13 May 2016 £1.90 the DISCOVER THE CONTEMPORARYFriend QUAKER WAY Who is my neighbour? the Friend INDEPENDENT QUAKER JOURNALISM SINCE 1843 CONTENTS VOL 174 NO 20 3 Thought for the Week: Seeing the person Connie Hazell 4-5 News 6 Pentecost Quakers and Volker Heine the elections 7 Europe: A NUMBER of Quakers Environment and agriculture stood in the recent elections. Martyn Kelly Those elected included Carla 8-9 Letters Denyer of Young Friends General Meeting and Alex 10-11 Children’s Charter of Developmental Cole-Hamilton of Central Rights Edinburgh Local Meeting. A Green Party candidate, Wendy Pattinson Carla held her Bristol City 12-13 Who is my neighbour? Council seat. She represents Pleasaunce Perry and Robert Foulkes Clifton Down ward. Alex is a member of the Liberal 14 From the archive: Democrat Party. He is now Harry Stanton member of the Scottish Compiled by Janet Scott parliament for the Edinburgh Western constituency. 15 Edenderry: Where the fire burns Marjorie Lamb 16 Friends & Meetings Cover image: Bluebells in bloom. Photo: Rob Young / flickr CC. The Friend Subscriptions Advertising Editorial UK £82 per year by all payment Advertisement manager: Editor: types including annual direct debit; George Penaluna Ian Kirk-Smith monthly payment by direct debit
[email protected] £7; online only £63 per year. Articles, images, correspondence For details of other rates, Tel 01535 630230 should be emailed to contact Penny Dunn on 54a Main Street, Cononley
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