R. j. JE1d S!! HI STOR I CA L /\SSOC . 11 201 .r,.:,GELL ST• PROV. b, R . I• · 0 2q()b .

Support Read By ' Jewish More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership

VOLUME LV, NUMBER_45 PRIDAY,JANUARY 7, 1m 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES Washington Sources Say U.S. Syrian Mission Sadat's 'Year Of Decision' To Send Phantoms To Vandalized Passes Quietly In Mideast WASHINGTON - The United speclftcally would not put forward In New York States bas decided to reewne the any compromise proposals. CAIRO - Egypt's "year of the enemy' a military potential sale of F-4 Phantom warplanes to Although the Unllled States bu NEW YORK - Two men and decision" deadline for war or and to undermine his morale," he Israel, Administration sources yet to satisfy Israel on the &Jez a woman entered the Syrian peace with Israel passed quietly said. said last week. effort, the Phantom question bu 141.sslon to the United Nations last with no clear Indication of what General Sadek's report, on the The sources said that the always been regarded as the week sprayed the alopn "Let my decision, If any, had been taken. front pages of all Cairo papers, decision was made In principle by · principal obstacle to Israeli people go" on the walls In creen There has been Increasing made somber reading as President Nixon during the visit agreement to partlelpate In and red paint and fled the police talk In recent days that war with Egyptians prepared for New of Premter Golda Meir here Interim talks. reported. lsrael Is "lnevkable." But at -Year's Eve celebrations. But earlier last month and that Wblle agreement on delivery A spokesman for the mission, the same time, President Anwar there was no evidence of tension discussions on the timing and of the planes would overcome this at 150 Easl 58th street, attrlbUted el-Sadat and others have taken In Cairo. Egyptians have been details of the sale would get obstacle, It might well create one the vandalism to the Jewish pains to stress that the decision !Mng with war and talk of war under way shortly. with the Arabs. Egypt hss warned Defense Leacue, a militant on when to open military action for so many years that a little Mr. Nixon reportedly told repeatedly thst she would orpnlzatlon that bas harassed would refiect so\Dld Judgement on more talk, however belllcose, Mrs._Meir that Israel would get consider the shipment of Soviet and Arab personne~ here the odds and opportunities for does not ruffle them. what she needed for her defense. Phantoms, which are capable of and In Washlnclon. Tbe police victory - not emotionalism and But a reaction of tentative The two leaders left to attacks deep within Egypt, as said that a search was made for Impatience. anger was aroused here by subsequent discussion the nwnber American endor9etnent of Israel the Intruders but that there were A militant tone was given to reports from Washington that the of planes and the timing of their ''aggression." DO arrests. the last day of 1971 by • a Utlted States hsd deelded to deliveries, which have been As a way aro\Dld this problem, An unidentified man disclosure of the Minister of accede to an Israeli request to suspended since last swnmer. the United States might seek to telephoned Tbe Associated Presa War, Gen. Mohammed Sadek, that buy more of the far-ranging F-4 Negotiations on these and what reach an agreement on the the next mornlDg and said that the all branches of the Egyptian Phantom fighter-bombers. The were described as "related number of planes to be sold to Syrian Mission bad eotten "A armed forces had completed a reports have not been confirmed. points" are expected to be Israel, but defer dellwry long taste of'' what 0 oppressed Jews week of coordinated offensive An offlelal source said In a conducted between Yltzhak Rabin, enough to gift the two sides an experience In Syria." Tbe caller manellftrs with llve ammunition. statement that such a move would the Israeli Ambassador to the opportunity to negotiate at least said "never acatn." - the The Egyptian exercises, represent a "serious escalation'' United States, and State and an Interim agreement on the Jewish Defense Leque's slogan General Sadek reported, Included of the crisis In the Middle East Defense department officials this canal. - before ~ up. "the crossing of water barriers, and encourage Israel to strive for month. Ambassador Rabin Is now tank assaults, artillery ftre, air continuation of Its occupation of In Israel and Is scheduled to 9'WOrt, parachute drops, Arab lands conquered In the 1967 return to Washington January 7 U.S. Refuses To Confirm Sale engineering and demolition work, war. or 8. supply and logistics~" "The mere publication of such On the record, spokesmen for KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. - The (Xftclala would not comment General Sadek added that reports Is an encouragement to the State Department and the Florida White House refuaed to publlctly on the reports, and Egypt! an air defeneea were In Israel's aggressive policy and White House declined to discuss confirm or deny reports that the Defen:-~ Minister Moshe i.Jlyan action at the same time In tests motive to persist I:, ,tbe policy of any details of the United States United States had agreed to sett declined to be drawn Into the to protect Yitai lnatallatlona, ,lllld refusal to c~ra"'le with the talks with Israel on the planes. more F-4 Phantom fighter­ matter under persistent facilities In the Nile Delta ' and United Nations,' the official said. They referred reporters to bombers to Israel. questioning by newsmen when he valley. Washlngton' • reported de­ the carefully phrased statement Gerald L. Warren, deputy attended the Installation of the ''The Air Force also struck cision was Interpreted by some Issued on December 2 by Ronald Presidential press secretary, new Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. blows at targets similar to those specialists here as a virtual L. Ziegler, White House press told l'aliyah trom Mrs. Azur BlanJa, who suffered a loan of $37 .2 mllllon under the Minister Mahmodll IUad, the Mowshowltz, past president of the Greece, be said, nor any Jewish miscarriage during her detention. a Ix th annual economic aid committee endllraed Mr. lladat's New York Board of Rabbis, was problem. As tar as the Jews are Three arrested men have been agreement between the two efforts to acblfte a pltacetllI In Teheran as the guest of the concerned, the change of rectmes sent to a military hospital suffer­ countries. The loan Is for the settlement act bm~ 1dni "to Sh~h to partlelpate In the makes no difference, Lovlnger Ing from the effect of torture. same amo\Dlt ~• In past years apd carry on the .. CWtL\' celebration of the 2,500th stated. lt Is Jewish education and They are Azur Blanja Adbu will he allocated for Israel Mr. Sadat e.lcllndy lalilllda to birthday of. Iran. Rabbi Jewish Identity that Is of concern Saadla and !lmon Blaeo:i. Two · development projects, Including di) Jlllt that thrwlh dll lfllw1 bl Mowshowltz, represetlng the New to Jewish leaders In Greece. The other men - llzhak Hamra and houstng. The MW loan brings to York Board of Rabbis w~s the Jewlah popalatlon Is located In Ell Mograbl - were Jailed for $436.8 million tbe economic aid Cl~~\.~ only American rabbi Invited to Athena, Theualonlka and fourandalxynraftrhelngde- lsrPI has recehed from Weat Nat1111a lplClal HP..._,.\19 the celebration. Larlsaa. ~ed dafenae coun..i. Germany ~ 1963. for the Mlddl• Ban. - · 2 nm RHOE ISLAND HERALD;FRIDAY,JANUARY 7, 1972 three da:,a, were bald tbe ROGOFF oms 88, died last WNk. He Joined tbe NBW YQRJC - Harry Rogatf, followlnc day at the &agvman l!ltatf ot the Ylddlsb-language Dr. Prinz Scores WZO Congress Memorial Chapel. Burial was lo . dally "111e p-anr· 1n 1907. Llocoln P&rk cemetery. and aened as Its edltor In chief TIie wife of Ell Leavitt, an from 1951 to 1964. For Withdrawing Invitation owner of Leavltt-Col1on NEW YORK - '1'1le World or. Goldmann had Aid that company, local electrical IIUIJP}y Zlonlat 0rpnlzatton Eneatlve'• dfaspors Jnry should press tor firm, she wa1 born In .. _...... declalon to withdraw an llmtation eqa&1 rlcbta tor the many Jews In Providence, a daughter of the late ·-- utended Dr. Nahum Goldmann tbe W&Dt to USSR who to rema!D Abraham and Roae (White) to addreu the World Zlonlat there, bat some press rep,rts Boaler. Her first husband, Leo Coner- WU 8COred by Dr. erroneously quoted him u Glass, died lo 1954. Joachim Prinz, cbalrman of the recommendlnc that Sov1et Jf!Ws A lite member of the Jewish World Zionist Congres• not Co to Israel. '1'1le wzo Home tor the Aged, Mrs. Leavitt Governing councn u an Eucutlve had 1ll)lll'OVed the also was a member of Temple 111.rresponalble action". withdrawal of his lnvit&tlon by & Beth El and Ila Sisterhood, '1'1le , vote of 7-2 with one abstention. or. Prinz, 9J)eaklnc u an Miriam Hospital Women•• The cable to Dr. Goldmann Hadassah and lndl"fldual, Issued & statement Association, Touro cited a number of reasons tor the ••ytnr that the decision Fraternal Association. encutlve's action. It said that It "aaumes that the coiistant Besides her husband, 1B clear that first priority must survivors are a son, Arthur atruRle of the Zionist movement be elven to all:,&h. "'1'1le strusgle 1'24 llaW- AYL, WHWKI 461-Mll tor the protection of the Glass of Wellesley, flmdamental human and civil for Russian Jewish emigration," Massachusetts; a brother, rlcbts of Jf!Ws everywhere ••• It declared, "ts the center d. all Edward A. Bosler of Providence; our actlvlUes and any other can h&ve no relevance to the two s lsters, Mrs. Bessie ONE OF NEW !!!~~J. ~!ST CAIPS approach weakens the strusgle situation of So"flet Jewry" - an Rosenthal of Los Angeles, tor aliyah rights." Al IIUTSTAIDIH ClWlt; EIPERIEICE: assumption, be said, that Calltornt&, and Mrs. Jennie S'wlmmlnc, diving, wate r pole>-unde r The cable concluded that In "contradicts the consistent policy SUverman of Providence; nve hJgheet Am. Red Croes lnatructlon, "fin of the fact that Russian grandchildren and three grest­ Bueball, baak etbal1, eoccer , tennla. rid­ of &II responsible Jewish Jf!Wlsh activity ts the peak of -75 ing, all land sporta expenty tauchL orpntzattons concerned With the grandchlldren. Complete aa llng, ca noeing, cycllns, and years of Zionist activity, the HADAR pllgbt of Soviet Jewry." ••• Clinton, Conn. pioneering progra m covering L. I. majority of the executive Sourid, the rlvera, and countryalde of The WZO Executive reaclnded members thought It would be MRS. SAMUEL MARON 8 s tates In the North EJ\.eL Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Creative art. dance, dra m a. c ra ft.a, and Ila tnvtt&tton to or. Goldmann "In Inappropriate tor Dr. Goldmann woodworking development. vlf!W of the circumstances" to be the sole or main lecturer to (Cohen) Maron, formerly of ~ Providence, who died Sunday In HADAR ts k nown nationall y for lta following his remarks on Soviet evaluate 75 years of at high st andards. ex cellent ata ff, ex ­ the Jewish Home for the Aged In ceptiona l fa c ilities, deltc loua food, a nd Jewry In London December 19. the festive session. ; a bove a ll It• reputa tio n for providing Fall River, Massachusetts, were ch ildre n with a tru ly wonde rful 1um• held the same day at the Max .... ~YIII• Kl•l•H. Dlreeton mer. '& ftC' Sugarman Memorial Chapel. M Ylltorl• Rf. r il P f,... l, ,-,tC" hu,.. ca ll {2 03) 311- 115'1 ~L:~ •• -._:_ • l 111111let.11w11. c... n. 01417 CAMP fflDAR IS A HAPPY PUCE FOi IIDSI VD~ Burial was In Lincoln Parle l.______. CemeterMrs. yMa. r on's death came ten days after the death of her HYMAN BROTMAN Fatima Hospital, St. Joseph's husband, Samuel Maron. IT'S l!ISHIDNDLI. IF IT'S FROM Ho s pit a l, Veterans Survivors are a son, Phlllp Funeral services for Hyman Administration Hospital at Davis Maron of N"ew York City; a Brotman, 73, who died December P a rk and Fuller Memorial daughter, Mrs. Rachel 30 at Ills home at 23 Sherwood 1 Sanit a ri um In Attle b oro, Rakatanslcy of Providence; a (I E Street, Cranston, were held the Massachusetts. He was al so the brother, Sa.m Kogan of Newark, following day at the Sugarman author of many articles on New Jersey; two sisters, Mrs. IERR NWaff,,aper Co. Memorial Chapel. Burial was In dermatology published In the Fannie Horowitz of California and Lincoln Park Cemetery. Rhode Island Medical Journal. Mrs. Sophie Kaplan of Florida; •WALLCOVERINGS •LAMINATED SHADES The husband of Esther lie was a member of the six grandchildren and eight •CARPETING (Markowitz) Brolm&n, he was American Medical Association, great-grandchildren. born In Russia on July 15, 1898, a the American Dermatological ••• •WINDOW SHADES •WOVEN WOODS son of the late Lieb and Libby S ociety, the Atlantic Bro! man. He bad been a MRS, SAMUEL SCHRE1TER •UNUSUAL BATH & KITCHEN Dermatological Society and the Providence resident for 45 years, New England Dermatological Funeral services for Mrs. GIFT ITEMS AND ACCESSORIES having moved to Cranston only Society. He was a member of Reggie (Seidner) Schretter of 99 last month. Hillside Avenue, who died Sunday 92 NARRAGANSETT AVE. Temple Emanu-EI, the Jewish The owner of Brotman•s Home for the Aged, B'nal B'rtth after an Illness of three months, Market on Dllboll street In and Rooenelt Lodge, F&AM, were held the following day at the N _ DECORATOR DISCOUNTS l Providence for 15 years, he Besides hi s wife, he ls Sugarman Memorial Chapel. retired In 1964. survived by a son, Daniel Cohen Burial was In Lincoln Park TUE .-THUR. TIU 9 CLOSED WED. 781-7070 A put president of the south of Larchmont, New York; a Cemetery. · Providence Hebrew Free Loan daughter, Mrs. Beverly Peterman The widow of Samuel Association, he was board d. Stamford, Connecticut; a Schretter, she was born In member of the Rhode Island brother, Dr. David Cohen of Apstrla, a daughter of the late BIG Fraternal Assocl&tton and a Encino, California; a sister, Mrs. Jacob and Sine! Seidner. She had member of Temple Beth Israel Retha Neldorf of Providence, and ·been a Providence resident for and the Jewish Home for the four grandchildren. more than 55 years. Aged. - She was a member of the Besides his Widow, he leaves ... Jewish Home for the Aged and three daughters, Mrs. Marth& Congregation Sons of Zion. Kaufman of Wanrtck, Mrs. MISS DOROTHY FORMAN She ls survived by two stepsons, Leo B. and Paul M. COVERING CO. Gladys Greenberg and Mrs. Funeral services for Miss FLOOR Frances Levin, both of Cranston; Dorothy Marth& Forman of 140 Sch~tter of W arwlck; and a a sister, Mrs. C Iara Schnelder of Wheeler Avenue, Cranston, who stepdaughter, Mrs. Anna M. SHOWROOM: Rear 195 Cole Avenue MI am I, Jlorlda, eight died unexpectedly at her home on Russian of Willimantic, grandchildren and three great­ Sunday, were held Tuesday at the Connecticut, grandcbildren. ... HELLO FRIENDS: Sugarman Memorial Chapel. Card of Thanks Floor covering on your mind? large or small p;c»bleq11 ace, ••• Burial was In Sons of Israel and given my personal attention. Phone or stop by and let's David Cemetery. The family of the late SAMUEl She was the head bookkeeper GEIZOG wioh to thank their rela­ discuss it. There's fun in doing business in a friendly way - DR. WILLIAM B. COHEN of the American Insul&ted Wlte NvM and friend, for the many lcind anfl - I'm sure I can save you money too. ••preuions of sympathy duri"9 Funeral services for Dr. Company of Pawtucket for . the their recent bereavement. last 25 years. Wllllam B. Cohen, 71, of 6 -Phone day or night Thanks, Miss Forman was born In Fall Elmway, who died December 31 With Regard to a 521-2410 after an Illness· of two weeks, River, a daughter of the We Murray Trinkle Joseph and Kennie (Cohn) were held on Sunday at the Card of Thanks Forman. She had been Cranston Sugarman Memorial Chapel. · a Burial was In Lincoln Park resident for three years, bavtng n:-::....°'i!i...:.::"! °!.!!:"':"~ lived previously In Providence can hanlly be '°"'" in any ...., Cemetery. way. Not only is it a 9raclou1 •· A dermatologist for more than for more than 50 years. She was CAPE KOSHER FOODS & member of Temple Beth El. preNion of 1ratltucle to thNe who -40 years, he was the husband of have aent aympathy but alao _,. She ts survived by three 58 WASHINGTON SL E. Lottie (Cohen) Cohen. Dr. ....,a1y adcnowt.elps tha - Cohen was born In Providence, a brothers, Jerome Forman of and kindMII of tha many to -~"I PAWTUCKET, R.L i~~ Pawtucket, and Sylv&n and Milton son of the late Joseph and Annie whom a .--1 - of thanks ._ • 726-9393 - Forman, both of Providence. cannot well be malled or w'­ (Lisker) Cohen. He was a 1917 names and ac1c1,..... aN not graduate of Classical High ••• known. lnNrtlon ol a cmd of School, Tufts University Medical thanka may be arra...... by mall or "MEAT OF TIIE WEEK" MRS. EU LEAVITT SPECIALS SUN., JAN. 9-FRI., JAN. 14 School In 1922, and did pos1 in penon or by ....,,"- lo: I.I. graduate work at Columbia Jewiah Herald, " w..... $!Net, University. FID181'al services for Mrs. ,.wtucloorley, employees at the hospital have Instructor ancillary personnel; MIAMI BEACH Jr., of Providence, Mayor Robert Indicated that they will join. Anthony lannone, assistant to HOTELS -- MOTELS Burns of Pawtucket, Mayor Philip Officers and members of the biochemist; Miss Lillian Menard, Noel of Warwick and Mayor John executive board have been chosen assistant director of dietary FREE and IMMEDIATE CONFIRMATIONS Donnelly of Newport. They Include Robert D!Padua, services; Mrs. Marie Ordway, or Air Reservations Only Further Information may be ass Is tan t purchasing agent, coding clerk, medical records; obtained by calling John A. p resident; Michael Dacey, Miss Mary Paul, communications NON-STOP FLIGHT FROM PROVIDENCE Mutter, match chairman, at 272- em p I o y men t manager, vice c oo r di na t o r; Louis Plstocco, 3150. president; Miss Patricia Gavllck, ass Is tan t director pharmacy !!.!!!!ll MONTMARTRE CASTAWAYS secretary to associate director of services , and Heinz Sandelowskl, A!GIERS PLAYBOY PLAZA CHATEAU JUDAISM COURSE the hospital, secretary, and Mr s . orthopedic technJclan. AMERICANA RITZ PLAZA COLONIAL INN or the 93 accredited courses BALM ORAL ROY Al BISCAYNE DESERT INN In J udaism sponsor ed by the Controversy Develops In Moscow BARCELONA SEVILLE DUNES Jewis h Chautauqua Society, one Is CAD Ill AC SANSOUCI HAWAIIAN ISLE now being offer ed at Pr ovidence MARCO POLO College. The course Is taught by Over Rabbi Levin's Successor CASABLANCA SAXONY DEAUVilLE SHERRY FRONTENAC NEWPORT Rabbi Saul Leeman of Temple LONDON - A controversy (ritual slaughterer) Is preparing Beth Torah. • has developed In the Jewish to go to Isr ael. When he leaves, DORAL BEACH STERLING SAHARA · The Jewish Chautauqua community in Moscow over a Moscow Jews who observe the DORAL COUNTRY CLU B SHERATON BE ACH Society, founded In 189~, Is the successor to the late Chief Rabbi kashrut laws wlll be left without a FONTAINBL EAU MOTHS SI NGAPORE educ at Ion a I pr oject of the Yehuda Leib Levin of the Choral shochet. HOLI DA 'I INN ffiic WAI KIKI National Federation of Temple Synagogue who died November 17, MONTE CARLO BEAU RIV AGE WIN DWA RD Br otherhoods to create better Jewish sources 1n the Soviet IN JAIL understanding and appreciation or Unlon reported. The committee of JERUSALEM Out of ZELDA KOUFFMAN, C.T.C. Jews and Judaism by people of all synagogue elders which have approximately 5,100 prisoners In CRANSTON TRAVEL 8 01 PARK AVE., CRANSTON faiths. It assigns 600 rabbis who some say, though by no means the Israel Jails, 3500 are Arabs FOR INFORM ATION CALL: 7 81 -4977 lecture at 1836 colleges and 438 final one, In the selection of a sentenced for terrorist acts. Christian church and Boy Scout new rabbi, Is opposed to the most camps, donates Jewish reference like l y candidate, Rabbi books to college libraries and Schwar zblat of Odessa. pr oduces motion pictures for Rabbi Schwarzblat Is almost public ser vice telecast and group 60 year s old and Is the youngest s howings. ----- rabbi In Russia. Among the other NAMED CHA IR MAN possible candidates, the r abbi of Mrs . Joel Pansy has been Kulblshev Is 80 and the rabbi of named as Fashion Chairman for Leningr ad almost 90. But Rabbi this year's Third Annual Dessert Schwarzblat has been writing Fashion Show of the Shalom anti-Israel articles In the Soviet Chapter Pionee r Women. The press. Moscow Jews recall that show will be held on Monday. he denounced Israel as an March 13, at the Jordan Marsh aggressor after the Six-Day War. Company. The late Rabbi Levin's title of ----- Chief Rabbi was not an official ,vn.KJ.~s & co. TO HOLD SUPPER one but derived from the fact that • Tax Sheltered Benefit Programs For Industry and Individuals The Roger Wllllams Chapter, he was rabbi of the largest B'nal B'r!th, wlll hold Its Annual synagogue In the Soviet capital. • Pension Plans • Profit-Sharing Plans Membership Supper on Monday, The synagogue committee Is said • Creative Real Estate Syndkation January 17, at 6:30 p.m. at tlte to prefer a successor who ca.n act Samuel J . Rapaporte Hillel with authority as a supervisor of House. kashrut and an organizer of Mrs . Lewis J. Nulman, prayers and services rather than membership chairman, wlll be In an ordained rabbi not to their CONRAD WILKES charge of the evening. Mrs. liking. Another candidate MEMBER - NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECURITES DEALERS, INC. Charles Sallet ls co-chairman. described as a "completely non­ Entertainment will be presented Po 11 t l c al person" has been AGENT - MUJUAl IENEFIJ LIFE INSURANCE CO. by the Brown University mentioned but his name has not Jabberwocks. been released. - - - -- Jewish sources reported that P.O. BOX 766, WARWICK, R.I. 02888 RHODE ISLAND CLUB Motl Llpscbltz, Moscow's sbochet The Rhode Island Club of Greater Miami will hold Its regular meeting on Sunday, January 9, at 7 p.m. In the auditorium of the Washington Federal Savings and Loan, 1234 lr!J§)Gompac(gr Washington Avenue, . Miami Beach, Florida. Sye Green, well­ known Miami Beach performer, will entertain. Refreshments will The quick clean way to dispose of trash. Bottles, cans, paper, be served. etc. ~essed in a neat package under 2,000 lbs. pressure. Just ----- press the button. ORT TO MEET Built-in an·d free standing models in stock - Immediate­ The Providence Chapter of Women's American ORT will hold delivery. a meeting on Thursday, January l?, at 8 p.m. at the home of Ruth Hurwitz of 125 Robson Street, Cranston. WHOLESALERS Yvonne Dressler, guest DISTRIBUTORS Stop in or call speaker, will speak on narcotics. SYDNEY SUPPLY CO. 176 Union Ave. Providence, R. I. Phone 944-0200 us - Today! Herald subscribers comprise buying market. For an active Hours Mon. thru Fri. 7 a.m. to 5 p .m. - Solesroom Open Thurs. Niles 7:30 till 9 p .m. excellent results, advertise In the Herald. Call 724-0200. 4 nm RHODE ISLAND HERALD, PR IDAY, JANUARY 7, 1972 at 312 MemorlaJ Drtve. The RECEIVES AW ARD Jews In the Soffllt Union and Arab subject matter will be Talmud BUENOS AIRES - Raul countries." Delegates from eight Tractate "Sanhedrin." Cardinal Henriquez SUva, countries pledged ~ort for a ORGANIZATION NEWS A Talmud clus In Tractate Archblshop al Chila, was awarded settlement of Latin American "Pesacblm" Is also being the 1971' Humm Rights Prba ol Immigrants In Israel, Joined NAMEDDIRECOOR wW hold a Wine and Cheese conducted at Congregation the Latin American Jewt1h Itself with Israel's peace efforts T as ti DC Party OD Saturday, Alan Hirsch of Porillnd, Mlsbkon Tflloh every Sunday at 7 CongreH for his "outstanding and pledged ,rupport for Jewish January 15, at 8:30 p.m. at p.m. effort• In tha ·flsht against rights In the Soviet . Ulloa IDd II a In e , has . been appointed Temple Beth Torah. _radsm, espedally In defenae of Arab countries. U8lstant dlrector at Camp Naomi All Rhode Island Jewish It bas been IIDDOUDC8d by Leonard TO HEAR SPEAKER couples under 35 years of age 11. executive dlrector Rabbi Richard A. Marker, Katowltz, may Join the couples' club. Other associate chaplain at Brown of Jewtsh Community Center events planned Include an evening Camps of New Encland (Camp of Square Danelng and Sundaes on University and associate dlrector Naomi • Camp Joseph). Saturday, February 19, at the of Hillel at the university, will he A graduate of Brandeis temple. the guest speaker at an Oneg Umerslty, Mr. Hirsch received Held on a bl-weekly basis, the Shabbat program at the Jewish Community Center to be held ~:~AMS his Master's degree ID Education couples participate In team Is the Saturday, January 8, at 4 p.m. from Boston College. He on bowling at Lang's Bowlarama In !tfoULLEGE faculty of South Portland Hieb A graduate of the University Cranston. The nut bowling night also .School wllere he senes u ls Sllnday, January 9. Further of Pennsylvania and the Jewish Providence/Bristol, I.I. the uslstant tennis coacb. Information may he obtained by Theological Seminary, Rabbi Offen JD his capu:lty as UslstaDt calling Mr, and Mrs. Robert Marker has also sened at dlrector. )lr. Hirsch will be Lubin at 942-6055. Rutgers-Douglass University and Second Semester Programs For responsible for the over all Hofstra University u Jewish Transfer and First-Year Students npenlslon and admlnlstratlon of PELL TO SPEAK chaplain and Hillel counselor. staff in tbe total irocram and of the Senator C lalborne Pell will The Center's gameroom, gym, camp. speak OD foreign affairs at the swimming pool and health clubs \/ Business Administration Camp Naomi, located In breakfast meeting of the Temple will open Saturday from 1: 30 to 4 Raymond, Maine, Is for boys and p.m, v Liberal Arts Beth El Brotherhood OD Sunday, ctrls, 8 to 12 :,ears of a,e. Camp January 9, at 9:30 p.m. v Engineering Joseph ID Harrison, Maine, PARENT-TWEEN PROGRAM aerves boys and ctrls, 13 tbroueh A special program for junior fo, infotfflOtion/opplic:otion, pl.OM write or taR1 filLLEL CLASSES 15 years of a,e. There Is also a Rabbi Emanuel Lazar of high school students and their D.. ef Alllllissions proeram of leadership training Congregation Mlshlron Tflloh, who parents wlll be conducted at the and development for hlgb school conducted classes last year In Jewish Community Center on R091r Willia1111 Celltt• juniors and seniors. Talmud Tractate "Shabbat" for Swtday, January 16, from 7 to 10 lristel, R.I. students of M I T HWel will aga.ln p.m. COUPLES' GROUP teach similar studies. Classes A full-length feature film will 2SS-2151 <-coda 401) Rhode Island's newest will he held on Mondays and be shown. Family gameroom r,ENING PIOGIAMS ON 10TH CAIIPttSlS HGIN JAN. JI orpnlzatlon for young Jewish TUesdays, January 10 and 11, 17 a.cUvlUes are also scheduled. couples, The New Associates, and 18, and 24 and 25, at 5 p.m. Adm lsslon will be to open to students In the 7th, 8th and 9th grades, accompanied by at least one parent.

NEW OFFICERS Dr. Joseph E. Caruolo was elected this week as pr.esldent of the Providence M~dlcal Association, succeeding ·Dr, David Freedman. Other officers elected were Dr, Thomas F, Head, vice president; Dr. George v. Coleman, secretary; Dr. John B, Lawlor, treasurer, and Dr. Alfred L. Potter, trustee of the Rhode Island Medical Society Llbrary. Dr. Samlr G, Moubayed and Dr. Peter L. Mathieu were named · new members to the executive committee for three years each, and Dr, Richard P. Sexton and Dr. Wilson F. Utter · were reelected for three year terms. Named as delegates to the state Medical Society's pollcy maldng body, the House of Delegates, were Doctors John T, Barrett, Bertram H. Buxton, Jr., Joseph E. Caruolo, Nathan Chaset, George v. Coleman, Dominic L. Coppolino, Joseph A. DeBellls, John A. Dlllon, Joseph When you get a bonus for saving at 6%! D. DIMase, Joseph L. Dowling ,J·r., Herbert Ebner, Martin E. Felder, Donald P. Open a 111 month Savings Certificate Account, Fitzpatrick, David Freedman, or maintain a 5% Regular Account, Edward· J. Gauthier, Alvin G. and get one of these fine bonuses. Gendreau, Constantine s. Georas, Frank Giunta, Herbert F. Hager, Bonus Deposit Mil.ton w. Hamolsky, Thomas F. St Moritz double blanket $100 Head. Also, Doctors Abraham Colonial Patchwork Quilt, double size $500 Horvitz, John B. Lawlor, Henry G.E. Electric Timer, turns lights on / off. $500 M. Lltcbman, Thomas R. Triumph AM/ FM Clock Radio $1 ,000 Llttleton, Vincent I. MacAndrew, Sunbeam Electric Can Opener/Knife Sharpener $1,000 Peter Mathieu, Raul Nodarse, Waring Futura Blender, 8 button model $1,500 Ralph F, Pike, James A. Reeves, Robert P. ~arnl, Richard P. Clairol True to Light II Electric Mirror $1 ,500 sexton, George H. Taft, William G.E, Salon Style Touch 'n Tilt Electric Hair Dryer $2,500 R, Thompson, Wilson F. Utter, Farberware Cookware, 7 piece stainless steel set $2,500 Armand D. v ersacl and Ellbu s. Panasonic 12" B&W TV $6,000 Wing, Jr. Premier Zig Zag-Portable Sewing Machine ----- $6,000 OPEN BOARD MEETING Muska! 8 Track Stereo Multiplex $6,000 An open board and dessert Sunbeam Snow Champ 20" Snow Thrower $10.000 meeting will be held by Fridgette National 5 cu. ft. Freezer (not shown) $10,000 Pawtucket-Central Falls Panasonic 12" Color TV $20,000 Hadassah on Wednesday, January 12, at the home of Mrs. Samuel Free Safe Deposit Box plus a bonus for depositing $1,000 Kestenman of 87 Cambria Court, in a 5% daily interest account, and maintaining it for Pawtucket at 12:30 p.m. sixteen months. A film will be shown about the activities here and In Israel of Inspect the bonuses today at our Cranston location: Hasbachar, the Hadassah youth croup. Steven Melzer and Florence Parness, president of Domestic Providence Senior Judaeans, wW d Is cuss the film. Program chairman ls Mrs. William Safe Deposit Co. Melzer. 815 Reservoir Ave., Cranston, R. I. HONOR BEN-GURION Open Mon.-Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-12 RIO DE JANEIRO - The At Domestic yoli get '\!ot more for your money than interest. Brazilian Senate endoraed a re aol utlon honoring former Premier David Ben-Gurlon of Isr•I on the occaalon of his 85th birthday. TIie relO!utlon wu Introduced In tha q,p&r HoUN In flllJ Braallla by Sen. Ney Br~, former Goftrnor ol PUl!la 'State. He recalled the deep lmpresslm made by the lff•ll alder state11111n when he -.lstted Brull twoyearsap. / -----·--·-----

nm RHODE ISLAND HERALD, PRIDAY,JANUARY 7, 1972 5 RECEIVES AWARD Por news of lsrael, Jewish comm unltle s throughout the Elderly Poor Live Alone; NEW YORK - Israel's For­ eign Minister Abba Eban has been world, local organtzadons and the named as rectplent of the Zionist society, read Herald. .and for some of the best bargains In Often Refuse Help Offered Organization of America's Theo­ dor Herzl Award. The gold medal the Greater Pr0¥1 ence area. NEW YORK - Left behind by Mrs. Zallpsky promised to was preNnted to Eben by Herman the yotmger, the richer and the spend the night with her In the L, Weisman, ZOA president, at mobile, lonely elderly people !Ive new aparttnent. After much the organtzadon's annual dinner scattered around New York In discussion, Mrs. Herzog agreed at the New York Hilton. Proceeds neighborhoods that were better In to go. from the $125-a-subscrlptlon their yotmger years, according to Mrs • Herzog still talks dinner are for support of the a New York Ttmes ardcle by wistfully about the years with her ZOA's cultural, educational and James M. Markham. husband - who died "a long public affairs program• and for Many live In south Bronx, In .time ago" In the old ZOA projects In Israel. Harlem, on the Lower East Side, apartment at 284 East Second In the Wllllamsburg section of Street. And she chides Mrs. MURRAY R.PSENIAUM Brooklyn, often clinging to Zallpsky, a frequent visitor, for (ZEKE ROSS) traditions that are llttle more having mixed up her meat and her than memories. dairy dishes In the move - a Antique Jewelry OPEN IVil. IY Al'l'T. violation of Jewish dietary law. 5 1 EMPIRE STREET 808 MOPE STREET A 1968 census report fo1md PROVIOEN(;E, R. that 139,000 New Yorkers over 65 Her new apartment Is not (CAES#,/1 MISCH 8LDG.J ·b1 years of age lived alone In rented bigger or much newer than her 331-1891 8 __3 1 - 5.2 0 . aparttnents. A more recent old one, but It has heat, hot water ,ruryey has fotmd that four of and a lock on the door. TIie ENGAGED: Mr. and Mn. "-is every 10 elderly householders In Department of Social Services Kenner of 106 Blackstone Boule­ poverty neighborhoods In the city has provided a housekeeper who vard announce the engagement of SPRING BRIDES are living alone. comes three times a w~k. and their daughter, Mi11 Karen Ker­ Social workers from several the Jewish Association for zner, to Jules Gelade, son of Mr. agencies report that a frequent Services to tbe Aged Is buying and Mrs. Boris Gelade of Hillside problem In helping the elderly Mrs. Herzog some new furniture. Avenue. ofuci//e~ poor Is that they refuse help - "Jewish life Is very A graduate of Classical High that despite the ravages of thefts, complicated, mine dear," Mrs. School in Springfield, Massachu­ LINGERIE & BRIDAL BOUTIQUE disease and dilapidated housing, Herzog told Mrs. Zallpksy when sett1, Miss Kenner received her 146 Wotermon Ave. No. Providence solitary widows and widowers the young woman offered to buy AA degrff in Theater Arh from will often resist being moved; some new pots and dishes to Los Angeles City College ond her Brides that a combination of reverence replace the old ones. ''We must BA in Elemental}' Education from for the faded past and fear of the have a rabbi. Rhode Island College. She is now future rivet them to where they So Mrs. Zallpsky recently teochi"9 second grade in the Paw­ • are. found an elderly rabbi who tucket school system. · • ' Bridesmaids Mrs. Esther Herzog Is one of advised Mrs. Herzog on how to Mr. Gelade was graduated these people. proceed with the question of her from Classical High School in Prov­ One night several weeks ago pots and dishes. idence and from the University of • her heating went off. Until then, Rhode Island as a registered phar­ heat had been one of the few macist. He wa1 a 1taff pharmacist amenities the 81-year-old widow Jewish Students ot the Pawtucket Memorial Hospi­ had In her shabby three-room, tal. He is now in his fint year as a gro1md-fioor aparttnent at 284 Uninterested law student at Suffolk University East Second Street, where she Law School. • 1972 Appointments 231-1230 has llved for 45 years. In Business An August 19 wedding is Also, she had no hot water. WAg.JJNGTON - An old planned. TIie door on her refrigerator had myth that Jews gravitate toward been yanked off by one of the careers In business was dispelled prowlers and junkies who had by a nationwide survey of college entered the apartment seven freshmen released here which jAftlES kAplAN times In the last year. Her front showed that only 1()% of the door had no lock. Jewish students planned to major [:~] When the heat went off, Mrs. In business compared by 16. ~ of JEWElERS Herzog spent much

TIIE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY,JANUARY 7, 1972 7 --- - .. . USES SOUND WAVES Workshlp of the Hebrew -- University of Jerusalem's JERUSALEM - A highly sophisticated electronic Faculty of Science by Dr. Alan apperatus whlcb U9es sound Susa!, an American guest dlnlcal wnes ID detaet eye disorders has fellow md lecturer at the BRIDGE been dneloped at the Etec:tronlc HaduNh-Uilwratty Hospttal. ' s KOSHER By Robert E. SWr J U LI E DELICATESSEN ~ . . . ~ . . 731 HOPE STREET 621-93't6 Because thts- band came up the - to - -- band? Eas.y. South didn't want other day and caused some pairs find our how many Aces Norih to actually bid a Grand Slam had. Rather, be needed to know BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAi. missing the Ace of TrUmps, tbls speclflcally which one, II any, HOT 01 COLD PASTIOMI article Is being written to discuss North did hold. To do that be had the Blackwood Convention. Tills to use Cue Bids, not a Slam SANDWICH ON RYE convention happens to have many Convention, at leut at ftrst. He SIDE OF POTATO SALAD -- COFFEE, facets that are Wllmown to the must ftrst show his own ftrst ( NO SUIStlTu_Tf()NS) average player and even to some Ace, 110 sllould bid Four Clubs. of the better ones. Now North must follow alone and North bid his Ace. ALJ soon as one utps 7, 3 a suit he denies hdldlnc that Ace. .J When North now bids Foar MISS OtUn I. SWIIT, ...... K6 el Dr. and Mn. Gustef +AK 9 3 Diamonds be shows that Ace, Sw-., .....,_.,.., Is - 19 ...... • Q J 5 which opposite void does el South'• DI Goud,e, Collet,e whe has ...... West no good at all. East ..1ectec1 for inclusion in the 1971• +A 6 +2 Now South should bid Four No .J 10 9 3 .Q 7 5 2 Trump, the Blackwood 72 Ni'*t of "Who's Whe A(neooe Students in American Uni'ffnltia +J 8 7 6 .Q 10 5, 2 Convention, but now It doesn't and Collet,es," D publication .... +762 +e, a mean exactly how many Aces do South taini,. the _..,.. of students clw­ IOSHEI - WHITE MIA T you hold, It means how many ..n by their c.U.,.. ,_ ..,._ +K Q 10 9 8 5 other Aces, ones that haven't .A 8, standi,. ..rvic,e to the col'-9e and 5 ll. +Void been shown already, do you have? the community. TURKEY ROLL 2.89 +AK 10 9 Having already mentioned that Diamond Ace North must now bid Miu Sweet, a graduate of Lin­ East-West were vulnerable, coln School, is a MnMH' at Goucher, GOLDEN REG 75 PKG. East Dealer with this bidding: f1ve Clubs showtng no other Aces. Tills obviously denies holdlnc that majori,. in visual arts. She - photography Nitor of the 1971 s w vital Trump Ace. Now there Is no 1+ p danger of South going on to seven. yearboolc and has also been .._ ,NT p This Is a seldom-used and little tor-in-chief of the campus ,.._. POTATO PANCAKES1LATKAs1 59c 5NT p known part of the Blackwood paper. 7+ Dbl Convention. But when It comes up She Nrved as a r~pNtentative VITA HERRING 160Z.JAR Unquestionably, South had a It Is extremely Important. to the c.l'-9e A...,,,bly in her ju­ nior year and has been a membor great hand and It became even As you can see, malting twelve better when North responded tricks presents no problem at all of the Gradi,. Commiltff. TASTEE BITS IN WINE SAUCE three Spades. The bidding from but there Is- no way to avoid An accomplished phetographer, here In many cases went as losing that Trump Ace unless Miu SwNl's works have ap­ shown a!Jove but please do not there Is a revoke. Let's say there peorN in the yearboolc, the think that because It Is shown that Is no legitimate way. campus newspaper, pubMcations TRY JULIE'S CABBAGE SOUP of the Goucher public relatlens of. makes It correct; It Isn't. The Another part of Blackwood Souths that didn't think at all that comes up even more often la fice and in the " Goucher Alum,­ YOU'LL LIKE IT! YOU'LL LIKE IT! simply boomed Into · the how to respond when the Quarterly." Blackwood Convention and asked opponents lntenene. This tends for Aces assuming that North to throw many players who do not would have the Spade Ace for her know how to cope with this. All three Spade bid. When North dld you do Is start where they leave show one Ace, some of these went oa. Pass, the cheapest bid, shows right to seven without even no Aces. Then each suit up from Alotof considering the fact that North's the opponent's bid shows another Ace might not be that Ace. Not Ace. For example, II you bid until the DOuble came In cfl.d South Four No Trump and the next band wake \Ip to that fact. After the says Five Diamonds, to show no DOuble It was too late to correct Aces partner passes, Five Hearts the mistake and 110 a good prof1t, would show one Ace, Five Spades, the small Slam, was turned Into a two, etc. At another time, when It loss. comes up, I wW discuss how to The Blackwood Convention, stop when there are two Aces out used correctly to f1nd how many · and other parts of Blackwood but are Aces partner has, as I have said this Is enough for now. many times before, Is to keep one Moral: DO not use Blackwood out of a Slam when two cashable when It Is a particular Ace you Aces are out against you rather need to find. Cue bids are the than to get you Into a Slam. What only way. Read the above and should have been done In this remember It. Dayans End Marriage After 36 Years TEL AVIV - Defense present home, It was learned, Minister Mo•he Dayan and hts while hts former wife, who Is wife, Ruth thi• week ended their head of the handlcraft!I In Israel's 36-year marriage. The divorce Mtnlstery of Labor and fotmder was reportedly requested by Mrs. and manager of the Masklt Dayan. Although It was no secret handicraft works and shops, wlll that the Dayans' relationshtp had take an apartment elsewhere. detertorated, their decision to What's wrong? for E Bonds, 5½% when held to end the marriage came as a Police Investigate You're making more money than maturity of 5 years, IO months (4% surprise. you ever have. Neither the 5-4-year-old Mrs. the first year). That extra ½ %, Day an nor the 56-year-old Threat To Premier But every time you plan on putting payable as a bonus at maturity, Cabinet Minister would comment JERUSALEM - Police are money into your savings, you end up applies to all Bonds issued since on the divorce. "It's a private Investigating a threatening letter withdrawing some. June I, 1970 . .. with a comparable matter," she said. This morning received by Premier Golda Meir, Ma'ybe you're buying too many the Defense Minister said "It's apparently from religious zealots improvement for all older Bonds. my private affair and I atn not opposed to autopsies. little things you don' t really need. The Payroll Savings Plan. A great prepared to make any statement The letter was the first threat Little here, little there. After awhile way to save a little here, a little there about It." against an Important public -it adds up. and end up with a bankroll. 1be couple's three chtldren, f1gure, although the zealots have all of whom are married, are been harassing pathologists who You know, that's just the theory said to have attempted to restore perform post mortems at behind the Payroll Savings Plan. relations between the two. But government and public hospitals. You sign up where you work,and they when things dld not work out as The letter was signed by set a little aside from each paycheck the children wished, they dectded ••members of the B'nel Brak and to let the parents decide their Jerusalem Zealots Association." and use it to buy U.S. Savings Bonds. own !hes. Both Auaf Dayan, the It warned the Premier, "U you You don't really miss the money that actor, and his brother Ehud, a don't outlaw autopsies by hospital way ... and before you know it; farmer from Nahalal, said they pathologists we will exert cruel you've got a nest egg that's really knew what was going on, but they pressure on you and on your worth something. 1t re s se d they would not family or even you may fall · Bonds •re sak , I( lost, stolen, or dcstrored, ':-\ Intervene. victim." And now there's a bonus interest we replace them. When nttdcd they can be TL. Dauthter Yael, the novelist, rate on all U.S. Savings Bonds- cubed at )'ollr bank. Tu ma~ be tleft lfftt, ~I wrote that "It was difficult for Bonds •re • proud • • Y to SIVC. ,. the mother to get along with such RECEIVES BANGKOK ARK m Individual and well-fortified NEW YORK - 1be museum personality as" Dayan. Yael Is In of the International Synagogue at Paris where her husbmd Is m Jolm F. Kennedy airport has Israeli attacbe. recelwd a holy ark from Tale stock in America. None of tha children were Bangkok, Thallmd that may be among the lllx people who the smallest In existence. lt Is Now&nts payabou atmaturl)t ( attended the divorce proceedings. ten Inches across at the base, The divorce agreement wa• tapering atf to 0.5 Inches at the endorsed by a three-mm top Which Is 13 Inches high. It rablulcal court presided over by was the gift of Rabbi Dr. Franz Chief Rabbi 9tlomo Goren of Tel B • Jacobson of Heldelhera, Am. Dayan wtll remain In his Germany, ,-~------·------···-:------.. ~---- ~----.-__- _-__- __-_-_ _-__ .:::.::: -__-__ -_-__-- - ...... -- ==--=--=-

8 TifE RHODE ISLANDHBRALD, PRIDAY,JANUARY.7, 1972 NOT ON HOLIDAYS Jntsh holtday becaue It would Synagogue In Berlin ROCHESI'ER, N.Y. - The place an mfalr allllgallon on Ulmrdty of Roc:llaller hu Jewt1h sllldantl ta c:bao9e Damaged By Vandals pledged tllat tt '!Ill ao longer be- a 11Chool ot,Ugatlon and a begin !lie Pall ·---r on llll'f rellgl- cmimllment. Hello Again! .J·ANUA.RY SA.LE TAILOR-MADE SUITS REG. News of the Sports World by Warren Walden '185 REG. NOW'IN SPORT COATS '125 THE IDG SHOW: "The Da11u experience at a football game ID PANTS REG. 145 NOW'Se.95 Cowboys are Colnc to win the ble New Orleans where the grolllld CHOICE OF CLOTH Super Bowl game and you can't be doesn't absorb the water and We carry a large ,election of double. lcnill a loser twice tn succession." where there ls danger ot That's as good as any way for drowning right on the gridiron. iredlcttng the outcome of the What a Job trytng to describe co-NYE'S TAILOR SHOP great big spectacular, 110methlnc that Isn't there. .96 DORRANCE ST., PROVIDENCE 421-8586 •ens a tl on a I, super-colossal ••• Specializing in any kind of alteration football attraction that wtll tab NOT TIMELY: And tllls may be place at New orteans on January very much out of tlme with the 16. It was tbe way Jolla Smolllns, tremendous Interest ID the Miami Admtnlstratlve Assistant to Dolphins and Dallas CowbOys at _ Mayor Joseph Doorley of the Super Bowl - but - I've Providence, prognostlcated. Jobn been hearln& rumblings abOut too had picked Baltimore to beat much football on TV. Of course, Pittsburgh In the World Serles of there may not be eoough for the baseball. With that In mind, don't dyed-In-the-wool football fans · let his selection make you swtnc - but - "report the news and sway with too much green objectively," and doing that I find cabbap If you are tempted to lay objections cropping out here and a quid or two on the outcome of there. Now, does that mean that the big game. enough Is eoough and that too ••• much will be too much? And how SHRINKS MARDI GRAS: The big abOut the old proverbs concerning football attraction Is the "goose that latd the golden showmanship of a super­ err'' and the "greedy beggar?" mapltude In the world of sport. Bozlng once filled the video Tbose football promoters are waves every Diehl In the week! So possessed of real showmanship; promoters, THINK. However, on the envy of a mighty Barnum; the eve of the big Super Bowl, It's outshining the efforts of a Cecil difficult to get away from the B. DeMllle or a D. W. Grlf:!lth; game. And, as John Smolllns rtvallng the ma,netlc lure of the says, "Dallas should win. Jolly big yearly event ln New Orleans, Roger Slaubach should pass them the Mardi Gras. Ab yes. No to victory. But matnly, how can I lo n g e r can that pre-Lenten be wrong twice In a rOW?" Ah festival stand alone as the most John, as the man In the long black f».mous event In the city of coat and tall silk hat said, pelicans and Mississippi mud. "Remains to be seen." From now on, It's New Orleans .... A Herald ad always- gets re­ where the Super-Duper Bowl STEVE FROM WASHINGTON: sults . . . our subscribers com­ Game was held. And I hope It Visiting his grandparents, Mr. (The Hall Institute of R.I.) prise an active buying market. doesn't rain, spealdnr from and Mrs. Caesar Romano, during the holidays, Stephen Routh was In Providence modestly Palestinian Guerrillas Outline mentioning some of his sports REAL ESTATE thoughts. Stevie ts a goalle on the Goals For The Coming Year st. Michael's Soccer Team of LICENSE Silver Spring, a o.c. suburb. "Do BEJRt.rr, Lebanon - The operations against Israel. you miss baseball In Palestinian gu,,rrllla movement Observe.-s noted that the other Washington?" he was asked. The SCHOOL has outlined Its goals for 1972. declared goals of the resistance answer, "Not as much as I'd The Immediate goal, said a movement have been sought miss football - and - we long article In the weelcly Patah, before , but unsuccessfully. haven't been without baseball the organ al the Palestine However, Importance Is attached yet." Young Mr. Routh follows S WEEKS 10 SESSIONS Liberation Organlzatton, the to the resolve to foll a settlement the destinies of the Boston teams Notionally recogniz.ed at THE quality theory and practice national front comprising all the with Israel. closer than he follows the others. Pre-License School conducted by outstanding career profes­ commando groups, "ts·to recover 'The observers said -that this "There's excitement In the Red sionals and noted for the success of thousands of 9roduates over the guerrilla movement's posttton showed that all Cairo's efforts so Sox, Bruins and Celtics! The Red the post 6 years. Morning or evening clau.es. Call or write In Jordan." far to soften the Palestinian Sox will be better next year; they 1514 Smith St., No. Prov., R.I. "No effort will be spared ta a ttltude on an Interim settlement need a little pitching help." 353-1400 achieve this end," It declared. wlth Israel have not been frul tfu1. Grandpa Caesar remarked to The second aim "ts ta Meanwhile, there are signs of Grandma Mary, "Imagine that Beginning reassert the presence of the a new wave al anti-American fellow coming up to visit us from resistance Inside Israeli­ feeling In the Arab world. Washington and koowtng more occupied terrltory, and pre-,ent fol lawing reports from abOut the Boston teams than we Israel from establish!~ a false Washington that President Nixon know." sense al stability there. ' has decided to resume the ••• The other two goals, the delivery of Phantom fighter­ ONE OF THE GREATEST! Tlme article said, are greai,er unity bombers to Israel. was when th1tre could not be a· among the gu,,rrllta factions and Voice of the Arabs, the Cairo discussion concerning prowess on the prnentlon of an Arab radio station, said that ''the time the athletic field without the name settlement with Israel at the has came for the Arabs to strike "Pinky" Lester being mentioned. expense of the Palesttntan people. at United States Interests." In any endeavor, "Pinky" was Guerrllta leaders publicly "'There ts no longer any hope always the best. In East adml t that It will not be easy to of changing Washington's Providence where football games fulftll these aims. 'They referred ,camplei,e bias In favor of the were held at old Grosvenordale to a statement by the commando Israell state," It added. Field, In high school or seml_­ WAITED!e.cw,IIIC. leader, Yastr Arafat, to the Cairo pro, It was "Pinky" Lester In Syria, the Damascus radio newspaper Al Akhbar that for the commented," American whose name was always guerrlllas, 1972 "ts the year of lmperallsts have taken yet prominent when starring roles b(g challenges." another step to back the Israeli were reported. The same was Mr. Arafat met for talks with aggression against our Arab true when the Providence Premier Muammar el-Qaddafi on nation." professional steamrollers played further Libyan assistance to the And In Iraq, the Baghdad radio at Kinsley · Park or at the guerrillas. He had met In the spoke of "thls ridiculous. man, Cycledrome; whether they played Egyptian capital with President Nixon," and said "He and the Philadelphia Yellowjackets or Anwar el-Sadat. Premier Golda Meir of Israel the Canton Bulldogs or the blfonned sources here said "cast the same shadow." Chicago Bears, "Pinky'' Lester that Egyptian leaders have In Beirut, the main headline of was a standout. In baseball, In the advt~d Mr. Arafat to seek the the leading Independent daily Manufacturers• League, tn the re-establishment of commando newspaper, Al Nahar, read: Tim O'Nell League or In the bases In Jordan through "United States New Year's gift: major leagues, Lester was as negotiations, not violenc:e. more Phantoms to Israel." The good as any, better than most, Egypt and Saudi Arabia trled · dally Al Sbaab, which ls pro. fearing no pitcher and at home In Jointly to bring about Moscow, accused the United any caltbre of play. And now GRABBIN,G BRAKES reconciliation between the States al seeking to dominate the Harold "Pinky" Lester has Have those brakes adjusted, or replaced guerrlltas and King Hussein of Arab world "with Israel's , moved on to the biggest of Jordan. But talks held by the assistance." . leagues. Well known, respected for your driving and stopping safety. J or.danl an Government and and liked, he retired as East commando representattves In the TWENTY ARRESTED Providence Police Chief just a Takes but a few minutes. Do it today. Saudi port of Jidda early In PARIS - TWenty young Jews few years ago. And now there's a November produced no results. were arrested after ~ng ta new star shining · up there, King Hussein has shown a chain themNlws ta the gates of. 90mewhere. tougher attitude toward the the Soviet Embassy to mark the ••• guerrlltas since four former arrival In the city of the A BIT ON BOXING: DellllY I members of Al Patah, the main new Soviet ambassador, M. McNamee shares the spotlight In RADIATOR & commando group, assassinated Abrasstmov. 1be demonstration, Madison Square Garden this

1 BODY WORKS the Jordanian Premier, Wasfl on the prestlglous Rue de Friday night In a ten rounder wlth BOSTON 1'11, In Cairo on November 28. ' Gerenelle, was organized by the Tommy Hicks of Buf1alo ••• And I 1sc, mn ',T Guarrllla bases In Jordan Committee of -Soltdarity. With Joe Cellettl reminds that amatelD' completely eltmtnated by Soviet Jews. Other demonstrators PRO\/IUUJ -- F GA l -2625 -re bO:dnc In preparation tor the JCtna Huaseln'1 troop1 last July. kindled stx hup torches sym­ Golden GlOYes goes on at Uncotn The mClftmellt had UNd Jordan boll.ztng the six mtllton Jews Park on '11lllrsday ntghta • • ait ltl mlln Jumping-off point for · lcllled by Nazis la World War n. Outside of that - CARRY ON! ------·.--=------

11fE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY ,JANUARY 7, 1972 9 Still Encounter Harassment A Herald ad always gets best comp r ls e an acthe buying results - our subscrlbers market. Soviet Change In Policy Having A Party? BUSlt4ESSMENJ CALL ARE YOU LOSING S BE- Brings Many Jews To Israel CAUSE · Of THE APPEAR· MOSCOW - So dramatic baa If the gates were llterally application. U RENT-ALLS ANCE Of YOUR.OFFICE? been the change In Soviet policy thrown open and there were no • Earlier this fall, a fairly well (~U..._.._.... 0.,.1 Aclcl i....uty ancl ,ales at the toward Jewish emigration during risk of. recriminations, Western known Russian writer, Grlgory tame time with new draperies 1971 that Muscovites tell of a diplomats estimate that as many Sversky, was reportedly expelled Tobias- Chain-- Dishes "-·· · woman who changed her of 200,000 to 300,000 Soviet Jews from the Soviet writers union . nationality offldally a few years would leave, many using Israel as when he applied for a Chompogne Fountains ago from Jewish to Russian with Jack's Fabrics a Jumping-off polnt for Western recommend a tion, known ln 725 Dexter St., C-trol foNs, II.I. a discreet bribe, but who now Europe or Nortb America. That Russian as a " kharakterlstlka." 7~5-3779 ,._ Comultation Call PA 5-2160 wants her Jewish nationality bade Is slightly o-ver 10 per cent of the A number of other Jews haw In order to emigrate, official census figure of 2. 15 reportedly lost thetr Jobs , Among other minorities - million Jews In 1970. lncludlng the former deputy nationalities, In Soviet parlance Despite the easing of. YIN director of news for the - such as Armenians, restrictions, the ICremlln ts still Moldavian radio network, a ...... ,······~·····-···' ··1..,....._ ~ ·········~···-- .. Uthuantans, and even Soviet trying to combat the emigration former director of. the Moscow ...... · ...• ),.•· s ....*1 ...\ ~ Finns, complaints are heard that movement through extenstw r adio and television orchestra, ..... ~ ··• . .~ f ., .... Jews haw an advantage In getting propaganda against Zionism H university professor s and ··~ ~ I'-··. .·· y ·. ,...... ,. exit visas becauae of the wide rt·...,. : ·. ,-.. ,.,..··""t I ~ •. well as exploiting stories about eng!Mers. : ...... ,.. 'O,.~·· 'I - ~ . publldty given their cause. Soviet Jews who haft been Other Jews haw taken menial ~ .,.. .•k, ...... , ,-...... , ... .. ~. r~· ,. Western diplomatic sources disappointed with life In Israel Jobs to cushion the Impact ot. now report that an unexpectedly and haw returned here. economic harassment and to ~~tire'WJterbeds heavy year-end aurge brought 'the Belorussla film studlo avoid having visa appllcationa Jewish emigration to a record made a documentary Interview rejected on the ground that they level of. about 15,000 In 1971, with once such Jew and It has posaess skills too valuable for WATERBEDS much more than had been been gl-ven wide drculatlon. the Soviet economy to lose. Two, Frames, Hea ters. Complete Units expected when Moscow's Izvestia, the Government an engineer and a hospital emtg,.,atlon policy was first new s p a per , carried a Tass anesthetist, haw taken Jobs In a YUCATAN HA MMOCKS tlberal1%.ed last spring. dispatch this week reporting on bakery and a third, also an Ch ildren·s, Single, Double Although Jewish applicants for the adjustment problems of Sovwt engineer, ts worldng as a ex It v Is as still encounter Jews In Israel. production hand In a p~t WATER CHAIRS & PILLOWS harassment and ewn loss of Jobs Moreo-ver, many Jewa say theater. IMPORTED SHEEP SK INS and some Soviet sources haw there Is still harassment and . - Jews In Moscow are also hinted that the emigration will be recrtmlnatfon when they ask for uneasy en-er the tact that the Creative Waterbed Company shut off next year, diplomats here the employers' recommendation authorities have allowed six 739 Bald Hill Road Warwick 822·0100 believe that- enough pressures that ls required for an exit visa (Continued on page 10) haw developed for the relatlwly high level of emigration to continue and perhaps e-ven to Increase In 1971, espedally as tong as the Kremlin pursues a policy of Improving relations with the West. Perhaps u many as two People in Israel thirds of the 1971 emigrants reportedly came from Soviet Georgia and the Baltic states of Latvia, Uthuanla and Estonia. A disproportionately small fraction was said to haw come from such Meed Our Help Now! major Russian and Ukrainian centers of Jewish population as Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and The daily immigration flow is rapidly Odessa. Georgian Jews, mostly clerical' workers. and small rising. Existing finance~ are being tradesmen, constitute a very different group from the highly strained to the limit. Intellectual and often well placed Jews In urban centers elsewhere. Thousands of new immigrants from In the Baltic states, Western ' diplomats suspect, local leaders lands of oppression are coming home may haw felt that letting out disgruntled Jews would make It to begin a new life. easter to cope with local nationalist problems. We are bringing them to Israel. Now we But In general, the unexpectedly sharp Jump In must care for their needs. We can. Jewish emigration, from 1,000 In 1970 to 15,000 this year, Is The people of Israel cannot help. attributed by Western specialists to the well-organized Jewish emigration movement here and to Their very existence is threatened the Influence of world public opinion, Including Influential ·every day. The defense expenditures Communist parties In France, Italy and elsewhere, In favor of are staggering and drain great amounts the Jewish right to emigrate. Western diplomats believe of tax revenue. that the Kremlin relaxed restrictions on emigration not In this hour of need we have a promise only to try to reduce a domestic Irritant but also to reduce the to keep. embarrassment to Its leaders of encountering per sistent Criticism We must keep that promise by helping on their visits to France, Canada, Scandinavia and elsewhere this these immigrants find a new life of fall. It ts noted, for example, that Moscow was suffldently worried freedom and dignity. about the resctlon In France just before Leonid I, Brezhnev, the Don't keep them waiting. Pay your Communist party leader, ,went to P a r I s , to have the Soviet Ambassador meet privately with leading French Jews to explain . i::pow. The future depends on it. Moscow's Jewish polldes In the ft-.~ most favorable terms then possible. • Moreover, the largest wave of emigration came after Premier Aleksel N. Kosygin said at a news conference In Canada In late October that most Jews who had tlie • Send your contribution to the applied to emigrate were to be allowed to go. Soviet authorities have not Emergency Fund disclosed how many Jews haw promise :'::! applied for exit visas. But a common estimate Is 50,000, with the total continuing to grow as United Jewish Appeal Through The Soviet policy Is liberalized, "Six or se-ven months ago I would never have thought of leaving because of the dlfflcultle 1 ," a Jewish professional man told a foreign friend this fall. "But tt,e situation bu changed.' Other pe~le are lemng. Why shouldn't 17' ,I I

10 'l1il! RHOCI! l£LAND HBRALD1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1972 110 11w111Dows1~•llOns. have just formed an Investment A: Shares of NYSE-listed NL LITTLE RHODY AZA with assurance ctYen by tbe bead Mr. Salam WU qi-.! U club. With the $20 monthly Industries, formerly National at the of the Sovtet team.. Konstantin bnlng told tbe Soviet tum, a contribution from our Lead, have been In a downtrend parliamentary delegation: "We membership we have made our JEWISH GlrulmO:V, ~ _by the Soviet for more than a decade. Earnings fully appreciate Sovtet support to Initial purchase, Continental have been generally decllnlnc COMMUNITY CENTER the Arabs, bat there Is a question Mortcace Investors. We are now slnee 1966 and sales have also 401 l!lmgrove Ave., that must be discussed tranJrlY dlscusslnc the relative merits of joined the slide more recently. BOULEVARD with our trlends. Israel, whlcb Heublein and Kell011. What Is Providence Operating results have been SHADE AND DRAPE., INC. bas risen In anresalon, today your vtew on these two consumer consistently lower so far this confronts the Arabs with weapons comp&nles? Do you have any year with sales off 2% and net Sat., January 8 FOR THE FINEST IN ctven to her by well-known other hints for us? M.O. down 39%. A change In accounttnc HOME, SHOP, AND sources (an allusion to the United A: 1l you have not already methods contributed 8 cents to done so I would sunest you Join OFFICE DKOIA TING states)." the decline In earnings. 50% 7:30-11 p.m. "There ta, bowever," the the National Association of owned ntantum Metals operated Investment Clube. Tbls nonproftt 724-06-80 Premier said, "something more at a loss lut year and again In Important In the perpetuation of orpntzatlon bu 13,000 member 1971. The 7.3% yield now GAMES-PRIZE 742 EAST AVE., PAWT. Israeli qgresslon, namely, clube and provides educational available on these shares feedlnc Israel with a fiood of material for members. The Indicates Investor expectation of Jewish eml&Tant9." association Is localed at East 11 another dividend cut. I see no "Every new Jew who arrives Mlle Road, Royal Oat, Mlchlp.n Justification at present for 48067. A recent survey of a cross In Jarael Is more dancerOus than repurchase of these shares a tank, cannon or fighter plane," section of Its membershlp showed should you sell. h e s a I d • "When population that the average club bas 20 lnereases, expansion follows. members each contributing $17 "Worthless" Stock Increase of human resources can per month, much Ille same as Has $2,500 Value be more conducive to anresslon your group. than weapons. I hope that this Is Of greater Interest Is the Q: Ten years ago we bought clear to our friends the Soviet disclosure that the club's 300 shares of• Crutcher Union." Investments earned close to 15% Resources at $1.00 each: I am Mr. Glraslmov assured Mr. compounded annually over the life enclosing a notice for a Salam that Soviet Jews who are of the club. In the year ended stockholder's meeting, guess we allowed to emigrate to Jarael are April 30, 1971, assets rose 37.5% have· lost our $300. We could use not of military ace and "are unfit compared with a 28.9% gain In the the money now that we are to carry weapons." A!ld he added standard & Poor 425-stock retired. Can you tell us anything ROLLED BEEF sl.89 LI. that the number of Soviet Jews averace. "'rhere are 60,000 clubs on this stock? E.S. who have el

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. By RABBI LEON MOZESON think he means that doing tb1s from the ark after surviving the '(Congregation Sbaare Zedek­ sort of thing, psychologically deluge, were allowed to subsist SOns of Abraham) condlttons one to be cruel. Not on the _meat of all anlmlas. This The following article on even an animal should be so applied t o the Kasbruth was written by Rabbi exploited that 11 should be made progeny of Noah as well, so a Mozeson at the request of the to contribute to the final non-Jew can eat what he likes. Vaad Haka.shruth of Rhode Island. disintegration of Its own young, But the J ewlsh people at the base ••• We are not really concerned of Mt, Slnal were restricted to about the fate of the animals who eat only certain kinds of animals L MSAT AND MILK are not aware of what ls and were evidently reminded that Before discussing the possible transpiring. But we are orlglnalJy the anlm als were purpose of any ritual of the concerned about the mentallty of created to function ln other ways Torah, It must be said at the very the farmer and that h1s attitude than mere objects of nutrition. outset, that this constitutes a towards aalmals be not Even primitive man speculative and not deftnlttve transferred to the human realm. discriminated between the treatment of the subject. No one Nachmanldes has ottered the donkey, horse and camel and can be absolutely certain that he same explanation In regards to other beasts and used them only has fathomed the true Intent of a . the law requlrlng the expelling of for transportation, Modern man particular law of the Torah. But the mother bird before taking Its finds that certain animals are one may try to do so. As to why blrdllngs or eggs. Maimonides particularly quaJlfled to serve as Intend to humanize us, to make us the Torah Itself did not disclose assumed that the reason for the specimens . . . and guinea pigs kinder and more peaceful. The the purpose of the various law was that tbe mother bird was .. . for certain experiments. TIie lobster with Its claws, the mltzvoth, the Talmud states endowed with the same maternal Torah Induces us to realize that bushmaster with Its fangs and the (Sanhedrin 21b) that we may be Instincts that a human motber has animals are not are not Jus t to be falcon with Its talons are not for more Inclined to violate laws that and consequently must be spared eaten. us to eat The ritual laws of we do Wlderstand than those that the sight of seeing Its Y0Ulli taken Recently I read how spiders kashruth are really ethical norms we do not Wlderstand, In this away, Bui Nachmanldes, In his were used In an experiment to and directives to uplift us regard we Incur a risk even If we commentar y on Deuteronomy determine If certain drugs ware morally and to distinguish us succeed In unraveling some of the 22;6, Insists that the purpose of detrim e ntal to thP. nervous from the beast. m ysterlous rituals of the Torah the law was to prevent us from system or affected us mentally. U pertaining to food. becoming sadists, Today a bird ls a spider, after having been In general I am convinced that annoyed; tomorrow a man ls administered a certain drug, It ls dlfflcult to differentiate tortured. In fact the expression of could weave a web In some Louis States between the ritual and ethical the Torah here - "do not take wobbly way, then the scientist Jaws of the Torah. Each m ltzvah the children In the presence of knew that only Its nervous system Possible Exchange seems to be a blend of both, An the mother"-ls Identical to the was affected. But If the spider IIJustratlon of how the ritual and phraseology that Jacob used when went berserk and splnned ethical merge Into one Is found In he feared the encounter with his something that was completely With Israel the dietary laws of the Torah, I brother, Esau. What Jacob different In design trom a web, JERUSALEM - A Soviet believe. dreaded was that Esau would then Its mind had been deranged Journallst lcnown to be close to Let us first discuss the come and kill "the children 1n the by the drug. Amongst the animals the Kremlin hinted In a report seemingly absurd ritual law presnce of the mother." (In which are prohibited to us there from Moscow publlshed here that banning the cooking of meat and Hebrew, 1n both Instances, the may be those which were there might soon be an unofficial dairy substances together. The phrase-"aym al bonlm"-19 pr Im ar II y earmarked for exchange of diploma tic personnel Torah states thrice: "Do not boll used.) scientific usages even though they beeween Israel and the USSR, But a kid In the milk of Its mother." During the holocaust, It wu may also have their place In the Foreign Ministry officials said According to the oral tradition, not uncommon for a Nazl ecologtcal scheme of things. they had no Information to the aforementioned "kid" equally stormtrooper to wrest a Jewish The animals which the Torah corroborate such reports. represents the lamb and the calf Infant trom the arms of Its relegated to our dinner fare were They were commenting on a and their older counterparts as mother and destroy It before the evidently chosen for their dispatch by Victor Louts which welt; In short, we must not cook eyes of the mother. This height of abundance and basic decency. We stated the exchange would come meat ¥d milk together. Why? cruelty Is exactly what the Torah were not allowed to associate about because of the heavy And the rabbinical law, In keeping seeks to prevent. U a German gastronomlcally with the administrative burden Involved In with the dictum of "making a could degenerate Into a beast so "dor als "-the carnivorous processing the growing number of fence around the Torah" has could a Jew. We are equally animal which attacks others. Soviet Jews leaving Russia for enlarged this prohibition to eattng created In the Image of G-d. It Is Once again, Nachmanldes, 1n his Israel. at one meal, meat and dairy t o prevent us from being commentary on Leviticus 11; 12, 11ie burden falls on the Dutch products together (and fowl was conditioned to cruelty that the has already noted that the non­ Embassy In Moscow which given the status of meat), What ls dietary laws are all about, kosher animals are quite cruel In handles Israeli affa!rs In the the meaning of all these taboos particularly the the manner In which they seize USSR and the Ftnnlsh Embassy In which Phillp Roth compWns so commandment-"Do not boll a their prey. Tel Aviv which handles Soviet bitterly about In "Portnoy'• kid In Its mother's milk." I can think of three reasons affairs In Israel In the absence of Complaint?" why we are not to eat the non­ formal diplomatic relations. The clue to the understanding IL THE KOSHER ANIM.ALS kosher animals. One reason may According to Louis, "A of a Biblical law Iles always In The large branch of the seem archaic and once again ls number of Israeli diplomat• Its llteral expression although Its dietary Jaws dealing primarily lnUmated by Nachmanldes. He would be attached to the Dutch sublety may be endless. What the with descriptions of kosher and seems to think that perhaps by Embassy while Russians would go Torah Is apparently concerned nonko_sher animals, aims also to d I g est Ing these aggressive to the Finnish Embassy In Tel about Is simply that someone may better us ethlcally, I believe. animals we may acquire their Aviv. boll a kid In Its mother's milk. What ls generally Imagined, that Inherent cruelty. Really, at one 1be writer added, "It ls The natural setting for a scene health factors determ lne which time, I thought that Nachmanldes possible In a very short time that that would relate to this Biblical animals are to be classified as erred terribly for entertaining the voice replying to a phone call text would be the following: A kosher, Is sheer nonsense. such a notion, But there may be to the Dutch Embassy In Moscow J ewlsh farmer has a goat farm Diseased and fatally Injured some chemical basis for It. Once would say 'shalom.' " The Louis and he ls very fond of the meat of animals may be barred us for I read about experiments which story appeared In a London a goat In Its juvenile form. So he health considerations but the were made with two kinds of newspaper and was carried here proceeds to slaughter a k!d In categorization of animals Into worms, one herbivorous and the In the evening newspaper Maarlv. accordance with the laws of kosher and non-kosher kinds has other carnivorous. One day the Foreign Ministry officials shechlta and then removes Its nothing to do with health. The diet of the herbivorous worms noted that It was the Soviet Union forbidden fat and blood vessels, Torah simply classifies the was altered so that without their which broke diplomatic relations salts the tender meat and now · kosher four-footed land animals being aware of It, they were fed a with Israel In 1967 and said that conceives the Idea of boUlng the to be those which chew the cud floury form of decimated any Initiative at renewing them In meat of the kid In milk. He . milks · and are cloven-footed and the carnivorous worms. Suddenly · any way must come from a goat and happens to know kosher fish to be those which are these nice herbivorous worms Moscow. They added that If such sardonically that this particular arrayed with fins and dermal turned on the carnlvorous ones a move was made, Israel was goat ls the mother of the kid that scales, The Torah does not, and ate them up voraclouslyl So prepared to discuss It. he ls about to consume. The however, describe the kosher there ls the posslblllty that to Louis has been described as a mother animal ls thus unwittingly birds. Instead the Torah some extent we may absorb the sometime agent of the Soviet made to contribute to the · enumerates a list of birds which character as well as the vitamins Union undertaking covert voracious devouring of Its own are barred to us and we are of the animals we consume, missions on behalf of the regime YOUIJi, And suddenly the Torah encouraged to do our own Another reason wily we are In many countries while active as steps In and sternly forbids the research In determining what the restricted to more docile animals a Journallst. farmer to go, through with b1s . prohibited birds have In common. may be that we slmpiy learn by Louis stated In his dispatch feutl And 1n order to prevent The R.i,t,ls discovered that association. G-d perhaps does not that the departure of Russian this from happening the farmer what ls most symptomatic of the want us to have any contact with Jews for Israel has reached a cannot even use the m1lk of forbidden fowls ls that It ls the carnivorous ferocious peal< of 100 persons per day another goat; nor can he cook ti. · "dorais"-the non-kosher bird animals so we may not learn which puts a heavy strain on the kid In any kind of mllk; nor can preys and pounces on Its victims, their ways. And of course we can \ Soviet airllne, AeroOot, and the anyone cook any kind of meat In sinking Its talons Into them. .I Infer from tb1s that we must Ministry of Transport. any kind of mlltl And the rabbis think that In general, with the abstain from associating with He sa!d the main component of of old, noting to what extremes e:rceptlon of beasts of burden who wicked people. Furthermore, 1t the emlgres are Jews from the the Torah went to prevent the were made just for that, the non­ once occurred to me while Soviet Georgian Republlc. Next boU!ng of the meat of a younc kosher animal ls a pretty attending a class In cultural w111 come Jews from Bukhara, antmal In Its mother's milk, did ferocious beast who may mangle anthropology, that man In order Russian Central Asia, he likewise. They barred the eatlne his victim and therefore was to secure the ferocious animal reported. He said reports from and even digestion of meat and forbidden trom fraternlzlng with for b1s food, had to devise lethal · Russian Jews. who went to lssrael milk tocether. What ls tb1s all the Jewish people In the form of weapons with wlilch to capture and now wish to return to the about? Why spoil the farmer's appearing as his dinner guest ••• and overpOwer It. Later, the USSR do not Influence Jews flln? to be eaten. bunter realized that he could desirous of leaving. Na_chmanlde•, In his At this point let us pause and utilize these lethal weapons with According to Louis, Soviet commentary on Levltlcus 14;21, reflect about the general purpoN deadly efflclency against men. I authorities have not decided what points out that the of the creation of animals. Were order to prevent our famlllarlty to do about the returnees. He said puaace-"for you are a bolY they Just made to be gobbled up with such destructive devices we those who have already returned Mtlon. to the L-rd yaur G-d; do as a source of pallatable pleasure were restricted to the sentler were g!Ten preference In housing not boll a kid 1D Its mother's or do tlJeY have more slgnlficant an I m a Is which are easily · and other fields. They are treated mllk"-lmplles tbat the Torah 'antgnments In life (and not In domesticated, are tound In creat as political lmmlgrants who COD9lders It ,as a -sadistic act to death)? Orlglt\ally, hi fact, man abundance and do not have to be "could not live elsewhere but In boll a kid In Its mother's milk was supposed to be herblvoro~ brutally overcome before they Soviet Russia." ' .Louis wrote. and' an Improper th1nr for a and-not carnivorous. Noah and his are reedy to be eaten. Louis' dispatch was confirmed In member of a holy nation to do, I famlly, however, upon emerging lit short the dietary Jaws certain details by local offldals. 'Il!E RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1972 13 projects the other rejects. asks the question: why fo Buber continues: For the most part, the ''hundreds of thousands of. Jewish "What has not been Invades environment Is non-Jewish, and famUles continue to perceive the structure of what ta • • • with ON whatever the J ewlsh child ts Jewish education as desirable?" ten thousand souls still taught Is washed out once he He offers three explanations: (1) undeveloped but ready to develop leaves the school's premises. It TI,e majority of Jews feel a - a creative event If ever there adds up to a devastating score: continuing anxiety concerning was one, newness rising up, the education al. Amerlcan Jews anti-Semitism; (2) Judaism has primal potential might. This JEWISH Is a losing battle. We are losing sold Itself to the Amerlcan public potentiality, stre&mlnr our children at the rate of two to as a church, and thus attendance unconquered, however much of It one (66-2/3rds per cent), And If at a Jewish school ts perceived la squandered, la the re&llty you take an Intelligent guess at as an American act; (3) lbere ts ch II d; this phenoinenon of the Intermarriage statistics, we a residual bard core of Jewish uniqueness • • • this grace of are now Intermarrying at the r&Ja Instinct hard to extirpate· and beginning ap!n and ever again." EDUCATION ol one to fhe (20$0, repeatedly evoked by cataclysmic So let us berln by new So deeply lmbedded are we In events. This Instinct Is durable posslblllties of action. I berln by the American middle class scene, and our chief resource. positing tor myself three basic BY RABBI ROBERT P. JACOBS that one of our most perceptive He then otters five reasons uswnpttons: Jewish teachers, Dr. Lou for hope for educational change. (1) Jews need to live separate PRESIDENT, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Silberman - of Vanderbilt (1) Many of our young are not lives as well u lives Intern.led Utlverslty, spealctng at the June attracted to American eecularism with the reat of Americans. For OF HIUEL DIRECTORS meeting of the Central ol the 60s but are attracted to m e this means consciously Conference of American Rabbis, (religious) altarnatlws. (3) lbere creating Islands of Jewish living said In sorrow and pessimism, Is a spotty but perceptible both In time and space: weekends, ·A Hlllel Director daily looks American Jewish education " .- The extrication ot the Jew beginning of a Jewish a long Shabbat, a swnmer camp Into the faces of young people who stands condemned as being too means . . : his brealctng loose renaissance. (4) Current events both tor children and tor adults, are the products of the Jewish little to transmit Jewish from the Impersonal dehumanized constantly lnrrude on Jewish In other words, tamllles totally Community's educational knowledge and ·too weak to assembly line of this society, con s ciousne ss : Israel, Soviet tocether. exertions. Almost 90 per cent of Inculcate Jewish Identification. moving Inexorably to Its doom. Jewry, anti-Semitism. (5) This means, further, that the Jewish youth go to college; for That's Ackerman's picture. But can we? TI,e answer 11 Continuing Interest In Jewish Day School movement, whose more than ten years a steady But there Is an even more unmistakably clear: no . . . Our Identity as Jews Is still explosive growth has stream has been graduating and devastating fact In other Institutions are so bound up In the widespread, and education ts demonstxated the Inherent power making their mark In the society research. Even the children who death machine that only the most regarded as the chief vehicle. of Orthodox Judaism, should now at large. 1bey are the new receive the most maximum superhuman effort, the readlne.ss I have referred to Dr. Stein's be looked upon with highest parents and, potentially, the new Jewish education available may and willingness to tear ourselves material because he has respect 1.nd Imitated by power elite of Amerlcan Jewry. not remain' loyalist Jews once out of. the matrix of American condensed In a single paragraph a Consenatlve Jewry and Reform They are and will be the arbiters they leave home. There Is no life. to turn our back with bitter whole colume of diagnosis of the Jewry. The Day School ts of the destiny of Jews here and clear correlation between tears on all of those good and Amerlcan and Canadian Jewish basically a separatlstlc device perhaps everywhere. As I tor transmitting not only watched them and pondered over Jr:nowl~e but loyalties, and Is the products of our varlous the most promising situation tor educatlo-nal systems, three producing enduring Jewish impressions arose. Ide tlty, For Reform Jews, Editor's Mailbox especially, acceptance of First I see a growing crlsls of separateness as a valid Ineffectiveness. We are not circumstance living Is a turn­ producing Jews who know ot Finds Much That Is Relevant about-face, since Reform has Jud at s m I and we are not producing Jews who are strongly become, over the 90 years of Its Identified with Judaism. Jewish In Speech By Rabbi Jacobs American existence a movement education Is without doubt the tor Integrated American living. s tory of failure. Ar present, It Is split down the Mr. Beryl Segal In his Federations held In Pittsburgh of Judaic subjects. Increasingly, middle over this question Second, we Jews are so December 17 column discusses this past November, It was students are beginning to major Americanized that we have of Day the address Rabbi Robert Jacobs, resolved that allocations tor In these fields and, In time, will Schools. Yet the die Is cast, become, tor the most part, HI Ile I Director and Jewish Intensive Jewish education be become teachers and professors prototype s of Middle Class We Jews must create not so Chaplain at the University of .substantially Increased. In In Judaic studies. At Boston much new schools but new America. We are symbols of MI s sour I, delivered at the different parts ot the United University over 300 students are materialistic achievement, and environments, new experience National Convention of the States local federations are enrolled In Hillel's non-credit centers, many of them; literally that has been our undoing. We are Pioneer Women of Amerlca. On granting Increased allocations to Jewish studies. prisoners of success. The virtues hundreds. This Is the unique December 19 at the National Day Schools, Hebrew High The young men and women, educational wisdom of such are ours, the vices in great Convention of Hillel Directors Schools and Hillel Foundations. Involved In the Juout tl>e well as the many who come tm4er banding t~her of several Jewish Identity crisis, Is the There Is a substantial number of his address.'! have found so much t he tutelage ot the Hillel fa,nllles Into a cell of Jewish marted surge of Interest In graduates of our educational that Is relevant In Rabbi Jacobs' Foundations on over 270 living to coµnter the great system who have a strong analysis of the sad state ot Judaic studies on the part of campuses, are bound to refiect erosive en·\rironment of hostility to the system. They have Jewish Identity on and ott the students, many of whom come to their new Jewish knowledge and Impersonal cities, a cell tor college with little more than a been wounded by the learning college campus as well as much the enthusiasm that comes with every Shabbat or Holiday • • • I pediatric concept of their Jewish that Is challenging In his it. They are bound to lntluence thlnlc of deplng Jewish towns • • • process and fight back against cultural heritage, Hillel's so­ every symbol of Jewishness: remedial proposals that I have and upgrade the level of Jewish whole t\wnsl called Free University courses fundralslng Is anathema to them, suggested to the Herald that It education and the concomitant My second basic assumption Jewish studies are too parochial print his address In toto. are attractlnc more and more enrichment ot Jewish lite In all Is that whenever Jewish rights and particularistic, and Israel It Is Interesting to note that students thirsty tor Jewish Its manifestations, In the are In Jeopardy public knowledge -,a new and happy seems !lice a chauvinistic Rabbi Jacobs' suggestion made In communities to which they w1JI demonstrations are In order AS phenomenon! At Brown, under the nationalism. The number of March, that Jewish federations return after graduation. AN EDUCATIONAL joiners Is, In contrast to their adopt "a change of policy with able guidance of Professor Jacob RABBI NATHAN N, ROSEN INSTRUMENT, The new· push In Neusner, the Judaic studies parents' generation, tiny. We regard to priorities tor Hillel Director behalf of Soviet Jewry has opened cannot predict that they will give education," already Is being Department has over · ZOO and Jewish Chaplain my eyes In several respects. undergraduate and graduate support to any of the adult Implemented, In tact, at the at Brown University Identity Is formed by contllct and students pursuing a wide variety world's array of Jewish National Convention of and Providence colleges by self-assertion · and by being Ins ti tutlons tomorrow. 1bls part of an .embattled community. applies to the synagogues, the When Jews confront evil not In bureaus of Jewish education and taolatlon but by a public show of the present spectrum ot women's knowledge and lfentlftcatlon with noble and wondrous achievements condition and especially because togetherness, they feel within organizations as well. Jewry. The educated may not be of the past, now Irretrievably he Indulges In no recriminations themselves the answer to the These three Impressions are the Identified; and the reverse ts Jost, · only such a desperate but faces the future. I believe the question: who am 17 The answer negative. They condense for me true, the Identified may not be the course can accomplish this . formula Implied by his material to Who Am 17 Is; We Arel The Into painful stereotypes vast educated. What you know does not But we ••. cannot do this •.. " is: "I can do it!" leaders ot public demonstration groups of young Jews who have necessarily Indicate what you Some Jews, In fruitless I think the problem Is become models tor the young. Individual and group differences. are. desperation, play the game of attitudinal and a matter of Typical Jewish gatherings are tor Yet, educational experts whose I look upon the Jewish blame. Parents are to blame morale. American Jewry has an the most part sttdown dally fare Is the statistical and education scene as a Vesuvius of because they are apathetic. Incredible capacity to produce demonstrations of group strength. evaluative picture seem to anguish for everybody concerned: Rabbis are blamed for lack of change If It has the w1JI to do It. U ever you walk upright as Jews, support my Impressions. educators, rabbis and parents. Of leadership. Professional The.; 25 years since World War II "Komm'm!yut," your whole body Consider Walter Ackerman's the more than ten different educators are to blame beause saw the construction of buildings Is exercised and you feel within article In the 1970 "Amerlcan Jewish educational systems, not they have answers but don't which have been a demonstration yourselves a sense ot having Jewish Year Boole" on our one can Justifiably speak of Intl uence board of directors. of power. There Is no major city OONE something as · Jews. The educational fare. It too Is hard to success. Federations are to blame because In America which does· not boast doing becomes the being. I do not take. But - take !ti " There Is a good reason for dielr priorities support welfare of tens of millions of dollars speak of this as aii ettecttve Of all Jewish children of this. Jewish edµcatlon does not primarily rather than education. worth of new Jewish real estate, method ot achieving political ,-- school age, reports Ackerman, stand In a vacuum. It operates In The net result Is an exercise In And what about Brandeis change; nothing could be more two-thirds are not In any kind of a Jewish community. 1be Jewish futility. University? What about two naive; but there ts no ptnsaytng Jewish school. But there are community does not stand In a The tact Is that we're all In It hundred million dollars a year of public demonstrations as 2,727 Jewish schools serving vacuum. It functions In an together. Every group Is phllanthroplc dollars tor Israel? promottnr and strengthening 544,000 children as follows: American Middle Class and vulnerable and Imperfect. It Every building started as an Idea, Jewish Identity formation. We 35. 7 are In Reform reflects every aspect of should be apparent to all that and every Idea started because of need to see ourselves as Jews congregational schools. America's Industrialization and each frustrated faction ts unable a need, and every need started as and be seen u Jews, whenever 34.3 are In Conservative technological revolution. The to mobilize Its strengths because a result of pain. Well, today we appropriate u an educatlonaf congregational schools. suburbanization of American of the monumental Inertia al. most are hurting. In other words, we device ••• 21.5 are In Orthodox schools, families has a devastating effect American Jews and employs the are ready to change, and we have My third basic assumption ta Including Day schools. upon every · type of traditional evil tactic of pointing out the Jewish power. that Israel ts both end and means; '1% are In Yiddish schools, and Institution. Suburban living weakness of someone else. That When Martin Buber's mighty It ta or ourht to be both Allyah • 6 % In Inter congregational destroys group togetherness and way lies despair • phrases ring In our hearts, we 1.nd Educatlon&l Tool par schools. family harmony. Suburbia ls a I think we are In such pain get the feeling of power and ezcellence. Abad Ha&m, Loo le at these figures fragmented environment which that It Is precisely now that we potentiality. They are good !or 1. lcteolortst of cultural Zionism carefully: fifty per cent of Jewish gives no support to educational need to cry out In anger and In . bowed head. He wrttea: "The said: "Even u Iarael has apt education Is a 2-hour 1-day a Institutions or to home life. healthy righteous lndlgnalton at deeds of the genera.tions now the Shabbat, so the Shabbat hu week experience. Plfteen per cent In our case, suburbia the education scene. rm not sure approacbtJIC can lllwntne the creY kept 1arae1.:• ~Y., "9 S8J'l Eftn ts a 6-hour a week experience. produces a dichotomy which has how many middle class face of the human world or plunp u American las helped create From Bar Mitzvah on 1", only wreaked hsvoc with our tradition. Americans and Canadians feel the It Into darllness, So, then with Iara.el, so IarM!l must help create 15% of children have any Jewish The teachers teach and the home pain. Most al. them are too b119Y educ&tlon, If It at lut rises up American . Jewry. I tore- 1. education on the high school denies. The education of Jews In -wlth pleasure to feel pain. But and ulsts llldeed, lt will be able rt,&ntic"del)Ft:,ment of "Chutz level. But let me repeat, two­ the past produced a style of living there Is a minority which has to 8b'erwthen the llcht-•JnSdlnc Luretz , , • Outside Iara.el • , , thirds of our children . get no which functioned In the home. always 1-n the leadership cadre: force ID the *"8 of the doers , I think of a ateady atream of formal Jewish schooling of any Today, the educators and the and to YOU I now addre11 myeelf. • • lt ta the treuure of eternal hlrbly ·aelected perso..Uttea ldnd. So, the Conc:1118lon ts cl!~r:. _P,Arents are at odds. What one . Dr. Leonard Stein of Bos!llll poeatblllty·" ___ ~ued on _P ... IS) I 1

14 TiiE RHODE ISLAND HERA~1 PRIOAY1JANUARY 7, 1972 Your Money's Worth IRussians Offer To Train Arab. Guerrillas; (Continued from page 6) buying advance" of significant To Provide Necessary Hospitalization grin and he 1hot back: proportions, WASHINGTON - The Soviet October. • An attempt to shift guerrilla "I want hi be my successor." Your Federal Income taxes Utlon, which long kept Arab The principal stipulation wu efforts from the assassination ~ That quip effectlwly ended are being cut. Your rate ~ guerrilla organizations at arm's that the guerrillas make an effort Arab leaders and other activity our sertoua exchange and t mOftd savings la still abnormally high; length, has recently shifted Its to end their political feuding and that tends to undermine the to another group which, by money la ample tor lnatallment strategy, according to analysts In concentrate on resuming prospect of Arab unity. coincidence, Included Herbert and other consumer loans; the State and Defense terrorist and sabotage attacks on • A desire to Increase Stein, the man President Nixon lntlatlon Is slowing down. Departments. Israel. pressure on Israel without seeing recent I y named to be • You, the U.S. businessman, The Russians have offered to Senior Defense and State a potentially dangerous McCracken's successor. Will haw to expand your spending train guerrillas of Al Fatah In the Department analysts suggest this resumption of Egyptian military Now, as 1972 opens -and to restoclc your shelves as we Soviet Utlon and to prmde Soviet change ~ heart Is based on action across the Suez Canal. McCracken fades from the empty them. As It Is, your ratio hospitalization for any who three factors: Officials note that two of the Washington scene, bis smart of lnwntortes to sales Is low. recetw serious wounds In actions • Concern that China Is about biggest weaknesses In guerri!la crack turns out to be ~ You, the U.S. businessman, a g a In st Israeli forces, the to take up the Palestinian performance In the past arose provocatlwly perceptive. For are also scheduling a 6.5 per cent offldals say. The offer was guerrilla cause, possibly by from the absence of really McCracken did preside over the Increase In your spending on reportedly made to Yaslr Arafat, supplying arms and by giving professional commando training n I g ht mare economic-financial plant and equipment during these head o/. Al Fatah, during dlplomatlc support In the United and from a lack of boldness, In years of the 'Nixon administration first six months owr 1971' s last his visit to Moscow In late Nations. part stemming from the fear that - three years of IDlfflltlgated six months. The Increase could any serious wound would, for disaster for millions of be revised upward as the year want of proper trearment, result Americans. rolls on and the value of the tax Israel Believes Russia In death. Now bis successor wlll lncentlws you obtained last year The Soviet offer to help with preside owr - a fourth year of sinks In. training and hospitalization Is economic expansion - rising • And there's no question Will Stay Aloof From War therefore considered not production, sales and profits, about the direction of the third TEL AVIV - Israel says Government believed that an Insignificant. r Is Ing employment and great force government her military strategists believe early end to the cease-tire was Most Mideast specialists , paychecks, a falling rate of spending at all levels. That's UPI that the Soviet Union has decided unlikely, despite the serles of however, are convinced that -~·;en joblessness and bankruptcies. In fact, the Federal budget deficit to keep Its forces In Egypt aloof recent Egyptian assertions that If Al Fatah, the largest of the We would have to make just for this fiscal year Is projected from any resumed combat that the time for diplomacy and guerrilla organizations, accepts about every mistake In and out of at an enormous $28 bllllon and President Anwar el-Sadat might polltlcal solutions would run the Soviet offer. the chances of the books to mess up our for fiscal 1973 (to begin next try to Initiate across the Sllez out at the end of 1971, which effective operations In Israel­ economy In 1972. July) at around $26 billion. If Canal. President Sadat has called the controlled territory wt!! be The recovery which was so anything, those deficits are too Reporting this conclusion, "year of decision." negllglble. sluggish In 1971 that It often high. · the retiring Israel! Chief of At the same time, General Before the successful seemed nothing more than a • Meanwhile the Federal Staff, Ueut. Gen. Halm Bar­ B a r-Lev warned that the J ordanlan crackdown on the hiccup In the 1969-70 recession Reserve System has shifted to an Lev, s aid that he was convinced ls raell armed forces were In a fedayeen In the sWT1mer and fall Is now gradually accelerating. aggressive easy money pollcy to that neither the Soviet nor the s t ate of r e a d ine ss of las t ye ar, officials s ay. It was While some of the optimistic quicken the upturn'• pace. You Egyptian leadership believed unprecedented In Is r ael' s s hort ve ry dlfflcult for any Arab projections could well turn out to can get what you need for loans. they coul d achieve any objective history, and he s aid the Government to curb guerrllla be too bubbly, the blueprint for • And the devaluation of the by ending the cease- fire now and Egyptians should not assume a c tivities . Guerrlllas coul d the upturn appears fairly sur e: a U . S . dollar against foreign res or ting again to mllltary that what they might s tar t as a Infiltrate Into Israel from J ordan, moderately better fir st quarter, a cur rencies must help Increase pressure on Is rael. 11 m I t e d artillery barrage Lebanon and, to a les ser e xtent, much better second quar ter . a our exports, directly stimula te 1be 47-year-old General's a c r o ss th e canal would fro m Syr ia. The thr ee stlll better third quar ter r lghr many Industries and create new asse ssments et the end of four necessarily remain limited. governments were not happy Into November 1972 - with all jobs. year s In office were conveyed to " We have many, many ways about s uch oper ations because of that Implies. There are s olid The " standard" forecast for Is r aeli and foreign newsmen this of waging the war If the occasional retaliation by the reasons to believe this. our total output In 1972 puts the w e ek a n d au t ho r ized for Egyptians srart lt," he said. Isr aelis , but they found them hard • You, the U.S. cons WT1er _ rlse In dollar s at $100 billion - publication tonight. On Sa tur day Citing the deployment of new to control. by far the mos t crucially the fi rst time In history that nice he wlll be s ucceeded as Israel ' s ar lllery and the sophis ticated But with King Hussein's tmpor taf\! spending force In our r otmd number has been used tor a top military commander by his e qui pm e nt tn c: reeJ ' c; victory over the fedayeen, who he economy - are s tepping up your single ye ar's Increase . The long- time deputy, Maj. Gen. s upersonic aircraft, he Jdded : felt were trying to take over his buying acr oss- the- boar d. You widespread predlctlon Is that our Da vid Elazar . " Things we were not able to iio country, Lebanon and Sy r ia have s howed that durlng the Chrlsrmas "re al" gr owth - growth minus In \ugust, 1970, (when the imposed -;trier control over the s eason. What' s more. the t he con tribut i o n of price ''I don' t think that the Soviet ce ao::eflre hegan) we are able to querrillas in their terrltorv a~ sensitive index of consumer Increases - wlil be around 6 Un ion, In 1972, will feel as much rlo todav, "oth technlcol Iv nnd well, Am erican offlcial c: c;ey.' confidence put out by Slndl Inger & per cent. involved and responc;tble q,~ I operartonnltv.'' In :1rldition, Arabc; on the 'Ne<.:.t Company discloses that all the As McCracken said during was In 1969- -o - 1t that ime He c;;el:1 ·hat l~rae l could l:l~nk of rhe J ordan River are ground lost befor e August 15 has that dar, spring of •-o, It would ·he Ruc;qtans puc:hed the " ~e urralize" ·he entire ml 5c:tJe ~njoylng unpar alleled pro<;'.pertrv now been regained and the plc rure have been nice to be his own Egyptians Into military acllvltv, 11 r '.!efenc:e ryc:-rem ·he W1rler Israel! r ule and are nor l ooks tlright for a consumer successor in brightening ' ""2. ,md rodoy the Ru!'--slens try ro Ruc;slanc: lnc:talled on :he conslrlered likely to help the de er them," General Par- Lev wec:tern bank of the Suez C,,nal fedayeen to any great extent. said. In August, 19"0. FI n a 11 y, Israeli security " If Egypt decides o renew "We have introduced a measures are cons idered very The Lyons Den the fighting, then It will be her great many aKibbutz eign to Japan, he points out, home. The day they arrived in and strong. Then I realized what FEBRUARY 19-26 $439so -Israel they were met by two Ass ocl a tl on has sponsored Knowledge of the two 7 NIGHTS a strong Impression seeing hundreds of young Japanese who communities ls on the Increase, pieces of news: Elana's father Yaacov had made on her and how All IIANIPOIUTION , PIOYIOENCE-NEW had died In the States that day and spent a year working on Israel! Samuels explains, as more books YOH-JWICA. All HUKfAlll ANO OINN!II. IAG­ she had associated her visit with klbbuttlm, The association hopes GAGE HANDLING. COCKTAIL PAl!Y. All Ill'\ ANO a close 19 year old ftrst cousin of him with her father's mllulm. on Jews In Japanese appear. Such Chaim's lay crltlcal In a hospital, to use the kibbutz as a model for books have been wrl tten by the !AXEi. !OUI. Clll 272-!71! having been wounded while in the "I wrote Chaim and asked him revltallzlng Japanese agriculture. few Japanese scholars of Bible, army. to draw himself standlnJ up, In Tractng the presence of Jews Hebrew, and the Jewish retlglon. Returning to the states for the bis tent, eattns and dnrtng other In Japan, Samuels notes that ''Japanese and Jews.'' a --CH.Ir-Elliot Norton, lolfon funeral was Impossible. activities but with whole figures J span has been a refuge for Jews bestseller written In Japanese, Jecord Americ an · Comforting cousin Yaacov was of himself and to send the fieelng war and turmoll durlng had sold 150,000 copies and won a necessary. "We decided since the sketches to the children to show this century. Jews escaping the prize for non-fiction, Other "IIHlflC • • , U h 11,. .,.,, IXCl!ING them that he was all n,bt. children knew Yaacov from 1917 revolution In Russia found books, malnly on Israel, have piece .f thHht I h•-.e sttll ell yHr previous visits to Israel they "During the absence, we went safety In Yokohama. Some were been written by young Japanese •• •" --ichord Basch, WJAR Tt/ui­ to vis It the grandparents stOtt should visit with him too, so we tater reunlted In the United States returning from a year's work on went at various times to the frequently. One afternoon, with relatives who had managed Israel! klbbutzlm. ... , h ENGAGING ••• Thi oclin1 is fX. hospital with them. In the Shoshana began getting very tense and then carsick. I tried to find These are three attitudinal CIUINT ... - Lawrence J. Souo, Jr., beginning they saw him through a stances, basic assumptions with JM Obitn•er wlndow, lying in bed. A few weeks out why this should suddenly happen and she said that she which I approach the desperate later, they saw him in a wheel Jewish educational situation. I .. ,, U:THVAG,NT ftnt •.. btirely wanted to know If we were golns JEWISH le< !UN ••• STIONG, OlflNIII ,.,. chair. But that day they also saw (continued from page 13) toot forward to a new and rapid amputees and others who were to the hospital to see cousin ftflNMH frHI 1nryt11t."-Morfin Yaacov again, because she didn't from Israel in every major change of policy by Jewish Gottfried, Women's Wear Oaily seriously injured." federations and welfare funds The summer passed, day to want to visit him anymore. Jewish community In America Besides, she felt •tunny< when and Canada ••• an enlargement with regard to prlorltles for day life continued for the family education. I look to federations to u they prepared to settle down. daddy wasn't driving the car and I of "Sh'llchut" lnto an was sitting in daddY's seat. everylncreaslng cadre of "Moray develop model schools, wlth When six year old Shoshana money for experimenting with started first grade, "we all "How does mllulm affect your Derech" for Jewish cblldren ••• life? It ls My days of waiting for for every Jewish summer camp • children and with staff, with became aware that the children of money for developing new cadres Israel at her age are already phone calls. Free phone service • • for every Jewish program of ls provided to all reservists to city-wide proportions, or national of teachers, with money for the acquainted with the safety college scene, for new programs precautions relevant to a- nation call home once every couple of convention, even lncludlns but the lines are tons, the professional groups of scientists, which the B'nal B'rlth Hillel at war. n was a new thing to us days, hour can,not be fixed so you watt physicians, artists, rabbis ••• Found at 1 on s , w Ith Its that school yards are checked by Impoverished budget, could never volunteer guards. To Israeli for a happy call. You don't let I should like to think further your feelings show and you of ALIYAH In a special sense, lnltlate, although the Ideas have children, It Is part of their for tons been "at the ready." existence." pretend you're brave. namely, that at least one member of every American Jewish family 1 Now we are beJltmlng; now the Here now two months, Chaim "When Chaim returned home, Jewish People ls rtsins to Its feet the children pulled at him reside In Israel; If necessary, wu called up for mlluim, and flexing its muscles and out of mercilessly. was ecstatic supported by the American rese"es. For the J)88t elcht n an pain and anguish over failure and years In the states he had been on reunion, but more than that It was section of the 1am Uy, but a very physical reunion. They preferably as· a s'1t-subslst1nl toss, ls settl'!C ready tt create •• leave, but In order not to be • Am Israel Chall interrupted durlnr the academic wanted to read for him, they had Israeli. year, since he would soon beCln prepared special pictures for teachlnc, he wu called up sooner him. They could not reallze that Lifts Bon On Books On Israel and be left for !10 days In Slna1. be wu back and that he was In -::AIRO - Egypt has lifted a one piece. know how the enemy llve, how ''I was overwhelminsly 20-year ban on books about 11- t1iey thlnlc and how they behave.'' frllhtened because of the recent "Althoush mllulm Is an raei, the Ministry al Culture and Interruption, it Is · periodic the Mlnlster said In a statement. death of my father, the a Information, Dr, Abdel Kader Ha­ interruption. For me this was the Por this plll1)0se, the pre11 teriousness of the war situation tern, announced here. 'The decl­ agency reported, a speclal Is-· md belns new here," Ironically, ftrst time. Next year ru be slon, reported by the official conditioned be raell-affatrs seclion was eatab­ the day Chalm left wu the first not to u MldcDe East New, Agency, said dramatically affected by the llshed by the Information day Shoshana'• class visited their that books dealing with Israel! Ministry to "comment on thoN thll period, one school she! tar and the day three. ll>llence, Durlns polltics and soclal and economic books 1tralghten fact,." It relles for one•s strencth and and year old S.ra visited tile affalr1 would be permitted, that moat of "our previous extra . encour1J8ment on added apartment shelter with a one's "To enable the Egyptian information about Israel was family resources. Friends call to nelJ!,bor' s chlJd. people to tight their enemy and. mainly-based on distorted declar-:,. how but family -- "A day or two after Chaim •ee one Is, Is resist hls plans, Egyptians should ationa made by sonw Ars!Js ." left, I llound Shoshana 'WU there." • . 16 nm RHODE ISLAND HBRALD, FRIDAY, jANUARv , • 1m Named Chief Of Staff Of Israel's Armed Forces JERUSALEM - Israeli tlDlk not ready to talk about peace, second n1cltname, "Bulldog," commanders are reputed to ride and the danger ol war still for his tenacious fighting. - CLASSIFIED 0 wtth turrets apen and beads and exlsts. During the war In 1948, he 0 shoulders exposed, ti, even the "We want peace," General commanded the company that -· sharpest ol battles. Elazar said In an order of the fought In the Old City of . ti-Apartments For Rant 19-General Sen,ices TIUs week one armored day Immediately after his Jerusalem , then studied division leader, Lieut. Gen. Installation. "But the choice economics and Middle Eastern UST SIDI, off Hope. Modern five QEANGIANT Dsvid Elazar, became the Cblef between peace and war Is not In affairs at Hebrew Un1verstty. In rooms, first, thrN bedrOOfM. Stow, JANITORIAL SERVICE of Staff of the Israeil armed our hands." 1956, he became a colonel dispo,ol, corpeting, drapeJ, heat. parking. No pots. 723-6268. General deo"ing, floor WOJling, rvg forces. With Premier Golda During his mllitary career, commanding the Infantry brigade shampooing. Meir and the lsraell Cabinet which began In 1946 as a that fought In the Gaza Strip, watching, the outgoing Cblef c,f member of the strllte force of then quickly moved up to be 9-Construction, Carpenters COMMEIOAL & HSIDENTIAL Staff, Ueut. Gen. Halm Bar­ the undergrOIDld Zionist army, deputy commander of the ADOITIONS,olteratiom, residential, in- 751-8181 Lev, who Is expected to become the Palmach, General Elazar armored corps under General dus+riol building. GorCJ{IOS. Both- a Cabinet member, handed over - his surname Is pronounced Bar-Lev, succeeding him as the rooms, cement work, dormers, store 21-Halp Wanted the red and gold standard of the el-ah-Zahr - has followed In commander of the corps In 1961. fronts. estimates. 942-10«, office to General Elazar In an the footsteps of General Bar­ In ·the last 10 years, he 942.olCW.S"". APAITMINT DWEUEI? As on Avon Informal ceremony In Lev. fo II owed his mentor from Representotiv.~ your customen are 19-General Seivice1 close by. Stort ij your own building Jerusalem. Both were born In Zagreb, command to command. - find out h~ easy it is to earn During this "changing of the Yugoslavia, General Elazar In General Elazar Is married extra money selling Avon products guard," as It was called, Mrs. 1925. He migrated to Israel In and the father of a daughter and CAP'S ROOI CIIAMNG: o./Mrol in your neighborhood. Coll 421- Meir and Defense Mlnlster 1940 at the age of 15. It was his two sons. deaning. Floors walhed, wtixeq_ and 2908. His fellow officers regard buffed. n,gs shampooed. 272-342•• cllnlI, comme«iol. 72~3291. ·COIIIPi.,., .,_ Nfflodolinci .. 521- neighboring countries are still become an officer, gaining a we are a people which Is · :w, absorbing Immigrants, settling &.A•Y'S l~SH IIMOVAL: Ya.,ds; Its country, building Its society Clt'ha, cellars, etc. Very reosonoble~ ~ ,.,..,;or and °""!!«· and economy, and let us lend our 739-8751. References. Call '34-8066. finish ...COII ewnings, Moyer Ref~ settlers accused the Israeli jng. 725-855.l Government of Gestapo tactlca 5TATIWIDE ClEANING and j'bnito- rial service. General cleoni"9, ltght '9ANIST: Music for all occotions. Bor and "complete racist ond heavy. floors, wollt, windows, Mitzvahs, parti1ts and lounge work, oppression" and vowed to take rug shampooing. Co ll 421-2•33. et<. 521-0623. the complalnt to the United Nations. A spokesman for the Black Hebrew Israelite Nation, whose Dr. Nahum Goldmann Speaks members claim direct descent from the original Israelites, Of Problem Of Jewish Survival HEBREW NATIONAL--STRICTlYIOSHH SAVE 40' made the accusations as the Inter Io r Mlnlslry prepared LONDON Dr. Nahum Jews as to how Jewish rights deportation orders for SO more of Goldmann, president of the World could be safeguarded within the the Negro settlers. Jewls!> Congress, addressed Soviet Union." Ben Ami Carter, a former himself to the problem of Jewish Dr. Goldmann noted that there Chicago bus driver said, "It's survival In a world In which !!le waa no Jewish problem within the WIDE-LONG-OR MIDGETS complete racist oppression that power and Influence of the west Third World but . that those ~··!1.31 bas come upon us here." Is on the decline, the Influence of nations know little or notblni He cited the arrest "for no the East - the Communist bloc about Jews, past and present. At reason" of eight Black Israelltes - Is ascendant and In which the the same time, they are a last week. The eight were served Third World forces represented decisive power In the United with deportation orders but won a by developing nations of Africa Nations whose tuture may yet be temporary court order and Asia may prove decisive. Dr. more effective than Its past and suspending them. Goldmann spoke before the Board present. "We must establish "The police recently attacked of Deputies of British Jews and contacts with them and enlighten some of our women - kind of guests who gave him a standing them as to what we are and what like Gestapo tactics, bruising ovation. we represent as a J ewlsb them and pushing them arolllld," people," Dr, Goldmann said. Mr. Carter said. Dr. Goldmann stated that Finally, be referred to the "We have received a positive planning for the future can only deterioration of Jewish prospects response from the United Nations be effective 11 there Is In Latin America. "Lalin International J ewtsh cooperation that our case Is going to be America hovers between the West and diaspora-Israel cooperation bard.'' he said. He added a and the Third (World) force. It Is "friendly" nation had agreed to In such planning. There ts no a continent In turmoil and support his group's case before time to lose, he warned "Some revolution. There Is some anti­ three the the United Nations Human Rights mllllon Jews live In semitism there, but this Is not Commission. Soviet Union. II would be an the main danger to Jews," the untenable proposition that we WJCongress leader said. "The France Plans To Pay should give up the fliht for the main danger Is Inherent In the rights of Soviet Jews to live as revolutionary situation within 287 Million Francs Jews." Latin American society. We can He said "Protests alone - learn somethlni from Cuba. For Israeli Planes and sometimes It Is necessary to Ca.atro Is friendly to Isrll@! and protest - will not do It. We Jews. Bui a community of ten PARIS - TIie Secretsry of must plan ahead, and one day we thousand souls has been ruined the Parliament's Defense may yet talk to the Soviet because It did not flt Into the new Commission told the National leaders, together with Soviet pattern," he said. Assembly several days ago that the government has slated 287 million francs ($52 million) for American Toµrist Afraid the reimbursement of the 50 Mirage planes bought by Israel Of Seeing Brother's Ghost and embargoed since the Six-Day HAIFA An American release bis sister-In-law from War. tourist Invited by the Haifa the balachlc bond of marrytni Joel Le Theule, the Secretary, Rabbinical court to give challtza him when he received a solemn said this sum does not Include to his late brother's wtdow to promise that the challba compensation and Interest, which allow her to remarry, refused to ceremony would take place In Israel demands. He added that take part In the ceremony broad daylight and that there negotiations were In progress on because he said that this would would be no request for a ghost. the degree of compensation on the mean meeting bis dead brother's Under a Levlrate marriage a basis of 6.5 percent Interest a man Is obliged to marry bis year, less than Israel demands. ghost. "I have a heart condition and brother's cblldless Widow. Negotiations were reported to am ·llll&bte to bear the awful Release from this obligation Is have been resumed after an sight," be told the Rabbinate. made possible by the cbaltba extended Interruption. 11,e talks The evening newspaper Yediot ceremony described In are being held at the "experts" Ahranot reported that the Deuteronomy 25, 7-10. level and deal mainly with dayanlm were surprised by the financial and technical aspects. strange explanation and they BOMltnlROWN u.ud the tourist for the source COPENHAGEN - A grenade TO CHAIR DINNER of his lnformatlon. · was thrown at the bulldlng of tbe NEW YORK Abraham He replied: "'111ey told me In Greek and lsraell Embassies Feinberg, banker and I ong time America that this ceremony Ill ca1181ng co11stderable damage to helper of the State of Israel, wtll performed In a dart room to the Greek diplomatic mission but serve as chairman for the which the ihoat of the dead Is none at all to the Israeli bureaus Weizmann Dinner at the Waldorf Invited. I cannot bear myself to which are on the second ftoor cl Astoria on November 3. TIie - blm. I am atrald." the bulldln&, 1be outrage WU event was not held last year due The tourlat only qreed to apparently directed at the GrHt to the emergency In Israel, tm part In the ceremony and Embassy and not at the lsraella.
