The Ainu People: Indigeneity, Culture and Politics

Noboru Tomonari

Asia-Pacific Journal: Focus

Course Reader no. 15 2016




Carleton College


LAURA HEIN Northwestern University


Mark Caprio Lonny Carlile Parks Coble Sabine Frühstück Tom Grunfeld Laura Hein James Huffman Jeffrey Kingston Susan Long Laura Miller Mark Ravinia Mark Selden Stephen Vlastos

The Ainu People 2

The copyright of all material in this course reader is held by the respective authors, except where otherwise noted.

The copyright of all material in this course reader is held by the respective authors, except where otherwise notes.

The volume editor can be contacted at [email protected]

The Ainu People 3

The Ainu People: Indigeneity, Culture, and Politics

Introduction 6

Part I- The Ainu People: A Minority in Japan

Joshua Roth 11

Joshua Roth, ““Political and Cultural Perspectives on Japan’s Insider Minorities,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, Number 0, April 27, 2005

Hiroshi Tanaka et al. 33

Hiroshi Tanaka, Makoto Oda, Kyongman Pak, William Wetherall and Katsuichi Honda, “The Diene Report on Discrimination and ,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, Number 0, 29 2006.

Part II- The Ainu People: From the 19th Century to 1945

Brett L. Walker 44

Brett L. Walker, “Mamiya Rinzo and the Japanese Exploration of Island: Cartography and Empire,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, Number 0, February 2008

Vivian Blaxell 48

Vivan Blaxell, “Designs of Power: The ‘Japanization’ of Urban and Rural Space in Colonial ,” The Asia-Pacific Journal 9.35.2 August 31, 2009

Yoichi Komori 69

Yoichi Komori, “Rule in the Name of Protection: The Japanese State, the Ainu and the Vocabulary of ,” The Asia-Pacific Journal 11.8.2, February 25, 2013

The Ainu People 4

Yukie Chiri and Kyoko Selden 86

Yukie Chiri and Kyoko Selden, “The Song the Owl Himself Sang: An Ainu Tale,” The Asia-Pacific Journal 4.5.9, January 24, 2009

Kayano Shigeru and Kyoko Selden 101

Kayanao Shigeru and Kyoko Selden, “The of the Wind and Okikurmi,” The Asia-Pacific Journal 9.43.2, October 26, 2011

Katsuya Hirano and Gavin Walker 109

Katsuya Hirano and Gavin Walker, “The Politics of Colonial Translation: On the Narrative of the Ainu as a ‘Vanishing Ethnicity,’” The Asia-Pacific Journal 7.4.3, January 12, 2009.

Part III- The Ainu People: From 1945 to the 21st Century

Chisato (Kitty) Dubreuil 132

Chisato (Kitty) Dubreuil, “The Ainu and Their Culture: A Critical Twenty-First Century Assessment,” The Asia-Pacific Journal 5.11.0, November 26, 2007

ann-elise lewallen 203

ann-elise lewallen, “Indigenous at Last! Ainu Grassroots Organizing and the Summit in Ainu Mosir,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 6.11.0, November 1, 2008

Lukasz Zablonski and Philip Seaton 229

Lukasz Zablonski and Philip Seaton, “The Hokkaido Summit as a Springboard for Grassroots Initiatives: The ‘Peace, Reconciliation & Civil Society’ Symposium,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 6.11.0, November 1, 2008

The Ainu People 5

Mark Winchester 249

Mark Wincester, “On the Dawn of a New National Ainu Policy: ‘The Ainu as a Situation’ Today,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 7.41.3, October 12, 2009

Mark Winchester, “Everything You Know about Ainu Is Wrong: Kobayashi Yoshinori’s Excursion into Ainu Historiography,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 9.22.1, May 24, 2011

Simon Cotterill 294

Simon Cotterill, “Ainu Success: The Political and Cultural Achievements of Japan’s Indigenous Minority,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 9.12.2, March 21, 2011

Simon Cotterill, “Documenting Urban Indigeneity: TOKYO Ainu and the 2011 Survey on the Living Conditions of Ainy outside Hokkaido,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 9.45.2, November 16, 2011

Recommended Books for Further Reading 339