January/February 1965

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January/February 1965 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013.23 • 1965 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013.23 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013.23 MACHINERY DIVISION Sales and Service Offices BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI 2500 Parker Lane P. 0. Box 804 PUMPING UNITS P. 0 . Box 444 Phone: FAirview 7-3563 Phone: 445-4691 ~ CASPER, WYOMING NEW YORK, NEW YORK East Yellowstone Hwy. P. 0 . Box 1849 350 Fifth Avenue Phone: 237-2670 3904 Empire State Buildin11 Phone: 695-4745 LINE CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 65 N. Williams Street P. 0. Box 382 ODESSA, TEXAS Phone : 459-4033 I 020 West 2nd St. CIRCULATION THIS ISSUE: 16,460 P. 0 . Box 1632 CLEVELAN D, OHIO ?hone: FEderal 7-8649 January February, 1965 316A Suburban-West Bldg. 20800 Center Ridge Rd . Volume 40 Number l Phone: EDison 1-5722 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 1317 West Reno CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS P. 0 . Box 82337 1413 Casa Grande Phone: CEntral 6-4521 Published to promote Friendship and Good Will Phone: TErminal 5-8987 with its customers and friends and to advance the interest of its products by the Lufkin Foundry & PAMPA, TEXAS Machine Company, Lufkin, Texas. P. O. Box 2212 Virginia R. Allen, Editor Phone: MOhawk 5-4120 DENVER, COLORADO PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 2027 Security Life Bldg. Phone: 222-9589 Penn Center Room 301 201 Penn Center Blvd. In This Issue GREAT BEND, l\ANSAS Phone: 241 -5131 North Main Street P. 0 . Box 82 SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA SOUTHERN SKIING-Frank J. Miller . 4 Phone: Gladstone 3-5622 2005 Beck Building SNAPSHOTS BY THE LUFKIN CAMERAMAN . 8 P. 0 . Box 5578 FARMINGTON , NEW MEXICO Phone: 424-3297 HUCKMAN TRUCKING COMPANY . 12 East Bloomfield Highway P. 0 . Box 1554 LUFKIN INSTALLATIONS 14 Phone: DAvis 5-4261 SIDNEY, MONTANA Highway 16 VISITORS TO LUFKIN HOME OFFICE . 16 HOBBS, NEW MEXICO P. 0 . Box 551 ST. AUGUSTINE CELEBRATES ITS 400TH ANNIVERSARY­ P. O. Box 97 Phone: 482-2707 1212 E. Lincoln Rd . Phil H. Weber . 20 Phone: EXpress 3-5211 TULSA, OKLAHOMA LUFKIN ANNOUNCES PROMOTIONS 1302 Petroleum Club Bldg. 24 HOUSTON, TEXAS Phone: LUther 7-7171 1408 C & I life Bldg. HERE & THERE AMONG TRUCKING FOLK . 25 Phone: CApitol 2-0108 WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS LET'S LAUGH 26 727 Oil & Gas Bldg. KILGORE, TEXAS P. 0 . Box 871 P. 0 . Box 2465 Phone: 3875 Phone: 322-1967 COVER: Florida Development Commission, Tallahassee, Flo rida LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA LUFKIN MACHINE CO., LTD. P. 0 . Box 1353 OCS Edmonton, Alberta,Canado OPPOSITE PAGE: Cannon Beach, Oregon. Haystack Phone: CEnter 4-2846 9950 Sixty-Fifth Ave. Rock Offshore. Phone: 433-3694 -Frank D. Silkey, Salem, Ore. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 5959 South Alameda Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada Phone: LUdlow 5-1201 P. 0. Box 622 Phone: 634-5595 LUFKIN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO., INTERNATIONAL Anoco, Venezuela Estado Anzoategul TRAILER DIVISION Aportado 46 Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela Sales and Service 0 {fices Apartado 1144 Phone: 3132 Buenos Aires, Argentina BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA LUBBOCK, TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Matpetrol S.R.L. 3700 10th Ave., North 709 Slaton Hwy. 3343 Roosevelt Ave. Esmeralda 155 Phone: 592-8164 P. 0 . Box 188 Phone: WAinut 3-4334 Phone: 45-4822 Phone : SHerwood 7-1631 La Paz, Bolivia DALLAS, TEXAS SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA Matpetrol ltda. 635 Fort Worth Ave. Calle Bueno 144 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE U. S. Highway 80, East Phone: 9943 Phone : Riverside 2-2471 P. 0 . Box 5473, Bossier City 1947 E. Brooks Road Phone: 746-4636 LUFKIN OVERSEAS P. 0 . Box 16485 HOUSTON, TEXAS CORP., S.A. Phone: 397-9382 2815 Navigation Blvd. EXECUTIVE OFFICES Rome, Italy Phone : CApitol 5-0241 & FACTORY 50 Via Barberini Phone: 487.200 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Lufkin, Texas 75902 JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 1315 West Reno P. O. Box 848 EXECUTIVE OFFICES Highway 80 East P. 0 . Box 82596 Phone: NEptune 4-4421 & FACTORY C. W. Alexander, Sales Manager LufkinL Texas 75902 P. 0 . Box I 0935 Phone: CEntral 6-3687 P. o. llOX 849 Phone: 948-0602 Trailer Division Phone: NEptune 4-4421 Floyd Rogers, Ass't. Sales Manager l. A. Little, Executive Vice President and Oilfield Sales Manager C. D. Richards, Vice President and Manager, Machinery Sales TRAILERS FOR EVERY HAULING NEED Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013.23 \ . ' t 2-. THIS is the main ski slope of the Cataloochee Ski Resort. The ski lodge, in the middle background, is a converted hay barn SOUTHERN SUMMER dude ranches in the Great Smoky Moun­ tains are turning into winter ski resorts from mid­ December until mid-March SKIING By Frank J. Miller F you only remember North Carolina for its I seasons of budding spring, verdant summers, or golden autumn, it could be that you have missed the current whispers about the new winter era in this scenic land of mountains and magnolias. Winter skiing has finally migrated south, and the Great Smokies and Blue Ridges that once slept during the winter months have come alive with an exciting new sport. Now the slopes and valleys are singing with the sounds of skiis, and oddly enough, it does not de­ pend on whether it nows, or not. If the tempera­ ture is right, you make your own snow with the help of some modern snow guns. They use com­ pressed air and water at 30 degrees or less, and it provides ome fine white particles which fair a great deal better than the natural variety when the warming trends hit the winter weather. Skiing in the Carolina mountains started slowly in 1961, but has mushroomed into an avalanche of 4 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013.23 A SNOWSTORM, southern-style, is made by mod­ ern snow-guns used to coat the western North Caro­ lina Ski Slopes acceptance. Enthusiasts of all ages, from all walks A PORTION of the Lodge and the main ski slopes of Blowing Rock Ski Resort is shown here. A T-bar on of life and from all parts of the country are tak­ the right serves this slope ing to the slopes with more fervor than the Big Apple, the Twist, or the Hurdy-Gurdy ever gener­ ated. And it is a delight for the people of these famous resort areas who used to close up shop up into the valley on Fie Top Mountain. And each during the dead of winter. year since he first opened, Tom has had to extend At the present, there are three ski areas in the ski facilities to take care of the crowds. western North Carolina, with several more on the The Cataloochee Ski area i located just above way. Their season runs from mid-December to well-known Maggie Valley along U. S. Highway mid-March, and each offers its own particular at­ 441 near Waynesville. If you fly in, you land at mosphere including everything from the variety of Asheville, rent a car, or ride the bus to Maggie a rusti c mountaintop to the scenic setting of the Valley. Then you go up the steep Cataloochee road Blue Ridge slopes, to a picturesque valley of Swiss­ by car or four-wheel drive transportation that is sty led appeal. furnished. Many of the Maggie Valley motels, Cataloochee Ski Slopes, 5,000 feet high in the inns and hotels are staying open now for this Great Smokies, has a delightful rustic atmosphere winter sport season. If you want to bunk at Cata­ of its own. This summer dude ranch, with its log loochee's rustic heights, just bring your bed-roll. cottages, barns, rail fences, and mountaintop Ski-wise, Cataloochee now has a 1,400-foot meadows, does an about face when winter comes. T-bar, and four rope tows serving five different Man-made snow, often backed by periodic natural slopes. Six ski instructors are available as is a snowfalls, turns this area into a land of shimmer­ rental shop for skiis, poles and boots, .plus a din­ ing white, and it isn't long before the pa tures echo ing room at the Ski Lodge. Below, in Maggie to the sound of skiis. Valley, there is also an ice skating rink. Tom Alexander first introduced winter skiing at Over in the Blue Ridge, North Carolina's oldest his dude ranch in December, 1961, and he has summer resort at Blowing Rock, is the scene of been amazed at the way people have taken to this another swinging ski area. The Blowing Rock new sport. Each year there have been an increas­ Slopes are just a short driving distance from the ing flow of skiers and interested people climbing flatlands of the Piedmont, making them the most 5 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013.23 RIGHT: This view looks out from the main lodge of the most elaborate new ski resort in western North Carolina-Shull's Mill Valley near Boone. With an atmosphere of Swiss-styled architecture, Hound Ears Golf and Ski Club offers luxury accommoda­ tions. The ski slope just behind the main lodge runs LOOO feet down slope with a double chair lift. THE new-found pastime of skiing down south often reflects the quick favor the novice places on learn­ ing. This particular gent went up the rope tow of the Blowing Rock medium slope 100 times-and he fell 100 times. But this didn't deter him; closing time found him still learning the hard way accessible. Just down off the mountains, the city of Hickory is about one hour away, with Charlotte and Winston-Salem some two or three hours dis­ tant.
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