Itmazi, Jamil, Gea, M. M., Paderewski, P. and Gutiérrez, F.L. 2005. A Comparison and evaluation OF Open source learning managment systems. IADIS International Conference - Applied Computing 2005. Algarve, Portugal. 22-25 Feb. A COMPARISON AND EVALUATION OF OPEN SOURCE LEARNING MANAGMENT SYSTEMS Jamil Ahmad Itmazi PhD. Student Computer Science Department, Granada University, Spain
[email protected] Gea, M. M., Paderewski, P. and Gutiérrez, F.L Computer Science Department ETSI, Granada University, Spain
[email protected] ABSTRACT The eLearning is a new modern tool of current learning system; it is becoming so important of the learning of the universities. The core of eLearning solutions is LMS or CMS (learning/course management systems), which help the university to automates the managing of learning events. Some of LMS are commercial Software, while others are free Open-Source LMS. The universities give more attention to OS-LMS, which are becoming very interesting of the eLearning landscape, even it are competing other proprietary software. In fact, studying and analyzing LMS´s is not easy; because the serious studies that made evaluation and comparison of the LMS are not sufficient, especially the open-source LMS, which did not take a good attention in those studies, so we emphasis the necessity of more analysis and study of LMS´s which involve OS-LMS and we try to contribute with this article. In this article, we make an introduction of LMS, listing some of them, choosing two OS-LMS (Moodle and Ilias) to study and evaluate then we start the comparison and evaluation to every package with introduction, features, different views and weaknesses (suggests to improve it).