Emotions Unveiled: Romance at the Opera in Moonstruck (1987), Pretty
K. KNAUS • EMOTIONS UNVEILED: .... UDK 782.8:791.636(73) Kordula Knaus Department for Musicology, University of Graz Oddelek za muzikologijo, Univerza v Gradcu Emotions Unveiled: Romance at the Opera in Moonstruck (1987), Pretty Woman (1990) and Little Women (1994) Razkrita čustva: Romance v operi – v filmih Moonstruck (1987), Pretty Woman (1990) in Little Women (1994) Prejeto: 3. marec 2012 Received: 3rd March 2012 Sprejeto: 15. marec 2012 Accepted: 15th March 2012 Ključne besede: romantična komedija, opera, Keywords: Keywords: romantic comedy, opera, film, zvočni filmski trak, romanca film, soundtrack, romance Iz v l e č e k Ab s t r a c t Članek preučuje romantične komedije in romance, The article examines romantic comedies and ro- katerih zgodba vključuje prizore, v katerih vodilni mances whose narrative includes a scene where igralci obiščejo operno predstavo. Analiza obiskov the protagonists attend an opera performance. opernih predstav v filmih Moonstruck (1987), An analysis of opera scenes in Moonstruck (1987), Pretty Woman (1990) in Little Women (1994) bo Pretty Woman (1990), and Little Women (1994) will odgovorila na vprašanje o smislu in funkciji opere answer questions about the purpose and function v zvrsti romance in postavila te ugotovitve v dau of opera in the genre of romance and base these širše razprave o pomenu zvočnega filmskega findings in a broader discussion on the importance traku za romantične komedije in za konvencije of the soundtrack for romantic comedy/romance zadevnega žanra. and the particular genre conventions. Opera music is used widely in a variety of film genres, but there are far fewer examples where the attendance at an opera performance is part of the plot.
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