H. Doc. 108-222
912 Biographical Directory to California in 1877 and established a wholesale fruit and D commission business; was a member of the National Guard of California, and subsequently assisted in the organization DADDARIO, Emilio Quincy, a Representative from of the Coast Guard, of which he later became brigadier Connecticut; born in Newton Center, Suffolk County, Mass., general in command of the Second Brigade; elected as a September 24, 1918; attended the public schools in Boston, Republican to the Fifty-second Congress (March 4, 1891- Mass., Tilton (N.H.) Academy, and Newton (Mass.) Country March 3, 1893); declined to be a candidate for renomination Day School; graduated from Wesleyan University, Middle- in 1892; in 1894 settled in New York City, where he became town, Conn., in 1939; attended Boston University Law interested in the automobile industry; retired to Westport, School 1939-1941; transferred to University of Connecticut N.Y., in 1907; died in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November and graduated in 1942; was admitted to the bar in Con- 24, 1911; interment in Hillside Cemetery, Westport, N.Y. necticut and Massachusetts in 1942 and commenced the practice of law in Middletown, Conn.; in February 1943 en- CUTTS, Charles, a Senator from New Hampshire; born listed as a private in the United States Army; assigned in Portsmouth, N.H., January 31, 1769; graduated from Har- to the Office of Strategic Services at Fort Meade, Md.; served vard University in 1789; studied law; admitted to the bar overseas in the Mediterranean Theater; was separated
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