FEBRUARY 17, 18 &19TH

This is for all Boy Scouts & Crews. Also 2nd year Webelos may attend this event if invited by their Troop

Questions or event info and pre-registration contact;

Jamie Brooks 660-229-0189 [email protected]

Richard Webb 816-785-9203 [email protected]

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Questions 101

Fires; ground fires are permitted, some wood may be available for scavenging; recommend bringing you own. Low impact is the thought for the day

Water, we plan to have a water tank on site for the weekend, yes it is potable.

Bathrooms, port-a-pottys will be on site as usual, trees are plentiful.

Do you have to spend both nights, your call plenty going on all weekend?

Sleds; to be eligible for the Best Sled Trophy basic scout craft and timber is all that is acceptable. Patrols may use whatever meets their need for Saturday’s events. Needs to haul gear and simulated injured scouts for the first aid skill.

Food; troops are providing for themselves for the weekend. Hot chocolate and coffee will be available in the camps Saturday.

Webelos; may camp with their troop at the troops invitation.

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th


Many years ago, men raced by means of dogs and sleds across the frozen wastes of Alaska in search of GOLD! has capitalized on this theme and has developed the Klondike Derby as an activity for Scouts.

Each dog team (so called because two to seven Scouts act as huskies) forms a separate expedition, and follows a course outlined on a map given to the team. The map guides the team over the field course to simulated “cities”, with authentic Alaskan names. Each team driver (patrol leader) is handed a sealed envelope containing his instructions. Teams line up at the starting line, are checked for readiness, equipment, etc., and when told are away on the trail. They tear open their sealed orders containing course directions, maps etc. Each team then starts off for a different city as shown on his map.

A practical problem involving basic Scouting skills will be encountered in each town.

Sound good? You’re doggone right. Every Scout will want to be in the Derby. Look over the enclosed plan, talk it up with the Scouts and get the patrols working now! The Klondike Derby is the BIGGEST winter activity happening in the Big Muddy District!

Scout Sprit

Scout spirit is a must, teams coming into town singing and showing scout spirit will earn a bonus nugget.

Throughout the day

As patrols travel throughout the day from town to town some of the hazards they may encounter are Claim Jumpers, asking scout questions, a right answer gets a reward, and a wrong one may cost them a nugget. Another hazard may be an injured miner, while traveling between towns a patrol member becomes injured and requires first aide and transportation onto the next town. As patrols arrive into town the local Mayor will assess their scout spirit and condition, inviting them for some hot chocolate and give them the towns run down. Each patrol will have with them a can of soup for each person traveling with the patrol and at lunch time they’ll warm them up Hobo style, Chicken soups with chicken, and tomato based with tomato. Cups and spoons provided. A box of crackers and snack cakes on the sled will help round out the meal. This will save on travel, time, and cold weather KP. When the patrols finish they need to check out with the Mayor to get there nuggets and directions for their next adventure. As the day finishes the patrols will head back to main camp and turn in their nugget pouches with the judges. Results and awards will be presented at the evening camp fire program.


Second-year Webelos may attend this event if invited by a troop. Second-year Webelos can camp overnight with a Boy Scout troop in a shelter, with appropriate clothing and sleeping gear. Health forms are mandatory for all attending, along with registration forms and a roster of names for both youth and adults. Cost will be $8.00 Boy Scouts, Webelos and Adults. Cost includes patch, camping fees, porta-pots and awards for the events. Patches will go to units pre-registered first for amount of people, in case of a shortage of patches.

Proper clothing is a must, and should be layered so the Scout can remove some layers if too hot or add layers if cold. Scout uniform is not required. Please make sure the boys are wearing appropriate footwear for the weather. Individuals will be sent home if inappropriately dressed. This should be covered at Webelos den and Boy Scout meetings if attending. This event will not be canceled because of cold weather, but heavy snow may cause cancelation. So bring plenty of clothing to change into to keep dry if necessary.

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Equipment needed for shelter construction For best improvised shelter challenge. Shovels, buckets, scrapers, tarp, etc. Please bring clothing and gear that is adequate for all types of winter weather. Please let the Klondike chair know if you want to enter your shelter in the Best Shelter Competition.

The below mentioned sled guidelines are for the BEST SLED AWARD, sled inspection for Saturdays events are inventory only.

Please advise your Scouts on the following:

1. Sleds must be lashed downed to complete the course, and to finish with all gear stored on board.

2. All sleds must be assembled by Basic Scout Craft Methods, and only wood may be used for runners. Sled must have basic structure of wood, rope, or twine.

3. The sled is to be a minimum of 18” wide and 6’ long, no nails, screws, dowels, adhesive or fastening devices in the sled are allowed in building your sled, including skis. Runners must be natural wood from a tree to be eligible for the Best Sled award. Scouts may look up pictures and plans at the library, encyclopedia, etc., any design may be used.

4. Participating patrols should be natural patrols, in appropriate winter dress. (Scout uniform is not winter dress.) Please ensure your scout have appropriate footwear for the weather. Appropriate winter dress will be enforced. Scouts may be sent home if not appropriately dressed. Patrols will be penalized one (1) nugget per boy for inappropriate dress. We would rather send someone home, than to the ER with hypothermia.

5. The “Best Sled Award” will be awarded for the best looking sled. This sled will be judged on how it is put together with rope and how it is assembled by Basic Scout Craft Methods.

6. It is the policy of the and Big Muddy District that no alcohol or mood-altering drugs will be allowed at any Scouting function. Anyone using these chemicals will be asked to leave immediately.

7. All units must have health forms for all attending and kept at the Main Camp for easy access if needed. Leader may pick them up when leaving camp.


1. All Scouts must be clothed for extreme winter conditions; this event will not be canceled except in the event of heavy snow. 2. Each patrol must submit a roster of patrol members when checking in at camp. 3. Maximum size of each patrol must be eight (8) scouts and a minimum of four (4) scouts. 4. All Scouts are encouraged to be members of the same natural patrol.


1. Each patrol must have a sled, 2. Your sled must display your patrol flag. Patrols flags with patrol name & troop number will receive an extra nugget. 3. No commercially built sleds may be used. This is a “Run what you brung” sled race event, let’s have some fun.


Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Each team will need a sturdy, homemade, leather, canvas or plastic pouch. Mark it with your troop number and patrol name. Size should be about three by nine inches with a drawstring. All scoring will be based upon the number of nuggets at finish line. Nuggets must be turned in at Main Camp to the Klondike Staff recording the points.

Pay particular attention to “Equipment needed”! This is vital information.


1. 1 10 in Dutch oven, 4 rolls cheap Biscuits, 1 stick butter, ½ sugar, ½ cup brown sugar, 4 Tbls Cinnamon 2. Two (2) warm blankets 3. One (1) Current BSA Handbook 4. 30+ FT length of rope suitable for a rescue rope 5. 1 can of soup for each member, snack cakes and soup crackers 6. Two (2) Compasses 7. First Aid kit (two sterile dressings, two compression triangular bandages, and material for splints) 8. One (1) hatchet (covered by shield) 9. Patrol Flag 10 Nugget pouch 11. Tarp/ plastic sheet large enough for the boys to sit comfortable on.

SITKA Dutch oven Monkey Bread: The patrol upon arriving in Sitka and checking in with the Mayor will proceed to Dutch ovens to prepare and start cooking monkey bread. Then proceed to next stations until ready.

FIRE BUILDING The patrol will learn to use a bow and drill (provided). Then will be timed at building a fire sufficient to burn a string suspended above the fire. Materials for kindling, tinder, and dry wood will be provided.

Propane Stoves Patrol will learn to setup and use propane stoves utilizing 1 lb. and 20 lb. bottles, (provided)

Camp Sanitation Patrol will learn about food borne illness and the need for camp sanitation.


Snow Blind Patrol will learn to properly set up a tent with ground cloth. Then Patrol will participate in a timed event with only 1 member who is injured but can see, guiding his “Snow Blind” patrol in setting up the tent. (Tents and blindfolds provided)

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Song skits/ Campfire Patrol will learn and sing scout songs, develop a skit and learn the value of a campfire program. Song or skit will be performed during Saturday evening campfire.

Knowledge Patrol will have the opportunity to test their Scout knowledge with a 20 Question multiple choice, open Scout Book “paperbooks” test, no time limit. No electronic aids.


Plant Identification Patrol will be shown various plants leaf and discuss uses and cautions.

Leave no Trace/Outdoor Code Patrol will learn leave no trace and low impact camping skills.

Animal Identification Patrol will learn various animals sign to look for and cautions.

Bear Bags Patrol will learn the value of bear bags, how to hoist. Then in a timed event will rig and hoist a loaded bear bag. Correct knot usage counts.


Rope Making Patrol will make a length of rope; learn how to whip the ends. Patrol will also have the opportunity to fuse the ends of synthetic rope.

Rescue Rope Patrol will throw a Rescue Rope to a Scout who is stranded on the ice and pull him ashore. This is a timed event. Each patrol will be asked to tie 4 different knots; each knot will be tied by a different scout.

Signaling Patrol will learn about methods of signaling in emergency situations and then will practice the use of semaphore. Their skill will be tested in a timed skill test sending and receiving a semaphore message

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Compass Patrol will use a compass throughout the day to guide them from town to town

CROSS COUNTRY RACE Your sled must be loaded with all equipment for the Cross-Country Race. Sleds must remain in one piece. All scouts,- sled, and all equipment will race from one town to another town. All members of the patrol will participate unless extenuating circumstances are present, at the Mayors discretion. This will be a timed event. The clock starts as you leave town and stops when your full patrol sled, and gear reach the next town. Checking in and out with the Mayor is essential so the patrol will know which leg is the timed event. This is in lieu of the all out free for all end of day race

MAYORS NOTES Your job is to run your town and provide guidance to the leaders and boys running events, cold weather safety is a major concern and as each sled team (PATROL) comes into town they should check in with you, giving you the opportunity to check them over looking for cold boys, and checkout at departure to check for coat, hats, and gloves as needed. All necessary equipment for the operation of your station will be provided or should be on the Klondike sled of each patrol. We want to begin the patrols at 9:00 a.m. so it will be necessary to have judges at all stations and ready at that time. THANK YOU again for all your help with this event.

Klondike chairman will decide what to do for a tie breaker (if needed) after competition.

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Friday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Registration (Main Camp) & Early Campsite setup

8:00 p.m. Mayors Meeting (Main Camp)

9:00 p.m. SPL & SM meeting (Main Camp)

Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Registration & Set-up campsite & prepare for events

Mayors - (Pick up Signs, Nuggets, & Score Sheets)

8:00 a.m. Sled inspections & pickup orders

8:30 a.m. Flag & Start to follow

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Klondike Derby Competition . . . .

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch (Hobo Soup)

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Klondike Derby Competition . . . .

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Patrols check in Main Camp and count Loot

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Supper (Troop provides)

7:30 p.m. – TBD Campfire & Skits Awards given out at end for competition

10:00 p. m. Taps / quiet time

Sunday Early morning Breakfast (Troop provides)

9:00 a.m. Worship Service (Non-Denominational)

TBD - 10:30 a.m. Tear down camp Clean-up Campsite Area

11:00 a.m. Home ward bound DRIVE SAFELY, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

Patrol Rosters

** Turn in this Roster @ Camp **

Patrol Name:

Scouts Name Scouts Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Patrol Name:

Scouts Name Scouts Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Patrol Name:

Scouts Name Scouts Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Patrol Name:

Scouts Name Scouts Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unit Registration Form

Big Muddy District Heart of America Council, USA

KLONDIKE DERBY – February 17,18 & 19th

All participants must be registered with a unit. Individual registrations will not be accepted.

Unit Leader / Contact Person (name, phone, email) Troop Number

Name Adults


Please make checks payable to Heart of America Council

Use additional sheets as needed