A Polymorphic Typ e System for Extensible Records and Variants Benedict R. Gaster and Mark P. Jones Technical rep ort NOTTCS-TR-96-3, November 1996 Department of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, England. fbrg,
[email protected] Abstract b oard, and another indicating a mouse click at a par- ticular p oint on the screen: Records and variants provide exible ways to construct Event = Char + Point : datatyp es, but the restrictions imp osed by practical typ e systems can prevent them from b eing used in ex- These de nitions are adequate, but they are not par- ible ways. These limitations are often the result of con- ticularly easy to work with in practice. For example, it cerns ab out eciency or typ e inference, or of the di- is easy to confuse datatyp e comp onents when they are culty in providing accurate typ es for key op erations. accessed by their p osition within a pro duct or sum, and This pap er describ es a new typ e system that reme- programs written in this way can b e hard to maintain. dies these problems: it supp orts extensible records and To avoid these problems, many programming lan- variants, with a full complement of p olymorphic op era- guages allow the comp onents of pro ducts, and the al- tions on each; and it o ers an e ective type inference al- ternatives of sums, to b e identi ed using names drawn gorithm and a simple compilation metho d.