Nobel Winner Pauling Visits SJS Tomorrow
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Formal Bids Judging ueen ISiel tor \ eat.% Spring in the Spar. lu. distributed in h 41% finalist% Vorinal wilt xlires Military Bali queen front of Spast.iii Biiiiktore and this even- ,irst eat be chosen Student Affairs Business office. -lie judging will take place It -I. starting 'oda). The April 25 5 in ir'the function at III. 11.111re %%ill 1/o. fret. SJS slit - publicity 'ling to Dave Rice, dent and their date., Del ('Iltirt- Spadati 111!,.% 101 priAiile impair Irate a loot. I ill. O'Neill. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE 41! " SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1964-- No. 105- - ........ an-Am Speaker Peace Union Watches Nobel Winner Pauling As SAC Pickets Drill iews Latin Policy The demonstration at ROY(' at the athletic field was markedly dilferent tlie previous r. James It. Sco Fitiversi4 of California educator. i%ill !oda% in Concert 1611 on "Art Old Shoe or a New: A Partisan protest picketing the anti-ROTC pickets were absent. Visits SJS Tomorrow speaker for l'amAinerican as 1.t. note Week acti% it ies. Only a handful of students from the pro-ROTC contingent CHER! WALKER his Nobel Prize winning Theury eut against nuclear wiesp- as part of PamAnierican 1)ity activities. Lecturing 1)r. Scobie soxxl at the gate with signs. Less than half a dozen members Nemesis of nuclear testing (Anus of Molecular Bonds. This thews o. and Dr. Edward Teller ,resent criticism of U.S. government attitudes tossard Latin of the Student Peace Union ISPU), spon.sors of the anti-military Paining. internationally known bio- won for him the cuseted award for :`,flee that time. Paining has tura. chemist and bam-the.bomb crusad- Chemistry training demonstrationss, stood around as spectators, watching in 1951. a staunch anti cort.sistent PateAmerican Day is a part of l'amAtticrican Week, held to will arrive on er. campus tomor- Ile hits also reliellrched s ,nd fur unilateral disartnamet.' first Interna- t heir a(1%ersaries. innorate the at 10:30 a.m. for the Presi- ri ,,,,,igh t - of .. in Argentina row things iLs the theery of stab..., . denunen, Conference of American in 1939 and 1961. Lonnie Gardner. a member of Students Against Communism dents Iteceptinn in !in. of complex .rsstals. inunimochern ,. .1. test Me have 1890. f)r. Scottie's "Argentina: A City 'SAC), responsible for the anti-SPU pro-military Ies ill picketing. While on campus tomorrow and critiei''7 !U. %%11, ;O....1,1i, 1! ill Ns hod,' and a Nation" eas published this staled, "In view of the railer... of SPU to appear for the purpose I Friday, Paitling, %isiting scholar, '1111 I!, 111i! l'eace in l'a, of the cafeter- , yettr. TWO adlli11011:11 WorkS, he faculty room of protesting the S.IS Unit of 110TC. we can only conclude that will lecture lo a variety of student :med mans ,nfe 4, - Mullion ori the speech. Anyone Pampas: A Social. 11;1\1 tolossiir; the they reati/ed the inherent illogic and folly of their pre. and faculty groups. Only one pub- science 1. History of Argentine Wheat" and! vinusly held position a fact that we consider to be most en- lic lecture is planned. frotri his to- "Three YellIN in California: A , couraging. Holum:if of Life Following the Presidents' Recep- at Sonora" are "If tlii Student l'eace eniim should re% ise its efforts in ; now lxing tion, he Will speak to the Ill1111:111i- .,.. prepared for fall pub-1 this area. it can "lily niemi that the.). ar(. (vim mole conbised lication. !IPS ClatiS "l'eace. Nuclear Test- ..(tite as to %%hat 111(.y really stand for than it seemed ai first. t'on- ing" in TI155. A luncheon svith the a I.. Tly speaker II.A. I'aies in ststeiley is at ICI' ;III. :1 science department faculty is international relat ions and 0 ,Is si,/ fele 12:30. The a f cleeted Phi Ilsta I:appa at Prin.-- picls,Is did net 1114,...,411'11N el.11Sed 1111;111 1111. i'111011 11;1S vvtll be rounded out with a Ion University. ;tont his NIA aid Illel r 014,1 'raining. 1111111;1LN a III S112. Tit. Ph.D. de:till', %%ere 1,11111`11 ;11 11:11.- ile 111dpi/ell. AVI el All' itinV II." 1.'41 1111. topie is "N1.444.'11;11. Diseas. and .,1,,,,iin the ., ,111117111\11,11. jo tly lett out In Ili, inteteas eisil riele I. Ei.olution" ,k general press con- testing nine,' Th.. , The ille11111.. reee ill the P111/1111.. het o in eqiiality. tlay %kill march %/Oil 1/111 I/11111.1s ference is scheduled for 2:15. , tee vianted glen\ hew he ..h- AS sponsored by the College Lee- V1.1. 111lile 1/111' lilil,.',0111S1s 111 ille ture Thursday evening at X in thi ,ed so many people in a Committee. the ASK and the i 011 T111. 111 Nike part.- he concluded. Metes Gym. Pauline will extsound short tialf. Pan ,,.m Comnlitte. on "Science and World Affairs." personalls In 1062, Paining his only lecture open to the public picketed the %%Thins House. caers- (luring hts two-day visit. ine a placard which read "Vee Paining will begin Friday's pro- e no right to lest." That sarrw Whing, Ding Pushcarts Mean gram with lectures on "Smoking , .mng a NVIiite Heuse dinner fur Spring and Health" and "Aging and LINUS PAULING Prize Winners wais sched- DR. SCOBIE One of the most popular. spring propel the lightweight carts over Phi and will reign over the 106.1 Death," to a health in the visiting SC h el a r . speaks today sports SJS takes only a willing a 560-yard course substitutim4 %vision of the Lamixla Chi Alpha College Theater. Student Council Pauline holds honorary degrees ,,,. be a relass molecular abilurrna geed in Latin America is in- girl, a healthy young man and four manpower for horsepower. will hold a luncheon in his honor IstrY. from the Uniersity of Chicago, at noon. lation to disease and the 4ation Prineeten, C'ambridge, Yale. Ox- e to attend. wheels. And whether you're among Over I.000 spectators bra I. of molecules in crys1;11s. I.. name In assistant Pauline's final appearance on' ford and many others. Ile has au- professor of history the participants or the spectators. rain to etitch Della Gamma win Last Workshop the University isf California at %sill be at 2 p.m. on the .011Y a few thored numerous hooks. including the Lambda Chi Alpha pushcart the 11 di\ isien Iasi year and rkilev. Dr. Sciatic served as go on lawn in hack of the home s.conont- Linus Pauline has theelopial his 'The Nature of the C'hemical deleat ,Nlpha Tau ics building where he will hold an political beliefs and pot them in Bond." "General Chemistry." and = schlar in Latin American eelaYs tliwa's are "fte a the high- Omega %%in- For Song Girls lights of informal discussion and coffee the forefront. After World War 11, "No More War "le s at Columbia University spring semester. ner of the A disision for the Th, sem; girl workshop be- hour. V..1 Day, he Niel aa.arded the All class lectures and discus- lie the past school year. This year the 16111 annual Lanni- sa....elistalses award. f"". "It' "In l'" held l""1"rmy' The eminent scientist draws Presidential Medal of Merit for sions will be Open i0 students and Ile' molter of three Spanish- da t'hi Alpha iiiisheitiot relays will Th.. 14%e -rivet leonis will piIivale al 7 in N1G2o7. les911 some of his scientific lecture mate-lout:standing services on explosises faculty' as seats :ire asailidsle. Mtge book", published in Buenos be held a t Spa rt an St:Kilian . tlio lotcotrnut ion fia- each t inn1171`1"1""'Il` "")- attend this rial from some of his noted ex-1 research. But after the deselop- Scheduled classes. hoe:ever, /lase es Dr Seubie specializes in the April '21. AI Smith. Relay chair...pushcarts and hase been training last workshop io sign up. Tryouts perm:ems and theories incliiihne mem of tee 11.1, Wryer the Riser Plate area. In man. reports that '26 groups 16 for the event for the last four 411. scheduled for April 21. accord- fine ;node the first of many in the .1, and 10 in thy B disisions ex.k.s. The social CVCI114 leadi111.1 ing to Penny Furtney, head song )1 into South America as a - will participate this s. ... to the relays will climax Sat- od Wikell Summer Fellow "A" division posleip les are iy night at the Plateau 7 res- ,:oqui.,..., (Or Sl1111.: ill" Council Delays Action Statue Petition 11,,trt men's 1i% ;. 11 'Int 11111 11.11\\ ,,r 2 0 last semester and a .1111'1110 A11401141:I 11111111. in the 11" ,1,. 1.11111 Chi '1'1,e1.111 Q111 ell. 111.17111 ;PA. ' Felkii.4-.11ill 11111/52, 711111 grotips. 1,1111111 %%111 NIIIleell 11,(1111 ’;1 1.’111.’11‘ ,111.11"1. 111.111'11" . Cyciists Want Answers -1,111,11.11 rese:leell 1 /1. 0/1..1 .,f the . is to Asks Council: .N11.11.1 ,, ,., ,..,.,,,,,,,, ,,, ,...,... ,..,,.,,,,,,,,..,.,....,.,,,,, lx, provel- , There .111'11 i 411\ 11111111111.11. I ,_..,,..,''.1 1.1.4! 11111111111.1’10 ,,...., ..,,.,'111,1billiin: ,.,..i. ,,, ,..i.1,1\1'1', t,1,,,. 111,,..,,, 11111t1PI,V1111 ,,. ...,., 111.1/!,1 'Rescind Bill xond ,., ,...., itilJ, rf feet iii Sep lIeti Hill, eliairlii.lii .I the itl,,t.e Annual Derby Day Event Set oNoll...I..