12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am

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12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am 12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am. 2 Amendment 2 Philippe Lamberts, Terry Reintke, Ernest Urtasun, Molly Scott Cato, Bas Eickhout, Thomas Waitz, Sven Giegold on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, ECR, ALDE, Verts/ALE Gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations Joint motion for a resolution Citation 19 Joint motion for a resolution Amendment – having regard to Rule 123(2) and (4) of – having regard to Rule 123(2) and its Rules of Procedure, (4) and Rule 228a of its Rules of Procedure, Or. en AM\1179489EN.docx PE635.430v01-00 } PE635.431v01-00 } PE635.432v01-00 } PE635.433v01-00 } RC1 EN United in diversityEN 12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am. 3 Amendment 3 Philippe Lamberts, Terry Reintke, Ernest Urtasun, Molly Scott Cato, Bas Eickhout, Thomas Waitz, Sven Giegold on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, ECR, ALDE, Verts/ALE Gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations Joint motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) - before 1 Joint motion for a resolution Amendment 1a. Deeply regrets the lack of female candidates in the shortlists put forward for the positions of Chair of the European Banking Authority (EBA), and member of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) and of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB); calls, therefore, for a postponement of the votes on Parliament’s decisions on the proposals of the Commission for the appointment of a member of the SRB and of the Executive Board of the ECB and for the rejection of the appointment of the Chairperson of the EBA; Or. en AM\1179489EN.docx PE635.430v01-00 } PE635.431v01-00 } PE635.432v01-00 } PE635.433v01-00 } RC1 EN United in diversityEN 12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am. 4 Amendment 4 Philippe Lamberts, Terry Reintke, Ernest Urtasun, Molly Scott Cato, Bas Eickhout, Thomas Waitz, Sven Giegold on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, ECR, ALDE, Verts/ALE Gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations Joint motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Joint motion for a resolution Amendment 3. Calls on the governments of the 3. Calls on the governments of the Member States, the European Council, the Member States, the European Council, the Council, the Eurogroup and the Council, the Eurogroup and the Commission to actively work towards Commission to ensure gender balance in gender balance in their upcoming proposals their upcoming proposals for shortlists and for shortlists and appointments, appointments; endeavouring to include at least one female and one male candidate per nomination procedure; Or. en AM\1179489EN.docx PE635.430v01-00 } PE635.431v01-00 } PE635.432v01-00 } PE635.433v01-00 } RC1 EN United in diversityEN 12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am. 5 Amendment 5 Philippe Lamberts, Terry Reintke, Ernest Urtasun, Molly Scott Cato, Bas Eickhout, Thomas Waitz, Sven Giegold on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, ECR, ALDE, Verts/ALE Gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations Joint motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) Joint motion for a resolution Amendment 4a. Suggests the introduction of a requirement in Parliament’s future Gender Action Plan, which is envisaged under Rule 228a of its Rules of Procedure, not to endorse appointments to boards and other bodies of EU agencies if the shortlist of candidates proposed by the institution or body in question does not respect gender balance; Or. en AM\1179489EN.docx PE635.430v01-00 } PE635.431v01-00 } PE635.432v01-00 } PE635.433v01-00 } RC1 EN United in diversityEN 12.3.2019 B8-0171/2019 } B8-0172/2019 } B8-0173/2019 } B8-0174/2019 } RC1/Am. 6 Amendment 6 Philippe Lamberts, Terry Reintke, Ernest Urtasun, Molly Scott Cato, Bas Eickhout, Thomas Waitz, Sven Giegold on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Joint motion for a resolution PPE, S&D, ECR, ALDE, Verts/ALE Gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations Joint motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) Joint motion for a resolution Amendment 6a. Calls on the Commission and the Council to increase the transparency of the recruitment and appointment procedures for executive directors of EU agencies by publishing the list of applicants and the shortlisted candidates, and the reasons for their shortlisting, to allow public scrutiny of the openness, competitiveness and gender-sensitivity of these processes; Or. en AM\1179489EN.docx PE635.430v01-00 } PE635.431v01-00 } PE635.432v01-00 } PE635.433v01-00 } RC1 EN United in diversityEN.
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