Jenny Coles Andrew Simmons Sue Williams Deputy Director of Director of Children's Services, Director of Family Children's Services Education Safeguarding

Simon Newland Nicky Pace Marion Ingram Assistant Director, Interim Operations Operations Director, Education Provision Director, Specialist Services and Access Safeguarding Director of Children's Services Jenny Coles

Deputy Director of Operations Director of Family Children's Services, Director, Specialist Safeguarding Education Services Andrew Simmons Sue Williams Marion Ingram FAMILY SAFEGUARDING

Director of Family Safeguarding Sue Williams

Operations Director Service Manager, Improvement Manager Project Officer Safeguarding Academy Nicky Pace Sec 40

Head of Family Head of Family Academy East Team Academy Team West Head of Assessment Head of CLA Safeguarding East Safeguarding West Manager Manager Sec 40

Service Manager. Service Manager, Service Manager, Service Manager Service Manager Service Manager Service Manager Service Manager Development Manager, Service Manager, MASH Service Manager Service Manager, CLA Service Manager, CLA Assessment Assessment Assessment LCS Family Safeguarding Family Safeguarding Family Safeguarding Family Safeguarding Famly Safeguarding Family Safeguarding Vacant Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Central and Bishops Stortford and CLA 1 Team Manager CLA 4 Team Manager Assessment Assessment North Herts 1 FST Dacorum East FST Hertsmere 1 FST FST JCPIT MASH Rural FST 1 FST Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager East Team Manager North Team Manager Team Manager North Team Manager Team Manager Dacorum Team Manager Team Manager and CLA 2 Team Manager CLA 5 Team Manager Herts Assessment Herts Assessment Assessment Herts 2 FST Welwyn 2 FST South FST Hertsmere 2 FST FST Three Rivers FST Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Rural Team Manager Team Manager CLA 3 Team Manager CLA 6 Team Manager Broxbourne Assessment Assessment Three Rivers Assessment Hatfield FST Stevenage North FST Stevenage South SLFS and west Hemel FST Watford 1 FST St Albans1 FST Sec 40

Team Manager Welwyn Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Hatfield Assessment Watford Assessment and Ware FST Watford 2 FST St Albans2 FST Sec 40

Team Manager Safeguarding Out of and Hours Service FST Sec 40 EDUCATION PROVISION AND ACCESS

Assistant Director, Education Provision and Access Simon Newland

Head of Early Childhood Head of Admissions and Head of Business and Early Help Head of School Planning Head of Music Service Transport Infrastructure Commissioning Sec 40

Strategy and Policy Business Support Strategy Manager, Senior Planning Officer, Head of County Activities Manager Manager Children's Centres East Planning Team and Projects Sec 40

Busines Support Strategy Manager, Senior Planning Officer, Operations Manager Manager , Business Parenting and Early Help Curriculum Adviser West 1 Planning Team Infrastructure Team Commissioning Sec 40

Business Support Transport Strategy and Strategy Manager, Senior Planning Officer, Head of Participation and Manager, Business Policy Manager West 2 Planning Team Inclusion Delivery Service Access and Impact Sec 40

Business Delivery Strategy Manager, Senior Planning Officer Head of Instrumental Manager, CS Board Familly Support (Major Projects) Tuition Business Delivery Team Sec 40

Strategy Manager, Early Programme Manager Area Head Education and Childcare Sec 40

Area Head Sec 40

Business Manager Sec 40 SPECIALIST SERVICES

Operations Director, Specialist Services Marion Ingram

Head of Strategic Head of Adoption and Head of Child Protection and Head of Disabled Children's Head of Disabled Children's Head of Commissioning, CLA COmmisiong, Performance Fostering Service Statutory Review Service Services and Brokerage Service and Brokerage and Safeguarding and Improvement Sec 40

Seniorr Commissioning Service Manager Service Manager Service Manager Service Manager Service Manager Business Manager Service Manager Service Manager Performance and Business Manager Service Manager Service Manager Manager, CYP living away Improvement Manager Adoption Fostering Family and Friends Child Protection Independent Reviewing Team HSCB Disabled Children Brokerage from home Sec 40

Panel Development Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Manager Manager Performance and Adoption and Fostering HSCB Development Manager Assessment Disabled Brokerage Accommodation East Adoption Team East Fostering Team Child Protection Independent Reviewing Team Willow House The Lakes ARC ImprovementManager Panel Team Children's Team Team Sec 40

Deputy Heads of Joint Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Family Group Conferencing Policy and Practive Team Manager Brokerage Supoprt Manage Manager Manager Commissioning and Young Manager Development Manager Brokerage Support Teamr West Adoption Team North Fostering Team Family and Friends 1 East Disabled Children's Team The Oaks The Springs ARC People Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Senior Child Protection Team Manager Manager Manager West Disabled Children's Family Finding Team South Fostering Team Family and Friends 2 Schools Liaison Officer Servision Provision Team The Barns Turn Team Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager Team Manager Manager West Fostering Team Adoption Support Team Shared Care Six Hills Sec 40

Team Manager Adoption and Fostering Recruitment Team Sec 40

Team Manager Speciialist Services Sec 40 SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE

Deputy Director for Children's Services, Education Andrew Simmons

Assistant Director, Head of Integrated Services Head of Services for Young 14-19 Planning and Head of Achievement for Education Provision and Head of Service, Early Help Senior Education Manager for Learning People Development Manager Children Looked After Access Sec 40

Policy Manager Manager for Education, Thriving Families Business Manager 16-19 Planning Manager Training and Employment of Operational Manager Early Intervention and Targeted Support Team Care Leavers Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager East Herts and Broxbourne Dacorum and St Albans 14-19 Progression Manager Thriving Families Thriving Families Sec 40

Team Manager Team Manager North Herts and Stevenage Watford and Three Rivers Thriving Families Thiriving Families Sec 40

Team Manager Hertsmere Thriving Families Sec 40 SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE

Deputy Director for Children's Services, Education Andrew Simmons

Head of Services for Head of Integrated Young People Services for Learning Sec 40

County Lead Complex Principal Educational County Lead SEN and ISL County Lead Behaviour Quality Assurance and Needs and Early Years ISL Area Manager Psychologist and ISL Area Area Manager and Attendance and ISL Professional Lead for Early Head of How to Thrive Service Development SEND aand ISL ARea Welwyn Hatfield ISL Business Manager Manager, East Herts and North Herts and Area Manager, Welwyn Years SEND Manager Manager, St Albans and Hertsmere Sec 40

Services for Young People Services for Young People Services for Young People Services for Young People Targeted Youth Support Youth Connexions Team Manager, Vulnerable Manager, Participation in Manager, Youth Work Manager, Youth Justice Team Manager Manager Services for Young People Rivers Education Support North Herts Education Chessbrook Education Dacorum Education Park Education Support Senior Support Officer Young People and North Learning, IAG and East Policy and Watford and Police and Dacorum and Welwyn Hatfield Welwyn Hatfield Manager Centre SUpport Centre Support Centre Support Centre Centre (East) Herts and Stevenage Herts and Broxbourne Three Rivers St Albans Hertsmere Hertsmere Sec 40

Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support SEN Team Manager SEN Team Manager, SEN Team Manager, St SEN Team Manager, Manager Manager Practice Manager LDD Learning Provision Stevenage Education Senior Support Officer Manager Manager East Herts and Watford and Three Rivers Albans and Dacorum SEN Welwyn Hatfield North Herts and East Herts and Wewlyn Hatfield and Pathways Manager Support Centre (West) Watford and Three Rivers Dacorum and St Albans Broxbourne SEN Team SEN Team Team Hertsmere SEN Team Stevenage Broxbourne Hertsmere Sec 40

Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth SUpport Attendace Team Manager Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support SEN Team Manager Attendance Team Attendance Team Attendance Team Practice Manager Practice Manager Senior Commissioning East Herts and Manager, Watford and Manager, St Albans and Manager, Welwyn Practice Manager Practice Manager North Herts and North Herts and East Herts and Manager 0-25 Broxbourne Attendance Three Rivers Attendance Dacorum Attendance Hatfield Hertsmere Watford and Three RIvers Dacorum and St Albans Stevenage SEN Team Stevenage Broxbourne Team Team Team Attendance Team Sec 40

Attendance Team Targeted Youth Support Educational Psychology Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support Educational Psychology Manager Educational Pyschology Educational Psychology Practice Manager Youth Connexions Team Team Manager, Welwyn Practice Manager Practice Manager Team Manager, East Herts North Herts and Team Manager, Watford Team Manager, St Albans North Herts and Manager (LDD) Hatfield Hertsmere EP Watford and Three Rivers Dacorum and St Albans and Broxbourne EP Team Stevenage Attendance and Three Rivers EP Team and Dacorum EP Team Stevenage Team Vacant Sec 40

Early Years SEND Manager Youth Connexions Team Youth Connexions Team Youth Connexions Team Educational Psychology Early Years SEND Team Early Years SEND Team Early Years SEND Team Team Manager, North Manager, Watford and Manager, St Albans and Manager, Welwyn Participation Manager Manager Manager Manager East Herts and Broxbourne Early Years Herts and Stevenage EP Three Rivers EarlyYears Dacorum Early Years Hatfield Hertsmere Early East Herts and Broxboune Watford and Three Rivers Dacorum and St Albans Sec 40

Youth Connexions Team Early Years SEND Access to Education for Senior Advisory Teacher, Manager Youth Work Policy Youht Justice Policy Assistant Principal Manager, North Herts and IAG Manager Travellers and Refugees Sensory an Physical Manager Manager Educational Psychologist Stevenage Early Years North Herts and Manager Impairment Team Sec 40

Specific Learning Central Attendance and Professional Lead, Vulnerable Young Communication and Youth Engagement Difficulties Advisory Deputy Head of SEN Employment Support Communication Disorders Peopel's Policy Manager Online Services Manager Manager Teacher Team Manager Team Sec 40

Independent and Specialist Services Educational Psychology Alternative Placements Business Manager Manager Business Manager Co-Ordinator Sec 40

Senior Educational Service Development and Psycholoogist , Complex Innovations Manager Communimcation Needs Sec 40 Vacancy

Professional Team Manager Sec 40