

Manuscript received 11 January 2021 Revised manuscript received 17 May 2021 Manuscript accepted 24 May 2021

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Late and the Kalahari during Columbia assembly Cedric Djeutchou1*, Michiel O. de Kock1, Hervé Wabo1, Camilo E. Gaitán2, Ulf Söderlund2 and Ashley P. Gumsley3 1Department of , University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park 2006, South 2Department of Geology, Lund University, Lund 223 62, Sweden 3Institute of Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Sosnowiec 41-200, Poland

ABSTRACT be rapid true polar wander (TPW) (Mitchell The 1.87–1.84 Ga Black Hills dike swarm of the () is coeval et al., 2010; Antonio et al., 2017). Unfortunate- with several regional magmatic provinces used here to resolve the craton’s position during ly, few precisely dated Mashonaland intrusions Columbia assembly. We report a new 1850 ± 4 Ma (U-Pb isotope dilution–thermal ioniza- also have paleomagnetic constraints (Table S3 tion mass spectrometry [ID-TIMS] on baddeleyite) crystallization age for one dike and new in the Supplemental Material1). Furthermore, paleomagnetic data for 34 dikes of which 8 have precise U-Pb ages. Results are constrained the BHDS was emplaced in the immediate by positive baked-contact and reversal tests, which combined with existing data produce a aftermath of the proposed TPW. This limits 1.87–1.84 Ga mean pole from 63 individual dikes. By integrating paleomagnetic and geochro- careful evaluation of the discrepancy. Our data, nological data sets, we calculate poles for three magmatic episodes and produce a magneto- however, provide a high-resolution paleomag- stratigraphic record. At 1.88 Ga, the Kalahari craton is reconstructed next to the Superior netic record to test Kalahari’s 1.87–1.84 Ga craton so that their ca. 2.0 Ga poles align. As such, magmatism forms part of a radiating paleogeography. pattern with the coeval ca. 1.88 Ga Circum-Superior large igneous province. THE BLACK HILLS DIKE SWARM INTRODUCTION data from 1.89 to 1.83 Ga magmatic provinces, The BHDS is a >300-km-wide swarm of The Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic however, can provide constraints on Kalahari’s mainly northeast- to north-northeast–trend- (referred to as Nuna, Hudson- role in Columbia’s assembly. ing mafic dikes intruding , land, or Columbia) formed by assembly of Ar- The current 1.89–1.83 Ga paleomagnetic the 2.68–2.06 Ga , and chean starting at 1.9 Ga and was fully record of Kalahari can be enhanced by study- the 2.06–2.05 Ga Bushveld and Phalaborwa amalgamated as late as 1.65–1.58 Ga (Meert, ing its magmatic provinces (Fig. 1). The 1.87– Complexes (Olsson et al., 2016; Fig. 1). Pa- 2012; Pisarevsky et al., 2014; Pourteau et al., 1.84 Ga northeast- to north-northeast–trending leoproterozoic magnetizations that pass rever- 2018). The position of the Kalahari craton (i.e., mafic Black Hills dike swarm (BHDS; South sal and baked-contact tests were reported for here the pre–1.2 Ga conjoined Kaapvaal and Africa) is one such province (Olsson et al., the BHDS (Letts et al., 2005, 2011; Lubnina cratons, or the proto-Kalahari cra- 2016; Wabo et al., 2019). We present new pa- et al., 2010) and are confirmed by combined ton, sensu stricto; see de Kock et al., 2021) in leomagnetic data from 36 BHDS dikes togeth- U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and paleo- Columbia is obscured by limited paleomagnet- er with existing data from the 1.89–1.87 Ga magnetic data sets (Olsson et al., 2016; Wabo ic data. It does not appear in some reconstruc- Mashonaland sill province (Söderlund et al., et al., 2019). Baddeleyite U-Pb crystallization tions (e.g., Evans and Mitchell, 2011; Pehrs- 2010; Hanson et al., 2011) and the 1.88– ages of 12 dikes range between ca. 1.87 and ca. son et al., 2016), but in other reconstructions it 1.87 Ga post-Waterberg sill province (Hanson 1.84 Ga (Olsson et al., 2016; Wabo et al., 2019). is placed at Columbia’s periphery (e.g., Zhao et al., 2004). The BHDS is spatially, geochemi- However, only two dated dikes were also stud- et al., 2003) or is regarded as a “lone craton” cally, and temporally associated with <1.83 Ga ied paleomagnetically (Lubnina et al., 2010; (Pisarevsky et al., 2014). A craton’s position Soutpansberg Basin magmatism (Geng et al., Wabo et al., 2019). Dike ages do not discrimi- in Columbia is typically evaluated through 2014; Olsson et al., 2016) and the ca. 1.8 Ga nate between trend or location but subdivide 1.8–1.3 Ga apparent polar wander path com- Mazowe dike swarm of Zimbabwe (Fig. 1B) the swarm into an older, 1.88–1.86 Ga, more- parison (Evans and Mitchell, 2011). For the (Hanson et al., 2011). Paleomagnetic data primitive group and a younger, 1.85–1.84 Ga, Kalahari craton (simply Kalahari hereafter), from the Mashonaland and post-Waterberg sill more chemically enriched group (Olsson et al., post–1.8 Ga paleomagnetic data remain sparse provinces differ significantly and require large 2016). The combined BHDS, Mashonaland, and (de Kock et al., 2021) and its tenure in Co- tectonic displacement between the Kaapvaal Post-Waterberg sill provinces, and Soutpans- lumbia remains unconstrained. Paleomagnetic and Zimbabwe cratons (Hanson et al., 2011). berg Basin magmatism (Klausen et al., 2010; Currently there is no geological support for Lubnina et al., 2010; Olsson et al., 2016) form *E-mail: [email protected] such displacement. Another explanation­ may an ∼50 m.y. record.

1Supplemental Material. Geochronology, geochemistry, and paleomagnetic datasets. Please visit https://doi.org/10.1130/GEOL.S.14925186 to access the ­supplemental material, and contact [email protected] with any questions.

CITATION: Djeutchou, C., et al., 2021, Late Paleoproterozoic mafic magmatism and the Kalahari craton during Columbia assembly: Geology, v. 49, p. XXX–XXX, https://doi.org/10.1130/G48811.1

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Figure 1. Simplified geological maps showing outlines of the Kalahari craton (A), pre–1.8 Ga Kalahari craton (B), and northeastern (C) (adapted from de Kock et al., 2019; Hanson et al., 2011; Olsson et al., 2016). U-Pb baddeleyite age constraints are from the Mashona- land sill province (MSP; Söderlund et al., 2010; Hanson et al., 2011), post-Waterberg sill province (PWSP; Hanson et al., 2004); and Black Hills dike swarm (BHDS; Olsson et al., 2016; Wabo et al., 2019; this study). 40Ar-39Ar age is from Layer et al. (1998). Soutpansberg Basin U-Pb zircon ages are from Geng et al. (2014). Paleomagnetic data are from the MSP (McElhinny and Opdyke, 1964; Bates and Jones, 1996), Mazowe dike swarm (MDS; Wilson et al., 1987), PWSP (Hanson et al., 2004), BHDS (Layer et al., 1998; Lubnina et al., 2010; Letts et al., 2011; Maré and Fourie, 2012; Wabo et al., 2019; this study); and Soutpansberg Group and post-Soutpansberg sill province (PSSP; Hanson et al., 2004; Gose et al., 2006).

RESULTS Paleomagnetism mon precision and are ∼180° apart, illustrating Geochronology We sampled 61 dikes for paleomagnetic a class-C reversal test (Fig. S6). Sampling thus Baddeleyite grains extracted from an study using standard methods (see the Supple- spans one or more reversals of the geomagnet- 8–10-m-thick north-northeast–trending dike mental Material; Table S3). Directly dated dikes ic field. Two dated ca. 1.85 Ga dikes (Olsson (dike MAD01 in Fig. 1C) were divided into were explicitly targeted. Each paleomagnetic et al., 2016), one north trending and one north- three fractions and dated by isotope dilu- site sampled a distinct dike and corresponds to east trending (dikes CDL and BJL in Fig. 1C), tion–thermal ionization mass spectrometry a unique cooling unit. High-temperature magne- have positive baked-contact tests supporting the (ID-TIMS) at the Department of Geoscienc- tizations identified in 36 dikes are interpreted as primary Paleoproterozoic nature of the magneti- es, Swedish Museum of Natural History in Paleoproterozoic (Fig. 1; Fig. S2). The remain- zation (see the Supplemental Material). Where Stockholm. The full methodology and data, ing 25 dikes had heterogeneous demagnetization directly dated, the crystallization age is assumed including geochemistry (Table S2), are pro- behavior and are not discussed here (for more also to be the timing of remanence acquisition. vided in the Supplemental Material. Free re- detail, see the Supplemental Material). High- gression yields upper and lower intercepts temperature remanence components are grouped DISCUSSION at 1850 ± 4 Ma and 200 ± 250 Ma (mean as northwest (downward) or southeast (up- The 1.89–1.83 Ga Paleomagnetic Record squared weighted deviation [MSWD] = 1.13), ward), showing moderate to steep inclinations. Paleomagnetic Data by Magmatic Province

respectively (Table S1; Fig. S1). The upper Site means with radii of 95% confidence α( 95) Our data (34 dikes) are combined with intercept is interpreted as the dike’s crystal- >16° were excluded (i.e., 2 of our 36 dikes). published BHDS results (29 dikes; Table lization age. The northwest and southeast groups share com- S3) to define two polarities Fig. 2A( ; see the

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Figure 2. (A) Paleomagnetic site means from ca. 1.89 to <1.83 Ga units grouped and color coded according to magmatic province. The Post- Waterberg sill province (PWSP) mean differs significantly from the Mashonaland sill province (MSP) mean (the separation angle y0 = 25.4° > the critical angle yc = 11.0°) but is indistinguishable from the Black Hills dike swarm (BHDS) mean (y0 = 4.9° < yc = 14.1°) and Soutpansberg Basin (SB) mean (y0 = 4.6° < yc = 18.1°). PSSP—post-Soutpansberg sill province. α95 is the radius of 95% confidence around the mean. (B) Crystal- lization ages and definition of magmatic episodes. (C) Magnetic inclination of directly dated units with dike LDH highlighted. MSWD—mean squared weighted deviation. Vertical error bars represent 2σ uncertainty in Ma, and horizontal error bars represent 95% confidence bounds of the inclination. (D) Site means according to age. BHDS dikes with positive inclination are inferred to belong to the ca. 1.87 Ga episode. The

ca. 1.87 Ga mean is indistinguishable from the ca. 1.86 Ga mean (y0 = 11.9° < yc = 20.3°) and ca. 1.85 Ga mean (y0 = 1.4° < yc = 15.9°). (E) Fen- noscandia and Superior virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) latitude (numbering as per Table S4 [see footnote 1]).

­Supplemental Material) and a mean paleopole tive inclinations (Fig. 2C). Negatively inclined nation during the ca. 1873 Ma episode (Fig. 2C).

for the BHDS at 15.3°N, 14.9°E and A95 (radii dike LDH thus likely belongs to the ca. 1860 Ma This defines a late Paleoproterozoic magneto- of 95% confidence) = 5.6° (Table S4; quality, episode, which is exclusively represented by stratigraphic record for Kalahari. All undated Q, = 7; after Van der Voo, 1990). This pole rep- dikes of negative inclination (Fig. 2C). Besides BHDS dikes that recorded positive inclinations resents ∼30 m.y. and is indistinguishable from polarity, the chemical composition provides were used to calculate a ca. 1873 Ma episode

the 1.88–1.87 Ga Post-Waterberg sill province another discriminator between episodes (Ols- pole (11.8°N, 10.6°E and A95 = 11.8°; Table S4; and <1.83 Ga Soutpansberg Basin poles (Table son et al., 2016). We note that dikes MAD01 Q = 7). Poles at ca. 1860 Ma and ca. 1848 Ma S4). (herein dated at 1850 ± 5 Ma) and LDH (dated have larger uncertainties but are statistically at 1867 ± 10 Ma by Wabo et al. [2019]) have indistinguishable from the ca. 1873 Ma pole Magmatic Episodes and MgO contents of 4.9 wt% and 6.0 wt%, respec- (Table S4). Magnetostratigraphy tively (Table S2), which are comparable to those Some units from regional magmatic prov- of the “young” and “old” groups, respectively. Kalahari and Columbia’s Assembly inces are coeval, and we calculated weighted Only two paleomagnetically constrained The timing of Columbia’s assembly and its mean crystallization ages (from U-Pb ID-TIMS units of the Mashonaland sill province are di- final configuration is debated (Meert, 2012), baddeleyite dates; Fig. 2B) at 1873 ± 1 Ma rectly dated. One sill has an age corresponding but there is consensus that , Lauren- (MSWD = 0.62), 1860 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 0.7), to the ca. 1873 Ma episode, and it has a positive tia, and formed the core around which and 1848 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 0.7). These epi- inclination as expected. An older ca. 1883 Ma other were accreted (e.g., Evans and sodes refine the groupings of Olsson et al. sill also has positive inclination. The Mashona- Mitchell, 2011; Pehrsson et al., 2016), while (2016), who named the 1860 Ma episode as land data thus span at least two reversals, and the between and oc- “old” and the ca. 1848 Ma episode as “young” mixed polarity is otherwise assigned to the prov- curred as late as 1.6 Ga (Pourteau et al., 2018). BHDS. The crystallization age uncertainty of ince (Fig. 2C). At 1.88 Ga, Baltica and Laurentia were not fully dike LDH of Wabo et al. (2019) allows it to be a Mean poles are calculated for episodes based assembled. Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia collided member of either the 1873 Ma or 1860 Ma epi- on dated units. Such poles are temporally better with Fennoscandia (i.e., the Kola craton, Karelia sode. Dike CDU of this study (sample BCD5-85 defined than magmatic province poles Fig. 2D( ; craton, and Svecofennian ) at 1.82–1.80 Ga of Olsson et al., 2016) can similarly be a mem- Table S4). Dated BHDS dikes were exclusively to form Baltica. Overlap of 1.89–1.79 Ga Fen- ber of either the 1860 Ma or 1848 Ma episode. of negative inclination during the ca 1860 Ma noscandian poles suggests that it was fairly sta- Units of the ca. 1873 Ma episode all have posi- and ca. 1848 Ma episodes and of positive incli- tionary (Klein et al., 2016; Fig. 3D). ­Laurentian

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Figure 3. (A,B) The ca. 2.0–1.8 Ga paleopoles for the Kalahari (A) and Superior (corrected for relative rotation) (B) cratons. The West Superior­ craton and its poles are shown in light blue, and the East and its poles are shown in dark blue. (C) The 1.89–1.87 Ga paleopoles. (D) The Fennoscandia 1.89–1.84 Ga paleopoles. (E) Reconstruction at 1.88 Ga. Kalahari’s band of allowed paleolati- tudinal reconstructions is shown. All poles are numbered as per Table S4 (see footnote 1).

­assembly occurred between ca. 1.91 Ga and 1873 Ma normal polarity chron of Kalahari. The ­overlapping the 1.88 Ga Molson dikes pole with 1.81 Ga (e.g., Mitchell et al., 2014), and its ca. 1840–1837 Ma Haukivesi intrusion (Sve- 1.89–1.84 Ga Fennoscandian poles (Figs. 3B data are discordant. For Superior poles, some cofennia) provides an isolated normal polarity and 3D). The 1.89–1.83 Ga Kalahari poles are discordance is resolved by straightening the Ka- data point for Fennoscandia (paleopole 36 in overlapped with the 1.88 Ga Molson dikes pole. puskasing zone (Evans and Halls, 2010). For the Table S4; Fig. 2D), but there are no data to com- Kalahari is placed to the west of the reconstruct- Slave and Superior cratons (Figs. 3B and 3C), pare with Kalahari. On Kalahari, several sites ed Superior craton adjacent to the Penokean TPW may account for the remaining dispersion from the <1.83 Ga Soutpansberg Basin yield orogen (Fig. 3E). The modern southwestern (Mitchell et al., 2010). reverse polarity (Fig. 2C). The shared normal margin of the Superior craton is occupied by A comparison of absolute polarity can con- polarity before ca. 1.88 Ga and shared record of the 1.77–1.60 Ga Central Plains, Yavapai, and strain the relative positions of the Superior, a reversal at ca. 1.87 Ga suggest that Fennoscan- Mazatzal orogens (Whitmeyer and Karlstrom, Fennoscandia, and Kalahari cratons. In the dia and Kalahari were in the same hemisphere, 2007). Placing Kalahari to the east of the Supe- late Paleoproterozoic, absolute polarity is as- although this should be tested as new data be- rior craton is permissible in paleolatitude, but signed to Laurentia based on trade-wind oro- come available. the area is occupied by the Manikewan Ocean graphic patterns across the Slave craton (Hoff- On the Superior craton, the ca. 1.88 Ga (Fig. 3E). Restoration of Kalahari to the west man and Grotzinger, 1993). Driscoll and Evans Molson dikes record dual polarities as does of the Superior craton, in contrast to “lone-cra- (2016) followed this rationale and assigned the ca. 1.87 Ga Haig-Flaherty-Sutton mean ton” configurations, aligns the BHDS and the positive inclinations from the Superior craton (paleopoles 20 and 21 in Table S4; Fig. 2D). Mazowe dike swarm into a radiating pattern as normal polarity. In this vane, Fennoscan- Reversals represented by these data may corre- around the ca. 1.88 Ga Circum-Superior large dia showed normal polarity before ca. 1.88 Ga late to the post–1873 Ma Kalahari reversal. It is, igneous province magmatic center (Minifie (Fig. 2D). Normal polarity is constrained in however, important to note potential disagree- et al., 2013). This event thus likely included Kalahari by a single dated Mashonaland sill. ment with this model in terms of 1850–1830 Ma the intraplate magmatism of Kalahari as well as Mixed polarities between 1.89 Ga and 1.87 Ga normal polarities recorded by the ca. 1850 Ma that of Fennoscandia (Fig. 4). In this position, are otherwise recorded by the Mashonaland sill but poorly dated Sudbury irruptive and the ca. overlap is also achieved between the ca. 2.0 Ga ­province (Fig. 2C). Between ca. 1.88 Ga and ca. 1838 Ma Boot-Phantom pluton (Hood, 1961; Kalahari and Superior craton poles (Fig. 3E). 1.86 Ga, dual magnetic polarities are described Symons and McKay, 1999). Both these results This suggests a longer-lived link, and it is in- from the ca. 1870 ± 9 Ma Svecofennian Keuruu were, however, excluded from quality-filtered teresting to note that the Kaapvaal craton at ca. dikes (paleopole 34 in Table S4; Fig. 2D). The Laurentian data (Swanson-Hysell, 2021). 2.43 Ga was similarly reconstructed (Gumsley reversal(s) recorded by these dikes can be cor- At 1.88 Ga, Kalahari restores to 45°–59° et al., 2017). If this is correct, it implies that a related to either the 1873 Ma or pre–1873 Ma re- paleolatitude, Fennoscandia to 11°–28°, and loop in apparent polar wander (defined by pa- versals of Kalahari. Normal polarity is reported the Superior craton to 32°–58° (Fig. 3E). leopoles 6 and 7 in Table S4; Fig. 3A) has gone from the ca. 1863 ± 7 Ma Eastern Murmansk The Superior-Nain block can be placed in a unrecognized in the Superior craton. Further- sills of the Kola craton (paleopole 35 in Table position northeast of Fennoscandia preced- more, in our model, there is alignment between S4; Fig. 2D). Given current age constraints, this ing the Northern the Kapuskasing zone of the Superior craton normal polarity cannot be separated from the ca. () configuration­ (Klein et al., 2016) by and the Thabazimbi-Murchison lineament

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