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For SO Days we offer our entire stock at a dis- Bead our advertisement in which count of from 20 to 35 per cent discount from reg- 'we quote ular prices. prices found in the advertising columns- - Now is the time to give us a call- - Satisfaction guaran- - I teed or money refunded- EIDER, BRYANT & CO., RIDER, BRYANT & CO., 259 MAIN STREET, DANBUHY, CONN " THE NEWTOWN RELIABLE raWELEBS, See 2oo DANBURY, CONN. - tIS STREET, VOLUME XVIIL NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1895.-EI- GHT PAGES. NUMBER 15. f came the word Gehenna, the New Testa-- I Affairs About Town. ment name for Hell, since it means the A REVOLUTION IN HOUSEKEEPING. KESSE & CO. ground of Hinnon. Yonder through the FOSTER, IN THE HOLY CITY. Dung Gate the offal of the city was carried and thrown Into this valley in Krsrybady knows that ws ars always looking oat for somsthing sow; sonsthing tkat Tilt ssvt a dollar to ths people- - There is There we heaps ; and there it was consumed by fire, THE HOPES OF YEARS FULFILLED. LAND- - and the fires were burn- make frisads and hold them- - Bow we hare something in the store line that will the heart of the economical house is kept constantly delight keeper. It Combination Clothiers. INGATJOPPA. RAILROADING IN PALES' ing. Hence, we can readily sea how this , came to a by oil, but l a most ingenious thing-- aid backed by the wealthiest store house in America. Their reputation is at stake and they TINE. ARRIVALS AT THE HOLT CITTON place be fit illustration of the SUNDAY EVENING. NARROW 8TRAETS. abode of the lost as the place "where the - s an't afford to make a mistake- It eos' very little to use these stores, no dirt, no aoal, no ashes, no waste of fuel, no 1 eat except during THE CITY OF CHURCH worm dieth not and the fire is not Quench FOUR HILLS. THE ed." it- - - OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE ITS FOOLISH the actual time you are using There are many points about it that you must see it to aopreeiated it- Our oil stoves ara from SOo to e x ; O-u-- - XTrilizacxitea. IReso-ULrces- , SUPERSTITIONS. GOLGOTHA OUTSIDE The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a SIO solid oak side boords, barel plate glass, handsome trimmings and all complete, are astonishing our customers, but thy as ton-i- t THE WALLS. THE JEWS PLACE OF very ancient structure. It is supposed WAILING. to enclose the hill where the three crosses bed ourselves as weU whn we saw them; also those large solid oak chamber setts for SIS are great. But the great hit cf the season is THE MOSQUE OF OMAR. OLIVET AND ITS BEAUTIFUL VIEW. stood and the tomb of Joseph of Arima-the- a Chambar Set 10 stand an honest man does seem . our $30 in pieoes. They right up like and to be proud of Our carpet line is 1 OLD JERUSALEM IN VERY TRUTH. in which the Saviour's body was ; ESTABLISH A STANDARD OF VALUES. buried : what shakes one's belief the best we ever saw and the keenest and shtrpsstjudzesagrei with us. Ton are always sure of being u-- wjII here, because we can't but; Is it not always so? The dreams of our j most violently is the fact that it encloses afford to do otherwise- - We own our buildings and hare the largest Hons Furnishing establishment in the state and therefore as we expect li?e, those things to attain which we almost everything else. mere are nave some 25 shrines within its each and trom do - toiled on year alter those walls, to stay among the people get our living the people, we must right by the people- We furnish your house complete. year, some Here " bright fancies which have seemed almost commemorating holy thing. Goods delivered to all parts of the'State GETTING OVER A DIFFICUL- too lull ol happiness and splendor for us is the tomb of Adam ? Mark Twain tells Boundless, Bewildering. to reach on tbis dull earth, at last when us that when he stood by this tomb ot TY , we do really possess them, how his lamented ancestor, who came to so , quickly untimelv an could Isn't always easy. The Ions: eared Quadru they pass away from us and we are left end. he not restrain ped jumps it. Whatever diflicultles there 1 looking mournfully back ! Did any hum. his great grief. And in another spot WiVTERBUPlY FURNITURE may have been In the way ot buying an At SPRING and SU.OIER STO ble follower of the lowlv Xazarene ever near by is the skull of Adam; and re- - 7 HOUSE-FURNISHEE- tractive in we've -- S. Dwelling Bridgeport, sweet or here again is said to be the from THE LIBERAL muvuu mem completely oy putting prices on yet read trie storv old. when spot a low basis, values to the top notch Jesus was here among men," and not in which raisingterms down sad making as easy as sliding dulge in the fond dream that some day GOD TOOK THE EAETH 135 to 169 Main JOHN MORIARTY & hill. A Beautiful Home on Wood Ave near his own feet East St.,opposite Spring St. CO., Proprietors the Trolley cars, for sale. Terms 6 per cent CLOTHING, HATS AND EUENISHINGS. might press the sod forever , hallowed with down. 86 per cent on easy monthly payments ... .... , ,s.r r by the blessed footprints of which Adam's body was formed. and 69 per cent on mortgage. Complete and Him who trod the weary ways ol earth, in anotner snrme are shown you tne first class city improvements trom cellar to that souls wav marks in the stone made attic. Patented March 19.1895. Large lot and weary might tread the of bv the falling barn on it. Don't pay rent. We have other iticner tnan ever. Better than ever. Cheaner than ever. Onr light and reach a home in Heaven? tears of Mary as she weDt bv the Cross : houses and choice building lots for sale, on Palestine is a mecca to everv follower of and the tears prints are as regularly and 'eras satisfactory to customers. It's no loss low and immense stock has drawn the ns Jesus. The Crusaders did not make it so : evenly formed as if were made to look at the properties and inquire for par prices people to they by ticulars, wail or write. love made it so. the unsoeakable lODine the chisel as they were. However Our facilities enormous, as we operate 27 stores and labor of the soul to get nearer to Him, to know much disgust these foolish superstitions WARREN EL LAUSON & C0-- , ' whom is to have true life. - may awaken, we cannot avoid some ' unceasingly, improving every to WE LANDED AT reverence for the snot for the Dosseseion Architects and Builders. opportunity purchase JOPPA, of which the mailed contended the ancient seaport of Jerusalem, on Sun Knights 766 North Ave. cor Wood Ct. large quantities of the through centuries with the fierce Sra-- When want Horse Blankets, Robes, Cattle Sleds, Ave., Bridgeport, Clothing having advantage day afternoon, March 3. You know you Stanchions, there is Med- cens,andfor which the Crusaders poured over our to ofmore that not a single port in the out their blood. Don't the competitors dispose through iterranean Sea where a great ''ocean Skates, Wringers, Sweepers. forget spot. can Outside the citv walla, bevond St our stores. I This greyhound" draw alongside the beside road many being a fact we wbarf. All landings from these bis? Stephen's Gate, the that must be winas up Olivet, is a skull-shape- d RIGHT. ara able to sell better and a lower steamships made in small boats. mound, generally known as Gordon's PRICES at and nowhere is this experience more dreaded hill, which is regarded by the English than the same can be by passengers than at Jappa. church and by most modern scholars as price bought Some years ago the boatmen who were the true in a of Cook's tourists Calvary. It was very restful A G. Baker's March Adv't. elsewhere. rowing party got one beautiful morning during our quarreling over the backsheesh they were in stay IVfE are aboot entering a new era, the 20 Jerusalem to climb this knoll and let ox VT month of March. Did you ever see any to receive, and or more of the passen our bo Sellers.those who can were thoughts wander back to the tre ny Information Buyerswill cheerfully given or sent not convenient'y visit thin? like it? Echo, never. Like gers drowned. No euch dire mis mendous that occurred there. the office of Trilby's loot, "there's not another like it In LISTEN TO OUR TALE OF PRICES. hap awaited up, however, and, with the tragedy all Paris except its mate," and there's noth- of Easily could we imagine the tumultuous ing like March except a little exception the occupants of one boat road and each between connecting drenched a mon- throng pressing along the wag- period year February and getting thoroughly by ging their heads as gazed upon the April, muu aim biumii. xrwexw unu uaireeze.. We hare a large line of Men's Sack Suits Our Styles In Men's Suits have been ster wave, we all reached terra flroia in they ANDERSON & Measles and high winds. Malaria and snow Frock mute sufferer; and not far away was squalls. Cold sores and corkscrew shaped which are handsome, stylish and perfect fit- selected with the idea of ahead of all safety.