Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 197 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover

170170171 177 SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice Adopted by the Steel Joist Institute April 7, 1931 1931 7, April Institute Joist Steel the by Adopted Revised to May 18, 2010 - Effective December 31, 2010 2010 31, December Effective - 2010 18, May to Revised A vertical A concentrated load used to design the joist chord for the additional bending stresses

. Steeljoists,. JoistGirders as and accessories providedtheseller. by The entity that is responsiblefor the proper safe erection and materials the in of accordance with all applicable Thethat entityis identified in such contract as the documents.

The entity agreed that to has material purchase manufacturerfromthe also agreed has to and the terms sale. of CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTSAND JOIST GIRDERS GENERAL SECTION 1SECTION CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE PRACTICE STANDARD OF CODE FOR STEEL JOISTS ANDJOIST GIRDERS CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE Owner. codes and Material resultingfromthis load being appliedlocation any the at joist between panel points. load This shall accounted already be for inthe specified joist designationload, uniformload, or Add-load only and is used for the additional bending check in the chord not and does contributethe to overall forces within axial joist. the ideal Anfor of is incidental this use loads which have already accounted been for in the design loading but mayinduce additional bending stress due to this load Erector. additionto any other gravity loads specified. Bend-Check Load. The practices and customs set forth herein are in accordance with good engineering practice, tend to ensure safety in steel joist and Joist Girder construction, and are standard within the industry. There shall be no conflict this between code and any legal building regulation.This code shall only supplement and amplify laws. Unless such specificprovisions to the contrary are made in a contractfor the purchase of steel joists or Joist Girders, this code is understood to govern the interpretation a contract. such of APPLICATION 1.2 1.1 SCOPE occurringlocation any at the along chord. Buyer. This Code of Standard Practiceis to govern a as standard unless otherwise covered in the architects' and engineers' plans and specifications. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A singlevertical Add-Load. concentrated load which occurs at any one panel point along the joist chord. Thisload is in

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 198 material to be supplied by the seller. These or plans are approved by the specifying professional, buyer, or professional, specifying the by plans approved are or roof These floor by seller. the besupplied to material Plans. Placement Structural Drawings. Structural system. structural the load-carrying of andhas knowledge structure the for preparation anddocument design analysis, the supervised or she heor that has performed indicates which Professional. Specifying andaccessories. Girders Seller. the field. in proper location inthe placed is somaterial that required attachment minimum and conditions endbearing the describe that sections with along andaccessories Girders Joist steeljoists, of the placement individual the shown for typically is number mark piece unique A design. material final for onthesedrawings contained uses information the seller The requirements. design the with conformance for owner 1.5 RESPONSIBILITY FOR DESIGNAND FOR ERECTION RESPONSIBILITY 1.5 adoption. of latest Tables & Weight LoadTables Specifications Standard Institute Steel Joist with the accordance be in 1.4 DESIGN 1.4 andnotes. diagrams schedules, all loads, connections, details, sections, plans,elevations, include generally work. the Thesedocuments of dimensions 1.6 PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR K-SERIES STEEL JOIST CONSTRUCTION STEEL K-SERIES JOIST FOR PERFORMANCE TESTS 1.6 furnished. in listed items the to furnish than other assumenoresponsibility shall seller the specified, are requirements material When In the absence of ordinances or specifications to the contrary, all designs prepared by the the by prepared designs all contrary, the to specifications or ordinances of absence the In When a performance test on a joist is required, the following criteria shall beused: shall criteria the following required, onais test joist aperformance When item the of erection the for responsibility assume any seller the nocase shall In andtype. size showing by material identify shall seller The 6.1. Section in as stipulated seller the to beprovided shall information design Pertinent code. andthis adoption, of latest Tables & Weight LoadTables Specifications Standard Institute Joist Steel with accordance in 5.2(a) Section in listed items the shall furnish seller the specified, not are requirements 5.2(a). material When Section SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS c) Loading shall be uniformly distributed across the full length of the joist top chord, and the load application application shall and load topthe chord, the joist of length across the full distributed beuniformly shall Loading c) performance test applied of calculation the in be shall included of all test weight materials andthe self-weight Joist b) a) The performance test load shall be the maximum factored uniformly distributed downward design load for the load for downward design distributed uniformly befactored the shall maximum load test performance The a) Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF A company certified by the Steel Joist Institute engaged in the manufacture and distribution of steel joists, Joist Joist steeljoists, of anddistribution manufacture the engagedin Institute Joist Steel the by certified A company proportion of force than intended by the joist design. design. the by joist intended ofthan force proportion ahigher to subjected being component joist any in asresult to such amanner in be distributed not shall load the test loading, test the of application the any stageduring At test. the throughout distribution uniform maintain testing. during the joist for as appropriate loading aK For (3) (2) For aK For (2) aK For (1) joist. selected

1.50. 1.50. times multiplied downward load design distributed highestuniformly inthe resulting LoadCombination ASD is the LRFD Load Combination resulting in the highest uniformly distributed downward factored design design load. downward factored distributed highestuniformly inthe resulting LoadCombination LRFD the is size andspan. joist specific Load for the LRFD Table Standard the Drawings that are prepared depicting the interpretation of the contract documents requirements for the the for requirements documents contract of the interpretation the depicting prepared are Drawings that -Series joist with factored loading conditions other than found in the Standard LRFD Load Table, this Load LRFD Table, the Standard in than found other conditions loading with factored joist -Series in tabulated capacity load-carrying distributed uniformly safe factored TOTAL the thisis joist, -Series -Series joist with loading conditions other than found in the Standard ASD Load Table, this is the thisis Load ASD Table, Standard in the than found other conditions with loading joist -Series The graphic or pictorial portions of the contract documents showing the design, location and location design, the showing documents the contract portions of pictorial or graphic The The licensed professional who is responsible for sealing the building contract documents, documents, contract building the sealing for who responsible is professional The licensed

171171172 178

specifying professional shall Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 199 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover

172172173 179 -Series Standard Specification, and shall be considered safe for in use SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice -Series products at a common interior support; -Series and LH K - and DLH-Series joists may have exceptionallylarge end reactions, it is recommended that supporting the LH DLH-Series joists are furnished either underslung or ended, square with top chords either parallel,pitched one without inhibitingvertical displacement. The joist top chord shall havelateral braces located at equal spacing of no more than 36 inches (914 mm) on center.The joist bottom chord shalllateral have braces located, at minimum,thebottom per chord bridginglocations shown the on approved joist placement plan. installed per the approved joistdeck and placement plans. All bottom chord horizontal bridging rows shall be terminated by bracing back to the top chord of the adjacent joist or by a lateral restraint system which does not inhibitvertical the deflectionthe ofjoist. test construction.further No proof strength of individual of joist components or connections is required. considered to satisfy the intent of the K for thanless 15 minutes. no Aftermaximumthe hasload been removed test forminimum a minutes, ofthe 10 remainingvertical displacementmidspanat shall exceed notvertical the20% of midspan deflection sustained underfull the performancetest load. Sloped joists; Mixing Masonry supports with a steel bearingmore plate1/2mm)fromthan inch (13 face the the of wall. CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS f) The performanceloading test shall be applied a rateof at no greater than 25 plfminute per and shall be sustained e) Iftested singly, loadmachine in a test apparatus, joist the chords shallto be braced prevent lateralmovement, d) If tested as a panel assembly, the joistsshall be testedin pairs with deck, deck attachments, and bridging g) All associated costs with testing such shall the be borne by purchaser. h) Joists that have been designed and manufactured and have satisfied the above performance test criteria shall be • • • - and AND ACCESSORIES AND ACCESSORIES JOISTS, JOIST GIRDERS, SECTION 2 SECTION -Series joistsfurnished are with parallel chords onlyand with a standard end bearing depth of 2 1/2 (64 mm). inches CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE 2.1 JOISTSTEEL JOISTSGIRDERS AND Steeljoists and Joist Girders shall carrythe designations and meet the requirementsof Steel the JoistInstitute Standard SpecificationsWeight Load Tables & latest Tables of adoption. K Joist bearing seat depths greater than 2 1/2 inches (64 mm) are available requirements when warrant deeper bearing seats.Conditions a bearing where seat depth ofthanmore 2-1/2inches may (64 mm) be required include:

LH way or pitchedway ways. two Underslung types are furnished with minimum end bearing depths as shown in Table 2-1. A standard maximumjoist bearing seat width (perpendiculartojoist the length) provided. is This widthshall vary be permittedtojoist on the based design and manufacturer. For sloped joist bearing refer seats to the sloped seat requirements tables in the Accessories and Detailsthis section catalog. of Because

structure be designed to providenominal a minimum unit bearing pressureof per pounds 750 inchsquare (5171 kilo Pascals). It is not recommended thata DLH -Series joist that exceeds72 inches (1829 mm) deep and has a span greater than 80 feetmm) in (24384 be used a bottom bearing configuration. OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 200 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard 2.2 JOIST LOCATION AND SPACING LOCATION JOIST 2.2 the seatwidths. accommodate wide enoughto be shall made member structural supporting The wide. mm) (330 13” to be up to permitted be shall and size Girder Joist onthe depending widths vary seat bearing Girder Joist span. of the at the center taken is Girder Joist apitched of depth nominal The (1:24). foot per inch 1/2 to up of chord a top chordsor parallel either have to permitted be shall Girders Joist mm). (191 inches 71/2 of depth bearing end standard a with furnished are types Underslung ways. two oneway pitched or pitched parallel, chordseither top with ended square or underslung either are Girders furnished Joist may be placed one full space from these members. Joists are provided with camber and may have a significant and have camber may a significant with Joistsprovided are space thesemembers. one from full beplaced may joists adjacent the first deck, roof or slab floor the supporting of capable are beams tie or beams wall sidewalls, Where adoption. Tablesof latest Weight & Tables Load Specifications Standard the of requirements the with accordance bein shall spacing joist maximum The difference in elevation with respect to the adjacent structure because of this camber. This difference in elevation should should elevation in difference This thiscamber. of because structure adjacent the to respect with elevation in difference convey the information, a Load Diagram or Load Schedule shall be provided. beprovided. shall LoadSchedule or aLoadDiagram the information, convey clearly to necessary When Girder. Joist onthe loads point as denoted beclearly shall members supported from reactions Girders, design. ForJoist or Girder Joist the joist into be to are incorporated which applied loads) other or loads, bracing structural moments, loads, axial uplift, net units, mechanical loads, (drift loads special all Thisincludes LOADS. GIRDER andJOIST of JOIST ALL andlocation the magnitude andprovide calculate shall professional specifying The LRFD). or basis design (ASD the provide andshall designed is structure the which under 6.1. in Section as be indicated investigated shall and loads, joists as concentrated treated be theyshall the joists, to perpendicular occur partitions width. When in (305 mm) onefoot of onastrip floor load, live less the floor, adjacent andthe such partition of weight the support safely necessary to if beprovided shall joist such one than and more such each partition, under provided onejoist be least at shall there to joists, parallel partitionsoccur Where K Joists, Steel Open Web . beam tie a or wall adjacentto side wall, joist the first when locating consideration be given The specifying professional shall provide the nominal loads and load combinations as stipulated by the applicable code applicable the by stipulated as combinations load and loads nominal the provide shall professional specifying The designed. structuresare which for requirements loading the establishes the nor joist manufacturer Institute Joist the Steel Neither SPECIFYING DESIGN LOADS CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF **THE SEAT WIDTHBASED VARY DESIGN **THE MAY ON TO *REFER DIGIT(S)LAST JOISTOF DESIGNATION STANDARD END BEARING SEAT DEPTH AND STANDARD MAXIMUM SEAT WIDTH ANDSEAT DEPTH SEAT STANDARD BEARING STANDARD END MAXIMUM JOIST SERIES LH/DLH LH/DLH DLH DLH -Series, should be placed no closer than 6 inches (152 mm) to supporting walls or members. members. or walls supporting to mm) (152 inches 6 than closer no placed be should -Series, K

21 to 25, incl. 7 ½” (191 mm) 13” (330 (330 13” mm) (305 12” mm) (191 7½” mm) (191 7½” mm) 25, incl. 21 to 20, incl. 18 to 2 to 17, incl. 5” (127 mm) 8” (229 (229 8” mm) 5” (127 mm) 17, incl. 2 to NUMBER* SECTION ALL ALL TABLE 2-1 2-1 TABLE 173173174 180

MINIMUM BEARING BEARING MINIMUM 2 ½” (64 mm) 6” (152 (152 6” mm) 2 ½” (64 mm)



Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 201 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover theyshall require consideration by the joistmanufacturer. ,

174174175 181 SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice the bottom chord struts are welded to the supporting connection wheneverthe specifying professional also provide the load location and any of additional loads on the structural plan with “Joist a note : Select a joist Select: a designationfrom the Standard Load Table(orjoist specify a type using a uniform load inthe : Selectjoist a designationfrom the Standard Load Table (or specify a joist type using a uniformload in the when, inwhen, the opinion of the

The top and bottommoment chord connection details shall be designed by the specifying professional. The joist designer shallfurnish the specifying professionaljoist the with information detail if requested. moments providedinclude do not dead load. A note shall be provided on the structural drawings stating that allmoment resisting joists shall have all dead loads applied tojoist the before on the structuraldrawings. For moment resisting joists or Joist Girders at or near the top of a column, due consideration shall be given to extend the columnlength to allow a plate type connection between the top of the joistGirder or Joist topthe chord column. and Avoidtransferring joist JoistGirder or moments and axial end forces through the bearing seat connection. CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS 1. Ponded rain water. The SteelInstitute Joist Load Tables on uniformloading are based valid conditions and are for in selecting use joist sizes forloads gravity that in can be expressed terms of per "pounds linearfoot" (kiloNewtons per meter) joist. of Thespecifying professionalfive shallthe one of use options describedbelow that allows: - The estimatortothe price joists. manufacturer-joist The todesignjoists the properly. - The to owner obtainmost the joists. economical Option 2 Option designation) which has been determined to be adequate for all design loads. The shear and moment envelope resultingfrom the selected uniform load shallmeet actual the shear and moment requirements. Thus, this option mayalone be adequate not large if concentratedloads need to be designed for. 2. Accumulation invicinity the snow of obstructions of penthouses, as such signs, parapets, adjacent buildings, etc. designation) and Option 1 Option manufacturer shall design joists for additionalloads at locations shown.” This option works wellfor few added a loads per joist with magnitude known and locations. 3. Wind. 4. Type and magnitude ofmoments end and/or axialforces at the joistJoist and Girdersupports end shall be shown CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE

For nominal concentrated loads, which have been accounted for in the specified uniform design loads, a “strut” to transfer the load to panel a point on the opposite chord shall not be required provided thatthe sumthe of concentrated loads within notchord a panel does exceed and theattachments 100 pounds are concentric to chord. the (a) Specifying Joist DesignLoads The nominalloads, determined as by the specifying professional, shall thanless not that be specifiedin applicable the building codes. Whereconcentrated loads occur,magnitude the and locationthese concentrated of loads shall on the be shown structural drawings

Thespecifying professional shall give due consideration tofollowing theloads and load effects: OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 202

SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS Option 4 uses: Example “Design denote joist simply or each; for loads concentrated equal with specified be can above and(b) (a) Both c) a) Determine the maximum moment. moment. maximum the Determine a) loading. known for multiple not or are exact which locations loads for concentrated workswell for option Option 3 b) “ b) a) “ a) 2 1or option above:to inaddition plan structural onthe bespecified can of the following both, c) Select the required KCS joist that provides the required moment and end reaction (shear). Note that the top chord chord top the that Note (shear). andendreaction moment required the provides that joist KCS required the Select c) (shear). endreaction the maximum Determine b) d) Specify on the structural drawings that an extra web shall be field applied at all concentrated loads not occurring occurring not loads concentrated at all applied be field web shall anextra drawings that structural onthe Specify d) Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF as an “Add-Load”. as an“Add-Load”. - Specifying professional selects a standard joist capable of carrying a 500 lb. RTU. However, the location and and location the However, RTU. a500lb. carrying of capable joist standard a selects professional Specifying - for a (__) lb. concentrated load at any location along the (___) chord.” (___) the along any at location load concentrated a(__) lb. for along (____) chord (____) along both topand bottom Specify a 500 lb. Add- lb. a500 known.Specify not location RTU load, 500lb. for selected not but specified joist Standard - designed for. A Bend-Check load shall not exceed (Add-Load + 400 lbs.) A Bend-Check load can be specified by be by can specified load A 400lbs.) Bend-Check (Add-Load not + shall exceed load A Bend-Check for. designed are then thisload of bendingstresses a as result additional The points. between panel at any location located be also to bepermitted shall load of amount specified this yet Add-Load specified or load, uniform designation, at panel points. points. panel at go5. or Option spacing to joist reduce the exceedsthis, If endpanel loading the bending. panel end ASDusedcheck is to N/m) (8020 550plf or LRFD N/m) (12030 825plf of load uniform A end reaction. basedspecified web,is which onthe tension in the basedfirst onthe load force axial for designed is end panel - Standard SJI joist selected to carry collateral load of 3 psf. Specifying professional wants bending from 150 from wants bending professional Specifying 3 psf. of load collateral carry to selected joist SJI Standard - itself without an Add-Load. anAdd-Load. without itself Design for additional bending stresses resulting from a (__) lb. concentrated load located at any location any at location located load (__) froma lb. concentrated resulting stresses bending for additional Design Design for a (__) lb. concentrated load located at at one any located load concentrated lb. fora(__) Design exact frame size is not yet known but the frame load shall result in two- 250 lbs. point loads at least 5’-0” 5’-0” least at loads point in two- 250 lbs. result loadshall knownthe frame but yet size not is frame exact Load and 250 lb. Bend-check. 250Bend-check. and lb. Load apart. lb. incidental loads to also be designed for bedesigned also to loads incidental lb. : For additional point loads with exact not locations exact with loads point :additional For : Select a KCS joist using moment and end reaction without specifying added loads or diagrams or added loads specifying without andendreaction using aKCSmoment joist : Select a250Bend-Check Specify lb. ”. This is referred to as a “Bend-Check” and can be specified ontop specified be andcan as to a“Bend-Check” referred is ”. This chords. This can be used when the concentrated load is already accounted for in the joist the joist in for accounted already is load concentrated the when beused can This chords. . Specify a 150 lb. Bend-Check. a Bend-Check. . Specify 150 lb. 175175176 182

known along the joist or for incidental loads, any one, or or one, any loads, incidental or for joist the along known panel point along the joist chord, chord, ”. This”. is referred to bottom chord, or or chord, . This Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 203

= 7500 lbs= (33.36 7500 kN) R Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover = 8400 lbs = (37.37 kN), R L R OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 1: EXAMPLE LRFD - 4 OPTION U.S. (METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) M 938 k-in. = (105.9 kN-m) Select= a 22KCS3, M 987 k-in. (111.5kN-m) lbsR = (44.0 9900 kN) Bridgingft. sectionfor=mm) 40 (12192 9 L no. 22K9 toUse determine bridging and stability requirements. Since a standard Joist KCS be selectedfrom can load the tableloadis a diagram not required.

176176177 183

SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice

= 5000 lbs = (22.2 kN) R CODE OF CODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS = 5600 lbs = (24.9 5600 kN), R L CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE R R = 6600 lbsR = (29.3 6600 kN) Bridgingft. sectionfor=mm) 40 (12192 9 L no. 22K9 toUse determine bridging and stability requirements. Select= a 22KCS3, M 658 k-in. (74.3 kN-m) M 625 k-in. = (70.6 kN-m) Since a standard Joist KCS be selectedfrom can load the tableloadisa diagram not required.


OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 204 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard M = 443 k-in. kN-m) (50.1 = 443k-in. M UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 4 - ASD EXAMPLE 2:

load diagram is not required. not is required. diagram load a table, load the from selected be can Joist KCS a standard and N/m) (8020 550plf of load uniform Joist KCS maximum the doesexceed not N/m)] (2335 160plf + N/m) (3940 plf N/m) 430plf [6275 (270 of load uniform the maximum Since requirements. and stability bridging determine to Use 22K6 (55.1kN-m) 488k-in. M a22KCS2, = Select R Bridging section no. 6L 30(9144 mm) section for = ft. Bridging kN) 5900 (26.2 R = lbs CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS L = 5000 lbs (22.24 kN), R kN), 5000 (22.24 = lbs Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF

R = 5340 lbs (23.75 kN) (23.75 = 5340lbs

177177178 184

U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS AND (METRIC UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 2: M = 664 k-in. (75.03 = 664k-in. M Since the maximum maximum the Since requirements. andstability bridging determine Use to 22K6 no. 6 L 30(9144mm) section for = ft. Bridging kN) 8850 (39.3 R = lbs (82.64 kN-m) 732k-in. M a22KCS2, = Select from the load table, a load diagram is not not is required. adiagram load load table, the from be selected can Joist KCS andastandard N/m) (12030 of 825plf load uniform Joist KCS the maximum exceed does N/m)) not (3503 + 240plf plfN/m) (405 (5911 N/m) R L = 7500 lbs (33.36 kN), R kN), (33.36 = 7500lbs factored kN-m) kN-m) R = 8010 lbs (35.63 kN) kN) 8010 (35.63 = lbs uniform load of 645 plf (9413 of 645plf load uniform

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards


FACTORED UNIFORM loads. loads. Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover Select LH-Series a Joist.See OPTION 5. Use double Use joists each havingminimum a = 21000 lbs= (93.41 21000 kN) R = R L shear capacity,shear 10500 lbs = (46.71 R kN) and a uniformload of(8756 N/m). 600 plf Select 28KCS5, two 2556 k-in. = M (288.7 kN-m), lbsR = (61.3 13800 kN). Bridgingft. sectionformm) 55 (16764 = 12 no. L Use 28K12 to determine bridging and stabilityrequirements. B: OPTION LOADOF 825 plf (12040 N/m). A: OPTION moment capacity, 2183 k-in. = M (246.65kN-m) and EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS KCS (MAXIMUM 30KCS5 OF CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM EXCEEDS AND JOIST U.S. (METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 3: EXAMPLE LRFD - 4 OPTION M 4365 k-in. = (493.2 kN-m) R

178178179 185

SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice

-Series Joist.OPTION See 5. : Specify a SPECIALjoist designation the when joist includes more complex loadingfor or conditions which Select LH a Use double Use joists each havingminimum a = 14000 lbs= (62.28 14000 kN) then the specifying professional shall provideload a schedule along with the appropriateload combinations. Regardless of the where loads areunfactored shown, design loads broken by down load categoriesshall be provided in order tothe design joists correctly applicable with load combinations. Place the designation (e.g. 28K SP or 28LH SP) with the following note: “Joistmanufacturer to design joist to support shown.” loads as R CODE OF CODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS need considerationmultiple of potentially controllingload combinations. a) Provideload a diagram and/or enough information drawingsthe to clearly on defineALL Option 5 Option b) Ifloading the criteria are too complex to adequately communicate on the or drawings with a simpleload diagram, = R L CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE

M 2910 k-in. = (328.8 kN-m) R U.S. (METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) 3: EXAMPLE ASD - 4 OPTION moment capacity, 1455 k-in. = M (164.4 kN-m) and capacity,shear 7000 lbs = (31.14 and R kN) a uniformload of(5838 N/m). 400 plf Select 28KCS5, two 1704 k-in. = M (192.5 kN-m), lbsR = (40.9 9200 kN). Bridgingft. sectionformm). 55 (16764 = 12 no. Use L 28K12 to determine bridging and stabilityrequirements. B: OPTION EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS KCS (MAXIMUM 30KCS5 OF CAPACITY EXCEEDS OF LOAD UNIFORM MAXIMUM EXCEEDS AND JOIST) 550 plf (8027 N/m). A: OPTION OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 206 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard

OPTION B: requirements. andstability bridging determine to 28K12 L Use no. 12 = 55(16764 mm). section for ft. Bridging kN). 9200 (40.9 R = lbs (192.5kN-m), M = 1704k-in. two 28KCS5, Select 400plf N/m). (5838 of load a uniform kN) R and (31.14 = 7000lbs shear capacity, and (164.4kN-m) M = 1455k-in. capacity, moment OPTION A: N/m). (8027 550 plf JOIST) AND EXCEEDS MAXIMUM UNIFORM LOAD OF EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS AND (METRIC UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 4 - ASD EXAMPLE 3: R (328.8kN-m) = 2910k-in. M CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS DesignLoads Joist Girder Specifying (b) 1thru 5ABOVE FOR OPTIONS CAUTION D S ASCE 72.4.1(3), diagram per + Load UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 5 - ASD EXAMPLE: 2. If the joist has not been designed for localized accumulation of loads which results in a point or concentrated load, this this load, concentrated or a point in results which loads of accumulation localized for designed been hasnot joist the If 2. derived loads uniform equivalent the compare shall professional specifying the specified, being is joist aK-Series If 1. L (2.34 kN/m) =R 160 lb/ft b) If the loading criteria are too complex to adequately communicate on the drawings or with a simple load diagram, diagram, load a simple with drawingsor onthe communicate adequately to complex too are criteria the loading If b) loads. ALL define on clearly to the drawings enoughinformation and/or adiagram load Provide a) load combinations. controlling potentially of multiple need consideration Option 5 Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF 4. Live load deflection rarely governs because of the relatively small span to depth ratios of Joist Girders. However, it it However, Girders. Joist of ratios span depth to small relatively the of governsbecause rarely deflection load Live 4. professional specifying the both by beconsidered shall which problems special present elements chord in Holes 3. tables. the in spans,shown loads depths, or the use necessary to only not is It 2. loads. depths and for various (kiloNewtonsmeter) per foot pounds linear weight per in the Girder Joist gives tables the in provided information The selected. is andadepth calculated are loads point panel the spaces. Then joist of number the determines first professional specifying span,the Girder Joist a given For aschedule. in or unfactored shown 1. The purpose of the Joist Girder Design Guide Weight Table is to assist the specifying professional in the selection selection inthe professional specifying assist the to is Guide Table Design Weight Girder Joist the purpose of The 1. be point shall loads otherthan anything Note that ontheGirder. Joist point panel per (kiloNewtons) kips in expressed be can that conditions gravity sizesfor Girder Joist use inselecting for valid andare conditions loading point panel spaced onuniformly based are Girders Joist for Tables LRFD or Weight ASD Guide Design Institute’s Joist Steel The opposite chord”. onthe apanelpoint to attachment of the point applied from web befield shall anextra points, panel at occur donot loads concentrated “Where drawings, structural on the specify Therefore, points. panel chord bottom or top at be shall made attachment load an use or loading the reduce to joists use additional shall professional specifying the that indicates kN) (40.9 exceeding 9200 lbs. endreaction unfactored a or 550plfN/m) (8020 inexcessmaximum of load uniform unfactored K in the tabulated loads uniform the andshear to the moment maximum from joist and make provisions for 5 inch (127 mm) deep bearing seats. 5 deepbearing (127 inch mm) andfor provisions make joist R CODEOFSTANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST R support loads as shown.” as loads shown.” support to joist design to manufacturer “Joist note: following the with 28LHSP) or SP 28K (e.g. designation the Place combinations. load with applicable correctly design joists to the inorder provided be shall categories load down by broken loads design shown, unfactored are whereloads the of Regardless combinations. load appropriate the with along aschedule load provide shall professional specifying the then = 14000 lbs (62.28 kN) kN) 14000 (62.28 = lbs L deflection requirements and load combinations can be properly accounted design. for in accounted beproperly can combinations andload requirements deflection specified so beprovided TL/LL), (i.e. category load by loads, point the of abreakdown that recommended is system. support aroofor of floor drawings. drawings. structural onthe indicated beclearly suchshall holes of sizesandlocations The Manufacturer. Girder Joist and the

Joist manufacturer to designjoistto supportloads shown as above. (2.44 m) Use double joists each having a minimum a minimum having each joists Use double Select a LH Select PLEASE NOTE THE LOAD COMBINATIONS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE EXAMPLES ONLY 8’-0” : Specify a SPECIAL joist designation when the joist includes more complex loading or for conditions which which conditions or for loading complex more includes joist when the designation joist a SPECIAL Specify : 30’-0” (9.14 m) DEAD LOAD = 60 lb/ft (0.88 kN/m) (0.88 lb/ft 60 = LOAD DEAD SNOW LOAD = 180 lb/ft (2.63 kN/m) -Series Joist. See 5. See OPTION Joist. -Series 32LH SP 32LH (2.22 kN) 500 lbs

800 lbs (3.56 kN) kN) (1.83 m) 6’-0” 300 lbs (1.33 kN) kN) (2.13 m) 7’-0” (0.91 m) 3’-0” : R R (457 mm)(457

18” 18”



1.2D+1.6S 1.2D+1.6S 2.3.2(3), ASCE 7 per diagram Load Unfactored UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 5 - LRFD EXAMPLE: R (493.2kN-m) = 4365k-in. M OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 3: U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS AND (METRIC UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. JOIST AND EXCEEDS MAXIMUM EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS moment capacity, M = 2183 k-in. (246.65 kN-m) and (246.65 kN-m) M = 2183k-in. capacity, moment OPTION A: N/m). (12040 825 plf LOAD OF OPTION B: requirements. andstability bridging determine to 28K12 Use L no. 12 = 55(16764 mm) section for ft. Bridging kN). 13800 (61.3 R = lbs (288.7kN-m), M = 2556k-in. two 28KCS5, Select 600plf N/m). (8756 of load a uniform and kN) R (46.71 = 10500lbs shear capacity, (2.34 kN/m) 160 lb/ft SL L =R R R L

= 21000 lbs (93.41 kN) 21000 (93.41 = lbs

(2.44 m) Joist manufacturer to designjoistto loads support unfactored as 8’-0” Use double joists each having a minimum a minimum having each joists Use double Select a LH-Series Joist. See OPTION 5. OPTION Joist. See a LH-Series Select 30’-0” (9.14 m) DEAD LOAD = 60 lb/ft (0.88 kN/m) (0.88 lb/ft 60 = LOAD DEAD SNOW LOAD = 180 lb/ft (2.63 kN/m) shown above. -Series Load Table. An equivalent An LoadTable. equivalent -Series 32LH SP 32LH 500 lbs DL (2.22 kN) 800 lbs DL (3.56 kN)

(1.83 m) 6’-0” UNIFORM UNIFORM FACTORED 300 lbs DL (1.33 kN) (2.13 m) 7’-0” (0.91 m) 3’-0” R . R (457 mm)(457 18” 18” LH


Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards


then be designated FACTORED UNIFORM vary from that shown. vary from that shown.

Load and Resistance Factor Design Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover Select LH-Series a Joist.See OPTION 5. Use double Use joists each havingminimum a and S. Customary U. units:

Totalloadx 346.50 = 5.25 66 psf = plf

= 21000 lbs= (93.41 21000 kN) In this example,= 8. N 44G8N17.4F. Note thatletter the is included “F” at the end of the designation to clearlyindicate that this is a factored load. theshows weightfor 44G8N18.0F a pounds49 as per linearfoot. Theverify designer should that the weight is not greater than the weight assumed in the Dead Load above. chord panel points x 17,325=P 346.5 50 = = lbs 17.4 kips 18K(use for selection). depth Refer to the LRFD Joist Girder Design GuideWeight Tablefor the 42'-0" span, 8 panel, 18.0K Joist Girder. The rule about of one inch offor depth each foot of is span a good compromise of limited depth and economy.Therefore, select a depth of 44 inches. R Example using (LRFD) Total Load = (factored) 66 psf d) The LRFD JoistGirder DesignWeight Guide Table a) Compute the factored concentrated load at top b) Select JoistGirder depth: The Joist Girder shall c) Live Load x = 1.6 30 psf Dead Load x = 1.2 15 psf (includes the approximateJoistGirder weight) = R L shear capacity,shear 10500 lbs = (46.71 R kN) and a uniformload of(8756 N/m). 600 plf Select 28KCS5, two 2556 k-in. = M (288.7 kN-m), lbsR = (61.3 13800 kN). Bridgingft. sectionformm) 55 (16764 = 12 no. L Use 28K12to determine bridging and stabilityrequirements. B: OPTION LOADOF 825 plf (12040 N/m). A: OPTION moment capacity, 2183 k-in. = M (246.65kN-m) and EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS KCS (MAXIMUM 30KCS5 OF CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM EXCEEDS AND JOIST U.S.(METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 3: EXAMPLE LRFD - 4 OPTION M 4365 k-in. = (493.2 kN-m) R

Contact joist manufacturer if exact layout must be known. 2. Compute total factored load: 3. Joist GirderSection: (Interior) Given 42'-0"x5'-3" on spaced Joists 50'-0" bay. centers Note:Web configurationmay

1. Determine number actualjoist (N). of spaces

178178 179


SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice then be designated vary from that shown. vary from that shown.

-Series Joist.OPTION See 5. ASD Joist Girder Design Guide Allowable Strength Design (ASD) Design Strength Allowable : Specify a SPECIALjoist designation the when joist includes more complex loadingfor or conditions which Select LH a Use double Use joists each havingminimum a shows theshows weight for a 44G8N12K 49 pounds as per linearfoot. The designer shouldverify thatthe weight is not greaterthan the in weight assumed theabove. Dead Load 44G8N11.9K. Weightfor Table the 42'-0" span, 8 panel, 12.0K Joist Girder.Theinch rule about of one depth of forfoot each is of span a good compromise of limited depth and economy. Therefore, select a depthinches. of 44 chord panel points x 11,813P= 236.25 = lbs 11.9 = 50 kips 12K(use for selection). depth Refer to the Totalloadx 236.25 = 5.25 45 psf = plf = 14000 lbs= (62.28 14000 kN) then the specifying professional shall provideload a schedule along with the appropriateload combinations. Regardless of the where loads areunfactored shown, design loads broken by down load categoriesshall be provided in order tothe design joists correctly applicable with load combinations. Place thedesignation (e.g. 28K SP or 28LH SP) with the following note: “Joistmanufacturer to design joist to support shown.” loads as CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD OF CODE R d) The ASD Joist Girder Design GuideWeight Table Example using c) Thec) Joist Girder shall and U. S. Customary units: units: Customary S. U. and b) Select JoistGirder depth: In this example,= 8. N a) Computefactored the concentratedload at top Live Load = 30 psf Dead Load = 15 psf (includes the approximateJoistGirder weight) Total Load = 45 psf CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS Option 5 Option need considerationmultiple of potentially controllingload combinations. a) Provideload a diagram and/or enough information drawingsthe to clearly on defineALL loads. b) Ifloading the criteria are too complex to adequately communicate on the or drawings with a simpleload diagram, = R CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE L

2. Compute total load: Contact joist manufacturer if exact layout must be known. 1. Determine number actualjoist (N). of spaces Note:Web configurationmay Given 42'-0"x5'-3" on spaced Joists 50'-0" bay. centers 3. Joist GirderSection: (Interior) 3: EXAMPLE ASD - 4 OPTION U.S.(METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) M 2910 k-in. = (328.8 kN-m) R EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS KCS (MAXIMUM 30KCS5 OF CAPACITY EXCEEDS OF LOAD UNIFORM MAXIMUM EXCEEDS AND JOIST) 550 plf (8027 N/m). A: OPTION moment capacity, 1455 k-in. = M (164.4 kN-m) and capacity,shear 7000 lbs = (31.14 and R kN) a uniformload of(5838 N/m). 400 plf Select 28KCS5, two 1704 k-in. = M (192.5 kN-m), lbsR = (40.9 9200 kN). Bridgingft. sectionformm). 55 (16764 = 12 no. Use L 28K12to determine bridging and stabilityrequirements. B: OPTION

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 208 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard

OPTION B: requirements. andstability bridging determine to 28K12 L Use no. 12 = 55(16764 mm). section for ft. Bridging kN). 9200 (40.9 R = lbs (192.5kN-m), M = 1704k-in. two 28KCS5, Select 400plf N/m). (5838 of load a uniform kN) R and (31.14 = 7000lbs shear capacity, and (164.4kN-m) M = 1455k-in. capacity, moment OPTION A: N/m). (8027 550 plf JOIST) AND EXCEEDS MAXIMUM UNIFORM LOAD OF EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS R (328.8kN-m) = 2910k-in. M U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS AND (METRIC UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 4 - ASD EXAMPLE 3:

(7) Chord members shall be designed for additional bending stresses created by this concentrated Total load. Total concentrated this by created bendingstresses additional for be designed shall members Chord (7) chord. onchord andbottom point top both the atpanel any applied load concentrated A (6) (5) When Net Uplift is specified for simple loading, it shall already take into account possible reduced Dead Loading Loading Dead reduced possible account take into already shall it loading, simple for specified is Uplift Net When (5) (4) The Floor or Roof Live load, Snow, or Rain load. Rain Snow,or load. or Live Roof load, Floor The (4) (3) When standard SJI designations are used, the design Dead Load is required for load combinations with Wind or with Wind combinations load for required is DeadLoad design the used, are designations SJI standard When (3) (2) Loading values are not required if designation loading values are correct for deflection and load combinations. andcombinations. load deflection for correct are loading values designation if required not are Loading values (2) (1) Joist designation loads include all uniform gravity Provideloads. gravity alluniform both include loads designation Totaland Joist Live loads. (1) (c)


b) If the loading criteria are too complex to adequately communicate on the drawings or with a simple load diagram, diagram, load a simple with drawingsor onthe communicate adequately to complex too are criteria the loading If b) loads. ALL define on clearly to the drawings enoughinformation and/or adiagram load Provide a) load combinations. controlling potentially of multiple need consideration Option 5 Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF for joist loading using pounds per square foot. pounds using square per foot. loading for joist beshown can adiagram foot, lineal per pounds in beassigned cannot uplift the If defined. clearly values Dead Loading Gross below, combinations use in load for greatly varies Load when or Dead the complex loading For more combination. load uplift Net largest the create to order in present Seismic. Seismic. e) Check live load deflection: deflection: load live Check e) Load Schedule Example 36G5N6.5K/3.5K DESIGNATION R CODEOFSTANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST Girders: (kips) support loads as shown.” as loads shown.” support to joist design to manufacturer “Joist note: following the with 28LHSP) or SP 28K (e.g. designation the Place combinations. load with applicable correctly design joists to the inorder provided be shall categories load down by broken loads design shown, unfactored are whereloads the of Regardless combinations. load appropriate the with along aschedule load provide shall professional specifying the then = 14000 lbs (62.28 kN) kN) 14000 (62.28 = lbs Joists: (plf) (plf) Joists: Δ = Δ

= L/360 = = L/360 = plastered for deflection Allowable .8i.<.0i. kyOkay in., <1.40 in. 0.88 = = 0.027 0.027 8 x 44 11.9 42 = x = 4750in. x NPLd 0.027 = of inertia moment Girder Joist Approximate 50 = 1500plf 30psf ft. = load x Live ( TL/LL ) TL/LL ( 28LHSP 28LHSP 24K7SP 24K7SP 18KSP 18KSP Use double joists each having a minimum a minimum having each joists Use double Select a LH Select : Specify a SPECIAL joist designation when the joist includes more complex loading or for conditions which which conditions or for loading complex more includes joist when the designation joist a SPECIAL Specify : (1)

.1 5. 1     360 Lw5 ()

1242 4 LOAD SCHEDULE (All are to Loads shownbe as unfactored) IE384     -Series Joist. See 5. See OPTION Joist. -Series DL (plf) (plf) 110 110 120 = 85 LOADING LOADING =


() or L or .in40.1 ( LL (plf) (plf) 355 355 155 185

() )( ( r 29000384 /S/R (2) (4)

DOWN DOWN WARD WARD () )( ( ) 4750 [] (plf) (plf) 95



UPLIFT UPLIFT NET 4 (plf) (plf) 180 180 175 175 360 360




uplift should be specified with the minimum and maximum and the minimum maximum with bespecified should uplift R (493.2kN-m) = 4365k-in. M U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS AND (METRIC UNITS) CUSTOMARYAND UNITS (METRIC U.S. OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 3: JOIST AND EXCEEDS MAXIMUM EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS moment capacity, M = 2183 k-in. (246.65 kN-m) and (246.65 kN-m) M = 2183k-in. capacity, moment OPTION A: N/m). (12040 825plf LOAD OF OPTION B: requirements. andstability bridging determine to 28K12 Use L no. 12 = 55(16764 mm) section for ft. Bridging kN). 13800 (61.3 R = lbs (288.7kN-m), M = 2556k-in. two 28KCS5, Select 600plf N/m). (8756 of load a uniform and kN) R (46.71 = 10500lbs shear capacity, L 1.0/0.6 1.0/0.6 e) Check live load deflection: deflection: load live Check e) TL/LL TL/LL (kips) =R 0.5 0.5

Δ = Δ

= L/360 = = L/360 = ceilings plastered for deflection Allowable = 0.018 0.018 8 x 44 17.4 42 = x = 4630in. x NPLd 0.018 = of inertia moment Girder Joist Approximate 50 = 1500plf 30psf ft. = load x Live .0i.<.0i. kyOkay in., <1.40 in. 0.90 = R

= 21000 lbs (93.41 kN) 21000 (93.41 = lbs (6) .1 5. 1 Use double joists each having a minimum a minimum having each joists Use double Select a LH-Series Joist. See OPTION 5. OPTION Joist. See a LH-Series Select BEND-CHECK (kips)     TC TC D 0.3 Axial Loads Axial 0.3 360 Lw5 () 1242 4 IE384     = = (kips) BC BC D (7) () .in40.1 (

() )( ( Drift Loads, see diagram Loads,see diagram Drift 29000384


Wind Moments Moments Wind End Moments Moments End REMARKS () )( ( ) 4630 [] 4

124212500.1515.1 4

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards


@ GRIDS 9/S8 @ 4 DETAILS TRANSFER 11/S8 @ B,C -Series, bearing ends


LEFT or S or R) or or R) S r RIGHT or S or R) or or R) S r

LEFT m or S or R) + (1.0L orS 0.8W) or or R)

- - Basic Load Combinations r 35 60 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover LATERAL MOMENTS (k-ft.) RIGHT

Select LH-Series a See Joist. OPTION 5. Use double Use joists each havingminimum a END MOMENTS m

W WINDW E 35 55 = 21000 lbs= (93.41 21000 kN)


= R 40 95 L RIGHT shear capacity,shear 10500 lbs = (46.71 R kN) and a uniformload of(8756 N/m). 600 plf Select 28KCS5, two 2556 k-in. = M (288.7 kN-m), lbsR = (61.3 13800 kN). Bridgingft. sectionformm) 55 (16764 = 12 no. L Use 28K12 to determine bridging and stabilityrequirements. B: OPTION LOADOF plf 825 (12040 N/m). A: OPTION moment capacity, 2183 k-in. = M (246.65kN-m) and EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS KCS (MAXIMUM 30KCS5 OF CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM EXCEEDS AND JOIST OPTION 4 - LRFD EXAMPLE 3: EXAMPLE LRFD - 4 OPTION U.S. (METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) M 4365 k-in. = (493.2 kN-m) R also be specified.A Load Schedule a which shows 1. 1.4D +2. 1.6L + 0.5(L1.2D 3. 1.6(L + 1.2D +4. 1.6W 1.0L + + 0.5(L 1.2D 5. 1.0E+ 0.2S + + 1.2D 1.0L 6. 1.6W + 0.9D 7. 1.0E + 0.9D Special Seismic Load Combinations +8. 1.0L + E 1.2D 9. E + 0.9D LRFD example


178178 179



(kips) SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice

E (kips) or S or R) or or R) S E=21.8 r AXIAL SEISMIC

W or S or R) r WIND (kips) W=18.0 W=18.0

) 4

I 985 985 MIN. (in.* -Series Joist.OPTION See 5. or S or R) R) S or or r (1)

+ 0.75L + 0.75L + 0.75(L m m -Basic Load Combinations

: Specify a SPECIALjoist designation the when joist includes more complex loadingfor or conditions which m be provided. examplesTwo showing to how listload combinations below: are shown Select LH a Use double Use joists each havingminimum a 18KSP or S or or R) 24K7SP ( TL/LL ) r Joists: (plf) = 14000 lbs= (62.28 14000 kN) then the specifying professional shall provideload a schedule along with the appropriateload combinations. Regardless of the where loads areunfactored shown, design loads broken by down load categoriesshall be provided in order tothe design joists correctly applicable with load combinations. Place the designation (e.g. 28K SP or 28LH SP) with the following note: “Joistmanufacturer to design joist to support shown.” loads as Girders: (kips) R 36G5N6.5K/3.5K shall DESIGNATION CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD OF CODE CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS Option 5 Option need considerationmultiple of potentially controllingload combinations. a) Provideload a diagram and/or enough information drawingsthe to clearly on defineALL loads. b) Ifloading the criteria are too complex to adequately communicate on the or drawings with a simpleload diagram, = R L CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE 11.+ 0.6D 0.7E Special Seismic Load Combinations 0.7E+ 9.D +10. 0.525ED 6. D + 0.75(W+ +6.or+ 0.7E) 0.75LD 0.75(L W 7. + 0.6D 8. 0.7E + 0.6D 2. D + L + 2.D (L+ 3.D 0.75L+ 0.75(L4. + D 5. D + (W or 0.7E) ASD exampleASD 1. D J1 J2

MARK G1 3: EXAMPLE ASD - 4 OPTION U.S. (METRIC UNITS AND CUSTOMARY UNITS) M 2910 k-in. = (328.8 kN-m) R EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF 30KCS5 (MAXIMUM KCS KCS (MAXIMUM 30KCS5 OF CAPACITY EXCEEDS OF LOAD UNIFORM MAXIMUM EXCEEDS AND JOIST) 550 plf (8027 N/m). A: OPTION moment capacity, 1455 k-in. = M (164.4 kN-m) and capacity,shear 7000 lbs = (31.14 and R kN) a uniformload of(5838 N/m). 400 plf Select 28KCS5, two 1704 k-in. = M (192.5 kN-m), lbsR = (40.9 9200 kN). Bridgingft. sectionformm). 55 (16764 = 12 no. Use L 28K12 to determine bridging and stabilityrequirements. B: OPTION

exceeds 1/4 inch ininches (1:48). 12 When sloped end bearings are required, the seat depths shall be adjusted to maintain the standard heightthe at shallow end ofthe sloped bearing.Web ForOpen Steel Joists, shall be permitted to be beveled in not for ofless 12 inches slopes inch 1/4 or (1:48). complete of breakdown allloads bymay Load Category be required. When special shown inloads as tables the above specified,load are the combinations forjoist to be used Joist and Girder design

2.4SLOPED END BEARINGS Wheresteel joists or JoistGirders are sloped, beveledends or sloped bearings end may be provided thewhere slope When lateralmoments are specified, continuitymoments shall JOIST2.5 JOIST AND GIRDER EXTENSIONS Steel joist and Joist Girder shall extensions in accordance be with the requirements of Steel the Joist InstituteStandard SpecificationsWeight Tables Load & latest Tables of adoption. magnitudeThe location and the of loads to be supported, deflection requirements, and proper bracing joist of JoistGirder or Top Chord Extensions (S Type), Extended (R Ends Type)full or depth cantilever shall ends be clearlyindicated on the structural drawings.

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 210 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard K-, LH-, K-, chords of and bottom top the to connected shapes other or angles of consisting cross bridging Diagonal (c) 2.6 CEILINGEXTENSIONS furnished for the support of suspended ceilings. The extension shall be either an extended bottom chord element chord element bottom anextended beeither shall extension ceiling The ceilings. suspended of support the for furnished not are They joists. the of bottom the to attached be to are which ceilings support to befurnished shall extensions Ceiling 2.7 BRIDGING AND BRIDGING ANCHORS ANCHORS AND BRIDGING BRIDGING 2.7 ceiling. the support properly to strength sufficient beof andshall manufacturer, the with standard is whichever unit, aloose or (b) For Load Specifications Standard Institute Joist Steel the andcomplyingwith the manufacturer with standard Bridging (a) (d) When bolted diagonal erection bridging is required, the following shall apply: shall the following required, is bridging erection diagonal bolted When (d) CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS provides the maximum horizontal bridging P force, bridging horizontal the maximum provides the 104in Section 5or Section Specification Standard 6. See Table 2.7-4 for bolt sizes that meet the connection requirements of the the of requirements connection the meet sizesthat bolt for 2.7-4 Table See 6. shown in Tables 2.7-1a and 2.7-1b meet the criteria. Alternately, or for “load/load” designation joists, Table 2.7-1c 2.7-1c Table joists, designation “load/load” or for Alternately, criteria. the meet and 2.7-1b 2.7-1a Tables in shown applicable the per designed members steel horizontal continuous of consist shall bridging Horizontal 5. Bridging attachments shall not protrude above the top chord of the steel joists. steeljoists. top the chord the of above protrude not shall attachments Bridging 5. Section 104 in the the 104 in Section K applicable the per be designed shall when used, bridging, Diagonal adoption. Tablesof latest Weight DLH- Refer to Appendix B for OSHA steel joist erection stability requirements. requirements. stability erection B steel joist Appendix OSHA to for Refer requirements. stability erection for Specification K- the 6in Section to Refer LH stability. erection for bridging diagonal bolted require Tables & Weight LoadTables Specifications Standard Institute Joist whereSteel the except 4. When two pieces of bridging are attached to the steel joist by a common bolt, the nut that secures the first piece piece securesfirst the nut that the acommon bolt, by thejoist steel to attached are bridging of two pieces When 4. specifications. above meet the 2.7-3 shall Table 2.7-2 and Table in sizeslisted the material of intersection, point their at connected are members bridging the When anchorage shall be provided at the ends of each bridging row at both top and bottom chords. andbottom top rowboth bridging ends each at at the of beprovided shall anchorage Positive the manufacturer. by furnished alljoists bridging used be shall for adoption of latest Tables & Weight Tables 3. Shop installed bridging clips, or functional equivalents, shall be provided where the bridging bolts to the steel steel joist. boltsto the wherebridging the beprovided shall equivalents, or clips, functional bridging installed Shop 3. of thisbridging. placement proper the for indicator exclusive bethe planshall placement joist The 2. plan. placement on the joist beindicated shall bridging The 1. For For shall be provided in addition to the diagonal bridging, as shown in Table 2.7-3. 2.7-3. Table as in shown bridging, diagonal to the addition in beprovided shall Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF - and - Section 5 andthe Section of bridging shall not be removed from the bolt for the attachment of the second ofpiece. the attachment bolt for the the beremoved not shall from bridging of LH/DLH K- K- Series joists shall be used when required by the Steel Joist Institute Standard Specifications Load Tables & & LoadTables Specifications Standard Institute Joist Steel the by when be used required shall joists Series and -Series joists exceeding 60 feet (18288 mm) in length shall have bolted diagonal bridging for allrows. bridging for diagonal bolted have shall (18288 60 mm) in length feet exceeding -Series joists DLH LH- -Series joists, where the joist spacing is less than 70 percent of the joist depth, bolted horizontal bridging bridging horizontal bolted depth, joist the of percent 70 than less is spacing joist the where joists, -Series Series joists horizontal bridging is recommended for spans up to and including 60 feet (18288 mm) (18288 mm) 60 feet including spans and upto for recommended is bridging horizontal Series joists LH/DLH LH/DLH

-Series Standard Specification. Specification. Standard -Series -Series Standard Specification Section 104. 104. Section Specification Standard -Series Series Standard Specification and Section 105 in the the 105in andSection Specification Standard Series br , for various combinations of joist spacing and bridging angle size. andbridging spacing of joist combinations , for various 183183184 190

LH/DLH -Series Standard Specification. The material sizes sizes The material Specification. Standard -Series -Series Standard Specification Section 5 or 5or Section Specification Standard -Series K -Series Standard Specification Specification Standard -Series LH/DLH -Series Standard Standard -Series K -Series and Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 211 12’- 6” 12’- 6” 12’- 6” 12’- 6” 12’- 6” (3810) (3810) (3810) (3810) (3810) r = 0.50” 0.50” r = (12.70 mm) (12.70 mm) 2-1/2 x 5/32 5/32 2-1/2 x (64 x 4 mm) (64 mm) x 4 10’- 0” 10’- 0” 10’- 0” 10’- 0” 10’- 0” (3048) (3048) (3048) (3048) (3048) 2 1/8 x r = 0.40” 0.40” r =

(10.16 mm) mm) (10.16 (52 x 3 mm) (52 mm) x 3 8’- 7” 8’- 7” 8’- 7” (2616) (2616) (2616) (2616) (2616) r = 0.35” 0.35” r = (8.89 mm) mm) (8.89 1-3/4 x 7/64 7/64 1-3/4 x (45 x 3 mm) (45 mm) x 3 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover Equal Leg Angles 7’- 3” 7’- 6” 7’- 6” (2210) (2210) (2286) (2286) (2286) r = 0.30” 0.30” r =

(7.62 mm) mm) (7.62 1-1/2 x 7/64 7/64 1-1/2 x 184184185 (38 x 3 mm) (38 mm) x 3 BRIDGING MATERIAL SIZE** SIZE** MATERIAL BRIDGING 191 TABLE 2.7-1a 2.7-1a TABLE 5’- 6” 6’- 3” 6’- 1” (1676) (1676) (1905) (1905) (1854) K-SERIES JOISTS JOISTS K-SERIES r = 0.25” 0.25” r = (6.35 mm) mm) (6.35 SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice 1-1/4 x 7/64 7/64 1-1/4 x (32 x 3 mm) (32 mm) x 3 4’- 4” 5’- 0” 3’- 11” 3’- 11” (1194) (1194) (1321) (1321) (1524) (1524) 1 7/64 x r = 0.20” 0.20” r = (5.08 mm) mm) (5.08 (25 x 3 mm) (25 mm) x 3 MAXIMUM JOIST SPACING FOR HORIZONTAL BRIDGING HORIZONTAL FOR SPACING JOIST MAXIMUM

br P 340 450 560 Force Force (2002) (2002) (1512) (1512) (2491) lbs (N) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) Bridging Bridging *Referlasttodigit(s) Joist of Designation **Connectionjoist to shall resist a nominal unfactored pound force 700 (3114 N) CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FORSTEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS JOIST JOIST SECTION NUMBER* 1to 8, incl. 9 to 10, incl. 11 to incl 12,

CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 212 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS ** Connection to joist shall resist force listed in Table 104.5-1 104.5-1 in Table listed resist shall force to joist ** Connection Designation of Joist two digit(s) *Refer to last 23 to 24, incl. incl. 24, to 23 incl. 22, to 21 incl. 20, to 18 17, incl. 16 to incl. 08, to 06 incl. 05, to 04 incl. 03, to 02 Joist Section Section Joist Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel Number* Number* CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF 13 12 11 10 09 25 15 14 (15569 (13789 (11120 lbs (N) (N) lbs (5338) (5338) (4893) (4226) (4003) (3781) (6450) (6450) (5783) (8896) (8896) (8229) (3336) (2447) (1779) Force Force 1200 1100 3500 1450 1300 3100 2500 2000 1850 950 900 850 750 550 400 P SPANS OVER 60 ft. (18.3 m) REQUIRE BOLTEDDIAGONAL BRIDGING (18.3 REQUIRE 60 m) OVER SPANS ft. ) ) ) br MAXIMUM JOIST SPACING FOR HORIZONTAL BRIDGING 3’–11”(1194) 5’–6” (1676) 7’–4” (2235) 8’–9” (2667) 10’–0” (3048) 12’–6” (3810) 12’–6” (3048) 10’–0” (2667) 8’–9” (2235) 7’–4” (1676) 5’–6” 3’–11”(1194) (25 x 3 x mm)(25 4’–7” (1397) 6’–3” (1905) 7’–6” (2286) 8’–9” (2667) 10’–0” (3048) 12’–6” (3810) 12’–6” (3048) 10’–0” (2667) 8’–9” (2286) 7’–6” (1905) 6’–3” (1397)4’–7” ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. (5.08 mm) r =r 0.20” 1 x 7/64 1 ’9 14) ’1”(49 6–”(95 8-”(49 12-6” (3810) (2489) 8’-2” (3810) 12’-6” (1905) 6’–3” (2591) 8’–6” (1499) 4’–11” (3810) 12’–6” (2032) 6’–8” (1143) 3’-9” (2794) 9’–2” (1575) 5’–2” (3810) 12’–6” (2134) 7’–0” (1194) 3’-11” (2870) 9’–5” (1702) 5’–7” (2210) 7’–3” (3810) 12’–6” (1270) 4’–2” (2972) 9’–9” (1727) 5’–8” (2261) 7’–5” (1321) 4’–4” (3810) 12’–6” (1778) 5’–10” (3048) 10’–0” (1346) 4’–5” (2413) 7’–11” (1905) 6’–3” (1448) 4’–9”

(32 x 3 x mm)(32 1-1/4 x 7/64 ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. (6.35 mm) r =r 0.25” LH-SERIES JOISTS TABLE 2.7-1b BRIDGING MATERIALSIZE** (38 x 3 x mm)(38 ’1”(18 4-0 17) ’4 13) 9’-11” (3023) 6’-4” (1930) 4’-10” (1473) 3’-10” (1168) 1-1/2 x 7/64 ’0 11) ’0 12) ’7(07 10’-4” (3150) 6’-7”(2007) 11’-8” (3556) 5’-0” (1524) 7’-5” (2261) 4’-0” (1219) 12’-4” (3759) 5’-8” (1727) 7’-10” (2388) 4’-6” (1372) 6’-0” (1829) 4’-9” (1448) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. (7.62 mm) r =r 0.30” 185185186 192

Equal Leg Angles LegAngles Equal ’1”(18 5-”(59 7’-11” (2413) 5’-1” (1549) 3’-10” (1168) (45 x 3 x mm)(45 1-3/4 x 7/64 ’4 12) ’8 12) 8’-10” (2692) 5’-8” (1727) 4’-4” (1321) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. (8.89 mm) r =r 0.35” (52 x 3 x mm)(52 (10.16 mm) ’9(48 7’-6” (2286) 4’-9”(1448) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. r =r 0.40” 2 x 1/8 2 (64 x 4 x mm)(64 2-1/2 x 5/32 (12.70 mm) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. r =r 0.50” Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 213

5680 5680 5060 4100 3100 r = 0.60" 0.60" r =

3090 3090 2740 2440 1970 1490 5490 5490 r = 0.50" 0.50" r =

- 890 890 2190 4540 810 810 1260 1260 1120 1000 6180 6180 5030 3240 2250 r = 0.40" 0.40" r = Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover

- - - - 740 740 650 4850 4850 3840 2960 1890 1310 r = 0.35" 0.35" r =

) FOR HORIZONTAL BRIDGING (lbs) (lbs) BRIDGING HORIZONTAL FOR ) 186186187 br 193 ------820 820 5600 5600 3290 2420 1850 1180 TABLE 2.7-1c 2.7-1c TABLE r = 0.30" 0.30" r = SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice BRIDGING ANGLE SIZE (EQUAL LEG ANGLE) ANGLE) LEG (EQUAL SIZE ANGLE BRIDGING - - - - - 680 680 470 1060 1060 3960 3960 1890 1390 r = 0.25" 0.25" r = ------530 530 340 950 950 700 2150 2150 1 x 7/64 7/64 1 x 7/64 1¼ x 1½ x7/64 7/64 1¾ x 1/8 2 x 5/32 2½ x 3/16 3 x r = 0.20" 0.20" r = MAXIMUM BRIDGING (P FORCE 4’-0” 4’-0” 4’-6” 5’-0” 5’-6” 420 6’-0” 6’-6” - - 840 7’-0” - - 4680 7’-6” 1910 1120 700 - - 4030 600 960 1650 8’-0” - 1460 3510 1440 840 520 560 8’-6” 9’-0” 2340 9’-6” 980 4000 1560 2670 2’-0” 2’-0” 2’-6” 3’-0” 3’-6” 1370 2730 4410 5910 12’-0” 12’-0” - - - - - 2850 1370 10’-0” 10’-0” 10’-6” - 11’-0” - - 11’-6” ------3720 1790 - 3390 1630 JOIST (ft.-in.) SPACING CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTSAND JOIST GIRDERS CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 214

SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS in. (mm) in. 120” (3048) 112” (2845) 104” (2642) in. (mm) in. 120” (3048) 112” (2845) 104” (2642) SEE TABLE 2.7-3 FOR MINIMUM JOIST SPACE FOR DIAGONAL ONLY BRIDGING. BELOW SHOWN THE NOTVALUES ALLOWED. IS MINIMUM **INTERPOLATION 96” (2438) 96” (2235) 88” (2032) 80” (1829) 72” (1727) 68” (1626) 64” (1524) 60” (1422) 56” (1321) 52” (1219) 48” (1118) 44” (1016) 40” (914) 36” (813) 32” (762) 30” (711) 28” (660) 26” (610) 24” (559) 22” (508) 20” (457) 18” (406) 16” (356) 14” (305) 12” SEE TABLE 2.7-3 FOR MINIMUM JOIST SPACE FOR DIAGONAL ONLY BRIDGING. BELOW SHOWN THE NOTVALUES ALLOWED. IS MINIMUM **INTERPOLATION 96” (2438) 96” (2235) 88” (2032) 80” (1829) 72” (1727) 68” (1626) 64” (1524) 60” (1422) 56” (1321) 52” (1219) 48” (1118) 44” (1016) 40” (914) 36” (813) 32” (762) 30” (711) 28” (660) 26” (610) 24” (559) 22” (508) 20” (457) 18” (406) 16” (356) 14” (305) 12” DEPTH DEPTH JOIST JOIST CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODEOFSTANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST

5’-11”(1803) 5’-11”(1803) (25 x 3 mm) (25 x 3 mm) 6’-1” (1854) 6’-2” (1879) 6’-3” (1905) 6’-3” (1905) 6’-4” (1930) 6’-4” (1930) 6’-5” (1955) 6’-6” (1981) 6’-6” (1981) 6’-6” (1981) 6’-7” (2007) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 6’-1” (1854) 6’-2” (1879) 6’-3” (1905) 6’-3” (1905) 6’-4” (1930) 6’-4” (1930) 6’-5” (1955) 6’-6” (1981) 6’-6” (1981) 6’-6” (1981) 6’-7” (2007) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 4’-4”(1321) 4’-9”(1448) 5’-0”(1524) 5’-4”(1626) 5’-6”(1676) 5’-9”(1753) 4’-4”(1321) 4’-9”(1448) 5’-0”(1524) 5’-4”(1626) 5’-6”(1676) 5’-9”(1753) (5.08 mm) mm) (5.08 (5.08 mm) mm) (5.08 r =r 0.20” r =r 0.20” 1 x 7/64 1 1 x 7/64 1 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

6’-10”(2083) (2209)7’-3” (2260)7’-5” (2311)7’-7” (2362)7’-9” 7’-10”(2387) (2438)8’-0” (2438)8’-0” (2463)8’-1” (2463)8’-1” (2489)8’-2” (2489)8’-2” (2489)8’-2” (2514)8’-3” (2514)8’-3” (32 x 3 mm) 1-1/4 x 7/64 7’-11 (2413)7’-11 7’-3” (2209)7’-3” (2260)7’-5” (2311)7’-7” (2362)7’-9” (2438)8’-0” (2438)8’-0” (2463)8’-1” (2463)8’-1” (2489)8’-2” (2489)8’-2” (2489)8’-2” (2514)8’-3” 7’-10”(2387) 8’-3” (2514)8’-3” 6’-10”(2083) 7’-11 (2413)7’-11 (32 x 3 mm) 1-1/4 x 7/64 ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 5’-0”(1524) 5’-9”(1753) 6’-1”(1854) 6’-4”(1931) 6’-8”(2032) 7’-1”(2159) 5’-0”(1524) 5’-9”(1753) 6’-1”(1854) 6’-4”(1931) 6’-8”(2032) 7’-1”(2159) (6.35 mm) mm) (6.35 (6.35 mm) mm) (6.35 r =r 0.25” r =r 0.25” MAXIMUM JOIST SPACING FOR DIAGONAL BRIDGING MAXIMUM JOIST SPACING FOR DIAGONAL BRIDGING ** ** ** ** ** **

8 -5” (2565) 8 8’-0” (2438)8’-0” (2489)8’-2” (2616)8’-7” 8’-10”(2692) (2743)9’-0” (2794)9’-2” (2819)9’-3” (2870)9’-5” (2895)9’-6” (2921)9’-7” (2946)9’-8” (2946)9’-8” (2971)9’-9” (2971)9’-9” 9’-10”(2997) 9’-10”(2997) 9’-10”(2997) 9’-10”(2997) 9’-11”(3022) 9’-11”(3022) 8 -5” (2565) 8 (38 x 3 mm) 1-1/2 x 7/64 8’-0” (2438)8’-0” (2489)8’-2” (2616)8’-7” 8’-10”(2692) (2743)9’-0” (2794)9’-2” (2819)9’-3” (2870)9’-5” (2895)9’-6” (2921)9’-7” (2946)9’-8” (2946)9’-8” (2971)9’-9” (2971)9’-9” 9’-10”(2997) 9’-10”(2997) 9’-10”(2997) 9’-10”(2997) 9’-11”(3022) 9’-11”(3022) (38 x 3 mm) 1-1/2 x 7/64 ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 6’-0”(1829) 6’-9”(2058) 7’-5”(2260) 6’-0”(1829) 6’-9”(2058) 7’-5”(2260) (7.62 mm) mm) (7.62 (7.62 mm) mm) (7.62 r =r 0.30” r =r 0.30” BRIDGING ANGLE SIZE – (EQUAL LEG ANGLE) BRIDGING ANGLE SIZE – (EQUAL LEG ANGLE) ** ** ** ** ** ** K, LH, and DLH SERIES JOISTS K, LH, and DLH SERIES JOISTS

10’-10” (3302) 10’-10” (3302) 7’-9” (2362) 9’-0” (2743) 9’-6” (2895) (3048)10’-0” (3098)10’-2” (3149)10’-4” (3200)10’-6” (3251)10’-8” 10’-11”(3327) (3352)11’-0” (3403)11’-2” (3429)11’-3” (3454)11’-4” (3454)11’-4” (3479)11’-5” (3479)11’-5” (3479)11’-5” (3505)11’-6” 7’-9” (2362) 9’-0” (2743) 9’-6” (2895) (3048)10’-0” (3098)10’-2” (3149)10’-4” (3200)10’-6” (3251)10’-8” 10’-11”(3327) (3352)11’-0” (3403)11’-2” (3429)11’-3” (3454)11’-4” (3454)11’-4” (3479)11’-5” (3479)11’-5” (3479)11’-5” (3505)11’-6” 7’-0” (2134) 7’-0” 8’-5” (2565) 8’-5” 11’-6” (3505) 11’-6” (3505) 11’-7” (3530) 11’-7” (3530) 11’-7” (3530) 7’-0” (2134) 7’-0” 8’-5” (2565) 8’-5” 11’-6” (3505) 11’-6” (3505) 11’-7” (3530) 11’-7” (3530) 11’-7” (3530) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. (mm) ft.-in. ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. (45 x 3 mm) 1-3/4 x 7/64 (45 x 3 mm) 1-3/4 x 7/64 TABLE 2.7-2 (8.89 mm) mm) (8.89 (8.89 mm) mm) (8.89 TABLE 2.7-2 r =r 0.35” r =r 0.35” ** ** ** ** 187187188


11’-10”(3606) (3657)12’-0” (3708)12’-2” (3759)12’-4” (3784)12’-5” (3835)12’-7” (3860)12’-8” (3886)12’-9” 12’-10”(3911) 12’-11”(3973) 11’-10”(3606) (3657)12’-0” (3708)12’-2” (3759)12’-4” (3784)12’-5” (3835)12’-7” (3860)12’-8” (3886)12’-9” 12’-10”(3911) 12’-11”(3973) 13’-0” (3962) 11’-1” (3378) 11’-6” (3505) 13’-0” (3962) 11’-1” (3378) 11’-6” (3505) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-2”(4013) 13’-2”(4013) 13’-2”(4013) 13’-1”(3987) 13’-1”(3987) 13’-1”(3987) 10’-8”(3251) 10’-1”(3073) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-3”(4038) 13’-3”(4038) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 13’-2”(4013) (50 x 3 mm) 13’-2”(4013) 13’-2”(4013) 13’-1”(3987) 13’-1”(3987) 13’-1”(3987) 10’-8”(3251) 10’-1”(3073) (50 x 3 mm) (10.16 mm) (10.16 mm) 8’-9”(2667) 9’-6”(2895) 8’-9”(2667) 9’-6”(2895) r =r 0.40” r =r 0.40” 2 x 1/8 2 2 x 1/8 2

15’-10”(4826) 14’-11”(4546) 15’-10”(4826) 14’-11”(4546) 15’-3” (4648) 15’-6” (4724) 15’-8” (4775) 15’-9” (4801) 13’-9” (4191) 14’-2” (4318) 14’-7” (4445) 15’-3” (4648) 15’-6” (4724) 15’-8” (4775) 15’-9” (4801) 13’-9” (4191) 14’-2” (4318) 14’-7” (4445) 16’-6”(5029) 16’-6”(5029) 16’-6”(5029) 16’-5”(5004) 16’-5”(5004) 16’-4”(4979) 16’-4”(4979) 16’-3”(4953) 16’-2”(4928) 16’-1”(4902) 16’-0”(4877) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-7”(5055) 13’-4”(4064) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-6”(5029) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 16’-6”(5029) 16’-6”(5029) 16’-6”(5029) 16’-5”(5004) 16’-5”(5004) 16’-4”(4979) 16’-4”(4979) 16’-3”(4953) 16’-2”(4928) 16’-1”(4902) 16’-0”(4877) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-7”(5055) 13’-4”(4064) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-7”(5055) 16’-6”(5029) (12.70 mm) (64x 4 mm)(64x (12.70 mm) (64x 4 mm)(64x 2 ½ x 5/32 x5/32 ½ 2 2 ½ x 5/32 x5/32 ½ 2

r=0.50” r=0.50”

19’-10”(6045) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 18’-0” (5486)18’-0” (5588)18’-4” (5664)18’-7” 18’-10”(5740) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-10”(6045) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 19’-11”(6070) 18’-0” (5486)18’-0” (5588)18’-4” (5664)18’-7” 18’-10”(5740) 19’-1” (5816) 17’-3” (5258) 17’-8” (5385) 19’-1” (5816) 17’-3” (5258) 17’-8” (5385) (76 x 5 mm) (76 x 5 mm) 19’-9”(6020) 19’-9”(6020) 19’-8”(5994) 19’-7”(5969) 19’-7”(5969) 19’-6”(5943) 19’-5”(5918) 19’-4”(5893) 19’-3”(5867) 19’-2”(5842) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 19’-9”(6020) 19’-9”(6020) 19’-8”(5994) 19’-7”(5969) 19’-7”(5969) 19’-6”(5943) 19’-5”(5918) 19’-4”(5893) 19’-3”(5867) 19’-2”(5842) (15.24 mm) (15.24 mm) r =r 0.60” r =r 0.60” 3 x 3/16 3 3 x 3/16 3

22’-4” (6807)22’-4” (6858)22’-6” 22’-1” (6731)22’-1” 21’-1” (6426)21’-1” (6503)21’-4” (6604)21’-8” 21’-11”(6680) 22’-10”(6960) 22’-11”(6985) 22’-11”(6985) 21’-1” (6426)21’-1” (6503)21’-4” (6604)21’-8” 21’-11”(6680) (6909)22’-1” (6985)22’-4” (6731)22’-6” 22’-10”(6960) 22’-11”(6985) 22’-11”(6985) (89 x 6 mm) (89 x 6 mm) 22’-7”(6884) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) ft.-in. (mm) (mm) ft.-in. 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-1”(7035) 23’-1”(7035) 23’-0”(7010) 22’-9”(6935) 22’-8”(6909) 22’-7”(6884) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-3”(7086) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-2”(7061) 23’-1”(7035) 23’-1”(7035) 23’-0”(7010) 22’-9”(6935) 22’-8”(6909) (17.78 mm) (17.78 mm) 3 ½ x 1/4 x1/4 ½ 3 3 ½ x 1/4 x1/4 ½ 3 r =r 0.70” r =r 0.70”

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 215

in. (mm) (mm) in. BOLT DIAMETER BOLT 5/8” (16 mm) A307 5/8” (16 mm) A325 3/8” (10 mm) A307 3/8” (10 mm) A307 1/2” (13 mm) A307 3/4” (19 mm) A325 2” x 2” x1/8” xx 3) 2” (51 2” 1” x 1” x 7/64” (25 x 3) 1” x 1” x 7/64” (25 x 3) 1” x 1” x 7/64” (25 x 3) 1¼” x 1¼” x 7/64” (32 xxx 1¼” 3) 7/64” (32 1¼” xxx 1¼” 3) 7/64” (32 1¼” xxx 1¼” 3) 7/64” (32 1¼” xxx 1¼” 3) 7/64” (32 1¼” 1 ½” x 1 ½” x 7/64” (38 xx 7/64” (38½” 3) x 1 1 ½” xx 7/64” (38½” 3) x 1 1 ½” Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover 1 ¾” x 1 ¾” x 7/64” (44 xx 7/64”(44 3) 1 ¾” x 1 ¾” 1 ¾” x 1 ¾” x 7/64” (44 xx 7/64”(44 3) 1 ¾” x 1 ¾” HORIZONTAL AND DIAGONAL DIAGONAL AND HORIZONTAL ANDJOISTSPANS 60’-0” > (18.3m) MINIMUM ANGLE SIZE REQUIRED REQUIRED SIZE ANGLE MINIMUM FORJOIST SPACING (0.70 < DEPTH) X

188188189 195 TABLE 2.7-4 2.7-4 TABLE TABLE 2.7-3 2.7-3 TABLE

SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice ALL 2 – 12 18 – 20 21 – 22 13 – 17 23 – 25 LH AND DLHLH SERIES AND JOISTS ft.-in. (mm) 3’- 0” (914) (914) 3’- 0” (990) 3’- 3” 3’- 6” (1066) 3’- 8” (1117) 3’-11” (1193) 4’- 2” (1270) 4’- 8” (1422) 5’- 1” (1549) 5’- 7” (1702) 6’- 0” (1829) 6’- 6” (1981) 7’- 0” (2134) (0.70 x DEPTH)* DIAGONAL ONLY BRIDGING BRIDGING ONLY DIAGONAL MINIMUM JOIST SPACE FOR FOR SPACE JOIST MINIMUM


OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 216 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard 2.9 BOTTOM CHORD LATERAL BRACING FOR JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST FOR BRACING CHORD LATERAL BOTTOM 2.9 The joist manufacturer shall not be responsible for the condition of the paint if it is not properly protected after delivery. after delivery. protected properly it not of paint is if the the condition beresponsible for not shall joist manufacturer The Specifications Load Tables & Weight Tables of latest adoption. adoption. Tables of latest & LoadTables Weight Specifications Standard Institute Steel Joist the with comply shall Girders of andJoist joists the usedmanufacture in steel The STEEL 3.1 -Series. DLH Joists, Steel and DeepLongspan Joists, Steel Longspan for provided not are Headers condition. safe a provide to made provisions necessary, if and, be investigated headers shall involving Conditions the manufacturer. with standard beany type shall headers Such K Joists, Steel Open Web for Headers HEADERS 2.8 dried air applied, adip is Girders andJoist joists steel coat to used is that paint shopapplied typical The - Disclaimer (b) (a) Standard Shop Paint - The shop coat of paint, when specified, shall comply with the Steel Joist Institute Standard Standard Institute Joist Steel with the comply shall whenspecified, paint, of shop The coat - Paint Shop Standard (a) PAINT 3.2 of Girder. chord Joist bottom the brace the to properly be sufficient andshall the manufacturer, with standard is which bethat shall bracing lateral adoption. The Tablesof latest & Weight LoadTables Specifications Standard Institute Joist the Steel in specified that exceeding from gyration toof radius ofchord chord length ratio andthe prevent to Girder Joist the chord of bottom of the movement lateral prevent to be furnished to bepermitted shall bracing lateral chord Bottom CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS MATERIALS SECTION 3 5. Weather conditions during storage. storage. during conditions Weather 5. short period of exposure in ordinary atmospheric conditions. conditions. atmospheric ordinary exposurein of period short a steel foronly the shall which protect coating and provisional beanimpermanent to paint intended is The paint. 4. Road salt. Road salt. 4. the to, not following: but of, aslimited aresult touch-up/repair field require paint may shopThe applied contractor. and/or painting specifier of the be shall responsibility the shop overstandard the paint applied coatings protective fire including coating any of Compatibility sags. and runs, drips, include to bepermitted andshall beuniform not to bepermitted shall coating the coating, dip standard a using painted are Girders andJoist joists steel most Since adoption. Tablesof latest & LoadTables Weight Specifications 3. Diesel smoke. smoke. Diesel 3. 2. Dirt. Dirt. 2. and chains cables shipping, during dunnage chains, andunloading, loading banding, Bundling, from: Abrasions 1. Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF NOTE: Rusting should be expected at any abrasion. any at abrasion. beexpected should Rusting NOTE: the jobsite. handlingat andother bridging, installation, erection, during

-Series as outlined and defined in Section 5.2(a) shall be furnished by the seller. seller. the by befurnished shall 5.2(a) Section in defined and as outlined -Series 189189190 196

LH -Series, -Series, Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 217 -Series. -Series. Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover DLH-Series, and Sectionfor 1004.10 Joist Girders.

190190191 197 and LH- SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice -Series, Sectionfor 104.13 CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOISTGIRDERS determined outlined as in Section 6.1. Steel Joists. Joist Girders. Joist Substitutes. Joist Extended Ends. Ceiling Extensions. Extended bottom chord as strut. used Bridging and bridging anchors. Joist Girder chord bottom bracing. Headers which are definedmembers supported as by and carryingWebOpenSteel Joists, K Designation and locationmaterials of Section [see including 5.2(a)], any special design or configuration requirements. Locations and elevations of all steel and concrete supportingmembers and bearing walls. Locationlength and joist of extended ends. Location and size all openings of infloors and roofs. Location all of partitions. Loads and theirlocations defined as inSection 6.1. Construction and thickness offloor slabs, roof deck,ceilings and partitions. Joists or JoistGirders requiring extended bottom chords. Paint,if manufacturer's other than standard. One coat shop specified, of paint, when shall be in accordance with Section3.2. ESTIMATING SECTION 5SECTION INSPECTION SECTION 4 SECTION CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE Unless(a) otherwise specified,following the items shall be included in the estimate, and requirements shall be

5.1PLANS FOR BIDDING Plans tofor serve the the shall as basis character bids show the with of work sufficient claritytomaking permit an accurate estimate the and shall following: show OF ESTIMATE SCOPE 5.2 Inspections shall be madein accordance with the Steel Joist InstituteStandard Specifications Load Tables &Weight Tables Sectionfor 5.12 K

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 218 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard

6.1 PLANS FURNISHED BY BUYER FURNISHED PLANS 6.1 joist the by and identified quoted be to permitted be shall but estimate the in be included not shall items following The (b) (b) Connections (a) Loads deflections. deadload of effects taken for the be dueconsideration with shown shall andbearings roofs, , of finished elevation The dimensioned. correctly openings andpartitions androof as floor well as supports, and other girders beams, columns, of walls, the layout designations, Girder Joist steel and/or joist andsteel requirements material professional specifying the by prepared as specifications and plans seller the furnish shall buyer The CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS SECTION 6 weld thickness in conjunction with a longer weld length. with weldlength. a longer conjunction in weld thickness professional specifying the that recommended is welded, is it endanchorage the When connection. endanchorage the illustrate the supporting structure is the responsibility of of the responsibility the is structure supporting the and seat bearing Girder Joist or joist the between welded) or (bolted connection endanchorage the of adequacy The Girder. Joist or joist the of support the seatto bearing Girder Joist or the joist of connection the is Girder Joist or joist asteel of end anchorage The The The Studs. Shear systems. sprinkler or ductwork for layouts bridging or configuration joist Special plates. Moment nailers. and walls. framing structural to or to joist joist andbottom joist chords top planeof the from inthe bracing Horizontal endanchorage. Girder andJoist bolts for joist Erection such plates. anchorsfor andboltsor plates bearing continuous or individual Loose etc. , ventilators, ducts,dumbwaiters, at openings betweenfor joists framing Miscellaneous andattachments. decking, material, Centering joists. inslabs over Reinforcement -Series. DLH Joists, DeepLongspan Steel Headers for Joists, Longspan Steel Headers for as items: separate manufacturer Specifications; Section 5.6 for 5.6 for Section Specifications; Standard Institute Joist with Steel beaccordance shall in spanloading simple gravity Anchorage for End Minimum etc. blowers, tanks, fans, such monorails, as loads, special any of andamount location partitionsandthe weightsof any, the if wind uplift the beused, to loads Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF specifying professional specifying

shall clearly provide all design loads as described in Section 2.3 This includes the live live the Thisincludes 2.3 Section in described as loads design all provide clearly shall K- Series, Section 104.4 for for 104.4 Section Series, LH -Series. -Series. specifying professional specifying 191191192 198

LH- and DLH- Series, and Section 1004.6 for Joist Girders. Joist for 1004.6 Section and Series, . The contract documents shall clearly clearly shall documents contract The . consider a smaller fillet fillet smaller a consider showing all all showing

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 219 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover

192192193 199 . SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice in the contract documents. isresponsible for bridging termination connections. The contract shall documents shallindicate the construction on documents specialconsiderations including: Steeljoist placement plans do not require the seal andof signature the joist specifying professional specifying professional as specifiedas inthe construction documents. a) Joist supports b) Joist Girder supports c) Field splices d) Bridging attachments indicated in the Steel JoistInstitute Standard Specifications Load TablesWeight & latest Tables of adoption). as indicatedas inthe Steel Joist InstituteStandard SpecificationsWeight Load TableslatestTables of & adoption). specifying professional'sbid plans and specifications shallto be assumed correctbe inthe absence of written CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS 1. Listing of all applicable stated loads as in Sectionand used in the 6.1 design of the steeljoists and Joist Girders The 3. Connection requirements for: 4. Deflectionfor criterialive loadfor and total loads non-SJI standard joists. 5. Size,location, and connections for all bridging 2. Profilesfor non-standard joist and JoistGirder configurations (standard joist and Joist Girder configurations are as c) Extended Ends d) Deflectionfor criterialive totalloads for and non-SJI joists standard e) Non-SJI standard bridging 6. Joist headers clearly illustrate these termination connections. Thejoist manufacturer is responsible for the design of the bearing seats of joists or Joist Girders for loads the b) Oversized or non-standard other web openings designated by the specifying professional The a) Profiles for non-standard joist and Joist Girder configurations (Standardjoist and Joist Girder configurations are CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE

6.2PLANS FURNISHED SELLER BY The seller shallfurnish the buyer with steel joist placement the to material plans show specified as on the construction documents and are be utilizedfor to fieldinstallation in accordance with specific project requirements stated as inSection 6.1.Steel placement shall plans include,minimum,a at following: the

plans, detailed such plans shall be considered a as written notice of change of However,it plans. the shall buyer's be responsibility tothe advise sellerthose changes of which affectjoists the or JoistGirders.

noticefrom the buyer to the contrary.When plans are furnished by the buyer which do not agree with the Architect's bid 6.3 DISCREPANCIES The Allmaterial shallidentified be itsmark with which also appears on the billmaterial. of The paint shop shall noted be as on the joist placement plans. manufacturer’s registereddesign professional

(c) Special Considerations OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 220 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard

Girders Joist Joists and Steel of andErection “Handling Digest9, Technical Institute’s Joist Steel the these requirements, with To comply of material. anderection handling the in adoption latest of Tables & Weight LoadTables Specifications Standard Institute Joist Steel the of requirements the with comply shall erector and/or buyer The damages. and/or discrepancies any seller to report andpromptly site job at arrival on all materials check shall erector and/or buyer The of the return schedule for their days in calendar (14) of fourteen allows a maximum seller The andapproval. examination andowner buyer for to the submitted are thereof prints seller, the by plans furnished are placement joist When APPROVAL 6.4 manufacture. joist start to owner/customer the by released andis owner/customer usethe to field for prints corrected furnishes corrections, the makes seller The noted. as corrections to subject approval or approval, customer's and owner's the with noted plans placement included: included: be shall the following of submittal signature, and seal this under calculations standard to addition In professional. design registered the joist manufacturer’s of andsignature seal the bearing acover letter with calculations design submit shall specifying the by requested If design. professional manufacturer product joist the steel for responsible the , professional professional 6.1. specifying of The Section requirements the support load Tablesto & LoadTables Weight Specifications Standard Institute Joist Steel current the with accordance in Girders Joist steel and/or joists steel the design shall seller The field. the in placed be to joists of fit-up design the for responsibility all of acceptance owner's/customer's the constitutes Thisapproval manufacture. joist start to owner/customer the by released andis requirements, contract the interpreted has correctly seller the that indicates seller the by prepared schedule notesandjoist plans,sections, placement of the by owner/customer the Approval uponbetween andseller. beagreed a buyer bebyto at theprice paid buyer shall material extra and/or such changes of cost the bid, the of basis the as used plans onthe shown andwas not required is material any when plans,or detailed of orapproval to after prior either buyer’s representative) the buyer (or the by made are any plans changes in When CHANGES 6.5 general the nor plans, onthe dimensions detail of accuracy for responsibility the of seller the relieve not does Approval plans. placement these of preparation of asthe part seller shown the by supportconditions of joist anyconfiguration detail of adequacy 6.6 CALCULATIONS CALCULATIONS 6.6 CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS HANDLING AND ERECTION*HANDLING AND SECTION 7 2. Connection details for: for: details Connection 2. 1. Non-SJI standard bridging details (e.g. for cantilevered conditions, net uplift, etc.) uplift, net conditions, cantilevered for details(e.g. bridging standard Non-SJI 1. Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF ,” shall also be followed. also shall be ,” followed. c) Joist headers headers Joist c) splices Field b) connections) framed or framed flush (e.g. connections standard Non-SJI a) may require submission of the steel joist and Joist Girder calculations as prepared by a registered design design a registered by prepared as calculations Girder andJoist joist steel the of submission require may

193193194 200

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 221 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover This STANDARD shallThisSTANDARD interpretedbe not that any

194194195 201 SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice . (1) See Federal Register, Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (2001), 29 CFR 1)

Part 1926 Safety Standards for Steel Erection; Final Rule, §1926.757Web Open SteelJanuary - Joists 18, 2001,Washington,for D.C. definition “qualified of person”. *For thorough coveragethis of topic, refer toTechnical SJI Digest 9, "Handling and ErectionSteel of Joists and Joist Girders." CODE OFCODE STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS AND JOIST JOISTS FOR STEEL PRACTICE OF STANDARD CODE 2) Releasing the hoistingcable without havingjoist. worker on the a A steel joist or Joist Girder shall not be placed on any support structure unless structuresuch is stabilized.When steel joists or Joist Girders are landed on a structure,they shall to be secured prevent unintentional displacement prior to installation. A bridging terminus point shall be established beforejoist bridging is installed. Steeljoist and Joist Girders shall not as anchorage be used points forfall a arrest system written unless directions todo is obtainedso from “qualified a person” 1) Installing bridging otherwise stabilizing or the joist to prior releasing hoisting the cable, or to safely handle the joist. Hoisting cables shall be attached at panel points and shall be at panel point locations selected minimizeto erection stresses. The currentOSHASAFETY FOR STANDARDS STEEL PART ERECTION, 1926, 29 CFR SUBPART R-STEEL ERECTION, refers to certainjoists at or near to columns be designed with sufficient strength to allow one employee to release the hoisting cable withoutfor the erection need bridging. Many limitations exist that installed. bridging without employee an support to safe is line column a near or at joist prevent these joists from being designed to safely an employee allow on an un-bridgedjoist. Because of these limitations these joists shall be erected incorporating by methods ensuring erection joist stability and either: joists, or Joist Girders this may require theuse of spreader bars, multiple hoisting cables, or multiple cranes as necessary The buyer and/or erector shall check allmaterials on arrival at job site and promptly report to seller any discrepancies and/or damages. The buyer and/or erector shall comply with the requirements of the Steel Joist Institute Standard SpecificationsWeight Load Tables &latest Tables of adoption the in handlingmaterial. and erection of No modification that affects the strength of a steeljoist or JoistGirder made shall be without the written approvalthe of project engineer of record. The seller shall be responsiblefor not condition the finishmaterial paintof if on isit not properly protecteddelivery. after The seller shallfor be responsible not improper fitmaterial of inaccurate due to construction work. Whenjoists cannot be delivered as a single piece, they shall be permitted tobe delivered in several therefore pieces requiring the pieces to be spliced together in thefield. The manufacturer’s instructions SHALL be followed to ensure matching are pieces joined, proper bolts are used, and any requiredtensioning bolt incorporated. is Alljoists shall handledbe methods by which avoid damage any to partjoist. the of For long LH-Series joists, DLH-Series

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 222 8.1 PRESENTATION OF PROPOSALS 8.2 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS OF ACCEPTANCE 8.2 contract. a becomes proposal the Uponsuch approval seller. ofthe official aqualified by executed or be approved shall proposals these buyer, the by acceptance After Form. Contract on a Sales be made shall material furnishing for proposals All beconclusive. shall findings andtheir law andfact, of both questions; uponall judgment pass shall final arbitrators The arbitration. to submit to agreements in the for provided otherwise unless parties, between the equally be divided shall arbitration the expenses of The arbitrator. a third appoint shall andthesetwo arbitrator an appoint shall each agree, to are unable they If an arbitrator. upon agree possible andif arbitration to asubmission sign shall Bothparties arbitration. ARBITRATION 8.5 without retention. oneach invoice be in full made shall Payments 8.4 PAYMENT are made. as shipments bebilledproportionately basisto are sum onalump Contracts 8.3 BILLING notice. without change to and acceptance subject are prompt for intended proposalsare All All business controversies which cannot be settled by direct negotiations between buyer and seller shall be submitted to to besubmitted shall seller and buyer between negotiations direct by settled be cannot which businesscontroversies All SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard CODE OFSTANDARD PRACTICEFORSTEELJOISTSANDJOISTGIRDERS BUSINESS RELATIONS RELATIONS BUSINESS SECTION 8 Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS GIRDERS JOIST AND JOISTS STEEL FOR PRACTICE STANDARD CODE OF 195195196 202

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 223 and strength Joist bridging reaction to , and extends over its masonry, . ceiling extensions

. , bottom chord from the first bottom . / n Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover , R Joist Girders limit states or Joist Girder to bear on when it is to it supported by bear masonry on when extended ends , frommanufacturer the also agreed and has to the 196196197 203 applicable building code intended for allowable or Joist Girder end bearings SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice buckling or instability or allowable strength appropriate. as combination in the and bottomlateral chord for bracing Nominal strengthdivided by safety the factor Design strength Nominal strength for . Limit change in state sudden of the geometry structure of a its of or any elements under a

including, but not limited to sloped

Buyer.The entity agreed that to has purchase material terms of sale.

or concrete supports. Theis plate designed by the Specifying Professionalto carryjoist the the supporting structure. BottomExtension Chord angle two The (BCX). extended part joist of a chord panel point the towards end ofjoist.the Bridging.In general,member a connectedjoistbracefrom a tolateral to it movement.See Diagonal also Bridging and HorizontalBridging Buckling. critical loading condition. Buckling Strength. concrete or steel support. BearingThe Plate. steelfor plate used a joist ASD (Allowable Strength Design). Method proportioning of structural componentsthat such the allowable strengthequals or the exceeds required strength component the of under the action ASD the of load combinations ASD Combination. Load Load Girders Applicable Building Building Code. structurethe code under which isdesigned. Bay.The distance the between main structuralframes or walls of building. a Bearing. The distance that the bearinga joist or seat of shoe bridging anchors, headers Accessories. Structural components relatedto design,fabrication the and erection joists of

Available Strength*. design(allowable stress design). Allowable Strength*.

GLOSSARY GLOSSARY GLOSSARY OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 224 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel except that only one angle of the joist of the oneangle only that extension except chord bottom A Extension. Ceiling pitchofchord. the the top to addition thisis in Note, a chordsof of joist the An upwardCamber. curvature End Diagonal or Web. The first web member on either ajoist weboneither endof or The Web. first member Diagonal End load. of the onremoval geometry analysis Structural Analysis. Elastic conditions. boundary pin-ended with when same strength analyzed the column with anotherwise of identical Length Length. Effective system. resisting force lateral the to forces in-plane transfers that system bracing or other membrane or floor Roof, Diaphragm. of intersection. point their alwaysat almost connected are an'X' shape.These nextto members ofform the chord joist bottom of onejoist chord the top from shapes connected structural other Two or Bridging. angles Diagonal extended from the first bottom chord panel point towards the end of the joist. joist. the towardsendof panelpoint the chord bottom the from first extended Erector. The entity that is responsible for the safe and proper erection of the of the safe and erection the proper responsible for is that entity The Erector. point. chord panel bottom seat andendsthe at first the at chord top joists to means or welding by mechanical of gageattached out made ormetal roof covering A Deck. floor also See Splice. members. andjoints elements of structural Combination Connection. components. electrical or and mechanical ceilings, pipes, such as building, sprinklers, the of the weight than dead other loads Load.additional All Collateral hot forming. for would berequired as such of heat addition manifest is,without that room temperature, at ambient performed being operations or sheets;both hot-rolled or forming bycold- or roll plates, coils or forming coils of cut lengths sheets, sheared from blanks press-braking by Member. Shape manufactured Structural Steel Cold-Formed beams. edgesflanges of between the of distance the or walls between a joist for between orsupports opening distance actualclear Span. The Clear agapbetween the members. usually is there angles of ajoist andbottom members top The Chords.

extension. of the length entire the over depth endbearing standard the and joist maintaining the back extension into the joist end of of ajoist extendedpart End. The Extended codes andregulations. applicable all with Resistance factor Resistance Strength*. Design combinations loadcombinations LRFD accordance either with in load determined Applied Load. Design , beams, beams, , , whichever is applicable. applicable. is whichever , , or other structural members and can be galvanized, painted, or unpainted. or painted, galvanized, and be can members otherstructural or , based on the assumption that the structure returns to its original itsoriginal returns to structure the that basedassumption onthe , bynominal the strength multiplied top chord with the seat angles also being extended from the the extended from being also seatangles the chord with top Joist Girder Joist or 197197198 204 Joist Girder Joist or used to transmit forces between two or more between twomore or forces usedtransmit to . When a chord is comprised of two of achord comprised . is When Joist Girder Joist or induced during shop fabrication. shop during fabrication. induced R n . materials , that is the distance distance the is that , bottom chord chord is bottom which begins at at begins the which in in accordance or ASD or load to the to the Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 225 Series. Series, and CJ- , frame or structure in frame which, a or Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover Series and DLH- LH- , KCS 198198199 205 nominal load. SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice theand that takes into account inelasticmaterial behavior, including plastic Series including K- or geometry large produces displacements. Structural analysis Limit stateinreached loading the structural of component a analysis. Instability. Header. A structuralmemberlocated joists two between or a joist between wall and a which carries another joistjoists. Itismade or usually an angle, up of channel, or beam saddle with angle connections foron each end bearing. Horizontal Bridging.A continuous angle or other structural connected shape totopand bottom the chord of a joist. Inelastic Analysis. simultaneously withoutin change cross-sectional shape. bendingGirt. under Horizontal structuralmember that supports wall is and primarily panels subjectedto slight disturbance inthe loads Joint. or two more where Area ends, surfaces are or attached. edges Categorizedfastenertype by of or methodweld used and the force oftransfer. Joist.A structuralload-carrying and roofs membersystemweb with which floors an open supports horizontalloads, as wind load. such Gravity that Load, as Load. such live producedloads, by dead and acting direction.downward in the Flexural-Torsional Buckling.Bucklingmode incompression whichmember a and twists bends utilizingmember. Currently, hot-rolledthe cold-formed SJI has or a simple steel and is designed as span change in cross-sectional shape. memberthe and utilizing hot-rolled cold-formed or steel.

the following joist designations: Joist Substitute. Amember intended structural who’s use isvery for (10 feetless) short spans orwhere open web steel joistsimpractical. are They forused are usually in bays, skewed short spans over corridorsfor or outriggers. ortwo fourmade It of can anglesform be to up channel sections or box sections. Lateral Buckling. Bucklingmodeflexural a of member involving deflection normalthe to plane of bending. Lateral-Torsional Buckling.flexural Bucklingmode member of a involving deflectionthe to normal plane of bending occurring simultaneouslytwist with about center shear the ofsection. the cross Filler. rod, A angle plate member angle a two or welded between web a top or between orchordbottom panel to tie them together, usually located at the middle of the member. Flexural Buckling. Bucklingmodeincompression which member a deflects laterally without twist or JoistA Girder. primary structural load-carryingmember system with an open web a simple designed as span supporting equally concentrated spaced floor loadsa of or roof system acting panel the at of points Factored Product Load. a load factor of OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 226 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel structural component a in structural produced stresses, anddeformations Forces, Load Effect. changes. restrained or dimensional movement, differential effects, environmental possessions, and their occupants materials, of building weight the results actionthat from other or Force Load. ( capacity carrying ( intended function useful for its be nolonger to either and judged is service for becomesunfit or component astructure which Condition in State. Limit into a loadinto the transforms that analysis in the uncertainties of the deviations accounts for that Factor Load Factor. loads will occur simultaneously. occursimultaneously. load will oneextreme than Material. Joists Material. ). Design Factor (Load andResistance of Limitstate Buckling**. Local Nailers. Strips of attached to the top chord of a tochord the attached top of lumber Strips Nailers. the in combination Load LoadCombination. LRFD loadcombinations LRFD the components structural of proportioning Method Design). Factor andResistance (Load LRFD Nominal Strength*. Strength of a structure or component (without the (without or component of astructure Strength Strength*. Nominal . code building applicable the by specified load of the Load. Magnitude Nominal the to directly Placement Plans. Drawings that are prepared depicting the interpretation of the Contract Documents Documents Contract of the the interpretation depicting prepared are Drawings Plans. that Placement loads variable other All of areor small magnitude. rare time over Load which Load. variations in Permanent Documents. Contract asthe such in that identified entity is The Owner. loadeffects the resist to applied) requirements for the the for requirements the the is typically shown for the individual placement of placement the shownindividual for typically is number piece design. Amark unique material final for onthesedrawings contained information uses the conditions and minimum attachment required so that so required that andattachment minimum conditions endbearing the describe that Quality Assurance. System of shop and field activities and controls implemented byowner the implemented andcontrols activities shop of and System field Assurance. Quality snow windloads. such or loads as dead, under vertical ofroof flat deflection to the duesolely areas onaroof of water at irregular low or Retention Ponding. field. the in location proper the

requirements are implemented. implemented. are requirements owner the to confidence provide to representative designated bending to subjected primarily andis supports roof deck that member structural Horizontal . framing. of the component under the action of action the the under the component of strength required exceeds the or equals strength design , Professional Specifying . . joist , Joist Girders Joist . ). ). state limit strength material material . Buyer to be supplied by by Seller the to besupplied and of a compression element within a cross section. a within cross section. element of acompression buckling Standard Specifications accordancetheseStandard with in as, determined accessories or or Owner for conformance with the design requirements. Seller The requirements. design with the conformance for ) or to have reached its ultimate load- orhave itsultimate ) to reached state limit serviceability asSeller providedthe by joists 199199200 intended for strength design design strength for intended code building applicable 206 , Joist Girders Joist joist joist from the actual actual the from load nominal . These floor and/or roof plans are approved by by plans approved are and/or roof . These floor load effect so or other flooring can benailed can so other flooring or plywood and the building authority that quality quality that authority building andthe and , and for the probability that more that more probability andthe , for resistance factor resistance . accessories is placed in placed is material , for for load, by the applied by applied the along with sections sections alongwith or safety or factor such that such that loads or his/her or his/her . are are

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 227 or , from the of a joist , determined, by to that ensure chord nominal strength, erector Series; nominal strength and 2010 , frame, or structurein slight which a , appropriate, as specified or as by Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover 2010 Standard CJ- specifiedmaterialfor defined a as ASTM. by Series; JG- ANSI/SJI- Series; 200200201 207 SJI Code of Standard of Code SJI Practice or load combinations ASD nominal load, uncertainties inthe analysis that transforms the load LRFD . . 2010 Standard Specifications for Longspan Steel Joists, LH- , for, the or not geometry produce does large displacements. clearfour spandistance plus inches onto a masonry or concrete wall. under which serviceability are limit evaluated. states 2010 Standard SpecificationWebforOpen Steel Joists, K- between two two between structuralmembersjoined their by at either ends bolting or welding to LH/DLH- accessories and for the manner and consequences of failure. . Factorfor that. accounts deviations of the actual strengthfromthe or the and . Series Longspan and Deep Steel Joists, DLH-

Connection structural analysis Standard Specifications Standard Specificationsfor JoistGirders and ANSI/ Specifications for Composite Steel Joists.

ANSI/SJI- K- ANSI/SJI- Joist Girder

Resistance Factor,Factorfor that . accounts unavoidable deviationsthe of form a single, longer member. Stability. Condition reachedloading in the a structural of component StabilizerA Plate. steelcolumn at plate or a wall inserted the between end of a bottom disturbance in loads the Joist Girder Standard Specifications. Documents developed maintained and the by Steel JoistInstitute for the design and manufacture steel of open web joists and Joist Girders. The termStandard “SJI Specifications” encompass by reference the following: these actual strengthformanner the and and consequences failure.of Factor, Safety Specified Minimum YieldStress. limit Lower yield of stress Service Load. Load about the same of axis bending. TheSpan. centerline-to-centerline distance structural between steel as a such supports beam, column Specifying Professional.licensedThe professional is who responsiblefor sealing the building Contract Documents,indicates which that performed has he or she or supervised the analysis, design and document preparationfor the structure and has knowledge ofload-carrying the structural system. Splice. deviations of the actual from load the into load effect a Joist Girders A certified the by Joist Institutemanufacture engaged inthe and distribution joists of Quality Control. field and System shop of controls implemented the by seller contractfabrication and company and erection requirementsmet. are Required Strength*. Forces, stress, deformations and produced in a structural component either or Serviceability LimitState. Limitingcondition affecting ability the a structure of to preserveits appearance, maintainability, durability,theits or comfort function occupants of ormachinery, of under normal usage. Slenderness Ratio.ratioThe the of effective lengtha columnto radius of the of gyration of the column OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 228 SJI Code of Standard Practice SJI CodeofStandard Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel

NOTES chords at the top andbottom joined diagonal members or The Webs. vertical Load Load. Variable members. bracing the of gravity of centers between the measured of a points betweenmember, braced Distance Length. Unbraced Buckling. Torsional seat. pastthe joist extended angles chord two top ajoist partof extended (TCX). The Extension Chord Top Ajoist Joist. Tie by ASTM. as defined of sustaining capable is a material stressthat tensile Maximum (of Strength material). Tensile the on as endnoted the position tagged same endin the with thistagged beerected The tag. member must endof ajoist End. The Tagged andnotes. diagrams schedules, allloads, connections, details, sections, plans,elevations, include work. generally of the These documents anddimensions location showingdesign, Documents the Contract of portions the or graphic pictorial The Drawings. Structural mechanics. structural of loadeffects Determination Analysis. Structural capacity reached. is carrying load- which ultimate the in structure, of the safety the affecting condition Limiting Limit State. Strength point yield either denote to term Stress. Generic Yield stress to strain as defined by ASTM. by as defined strain stress to of proportionality the from deviation limiting aspecified exhibits a which Stressat material Strength. Yield by ASTM. as defined stress anin increase without occurs atanstrain which increase in a stressin material Point. First Yield patterns. triangular form placement plan. placement *emuulyqaiidb h yeo opnn,eg oa e ukig oa local web buckling, local e.g. byof component, the type qualified usually **Term strength, available compressive strength, design flexural strength. strength. design flexural strength, compressive available strength, load by typeof effect the qualified usually are *Theseterms flange buckling, etc. buckling, flange :

that is bolted at acolumn. bolted is that mode in which a compression member twists about its shear center axis. shear center its twistsabout member acompression which in Buckling mode not classified as classified not or or Joist Girder Joist permanent load. permanent where an identification or piece piece or shownmark is ametal by where anidentification on members and connections based on principles of of based onprinciples on andconnections members 201201202 208 , as appropriate for the material. material. the for appropriate as , strength yield or top chord. This type of extension only has only the of extension topThistype chord. .. oia esl tensile e.g.,nominal , of a joist a of Joist Girder Joist or to to Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 229

acceptable joists at the the at joists acceptable Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover Fire ResistanceFire Ratings 202203 209 increased from the spacing listed in the U.L. Fire Resistance Directory to a to Directory Resistance Fire U.L. the in listed spacing the from increased structural the meets slab floor the provided center, on inches 48 of maximum not is ceiling the supporting wires hanger of spacing the and requirements increased. for the particular designation and joist spacing. spacing. and joist designation particular for the of responsibility the is It components. Girder Joist and joist for individual areas contract the on requirements special all show to Professional Specifying the drawings. than the minimum size for that assembly. The assembly may also require a require also may assembly The assembly. that for size minimum the than Specifications SJI the by required than larger be may that size bridging minimum be may Assemblies Floor-Ceiling for shown spacing joist maximum the that Note sectional cross minimum or materials size minimum stipulate assemblies Some less be not shall drawings contract structural the on specified designations Joist • • • minimum joist designation being listed in the U.L. Fire Resistance Assembly, which is is which Assembly, Resistance Fire U.L. the in listed being designation joist minimum In addition, the Steel Joist Institute’s Technical Digest #10 “Design of Fire Resistive Resistive Fire of “Design #10 Digest Technical Institute’s Joist Steel the addition, In and assemblies joist steel of listing complete a has Joists” Steel with Assemblies the and follows that listing the However, ratings. fire about information additional must Professional Specifying the and only, guide a as intended are Digest Technical requirements. design complete for Directory Resistance Fire U.L. current the to refer at conducted been have assemblies joist-supported steel on tests fire of Hundreds E119, Standard ASTM with accordance in laboratories testing recognized nationally and restrictions loading practical of Because 251. NFPA and 263, A2.1/UL ANSI using run were tests these of majority vast the dimensions, furnace of limitations This deep. mm) 356 to mm (203 inches 14 to 8 inches from normally – joists lightweight minimum the established it that in advantageous was practice shallow and lightweight end of the joist load tables. This also resulted in a specified a specified in resulted also This tables. load joist the of end lightweight and shallow Joists foot. per weight minimum and depth minimum required the combines that joist the dimension The compatible. are accessories the provided used be may foot per weight a is calculated, or given whether ceiling, the to joists the of chord bottom the from minimum. Professional the Specifying utilized, being is Assembly Resistance a Fire U.L. Where pages. following on the listed are assemblies of number a selected As a convenience, of the same series which equal or exceed the specified minimum joist depth and joist joist and depth joist minimum specified the exceed or equal which series same the of In drawings. contract structural the on used being number assembly the indicate shall of hundreds lists Directory Resistance Fire (U.L.) Laboratories Underwriters The choose can Professional Specifying The ratings. resistance fire their and assemblies joists steel include that assemblies Roof-Ceiling and Floor-Ceiling numerous between Girders. Joist and APPENDIX A - FIRE-RESISTANCE RATINGS RATINGS FIRE-RESISTANCE - A APPENDIX WITH STEELJOISTS addition, the Specifying Professional shall consider the following, as applicable: applicable: as following, the consider shall Professional Specifying the addition, APPENDIX A – FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS RESISTANCE A – FIRE APPENDIX WITH STEEL JOISTS WITH OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 230 Fire Resistance RatingsFire Resistance Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel • • • • Where fire protective materials are to be applied directly to the steel joists or Joist Some U.L. Roof-Ceiling Assemblies using direct applied protection limit the Certain older U.L. firerated assemblies may refer to joist series that predate the Some assemblies stipulate an allowable maximum joist design stress level less Joist Girder from the load and/or weight tables. Girders, it is often desired to have the joist furnished as unpainted. The U.L. Fire Resistance Directory for this information. spacing of thejoists certain for types andgages ofmetal decking–refer tothe (207/165), 30/22 (207/152)], and then usingthis increased load, select ajoist or joist design stress to the required maximum [e.g. 30/26 (207/179), 30/24 stress level of joists or JoistGirders, multiply the design load by the ratio of the accomplished by prorating the joist and/or Joist Girder capacities. To adjust the reductions (when applicable) when selecting joists and/or JoistGirders. This is ofJ-, anS-, and/orH-Series joist. ResistanceDirectory specialfor provisions for substituting a K-Series joist in lieu K-series joists. Where one of these assemblies is selected, refer to the U.L Fire joists or Joist Girders are to be painted or not. SpecifyingProfessional should indicate on the structural contract drawings if the the responsibility of the Specifying Professional to apply the proper stress level than the 30 ksi (207 MPa) used in the joist and Joist Girder specifications. It is 203204 210 Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 231 P211 P268 P302 P303 P509 P269 P301 P265 P510 P267 P261 P264 P519 P514 P201 P202 P214 P227 P225 P230 P235 P246 P231 P250 P251 P259 P254 P255 Number UL Design UL

NS NS NS NS NS NS W6 x 16 W8 x 24 W8 x 15 W6 x 16 W8 x 13 W6 x 16 W6 x 12 W8 x 15 W8 x 17 W6 x 12 W8 x 17 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W8 x 15 W8 x 15 W8 x 15 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W8 x 15 Primary Support Member Minimum 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 72 60 72 60 48 48 72 60 72 48 84 48 48 72 72 72 48 72 72 48 48 72 72 72 72 72 NS NS (in.) Maximum Joist Spacing Joist Spacing Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover

Fire ResistanceFire Ratings Blankets Blankets Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Batts and Batts and Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulation Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Building Units Foamed Plastic Built Up Roof Metal Roof Metal Roof Description Deck Panels Deck Panels 26 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 20 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. Deck Material Deck Material 12K1 10K1 12K3 12K3 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K1 10K1 10K1 12K1 10K1 10K1 12K3 12K1 12K3 12K3 12K1 10K1 12K5 12K3 12K1 10K1 12K1 10K1 10K1 Minimum Joist Size ROOF – CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITH MEMBRANE PROTECTION WITH MEMBRANE ASSEMBLIES CEILING ROOF – Material Protection Protection Fiber Board Exposed Grid Gypsum Board 1 Hr. Rating Assembly Restrained Restrained * Special Area Requirements * Special NS = Not Specified OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 232 NS =NotSpecified * Special Area Requirements RatingsFire Resistance Restrained Assembly 1 1/2Hr. Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel Rating 2 Hr. 3 Hr. ROOF –CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITHMEMBRANEPROTECTION(cont.) Gypsum Board Gypsum Board Exposed Grid Exposed Grid Fiber Board Fiber Board Protection Metal Metal Lath Metal Lath Material Joist Size Minimum 12K1 10K1 10K1 12K1 12K5 10K1 10K1 12K3 12K3 12K1 12K3 12K5 10K1 14K1 12K1 12K1 10K1 12K5 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 Deck Material 28 MSGMin. 24 MSGMin. 26 MSGMin. 26 MSGMin. 20 MSGMin. 26 MSGMin. 24 MSGMin. 26 MSGMin. 24 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 24 MSGMin. 26 MSGMin. 20 MSGMin. 26 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 24 MSGMin. 20 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 24 MSGMin. Deck Panels Deck Panels Description Metal Roof Metal Roof Built UpRoof Building Units Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Insulation Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Batts and Batts and Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Blankets Blankets

Joist Spacing Maximum (in.) NS NS 72 48 72 60 48 48 48 48 60 72 72 48 72 72 72 72 48 66 72 72 48 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf Minimum Member Support Primary W6 x12 W6 x12 W6 x12 W8 x24 W8 x13 W6 x12 W8 x24 W6 x16 W6 x12 W6 x12 W6 x16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS

UL Design Number P250 P251 P259 P230 P231 P265 P266 P510 P225 P227 P268 P269 P404 P301 P514 P519 P237 P251 P404 P301 P266 P520 P405 Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 233 P711 P902 P828 P815 P816 P819 P825 P827 P801 P822 P824 P919 P728 P736 P739 P740 P743 P734 P726 P725 P717 P701 Number UL Design UL

NS W8 x 10 W8 x 20 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W8 x 20 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W8 x 28 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 Primary Support Member Minimum 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 96 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS (in.) Maximum Joist Spacing Joist Spacing Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover

Fire ResistanceFire Ratings Concrete Concrete Insulating Insulating Insulation Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Building Units Building Units Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Built Up Roof Description 28 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. Deck Material Deck Material 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K1 10K1 12K3 12K5 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K3 14K4 14K4 10K1 12K3 10K1 14K4 14K4 Minimum Joist Size SAFRM SAFRM SAFRM SAFRM Material Protection Protection ROOF – CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITH SPRAY APPLIED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS FIRE RESISTIVE APPLIED WITH SPRAY ASSEMBLIES CEILING ROOF – and and and 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 2 Hr. 2 Hr. 1 Hr., Rating 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. Assembly Restrained Restrained NS = Not Specified P405 P520 P266 P301 P404 P251 P237 P519 P514 P269 P301 P404 P268 P227 P225 P510 P266 P265 P231 P230 P259 P251 P250 Number UL Design UL

NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS W6 x 16 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W8 x 24 W6 x 16 W6 x 12 W8 x 13 W8 x 24 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 Primary Support Member Minimum 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 48 72 72 66 48 72 72 72 72 48 72 72 60 48 48 48 72 48 60 48 72 NS NS (in.) Maximum Joist Spacing Joist Spacing

Blankets Blankets Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Batts and Batts and Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulation Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Fiber Board Building Units Built Up Roof Metal Roof Metal Roof Description Deck Panels Deck Panels 24 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 20 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 20 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 20 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 26 MSG Min. 24 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. Deck Material Deck Material 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K5 10K1 12K1 12K1 14K1 10K1 12K5 12K3 10K1 12K1 12K3 12K3 10K1 10K1 12K5 12K1 10K1 10K1 12K1 Minimum Joist Size Material Metal Lath Metal Lath Metal Lath Protection Protection Fiber Board Fiber Board Exposed Grid Exposed Grid Gypsum Board Gypsum Board 3 Hr. 2 Hr. Rating 1 1/2 Hr. Assembly Restrained Restrained OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 234 NS =NotSpecified * Special Area Requirements RatingsFire Resistance ROOF –CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITHSPRAY APPLIED FIRERESISTIVEMATERIALS (cont.) Restrained Assembly 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel Rating 1 Hr., 1 Hr., 2 Hr. 2 Hr. 3 Hr. 2 Hr. and and Protection Material SAFRM SAFRM SAFRM 10K1*,16K2 Joist Size Minimum 10K1* 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K5 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K5 14K4 12K5 12K3 10K1 12K3 10K1 12K3 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K3 Deck Material 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 28 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. 22 MSGMin. Description Built UpRoof Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Insulation Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete

Joist Spacing Maximum (in.) NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf Minimum Member Support Primary W8 x10 W8 x10 W8 x10 W8 x10 W6 x16 W8 x10 W8 x10 W8 x10 W8 x10 W8 x10 W8 x10 W6 x16 W6 x16 W6 x16 W6 x16 W6 x16 W6 x16 W8 x28 W6 x16 W6 x16 W6 x16

UL Design Number P907 P908 P920 P921 P922 P923 P925 P926 P927 P928 P929 P936 P826 P733 P718 P719 P720 P732 P723 P722 P729 Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 235 D502 D216 D219 D216 D219 D216 D219 D502 G203 G208 G213 G228 G229 G243 G268 G205 G502 G208 G205 G256 G036 G023 G031 G203 G208 G213 G205 Number UL Design UL

NS W8 x 28 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W8 x 31 W8 x 24 W6 x 12 W8 x 31 W6 x 12 W8 x 15 W8 x 15 W8 x 15 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W8 x 28 W6 x 25 W8 x 20 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 W6 x 12 Primary Support Member W10 x 21 Minimum 20G@20plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@20plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 NL NL NL (in.) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 30 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) Maximum Joist Spacing Joist Spacing Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover NW NW NW NW NW NW NW Type Fire ResistanceFire Ratings LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW,

Concrete 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.25 Minimum Thickness (in.) Thickness 8K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 Minimum Joist Size 12K1, 18LH02 12K1, 18LH02 12K1, 18LH02 Material FLOOR – CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITH MEMBRANE PROTECTION WITH MEMBRANE ASSEMBLIES – CEILING FLOOR Acoustical Acoustical Acoustical Protection Protection Exposed Grid Exposed Grid Exposed Grid Gypsum Board Gypsum Board Gypsum Board Concealed Grid 2 Hr. 1 Hr. Rating 1 1/2 Hr. Assembly Restrained Restrained * Special Area Requirements * Special NS = Not Specified P729 P722 P723 P732 P720 P719 P718 P733 P826 P936 P929 P928 P927 P926 P925 P923 P922 P921 P920 P908 P907 Number UL Design UL

W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W8 x 28 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W6 x 16 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W6 x 16 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 W8 x 10 Primary Support Member Minimum 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS (in.) Maximum Joist Spacing Joist Spacing

Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulating Insulation Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Foamed Plastic Built Up Roof Description 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 22 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. 28 MSG Min. Deck Material Deck Material 12K3 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K3 10K1 12K3 10K1 12K3 12K5 14K4 12K5 10K1 10K1 10K1 12K5 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1* Minimum Joist Size 10K1*,16K2 SAFRM SAFRM SAFRM Material Protection Protection and and 2 Hr. 2 Hr. 3 Hr. 2 Hr. 2 Hr. 1 Hr., 1 Hr., Rating 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. 1-1/2 Hr. Assembly Restrained Restrained OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 236 NL =NotListed * Special Area Requirements RatingsFire Resistance Restrained Assembly Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel Rating 2 Hr. 3 Hr. FLOOR –CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITHMEMBRANEPROTECTION(cont.) Concealed Grid Gypsum Board Gypsum Board Exposed Grid Exposed Grid Protection Acoustical Material 12K1, 18LH02 (22 ksimax.) Joist Size Minimum 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 10K1 Thickness (in.) Minimum 2.63 2.75 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.0 3.0 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Concrete

LW, NW Type NW NW NW NW NW Joist Spacing Maximum 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 24 (48) 30 (48) 24 (48) (in.) NL 48 72 48 20G@14plf* 20G@14plf* 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G@13plf 20G14plf* Minimum W10 x21 W10 x21 W10 x21 W10 x21 W10 x21 Member Support Primary W8 x31 W6 x12 W8 x24 W8 x24 W8 x31 W6 x12 W8 x24 W8 x31 W6 x12 W8 x24 W8 x31 W8 x31 W6 x12 W8 x20 W8 x15 W6 x12 NS

UL Design Number G268 G256 G529 G547 G523 G229 G268 G256 G505 G529 G514 G243 G229 G228 G227 G547 G523 G213 G033 G036 G205 D219 D216 Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 237 D759 D779 D925 D782 D780 D759 D779 D925 D782 D780 G702 G705 G706 G701 G801 G709 G708 G702 G802 G705 G706 G801 G709 G708 G802 G701 Number UL Design UL

NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS W8 x 28 W8 x 28 W8 x 24 W8 x 28 W8 x 28 W8 x 24 W8 x 28 W8 x 28 W8 x 28 W8 x 28 Primary Support Member Minimum 20g@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 NL NL (in.) 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.5 Maximum Joist Spacing Joist Spacing Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover LW LW LW LW LW LW LW LW LW LW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW Type Fire ResistanceFire Ratings LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW, LW, NW LW,

Concrete 3.5 4.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 NS 2.5 2.5 4.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.25 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.25 Minimum Thickness (in.) Thickness NS NS NS NS NS NS 16K6 10K1 16K6 10K1 16K6 12K5 16K6 12K1 10K1 10K1 16K6* 16K6* 10K1* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 10K1* Minimum Joist Size SAFRM SAFRM Material Protection Protection FLOOR – CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITH SPRAY APPLIED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS FIRE RESISTIVE APPLIED WITH SPRAY ASSEMBLIES – CEILING FLOOR 1 Hr. Rating 1 1/2 Hr. Assembly Restrained Restrained * Special Area Requirements * Special NS = Not Specified = Not Listed NL OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 238 NL =NotListed NS =NotSpecified * Special Area Requirements RatingsFire Resistance FLOOR –CEILING ASSEMBLIES WITHSPRAY APPLIED FIRERESISTIVEMATERIALS (cont.) Restrained Assembly Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel Rating 3 Hr. 2 Hr. 4 Hr. Protection Material SAFRM SAFRM SAFRM Joist Size Minimum 16K6* 10K1* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 10K1* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 16K6* 10K1 10K1 12K5 16K6 10K1 16K6 10K1 10K1 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Thickness (in.) Minimum 3.25 5.25 4.19 5.25 5.25 3.25 5.25 3.25 3.25 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.5 NS 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 4.0 2.5 4.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Concrete

LW, NW LW, NW LW, NW LW, NW LW, NW LW, NW LW,NW Type NW NW NW NW NW LW LW LW LW LW LW LW LW Joist Spacing Maximum 50.5 50.5 50.5 (in.) NL NL NL 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf 20G@20plf Minimum Member Support Primary W8 x28 W8 x28 W8 x28 W8 x28 W8 x24 W8 x28 W8 x28 W8 x28 W8 x24 W8 x28 W8 x28 NS NS NS NS NS

UL Design Number G701 G802 G708 G709 G801 G706 G705 G702 G701 G801 G709 G708 G705 D780 D782 D779 D925 D759 D780 D782 D779 D925 D759 D779 D782 Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards



Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover 219 219 219 212213 212213 212213


Bay Length Definitions Bay Length Definitions Bay Length Definitions BAY LENGTH BAY BAY LENGTH BAY BAY LENGTH BAY JOIST GIRDERS STEEL COLUMN STEEL CHANNEL OSHA SafetyOSHA Standards for Steel Erection


Bay Length Definitions Bay Length Definitions





B APPENDIX ERECTION OSHA – STANDARDS BRIDGING AND ILLUSTRATIONS STANDARDS ERECTION B – OSHA APPENDIX ILLUSTRATIONS BRIDGING AND OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 240 OSHA Safety Standards for Steel Erection Erection Steel for Standards OSHA Safety Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel






220 220 220 220 220

220 213214

213214 213214

213214 220

213214 213214

MASONRY WITHPLASTER MASONRY ORTILT-UP MASONRY ORTILT-UP 213214 BAY LENGTH BAY LENGTH BAY LENGTH Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 241 means the the means

(also defined in means an open web,

means a steel member, member, a steel means

means an open web,

Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover and §1926.757 and §1926.757 secondary load-carrying member of 144 144 of member load-carrying secondary feet(43.9 m) orless, designed the by of support the for used manufacturer, floors and roofs. This does notinclude structural steeltrusses or cold-formed joists. Steel joist girder

engineer structural Project

primary load-carrying member, member, load-carrying primary for used the manufacturer, by designed the support of floors androofs. This . steel structural include not does Structural steel § 1926.32) means one who, by by who, one means § 1926.32) possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professionalstanding, or who extensive by knowledge,training, has successfully and experience, demonstrated theability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter,the work, or the project. Steel joist registered,licensed professional responsible for whose and framing steel structural of design the sealappears the on structural contract documents. person Qualified or a member made of a substitute a substitute of made a member or material (suchas, but not limitedto, fiberglass,aluminum or composite but include, members These members). joist joists, steel to, limited not are beams, columns, purlins, girders, decking, metal seats, splices, trusses, girts, and all bridging,and cold formed metal framing whichis integrated with a of framing steel structural the building. 221 means a a means


PARTS §1926.751 PARTS

means that the

means the bolted (for joist erection) erection) joist (for

meansthe ability to means means bridging OSHA STEEL ERECTION STANDARD STANDARD ERECTION STEEL OSHA y means a device that is is that device a means

means a load-carrying

OSHA SafetyOSHA Standards for Steel Erection design. design.

system used to arrest an employee in a a in employee an arrest to used system fall from a workinglevel. personal A fall anchorage, an of consists system arrest may and harness body a connectors, device, deceleration a lanyard, include of combination suitable or lifeline, fall for belt body a of use The these. prohibited. is arrest erect structural steel membersin without R subpart with accordance structural over-all the alter to having load Construction diagonal bridging that is bolted to a steel joist or or joist steel a to bolted is that bridging diagonal joists. clip Bridging

a beam, tandem joists (with all bridging bridging all (with joists tandem a beam, installed and a horizontal trussinthe plane of the top chord) or otherelement at an end or intermediatepoint(s) a of line of bridgingthat providesan anchor point bridging. joist steel the for Column steeljoist bridging is connected toa point. terminus bridging diagonal Bolted § 1926.751 Definitions. Anchored bridging

means any load other than the weight of the the of weight the than other load any means employee(s), the joists and the bundle. bridging bridging Erection attached to the steel joist to allow the the allow to joist steel the to attached joist. steel the to bridging the of bolting Bridging terminus point diagonal bridging that is required to be installed prior toreleasing thehoisting cables from the joists. steel system arrest fall Personal vertical member that is part of the the of part is that member vertical system. framing skeletal primary posts. include not do Columns Constructibilit §1926.757 and §1926.751 PARTS JOISTS WEB STEEL OPEN OSHA STEEL ERECTION STANDARD STEEL ERECTION OSHA OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 242 OSHA Safety Standards for Steel Erection Erection Steel for Standards OSHA Safety Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel and is includedin thesite-specific (A) provide stability equivalent to near the column and shall: sides both on installed be shall joists of stabilizing means alternate an (i) column: allowa steel joist tobe installedat the (2) Where constructibility does not plate. chord is restrained by the column stabilizer joist is field-bolted, and each end of the bottom released until the seat at each end of the steel be not shall cables Hoisting (iii) erection. during rotation prevent to be stabilized shall columns at joists steel of chords bottom The (ii) plumbing cables. or guying for point attachment a with joist the of chord bottom the below shall extend at least 3 inches (76 mm) by 6inch (152 mm by 152mm) and The plateminimumbe shall a of6 inch joists. steel for column on each provided be shall plate stabilizer A vertical (i) installation of this joist: the For erection. during column to provide lateral stability to the column steel joist shall be field-bolted at the solid web structural steel members, a framed inat least twodirections with not are columns and used are joists steel where section, this of (a)(2) paragraph (a) joists. steel web Open § 1926.757

plan. erection person qualified by a designed is joist, provides equivalent stability to the steel alternative method of erection, which bridging installed unless an all with in tandem set be shall joists the m), columns span more than 60 feet (18.3 near or at joists steel Where (4) bridging. erection for need the without employee to release the hoisting cable one allow to strength sufficient with designed be shall joist the less, or m) (18.3 feet 60 span columns near or at joists steel Where (3) joist is field-bolted and the joist is stabilized. released until the seat at each end of the steel be not shall cables hoisting (ii) drawings. erection the in included be (D) (C) be shop installed; and (B) be designed by a qualified person; section; this of (a)(1) paragraph

13 /16 13 /16 General. General. inch (21 mm) hole to provide an (1) Except as provided in in provided as Except (1) 222 215216 (b) (b) subpart.) installed. (See Appendix C to this establishedbe beforebridging is (10) A bridging terminus point shall qualified person. a from obtained is so do to approval written unless system arrest fall a for points anchorage as used be not shall (9) Steel joists and steel joist girders unless constructibility does not allow. support structure with a minimum of of minimum a with structure support steel joists shallbe attached tothe girders joist (ii) These connections shall be field-bolted erection. during fabricated to allow for field bolting 40 feet (12.2 m) or more shall be steel joists to steel structures in bays of into panels, connections of individual steel joists thathave been pre-assembled (8) record. of engineer structural project the of approval girder shall be made without the strength of a steel joist or steel joist (7) No modification that affects the priorto installation. displacement unintentional prevent structure with a minimum of two shall be attached to the support series steel joistsand steel joistgirders (2) Each end of ‘‘LH’’ and ‘‘DLH’’ equivalent. the or bolts, mm)

released. are cables hoisting the before corner each at structure with bridging shall be attached joists steel to from the pre-assembled been have that Panels (4) and before additional joistsare placed. placement in the final erection position sides of the seat, immediately upon both on end one at least at structure, shall be attached to the support (b)(4) of this section, each steel joist paragraph in provided as Except (3) equivalent. the or bolts, two two structure, a theybeshall secured to When(6) steel joist(s) are landedon stabilized. structure unless such structureis shall not be placed on any support (5) A steel joist or steel joist girder (25 mm) long or with two two with or long mm) (25 mm) long, or with two two with or long, mm) (51 2 welds inches mm) fillet (6 Field-bolted joists. Attachment of steel joists and steel 1 /8 1 /8 -inch (3 mm) fillet welds 1 inch

. (1) Each end of ‘‘K’’ series series of ‘‘K’’ end Each (1) (i) Except for for Except (i) 3 /4 3 /4 -inchmm) (19 1 /2 1 /2 -inch (13 1 /4 1 /4 -inch -inch

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 243

NM 44-0 0 0 – – . Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover NM = diagonal bolted bridging not mandatory 30K12 ...... 54–0 30K11 ...... 52–0 30K10 ...... 50–0 26K8 ...... 44–0 30K9 ...... 45–0 26K7 ...... 43–0 30K8 ...... 45–0 26K6 ...... 39–0 30K7 ...... 44–0 24K10 ...... NM 24K12 ...... NM 26K5 ...... 38–0 28K12 ...... 53–0 24K9 ...... 44–0 28K9 ...... 45–0 28K10 ...... 49–0 24K8 ...... 43–0 28K8 ...... 44–0 24K7 ...... 43–0 28K7 ...... 43–0 24K5 ...... 38–0 24K6 ...... 39–0 26K12 ...... NM 28K6 ...... 40–0 for joists under 40 feet 26K9 ...... 45 24K4 ...... 36–0 26K10 ...... 49–0

(3) On steel joists that do not require require not do that joists steel On (3) B, and A Tables under bridging erection on allowed be shall employee one only installed is bridging all until joist the and anchored. Joist 22K11 ...... 40 Span

216217 223 N WITH STRIKE THROUGH A NOTATION. NM 0 – (1) Both . ERECTION BRIDGING FOR .— A EDITED ITEMS ARE SHOW OSHA SafetyOSHA Standards for Steel Erection 8K1...... NM Erection of steel joists steel of Erection TABLE 8L1 22K9 ...... 40–0 22K7 ...... 40–0 22K6 ...... 36–0 22K5 ...... 35–0 20K10 ...... NM 22K4 ...... 34–0 20K9 ...... 39–0 20K7 ...... 39–0 20K6 ...... 36–0 20K5 ...... 34–0 20K4 ...... 34–0 18K7 ...... NM 18K9 ...... NM 18K10 ...... NM 20K3 ...... 32–0 18K6 ...... 35–0 18K5 ...... 33–0 18K4 ...... 32–0 16K6 ...... NM 16K7 ...... NM 16K9 ...... NM 18K3 ...... 31–0 16K5 ...... 32–0 16K4 ...... 32–0 16K3 ...... 30–0 14K3 ...... NM 14K4 ...... NM 14K6 ...... NM 16K2 ...... 29–0 12K3 ...... NM 12K5 ...... NM 14K1 ...... 27–0

10K1 ...... NM 12K1 ...... 23–0 22K10 ...... 40


(c) sides of the seat of one end of each steel joist B and A Tables under bridging requires that before structure support the to attached be shall hoistingcables are released. (2) Forjoists over60 feet, both ends specified as attached be shall the joist of the and section this of (b) paragraph in provisions of paragraph (d) of this cables hoisting the before met section released. are

►NOTE: TABLES “A” & “B” HAVE BEEN EDITED TO CONFORM WITH STEEL STEEL WITH TO BEEN EDITED CONFORM HAVE “B” & “A” TABLES ►NOTE: JOIST INSTITUTE BRIDGING BOLTED DIAGONAL REQUIREMENTS. OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 244 OSHA Safety Standards for Steel Erection Erection Steel for Standards OSHA Safety Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel 18KCS2 ...... 35–0 35–0 ...... 18KCS2 NM ...... 16KCS5 NM ...... 16KCS4

20KCS2 ...... 36–0 36–0 ...... 20KCS2 NM ...... 18KCS5 NM ...... 18KCS4 NM ...... 18KCS3 NM ...... 16KCS3 NM ...... 16KCS2 NM ...... 14KCS3 NM ...... 14KCS2 NM ...... 14KCS1 NM ...... 12KCS3 NM ...... 12KCS2 NM ...... 12KCS1 NM ...... 10KCS3 NM ...... 10KCS2 NM ...... 10KCS1 Joist JOISTS-[Continued] SPAN SHORT ► Span

30KC53 fo 54–0 ...... 30KCS4 22KCS2 ...... 36–0 36–0 ...... 22KCS2 39–0 ...... 20KCS3 30KCS5 ...... 54–0 54–0 ...... 30KCS5 22KCS3 ...... 40–0 40–0 ...... 22KCS3 NM ...... 20KCS5 NM ...... 20KCS4 NM = diagonal bolted bridging not mandatory mandatory not bridging bolted diagonal = NM 24KCS2 ...... 39–0 39–0 ...... 24KCS2 NM ...... 22KCS5 NM ...... 22KCS4 24KCS3 ...... 44–0 44–0 ...... 24KCS3 26KCS2 ...... 39–0 39–0 ...... 26KCS2 NM ...... 24KCS5 NM ...... 24KCS4 26KCS3 ...... 44–0 44–0 ...... 26KCS3 28KCS2 ...... 40–0 40–0 ...... 28KCS2 NM ...... 26KCS5 NM ...... 26KCS4 28KCS3 ...... 45–0 45–0 ...... 28KCS3 28KCS4 ...... 53–0 53–0 ...... 28KCS4 28KCS5 ...... 53–0 53–0 ...... 28KCS5 r joists under 40 feet 40 under joists r TABLE TABLE 30KCS3...... 45–0 45–0 30KCS3...... A .— ERECTION BRIDGING FOR FOR BRIDGING ERECTION . 224 217218 NM = diagonal bolted bridging not mandatory mandatory not bridging bolted diagonal = NM 60–0 through NM ...... 36LH15 60–0 through NM ...... 36LH14 60–0 through NM ...... 36LH13 60–0 through NM ...... 36LH12 60–0 through NM ...... 36LH11 60–0 through NM ...... 36LH10 36LH09 ...... 57–0 through 60–0 60–0 through 57–0 ...... 36LH09 36LH08 ...... 47–0 through 60–0 60–0 through 47–0 ...... 36LH08 36LH07 ...... 47–0 through 60–0 60–0 through 47–0 ...... 36LH07 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH15 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH14 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH13 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH12 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH11 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH10 60–0 through NM ...... 32LH09 32LH08 ...... 55–0 through 60–0 60–0 through 55–0 ...... 32LH08 28LH05 ...... 42–0 42–0 ...... 28LH05 NM...... 24LH11 NM...... 24LH10 NM...... 24LH09 NM...... 24LH08 NM...... 24LH07 45–0 ...... 24LH06 40–0 ...... 24LH05 39–0 ...... 24LH04 35–0 ...... 24LH03 NM...... 20LH10 NM...... 20LH09 NM...... 20LH08 NM...... 20LH07 NM...... 20LH06 NM...... 20LH05 NM...... 20LH04 38–0 ...... 20LH03 33–0 ...... 20LH02 NM...... 18LH09 NM...... 18LH08 NM...... 18LH07 NM...... 18LH06 Span NM...... 18LH05 NM...... 18LH04 NM...... 18LH03 33–0 ...... 18LH02 Joist 32LH07 ...... 47–0 through 60–0 60–0 through 47–0 ...... 32LH07

28LH07 ...... NM ...... 28LH07 28LH06 ...... 42 ...... 28LH06 JOISTS SPAN LONG ► for joists under 32LH06 ...... 47–0 through 60–0 60–0 through 47–0 ...... 32LH06 NM...... 28LH13 NM...... 28LH12 NM...... 28LH11 NM...... 28LH10 NM...... 28LH09 NM ...... 28LH08 TABLE TABLE B .—

40 feet 40 ERECTION BRIDGING FOR FOR BRIDGING ERECTION . – . 54-0. 54-0. 0 46-0


Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 245

(3) The weight of a bundle of joist bridging shallnot exceed a total of 1,000 joist of bundle A kg). (454 pounds minimum a on placed be shall bridging of three steeljoists that are secured at bridging the of edge The end. one bundle shallbe positioned within 1 foot (.30 m) of thesecured end. be may decking of bundle No (4) bridging all until joists on steel placed all and anchored and installed been has joist bearing ends attached, unless met: all are of conditions following the (i) The employer has firstdetermined from a qualified person and erection site-specific a in documented planthat the structure or portion of the the supporting of capable is structure load; (ii) The bundle of deckingis placed joists; steel three of minimum a on bundle the supporting joists The (iii) ends; both at attached are decking of (iv) least At onerow of bridgingis anchored; and installed (v) Thetotal weight of the bundle of pounds 4,000 exceed not does decking and (1816 kg); (vi)Placement of the bundle of with accordance in be shall decking paragraph (e)(5) of this section. (5) Theedge of the construction load shall be placed within 1 foot (.30 m) of end. joist the of surface bearing the (1) . Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover (1) . 225 Landing and placing loads placing and Landing (4) Forsteel members spanningover methods erection the m), (43.9 144 feet 1926.756. § with in accordance be used shall (5) Where any steeljoist specifiedin and (d)(2), (d)(1), and (c)(2) paragraphs (d)(3) of this sectionis a bottom chord bearingjoist, a row of bolteddiagonal bridging shallbe provided nearthe be shall bridging This support(s). the before and anchored installed hoisting cable(s) isreleased. (6) When bolted diagonalerection the section, this by required is bridging following shall apply: on indicated be shall bridging (i) The drawing; erection the (ii) Theerection drawing shall be the proper the of indicator exclusive bridging; this of placement or clips, bridging Shop-installed (iii) used be shall equivalents, functional where the bridging bolts to the steel joists; (iv) When two pieces of bridging are common a by joist steel the to attached piece first the secures that nut the bolt, of bridging shall notbe removed from the of attachment the for bolt the and second; (v) Bridgingattachments shall not protrudeabove the top chord of the steel joist. (e) the period, construction the During joists steel on load a placing employer shall ensure thatthe load is distributed capacity carrying the exceed to not as so anyof steel joist. (2) Except forparagraph (e)(4) of this are loads construction no section, allowedthe on steel joistsuntil all and anchored and installed is bridging are attached. ends joist-bearing all 218219 Landing and placing loads placing and Landing (4) Forsteel members spanningover methods erection the m), (43.9 144 feet 1926.756. § with in accordance be used shall (5) Where any steeljoist specifiedin and (d)(2), (d)(1), and (c)(2) paragraphs (d)(3) of this sectionis a bottom chord bearingjoist, a row of bolteddiagonal bridging shallbe provided nearthe be shall bridging This support(s). the before and anchored installed hoisting cable(s) isreleased. (6) When bolted diagonalerection the section, this by required is bridging following shall apply: on indicated be shall bridging (i) The drawing; erection the (ii) Theerection drawing shall be the proper the of indicator exclusive bridging; this of placement or clips, bridging Shop-installed (iii) used be shall equivalents, functional where the bridging bolts to the steel joists; (iv) When two pieces of bridging are common a by joist steel the to attached piece first the secures that nut the bolt, of bridging shall notbe removed from the of attachment the for bolt the and second; (v) Bridgingattachments shall not protrude above the top chord of the steel joist. (e) the period, construction the During joists steel on load a placing employer shall ensure thatthe load is distributed capacity carrying the exceed to not as so anyof steel joist. (2) Except forparagraph (e)(4) of this are loads construction no section, allowedthe on steel joistsuntil all and anchored and installed is bridging are attached. ends joist-bearing all

218219 (1) Where the OSHA SafetyOSHA Standards for Steel Erection (1) Where the . bridging Erection

(4) Employees shall notbe allowed on steel the of span the joists where steel joistis equalto or greater than thespan shown inTables and A except B in accordance with § 1926.757(d). bridging permanent When (5) terminuspoints cannot beused during terminus bridging temporary additional erection, (See stability. provide to required are points subpart.) this of C appendix (d) span of the steel joist is equal to or greater than the span shown in Tables apply: shall following the and B, A (i) row A of bolteddiagonal erection bridging shallbe installed nearthe joist; steel the of midspan be not shall cables Hoisting (ii) released until this bolted diagonal erection bridging isinstalled and anchored; and (iii) No more than oneemployee shall beallowed onthese spans until all other anchored. and installed is bridging (2) Where thespan of the steeljoist is feet 100 through m) (18.3 60 feet over (30.5 m),the following shall apply: (i) All rows of bridging shallbe bolted bridging; diagonal (ii) Two rows of bolted diagonal erection bridging shallbe installed nearthe third joist; steel the of points (iii) Hoisting cables shall notbe released until this bolted diagonal erection bridging isinstalled and and anchored; (iv) No more thantwo employees other all until spans these on allowed be shall anchored. and installed is bridging (3) Where thespan of the steeljoist is feet 144 through m) (30.5 100 feet over (43.9 m),the following shall apply: (i) All rows of bridging shallbe bolted bridging; diagonal be not shall cables Hoisting (ii) installed is bridging all until released and and anchored; (iii) No more than twoemployees bridging all until spans these on allowed be shall anchored. and installed is

. bridging Erection

(4) Employees shall notbe allowed on steel the of span the joists where steel joistis equalto or greater than thespan shown inTables and A except B in accordance with § 1926.757(d). bridging permanent When (5) terminuspoints cannot beused during terminus bridging temporary additional erection, (See stability. provide to required are points subpart.) this of C appendix (d) span of the steel joist is equal to or greater than the span shown in Tables apply: shall following the and B, A (i) row A of bolteddiagonal erection bridging shallbe installed nearthe joist; steel the of midspan be not shall cables Hoisting (ii) released until this bolted diagonal erection bridging isinstalled and anchored; and (iii) No more than oneemployee shall beallowed onthese spans until all other anchored. and installed is bridging (2) Where thespan of the steeljoist is feet 100 through m) (18.3 60 feet over (30.5 m),the following shall apply: (i) All rows of bridging shallbe bolted bridging; diagonal (ii) Two rows of bolted diagonal erection bridging shallbe installed nearthe third joist; steel the of points (iii) Hoisting cables shall notbe released until this bolted diagonal erection bridging isinstalled and and anchored; (iv) No more thantwo employees other all until spans these on allowed be shall anchored. and installed is bridging (3) Where thespan of the steeljoist is feet 144 through m) (30.5 100 feet over (43.9 m),the following shall apply: (i) All rows of bridging shallbe bolted bridging; diagonal be not shall cables Hoisting (ii) installed is bridging all until released and and anchored; (iii) No more than twoemployees bridging all until spans these on allowed be shall anchored. and installed is

OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 246 OSHA Safety Standards for Steel Erection Erection Steel for Standards OSHA Safety (NON-MANDATORY) ILLUSTRATIONS OFOSHABRIDGINGTERMINUSPOINTS Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel TERMINUS AT PANEL WALL HORIZONTAL BRIDGING HORIZONTAL BRIDGING TERMINUS AT WALL TERMINUS AT SHAPE STRUCTURAL HORIZONTAL BRIDGING HORIZONTAL BRIDGING TERMINUS AT WALL Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 247 TERMINUS AT WALL TERMINUS AT TERMINUS AT WALL TERMINUS AT Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING DIAGONAL BOLTED BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING DIAGONAL BOLTED OSHA SafetyOSHA Standards for Steel Erection TERMINUS AT WALL TERMINUS AT HORIZONTAL BRIDGING HORIZONTAL BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING DIAGONAL BOLTED WITH OPTIONAL “X-BRIDGING” TERMINUS AT STRUCTURAL SHAPE TERMINUS AT OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 248 OSHA Safety Standards for Steel Erection Erection Steel for Standards OSHA Safety Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel HORIZONTAL BRIDGING JOISTS PAIRJOISTS BRIDGING SECURED BY TEMP. TERMINUS POINT TERMINUS POINT GUY CABLES JOISTS PAIRJOISTS BRIDGING DIAGONAL BRIDGING SECURED BY TEMP. TERMINUS POINT TERMINUS POINT GUY CABLES

Introduction General Joist Economical Top Chord Joist Substitutes KCS Joists Joist LRFD Joist ASD Load/Load Joist Girder SJI Standard SJI Code of Fire Resistance OSHA Safety Information Design Guide Ext., K-Series & Outriggers Load Tables Load Tables Weight Tables Weight Tables Specifications Stand. Practice Ratings Standards 249 Discover the easiest way to specify steel joists to and Joist Girders: the easiest way Discover NOTES: OSHA Safety Fire Resistance SJI Code of SJI Standard Joist Girder Load/Load Joist ASD Joist LRFD KCS Joists Joist Substitutes Top Chord Economical General Joist Introduction Standards Ratings Stand. Practice Specifications Weight Tables Weight Tables Load Tables Load Tables & Outriggers Ext., K-Series Design Guide Information 250 NOTES: Discover way easiest the Girders: to andJoist joists specifysteel Building a better steel experience... New Millennium is your nationwide resource for reliable, structural steel roof-and-floor systems. Our dynamic manufacturing facilities are strategically located across North America for all your standard and special profile steel joists, plus steel roof and floor decking.

Indiana Manufacturing Facility Virginia Manufacturing Facility Florida Manufacturing Facility Corporate Office 6115 County Road 42 100 Diuguids Lane 1992 NW Bascom Norris Drive 7575 W. Jefferson Blvd. Butler, IN 46721 Post Office Box 3400 Lake City, FL 32055 Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Phone: (260) 868-6000 Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (386) 466-1300 Phone: (260) 969-3500 Fax: (260) 868-6001 Phone: (540) 389-0211 Fax: (386) 466-1301 Fax: (540) 389-0378 Nevada Manufacturing Facility Arkansas Manufacturing Facility 8200 Woolery Way Mexico Manufacturing Facility 3565 Highway 32 North Fallon, NV 89406 Carr. Panamericana 9920 Hope, AR 71801 Phone: (775) 867-2130 Col. Puente Alto Phone: (870) 722-4100 Fax: (775) 867-2169 C.P. 32695 Fax: (870) 722-4245 Cuidad Juarez Chihuahua Mexico Phone: (915) 298-5050 Fax: (915) 298-4040 © 2014 New Millennium Building Systems, LLC All rights reserved. New Millennium Building Systems is a wholly owned subsidiary of Steel Dynamics Inc.