Our Weslyan Heritage March s Theology March 10 The Wesleyan Quadrilateral March 1 The Sacraments March 2 How United Methodists Do Church March 1


Session One: Our Wesleyan Heritage

1. Identify some things that you learned from the video presentation about John Wesley and/or Methodists that you found most interesting.

2. What was life in Eighteenth century England like?

3. Key historical facts about John Wesley

4. What we need know about his younger brother Charles

5. How and why did the term “Methodist” come to be used?

Additional Notes


Session Two: John Wesley’s Theology

1. John Wesley’s key and controversial theological terms: a. b. Perfect Love c.

2. Wesley talked about the Grace of God in three movements: ______

3. The work and lives of Methodist circuit riders in early America were greatly responsible for the spread of . Why were they important and why did their message resonate with early pioneer America?

Additional Notes:


Supplementary Handout for Session 2

The Wesley’s Journey to Georgia:

Who are the Moravians?

The Aldersgate Experience:


Session 3: The Wesleyan Quadrilateral

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is central to understanding the theology and approach to ministry by John Wesley. Let’s look at why he proposed this method for growing in Christian discipleship:

1. Scripture

2. Tradition

3. Reason

4. Experience

Additional Notes:


Session 4: The Methodist Understanding of the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion

1. United Methodist Understanding of Christian Baptism

2. How United Methodists View Holy Communion

Additional Notes:


Session 5: How United Methodists “Do” Church

1. List some of the needs that are met by belonging to, participating in, and regularly attending a church

2. What is connectionalism?

3. Discuss how clergy are matched to a church and the rationale behind it.

4. In what way does this remain true to Wesley’s original vision?

5. What is the most important thing that you have learned about the History & Heritage of Methodism?

Additional Notes: