Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Shpack Landfill
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- . ,- . ....#, . _ . - , _ Ip6 FOIA - 91-175 L @ .%*A m#0Nst m e - Bs ,[f t RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF j 'nat j@m ; ' "' g Y,.[|h. ,INFORMATION ACT (FOlA) REQUEST o^'t gg ; p e. '> DotA t T % Met HM afsppswe: RE 4UE 511 R Ms. Vick'ie Bletso , g PART |rAGENCY RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATLD (Sce rnecAedbones/ ' No agency records subject to the request have been located. ' No additional agency records subject to the request have been located, ;e ~ Requested records are asaHabie through another pubHc distribution program. See Comments section. Agency racords subject to the request that are wentified in Apperdintes) are already avadable for oubuc inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room. 2120 L St:eet. N W., Washington. DC, t gg Agency records sub;ect to the request that are identified in Appendiates) A are being made avadabre fa, pub:;c inspect;on and copy,ng at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC, m a folder under this F OI A number. The nonproprieta'y version of the proposalis) that you Jgreed to a; cept m a teicphone conversation with a member of my staff is now bems made avadatde p; for pubhc inspection and copysng at the N RC Public Document Room,2120 L Street. N W., Washington, DC, m a frAder under th s F OI A numbet Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Append * les) may be inspected and copied at the NRC Local Pubhc Document Room identified in the Comments section, Enclosed is information on how you may obtam access to and the chargrs for copying records located at the NRC Fubiac Document Room,2120 L Street, XX N.W., Washington, DC. g } . Agency records subject to the request are enclosed. P XX Reco'ds subject u the request haue been teferf ed to ar'other Federal agencybes) for review and direct response to you, Fees s You will be billed by the NRC for fees totaling $ ' You will receive a refund from the NRC in the amount of $ . In view of NRC's response to this request. no furtner action is bemg taken on apmai letter dated . ,No + PART 16, A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURL C;rtain information in the requested records is being withheld from peblic disclosure pursuant to the enemotions described in and for the reasons stated in Part H, B.C.and D, Any released portions of the documents for *hich only part of the record is being withheki art being maae avadable for public inspection and copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washmgron. DC in a fok1er u rder this F ot A number. COMMENTS 'Other agency records subject to your FOI A request have already been made available .in-the NRC Public Dccument Room (PDR). These documents have been filed in PDR f older - .F01A-90-7d under the name of'Calhoun. [ Enclosed Lis' a copy of theLNRC response to the above-mentioned case. ! :The NR'C is continuing to review records subject to your request. We will notify you upon completion of the review.- h $1 A UR E,0|R ECTOR. DivlSIO P FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLICA110NS SERvicts - i, h sh s ~ / -/ . 9202050265 910618- {hg - 175 PDR N2C FORM 464 fPart H (1:911 u .-. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 I i APPENDIX A I DOCUMENTS TO BE RELEASED F01A REQUEST NUMBER 91-175 DATE ORIGINATOR 'RECIPIENT DESCRIPTION 1. - Undtd ~ , fiorton lieTuse Dump investigat ton < Chronology / Schedule of Events (18 pages) 2. 11/15/76 H. Crocker J. Allan Refuse Dump (memo) (6 pages) -3. 11/29/78 W. Martin. J. Allan Refuse Dump Investigation Plan (2 pages) '4. 12/18/78 J. Stohr D. Opatka letter re: results of water / soil sample analysis (7 pages) 5. '12/18/78 J. Stohr G. Parker Letter re: results of water / soil . sample analysis (37 pages) 6.. 1/30/79 R. Shepherd W. Martin Investigat ton of Allegation re: Dumping of Radioactive Material (4 pages) 7. 3/1/79- B. Grier J. Sniezek Memo re: Radiation Surveys (32 pages) 8. 3/12/79 R. Shepherd File Memo re: Investigation of Radio- active Material found at Refuse Dump (2 pages) 9. 6/12/79 B. Grier J. Sniezek Investigation of the Source of Radioactive Material found at Dump (66 pages) 10. - 9/26/79.- J. Kottan -File Documentation of telecon (1 page) 11. 10/2/79 J. Roth File Status of Private Landfill (61 pages) :12. 1/29/80 G. Smith S. Hohnson Letter advising that 00E has the lead on the landfill issue (3 pages) 13. 6/4/82' R. Carlson J. Hughes Memo forwarding copies of requested documents (5pages) 14, 12/20/82- R. Haynes M. Walker Letter responding to questions (54 pages) - 15. 1/18/83 R. Haynes _M. Walker Documentation of information- provided (3 pages) 16; I'l/16/90. F. Veale J. Roth Administrative Order of Consent (52 pages) , - . __.. .- _ . - _ - _. .- (1 _ . NORTON P.EFUSE DUMP INVESTIGATION CHRONOLOGY / SCHEDULE OF EVENTS , Event Date 1. RI reveived allegation (telephone) 9/22/78 2. RI received request for investigation (letter) 10/18/78 3. Preliminary survey of Norton site 10/24/78 3 dirt sacples taken | 4. Initial PN issued (PN-NRC-1-106) 10/25/78 5. Detailed survey of 11orton dump site 10/31 - 11/2/1978 Samples taken: 4 water samples ! 4 mud samples 11 soil samples (5 holes) I unidentified item (netal casting) 6. P.eceived preliminary survey dirt sample 11/3/78 analysis results 7. Update PN issued PN-NRC-1-106a 11/7/78 8. Meetings with Comonwealth of Mass.; town 11/9/78 of Norton and landowners 9. Press release issued 11/9/78 10. Norton dump posted with official no 11/12/78 treaspassing and caution-radioactive materials signs | 11. 11/14/78 ' Startedsource of preliminary material Interview(investigation with allegorinto identified 15 additional cites) 12. Update PH issued PN-NRC-1-106b 11/16/78 13. Received preliminary results of detailed 11/17/78 samples | | I o,, ice > ................... ................... ................. ................... ................. ...... 3........ suRNauen ................... ................... .................. ..... ............ .................. ... .k..... oare > ................... ................. .................. .................... .................. ................ NROFORM 318 16-77; W (J. S. GOVE RNME NT PRINTING OF FICE 1977-237-025 - ~ 4 a, ._- .. florton Refuse Dump Investigation 2 Event Date 14. UpdatedPflissued(PNNRC:I-106c) 11/22/78 15. Pfl Status Report for Daily Report 11/24/78 16. Survey additional sites in Norton and Attleboro 11/28-12/1/78 17. Daily Report Item Re: Surveys & Heetings 11/27/78 18. Final results of Detailed Norton Survey sample 12/4/78 analysis 19. Preliminary investigation into source of 12/8/78 materials completed ! , or , ice . ................... ...................................... ................... ................. ............. svnu ue > ................... ................... ......................... ............ ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . oATe > ................... ................. .......... ......... .................. ........~...... N A C F O R M 31D 16 7 7; Q u,3. C O V E RN UF N T P R'NT!N G O F F !C E 19 7 7-2'li-OM |. .. _. , '' __ . PLAft FOR SitPACK DuftP (NORT0tl, inSS.) FOLLOUUP I. Shpack Dump Itself a. Get results for rest of samples b. Format information c. Complete investigation d. Coordinate info with IlQ and DOE e. Arrange for a more detailed survey Options: (1) Licensee, if one responsible (2) DOE or DOE contractor otherwise f. If licensee found, apparently becomes NRC/ licensee issue 9 If licensee not found responsible, suggest turning over to DOE if can, even though may not be contractor work h. Keep State and local government informed as issues are decided. II. Plans for Other Surveys Norton a. Start with mana jement 1/27 late afternoon, (4:00 p.m.) b. Identify areas to be surveyed and by whom c. Start survey with Roth's team 11/28 a.m. d. When Roth's team done in florton, go to Attleboro Attleboro a. Start with management 11/28 a.m. (0830am Stohr. Kottan and G. Keane, Mayor and Swibble, tbssachusetts) b. Identify areas to be surveyed and by whom c. Start survey with Kottan's team 11/28 p.m. (Kottan pick up Glenn and Friedman 11/28 a.m.) ................... or eict > .................. .................. ................... ................... ......... .. .. sun ~we > ................... .................. ................... .................. .................. ............... , cec > ................... .................. ........ ......... ................... .......... ....... ....... ...... _ .. 1 Plan for Shpack Dump 2 i Conrunications a. Comunicate results to-RI at least daily - (within 2 hours if findactivity). Normal call between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. b. RI comunicate with IE:}IQ c. Stohr, Roth and Kottan comunicate with State and local officials as needed. Intent is to keep them informed if there is no representative along - probably daily contact with local. d. News media - primarily team captains or Abraham e. Others - EPA:I Find No Activity a. Problem drops back to Shpack dump b. So inform State and local officials Find Activity a. Actions depend on extent b. Contact RI and consider: (1) Release of info (press, etc.) (2) Securing area (3) Sampling (4) Continuing survey (5) Calling in AfG (6) Removing radioactivity (if small) o, ncc > ................... ...................................... ................... ................................... suRN w r> ................... ........................................................ .................. ................ oue> ............................ ........ .................... .................. ................ NRC FORM 318 66 77# # U. S. GOVE RNMENT PRINTING OF FICE 1977,737-075 . _ - . - . _ , ' 1 Plan for Shpack Dump 3 III. Details i i a. Teams- Kottan* Roth* Friedman Jackson Glenn Clemons * team captain (Stohr Project Coordinator) b. Transprotation LPA(Roth) Passengers - Stohr, Jackson, Clemons Airplane Kottan (11/27), Friedman and Glenn (11/28) 10: 00 a.m. _R/A - Kottan (11/27); Stohr (11/28) c. Accomodations Hotel - 5 ist night, 7 2nd night llearthstone Quality Inn ($18.50) Seckonk, R.I. (617-336-8700) d. Instruments 4 - Scintillator with speakers 3 - GM's with speakers 1 - Scintillator backup (from RIII) Extra cables and speakers, if have 2 - cameras 2 - radios ' Hisc.