Archaeologist Volume 57 No
OHIO ARCHAEOLOGIST VOLUME 57 NO. 1 WINTER 2007 PUBLISHED BY THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO The Archaeological Society of Ohio BACK ISSUES OF OHIO ARCHAEOLOGIST 1956 thru 1967 out of print Term 1968 - 1999 $ 2.50 Expires A.S.O. OFFICERS 1951 thru 1955 REPRINTS - sets only $100.00 2008 President Rocky Falleti, 5904 South Ave., Youngstown, OH 2000 thru 2002 $ 5.00 44512(330)788-1598. 2003 $ 6.00 2008 Vice President Michael Van Steen, 5303 Wildman Road, Add $0.75 For Each Copy of Any Issue South Charleston, OH 45314. The Archaeology of Ohio, by Robert N. Converse regular $60.00 Author's Edition $75.00 2008 Immediate Past President John Mocic, Box 170 RD #1, Dilles Postage, Add $ 2.50 Bottom, OH 43947 (740) 676-1077. Back issues of the Ohio Archaeologist printed prior to 1964 are generally 2008 Executive Secretary George Colvin, 220 Darbymoor Drive, out of print but copies are available from time to time. Write to business office Plain City, OH 43064 (614) 879-9825. for prices and availability. 2008 Treasurer Gary Kapusta, 32294 Herriff Rd., Ravenna, OH 44266 ASO CHAPTERS (330) 296-2287. Aboriginal Explorers Club 2008 Recording Secretary Cindy Wells, 15001 Sycamore Road, President: Mark Kline, 1127 Esther Rd., Wellsville, OH 43968 (330) 532-1157 Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 (614) 397-4717. Beau Fleuve Chapter 2008 Webmaster Steven Carpenter, 529 Gray St., Plain City, OH. President: Richard Sojka, 11253 Broadway, Alden, NY 14004 (716) 681-2229 43064 (614) 873-5159. Blue Jacket Chapter 2010 Editor Robert N. Converse, 199 Converse Drive, Plain City, President: Ken Sowards, 9201 Hildgefort Rd„ Fort Laramie, OH 45845 (937) 295-3764 OH 43064(614)873-5471.
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