always ton, Mau., and Qeorge and wife, Vera Chalmers, Heraey; string quartette, Elias Breeskln, made Mi_ N. Y. wen In town of Albion, were recent at Dr. H. lie pfpee whi of Brooklyn, recently. guests G. Helen Jeffrey, Herald Kmatz, Marie been sold without coupons or premiums. O. H. Donnell, Mn. J. Herbert Hodgkins’. Roe Mias violin linn? Mrs. mast; reading, Heresy; We prefer to give quality I Grover and Mlu Hooper wen reoent Rally day will be observed at the Sun- solo, Miss Jeffrey; reading, Miss Heraey; guests of Mn. C. A. Stlmaon, having mo- day school next Sunday. All are cordi- vocal solos, Mrs. L. Ward Peters; reading, tored over from Kennebunkport. ally Invited. Mias Heresy; violin solo, Miss Jeffrey; Mias The grange fair was a great success. reading, Heraey. OBITUARY. With several gifts snnouncedat that time, Aug. 14. '_ S. Mrs. Elmirs (Mercer) Moon, widow of the net proceeds were g200. OBITUARY. Opt- Augustas Moon, died here Saturday Mrs. Charles Hodgkins went to North- O. Aug. 12, st the home of Mrs. Tyler Hinckley, e life-long resident Diorniag, east Harbor to Friday remain over Sunday of died after ■ Ill- Albert Charles Wsrd, after some months of suf- JBlnehill, Ang. 11, long prince with her Husband aboard the yacht Awa. at the national emoke from a dislocated and heart ness, the age of seventy-four years. joy fering hip 14. Aug. R. H. When one from this who for trouble. She leaves three children—Mrs. _ passes life, more than three score and ten has has If flavor as different as it is never tasted the like of it! Albert Tilton, of Franklin Falls, N. H.; MARIAVILLE. years delightful, you of and journeyed along with hla fellowmen in And Olvin Moon, Bridgeport, Conn., Leslie of that isn't strange, either. McLaughlin, Bangor, last week friendliness and in Fred Moon, of Seattle, Wash. good comradeship, the visited relatives here. pleasant memories of the in Mrs. Moon was left with three little past, lighten Men who think they can t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga- Rev. James MacCloud preached the a measure the sadness of the parting. Mr. children early in life, and straggled herd Bay Princo Albert every- rette can smbke and will smoke if use Prince grange sermon st the chapel. There was was a man of and they to bring them up. She was a devoted Hinckley Integrity where tobacco ic toId in a good attendance. honesty of a a red red Albert. And smokers who have not P. A. a mother, a kind neighbor and a useful purpose, respected citisen, toppy baft. Sc; tidy yet given try- kind and tin*. handeome who did much to relieve the suffer- Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. husband, father, neighbor Wet pound out have a and a lot of nurse, and tin hami- certainly big surprise enjoyment A. Frost were Mr. and Mrs. friend. Though in health tor half-pound ing of those about ber. She was devotedly George Sunday falling MeeuB neaaw^i^o^n — — a ■mii uiiii inof eormtngrmm their as soon as invest in supply. Walter son and and years, he was always cheerful and hopeful, coming way they cared for in her last days by Mrs. Clsra Dunham, daughter pound cryetal-glass humi- E. C. Dunham. and his life was no doubt by Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own Smith snd Mrs. Charles Ward. Her prolonged dor with spongo-moistener story! the constant and faithfulxare which was nephew, Capt. Edward Meroer, was with The Carr reunion will be held Saturday, top that he*pa the tobacco given him by his wife. Besides N. C her and cared for her to the last. Her Auk. 28, at George Froet’s grove. In each desrer trim nhvayel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem. he leaves two sons—Lester of children, who realised her early struggle Mo poetponement will be made. ber, T., York Beach, and Carl of Boston, in their behalf, were devotedly attached If raining, the party will be entertained M., from Chicago, and Mr*. Osgood, from SEAL COVE. Segal Notices. and one Mrs. of to her. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Froat. daughter, Angie Day, called on Mr*. Emelin* Jarvis George Bluehill, E. L. McLean returned to Auguste Sat- the District Court of the United States Fairlleld, and a Mrs. Decatur In for Interment waa at Hancock Bister, Gray, » Sunday The Jordan family reamoa wae held Saturday. urday. the Hancock District of Maine. Bev. R. H. conducted of Castine. afternoon. Moyle Thureday, as Wednesday, the day ap- Rev. J. D. McGra* was in town last J» Bankruptcy. The funeral was held at the home Capt. Peter Heed,; ol Owl’s Head, was 4» •f“S.t I the funeral service. was Mot so were week visiting his son, 8. A. McGraw. No-12W pointed, stormy. many 13. There was in town last week. HiB«krap?.AT' \ 14. H. Suaday afternoon, August Aug. ae in former years, bat a Earle and returned to To the creditors of Harvey F. Ray. of Goulds- present goodly a attendance. Prof. H. T. Gasper family large Fowler, Rev. E. N. Pierce at the boro, in the connty of Hancock and dis- NOKTH SULLIVAN. number enjoyed a good time and a fine after a visit with preached Bap- of Brown university, conducted a most Beverly, Mass., Bunday, trlct aforesaid, a bankrupt: tist church 6. Her. F. P. that on Bth John Kobinaon and of dinner. relatives here. Sunday, Aug. is hereby given the wife, Bangor, appropriate service. The floral remem- of a. d. 1916. the said 14. F. Dresser, who has faithfully served the NOTICEday August me week-end here. Aug. Charles and Mrs. F. was spent _ brances were many and beautiful. The Eldrldge and wife, Harvey Ray duly adjudicated Baptist society here for three years, will bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his Mrs. of is vis- has the of friends Ella Cole have closed their summer cot- Lettie Cummins, Berlin, NORTH FRANKLIN. family sympathy many preach his farewell sermon Sept. 10. creditors will be held at my office in Ellsworth, iting relatives and friends hgre. la their lots. tage and returned to Gardiner Monday. Maine, on the 28rd day of August, a. d. 1916, at Misses Ruby and Marie Cousins were at Will of 1.80 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Ernest Gas and of Somer- Nyce, Boston, and Mrs. Grace said creditors their claims, Mrs. Anne Newman has returned home, home from Ellsworth over par family, may attend, prove Sunday. of a examine the and SEDGWICK. came automobile Thurs- Jones, Dorchester, Mass., visited their appoint trustee, bankrupt after an extended visit in Bethel, Vt. ville, Mass., by transact such other business as Willard Foes will move his family Into Mrs. Allen in a may properly J. A. Cloeson arrived home last week. day to visit his mother, Mrs. C. P. Gasper, sister, Pierce, coming come before said meeting. Clyde Robertson, who hat been in Mrs. Bertha Lawrie’s boose this week. returning Monday. yacht. Mr. Nyce was accompanied by a William E. Whiting, Franklin a tew returned home Sun- William E. a few Referee in Bankruptcy. days, Mra. KarL, who has been visiting Mrs. Sylvester spent days friend, Mr. Holecher, and Mrs. Jones’ son last week with his Miss Bay Dollard, with a friend, Miss August 10,1916. day. Dora has to Massachusetts. family. Clarence was in the party. Abbott, gone Glime, of Beverly, Mass., visited her aunt, Tue home tease waa defeated in a game Mrs. H. Alice C'lossoa, of Boston, was Aug. 14. N. subscriber hereby gives notice that Telephones have baas installed in the Mrs. Frances Lord, a tew days last week, she has been adminls* of baseball Saturday by the Hancock in town Saturday evening. THE duly appointed homes of Arthur Robertson and H. D. leaving Sunday for West Ellsworth.' tratrix, de bonis non, of the estate of Point team. Mrs. B. M. Buckminster and Mrs. 8. B. LORENZO late of Clarke. Aug. 14. L. JORDAN, ELLSWORTH, Theodore Taylor and a friend, of Ar- Condon took a trip to Rockland last waek. in the county of Hancock, deceased, and Mrs. Lottie Fullerton, with little son, of given bonds as the law directs. AU are Mr. FRANKLIN. lington Heights, Mass., visiting is visiting bar toother, Mrs. Annie Byroa Ford and H. O. Ford, of the persons having demands against the estate Boston, of said deceased are desired to the Taylor's parents. atsasn yaebt Aria, weee-in town last week. Lloyd Dunhaas is home from Weltham, present .Hhopor.- same for settlement, and alT Ihdebted tb'eretb ISau. ■ ar* «• oiah> n; io>njf4tet*ty,* Mr*.. -iMtje <**»*; * who serl- Mtss-Snsie E. a ie,*euera» egeut Is* l he i- reqneMod p..yu< H*i»ur.hti^ajnf ? Mtea Fannie Marcbt has been Aug 1,1916; Klla F. Joiuta*. Quincy, Maa.»"bft Mr Perfume is home ve- Irene w«s Han- visiting palvbts, ouafy Ml at the.home «4 bar sister, Mra; CstitoMis Go-, fora Mrs. Gey up from North ai.x i GaaUrSwao^is slightly-improved. eBUou,. :<5ook lo speedBaaudSr' wttlrher^dMi. fpillC Hereby gfr*<*''»“'4!c- tb*t L be bsi <^een duly aytv.uu.. TJrl* the x ■■ jSbektd try It. •» _ T. arrived home last Mon- Mrs. Uieuduu N. aiad LOCA rat ot commastiy*-*Wt Ae*. __ Stanley Dority Stephen* children, QlTAiaa&^ACTORY. or -the estate of tudaen aeaiu of uilman Bunker Tuesday day feaaa Albany, N. Y., for a abort vaca- of Humford Falls, left for their home last LUCRETIA W. HIGGINS, late of BUCKS- uisisnan TIONS, MILL morning, Aug. 8. He worked arusnal on tion. week. SITES, FARMS, PORT, Mon a few was bans to W. L Ford and In the of sndi fay, but passed away after A daughter Several from and The annual reunion of the DeBeck SITES FOR SUMMER HOTELS oounty Hanoock, deceased, Stenlngton Egge- given bonds as the law directs. All per- minutes’ l’neee. Mr. Bunker’a home was 11. wife, Aag. moggia attended the dance here last Sat- family will be held at Hardison grove sons having demands against the estato- in and CAMPS of said deceased are desired to Ellsworth, but he was a former resident MeLetlan and who have another present George wife, urday evening. There will be August 21. the same for and all of | settlement, indebted this town, and waa here the have re- Located are employed bean at Uly Bay the past year, next Saturday, Aug. 18. Thomas and' wife came from on the line of the thereto requested to make payment im- most of Bragdon the time. He had a pleasing and turned home. mediately. Mias L. H. Taploy, of Spelman aeaatnary, PortsaMuth, X. H., Friday, accompanied Aug. 1, 1916. Thkodobb H. Smith. genial dlsocait ion, and waa liked and re- Walter Thompson and wife and Herbert Atlanta, Oakland Miss Grace Moeeley, of by Mr*. Bragalon’a nieces. Misses Ruth MAINE CENTRAL spected by all who koew him. Mr. Bunker RAILROAD HE subscriber hereby gives notice that Jones and wife, who ham spent their va- Need bam, Maas., were the speakers at and Carolyn McIntosh. he has been duly appointed executor is survived a by widow, four sons, two. homes give opportunity to those desiring to make of the last will and testament of cation hero, ham returned to their the Said day meeting last Friday. Miss Wesley Clark and family, o( Brewer, daughters and several grandchildren, two a change in location for a new start in life. LIZZIE A. OBBR, late ot TRENTON, in Waltham, Maas. of the work at the seaainary, to town have brothers and one sister. Tapley spoke motored Friday. They in the county of Hancock, deceased, ne bonds her and Miss attired in an Indian being required the terms of said 14. H. Mias Elsie McIntyre and niece, Moseley, moved their hoasehold goods to Brewer, by will. Aue. Undeveloped Water Powers, All persons having demands the estate who have the oostnaae, gave an interesting talk on the where have secured rent. against Mary Cunningham, spent they of said aeceased are desired to present the she had visited the same for ASHVILLE. summer with their grandmother, Mrs. Indians during past Mrs. R. M. Woodruff and Mm. J. W. Unlimited Raw Material, settlement, and all indebted thereto are requested to make payment ham returned to their winter. The proceeds from the supper immediately. W. M. Pettee is grading on the church Mary McIntyre, Blaisdell entertained a family party last and Aug. 1,1916. Habby B. Ob**. lot. homes in Hopkinton, Mass. They were were over fhL Wednesday at their bungalow, “Knoll their Mc- Aug- 14. H. in honor of their Good subscriber hereby gives notice that Miss accompanied by unde, Joseph Top,” Georges Pond, Farming Land she has Thelma Martin, who has been em- Mrs. M. A. Browne. THE been duly appointed executrix He will return this week. guest, of the last will and testament of ployed at UuM’a Cove, ia at home. Intyre. COREA. Await Aug. Eugene 8. Bunker has bought the auto- Development. ROSCOE HOLMES, late cf ELLSWORTH, Mr. and re- 14._Abb. is new Mrs. Lawrence Orcutt have Mr. Ye*too. of Steuben, baring* mobile belonging to the O. C. Havey es- in the county of Hancock, deceased, no bonds turned to their home in Minium. HANCOCK POINT. bouse built. tate. It was taken to Millinocket by Mel- being required by the terms of said will. All ville Perkins Saturday, Mrs. Havey and Communications regarding locations persons having demands against the estate of Walter Donnell and family visited Mr. C. A. Penney has bought an automobile. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bunker to Bangor. said deceased are desired to present the same going are invited and will receive attention for and all •nd re- settlement, indebted thereto are re- Mrs. Fred Donnell at Franklin is her Ladd is ill of mumps. to Mrs. Pearl Hanna visiting parents. Mrs. Eugene Bunker is in Bangor look- when addressed to any agent of the quested make payment immediately. cently. to a move Hannah L. Raymond Partridge has shipped as Miss Elria Fifleld, of Stonington, is vis- ing up rent preparatory there, MAINE CENTRAL, or to Holmes. thus making their home more convenient Mrs. C. G. Small and children, who re- on Mr. Las her'* iting her uncle, Henry Bryant. quartermaster yacht. for Mr. Bunker, who is employed by the visited in have cently relatives Sorrento, arc visit- of Addison, Sun- Great Northern Co. at Millinocket. INDUSTRIAL BUREAU, Dr. Ball and sister, of Lincoln, Henry Lufkin, spent Paper The merchant who does not advertiae in ^turned home. here. ing their parents, H. A. Ball and wife. day with relatives Miss Clara Leavitt was chaperon fora Mrs. William J. Schieffelin has to of last week at MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD a dull season makes it more profitable gone Hancock Point baseball team went to The Junior* had a picnic supper at the party young people “Camp for Hot Water”, Georges Pond—Misses Springs, Va., to visit her mother, Ice-cream was Laughing those who do advertise. Sullivan Saturday defeating Sullivan 15 to church Friday night. Miriam Bunker, Celia PORTLAND, MAINE. Mrs. Elliott Garbit, Virginia Shepard. 9. served. Collins and Charlotte Havey were the Mrs. itosa and two happy quartette. Young children, Aug. 14. The men are all busy getting ready for Dewey and Mona, of Hancock, were week- fall lobster ashing. The outlook is not Aug. 14._B. end guests of Mrs. Eiwood Hammond. WEST SULLIVAN. very promising. BASS HAKBOit. MiBs Inez and Mrs. Mr. and Mr». A. W. Gordon, of Augusta, Martin, of Bangor, Cecil Stewart has moved his family home Mrs. Robert Rankin, of Lansdown, Fa', Dora are of Mrs. V. B. Gordon. HISS Martin Farrin, of Northeast Harbor, guests from Skowhegan, where he has been em- is here for her vacation. TIMM IS so run with recently visited their old home here. Mrs. Georgia Scammons is st home ployed since last spring. Herbert Condon is having a pretty Ober and wife. bungalow built by John Ralph. All are making preparations for the her parents, George Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop, of West John Closson, Maurice Thurston and coming summer sole and fair which will Perry returned to Bar have moved in Miss Ca,silena Oouldsboro, Henry Bryant’s Joe Wooster ail have new automobiles. KITH be TUlIC 24. SBC held Mrs. TUT thia a visit with MTS at the year chapel,'August Harbor Monday, after house. Kirk Bumford, of Cambridge, Mass., is Aug. 14. Phoebe. George Hiualdo. R. T. Baldwin has returned to bis home spending a few weeks with his family here. < Mrs. Leonard Inwson and daughter, of in Brooklyn, N. Y., after spending his HANCOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert of were at the home of here. His Miss Biscoe, IU Bar Harbor, guests vacation daughter. HER TRIMS TO are IT Lawson TIT Miss of Brighton, at the Edith Violet Marshall, daughter A. P. last week. Mass., Havey GUadys, came Monday for a four weeks’ for the summer. Ur. and Mrs. Jnhn N. Marshall, of this “• bungalow Aug. 14. visit. of __ Aug. 14. X. Y. Z. town, and Sherman F. Mayo, Brewer, _ COVE. David Stinaon and wife, of Vinalhaven, “I Buffered with were married at Brewer Wednesday even- PARTRIDGE SALISBURY COVfi. stomach trouble,” said rest them, irregular circulation ol the their Mrs. W. C. log, at the home of the groom. who is in Ells- are visiting daughter, Miss C. M. 1633 Aug. 9, Persia Young, employed Tinkham, Congress street, blood, and the common ail- Lufkin. were their Mr. and Mrs. Percy Higgins returned to dizziness, The was by Kev. two last week. They accompanied by ceremony performed worth, was at home days their home in Maiden Bunday. Portland, as she told her with ments of tbe Oscar Street daughter, Mrs. Ladd, her husband and experience stomach, liver and kidneys, A. Smith, of the Pine Frank been Tanlac. pastor Albert Mears and wife, Capt. Mrs. Mabel McFarland, who has in of which are caused in the little daughter Gertrude. many by catarrhal Methodist church, Bangor, presenoe Bar Harbor the past few weeks, is home. and I was Burkhirt and wife and Alice Young spent “Yes, always nervous. Since affections of the mucous membrane. Tan- of bride wore a Aug. 14. 8. about guests. The Linwood _ Mrs. Sanford McFarland, with her chil- I have taken dfty the week-end at the camp of Tanlac I am much better a tissue white and dren, Hthelene and Vernon lac, tonic, builder and appetizer, taffeta silk dress with veil, Otis. Sanford, spent and am so with Salisbury, Beech Hill lake, BURRY. Sunday with Mr. McFarland’s parents, pleased it that I am going is designed to overcome these troubles. carried white sweet For her travel- to have ail pees. 14.HPBBABP. Vernon McFarland and wife. my friends try it.” Everywhere the most ing suit she with a Aug. Mrs. Emma Coulter sprained her ankle prominent people hod a bine gown, sport Aug. 14. R. Men and women who have will __ improper give in of Tanlao cost and stood badly Saturday. testimony praise white hat. The eouple of Torturo For Somo. quite who are A Sflaaon digestion, nervous and irritable out of gratitude for the relief that Tanlao beneath an arch of and formed untold misery to thoua- Mrs. Celia has gone to Whit- Heavy, tpapure blood makes a muddy, green gold, Hoy ferer causes Gaspar because of lack and am- coasts *ts sufferers by suffering, energy brought and because they believe it is 01 golden were un- kndaf Asthma, too, on a visit. pimply oemplexion, headaches, nausea, indi- glow and cedar. They T»r roothe. insvllle, Mass., bition for their are he hundreds. PWe»>s Honey and work, easily discour- their duty to do so. an 1 gestion. Thin blood makes yon wbhk, pale attended. the ceremony hat raw, feeling In Clark has to Southwest and become Following rasping thf Miss Mabel gone aged over Those who wish to know more hoarseness a»d wheeling. makes and sickly. For pure blood, sound digestion, melancholy slight of Tan- informal reception was held, re fresh- ieves where she has Buffer with breathing easier, heals per- Harbor, employment. nee Blood Bitters. 41.00 at all stores. matters, backaches, poor mem- lao may do so by calling at E. U. Moore’s moots served. The ia on slumber. inanimation,Contains no opi- Burdgck being groom sits refreshing Mrs. Patten and her two daughters, -AM. ory, unsound sleep that does not really drug store. employe of the Maine Central railroad at tie.—Moore’s Drug Store. no VTY NEWS.

SOUTHWEST HARBOR. Miu Ellen 9upot, of Malden, Maaa., DIRECTORY who baa been visiting relatives in Sar- ELLSWORTH BUSINESS gentville, will spend two or three weeks here with Mrs. A. W. Clark. KEARNS PRATT & Mrs. Mae Driscoll Horn, with her hus- Harry C. Austin & Co., H. W. DUNN P. E. SMITH band and sister, is spending a few weeks Manufacturer of and Dealer ia HOOPER’S STUDIO with her sister, Mrs. J. D. Phillips, also Provisions Meats, Groceries, at FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Granite and Marble Monements in hrs. Groceries, Provisions ’ visiting her parents Gott’s Island. Amateur work finished 24 Meats, FRESH FISH The association TaMtts Ni Marters village improvement Main Street Fresh Bread Ewry Day FV».h a of contributed 5 and 10- See Oar Finished Work Before Yoar BREAD, will hold sale Placing 13J MAIN STREET cakes hall Order. Telephone 42-6 Main Street cent articles at Masonic Thursday, 12S-2; Night, 118-3 Tel. 13 S2 Water Street, an entertainment in.ut cultural Insecticides lateat Books, alagatinea aud Newspapers. CSpt. William State Street, Implements, liam Crook’s Lense Opposite Library * Misees Jennie and Grace Roberts re- Tel.f53-3 STATE MAIN STREET --i 24 ST, Telephone 7*8 119 turned to their home in Belfast this morn- ing, after an extended visit with relatives F. L. here. C. S. COTTLE & SON HEATH, Agt. R. E. MASON The ladies’ aid society of the Methodist C. W. GRINDAL Metropolitan Life CHARLES TOWER churoh held a small sale at the town ball MEATS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS Thursday evening. Proceeds, |2B. COAL AND GRAIN Insurance Company L_ A W V E R Misaes Rena Kimball and Mary Leighton, Fresh Bread and Deechnets Daily of 'Phone AUTOMOBILE SIGN PAINTER and Bertha Johnson, of Franklin, N. H., Life Insurance all Kinds Solicited 171-3 are of Mr. and Mr. H. C. Perkins. 8 STATE ST. 18-11 Water St, Tel. 166-3 WATER ST. guests Telephone Ellsworth — Bar Harbor Peter, Block, State Street Mrs. Angelina Patten, Maater Kenneth Shaw, Mrs. Nellis Knowles and Mrs. Harriet Hill have returned to their home ELLSWORTH-BLUEHILL in Somerville, Masa. CENTURY BOOT SHOP JL GREELY H. W. MORANG UNION TRUST COMPANY M. WOODiiOCM. Aug. AUTO LINA TOBACCQMST art Sartors’ *"?««•'*«%.*.»1 o®-000 The Only Shoe Store DENTIST S«pHef Sarplus end Profits--.U5. Exclusive CARROLL JOHNSTON MfiiartraMMCkMolUH t j WEST GOULDBBORO. MAIN STREET Assets ..$1,750,00# Telephone 165V '^HAliTST. / 15 Hancock St. raj-a, 1*3-3 to* Orwm J. D. C. Bradley, wits and. son ere at Telephones; Yaw Is solicits .... i ksdssss raopictfirily their cottage. '2ie$s3&S*Jl. Jl.. Tel-8-3. ALSO PUBLIC OAR Main Street. 169-171 Telephone 61-3 MAIN ST- Tel 4<> Harry Bishop has moved bis family to Corea. E. W. CARTER TEAROOM L. W. Mias Ethel Lovetoy, of Fairfield, is visit- JORDAN Miss Helen H. F. WESCOTT ing at Mrs. D. A. Tracy’s. aid Transient Stable Laacbcs Served frees 9 a. ■. to si p. m. Nealley Miaa has to Bar Salas, Livery ttadartakar, Marble and Granite Man- Margaret Wood| gone Mrs. Harriet Giles HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, SPORTIM Harbor for a visit. Western Nerses a Specialty umental Works. Dress Maker Melvin Young hu moved hi* family to 13a Main Si. Tel. 119.12 GOODS Cherryllsld foe tbe blaeberry eeeaon. 15 Franklin St. Tel. 116-s M He KstOi Tel. 5* 114 Franklin St. at Main St. 'Phone 137-11 II MAIN ST. ’Phones: Store, 17-I! Miaeee France* and Hath Wood have Slgs C*str gone to Proapect Harbor to viait tbeir Residence, 116-3 annt, Mr*. George Allen. R. E. CUNNINGHAM A. HAYNES J. F. H-. OSGOOD Mrs. E. C. Tripp boa returned to ber Mrs. VIOLA W. E. WHITING borne in Steuben, after visiting friends Cash Grocer JORDAN and relatives here and at Winter Harbor. Choice Family Groceries, Cenfectioaery HORSE and AUTO UVERY. Oakland Ike Mm el CUHU Tee mt Cstfse QENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Tbe annual fair of tbe ladies’ aid socisty, Tobacco aid Cigars Groceries, Fresh Bread, Fruit WASHINGS DONE AT HOME Six For Sain. Call art them assisted by tbe ladiee of tbe V. X. A. ana inspect Real Estate sad lareitmeoti tbe summer people, was a decided suooase. 241 MAIN STREET and Vegetables Water Street, Opposite the Garage MAIN STREET Net nt Main Street proceeds, |316.14. Tel. 17-373 Main Street Whiting Block, 'Phone,, 29-2 and 112-12 11 Service* at tbe Union church, conducted _ Telephone C. by Bev. F. Dole, of Jamaica Plain, S. DONOVAN Maas., were well attended. There will be J. M. E. HOLMES A. H. services throngb the month of August. JOHN F. KNOWLTON PARCHER, M. D. FORD Owner Aug. 14. L. DAIRY LUNCH ROOM. Meals, Lodgers Every ___ and Physician Surgeon Should see the Carrier Rems the or Nook. insurance: ATTORNEY at LAW and Young Baggage FRANKLIN. by Day Notary Public A but serviceable attachment s BA^T MAIN STREET simple of ‘B. is MAIN ST. Peters Block. Tel. 39 for a,ny Ford car Roscoe Blaisdell, Auburn, L, 134 Morriaon-Jojr Block. Tel. 7-3 spending bis vacation with bis parents, ’Phones: Office, 141-11; Res., 141-2 Mi V. E. Blaisdell and wife. M.B. YOUNG, Ellsworth, Harvey C. Page and wife, of Uucksport, who bave been visiting at T. M. Blais* A. C. HA6ERTHY, M. Dr. C. C. Knowlton Dr.J. W. PEASE dell’s, returned homd Monday. JOHN J. DUFFY 0. ELLSWORTH AHD BAR HARBOR AUTO Miss Marcia Springer will leave Aug. 19 Veterinary Surgeon and Homo Trainer for a visit with friends in North Anson Physioian and CUSTOM TAILOR. Physician Surgeon Proprietor of SERVICE and before tbe of ber Cleaoinc. Pressmg vicinity opening MAIN ST. 8a MAIN school in South Portland on 28. STREET Peaie's Sare-Cart Horae aad Aug. FRANKLIN STREET «1 BACH WAY Tel.: Day, 47-a ; FasHy Rescale, PARB, Miss Margaret Bpragne, of Turner, who Night, 47-4 'Phones: Night, 101-2; Day, 121-4 has been tbe of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. guest Removed to 58 Frmnklin St. Tel. M. B. 19-4 Blaisdell, returned borne Wednesday. 126-4 Young, Telephone Leo W. Blaisdell, who spent the week- end a it h bis perents, returned to Boston JPtafnwuran £am». Commission JBctrijanw. Tuesday. E. h. BAKER, OPT. D. Mf. and Mrs. Charles Huibert left Mon- PLUMBING, LICE H. SCOTT day for tbeir home in Cranberry Isles. 1864 1916 Hot Water Heating, Furnace sraciALTY uDi or Registered Tbe friend* of Mrs. Emetine TYPEWRITING. Optometrist many ACCOUNTING AND trtfun PML Wentworth will be grieved to know that Work and Jobbing. GENERAL CLERICAL WORK. Mkp K Iptaattij ber bealtb is failing rapidly. AgeurUuioo Safe Deposit A Trust Co., of Port- Office sod. (or tarnishing Probate and 153 Main St, Residence 55 Oak St Aug. E. B. HONEST WORK; HONEST PRICES Surety Bondi 14._F. Agent Ollrer Typewriter) typewriter supplies BOSTON ELLSWORTH, ME. Cor. Mala and Water Sts. (oyer Keen’s Dray Come In GREEN LAKE. Twe»(j Yean' Experience. Store). Ellsworth, Me. c°W»ISSION MtRCHANT5 and Inquire about the W. E. Clarke and wife, of Washington, Persona! attention to all details. Telephone NEW SIR WILLIAM CROOK’S LENSE It. who bave tbe summer here, or mall orders promptly attended to. WANT YOUR C., spent By wearing this lease light will not hurt the returned to tbeir borne Monday. Mr. WILLIAM DR SEMPLE ejee. new of field rock is near FARM Clarke’s cottage EDWARD F. BRADY, OSTEOPATH PRODUCTS completion. hr Sortays, Taatdan set Grant St., Ellsworth,. Me. Specialties: Nervous Live and _ Saturdays Mrs. Henry Hatch, wbo fiaa been quite Diseases, EQs. Dressed, Poultry Telephone 4M or postal tart Telephone 171-2. Diseases of Stomach. 37 ill, is improving. Veal. Potatoes years’ eiperlenee In Boston, N«« York and Misses Hazel Cowing and Marcia Bur- Treatment and Consultation, by Appoint- Apples, Philadelphia. la on ill, of Dedham, visited at C. 1. Merrill’s ment; Ellsworth Fridays. Prices, Shipping Tigs, Dressing, Picking AJd,e" r*st wejk. Storage Batteries "ftssaagia snd Shipping instrnetions, etc., sent tree Miss Lottie Dodd is spending her va- AiDert N. Cushman cation withirclativesfhere, HebronAoademy F. W. Clarke is having bis cottage Repaired SUuntsmunts. SPtettscmrnta. 1painted. *“ Ne» Koaland. Electrician and Contractor --AMY MAKE--- atwood’h'amAtwood Hiram Patten has purchased a new ||ALL<->A modern home for bore. and Fixtures Mg"**? •fc.n whol“°« rood. Ptfr*. “T-ictile SappHss Dodga.car. A. P. Royal, Ellsworth, fie. spring water. College preparatory. General F. E. Grace, ofitbe flab hatchery, is away Linnehans Domestic chemist??. Addrees • Ellsworth Auto t Lltt. Building, on bis vacation. __ Experienced Nurse Livery SAROBNT. p.. Prl"’|“l on sotbe and local 38-11 Harold Cole and family spent Sunday massage treatments. Telephone cnees a Terms ■with bis father, W. H. Cole. Maternity specialty. rea- Water When the mail-order sonable. Communicate w letter with St., Ellsworth house finds a of Sunday haute it advertin*! George Dyer, Bangor, spent DELIA LUCKING**, EUiworth, Ms., town whose local merchants do not ad The mailorder bis brother, A. E. Dyer. Bsy sr N|M Stnrict. »y sr with can of O. H. Wasson, or plums 77-211, Is, Tr* ** are you 9*** S. '** dialogue for your butinett. What Aug. 14. North Ellsworth. TELEPHONE 117 mailing l&tL**’ to do about itt