In Re: Sean Shaw Case No.: FEC 15-268 ______/

TO: Sean Shaw Division of Elections 1518 West Fig Street 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 Tampa, FL 33606 Tallahassee, FL 32399


A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on, February 17, 2016 at 9:00 am, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Florida State Conference Center, 555 West Pensacola Street, Room #108, Tallahassee, Florida 32306.

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106.25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission. However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard.

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission. In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard.

If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission.

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date. As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission’s recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing.

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing.

See further instructions on the reverse side.

Amy McKeever Toman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission February 2, 2016

NOH FEC # 15-268 Please refer to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing:

If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your failure to file a campaign treasurer’s report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (1) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely. You are required to prove your case. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part. The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106.265, Florida Statutes. If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation(s) alleged.

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida’s election laws. Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staff in its recommendation incorrectly applied the law to the facts of the case. Respondent may not testify, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing. The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occurred or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced.

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pursuant Sections 120.569 and 120.57(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B-1.004, Florida Administrative Code. At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause. The Respondent will be permitted to testify. However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify.

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Probable Cause. At Respondent’s request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent’s actions in the case were willful. The Respondent may also address the appropriateness of the recommended fine. If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing. A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk.

NOH FEC # 15-268 : :~-J{ ' •\ "i '! •


Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Agency Case No.: FEC 15-268 v. F.O. No.: FOFEC <#> Sean Shaw, Respondent.


Respondent, Sean Shaw, and the Florida Elections Commission (Commission) agree that this Consent Orde1 resolves all of the issues between the paities in this case.. The parties jointly stipulate to the following facts, conclusions of law, and order


L On October 13, 2015, the staff of the Commission issued a Staff

Recommendation, recommending to the Commission that the1e was probable cause to believe that Respondent violated Chapter 106, F101ida Statutes.

2 On December 4, 2015, the Commission entered an Order of Probable Cause finding that there was probable cause to chaige the Respondent with the following violations:

Count 1: On or about April 6, 2015, Respondent violated Section 106 07(2)(b)L, Florida Statutes, when Respondent failed to timely make necessary amendments to the campaign's 2014 P7 Report

Consent Order-Post PC FEC Case # l 5·268 1 Count 2: On or about April 6, 2015, Respondent violated Section 106..07(2)(b)L, Florida Statutes, when Respondent failed to timely make necessary amendments to the campaign's 2014 GI Report 3.. Respondent expressed a desire to enter into negotiations directed toward reaching

a consent agreement.

4.. Respondent and staff stipulate to the following facts:

A. Respondent was a candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, District 61, during the 2014 primary election cycle B.. The Division of Elections mailed letters to Respondent on January 8, 2015, February 6, 2015, and February 19, 2015, informing Respondent that the campaign's 2014 P7 Report and 2014 GI Report were incomplete and required an amendment Respondent's 2014 P7 Report contained a contribution refund reported incorrectly D. Respondent's 2014 GI Report contained a reimbursement without a corresponding other distribution Despite having received three written reminders from the Division, Respondent failed to make timely amendments to his campaign's 2014 P7 and his 2014 G 1 Reports CONCLUSIONS OF LAW

5.. The Commission has jurisdiction over the parties to and subject matter of this cause, pursuant to Section I 06 26, Florida Statutes

6 The Commission staff and the Respondent stipulate that although he violations chatged in the Order of Probable Cause may not have been knowingly committed all elements of the violations can be proven by clear and convincing evidence ..


7. Respondent and the staff of the Commission have entered into this Consent Order voluntarily and upon advice of counsel

8.. Respondent shall bear his own attorney's fees and costs that are in anyway

Consent Order -Post PC FEC Case# l 5-268 2 associated with this case

9. The Commission will consider the Consent Oider at its next available meeting ..

10.. Respondent voluntruily waives the right to ruiy further proceedings under

Chapters 104, 106, ruid 120, Florida Statutes, ruid the right to appeal the Consent Order

11 This Consent Order is enforceable under Sections 106265 and 120.69, Florida

Statutes.. Respondent expressly waives any venue privileges and agrees that if enforcement of this Consent Orde1 is necessary, venue shall be in Leon County, Floiida, ruid Respondent shall be responsible for all fees and costs associated with enforcement

12 If the Commission does not receive the signed Consent Orde1 and the penalty by

Jruiuruy 20, 2016, the staff withdraws this offe1 of settlement and will proceed with the case.

13 Payment of the civil penalty by cashier's check, or money 01der, good for at least 120 days, or attorney trust account check, is a condition precedent to the Commission's consideration of the Consent 01de1


WHEREFORE, based upon the foregoing facts and conclusions oflaw, the Commission finds that the Respondent has violated the following provisions of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, ruid imposes the following fine:

A Respondent has violated Section 106.07(2)(b) 1 , Floiida Statutes, on 2

occasions for failing to timely make necessruy amendments to his campaign's 2014 P7

and his 2014 GI Report Respondent is fined $75.00 for each of the 2 counts for a total

of$150 .. 00

Therefore it is

Consent Order -Post PC FEC Case# I 5··268 3 ORDERED that the Respondent shall remit to the Commission a civil penalty in the amount of$150.00, inclusive of fees and costs .. The civil penalty shall be paid cashier's check or money order, good for at least 120 days, or attorney trust account check. The civil penalty shall be payable to the Florida Elections Commission, 107 West Gaines Street, Collins Building, Suite

224, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-1050

and consents to the ter s of this Co ent Order on

Shaw 1518 West Fig Tampa, FL 33606

f ommission staff hereby agrees and consents to the terms of this Consent Order on \jr\likk\.~ \3 ,2016 \J~~!& ~ k) i\ kmzy Jaakan A Williams Assistant General Counsel F loiida Elections Commission 107 West Gaines Street The Collins Building, Suite 224 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Approved by the Florida Elections Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting held on February 17-18, 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida

M Scott Thomas, Chairman Florida Elections Commission

Copies furnished to: Jaakan A. Williams, Assistant General Counsel Sean Shaw, Respondent Division of Elections, Complainant

Consent Order -Post PC FEC Case# 15-268 4 ·i


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. Serial No .. d82a3o Issued in US Dollars

Pa}' to ~he order of

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\ 15 DEC -·l~


Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 15-268 v.

Sean Shaw, Respondent.


THIS MATTER was heaid by the Fl01ida Elections Commission (Commission) at its regulaily scheduled meeting on November 17, 2015, in I allahassee, Florida

Based on the Complaint, Report of Investigation, Staffs Recommendation, and oral statements made at the probable cause hearing, the Commission finds that there is probable cause to chaige Respondent with the following violations:

Count 1

On or about April 6, 2015, Respondent violated Section 106 07(2)(b)L, Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely make necessary ainendments to the cainpaign's 2014 P7 Report


On or about April 6, 2015, Respondent violated Section 106 07(2)(b)L, Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely make necessary ainendments to the cainpaign's 2014G1 Report

P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07/14) FEC Case# 15-268 DONE AND ORDERED by the Fl01ida Elections Commission on Novembe1 17, 2015 ~IC- M .. Scott Thomas, Chahman Flo1ida Elections Commission

Copies furnished to: Jaakan A Williams, Assistant Geneial Counsel Sean Shaw, Respondent Division of Elections, Complainant

As the Respondent, you may elect to resolve this case in several ways First, you may elect to resolve this case by consent order where you and Commission staff agree to resolve the violation(s)s and agree to the amount of the fine The consent order is then presented to the Commission for its approval.. To discuss a consent order, contact the FEC attorney identified in the Orde1 of Probable Cause .. Second, you may request an info1mal hearing held before the Commission, if you do not dispute any mateiial fact in the Staff Recommendation You have 30 days fiom the date the Order of Pwbable Cause is filed with the Commission to request such a heaiing The date this orde1 was filed appeais in the uppe1 right-hand corne1 of the first page of the orde1. At the heaiing, you will have the right to make written or oral ai guments to the Commission concerning the legal issues related to the violation(s) and the potential fine At the request of Respondent, the Commission will consider and determine willfulness at an info1mal hearing Othetwise, live witness testimony is unnecessary Thiid, you may request a fo1mal hearing held before an administrative lawjudge in the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), if you dispute any material fact in the Staff Recommendation .. You have 30 days from the date the Order of Probable Cause is filed with the Commission to 1equest such a heaiing .. The date this order was filed appears in the upper Iight­ hand corner of the first page of the order.. At the heaiing, you will have the right to present evidence relevant to the violation(s) listed in this order, to cross-examine opposing witnesses, to impeach any witness, and to rebut the evidence presented against you. If you do not elect to 1esolve the case by consent ordet or 1equest a formal heaiing at the DOAH 01 an informal heaiing before the Commission within 30 days of the date this 01der of Probable Cause is filed with the Commission, the case will be sent to the Commission fo1 a fotmal or infotmal hearing, depending on whethe1 the facts are in dispute The date this 01der was filed appeais in the uppet right-hand comer of the fast page of the orde1

P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07/14) FEC Case# 15-268 Io request a hearing, please send a written request to the Commission Clerk, Donna Ann Malphurs .. The address of the Commission Clerk is 107 W. Gaines Street, Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 .. The telephone number is (850) 922-4539 .. The Clerk will provide you with a copy of Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and other applicable rules upon request. No mediation is available.

P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07 /14) FEC Case# 15-268 STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION

In Re: Sean Shaw Case No.: FEC 15-268 ______/

TO: Sean Shaw Division of Elections 1518 West Fig Street 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 Tampa, FL 33606 Tallahassee, FL 32399


A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on, November 17, 2015 at 10:30 AM, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399.

Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing. Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106.25, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows:

If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission. However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard.

If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission. In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard.

If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission.

Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date. As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission’s recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing.

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing.

See further instructions on the reverse side.

Amy McKeever Toman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission November 2, 2015

NOH FEC # 15-268 Please refer to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing:

If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your failure to file a campaign treasurer’s report on the designated due date and, by filing an appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (1) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure to file the report timely. You are required to prove your case. If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstances that excused the failure, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part. The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106.265, Florida Statutes. If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstances, the fine will be upheld.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed and become public. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived.

If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another hearing to determine if the Respondent committed the violation(s) alleged.

If this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida’s election laws. Respondent should be prepared to explain how the staff in its recommendation incorrectly applied the law to the facts of the case. Respondent may not testify, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing. The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occurred or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another hearing at which evidence may be introduced.

If this is an informal hearing, it will be conducted pursuant Sections 120.569 and 120.57(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 and Commission Rule 2B-1.004, Florida Administrative Code. At the hearing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Probable Cause. The Respondent will be permitted to testify. However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify.

Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not support the violations charged in the Order of Probable Cause. At Respondent’s request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent’s actions in the case were willful. The Respondent may also address the appropriateness of the recommended fine. If Respondent claims that his limited resources make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing. A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk.

NOH FEC # 15-268 Page 1of1 ( (

Case No 15-268 (Sean Shaw) Sean Shaw to: Florida Elections Commission 10/28/2015 11 :26 AM Show Details

1 Attachment ~ FEC letter-268 (T104725lxB2E7A) docx

Dear Ms .. Malphurs,

I am in receipt of your letter of October 14, 2015 I would ask the Commission to take into account my letters of April 10, 2015 in which I address the charges .. On such letter is attached hereto I responded to the Division's letters as best I could and even sent an email on February 24, 2015 Thank you

SeanM Shaw a: 1518 West Fig Tampa, FL 33606 e: seanmichaelsha" t: @sshawfl p: 8132216860 f:"

file:///C :/Users/Malphursd/App Data/Local/I emp/notesF CBCEE/-web8325 htm 10/28/2015 I' '

SeanM .. Shaw 1518 W Fig St Tampa, FL 33606 Ap1il 10, 2015

Donna Ann Malphurs Agency Clerk Florida Elections Commission 107 W Gaines St Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Re: Case No: FEC 15-268

Deai Ms Malphms,

I received yom ce1tified letter regaiding this matter on Maich 29, 2014 According to the lette1, the repo1ts at issue are 2014 Pl, 2014 GI, and 2014 IR I will address each repo1t below

2014 P7 - I made several amendments to this report in response to each notice that I received regaiding enors or missing information Moreove1, on Februaiy 24, 2015, I emailed ChiefK1isti Bronson with the following message (attached hereto):

I received the notice asking me to update my 1epo1ts Hopefolly, the updates I made today will add1ess most of the issues Howevei, I still have not figmed out why there is an outstanding balance. I know this is incorrect because I had to put in pe1sonal money at the end I have 1equested the foll bank statement from my bank so that I can compare the statement to my filed 1epo1ts and correct the issue .. I am trying to comply as fast as possible with your requests.. If you have anything else that you need from me please let me know. I was a candidate for House Seat 61 in I ampa but lost in the primary.. Thank you

I did not receive a 1esponse to this email It appeais that my final attempt at amendment was Ma1ch 9, 2015 .. I filed several amendments on vaiious 1epo1ts that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then The eno1 repo1t attached to the Februaiy 19, 2015 letter states that two candidate loan 1epayment entries were flagged as Incorrect Distributed Amount I am unsure as to the meaning of that enor. These entries (seq #15 and seq #28) reflect 1epayments of personal loans that I made to the campaign In an attempt to conect the en ors, I 1eforenced 1eports P6andG1 in the comment sections of these entiies .. Repo1t P6 reflects a $2000 loan I made to the campaign and 1epo1t GI reflects a $1700 loan I made to the campaign. These loans

II 047251 DOCX; I ( constitute the bulk of the amount that was being repaid by seq # 15 and #28 on the P7 report

2014 Gl - I made several amendments to this report as well in response to each notice that I received regarding enors or missing information It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015 I filed several amendments on various reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then .. The error report attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that seq #25 was flagged as Reimbursement without corresponding other distribution I am unsure as to the meaning of that error However, after a review of my records it is apparent that this entry reflects Salary and is not a reimbursement for, or related to, supplies

2014 TR- The email that was sent on February 24, 2015 was triggered by this report As stated in the email, I filed several amendments on various reports on March 9, 2015 because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then .. Upon receipt, I reviewed my foll bank statement and compared it to my filed reports Io the best of my ability, I updated the reports to address any discrepancies between the bank statement and the reports.. Please note, I changed campaign depositories in June 2013 from Suntrust Bank to Sabadell The statements that I have reviewed are the Sabadell statements .. I am feverishly attempting to gather the Suntrust statements Notwithstanding this fact, by looking at the filed reports one can see that I gave the campaign account personal money as late as September 2014 This September 2014 transaction was to prevent the campaign account from being overdrawn .. In other words, there was/is no remaining balance The email referenced throughout this letter reflects that fact

In conclusion, I hope that these explanations are sufficient If not, please contact me via email ([email protected]), phone (8132216860), or mail (physical address above) As you can see, I take filing reports and responding to notices related thereto very seriously. To the best of my recollection, I amended the reports in response to every notice that I received in an attempt to address the errors Thank you for your consideration


SeanM Shaw


In Re: Sean M. Shaw Case No.: FEC 15-268


Pursuant to section 106.25(4)(c), Florida Statutes, undersigned staff counsel files this w1itten recommendation for disposition of the complaint in this case recommending that there is probable cause to charge Respondent with violating Section 106.07(2)(b)l., Florida Statutes Based upon a thmough review of the Repmt oflnvestigation submitted on September 9, 2015, the following facts and law suppo1t this staff recommendation:

L On March 10, 2015, the Florida Elections Commission ("Commission") received a refonal from the Depaitment of State, Division of Elections ("Complainant") alleging that Sean M. Shaw ("Respondent") violated Chapter 106, Florida Statutes

2.. Respondent was a candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, District 61, during the 2014 primary election cycle ..

3 Complainant alleged that Respondent failed to file an addendum to his 2014 P7, 2014 GI, and the 2014 IR Repmts after receiving notice the reports were incomplete

4. By letter dated April 29, 2015, the Executive Director notified Respondent that Commission staff would investigate the following statutory provision:

Section 106.07(2)(b)l., Florida Statutes: Respondent, a 2014 candidate for the office of State Representative, District 61, and acting as his own t1easurer, failed to timely make necessaiy amendments to his 2014 P7, GI, and IR reports, as alleged in the complaint

Alleged Violation: Section 106.07(2)(b)l., Florida Statutes

5. On Januaiy 15, 2013, Respondent filed his Appointment of Cainpaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates form ("DS-DE 9") and appointed himself as campaign treasurer (ROI Exhibit 1) 1

6. By letters dated January 8, 2015, February 6, 2015, and Februaiy 19, 2015, the Division informed Respondent that his 2014 P7, 2014 GI, and his 2014 IR Repmts were

1 The Report of Investigation is referred to herein as "ROI"

Staff Recommendation FEC 15-268 I incomplete and required an amendment The letters advised Respondent to amend each of the above three reports within seven days from receipt of the notice As a courtesy, the Division attached an en or report to each of the letters explaining the items that required an amendment (ROI Exhibits 2-5)

7 Table 1 referenced below provides a detailed list of the errors associated with each report (See ROI, page 2)

Report Error

2014 P7 Contribution 1efund rep01ted inco11ectly 2014 GI Reimbmsement without corresponding Other Distiibution 2014 IR Reflects balance afte1 te1mination 1ep01t

8. Respondent submitted a Wiitten response to the refonal dated April 10, 2015 Respondent stated that he filed the amended reports on Match 9, 2015 Respondent explained, "I have requested the foll bank statement from my bank so that I can compare the statement to my filed repo1ts and conect the issue I still have not figmed out why there is an outstanding balance. I know this is inconect because I had to put in personal money at the end" (ROI Exhibit 6)

9 On June 8, 2015, Kristi Bronson, Bmeau Chief~Division of Elections, confirmed in an email to Commission staff that Respondent has filed amended campaign reports but the reports are still not correct (ROI Exhibit 7)

10 In a sworn affidavit-questionnaire received on August 25, 2015, Respondent explained that it was his understanding that the amendments he filed on Match 9, 2015 corrected all outstanding errors except for the TR. Respondent explained there was a delay in amending the reports because he was waiting to receive bank records so that he could compare the bank statements to the reports filed and conect the issue (ROI Exhibit 8)

11 Despite having 1eceived th1ee w1itten reminde1s from the Division, Respondent failed to make timely amendments to his campaign's 2014 P7 and 2014 Gl Repo1ts after 1eceiving notice from the Division that the 1eports required an amendment, in violation of Section 106 .. 07(2)(b)l, Florida Statutes Respondent's 2014 Termination Report reflected a surplus balance, which is a violation of Section 106 .. 141(1), Flo1ida Statutes, and is not a violation of Section 106.07(2)(b)1 .. , Flo1ida Statutes, due to an e1ror (ROI Exhibits 2-5)2

2 In its referral, the Division of Elections did not allege a violation of Section 106 141(1), Florida Statutes, due to Respondent's campaign surplus after the 2014 IR was filed Therefore, the Commission was precluded from investigating that section of law

Staff Recommendation FEC 15-268 2 12 "Probable Cause" is defined as 1easonable grounds of suspicion suppo1ted by circumstances sufficiently strong to wanant a cautious person in the belief that the person has committed the offense charged Schmitt v State, 590 So 2d 404, 409 (Fla. 1991) Probable cause exists where the facts and circumstances, of which an [investigator] has reasonably trnstwo1thy info1mation, are sufficient in themselves for a reasonable man to reach the conclusion that an offense has been committed. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles v Favino, 667 So2d 305, 309 (Fla .. 1" DCA 1995}.

13. The facts set forth above show that Respondent was a candidate for State Rep1esentative, District 61, during the 2014 election cycle, and he served as his own campaign treasurer. During his campaign, Respondent failed to make timely amendments to his campaign's 2014 P7 and his 2014 Gl Reports after receiving multiple written notices from the Division that the reports were incomplete ..

Based upon these facts and circumstances, I 1ecommend that the Commission find probable cause to charge Respondent with violating the following statutory provision:

Count 1:

On or about April 6, 2015, Respondent violated Section 106..07(2)(b)L, Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely make necessary amendments to the campaign's 2014 P7 Report

Count 2:

On or about April 6, 2015, Respondent violated Section 106..07(2)(b)L, Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely make necessary amendments to the campaign's 2014 Gl Report

Respectfolly submitted on October I& Jit , 2015.

Jaakan A Williams Assistant General Counsel

of October 2015

Amy McKeever man Executive Dir ctor

Staff'Rccommendation FEC 15-268 3 ,.· I ( '


Respondent: Sean M. Shaw Counsel for Respondent: None Complainant: Division of Elections Counsel for Complainant: None

Pursuant to Section 106 25, Florida Statutes, on March 10, 2015, the Florida Elections Commission received information from the Division of Elections alleging that Respondent violated Chapter 106, Florida Statutes.. The Division's referral was mandated pursuant to Section 106 .. 07(8)(d), Florida Statutes Commission staff~ therefore, investigated whether Respondent violated the following statute:

Section 106 07(2)(b) 1, Florida Statutes, failure of the treasurer of a candidate to file an addendum to an incomplete report after receiving notice from the filing officer.. I. Preliminary Information: 1. Respondent was a candidate for Florida House of Representatives, District 61 He was defeated in the August 26, 2014 primary by Edwin Narain 2 Respondent filed his Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates form (DS-DE 9) on January 15, 2013.. He appointed himself as campaign treasurer for his campaign. To review the DS-DE 9, refer to Exhibit 1. 3 Complainant is the Division of Elections (Division) 4. Respondent's filing officer is Kristi Reid-Bronson, Chief, Bureau of Election Records IL Alleged Violation of Section 106 .. 07(2)(b}l, Florida Statutes: 5 I investigated whether Respondent violated this section of the election laws by not filing amendments to the 2014 P7 Report, 2014 GlReport and the 2014 termination report (TR) 6 Ms Bronson stated in an affidavit that Respondent's 2014 P7 Report, 2014 Gl Report and TR were deemed incomplete. Ms Bronson provided records that showed that Respondent was notified in writing that the reports should be amended .. 7. On January 8, 2015, the Division mailed a notification letter to Respondent, informing him that the 2014 P7 Report, 2014 Gl Report and TR were incomplete The letter reads, " you have 7 days from receipt of this notice to file an amended report to correct errors or provide missing information .. " To review the letter, refer to Exhibit 2 8 An error report was attached to the letter The table below shows the errors listed on the error report

Inv002 (7 /08) 1 (

Repo1t Errnr

2014 P7 Contribution refund reported inconectly 2014 GI Reimbursement without conesponding Other Distiibution 2014 TR Reflects balance after termination report

To review the e1ro1 repo1t, 1efer to Exhibit 3 9 On Febrnaiy 6, 2015, the Division mailed a second notice to Respondent regaiding the need to ainend the th1ee 1eports. An e1101 report was also included To review the letter and error rep01t, refer to Exhibit 4 I 0.. The "Final Notice" was mailed to Respondent on Februaiy 19, 2015 The letter reads, Pursuant to Section 106..07(2), F101ida Statutes, you have 7 days from receipt of this letter to conect the errors or provide missing information.. Please be advised that if you fail to comply with this request, the Division will fo1ward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for fi.11the1 action To 1eview the Final Notice and e11or 1eport, refer to Exhibit 5 11 On April 10, 2015, Respondent submitted a response to the complaint He stated that he filed the ainended reports on March 9, 2015 He added, "To the best of my ability, I updated the rep01ts to address any discrepancies between the bank statement and the reports " To review Respondent's written statement, refer to Exhibit 6 12 On June 8, 2015, I received an e-mail from Ms Bronson, Respondent's filing officer.. Ms Bronson stated that Respondent had filed amendments but "rep01ts are still not conect" To review Ms B1onson's e-mail, refer to Exhibit 7 13 Respondent stated in a questionnaire affidavit that it was his understanding that the amendments he filed on March 9, 2015 conected the enors except for a reimbursement that was reported on the 2014 GI Report. He stated that there was a delay in amending the repo1ts because he was waiting to receive bank records so that he could compare the bank statements to the 1ep01ts filed and correct the issue .. To ieview Respondent's affidavit, refer to Exhibit 8 14 No record of Respondent having previously violated this section of the election laws was found III. FEC History: 15 Respondent has not had any prior cases before the Commission Conclusion: 16 On September 8, 2015, I interviewed Respondent by telephone I summaiized the issue addiessed in the Rep01t of Investigation and asked if he had any final comments He reiterated that there was a delay in filing the amended rep01ts because he wanted to get all of his bank records before filing the amendments I told him that the information displayed on the

Inv002 (7 /08) 2 / (

Division's website still showed a balance .. He stated that he reviewed all of the bank statements and several of the campaign repmts and could not find the error so he didn't know what to do .. He stated that he spoke with someone at the Division who assisted him with filing the distribution report (2014 GI) and reporting the ref\!nd (2014 P7) but he could not figUie out why the IR did not "zew out " 17.. On January 16, 2013, the Division mailed a letter to Respondent acknowledging that Respondent's name had been placed on the 2014 active candidate list. The letter teads, "It is yoUI responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirement of Florida's election laws. The1efo1e, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapters 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Candidate and Campaign Treasurer's Handbook, 2013 Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Rule lS-2 017, Flmida Administrative Code" Io review the letter from the Division, refer to Exhibit 9 .. 18 Respondent stated in a questionnaire affidavit that he did not possess a copy of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, or the Candidate Handbook; however, he had read them He stated that he previously ran for the Flotida House of Representatives in 2008 Io teview Respondent's affidavit, refer to Exhibit 8 19. On January 15, 2013, Respondent signed the statement of candidate fotm certifying that he had been provided access to read and undetstand the requirements of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes Io review the statement of candidate form, refer to Exhibit 10

Respectfolly submitted on September 9, 2015.

lnv002 (7 /08) 3 .. Curr~t(~ ~~ilre~s df ~espon •'"-'·· ''_ ··- _s;_, __ ,;' --- Mr. Sean M .. Shaw 1518 West Fig Street Tampa, Florida 33606-1604

Division of Elections RA Gray Building, Room 316 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 :NaJi~l(!ld AdJ~e~sof Fllf~g Offic~~. > <<- < ·:-.-. Ms. Kristi Reid- Bronson, Chief Bureau of Elections Records 500 South Bronough Street, Room 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Copy furnished to: Mr.. David Flagg, Investigations Manager


>• .. :-~----~;,~&<>_-. ·.... xr"~~: -. __ <,,._~~-1frv-.--_:, ,, :-_>_--:-.~~> ! ·, f.· ...• ~:~ ...•. ;··.~··:; .. l ~JJ)~'I;·O:F~~.J:!I~TfS:{ ....· ... Al~t'< :·.·;.\~~;·Jj•:·• -._ :':·\ " .· :.•'ifi.. i. •:•i -> 'J. ,_Ye ,_ '\'( " -- -_ ,_'<> ',\t'<,,' "':.:-Sy}'.-)~;-+_' - .- '\> ~t .: Exhibits #s Description of Exhibits .. .. · Exhibit 1 DS-DE9 Exhibit 2 Lette1 Dated 01/08/15 Exhibit 3 Eno1 Rep01t Exhibit 4 Letter Dated 02/06/15 Exhibit 5 Final Notice Exhibit 6 Respondent's Written Response Exhibit 7 Ms .. Bronson's E-mail Exhibit 8 Respondent's Affidavit Exhibit 9 Acknowledgement Letter Exhibit 10 Statement of Candidate

Inv004 (5/08) I I


NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying officer b re o enin the campai n account. OFFICE USE ONLY CK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): Initial Fiiing of Form Re··filing to Change: O Treasurer/Deputy O Depository 0 Office 0 Party 2 Nam~ of Candidate (in this(°rder: First, Middle, Las!) 3 Address {include post office box or street, city, state, zip

. "S(Ci.A__ /I!\ tC ktte s~qv-) ---l code) 930 E ..::r:.o{(e_,,o,l j Av1:... 4. Telephone 5. E-mail addreR_s ( 8() ) .,22((,oG>O ~t ... J\e 5"'"',,.../d'ii'<3!'iJ. c.,,.,_ Ta. °', FL 3 5l=>t>Lf . . ------1 6 Office sought (include district, circuit, group number) 7. If a candidate for a none~!!. office, check if applicable: P( ,_',JGA f{Cf<~- <)eq{-- 0 { 0 My intent Is to run as a Write-In candidate t------0 8 If a candidate for a partisan office, check bloc nd fill In name of party as applicable: My intent Is to run as a 0 Write-In 0 No Party Affiliation l)e'Ytrf(etf- ··--Party candidate 9 I have appointed the following person to act as my ~Campaign Treasurer O Deputy Treasurer 10 Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer I l t. _ <){"'-~ ___LVlcc,\At{e,. _5Vtciv0 11 Mailing :dre;. ldl~~t(J A~<:: --,--~·-.-·--~]-;2-?;;e-;e-~-h~n-~(-p-!f{:,-~-----~~ 13 .. City 14. Count I 15. State 1'36. ~I~ ~o~e ~E-mail addrE/ss -~ Jy J ff-ii( I\.. F-C Jc.u \. cy 5~o.'\e_~i\aw W'TIDl'r o.·c:o""' 18. I have designated the following bank a my D Primary Depository 0 Secondary Depository

19.NameofBank~.-\~--r- 120 Addres~~--_2' f~.l~lad( ·lfvJ~

21 city la c;, 22 f(:u,n{[s bl'cw l 23 stt-l 23z3z~ez

UNDER .PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING FORM FOR APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY ANO THAT THE FACTS TEO IN IT ARE TRUE 25 Date ( s f'3 x 27 Treasurer's Acceptance of Aphintment (fill in the blanks and check the appropriate block) < <' I, ---· ,/f:. Ll./\. .J oiW . ···- , do hereby accept the appointment (Please Print_,.. or Type Name) designated above as: W Campaign Treasurer 0 I ;f :s/Q_ __ x I Date ----- Signal DS·DE 9 (Rev .. 10/10) IEXHIBIT _--'-f__ _ Rule 15-2.. 0001, FA.C. (


January 8, 2015 Sean Shaw 1518 west fig st Tampa, FL.33606

Re: CAN 60212

Dear Mr Shaw: The Division of Elections has dete1mined that the following report is incomplete for the reasons noted in the attached error report

Y!em lype 2014 P7 8/9114 - 8/21114 2014 G1 8/22/14 - 8129/14 2014 TR 8/30/14 - 11/24/14

Pursuant to Section I 06 07(2), Florida Statutes, you have 7 days from receipt of this notice to file an amended report to correct errors or provide missing information If the information has been reported accurately, provide a written explanation to the Division addressing the issue noted in the error report Please be advised that failure to supply this information within the time allowed may constitute a violation of Chapter I06, Florida Statutes

lfyou need assistance in filing an amendment, please contact the Division's help line at (850} 245 .. 6280

Sincerely,.. .-- _.,--~·- 41/•""'/-{:~~ . Kristi Reid Bronson Chief, Bmeau of Election Records Attachment EXHIBtT _.e-..2i...... __ __

Room .316 RA. Gray Building o 500 South Bronough Street o Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 o (850) 245-6280 FAX: (850) 245-6260 o WWW Address: htip:f/www.dos.stale lilus o E-Mail: DivE/elfions@dos·.stateflus Page 1 ~1512015 ID'lda Oiljail'boont of State - mmmn of~ _Fri'fll'_R~ -- Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P7 (18) Covering Period: 8/9114 - 8121114 Account: 60212 lllrllrutl!m

~ !!9 Oate Name Address City/State/Zip Expenditure Purpose Amount Amend $HAW SEAN 15 08/21114 930 E lOLE.WILD AVE 1AMPA Fl RMB CANOJOATE LOAN REPAYMENT $2,000.00 UPD .. Incorrect Distributed A.mount ------·------SHAW SEAN 930 E !OLEWILO AVE lAMPA FL 3-3604 CANDIDATE LOAN REPAYMENT ~8'' 3121/14 RMB $2,000.00 UPD "'lncortect Distributed Amount lll'il T!'iWlfW~ tli!wll'®~


I­m \'" __,; ~ 11812015 ffm'illlllll1ill!l'illllflliO'i3iaW ·~Of~ Page 1 !!®!\M000~ Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P7 (18) Covering Penod: 8/9/14 • 8121/14 Account: 60212 llm'liiil


~I!&------Expendituve ------Seg Qfil! Name ~ ~ Amount ~ .E8£ Oescnption 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 15 8/2112014 SHAW SEAN MON $2.000.00 106.07 Contribution refund reported inco.nectlv za 812112014 SHAW SEAN MON $2,000.00 lllt i@l'&i ',__ ,. 100' Dll1i'i!!l.!1:l1lm R0port: 2014 G1 (19) Covering Penod: 8/22/14. 8/29/14 Account: 60212


~~ ------E iqHi n d ii u r0 ------~------... ------Date Name City Amount S1atute !'AC Description Seq ~ 106.07 Re1mbu

~ lll!ill!lft



Second Notice

February 6, 2015

Sean Shaw 1518 west fig st Tampa, FL 33606

Re: CAN 60212

Dear Mr. Shaw:

On January 8, 2015, you were advised that one or more of your campaign treasurer's rep01ts were incomplete and that you had 7 days to provide the requested information

Our records indicate that changes to the report were made, however, the reports ar·e still incomplete Enclosed is a second enor report. Please provide the requested information within 7 days of the date of this letter Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely, d2~-t~~=$- K.risti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


EXHIBIT 4 /'4'.5r t j 1

Room 316 RA Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street o Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6280 f AX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: htto:!/www.dos.. • E.. Mail: DivE/ections!@mail dos. state fl us ~1512015 Page 1 Rorida lk\\l!O'lill&ut ontlltll - llilllil!lll of~ ------Erm'_Rl!l!Wt -- Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P? (18) Coveri11g Period: 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 Account: 60212 ~ ~ ------·------!!!! Date Name Address City/State/Zip Type Expenditure Purnose Amount Amend SHAW SEAN 930 E IDLE.WILD AVE CANDIDATE LOAN RE:PAYMENT 15 08/21/14 1AMPA FL RMB $2,000.00 UPD ~incorrect Distributed Amount ------SHAW SEAN 930 E IDlEWILO AVE CANDIDATE LOAN REPAYMENT 18 _121/14 lAMPA. Fl 3-3694 RMB $2,000.00 UPD ~incorrect Distributed Amount lm!Tl'Ul8fill'll


m :rx \_,, U' 2/1812015 flllfflli lltlll!ll'bil8lli of mate - ~ of ~ Page 1 ~~l!i& R5jtm't, __ Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P? (18) Covering Period: 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 Account: 60212 um!!


~ ------Expenditure ------Statute FAC Oesermtion Seg Date Name City ~ Amount 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 15 812112014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00 106 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 28 8/2112014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00 lffili~ iliili' Ii!:~ Report: 2014 G1 (19) Covering Period: 8/22/14 - 8/29114 Account: 60212 'lroffil


~ Expenditure Seg Date Name Illll!! Amount StaMe FAC Description 9!ll 106.07 Reimbursement without corresponding Other Distribution 25 8/26/2014 PATTYMlCHELLE MON $120.00

!l!li T~~ !:: llml'~ ~ ~ -Re. ;: 2014 TR (20) Covering Period: 8/30/14 - 11124/14 Account: 60212 (15 1n Statute !:££ Description 106.141 Reflects balance after termination report filed


~ l!l!l Tl'llm!i'&n

lill!l'~ Sum of Contributions vs Expenditures 2/5/2015 12:36:21 PM Sean Shaw 60212

Date of last Contribution: 9/5/14 OAfter

Year Report Contributions --·· -- --·------· ··-- 2013 Q1 $29,975.02 $3,375 22 $26,599.80 Q2 $34,702 50 $3,577 81 $57,724.49 03 $36,626 00 $4,692 75 $89,657.74 M10 $2,190.00 $1,647.00 $90,200.74

M11 $9,575 00 $7,454 28 $92,32146 M12 $10,720.00 $8, 178 76 $94,862.70 2014 M1 $10,425.00 $9,107 35 $96,180.35

M2 $10,070 00 $4,770.73 $101,479.62

M3 $15,500.00 $11,154.30 $105,825.32 M4 $5,050.00 $11, 138.02 $99,737 30

MS $10,699 46 $14,340.00 $96,096.76 ------·- - - P1 $6,452.00 $25,615.92 $76,932 84 P2 $1,055.00 $33,437 32 $44,550 52 P3 $5,050 00 $17,834 78 $31,765.74 P4 $4,550.00 $4,309 51 $32,006.23 PS $5,525.00 $19,973 37 $17,557.86 P6 $7,400 00 $5,645.84 $19,312.02 P7 $21,270.00 $13,110.58 $27,47144

G1 $1,70000 $1l 123 51 $12,047.93 TR $1,500.00 $325 03 $13,222.90 Campaign Total: $230,034 98 $216,812 08

EXHIBIT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Det:mer Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS FINAL NOTICE USPS TRACKING• 9114 9011 5981 8975 1046 82 Delivery Confirmation: & CUSTOMER For Tracking or irlqu/rfe$ go to USPS com RECEIPT Of call 1M900-22:2.-1811 Febrnary 19, 2015 Sean Shaw 1518 west fig st Tampa, FL 33606

Re: CAN 60212

Dear Mr. Shaw: You have previously been advised that the campaign treasu1er's repo1t(s) listed below is incomplete for the reasons noted in the attached el!o1 repo1t:

Year 1ype Cover Period 2014 P7 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 2014 G1 8/22/14 .. 8/29/14 2014 TR 8/30/14 - 11/24114 Pursuant to Section l 06.07(2), Florida Statutes, you have 7 days from receipt of this letter to conect errors or provide missing information If the info1mation has been reported accurately, you must provide a written explanation to the Division addressing the issue noted in the error report Please be advised that ifyou fail to comply with this request, the Division will forward this matter to the Fl01ida Elections Commission for fwther action. Section 106.265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation

If you need assistance in filing an amendment, please contact the Division's help line at (850) 245-6280 =z::;_~~w~ Kristi Reid Bronson Chief, Bureau of Election Records Attachment

Room 316 RA Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street " Tallahassee, Florida 32399.. 0250 • (850) 245-6280 J:' .& V · (24'f\\ ")Ji .c;:: J::."'1.,::fl - \l1'11UJ A A,,.i,• .,.,,.,. , f.,.f.f1r, .. /Jn·~"·"•· ~ ...... ,., ...... t't .,,..,. .., t;' loll ,..;J n,~, C'fh1••·~ ...... ,r,:;..,.J." .. ... t,.t.. , 17 .. . 2118/2015 lbtla llWai b1111ut of State - 111v1m1 of Electklns Page 1 .. --·-·· ------Erl'ilr lllllllll1 Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P7 (18) Covering Period: 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 Account: 60212 entrfiJutms

~ ~ Date Name Address City/State/Zip I:iM Exeenditure Pureose Amount Amend 15 08/21/14 SHAW SEAN 930 E !OlEWtLD AVE TAMPA._ FL RMB CANDIDATE LOAN REPAYMENT $2.000 00 UPD "Incorrect Distributed Amount --- --· SHAW SEAN 930 E lDLEWILD AVE CANDIDATE LOAN REPAYMENT \ 28 08/21114 TAMPA Fl 3-3604 RMB $2,000.00 UPD *Incorrect Distributed Amount ------·

'lnlTrmshn lther llltrlllim8 ~ ~ """!

~ '· 2/18/2015 flm'l!l!l Ds1111rbi111nt ut mate - mmm llf ~ Page 1 ~~ lliljllll't __ Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 p7 (18) Covering Period: 8/9/14- 8/21/14 Account: 60212



~ ------Expenditure ------Amount Statute FAC Description Seq ~ ~ .\?fil ~ 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 15 812112014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00 10€. Contribution refund reported incorrectly 28 812112014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00 l!Jlli\.,_,imftl Ul81'~ Report: 2014 G1 (19) Covering Period: 8/22114 - 8/29/14 Account: 60212 wml

~ 1/\ ~ ------Expenditure ------Seq Date Name City I¥ru! Amount ~ FAC Description .... 106.07 Reimbursement without corresponding Other Distribution 25 8/26/2014 PATTY MICHELLE: MON $120.00 w s:x mill~@ U! I!!®'.~ ------~------~------~ R(., i: 2014 TR (20) Covering Period: 8/30114 -11124114 Account: 60212 1~ ------Statute !:££ Descr\pt\on 106.141 Reflects balance after termination report filed


~ lllll Trnl'm lill!r lllltr1l!Uillnl I ' '

SeanM .. Shaw 1518 W Fig St Tampa, FL 33606 April 10, 2015

Donna Ann Malphurs Agency Clerk Florida Elections Commission I 07 W Gaines St Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Re: Case No: FEC 15-268

Deru Ms Malphurs,

I received your certified letter regruding this matter on Mruch 29, 2014 According to the letter, the reports at issue rue 2014 P7, 2014 Gl, and 2014 TR. I will address each rep01t below.

2014 P7 - I made several amendments to this rep01t in response to each notice that I received regruding errors or missing information Moreover, on Februruy 24, 2015, I emailed Chief Kristi Bronson with the following message (attached hereto):

I received the notice asking me to update my reports .. Hopefully, the updates I made today will address most of the issues. However, I still have not figured out why there is an outstanding balance. I know this is inco11 ect because I had to put in personal money at the end. I have requested the full bank statement from my bank so that I can comprue the statement to my filed rep01ts and conect the issue I am trying to comply as fast as possible with your requests If you have anything else that you need from me please let me know. I was a candidate for House Seat 61 in Tampa but Jost in the primary. Thank you.

I did not receive a response to this email It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015. I filed several amendments on vruious reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then. The enor report attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that two candidate loan repayment entries were flagged as Incorrect Distributed Amount I am unsure as to the meaning of that e11or These entries (seq #15 and seq #28) reflect repayments of personal loans that I ·· made to the campaign In an attempt to conect the eITors, I referenced reports P6 and G 1 in the comment sections ofthese entries Report P6 1eflects a $2000 loan I made to the campaign and repo1t GI reflects a $1700 loan I made to the campaign. These loans

Tl 04 7251 DOCX; I constitute the bulk of the amount that was being repaid by seq #15 and #28 on the P7 report.

2014 Gl - I made seveial amendments to this repmt as well in response to each notice that I received regarding enors or missing information .. It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015 I filed several amendments on various reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then The erro11eport attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that seq #25 was flagged as Reimbursement without corresponding other distribution I am unsute as to the meaning of that enor. However, after a review of my records it is apparent that this entry reflects Salary and is not a reimbursement for, or related to, supplies

2014 TR- The email that was sent on Febrnary 24, 2015 was triggered by this report As stated in the email, I filed several amendments on various reports on March 9, 2015 because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then. Upon receipt, I reviewed my full bank statement and compared it to my filed reports Io the best of my ability, I updated the reports to address any discrepancies between the bank statement and the reports Please note, I changed campaign depositories in June 2013 fiom Suntrust Bank to Sabadell The statements that I have reviewed are the Sabadell statements. I am feverishly attempting to gathe1 the Suntrust statements Notwithstanding this fact, by looking at the filed reports one can see that I gave the campaign account personal money as late as September 2014 This September 2014 transaction was to prevent the campaign account from being overdrawn In other wmds, there was/is no remaining balance The email refo1enced throughout this lette1 reflects that fact

In conclusion, I hope that these explanations are sufficient If not, please contact me via email ([email protected]), phone (8132216860), or mail (physical address above) As you can see, I take filing reports and responding to notices related the1eto ve1y se1iously. To the best of my recollection, I amended the reports in response to eve1y notice that I received in an attempt to address the errors. Thank you fo1 yout consideiation


Sean M Shaw

IJ047251 DOCX;l !EXHIBIT Page 1 of2 I.

~e· ...,, RE: FEC 15-268 and •IJ!lf B10nson, Kristi R to: ~i,!t Margie Wade 06/08/2015 10:37 AM Show Details

lfri5ti Reid Bronson, Cldej Division of Electiom, Bureau of Election RewHls (8.50) 245-624()

This response is provided fo1 reference only and does not constitute legal advice 01 representation As applied to a paiticula1 set of facts 01 circumstances, interested parties should refei to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a pdvate attorney befo1e drawing any legal conclusions 01 relying upon the infonnation provided. Please note: Flotida has a ve1ybroad public records law W1itten con1n1unications to 01 fro1n state officials regarding state busiiiess constitute public Iecords and are available to the public and n1edia upon request unless the infot 1nation is subject to a specific statutory exc1nption The1efore. your e~1nail inessage n1ay be subject to public disclosure.

From: MargieWade[mailto:[email protected]:nl Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 10:26 AM To: Bronson, Kristi R Subject: FEC 15-268 and 15-303

Hi Kristi,

The treasmers in the cases above stated that they have amended the reports as requested by your office Please let me know: 1 If the ainendments were filed 2 The dates the ainendments were filed 3 If the amendments satisfied the deficiency noted in the error reports sent to them from your office

FEC JS.. 268 - Amendments have been made, but repo1ts are still not correct

Candidate; Sean M Shaw ID#:60212 Reports: 2014 P7, 2014 GI and 2014 TR

~Z' 1f/ade Investigation Specialist II Floiida Elections Commission I 07 West Gaines Street, Suite 224 Tallahassee, FL. 32399 EXHIBIT-~'?___ _

+.1°.111r.rr 1o,,.,ofW~r11>m/ AnnData/Local/I emp/notesFCBCEE/-web5856 .htm 6/8/2015 i I


STATE OF FLORIDA County of Hillsborough

Sean M .. Shaw, being duly sworn, says:

1 This affidavit is made upon my personal knowledge 2 I am of legal age and competent to testify to the matters stated herein. I am cunently employed by Merlin Law Group as an attorney.

3.. Have you ever run for public office? If so, please name the office(s) you ran for and the date(s) of the election(s) you ran in In 2008 I ran for· Seat 8 in the Florida House of Representatives., In 2014 I ran for· Seat 61 in the Florida House of Representatives. 4 Have you ever been appointed to act as a campaign treasme1 for a candidate? If so, please name the candidate(s) you se1ved as treasurer, the office(s) the candidate ran for, and the dates of the election(s). I served as treasurer for my 2014 campaign for the Florida House of Representatives. 5.. Have you ever held the office of chairperson, t1easurer, board member, or other similar position for a political committee? If so, please list the names and addresses of the committees and dates when you held the position. No. 6 Have you ever prepared or signed a campaign tieasurer's report? If so, please list the name of the candidate or committee whose repo1t you prepared or signed I served as treasurer for my 2014 campaign for the Florida House of Representatives. I prepared and signed all r·eports associated with that campaign account. 7. What action have you taken to determine your responsibilities under Florida's election laws? I read the applicable campaign handbooks and Florida Statutes .. 8. Do you possess a copy of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes? D Yes IZJ No

9 If so, when did you first obtain it? ------10 Have you read Chapter 106, F101 ida Statutes? rz'.I Yes 0 No 11. Do you possess a copy of Chapter 104, Florida Statutes? D Yes IZJ No

12.. If so, when did you first obtain it? ------13. Have you read Chapte1 104, Florida Statutes? [Z'.J Yes D No 14. Do you possess a copy of the Handbook for Candidates? D Yes [Z'.J No

EXHIBIT !~t~3 Inv040 (6/08) I 1135788.DOCX;l 1 (

15 If so, when did you first obtain it? ------16 Have you read the Handbook for Candidates? [Z] Yes 0 No 17. List any additional materials you received

18.. Is it your understanding that the Amended Reports that you filed on Miuch 9, 2015 corrected all errors on the reports at issue (2014 P7, 2014 GI and the TR)? At the time I filed the Amended Reports on March 9, 2015, it was my understanding that I was correcting all outstanding errors except for TR In my April 10, 2015 letter to the Commission, I do reference the fact that in the 2014 Gl report, seq #25 reflects Salary and is not a reimbursement for, or related to, supplies. It appears that particular mistake was caught after the March 9, 2015 amendment. 19 Please explain why you did not amend the reports (2014 P7, 2014 GI and the TR) after receiving the initial lette1 and error report from the Division On February 24, 2015, I emailed Chief Kristi Bronson with the following message:

I 1eceived the notice asking me to update my reports. Hopeful(y, the updates I made today will address most of the issues. However, I still have notfigured out why there is an outstanding balance. I know this is incorrect because I had to put in personal money at the end" I have requested the full bank statement from my bank so that I can compare the statement to my filed reports and correct the iHue" I am trying to comp(y asfast as possible with your requests. If you have anything else that you need from me please let me know. I was a candidate for House Seat 61 in Tampa but lost in the primary. Thank you"

Upon receipt of the initial letter and error· report, I began researching the erTors in an attempt to address them" It took me a long time to complete this r·esearch" I amended the reports as soon as I had answers to the error·s. 20 According to your bank records, the campaign account had a zero balance on November 4, 2014; however, your TR shows a possible balance of $3597.26 Please explain this discrepancy Unfortunately, I do not have an explanation for this discrepancy. I have gone through my records in an attempt to figure this out. I am very sorry to say that I am unable to do so. I can only state that I gave the campaign account personal money as late as September 2014. This September 2014 transaction was to prevent the campaign account from being overdrawn" In other words, there was/is no remaining balance. I would not have given personal money to the campaign if I had a possible balance of $3597"26"


EXHIBIT lnv040 (6108) ll 135788.DOCX; 1 2 .. ,ti" ! ....J 1 ,, Sworn to ,(~r affirmed) and subscribed before me this i / day of

,., • ' ;-:,_,_· ------~ 2015 ~. °'~ -...... ,. .... ~ - ,.It , ., . 1 • \v"v'.~:;,\;·.. ,(L/ .. /~-.-~-d Sign~t~;e of Notary Public - State of Florida Pricit, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Flortda . . Tammara Varn My Commission FF 906588 Expires 08104/2019

( Personally Known-~\'_· __ or Produced Identification ____

Type of Identification Produced:------

Case Investigator: MBW

EXHIBIT ¥ vwy lnv040 (6/08) Tl 135788.DOCX;l 3 RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State

January 16, 2013

Mr. Sean Michael Shaw 930 East ldlewild Avenue Tam pa, f lorida 33604

Dear Mr Shaw:

This will acknowledge receipt of the Appointment of Campaign Treaswer and Designation of Campaign Depositoiy for the office of State Representative, which was placed on file in our office on January 15, 2013 Your name has been placed on the 2014 active candidate list

Campaign Treasurer's Reports

Your first campaign tr~asurer's report will be due on April 10, 2013 The report will cover the period of January I - March 31, 2013 All candidates who file repoits with the Division of Elections are 1equired to file by means of the Division's electronic filing system (EFS)

Credentials and Sign-ons

Below is the web address to access the EFS and your user identification number. The enclosed sealed envelope contains your initial password. Once you have logged in using the initial password, you will be immediately prompted to change it to a confidential sign-on You, youi campaign treasurer, and deputy treasurers are responsible for protecting these passwords from disclosure and are responsible for all filings using these credentials, unless the Division is notified that your credentials have been compromised

EFS Web site Address: https://efados statefLus Identification Number: 60212

EXHIB\T rt t.?'1 r ( ~ L{ DivisioifO E1ecti~s RA. Gray Bldg. ., Rm .. 316 • 500 S Bronough St.. • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 elections .. )i Commemorating 500 yeats of Florida histoty www .. VIVA FLORIDA I Mr Sean Michael Shaw January J 6, 2013 Page Two

Pin Numbcrl!.

Pin numbers are confidential sewre credentials that allow you to submit reports and update personal information The enclosed sealed envelope contains your confidential pin numbers

Each candidate is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that password is forgotten or lost When you ente1 the campaign account sc1een, there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as Whar is your mother '1 maiden name?) and supply an answer All passwords and answers to questions are stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised

I!.m.£.ly Filing

All reports filed must be completed and filed through the EFS no later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date Reports not filed by midnight of the due date are late filed and subject to the penalties in Section 106 07(8), Florida Statutes In the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date, the repo1t will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight of the first business day the EFS becomes operable No fine will be levied dming the period the EFS was inoperable

Any candidate failing to file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafte1, $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greate1, for the period covered by the late report However, for repo1ts immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, fo1 the period covered by the late report

Electronic Receipts

The person submitting the report on the EFS will be issued an electronic receipt indicating and verifying the report was filed.. Each campaign treasurer's report filed by means of the EFS is considered to be under oath by the candidate and campaign treasurer and such persons are subject to the provisions of Section I 06 07(5), Florida Statutes

EXHIBIT I, Mr Sean Michael Shaw January 16 .. .2013 Page Three

Instrnctions and Assistance

An online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the EFS Help Desk at (850) 245-6280

All of the Division's publications and reporting forms arc available on the Division of Elections' web site at http://elections .. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election laws. Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapters 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Candidate and Campaign Treasurer Handbook, 2013 Calend11r of Reporting Dates, and Rule lS·-2 .. 017, Florida Administrative Code.

Please kt me know if you need additional information

Sincerely, ~ ('A·.;:_{-~:_V\~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records



EXHIBIT 1' pa~r S ~ 'f , I

~-RECEIVE[1 i .APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER ,I~-"·P I-\\•RPrur 1.t '\.'~ , .. - ':.\/l~ - · AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES ZDl3 JUN-5 AM 9:51+ (Section 106 .. 021 (1), F.S .. ) ' ' ;... i "' ' .. 1.,,·-1r',,)fh.. ;,j .;.,. 1ljfi-- (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) uiVISlON OF EL!:.CfiOHS

NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying officer before ooenina the camoaian account. OFFICE USE ONL' 1. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): 0 Initial Filing of Form Re-filing to Change: 0 Treasurer/Deputy ~ Depository D Office 0 Part) 2 Name of Candidate (in this order: First, Middle, Last) 3 Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip code) Sean Michael Shaw -·------·--·-·- 4. Telephone 5 E-mail address ( ) - ----·-··------· 6 Office sought (include district, circuit, group number) 7 .. tf a candidate for a nonpartisan office, check If applicable: [] My intent is to run as a Write .. ln candidate. ------·-···-····---·--··-···-- 8. If a candidate for a partisan office, check block and flll in name of party as appllcable: My intent is to run as a D Write-In D No Party Affiliation 0 Party candidate. 9. i have appointed the following person to act as my 0 Campaign Treasurer Deputy Treasurer .. --·-·--··-·-··-·---·-D ·- 10 Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer

-----·-··---·-·--···~·- ··------·- ., 11. Mailing Address 12 .. Telephone ( ) ·----··-· ---·-· ·-·----·---·----···· 13. City 14 County 15 State 16 Zip Code 17.. E-mail address

18 I have designated the following bank as my !XI Primary Depository 0 Secondary Depository -·--·-· --· ------·--- 19 .. Name of Bank ~Address Sabadell United Bank ·---·-· 1 North Franklin Stree~------·-· -·------21 City 22 .. County 23 .. State 24. Zip Code Tampa Hillsborough Florida 33602

UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING F°,,'ts~R APPOINTMt~ pF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AN[ DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY ANO THAT THE F Ti STATED IN IT TRUE. . ----·-·--····-·--- ·----·-· . ---· ... -- I - 25. Date 26 Signature c June 1, 2043 X1 ,.. i~t( 27. Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment (fill inlhe blanks and check the appropriate block)

I, , do hereby accept the appoin!ment (Please Print or Type Name) designated above as: D Campaign Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer.

·-·· ·-- ···---x Date Signature of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer ------

nc.. nc o /D""'u -t nl"ll n\ / ( I I '

.------·-·------~--·--· "' I"' .R~ICE USE oiqL'"" Y STATEMENT OF ,,. , \/ED CANDIDATE 13 JAN 15 AH 11: 06 (Section 106.023, F.S.) DIVl:>IUfi JF' ELECTIONS (Please print or type) SECRETARY OF STATE

I, _.....,,~,.,..;~~ w ------··---··-

candidate for the office of f2-{ Q "tJ 0- ftCY! se

have been provided access to read and understand the requirements of

Chapter 106, Florida Statutes.

Each candidate must file a statement with the qualifying officer within 10 days after the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository is filed Willful failure to file this form is a first degree misdemeanor and a civil violation of the Campaign Financing Act which may result in a fine of up to $1,000, (ss .. 106.19(1)(c), 106 .. 265(1), Florida Statutes).

DS-DE 84 (05/11) EXHIBIT -"""""/D"----tHomANO DELIVERED FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Telephone: (850) 922-4539 Fax: (850) 921-0783

Ap1il 29, 2015

Sean Shaw 1518 West Fig Street Tampa, FL 33606

RE: Case No.: FEC 15-268; Respondent: Sean Shaw

Deai Mr.. Shaw: On Mai ch 10, 2015, the Florida Elections Commission 1eceived a complaint alleging that you violated Florida's election laws.. I have reviewed the complaint and find that it contains one 01 more legally sufficient allegations The Commission staff will investigate the following alleged violations: Section 106.07(2)(b)1., Florida Statutes: Respondent, a 2014 candidate for the office of State Representative, Dist1ict 61, and acting as his own tleasurer, failed to timely make necessaty ainendments to his 2014 P7, GI and IR 1eports, as alleged in the complaint You may 1espond to the allegations above by filing a notarized statement ptoviding any information regaiding the facts and circumstances surrounding the allegations.. Your response will be included as an attachment to the investigato1 's repott When we conclude the investigation, a copy of the Report of Investigation will be mailed to you at the above address. You may file a response to the report within 14 days from the date the report is mailed to vou Based on the results of the investigation, legal staff will make a wtitten recommendation to the Commission on whether there is probable cause to believe you have violated Chapter 104 or 106, Florida Statutes A copy of the Staff Recommendation will be mailed to you and you may file a response within 14 days from the date the recommendation is mailed to you Your timely filed response(s) will be considered by the Commission when dete1mining probable cause. The Commission will then hold a heaiing to determine whethe1 there is ptobable cause to believe you have violated Chapters 104 or 106, Florida Statutes You and the complainant will receive a notice of hea1ing at least 14 days befo1e the heaiing. The notice of healing will indicate the location, date, and time of your hearing. You will have the opportunity to make a brief oral

ComOl l (10/07) statement to the Commission, but you will not be pe1mitted to testify or call others to testify, OJ introduce any documentary or othe1 evidence. At any time before a probable cause finding, you may notify us in writing that you want to ente1 into negotiations directed towruds reaching a settlement via consent agreement The Report of Investigation, Staff Recommendation, and Notice of Hearing will be mailed to the above address as this letter. Therefore, if your address changes, you must notify this office of your· new address. Otherwise, you may not receive these important documents. Failure to receive the documents will not delay the probable cause hearing. Unde1 section 10625, Florida Statutes, complaints, Commission investigations, investigative repo1ts, and othe1 documents relating to an alleged violation of Chapters 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, rue confidential until the Commission finds probable cause 01 no p1obable cause .. The confidentiality prnvision does not apply to the pe1son filing the complaint However, it does apply to you unless you waive confidentiality in w1iting. The confidentiality p1ovision does not preclude you from seeking legal counsel Howeve1, if you retain counsel, yoUI attorney must file a notice of apperuance with the Commission before any membe1 of the Commission staff can discuss this case with him OJ he1 .. If you have any questions or need additional infmmation, please contact Margie Wade, the investigato1 assigned to this case

Sincerely, -; / ' I ~ .I I_,

Amy McKeeve oman Executive Director


Como 11 (8/08) / SeanM. Shaw 1518 W Fig St Tampa, FL 33606 April 10, 2015

Donna Ann Malphurs Agency Clerk Flolida Elections Commission I 07 W Gaines St. Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Re: Case No: FEC 15-268

Dear Ms .. Malphurs,

I received your certified letter regarding this matter on March 29, 2014 .. According to the letter, the reports at issue are 2014 P7, 2014 GI, and 2014 TR I will address each report below

2014 P7 - I made several amendments to this repoit in response to each notice that I received regarding errors or missing information .. Moreover, on February 24, 2015, I emailed Chief Kristi Bronson with the following message (attached hereto):

I received the notice asking me to update my reports .. Hopefully, the updates I made today will address most of the issues. However, I still have not figured out why there is an outstanding balance .. I know this is inco11ect because I had to put in personal money at the end I have requested the foll bank statement from my bank so that I can compare the statement to my filed repmts and conect the issue I am trying to comply as fast as possible with your requests If you have anything else that you need from me please let me know. I was a candidate for House Seat 61 in Tam pa but lost in the primary .. Thank you.

I did not receive a response to this email.. It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015 I filed several amendments on various reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then The enor report attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that two candidate loan repayment entlies were flagged as Incorrect Distributed Amount I am unsure as to the meaning of that en or. These entries (seq #15 and seq #28) reflect repayments of personal loans that I made to the campaign In an attempt to conect the errors, I referenced reports P6 and GI in the comment sections of these entries Report P6 reflects a $2000 loan I made to the campaign and report GI reflects a $1700 loan I made to the campaign. These loans

TI 047251.DOCX; I constitute the bulk of the amount that was being repaid by seq # 15 and #28 on the P7 report.

2014 GI - I made several amendments to this report as well in response to each notice that I received regruding enors or missing information. It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015 I filed several amendments on various reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then .. The enor repmt attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that seq #25 was flagged as Reimbursement without corresponding other distribution. I am unsUie as to the meaning of that error. However, after a review of my recmds it is apparent that this entry reflects Salary and is not a reimblllsement for, OI related to, supplies.

2014 TR- The email that was sent on February 24, 2015 was triggered by this report As stated in the email, I filed several amendments on various reports on March 9, 2015 because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then .. Upon receipt, I reviewed my full bank statement and comprued it to my filed reports To the best of my ability, I updated the reports to address any discrepancies between the bank statement and the reports.. Please note, I changed campaign depositories in June 2013 from Suntrust Bank to Sabadell.. The statements that I have reviewed rue the Sabadell statements. I am feverishly attempting to gather the Suntrust statements Notwithstanding this fact, by looking at the filed reports one can see that I gave the campaign account personal money as late as September 2014.. This September 2014 transaction was to prevent the campaign account from being overdrawn In other words, there was/is no remaining balance. The email referenced throughout this letter reflects that fact

In conclusion, I hope that these explanations rue sufficient If not, please contact me via email ([email protected]), phone (8132216860), or mail (physical address above) As you can see, I take filing reports and responding to notices related thereto very seriously To the best of my recollection, I amended the reports in response to every notice that I received in an attempt to address the errors Thank you for your consideration


SeanM Shaw

T1047251 DOCX;l Page I of I /

Attention: Donna Ann Malphms Sean Shaw to: fee 04/10/2015 01:46 PM Show Details

1 Attachment

FEC letter -268 (Tl04725lxB2E7A) docx

See attached.

Sean M Shaw a: 1518 West Fig Tampa, FL 33606 e: seanmichaelsha" t: @sshawfl p: 8132216860 f:,,

file:///C:/Users/Malphur sd/AppData/Local/Temp/notesF CBCEE/-web57 46 htm 4/10/2015 411312015 ( Gmail - Reports I'

Sean Shaw

Reports 1 message

Sean Shaw Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:38 AM To: [email protected] com

Chief Bronson,

I received the notice asking me to update my reports Hopefully, the updates I made today will address most of the issues. However, I still have not figured out why there is an outstanding balance. I know this is incorrect because I had to put in personal money at the end. I have requested the full bank statement from my bank so that I can compare the statement to my filed reports and correct the issue. I am trying to comply as fast as possible with your requests If you have anything else that you need from me please let me know I was a candidate for House Seat 61 in Tampa but lost in the primary Thank you

Sean M Shaw a: 1518 West Fig Tampa FL 33606 e: seanmichaelshaw@gmail com t: @sshawfl p: 8132216860 f: http://fb com/seanmichaelshaw

https :I/mail googl e. com/mai l/u/O/?ui =2&i k= 3587 48b643&view= pt&q= Kristi .Bronson°/o40dos mytlori da .com &qs= true&search= query &th= 14bbc7 41e1215254&si 1/1 constitute the bulk of the amount that was being repaid by seq #15 and #28 on the P7 report

2014 G 1 - I made several amendments to this report as well in response to each notice that I received regarding enors or missing information. It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015 .. I filed several amendments on various reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then The en or report attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that seq #25 was flagged as Reimbursement without corresponding other distribution I am unsure as to the meaning of that error.. However, after a review of my records it is apparent that this entry reflects Salary and is not a reimbursement for, or related to, supplies

2014 TR- The email that was sent on February 24, 2015 was triggered by this report. As stated in the email, I filed several amendments on various reports on March 9, 2015 because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then. Upon receipt, I reviewed my foll bank statement and compared it to my filed reports.. To the best of my ability, I updated the reports to address any discrepancies between the bank statement and the reports Please note, I changed campaign depositories in June 2013 from Suntrust Bank to Sabadell The statements that I have reviewed are the Sabadell statements .. I am feverishly attempting to gather the Suntrust statements Notwithstanding this fact, by looking at the filed reports one can see that I gave the campaign account personal money as late as September 2014 This September 2014 transaction was to prevent the campaign account from being overdrawn In other words, there was/is no remaining balance. The email referenced throughout this letter reflects that fact

In conclusion, I hope that these explanations are sufficient If not, please contact me via email (scanmichaelshavdd), phone (8132216860), or mail (physical address above). As you can see, I take filing reports and responding to notices related thereto very seriously.. To the best of my recollection, I amended the reports in response to every notice that I received in an attempt to address the enors. Thank you for your consideration.


Sean M. Shaw

T 1047251 DOCX; 1 Page I of I I'

Fwd: Attention: Donna Ann Malphms Sean Shaw to: fee 04/13/2015 10:09 AM Show Details

2 Attachments

FEC letter -268 (T104725lxB2E7A) docx TI051501.PDF

My apologies .. In connection with this response, i neglected to attach all files

------Forwarded message ------From: Sean Shaw Date: F1i, Apr 10, 2015 at 1:45 PM Subject: Attention: Donna Ann Malphms To: [email protected]

See attached.

Scan 1\1 Shm\ a: 1518 West rig lampa .. l L 3 3606 c: scanmichaelsha""(a! t: :ii)sshav,, f1 p: 8132216860 f: w

SeanM Shaw a: 1518 West Fig Tampa, FL 33606 e: [email protected] t @ssha""fl p: 8132216860 f:\

file:!/ IC :/Users/Malphur sd/App Data/Local/I emp/notesF CBCEE/-web993 i htm 4/13/2015 SeanM .. Shaw 1518 W Fig St Tampa, FL 33606 April 10, 2015

Donna Ann Malphurs Agency Clerk Florida Elections Commission I 07 W Gaines St Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

Re: Case No: FEC 15-268

Dear Ms. Malphurs,

I received your certified letter regarding this matter on March 29, 2014 According to the letter, the reports at issue are 2014 P7, 2014 GI, and 2014 TR. I will address each report below

2014 P7 - I made several amendments to this report in response to each notice that I received regarding enors or missing information Moreover, on February 24, 2015, I emailed Chief Kristi Bronson with the following message (attached hereto):

I received the notice asking me to update my reports Hopefully, the updates I made today will address most of the issues.. However, I still have not figured out why there is an outstanding balance.. I know this is incorrect because I had to put in personal money at the end.. I have requested the full bank statement fiom my bank so that I can compare the statement to my filed reports and correct the issue I am trying to comply as fast as possible with yom requests If you have anything else that you need from me please let me know. I was a candidate for House Seat 61 in Tampa but lost in the primary Thank you.

I did not receive a response to this email It appears that my final attempt at amendment was March 9, 2015 .. I filed several amendments on various reports that day because I had not received and analyzed my complete campaign bank statements until then. The error report attached to the February 19, 2015 letter states that two candidate loan repayment entries were flagged as Incorrect Distributed Amount. I am unsure as to the meaning of that error. These entries (seq #15 and seq #28) reflect repayments of personal loans that I made to the campaign In an attempt to correct the errors, I referenced reports P6 and GI in the comment sections of these entries. Report P6 reflects a $2000 loan I made to the campaign and report GI reflects a $1700 loan I made to the campaign These loans

l104725LDOCX;l DIVISION OF ELECTIONS FEC REFERRAL FORM 2Dl5 Mi'R I 0 P l: lb To FEC from Division of Elections ,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~"~''~~=~~: 1 Name: Sean Shaw Account Number: 60212 Candidate: Sean Shaw Treasurer: Sean Shaw Person Named/Notified: Sean Shaw

The Division of Elections is referring this issue to the Florida Elections Commission pursuant to Section 106..25, Florida Statutes. Addendums have not been filed pursuant to Section 106 .. 07(2)(b)1.., Florida Statutes, for the following report(s):

2014 P7

2014 G1

2014 TR

Sent By: Kristi Reid Bronson () /(2-. Date: March 9, 2015 )l.4--\) I ejr AFFIDAVIT


Kristi Reid Bronson, being duly sworn, says:

1 I am the Chief of the Bureau of Election Records of the Division of Elections (Division). In that capacity, I oversee the Division's duties related to the filing of campaign finance reports

2 This affidavit is made upon my personal knowledge, including information obtained from review of the attached records, of which I am the custodian.

3 I am of legal age and competent to testify to the matters stated herein

4.. Sean Shaw (60212) was a 2014 candidate for the office of State Representative

5. On January 15, 2013, Mr. Shaw filed the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository with the Division. He appointed himself as treasurer.. (See attached documents and acknowledgment letter ..)

6 On January 8, 2015, the Division mailed Mt Shaw notification that the 2014 P7, 2014 Gl, and 2014 TR reports were incomplete (See attached letter)

7 On February 6, 2015, the Division mailed Mr Shaw notification that the 2014 P7, 2014 GI, and 2014 TR reports wete incomplete. (See attached letter.)

8 On Febrnaty 19, 2015, the Division mailed Mr Shaw final notification with delivety confirmation that the 2014 P7, 2014 GI, and 2014 TR repotts were incomplete (See attached letter ..)

INV035 (5100) / I

9. As of March 9, 2015, the 2014 Gl, 2014 P7, and 2014 IR campaign finance reports remain incomplete ..

I hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me thi h day of Marc

Print, Type, or Stamp CommissWil~·d Name of Notary Public / Personally Known __y

JOEL MVIWID MY COMMISSION# FF 115466 EXPIRES: May 16, 2018 Bonded 11w Noll!YPu~·-~


NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying officer b re o enln the campai n account. OFFICE USE ONLY CK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): Initial Fiiing of Form Re .. filing to Change: O Treasurer/Deputy O Depository D Office 0 Party 2. Nam~ of Candidate (in this/order: First, Middle, Last) 3 Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip code) I ,A 'Yo...\.. , Li\ tC ~({Cl Sh qvJ '730 E .:r..o{(e..oatlc}, f"cvc 400 Telephone 5 E-mail addre(lS ... __ ( 8t) ) .,22((, 060 5cu."'e 5~.,.,../d'~<:>r;J~ c.,,,,,_ Ta.w}-P\l F~L 3 3)bC:)L{ 6. Office sought (include district, circuit, group numb~r) Ifa candidate for a nonparti~au office, check If ( · { /' ( applicable: f·(0 ,..',J.,,. f1 Ck),(.. )eq, l \D 0 My intentis to run as a Write-In candidate 1------" ·- 8 If a candidate for a partisan office, check bloc nd fill In name of party as applicable: My intent Is to run as a 0 Writ&-ln 0 No Party Affiliation l:&/M,D;1Af- ·--Party candidate. 9 I have appointed the following person to act as my ~Campaign Treasurer O Deputy Treasurer ·-·------1 10 Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer I l . <;e "'-!'- __Lvt Le; V\::{e- 11 Mailing Address 12 Telephone o E ( t/) ) .:< 2(f>O'G0 ldle..~t(J Av~--.------1 13. City I 15. State 16. ZIP. Co~e "- F-C '3)b0 \. 18 I have designated the following bank a my 0 Primary Depository O Secondary Depository 19. Narr;e of Bank <- , ( -~- 120 Address ._u . ? { ")\jj Y"~sl '{oo 5 f1~<1'.7f>loA ~v,.{ . ·-· ·------24. Zip Code 21 City --,. 22 Coun\>'/ I I 23. Str-(_ I a ""- ft i ( (.5 ro /cw I/\.. 3)~0 < UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING FORM FOR APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY AND THAT THE FACTS TED IN IT ARE TRUE 25 Date ( .s /3 x 27 Treasurer's Acceptance of ~~ointment (fill in the blanks and check the appropriate block)

I, ---· Seu./\. .:JI-\ O!W _ -·- , do hereby accept the appointment (Please Print_,... or Type Name) designated above as: W Campaign Treasurer D _I lr-sir_i .. ___ x ~Date Signat DS-DE 9 (Rev .. 10/10) Rule 15-2.. 0001, FAC .. • • • • ·- -•• n , ..",." /

--,..---··------·----;"'.:-·---- ,... "" Al~/CE USE ONLY STATEMENT OF ,::,\!ED CANDIDATE 13 JAN IS AHll: 06 (Section 106"023, F.S.) DJVl$1Uh liF £LE.CTIOHS (Please print or type) SECRETARY OF STATE

have been provided access to read and understand the requirements of

Chapter 106, Florida Statutes ..

Each candidate must file a statement with the qualifying officer within 10 days after the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository is filed. Willful failure to file this form is a first degree misdemeanor and a civil violation of the Campaign Financing Act which may result in a fine of up to $1,000, (ss .. 10619(1 )(c), 106.265(1 ), Florida Statutes).

DS-DE 84 (05111) H~O DELIVERED /


January 16, 2013

Mr Sean Michael Shaw 930 East ldlewild Avenue Tampa, Florida 33604

Dear Mr .. Shaw:

This will acknowledge receipt of the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for the office of State Representative, which was placed on file in our office on January 15, 2013 Yow name has been placed on the 20!4 active candidate list.

Campa!git Treasurer"s Rmorts

Your first campaign treasuier's report will be due on April 10, 2013 The report will cover the period of January I .. March 31, 2013. All candidates who file reports with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's electronic filing system (EFS)

Credentjals and Sign-ons

Below is the web address to access the EFS and your user identification number The enclosed sealed envelope contains your initial password. Once you have logged in using the initial password, you will be immediately prompted to change it to a confidential sign-on. You, your campaign treasurer, and deputy treasurers are responsible for protecting these passwords from disclosure and are responsible for all filings using these credentials, unless the Division is notified that your credentials have been compromised

EFS Web site Address: https://efados state.flus Identification Number: 60212

Division of Elections R.A .. Gray Bldg.. , Rm,, 316 • 500 S Bronough St.. • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245··6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245-6259 elections .. myflorida,com Commemorating 500 years of Florida history www .. ~ VIVI~ flnilDl~nn VIVA flORIDA ( Mr Sean Michael Sha"' January 16, :ZO 13 Page Two

Pin Number~.

Pin numbers are confideniial secure credentials that allow you to submit reports and update personal information. The enclosed sealed envelope contains your confidential pin numbers

Each candidate is required to provide the Division of Elections V\ith confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that password is forgotten or lost When you enter the campaign account screen, there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as What is your mother '.1 maiden name?) and supply an answer All passwords and answers to questions are stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and givel) out over the phone Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised

!Lmely Filing

All reports filed must be completed and filed through the EFS no later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date Repmts not filed by midnight of the due date are late filed and subject to the penalties in Section I 06 07(8), Florida Statutes Jn the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date,. the report will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight of the first business day the EFS becomes operable No fine will be levied dming the period the EFS was inoperable

Any candidate failing to file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter, $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, for reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

Electrnnic Rec~ipts

The person submitting the report on the EFS will be issued an electronic receipt indicating and ve1ifying the report was filed.. Each campaign treasurer's report filed by means of the EfS is considered to be under oath by the candidate and campaign treasurer and such persons are subject to the provisions of Section 106 07(5), Florida Statutes. Mi. Sean Michael Shaw January 16. 2013 Page Three

Instrnctions and Assistance

An online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the EFS Help Desk at (850) 245-6280

All of the Division's publications and reporting forms arc available on the Division of E.lcctions' web site at http://elections .. myflorida .. com. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the r·equircments of Florida's election laws. Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chapter·s 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Candidate and Campaign Treasurer Handbook, 2013 Calendar of Reporting Dates, and Rule 18··2.017, Florida Administrative Code.

Please let me know if you need additional information

Sincerely, ~ {'-'-·~4};-~:-~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bu1eau of Flection Records


Enclosures .,_RECEIVE Li 11 APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER I"'- "·P'RT"-I-' i i·1t11.r ,..-i..'r , i· ·~It• · · AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES ZDl3 JUN -5 AH 9: 54 (Section 106.021(1). F.S.) :.,,·r·;·lfJi;,;~1 \., j'j,\j";-" (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) DiVISION OF EL!:.c'fiONS

NOTE: This fonn must be on flle with the qualifying officer before openin!l the campaiQn account. OFFICE USE ONL' 1. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): 0 Initial Filing of Form Re-filing to Change: O Treasurer/Deputy !2$1 Depository 0 Office 0 ParlJ 2 Name of Candidate (in this order. First, Middle, Last) 3 .. Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip code) Sean Michael Shaw >-·------~-----·------·------·- 4 .. Telephone 5. E-mail address ( ) 1-----·-- ·----··----· 6. Office sought (include district, circuit, group number) 7 .. If a candidate for a nonpartisan office, check if applicable: [] My intent is to run as a Write .. ln candidate 1------· -----·--·-····-··----·-··-· 8. If a candidate for a partisan office, check block and fill In name of party as applicable: My intent is to run as a 0 Write-In D No Party Affiliation D Party candidate. 9. I have appointed the following person to act as my O Campaign Treasurer O Deputy Treasurer 10 .. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer

--·--··---·----·_.. __ .______,,, ______,_,_ ------11 . Mailing Address 12 .. Telephone t------.------,.-·------· ( ) ··-·--·····--'···---,-···· 13. City 14 .. County 15. State 16. Zip Code 17. E·rnail address

18. I have designated the following bank as my i;g] Primary Depository 0 Secondary Depository e·---·--·-- --·-.,..--···-·----·------·--· .. ···-···-·---·-·---- 19.. Name of Bank 20 Address ______Sabadell United ,,. ______Bank ... _____ ..... 701 North Franklin Street__ ,, _____ .... _. r-·------21 .. City 22 County 23 State 24 .. Zip Code Tampa Hillsborough Florida 33602


27 Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment (fill inthe blanks and check the appropriate block)

I, ------,.------, do hereby accept the appointment (Please Print or Type Name) designated above as: D Campaign Treasurer O Deputy Treasurer

------·--··--·=-c------··-- x Date ·-----=s.,..ig-n-at-u-re-o-f'""C.,..a_m_pa-ig_n__ T_r_e_a-su_r_e_r o-r··~D·-e-pu_ty_T-re_a_s-ur_e_r, --·-·-·

n~ .. nl=' Q /Dev 1 0/1 0\ Ruh> 1 i;.7 nnn1 F 4 r. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTJONS

January 8, 2015

Sean Shaw 1518 west fig st Tampa, FL 33606

Re: CAN 60212

Dear Mr Shaw: The Division of Elections has determined that the following report is incomplete for the reasons noted in the attached errnr report:

Year Type Cover Period 2014 P7 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 2014 G1 8/22/14 - 8/29/14 2014 TR 8/30/14 - 11/24/14

Pursuant to Section I 06.07(2), Florida Statutes, you have 7 days from receipt of this notice to file an amended report to conect errors or provide missing information If the information has been reported accurately, provide a written explanation to the Division addressing the issue noted in the error report Please be advised that failure to supply this information within the time allowed may constitute a violation of Chapter l 06, Florida Statutes

Ifyou need assistance in filing an amendment, please contact the Division's help line at (850) 245--6280 ~~~~-C1.~ -i5- Kristi Reid Bronson Chief, Bmeau of Election Records


Room 316 R A. Gray Bui !ding • 5 00 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • (850) 245··628 0 FAX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: http://www .. dos .. • E-Mail: DivEleaions@dosstatefl us 1/812015 lb'kla 1$l'bldil of State - llvlsbl Of Bactirls Page 1 Clii(MICOR~ Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P? (18) Covering Penod: 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 Account: 60212 Vll'8I mtrbllills X{181dt11'81 ------Expenditure ------Seq ~ Name City Im!1 Amount ~ ill Descnption 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 15 8121/2014 SHAW SEAN MON 52.000.00 106.07 Contfibutton cetund reported ln.conectly 28 812112014 SHAW SEAN MON $2,000.00

IRI Transfln 11111'~ Report: 2014 G 1 (19) Covering Period: 8/22/14 - 8/29/14 Account: 60212 varal ontrbl1b1s xpnlttres ------~ -- Expenditure ------Seq Date Name City Amount Statute ill Description ~ 106.07 Reimbursement without corresponding Other Distribution 10 8/26/2014 PATTY MICHEllE MON $502.00 106.07 Re1mburseme11t without corresponding Other Distnbutlon 25 812612014 PATIY MICHELLE MON $120.00

IOI T1'8111fers tllll' llstrbrtDl8 Report: 2014 TR (20) Covenng Period: 8/30/14 - 11/24/14 Account: 60212 Veral Statute ill Description 106.141 Reflects balance after termmatlon report filed


KPl!dtlns IOI Tl'Rfln Illar l*trbJtlona ' l I•,

Sum of Contributions vs Expenditures 1/8/2015 9:19:32 AM Sean Shaw 60212

Date of last Contribution: 9/5/14 0 After

Year Report Contributions Expenditures Running Total 2013 01 $29,975 02 $3,375 22 $26,599 80 02 $34,'702 50 $3,577 81 $57,724 49

03 $36,626 00 $4,692,75 $89,657 74

M10 $2,190 00 $1,647 00 $90 200 '74

M11 $9,575 00 $7,454 28 $92,321 46

M12 $10720 00 $8, 178 76 $94,862 70 2014 M1 $10,425 00 $9,107 35 $96, 180 35

M2 $10,070 00 $4,770 73 $101,479 62

M3 $15,500 00 $11,15430 $105,825 32 M4 $5,050 00 $11.138 02 $99,737 30

M5 $10,699 46 $14,340 00 $96,096 76 P1 $6,452 00 $25,615.92 $76,932 84

P2 $1,055 00 $33,437 32 $44,550 52

P3 $5,050 00 $17,834 78 $31.765 74 P4 $4,550 00 $4 309 51 $32,006 23

P5 $5,525 00 $19,973 37 $17 557 86 P6 $7,400 00 $5 645 84 $19 312 02 P7 $21,270 00 $13,110 58 $2747144 G1 $170000 $1712351 $12 047 93 TR $1,500 00 $325 03 $13,222 90

Campaign Total: $230,034 98 $216,812 08 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner· Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS

Second Notice

Febrnary 6, 2015

Sean Shaw 1518 west fig st Tampa, FL 33606

Re: CAN 60212

Dear Mr Shaw:

On Januruy 8, 20 J5, you were advised that one or moie of your crunpaign treasurer 's reports were incomplete and that you had 7 days to provide the requested information.

Our records indicate that changes to the report were made, however, the reports are still incomplete.. Enclosed is a second error report. Please provide the requested information within 7 days of the date of this letter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely, ~~::;t~~~-- K.risti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records


Room 316 RA Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6280 f AX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: httP:// • E-Mail: DivE/ection


~------.. -- - Expenditure ------.A!nfil!nt Statute FAC Oescnption §£!! ~ ~ ~ ~ 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 15 8121/2014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00 . - 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 28 812112014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2.000.00

Ill Trwfur1 ha' l*trbltml Report: 2014 G1 (19) Covering Period; 8122114 - 8/29/14 Account: 60212 a'8ll ntrbltlooS

iadtins Expenditure Sea Date Name City !:iJ1!! Amount Statute FAC Description 106.07 Reimbursement without corresponding Other Distribution 25 8/26/2014 PATTYMICHELlE MON $120.00

Ill Tl'llllfurl ID' Dstrlllltbll Report: 2014 TR (20) Covenng Pertod: 8/30114 - 11124114 Account: 60212 11'81

~ ill Description 106.141 Reflects balance after termination report filed

ntrbJtiJnS Pllldlll'8I lllTIWhl'I 1111' llstrllUtDla !/5/2015 lbtla _.btalt of State - llVlsDl of Eb:tDls Page 1 - Eml'_R~ ----- Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P7 (18) Covering Period: 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 Account: 60212 lltrbltb1s imttins ------!ill Date Name Address City/State/Zip ~ Ex~nditure Purnose Amount Amend SHAW SEAN 930 E lDLEWILD AVE 15 08121/14 lAMPA Fl RMB CANDIDATE LOAN RE:.PAYMENT $2,000.00 UPD .,Incorrect Distributed Amount ------· --- SHAW SEAN 930 E lDLEWILO AVE !8 08121/14 TAMPA. FL 3-3SQ4. RMB CANDIDATE LOAN REPAYMENT $2,000.00 UPD .,Incorrect Distributed Amount ------··--· DI l1'1118fift 1111' llatrtllltlll18 ( I

Sum of Contributions vs Expenditures 2/5/2015 12:36:21 PM Sean Shaw 60212

Date of last Contribution: 915114 OAfter

Year Report Contributions --· -- --·------· ·-- 2013 Q1 $29,975.02 $3,375 22 $26,599.80 Q2 $34,702.50 $3,577 81 $57,724.49 Q3 $36,626.00 $4,692 75 $89,657 ·74 M10 $2,190.00 $1,647.00 $90,200.74 M11 $9,575.00 $7,454.28 $92,321.46 M12 $10,720.00 $8,178 .. 76 $94,862.70 2014 M1 $10,425.00 $9,107.35 $96,180.35 M2 $10,070 00 $4,770.73 $101,479.62 M3 $15,500 00 $11, 154.30 $105,825 .. 32 $S,050 00 $11,138.02 $99,737 30 MS $10,699 46 $14,340.00 $96,096.76 P1 $6,452.00 $25,615.92 $76,932 84 P2 $1,055.00 $33,437.32 $44,550 52 P3 $5,050 00 $17,834.78 $31,765.74 P4 $4,550.00 $4,309 51 $32,006.23 - ·- __ .. - ·-·· ------PS $5,525.00 $19,973 37 $17,557 86 P6 $7,400 00 $5,645 84 $19,312 02 P7 $21,270 00 $13, 110.58 $27,47144

G1 $1,700 00 $1l, 123 51 $12,047.93 TR $1,500.00 $325.03 $13,222.90

Campaign Total: $230,034 98 $216,812 .. 08 ( ( I,

FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTlONS FINAL NOTICE USPS TRACKING• 9114 9011 5981 8976 1045 82 Delivery Confir'mation: & CUSTOMER forTr.acklng «inqulrles go to USPS com RECEIPT or call 1-800-222-1811 February 19, 2015 Sean Shaw 1518 west fig st Tampa, FL 33606

Re: CAN 60212

Dear Mr. Shaw: You have previously been advised that the campaign treasurer's report(s) listed below is incomplete for the reasons noted in the attached enor report:

Year 1ype Cover Period ~~----"~-~~~' '~~~- 2014 P7 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 2014 G1 8/22/14 ,. 8/29/14 2014 TR 8/30/14 - 11/24114 Pursuant to Section 106,07(2), Florida Statutes, you have 7 days from receipt of this letter to correct enors or provide missing information If the information has been reported accurately, you must provide a WI itten explanation to the Division addressing the issue noted in the error report Please be advised that if you fail to comply with this request, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section 106 .265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Flotida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation

If you need assistance in filing an amendment, please contact the Division's help line at (850) 245-6280,

Sincerely, ~ ~_,._._;(_-4.~~D- Kristi Reid Bronson Chief; Bureau of Election Records Attachment

Room 316 RA Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • (S50) 245-62&0 i::· A Y 12.i:;:n\ ..,11.i::: t;·.,~n - \11\lTUJ A .~..i ..... ~ .... t.+1 ..... 11,,,.,,,,,.,,,._ ~ ...... , n HO'· •• 'C ~Jf .. ,:i .. n.~. c·1,,,,.,;, •. •.. ~ .J ...... ,,.,.,,, n .. .. 2/1812015 lbtla lleia'btall of state - lXvlsllll of 8!ctbls Page 1 --·------Emr _.. Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P7 (18) Covering Period: 8/9/14 - 8/21/14 Account: 60212 llltrbltllllS Qlllldtll'8s ~ Date Name Address City/State/Zip ~ Expenditure Purpose Amount Amend SHAW SEAN 930 E IDLEWlLD AVE TAMPA Fl CANOIOAlE LOAN REPAYMENT 15 08121/14 RMB $2.000 00 UPD '"Incorrect Distributed Amount

SHAW SEAN 930 E IDLEWlLO AVE TAMPA. Fl 3-3604 CANDIDATE LOAN REPAYMENT .~, 28 08121114 RMB $2,000.00 UPD '"Incorrect Distributed Amount

1nl Tl'lllSfll'S ltll8r lllbtlilb18 Page 1 211812015 fb'ilallqa•bia1t0Utate - llvl881of~

---·· -~~.-.-- Candidate: Sean Shaw Office: STR Report: 2014 P7 (18) Covering Period: 8/9/14 - 8121/14 Account: 60212 mill llltrbrtbls xiadtll'llS ------Expenditure ------Seq Name Amount Statute FAC Description ~ £ID: ~ 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 15 8121/2014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00 106.07 Contribution refund reported incorrectly 28 812112014 SHAW SEAN RMB $2,000.00

IOI Tl'tllllfa'I tlB' llatl'bllDIS Report: 2014 G1 (19) Covering Period: 8/22/14 - 8/29114 Account: 60212 mill llltrbrtbls

XIBdllnS------Expenditure Name City ~ Amount Statute FAC Description Seq ~ 106.07 Reimbursement without corresponding Other Distribution 25 8/26/2014 PATTY MICHELLE MON $120.00

IOI Traarn tlB' ll8trblllllnS Report: 2014 TR (20) Covering Period: 8/30/14 - 11124/14 Account: 60212 V8l'll

Statute FAC Description 106.141 Reflects balance after termination report filed llltrb!tDla XIBdllnS Ill Trnl'ln tlB' llstrbrtinl Sum of Contributions vs Expenditures 2/18/2015 3:55:53 PM Sean Shaw 60212

Date of last Contribution: 9/5/14 o After

Year Report Contributions Expenditures Running Total 2013 01 $29,975. 02 $3,375 22 $26,599.80 ·•··· ·--- 02 $34,702.50 $3,517.81 $57,724.49 ·---- ··-- . 03 $36,626.00 $4,692.75 $89,657 74 ------·------M10 $2,190 00 $1,647.00 $90,200.74 ------M11 $9,575.00 $7,454.28 $92,321 46 M12 $10,720.00 $8,178 76 $94,862.70 2014 M1 $10,425.00 $9,107.35 $96,180.35 M2 ----'------$10,070.00 $4,770.73 $101,479.62 M3 $15, 500 00 $11,154.30 $105,825.32 ------~ M4 $5,050 00 $11,138.02 $99,737.30------M5 $10,699.46 $14,340.00 $96,096.76 P 1 $6,452 00 $25,615.92 $76,932 .. 84 ·--·--··------P2 $1,055.00 $33,437.32 $44,550 52 ------P3 $5,050.00 $17,834.78 $31:765.74 ------·· ··- P4 $4,550.00 $4,309.51 $32,006.23 P5 $5,525.00 $19,973.37 $17,557 86 ------P6 $7,400.00 $5,645.84 $19,312.02 ------P7 $21,270 00 $13.110.58 $27,47144 ---- ______.. _ ------G 1 $1,700 00 $17,123.51 $12,047.93 ------~ TR $1,500 00 $325 03 $13,222 90

Campaign Total: $230,034 98 $216,812.08®- USPS IrackingJM Page I of2 I

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https://tools usps com/go/T 1ackConfiimAction action ?tRef=fullpage&tLc= I &text28777=. 2/27/2015 \ HISTORY NOTES Sean Shaw - 60212

Unique ID Date Recorded Last Edited Date Orginally Recorded By

39571 9/4/201410:36:00AM ejrowlette 9/4/14 Re: 2013 03, 2013 M10, 2014 P1 Reports I called Mr. Shaw at the number provided on CanCom I got an answering machine I left the message ford him to call the division so we can assist him in correcting the errors on these 3 reports Ejr

39531 8/28/2014 10:32:00 AM ejrowlette 8/28/14 RE: FINAL NOTICE for 03, M10, P1 I called Sean Shaw at the number provided I got a voice mail I left a message of improvements that still need to be made to these 3 reports Ejr ------·------·--·------·------·-··---- . ··------· 38233 3/17/2014 3:14:00 PM dsbrown RE: Audit

Audit letter for errors in 2013 02, 03, M10, M11, M12 and 2014 M1 (buiness name in first name field in Expenditures) Corrections were made on 3/2/14 Sent an email today advising candidate that the same errors appear in Contributions for each report ---·------33234 6/6/2013 4:06:00 PM lbelvin RE: DS·DE9· Change in bank


Called and left a message that DS-DE 9 was incomplete and that he needs to send a complete form for our office to process


Sent and email with instructions that DS-DE 9 bank change needs to bere-submitted

Page 1 of 1 3/9/2015