Section 1 Pages 1 to 8 || § 42NI> YKAR —NUMBER H WASHING-ION. WAKKKN COUNTY. X. j. TIIURSD/Y. AI'KII. S. MOT THOMPSON'S MAGIC GREENBACK1 fiGhi uvtK * tires' on "that "4LW«" utt contulned in iL i tho (Mtinfy ft*HTfrV statement, pub »r • *l (i ill O her Dei IO yed in linln:; ICiny Wiiy ). ',IHE "•Msh'fd' Insf Wc.'k. .Thfji. report shuv.'i;t-w , ^ for u 'Smooth 'i ppl'll SI' Jf that sheriff .McrricI;, duriny th** y**nr| " IE. r*r f L'11 I'lir) (ISC I30S, provided meals to prteoucrs, •A-nmn who tookt-d na prosper*) •r.M iimounting In the a^runate to 7,611 I -i •I" "f tit " yi-ii IS I us I llll aynlll in i aleel corporation .lays. At uy vuuta a tiny for each f Rev. Daniel Halleron Transferred ii ill • nU>i walked up and down in<; road in front Charles Wolvcrton Slashes His'^" ,!'Vi,',',,','""'!' «\',7, •!L!"i"<'"r"ri"•iit in ' 'Science Tiiumphed After Brute'j |>rljs'in.;t, this uttiounie'd to %•!,755, • i • SS—O AFTE—. ^ R ALL to Newark. of the Dm ford ro.iiduncc, ul thu west- ern end of thy borough, on Saturday Throat With Knife. | •iiu-jii..i,. whiuh ••mw. ni> m ihu Son-! ForcC e Had-Failedu,J C.:I..I. j Council Appropriates This Sum morning nearly two weeks aao. lie j for Decoration Day. waft- n wcM-drc::*icd "ni.ni/ shuivuil a uniiiM limp when he walked and a hundred dollar bill when he talked. Th« hun- dred dollar bill.wKtiiieiLW.IJU.hla.itmln mock in trade and he made it work ^JSEWER QUESTION LfiJD OVER ;''Charges «r .Ministers Who Arc overtime, n« mib-sequent results proved. - Known Here. While tlio.strariKor was pacing up and down the road, he met Daniel j liui win l(e"/)i-po.sf(I nf ut Sfceting Front a local viewpoint, the mos gpnlifrtr. fS<'minr nf the Dufford to lie Meld Two Weeks Hence /:, important ehuiiKu -of pitatunUes us i estate. They (jot into conversation. —Oilier Mailers, "•.'•'• result of the Xeivnrl; M. K. Confer In the eour.se of which the fellow waid enee,. which ended in_ Newark oil ie was It. C. Thompson of Brooklyn. C'Jiiiniry Ui expvetntions, the ne- Tuesday afternoon, was tho transfer Ci'ss.ir> action k-fjalizing the holding I« was u inif!dlc-agu<J man. of a t<pi!':!al flection to vote upon the of Itev. Daniel Ilallurun,from Wat-h derful stunt. .Sin.-.; tlmn the cow IIIIM He said he wouM [ij;e to buy the niinlHicrri' not usually ejcpftrlenet'd stiver' pri'ip'isiitiui*" was not taken by . Ington to the HiKhth Avenue church 1 dune nothing to attract attention ''Newark. His miccessor will he I lev Clifford farm. ft W;IK an ideal farm, T1M> rfi"iy of tho• man's life la a ccpt kick over in other denominations. I lev. .Mr. tile ConiitiMii C'juii'-il at ILs meeting ho said, and this proved to In- the r lutilerii' which btirn- (Ubson, Hi'.1 A. M. K. pnstnr, srtya he .Monday, nlk'ht. The special eom- Fletcher L. West, who leaves tin strange one. lie came i' a. jroud fam- brought conspieu- I'd m> Chicago. If it w mn't for tu- churoh to which Iiev. Mr. llalleioi only true thing ho really did .say. Mr. ily; I'.'fng a brother of Benjamin and IH-VLT heard of'stolen ehlchens 'n;inn itiitiii,- uiitili* its. ivport but when the iKc'nberg took the aim tiger to the on of the voting icreuiosis inspectors we would hard- siibjuct naiuu tip fur consideration it has been asHl^neil. lOlimm Wolverlou ut NeWink, and the returned to a parson, and J:.«v. Dan- 1 it;, eonfurritil wltfi -tho other heI"**J ptihlk In, this cutii y nt th.; ffoftton y hear a word about cows any more. An odd' feature of the transfer Is lute Chester Wolverlon, a well-known fu.st fall. H(ui;<t>.r C< Kut the spell A-aa broken .Monday •tt>l llnllcron hat* never iiuard a word was learned thai th< borough attorney they n{freed to let the man from lawyer of Clinton. nli'h made It one of the clilufa-n* lie find Htnlon. srimo was not yyet ready tt> pass upon cer- that Ituv.Mr. Hnlleron has been jiti* 'imoklyn liavis the farm for SI 1,000 awyer ... _ f the sti(utnv.*tn t ppKl s in hl« plupintt - lornlng of tiiii' wi-<>k wliuii Walter tain p uion cer tor <»f the Washington church o.il Thiity-tl.re.' yuurs ax<> hla inind ii'eveling of ChatiLtewater eutue .intu 1 think I'll tnlic tiy letter ^a1l f the o,ue»tlon and ash, .ikactiu^ an additional con»irier- av ftnui nnd it Is ^ t.-ry tmich to the fjrati- Rapt ^d"f.-i ono jvar, which \n a radical depart itlm for the uirpc-ta on the Hoor and gave way and since tli.-n liu Una 1iilii-al'ou <>i hl.s roii.stltiu'nt.s to learn riifthluylon with a drove of four tii...n.:Mieot oi' the aub- tiro from the 'usual custom. Tho .he Kiain in the Krutinil. d upon as. a . hanrilt.-HH but \ iyj titat iiu stood .str..iiKly for IIIH avr>vvi>d or live cows for IPmce's .HlutiKlitcr a • ft'W days. On thia account shantre, however,.,was tint alt'ijcothor uric character "f this n*»tqhl • •. , prUu/lplcs when MIL- IIJIIK W.-I« up fur house. The'route led them up llorii- MAJOU nrnmi'iil waa taken for two Tlimiipsou appeared enthusiastic— Ii •will be disposed of, bar- unuiitiuiput'-d, f«r th>: -. reason that ii 'lif Would hstvy cement lloors put xHih afflktlon reiUJlieil in an Jvtm-siiloiation last Wi-uk. • l-aker sireut and th«-n.'; Into Wush- Itov. Mr. llalleroii him always ex- tl- : • - - - t aveniie. uiti>xpWti'd ••listai-los,-at the pressed ft piefurcnce fur u city . pas- iiiif,' on, April. I'J thu cows.waa a nic The mattiT of d.,iiiitliii,' *50 turate. ThU was the iir.«u country : charge-'tie had hold since first enter- Juhu R lU'.viiolijH I'Mst. G. A. It., waa ing the ministry. Tliu uivateat surprise -1 caused hy , the asMlgnnit-'nts uin-lo by \ Ulshop Ncely was the: removal, of Vtev. Dr. Uharlos I*. Alead, of the Centenary chiiivh, Newark. Xcitwitjif.'iaudinK that iht- members of this'' church, headed by a IIUKO delejjation.of Iniiu- ential wnn-cii. had requested .nud eii- tri-iito<i the I'ishop f> return tills 'popular ministerUj them, the Itishon, : iKiinrvil - thuir re'iueatH and assigned I htm to the pastorate of the First I feint.-. Of roiir.«o. It was dead ... Church. Hoboken. Tlin iinimnnr.-. I for iJoi:hy.au(l -sito tore up thfc «od t appr rx|)1alncd thnt Mi Post la deserving of merit w.i.-> rui-fivvd with hlxsea ami j «iilt lufr own itliTtaui'L' as .she .Vit:u ciatinff tin lust oppurtuniil(\s of the tins appropriation when the I''shop announced that 11e'•". p more BO now than pered arotimi the houso. Hut t-ov.s, rpast thro . yf-iirf. a feffeww yturs anoo when there were A. C. Mi^Jr.-it would W th"ir new pa.**-' like folks, M--1 loo fi-lskv at times. Inl A few men are working ul the plant lots of live soldiers, and few dead ones "We d — •''• '.'naos they generally come to "«w. Thuy are innlctiiK some v«,M..h» lie In the-local cemeteries. Now there : Becky's miish was sudden and I fpf t Empire Slowl •* .lrnn^Cn..Tho. are iminyilciKi Init fmv living. Hej, -itieii;• employed um former workmen "said it was incumbent, upon the local : AvFio h'ave eliiiius against the company 'fost to decorate: tho graves of 96 " for labor. Wins has given them per- comrades and the appropriation of mlti.'-i'jii ttt work out their claims in •$50 would lillow them, only GG centH this manner. ''' • a i;rave. The donation was promptly One •Tresh attachiiiiwim n ,nas beeoeen made, following this explanation. made on the WniXVm HH ui.wty durlng\thminns.Miie pospast - - WintermuteWintermut , ththe street :l(. This Is to satJsTy•.'••>-clnim-inf"-spririUifr titan, had a petilion asking the Warren Tidings'!' Printfne""c<w! "foi"rtn^r!viieffe uguln this :?ear and 11 which-ls owned by Mr. Petty, for Silfli ™ granted o- n th-e —...aun0 terms ae. Ed\v;«rd Toby, the man whom "Wills beforeethat—tha,i is to say, upon the pay- had arrested on a charge of^embez- ment of $1,0. ^Ir. Wintermtite took -'.llng money realized from thoYsale'of occasion to Inform the Council that stocks;tocl;s,. wawaa .released from Relvidenj ho had been obliged1 to rop.iir his out jail l 1 1 ' ni*£'"mother' '•' ami li"*t• "' " coscott b-.i JSO last .collected only $J7 He n'iittui- wit'h -.Mr. " Wills thrcraoits• to abandoabandi n the jobjob-:-unlein less, ' ih*» latter'? intercessirth ' '""^.r^.tronize him.better this year, uv ituir*A-''i'nn- *...«"„-. I The sidewalk committee reported tluit a.1 request had been made by West, .; York." Curl ton' avenue residents,-asking1 for I The Star lias received the following pidewalKs, and added that an investi- se'f-explanatury letter from. Clarence gation which tlie.commltto had made I M. -Smith ,t Co.
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