Construction on Track for Residency Halls by Keri Disidoro

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Construction on Track for Residency Halls by Keri Disidoro Spring 2012, Issue #2 The Crier is brought to you by Student Life Services October 10, 2012 Construction on Track for Residency Halls By Keri Disidoro As most, if not all, students have noticed, residence halls are being built by CCC next to the commons. But what many people want to know is when they will be complete? What will they con- sist of? And how much will it cost to stay in them? CCC will wel- Katherine Douglas rooms, each suite will suite, students would come its first student said the workers call consist of a living each pay $3,100 per residents in the fall it, will be the main room and a bathroom. semester. For a single semester of 2013. So lobby of the building. The suites themselves suite, students would far, the construction It will be made of will not have kitchens each pay $3,900 per has been on target, glass windows and and when asked why, semester. A security and weather depend- will be what connects President Dr. Kathe- deposit, regardless of ent, the exterior con- the two ends of the rine Douglas replied suite size, of $250 is struction of the three buildings. that other colleges required. Every stu- floors will be com- When it is who had mini kitchen- dent would be re- pleted before the first complete, the resi- ettes in their dorms quired to purchase a snow. Once that is dence halls will were taking them out meal plan for $1,150 complete, and the house 322 students. because students per semester for 19 building is weather- There will be 84 found it to be a drag meals a week. tight, the workers suites for students to buying food every Construction of the will be able to com- live in. Some will be week and cooking eve- residency halls and plete the interior. double, and others ry day. So instead, their progress can be Plumbing, wiring, will be single. Each there will be one watched live via cam- cable, internet, and suite will house four kitchen one each floor era at cam.corning- furnishings all need students, single for the students to Dates for sub- to go in, along with suites will have four use. mitting applications the flooring and bedrooms, and dou- Now, what is for housing will be doors. “The cube,” as bles will have two. the price of living posted on the CCC CCC President, Dr. Along with the bed- there? For a double website. PAGE 2 THE CRIER SPRING 2012, ISSUE #2 Campus Spin: Who Do You Think Won the First Presidential Debate? Ryan Hersha: The Jahkeim Blake: enemies of Big Bird. From what I heard By this I mean not on- there were lots of texts ly the enemies of chil- saying Obama dren's educational pro- won. Personally I like gramming or of public Obama but it would be media, but the sort of best if he lost people who actually now and came back in hate giant, friendly, four years. flightless canaries. A.J. Kish: I was rooting Paige Beach: I had to for Obama. I'd say watch the debate on Obama won because he mute for journalism seemed to have better class. Obama seemed comebacks. like his was using both hands when he spoke but Romney was more forceful. tion to have your name in the Penny’s Pet Peeves column, or not. It’s up to you, By Penny Kelly and I guarantee to respect your choice. But please let me When I started Penny’s umn each time, and how they hear some pet peeves, so that Pet Peeves I wanted to get oth- understand my point. I have this column is for everyone not er people’s peeves not just my had a few people tell me their just my gripe fest. own. I was hoping that you all pet peeves but not as many as would have your own pet I would have hoped for. There you go, my pet peeve for peeves and that this was a way the week. Now, let me hear for me to get them out to oth- Everyone has some pet from you! As always, my email ers. I have had a lot of people peeves, and I would like to tell me that they enjoy my col- hear them. You have the op- is [email protected] SPRING 2012, ISSUE #2 THE CRIER PAGE 3 weighing the garbage which sent to be recycled. Zero Waste came out to weigh 191 pounds. If Dr. Douglas and the By Roland Brown Next they began to sort rest of the faculty and students out the garbage in to four cate- who helped to do this can take On September 27, 2012 gories which where trash, recy- the time to sort through the Dr. Katherine P. Douglas, along clable, compost, and deposit. Af- trash, to me that is setting an with other faculty members Ra- ter they finished sorting all of example that we all should all chel Hofstetter, Claudia Haile, the bags of garbage the grand start to follow. There are bins in Sky Moss, Byron Shaw, Marian total of trash was 82 pounds the cafeteria that are meant for Eberly and Elaine Corwin, start- which meant that there were recycling and deposit. Instead of ed sorting through the garbage approximately 109 pounds of throwing everything in the gar- that AVI had saved for them items tossed in the garbage that bage please take the few seconds from the day before. Dr. Douglas should not have been. Now that to sort out your things and to and faculty members were the trash has been sorted out, put them in the proper bin. If we joined by a group of students-- faculty member and Sustainabil- all start to think “ZERO Robert Rondinaro, Ms. Bellamy, ity Committee Chair Claudia WASTE” then we all will do are Kathleen Adams, Erin Lyons, Haile will take the compost back part in helping are environment. Lindsay, Amie Burnett, and to her house to document how it Thank you. Kathryn Webber—and around gets broken down. All of the 11:30 am they started off by first other things material will be library a pleasant place to study rooms. These people are always on Thank You Staff! in. However, the school does not hand if something is needed. So By Rebecca and Sarah Burns keep itself tidy. All of the tedious, the next time you pass someone daily maintenance is done by tire- cleaning the hallway or scrubbing As we are starting our less people who arrive early to the bathroom, take a moment to second year at CCC, we thought it spend the entire day cleaning, say thank you. CCC would not be high time someone brought atten- while trying not to disturb the the wonderful school that it is, tion to all of those who help to students. No matter how early we and it would not be such a pleas- keep this college spotless. We may come to campus in the morning, ure to study in if it was not for the take it for granted that the there is always someone vacuum- people who toil daily to keep it grounds are always well kept, the ing hallways, wiping blackboards, clean. Thank you to everyone who classrooms always clean, the fixing problems, or cleaning bath- helps to keep CCC beautiful! bathrooms immaculate, and the The Health Hub: Pumpkin By Sydney Mixon It’s finally October! To delicious flesh is super low in me that means hot apple cider, calories but high in fiber, so it pretty leaves, giant sweaters, keeps you full longer. It’s also and pumpkins! I’m talking loaded in vitamin A and anti- about more than carving oxidants. Another benefit is pumpkins and pumpkin pie that it holds a significant mix, however. Pumpkin is just amount of vitamin B which as yummy roasted in the oven supplies energy and beta caro- like squash or added to soups, tene from its bright orange col- however. When cooking and but with a much different fla- or. The seeds are delicious baking with pumpkins, the vor than its sweet spiced coun- roasted and hold a good smaller “cooking pumpkins” are terpart. Pumpkins also hold amount of protein in them. Not a much better option than the many nutritional benefits. The all pumpkins are made equal, larger jack-o-lanterns. PAGE 4 THE CRIER SPRING 2012, ISSUE #2 Hot Hangout Spots By Keri Disidoro The students at CCC great place is the game room, The place known as the work hard in class, but some- or the Pub as some call it. Cubby is third on our list. This times they like to relax and Located in the Com- infamous place is located in hang out before or after clas- mons downstairs, many stu- the Common building under- ses. So where on campus do dents go there and participate neath the stairs near the game they like to go? The hot in a large variety of activities. room. Students are often found hangout spots on campus of Games ranging from cards and there hanging out with their course. There are many places board games to pool, ping friends, waiting for classes to on campus that students have pong, and the Wii can be start, doing work, or talking adopted as the ‘Place to hang’. played, and students fully en- about the variety of drawings Among the most popular spots joy them. Laughter can be done by bored students on the is the cafeteria in the Com- heard floating down the hall stairs.
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