Special Engineer's Report on Seventh Street
--../.1111111111111 41111111111 Special Engineer's Report on Seventh Street 11E1.1, 'these hi t...,.,ii /sic ,itte.1 to Iii isttii.VN 1,111:t ills closed is to make 10th 4LIKI report, with an increase of 39 per pian for the campus include-. 'it tteirtV. 1 .1 elitt.eti Stilt io battle is the bash- Council lllisnilay itirlit iii 'jr',1 t 11111 into a one-way street pair, with cent in traffic volume. eitNied. isser this ( 111 .1 1 ,11111,,I III 1.140/1.4-1' Jest lam 1`.1 parking. This is part of the Traffic volume has been decreased 1.)00 IT Said Ihis plan is Is,,. much, , 10: IC,' I I, PI 0 us, a entli Street. Wiltior Smith traffie plan for the up to 50 per cent at both ends .4 and rained Seventh 0,1/ .1 HAI/ Mulsert Doerr, city 15.111 10 L.000 1'.11111,11,1 this Seventh Street since its closing, the Street lts bargain with the state Its wilds the slims Lcutinger said itioz ssas to re- els or ,, dile CITY MANAGED. report continued. determine a master trzillic plan. ' engineering rtist orientation of local Son .1 arid or college area City Manager A. P. Hamann has Traffic problems could be solved, DOEItIt EXPLAINED the SJS /1101, difliculties trips. During the 'must ,t traffic peak hour of 9:15 pointed out to City Council this would even with a closed Seventh Street, Doerr explained that when the lend. to 5:15 p.m., traffic increased 9.3 not have a good effect on college if the city and state could work out state first asked to close Eighth and t Im% IA, I n the importance per cent.
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