BEAVER ISLAND COMMISSION MEETING – Feb 6, 2016 Beaver Island Airport Terminal.

Members present: Jim Wojan, Colleen Martin, Ron Jakubas, and Elaine West

Members absent: Ernie Martin, Rick Speck

Meeting called to order by Elaine West at 9:03 am.

Add to agenda under new business the MDOT Resolution.

MOTION Wojan, Second West to approve regular meeting minutes Nov 7, 2015. All Approved.

Committee reports –

New Hangar Land Leases – Subcommittee set up to start developing land leases for potential new hangar builds. Members will be Ron Jakubas, Rachel Teague, and Dave Paul. Expect to have a rough draft to review for next meeting.

Tree Removal – There are still 2 trees that need to be removed that are effecting the IFR approach on the east end. They need to be removed by March 4th or the night approach could be in jeopardy. Request for bids will be posted. Bids are to be in by Feb 16, 2016 and will be opened by Elaine West and Colleen Martin on Feb 17, 2016.

MOTION Jakubas, 2nd C. Martin to authorize Elaine West and Colleen Martin to award the bid for tree removal on Feb 17, 2016. All approved. Abstain Wojan.

Needs and Wants List review – For 2016 will assess the maintenance needs of the storage hangar that the mow equipment is in and see what repairs are necessary.

The new Hangar Leases have been sent out the tenants for which their land leases have expired. There are still some hangars that have not expired yet.

Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) purchase for 2016. A grant was received for the purchase of a tractor with snow blower attachment. Rachel Teague with Darrel Butler will review potential pieces of equipment that will fit the budget. It is expected funds will be available mid to later summer for the purchase. Will most likely go through the MiDeal program for purchasing.

New Business –

The At Large Member Position on the BIAC is vacant due to Don Vyse’s recent passing. Dave Paul sent in a letter interest for the position.

MOTION West, 2nd Wojan to appoint Dave Paul to the member at large position till the term ends 2018. All approved.

MOTION Wojan, 2nd C. Martin to appoint Ron Jakubas as Vice Chair. All in favor.

MOTION Jakubas, 2nd C. Martin to approved proposed 2016 BIAC budget with addition of the fund balance once received and development fund will be adjusted according to balance.

In memorial of the many years of remarkable service by Don Vyse to the Beaver Island Airport, Elaine West will investigate a memorial plaque to be displayed at the Beaver Island Airport honoring Don Vyse.

Old Terminal Removal – due to costs associated with having an outside contractor remove the old terminal building an inquiry is going to be sent to the consultants about the airport simply moving it to another location on the field for either storage or removal at a later date. If this is possible will review all options again at next meeting.

An inquiry was received about planting milkweed at the airport. Elaine West will provide a response that at this time due to mowing needs around the airport that it is not a suitable location for this type of planting.

A number of informal inquiries have been received about building new hangars at the airport. Rachel Teague will contact these individuals and ask them to put their requests in writing for further review.

A need for a sander at the airport is becoming more and more apparent. A sander to slide into the bed of the township truck would be the best option.

MOTION Jakubas, 2nd C. Martin to approve the Resolution for the acceptance of reimbursements from MDOT office of Aeronautics for the increase in costs associated with the new terminal construction. Roll call vote – West yes, Wojan yes, C. Martin yes, Jakubas yes. Motion approved.


At a meeting of the Beaver Island Airport Commission held at the Beaver Island Airport, Beaver Island, MI on the ____ day of ______, 2016 at ___ am/pm.



WHEREAS the Beaver Island Airport Commission (BIAC) was formed by St. James Township and Peaine Township, Charlevoix County, Michigan, pursuant to an interlocal agreement authorized by Section 134 of the Michigan Aeronautics Code, MCL 259.134 and they share equally in the costs of operation and

WHEREAS the BIAC understands that the MDOT Office of Aeronautics, acting on behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration, is requesting an amendment to the contract (Contract No. 2013-0161 dated April 2, 2013) related to the airport improvement project at the Beaver Island Airport to increase the amount in order to cover higher than anticipated costs associated with the project.

WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Transportation, Office of Aeronautics has approved the increase of the contract by $5,305.00, for a total contract amount of $87,305.00, Section 11 of the contract is amended to read as follows:

11. The project cost participation is estimated to be as shown below and as in Revised Exhibit 1. The amounts shown in Revised Exhibit 1 are to be considered estimates. The actually Department, FAA, and Sponsors shares of the Project Cost will be determined at the time of financial closure of the FAA grant.

Federal Share: $78,574.00

Maximum MDOT Share: $ 4,365.00

Sponsors (BIAC) Share: $ 4,366.00

Estimated PROJECT COST: $87,305.00

WHEREAS all other provisions of the CONTRACT, except as herein amended, remain in full force and effect as originally set forth. The Sponsors agree that the compensation noted represents payment in full for all services requested by the Department and waive any and all claims they have or many have against the Department that arise out of the need to amend the contract.


1. Beaver Island Airport Commission approves the amendment of the contract with additional monies for the reimbursement for higher than anticipated construction costs associated with the terminal building project. 2. Beaver Island Airport Commission approves the Beaver Island Airport Commission Chair be authorized to sign all necessary documents. AYES:



The undersigned certifies that:

1. I am the Secretary of the Beaver Island Airport Commission, and 2. The foregoing is a true and exact copy of the excerpt of minutes of a meeting of the Beaver Island Airport Commission meeting held ______, 2016. Dated ______Signature ______

Name ______

Title ______

Airport Manager Report – Feb 2016

Fuel system is operational. There are a few lights out that are not working due to electrical issues. An electrical contractor who specializes in airport lighting will be called in spring to make an assessment of the electrical needs. Due to high winds it appears that a significant amount of snow blew in the roof ridge vent over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Shortly after the first of the year outdoor temperatures rose above freezing which started to melt the snow in the attic area. This caused a little drywall damage in the north facing vestibule. Further inspection needs to be done in attic area to see what if any damage was done to the insulation. It is expected this will need to be an insurance claim for the damage due to water and also for a fix to try to prevent this from happening again. It was probably a rare occurrence but due to how exposed the building is to wind in general we need to look at closing off some of the ridge vent to prevent this much snow getting into the attic area again. Kendra Thompson the architect will be contacted to confirm which ridge vent should have been installed and ideas for corrective action.

MOTION Jakubas, Second Wojan to adjourn at 10:30 am, motion approved.